Monday, March 4, 2013

Help For Yeast During Pregnancy

A woman's body experiences numerous changes throughout her pregnancy. In fact, the changes are so frequent and happen so quickly that many women find it hard to keep up. A common sentiment among pregnant women is that they barely recognize themselves anymore. So, how are you to know what is normal for your pregnant body and what is a complication that can be treated? While yeast during pregnancy is a common occurrence, pregnant women need not suffer. Yeast infections are fairly simple to detect and treatments are available.

Yeast spores are normally present in the body and aren't necessarily a problem if the proper balance is maintained. However, if an overgrowth is allowed, problems can occur. Yeast infections in pregnant women can present symptoms in several ways. The most common is vaginal pain and itching. Often an odorous discharge is also present that some people describe as fishy. If you aren't sure whether what you are experiencing is yeast during pregnancy, it's simple to have your care giver test you. Yeast or candidiasis can also show other symptoms, however, including nail fungus and even eczema.

Treating yeast overgrowth in a pregnant woman can be a bit tricky. It is always best to err on the side of caution whenever you are dealing with the crucial period of pregnancy. Treating yeast during pregnancy is no exception and care is required. Any internal treatment should be avoided or carefully monitored by your care provider. However, there are foods that can help your maintain balance, including live culture yogurt and garlic. It can also be a huge help to try an elimination diet, cutting out sugar and processed foods which yeast feeds on. External treatments for yeast, such as creams and suppositories, are generally considered safe for pregnant women as they don't come into the mother's bloodstream and are, therefore, unlikely to affect the fetus.It is also a good idea to keep the infected area as dry as possible. Yeast flourishes in warm, moist areas, so do all that you can to discourage further growth.

As with any treatment plan that is initiated when a woman is pregnant, it is always a good idea to double check anything you wish to try with your doctor. Your care provider is an expert on pregnancy related matters and can help you know which treatments are the safest and most effective for yeast during pregnancy. Once you agree on the course of treatment, it is easy and affordable to treat your condition at home.

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