Saturday, May 4, 2013

Coping With Baby Blues and Post Natal Depression

In this article I'd like to offer you a few suggestions for helping with for Baby Blues and Post Natal Depression (PND).

Back in the days when homeopathy was being formalized, depression was referred to mostly as 'sadness'. These days we all know that depression can be a whole lot more than 'feeling sad'.. and we also have the biochemical evidence to back up our observation that all kinds of life events can be the cause of mental symptoms which not only feel really bad, make us feel uncomfortable and are often downright scary.

I think of Baby Blues as a natural hormonal response following the incredible event which is 'giving birth'. Think of how hard the body has worked over the previous nine months, growing a new being, copying DNA, putting together the colossal task that is reproducing the blue print of a human being. The birth itself is a trauma for Mum and Bub, and then her body must make enormous adjustments so - isn't it understandable that some weapiness and anxiety will be there? It lasts a few days. Keep an eye on blood sugar levels during this time. Small regular meals are an important key.

But if your feelings of sadness and being overwhelmed have continued.. or have appeared some months later then you must take some action and seek help.

Do you feel tired all the time?
Do you feel guilty about feeling tired?
Do you feel stressed, angry or find yourself crying easily?
Are you not interested in sex any more?
Are you having any emotions.. maybe you feel numb?


Disappointed with the birth?

Did your birth experience go as planned? We prepare for the event with exercises and negotiating the best possible situation for the safety of baby, but if things don't go according to plan - maybe you had to have an epidural or forceps delivery, or a cesarean... then its natural that feelings of disappointment, resentment or even anger can build up and these can be a factor in triggering depression.

Did they tell you the truth?

Did anyone really tell you - I mean sit you down and really tell you the TRUTH.. about how very demanding and tiring it is to have a baby and then take care of him or her, day after day, night after night? Very likely - NO.. and if this has been your second child, did they tell you that the second child is NOT like having JUST ANOTHER BABY.. no, no, no.. a second child is much more work than that!!

Babies get sick!
Then there are the possible problems, colic, skin troubles, colds and little infections, coughs that won't clear up..

Your support network
And support - how much support are you getting? Is everyone's attention on the new baby and none on you?

Sleep and time off
Lay down and sleep whenever baby does.. I know you feel as though you must 'get on with things'.. but sleep and rest are more important than the washing..

You need to have some time off, time for yourself.. relatives can be so helpful. When my babies were small I found a local school girl who came in at 3.15 every week day and looked after both children in another room, or took them for a walk in the pram.. for two hours while I cooked the dinner.

Routine Routine Routine.. a Life Saver!!

Find a routine that works for everyone. If you know that rest times are coming then you can make it through these hours. We used to have tea at five, bath at six and bed at seven and my husband and I swapped days for bathing, washing the dishes and getting the babies to sleep and then having tea in bed the next morning. It worked a treat and we did it for years and years..! So every other day I knew that I could bath with the kids, relax while they were put to bed and have my tea in bed.

Just do what you can manage

Keeping up with the housework and the shopping? Its a HUGE lifestyle change to go from a regular job where you have support and boundaries - to being at home with a new bub. Just do what you can manage each day. If you can't breastfeed for some reason, never mind.. baby will be benefiting from your love and will grow strong and healthy in your care. So - these are all perfectly normal situations and needs and I often thought that it was a miracle if a new MUM didn't show any signs of mild depression!


Feeling overwhelmed, tired and a bit irritable during the early months of motherhood are quite common and to be expected. However, it can feel much more than this on occasion.

Do you have outbursts of irritability or even violent anger?
Do you want to shake the baby in order to get him or her to stop crying?
Do you have suicidal thoughts?
Do you feel like just walking out and disappearing?

These are a few of the symptoms that can indicate more severe post natal depression

Please seek help from your doctor, local support group and relatives. Anti depressant drugs can be helpful but do give natural medicines a good try. And, if you have a history of schizophrenia or bipolar disorder you MUST seek help as soon as you notice any depressive symptoms following childbirth.

Homeopathy can really help and you also need daily support and company, exercise, good sleep, good food, hugs and treats and lots of smiling and laughing.


One little tip I used a lot for my depressed clients was to prescribe a good laugh at least once a day. The release of laughter, from a joke or watching a funny movie...even of you don't feel like laughing when you put the film on.. will release floods of those much needed chemicals in the brain.

It really does work.. please give it a try! Our bodies do have the power to heal themselves, but sometimes not in the way we think they will.


There are some fabulous remedies for reducing many of the symptoms of baby blues and post natal depression. Read through these little remedy snapshots and if you find one that fits some of your symptoms.


This great remedy has helped many thousands of women around the world. You feel a bit numb, no feelings, very tired and irritable and have no libido at all. You have this dragging down feeling in the abdomen, you period is heavy and achy. Have a look in the mirror. Have you got a saddle mark across your check and nose, either a yellowish tinge or a bit darker, perhaps some freckles? This is a classic Sepia symptom.


Famous for treating depression, Nat Mur is basically common salt made into a powerful medicine. Do you feel weepy and as though you aren't coping, but you don't want to show it or tell anyone about it. In fact in anyone does offer some sympathy that will really annoy you! You notice that you feel cold a lot of the time, with a physical weakness and lack of stamina. Other symptoms might include headaches, more thirsty than usual, lips feel dry and maybe even cracked.


This is a remedy that seems full of contradictory states. Are you feeling anxious, always checking that the baby is OK? Find your moods change frequently? Are you sighing a lot! People will notice it and maybe ask what you are sighing about. How about coffee and tobacco... Ignatia cannot bear either smells or tastes.. so this would be quite a strong symptom post baby. Are you worried about your weight? Looking at diets to loose the pounds you put on while you were pregnant? These are all good indications that Ignatia would be helpful for you.


We give this remedy after a Cesarean section, to help the would to heal quickly and in case the woman has felt angry or upset during any aspect of the whole birth procedure. Are you finding that you need to talk to people about your birth experience and especially if there are aspects of it that have upset you emotionally. A couple of doses of Staph will release all of those feelings and let you move on in a positive frame of mind.


I put all my new Mums on this remedy as a Tissue Salt, twice daily for at least a couple of months after the baby is born. It helps to bring your energy levels back up gently, and can make sleep deeper and more refreshing.


Now then, Ars Alb friends.. don't offended by these questions! Do you feel really anxious and fearful about the whole business of being a Mum? Worry all the time that baby will catch some illness? Need to have everything tidy and in its place? The house must be clean and all the washing done; shopping and meals prepared and on the table; baby should be clean and tidy in case any visitors come? Do you really need to have someone else close by who you can rely on if the worst happens?

Thats OK!! This is your nature and there's nothing wrong with all that, AT ALL..

Well, your natural anxieties may be causing you a higher level of stress than you need right now.. and a dose of Ars Alb every now and again will really help you to cope better with your own inner drives. A couple of other physical symptoms that Ars Alb people usually experience are.. feeling cold a lot of the time, can't sleep easily, feel generally better in warm dry weather, love acidic foods and drinks and especially coffee.


This remedy has quite distinct symptoms during this time. You feel worse when you first wake up in the morning - kind of sluggish and not able to think clearly. You desperately need a sleep in the afternoon but know that you'll feel bad again when you wake up from your nap. You do feel better if you can have a good chat with a friend or relative, get all of your anxieties out in the open. Talking does make you feel better!

You don't like hot places, can't bear to wear anything tight around your waist, and tend to have physical problems like sore throats more on the left side of your body.


Imagine the little pulsatilla flower, alone in the middle of the vast steppes Russia. It blows this way and that way in the wind! It sits in sandy soil, and closes its petals when it gets hot and at night. SO - the pulsatilla woman loves the fresh open air and finds her moods very changeable. She can be chilly and cries very easily.. sometimes just weeping for no particular reason. You like sympathy and support and rely on your partner for comfort. Not thirsty? that's very pulsatilla.. you have to be reminded to drink. ( If you are breastfeeding your body will be giving you stronger signals of thirst than you usually have.)

Also are you a bit clumsy and uncoordinated? Swollen ankles and wrists? Don't like fatty foods? These are just a selection of the remedies I have prescribed very successfully over the last 20 years for baby blues and post natal depression.

Maternity Coverage and Health Insurance - What You Should Know

Having a baby is an exciting event, but things like picking names, buying clothes, and planning for a baby shower need to come second to maternity coverage. You need to make sure that you have the proper health insurance in place so that you don't wind up with thousands of dollars in medical bills just because you wanted to start a family. Some employer coverage includes maternity care while others will offer it a la carte for an extra charge. There are some insurance companies, although they are rare, that won't cover maternity care at all.

When you are shopping for a maternity health insurance plan, you need to make sure that you get all the coverage that you need. Things that should be covered include:

-Doctor office visits
-Hospital admission
-Diagnostic testing
-Delivery and recovery
-Complications, including premature births and c-section procedures
-Prescriptions for pre-natal wellness and health
-Newborn well baby check-ups and shots

If a health insurance plan offers maternity coverage without any one of these elements, you need to keep shopping. While the hospital stay and the delivery are going to be the most expensive, you still don't need doctor bills piling up or to miss out on vitamins and medications that you need because you cannot afford them.

Maternity coverage is designed to offer care from conception until birth, as well as covering the baby's wellness check-ups for the first few months of its life. Once the maternity coverage has run out, you will have to switch your child to your regular health insurance so that they can continue to get coverage as a dependent. Having maternity coverage entitles you to so many different benefits that you cannot do without.

One option that some newly pregnant women have is state-funded assistance programs. Some states mandate that programs are in place for pregnant women and their medical care, while others will only offer assistance to low-income women who become pregnant. Either way, there are options available other than private health insurance for people who need them. In order to make the most of your maternity coverage, you need to explore all of your options and choose what is best for you. If you are in the planning stages of getting pregnant, you should get insurance as soon as possible to avoid the risk of waiting periods that may be imposed before you can benefit from the maternity coverage that you purchase.

If you need assistance in locating particular coverages at a pre-determined price, we can help you save up to 50% on your health insurance.

Planning On Starting Your Own Family? Find Out One Important Thing To Do That Most People Miss Out

Ladies who are planning on having a baby in the near future should start planning ahead and purchase maternity insurance before conceiving. A proper maternity insurance assists you through the pregnancy period and ensures that you get the appropriate prenatal care needed to bring a healthy baby into this world. Prenatal care is extremely expensive. So, a good plan should ideally cover the charges incurred from checkups, tests, ultrasounds as well as the birth itself.

Having maternity insurance also means that regular health care and complications arising from pregnancy are also taken care of. An average maternity insurance is designed in a way so that cesarean births and pre-mature births also fall under the insurance scheme. In case your health insurance is provided by your employers, it would be a good idea to find out if that scheme covers maternity too.

A few maternity insurance plans cover the costs for hospital stay only. Before opting for such a plan, make sure that maternity associated medical costs are covered within that scheme. This is very important since most of the costs incurred pertain to the maternity ward alone.

Get your insurance policy before you conceive as finding these plans after you are pregnant is not only difficult and next to impossible but also very expensive. Most insurance providers consider pregnancy a pre-existing condition and therefore getting appropriate coverage becomes almost impossible. In most cases, costly premiums taken in addition to regular health insurance are the only option available.

Remember that even the best maternity insurance policy has a few exclusions, which should be kept in mind. Common exclusions include medications taken during the pregnancy period, unfortunate termination of the pregnancy within the first 12 weeks and costs for pregnancies that happen during nine months from the purchasing date of the policy.

Depending on whether you have an individual policy or your policy is one offered by your employers, the terms and conditions may differ a bit. However, the basic premises remain the same at all events.

Maternity insurance is provided by all major insurance companies. They can be contacted online or through agents who take care of all the paperwork faithfully. Be sure to compare the costs and benefits of a few reputed insurance companies before making your decision.

So what are you waiting for? Be sure to check out all available plans and sign up for a policy if you are planning to get pregnant soon.

Don't Take a New Job Without Considering Their Employee Benefits

Even though finding a job in this economy may be difficult, it is important to consider the benefits employers offer today. Your benefits package should factor into your overall compensation that includes your base salary and paid time off. You may find out that a job with benefits is worth more to you than that high paying job without benefits. In New Jersey for example, employees will decide which jobs to apply for not just based solely on hourly wage or salary, but the benefits the employer may offer as well. Employee benefits are a major perk that most employees expect from their employers.

Health insurance can be very expensive so you want to make sure your employer not only offers it, but contributes to your health insurance plan to make it more affordable. Your policy should cover hospitalization as well as emergency room visits, X-Rays and blood work. However, sometimes basic health care is not always provided so it may be wise to find an insurance plan outside of the company benefits to help supplement your coverage. This additional insurance coverage will help you pay for expensive prescription medications which may not covered by your employee health insurance policy so it is important to really look into getting a personal insurance plan to help out with these types of costs. Doctors appointments and prescription medication is not cheap so make sure you leverage your employee benefits.

Dental care is also a part of health care that is important to have as well. Most companies offer this in their benefits packages. This is also very important to consider and to have, tooth issues are far too common to not have insurance for it.

Pension plans are another benefit that is very popular and highly sought out. Plans with excellent 401Ks are important to get and have. The 401k plan also allows the employee to purchase stock of the company which in the end helps to make for quite a comfy retirement plan for most employees in their old age.

It is extremely important to take the time when seeking out a new job to consider the employee benefits that are offered to you. You never know when something might happen and you need to be covered just in case of an emergency. It is a lot better to have insurance and not really use it than to get into an accident and not be covered for it. This can really save you in the long run. You also do not want to be stuck in a job that pays little and has poor benefits. It is far much better to get or have a job that may pay little bit but offers incredible and amazing health, pension, and dental benefits to you and your entire family if you have one.

Trying to Get Pregnant After Miscarriage? Great Tips to Help You Get Out of This Situation

If you are trying to get pregnant after miscarriage, there are many things that need to be considered. However, it is very important that you need to wait for a while before trying again. In addition, you may need some time in order to help healing your body and your emotion as well. If you really want to know how long you should wait before trying to get pregnant again, consulting with your doctor is highly recommended.

If you are trying to get pregnant after miscarriage, it is said that you should wait approximately three months in order to allow your body to be ready again. Or you may be able to try again immediately in case of an early miscarriage. However, some doctors said that you should wait for, at least, a full cycle, in other words, you should wait until you have a natural period before trying to have a baby again.

In addition, there are some reasons that you need to wait. First, you have to wait for a while until your body is ready again since miscarriage is considered to be a serious condition which can cause your body system off its normal cycle. Another reason that you need to wait is to heal your emotion. Just keep in mind that emotional healing is considered to be very important and it needs to be considered as well. Why? If you are trying to get pregnant again when you are not ready yet, it is very possible that the bad feelings from the miscarriage may cause you to miscarry again.

If you are trying to get pregnant after miscarriage, then there are some methods that can help improving your fertility and reducing the chance of miscarrying as well. There are many things that you can do, such as, taking vitamins and herbal supplements, or trying acupuncture treatment. Again, if you are not sure about these methods or you want to learn more information, then you may try to consult with your doctor in order to make sure that you are doing the right thing for your body system.

Friday, May 3, 2013

Coverage of Care for Women and Newborns

There are a wide range of strategies and interventions used to save the lives of women and children during pregnancy, childbirth birth and in the neonatal period. These include:

• Reproductive health services such contraceptive services
• Antenatal care
• Skilled obstetrical care and emergency services
• Post natal care

The provision of contraceptives as a reproductive health measure appears to be in slight decline globally, most likely as a result of reduction in prioritization and funding. Almost a third of women worldwide have an unmet need for family planning measures.

However, antenatal care has been hugely successful especially in low income economies. Coverage is quite high with even the destitute able to access antenatal services in most countries. There is concern however, on the quality of care and the effectiveness of antenatal care provided. Interventions especially low income economies are not always appropriate at the antenatal level. This represents a missed opportunity to save the lives of mothers and children.

As regards to obstetrical care and emergency services at birth, less than 40% of women in low income countries have access to a skilled attendant at birth. Many countries have made great strides in this area since the inception of the Millennium Development Goals but much still remains to be done especially in 50 least developed countries.

Postnatal care leaves much to be desired in many countries including middle and high income countries. The level of skilled care at the post natal level is much worse than that found at the obstetrical stage in most low income countries. This is despite the fact that research has shown that a high level of care during the first two days of an infant's life can make all the difference. The majority of neonatal deaths are caused by infections, complications of pre-term birth and birth asphyxia.

The former two causes contribute to about two thirds of all neonatal deaths. The shocking bit is that half of these deaths can be prevented with simple and cost effective interventions, most notably, Kangaroo Mother Care. Kangaroo Mother Care is a method of care whereby a pre-term infant, able to breathe on its own, is held in a skin-to-skin breastfeeding position. Skin-to-skin contact has been shown to stabilize breathing, pulse rate and temperature. Babies are able to feed better and hence gain weight faster. The ability to breastfeed strengthens the immune system and helps the infant fight infections. Despite this well researched and documented method of care, Kangaroo Mother Care is yet to go into widespread use in many medical facilities and clinics around the world.

Become Pregnant Naturally - Discover the Power of Vitamin B6

Also known as pyridoxine, Vitamin - B6 and fertility go hand in hand. This vitamin can easily be found on certain healthy foods such as eggs, cereal, legumes, meat, liver, yeast and whole grains. If you want to become pregnant faster and the natural way, you should understand the power of natural foods and vitamins and how they can directly affect fertility. While all the vitamins we ingest are great for our bodies, vitamin - B6 is one step ahead as it is a wonderful reproductive hormone regulator. It boosts your chances to become pregnant. As an added bonus, this wonder vitamin also helps alleviate morning sickness, PMS and blood sugars.

In order to become pregnant naturally, I have enumerated the many benefits of vitamin - B6:

1.Vitamin - B6 helps stave off depression that can help a woman avoid PMS. Furthermore, being underweight can seriously undermine your efforts to conceive.

2.Vitamin - B6 helps to boost fertility by treating another common issue that causes infertility in women - luteal phase defect. The time from ovulation to menstruation is known as the luteal phase, and this should ideally be 10 days. If the duration is shorter than 10 days, it is recognized as a luteal phase defect. A luteal phase that is shorter than the norm is not able to sustain pregnancy and should conception happen, it can lead to a miscarriage. If you are suffering from this, have hope as this can be cured and treated naturally.

3.If you think that you have this kind of defect, this can be remedied by taking some progesterone supplements and vitamin B6 - both of which are wonderful and natural remedies.

4.You can determine if you have this heath concern by charting your basal body temperature. Also, being able to accurately chart your fertility signs is a wonderful way fro you to have a glimpse of your fertility cycle. It may take a couple of months for you to get the hang of it, but knowing how to detect possible infertility signs is worth the effort.

5.Many multivitamins don't contain adequate amounts of vitamin B6 and help boost your fertility. Make sure that you are taking at least 50mg of vitamin B6 daily to help you become pregnant faster.

Taking at least 50 to 200 milligrams of vitamin B6 will give you great results.

Low Cost Individual Health Insurance Plans - How to Get Cheap Quotes Online

Low Cost Individual Health Insurance Plans - How to Get Cheap Quotes Online

While costs for medical care have continued to rise, there's still a way to get low cost individual health insurance. Here's how to find the lowest cost health insurance plan.

Low Cost Health Insurance Here are three types of health insurance with the lowest cost:

  • HMO A Health Maintenance Organization is the cheapest of all health plans. This plan is made up of a network of doctors and hospitals put together by your insurance provider. Doctor visits are covered under this plan but usually have a small copayment of about $15. Hospital visits are also covered.

  • PPO Preferred Provider Organization is the next level of managed health care. It is very similar to the HMO health plan but you have the option of seeing a doctor that is not in the network. Doctors and hospital visits outside of the network do come with an added charge.

  • POS Point of Service plans are the most expensive of the three managed care plans. This plan has the most options and consequently comes with a higher price. You may also visit doctors and hospitals outside of the network with this plan.

Depending on your needs you may want to include coverage for items such as maternity care, prescriptions, and vision care. Managed care plans can vary quite a bit from insurance company to insurance company so look at each plan carefully before deciding on which one to purchase.

Low Cost Individual Health Insurance Quotes

One of the best ways to get affordable health insurance quotes is to go to a free insurance quote website. There you can get competitive quotes from up to 5 health insurance providers so you can compare plans and prices. After you have your quotes, you need to look closely at the policies and decide which one is the best for you.

Placenta Previa and Short Term Disability

I received an email today that should never have been sent.? The reason has nothing to do with gravity of the author's situation: her circumstances are real and the consequences appear dire.? She could have avoided her current dilemma by requesting maternity leave pay before getting pregnant.? Below is her message:

I was just diagnosed with Placenta Previa and my doctor required that I take a leave of absence from work. I am wondering if there were any programs to where I could get some help because I am in fear of losing my home. Could you please check into this matter for me and notify me of any information you may have. Thank you very much.

My response was that there was nothing I could do to help her replace her income now that she is already pregnant.? I could have added that her medical condition also prevented me from helping, but there was no point in doing so.

If she had requested maternity leave pay before getting pregnant she could have avoided many of her current financial consequences.? That may sound very odd, but it highlights why I write so many articles on this topic.

Short term disability insurance, when bought before getting pregnant helps you create maternity leave pay.? Your normal labor and delivery is a covered benefit, and this benefit may greatly exceed the premium you pay over time.?

But most importantly, and most directly related to this woman's situation, is that short term disability will also replace two-thirds of your income should you experience pregnancy complications and miss work prior to your delivery.? This extra benefit comes at no additional cost beyond what you pay to generate your benefit for normal labor and delivery.

A Mother Discovers the Power of Her Placenta Through Placenta Encapsulation

I started my placenta research in August 2008 when I found I was pregnant with my second child. I was mostly interested in finding new ways to increase my breastmilk supply because I struggled the first time around. Unusual holistic healing traditions interest me greatly so I began to study the uses for placenta around the world. I was most interested in the dehydration and encapsulation method called placenta encapsulation which seemed the most modern and un-invasive way to benefit from the placenta.

Two women, who I met through a natural mothers' group offered me the chance to experiment with their placentas in attempt to make my first capsules. One of the mothers had suffered severely from post-natal depression after the birth of her first child and felt she would try anything to avoid those symptoms from returning. The encapsulations were a total success, and, both women couldn't recommend it enough. They said they felt happier, more in control, had a plentiful milk supply, bled less and never felt overwhelmed or anxious.

I gave birth to my son on 21st March 2009, at home in water and used my placenta in many ways. Within minutes if its' birth, I placed a small piece of the raw placenta inside my lip (on my gums) and allowed the hormones and nutrients to be absorbed into my body immediately. This was done to stop post-natal bleeding. When the placenta detaches from the uterine wall it leaves a large bleeding wound that takes time and much nutrients and hormones to heal. The placenta is packed with rich growth factors called cytokines that stimulate cell mitosis or cell division, the making of new cells, essential when healing the body and for repair and regeneration of damaged tissue. However after birth new mothers are depleted of the normal levels of growth factors in their body and need extra help to heal their torn body.

One hour after birth my mother blended a raw placenta smoothie made with organic berry fruits and about a palm sized piece of raw placenta. Within 10 hours my milk had 'come-in' and my bleeding had nearly stopped. My midwife was amazed at these results and astounded with the amount of energy I had after birth. I encapsulated the remains of my placenta which I took 1-3 times a day for about 4 months. I called them my "happy pills".

I became inspired by this lost tradition. I began to research the uses for the placenta in history and found that many midwives all around the world used the placenta for different healing purposes during pregnancy, birth and post-natal. According to a book called Jacques Gelis in History of Childbirth: Fertility, Pregnancy and Birth in Early Modern Europe, by Jacques Gelis, there were 'placenta apothecaries' in the 1700's who used human placenta powder to assist midwives with difficult births; it seemed to help repel the baby or placenta if labour had slowed or halted. In some cultures the placenta was placed directly onto the newborn to allow the healing heat energy to be absorbed into the newborn. The placenta can also be used this way to cure very bad skin conditions such as dermatitis, writes Cornelia Enning in Placenta: The Gift of Life.

The Western world began to lose recognition of the placenta in the mid 1800's when male doctors took over and interrupted natural birthing traditions. Once Gynaecology and Obstetrics were invented, birthing women were strapped to tables, put to sleep with ether cones and babies ripped from their wombs. Any ancient placenta healing methods were lost. Midwives were burned at the stake for being 'witches', changing birth forever. Male doctors found the placenta repulsive and thought if the mother ate her placenta she was likely to eat her own baby. Even farmers began to remove the placenta from their animals before the new mother had a chance to ingest it. The placenta became non-existent and is still today regularly wasted, sent for incineration by the hospitals.

I like to encourage women to use the placenta the way nature intends it - after birth to heal the body and bring fresh nutrients to the mother and her baby through breast milk.

What bewilders me the most is that most UK ante-natal classes and birth preparation workshops focus so much attention on the baby after birth. But what about the new mother? Everything is sore and tender, including our emotions? Birth can be very traumatic, both emotionally and physically and new mothers do not expect to feel so depleted after birth. Expecting mothers are warned of slight baby blues but are not made aware of the actual physical consequence birth has on the body. I find it sad that so many negative symptoms are referred to as 'normal' for women to suffer from after birth. With low energy, no sleep, low iron levels, irregular hormones and fewer female family members nearby to assist a new, healing mother, it's no wonder 1 in 10 women in this country suffer from post-natal depression. I feel determined to promoting the use of the placenta to put an end to this unnecessary post-birth misery. I believe the placenta is what nature gave us to heal, a new mother's personal healing gift from her baby.

I am passionate about the benefits of the placenta. I truly believe the placenta holds the key to a quicker, more natural post-birth recovery. Our clients are regular mums who have said they don't think their post-birth experience would have been as positive if it wasn't for their placenta capsules. My aim is simply to inform women that placenta encapsulation is a possibility, as most people aren't even aware it exists.

The Gift of Life, Cornelia Enning Birth: The surprising History of how we are born, Tina Cassidy History of Childbirth: Fertility, Pregnancy and Birth in Early Modern Europe, Jacques Gelis (this book has an entire chapter dedicated to the Placenta)

California Pregnancy Leave - What If Complications Arise?

California has the most comprehensive set of laws protecting women during pregnancy and maternity leave. One law gives CA women a needed extra benefit over its federal counterpart. The California Family Rights Act provides significantly longer job protection in the event of pregnancy complications, followed by an extended maternity leave. Should this situation arise, the extended job protection will be welcome. But can you afford all the time away from work? You can if you plan ahead, then act promptly.

California Family Rights Act

The California Family Rights Act is similar to the Federal Family Medical Leave Act in that it allows for twelve weeks of unpaid, job protected leave. Both laws apply only to employers with more than fifty employees.

The California law differs in how an absence from work for you own disability is treated. Suppose you experience pregnancy complications and need to leave work twelve week before your delivery. Under the Federal law you would have used up your job protected time. The California law does not count time away from work for your own disability. This is covered under the California Pregnancy Disability Leave Act.

7 Months of Partially Paid Job Protected Leave

Combine the two situations and California laws together, and you get seven months of partially paid, job protected leave: four months before delivery if complications arise, plus six weeks to recover from delivery, plus six weeks to bond with baby.

California SDI and Paid Family Leave provide the partial pay of 55% for up to seven months if needed.

Keep Job But Lose House?

The good news is the California laws protect your job for a long time at partial pay. Should this happen to you and you qualify under the rules, your job will still be open for you. But will you be able to make your mortgage payments after seven months with a 45% pay cut?

Purchase supplemental short term disability insurance before getting pregnant, and your answer will be YES!

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Benefits of Nettle Leaf Infusions For Women's Health

Did you know that an herb called Stinging Nettles is very beneficial for women's health? It is so nourishing for women of all ages that they can drink and use the infusion on a daily basis. For the young teenage woman, the young pregnant woman, the woman working outside the home in the hectic world and the working woman inside the hectic home, as well as the menopausal woman, nettles have been used by all of us for thousands of years.

Nettle infusion taken daily or at least several times a week restores health and re-energizes us. It builds our blood, expands our cells to metabolize nutrients more effectively and nourishes our reproductive and hormonal systems. It nourishes us from the inside out, and the outside in. You can even use the infusions on your skin and hair! A hair rinse and skin wash tones the hair, gets rid of fungal and bacterial infections and acne.

For teenagers, nettle can ease the pre-menstrual symptoms and provide nourishment to all the glands and organs. There's plenty of calcium, magnesium, trace minerals and other nutrients for the whole body. And they can make their own hair rinses, skin washes and herbal baths for health, beauty and self-confidence.

For pregnancy, nettle is rich in vitamin K and iron, exactly what a pregnant woman needs, especially during her last trimester. This plant has a reputation for reducing the hemorrhage and serious effects from postpartum hemorrhage. Nettle improves quality and quantity of breast milk. It provides calcium and other minerals essential to you and your body to make your milk nutrient-dense!

For the working women nettle nourishes your adrenals. Adrenal exhaustion creeps in during this stage because we take care of everyone around us instead of ourselves. Now is the time to take care of ourselves, nourish the adrenal glands back to health and check any conditions that are becoming chronic.

For menopause nettle can help stabilize our hormones and our energy. It helps ease those night sweats and soothe our nerves when we become irritable. Nettles nourish us as we settle into a new stage of our life.

Nettle is a safe and gentle herb. Our ancestors relied on nettle and we can bring it back into our lives today for our health and beauty.

©2009 Shanna Ohmes

Hair Loss After Pregnancy - Causes and Treatments

Hair loss after pregnancy is something that women who have given birth often experience. In fact, more than 50 percent of women experience this loss of hair problem at some stage during their pregnancy and after -- though most occur between one to five months after giving birth. Obviously, this is not a pleasant experience to have for these women, as it will affect their looks, mood and self confidence. It is worse enough that most women have to deal with post-natal depression, this additional problem could really add more salt to the wound.

The loss of hair in pregnant women and new mothers are commonly caused by the changing level of hormones, especially the estrogen. During pregnancy, most will experience an increase in the scalp hair. This is due to the increase of estrogen levels in the system, which improves the supply of nutrients to the body. When the body receives enough nutrients, it can promote hair growth.

However, estrogen levels in the body will decrease after giving birth - mostly back to their normal level. When this happens, hair loss is expected to occur. The discontinuing use of contraceptives, abortion, miscarriage and hormonal imbalance could also contribute the loss of hair.

Those that suffer hair loss after pregnancy usually have nothing to worry about, as this is usually just a temporary problem. In many cases, the problem can go away without the need to take any medication or treatment at all. This is especially true for women who are blessed with naturally thick hair. However, it is still encouraged to take supplements to promote hair growth after pregnancy.

Caring for the hair is also recommended after pregnancy. Do not go with hair style that involves putting stress on the hair, such as pigtails, hair weaves, cornrows and braids. Tight hair rollers are best avoided during this critical moment. Apply essential oils like sandalwood and lavender to promote hair growth naturally. It is also advisable to use hair shampoos and conditioners that contain silica and biotin.

To keep the hair healthy after pregnancy, don't forget to live a healthier lifestyle and watch what you eat. Fresh fruits and vegetables should definitely be on your daily menu. They are the kind of food that can promote healthy hair growth. Don't forget to consume natural supplements that contain Vitamin B, C and E as well.

How One International Health Insurance Plan Reduces Risk For International Workers

Combine the thought of "international health insurance" and not having my cup of jo from Brewed Awakening Coffee Hut around the corner of my home here in Washington State and I was already having second thoughts about living in a remote village out in East Africa just 2 months from now.

But today I have fixed the concerns I had about international health insurance because I took out the BUPA career plan. Two things that concerned me were unlimited coverage in the US and maternity coverage. BUPA solved those two issues as well as being a top international health insurance plan based out of the UK. BUPA stands for British United Provident Association.

Maternity is a concern for us since most plans have a 12 month waiting period. BUPA only has a 10 month waiting period before full maternity benefits kick in. Now my wife and I are smiling!

Sure, the maternity coverage cost is not much overseas but what happens if something dreadful occurs to my wife and baby during the pregnancy and birth? We want to make sure our health insurance will take care of everything including the unforeseen things that may happen. We pray it doesn't, but as Mom used to say "When you don't use your head, you'll have to use your feet." And I don't fancy work that can be avoided if I had only first used my head.

Then my other concern is what if I get sick in East Africa? So sick that I have to come back Stateside for good and am not able to get US individual health care? Most international health insurance plans have to follow US federal law of 6 months of US coverage during a 12 month policy period and once I do not meet this US government law I am literally a cup of hot water, sugar and cream without the "jo."

The neat thing about the two BUPA career plans is that they have unlimited coverage in the US which means I have peace of mind in case something terrible happens to me. I will not be stranded without health insurance in the US.

With my international health insurance issues solved, the barista at Brewed Awakening solved my other problem by handing me a few pounds of their beautiful, aroma filled coffee beans. Now East Africa doesn't seem so frightening anymore!

My 12 Favorite Pregnancy Power Foods

I'm asked quite often by moms-to-be what they should be eating during pregnancy. I love talking to women about this because it brings up really good memories of just feeling fantastic about what I was putting in my body everyday! I loved how I ate during both pregnancies. In fact, when I get stuck in a "food rut", or I know I've been getting off track, I basically go back to preparing my favorite foods from pregnancy.

My 12 favorite power foods were, and still are:

1) Avocados: they're loaded with mono-unsaturated fats, potassium, vitamin C, vitamin E, folic acid, lutein and protein. I especially enjoyed these in my first pregnancy when I was following a vegetarian lifestyle.

2) Beans and legumes: great source of fiber, zinc and protein. They strengthen the kidneys and adrenals and therefore promote physical growth and development. I LOVE beans! I thought for sure that at least one of my babies would come out looking like a chickpea, black bean or green pea! I just couldn't get enough of them!

3) Berries: nature's source of antioxidants, vitamins and phytonutrients. God's candy! Look for organic, fresh and seasonal whenever possible.

4) Dark leafy greens: Vitamins A and C, folic acid, fiber, antioxidants and CALCIUM.

5) Eggs: protein, vitamin A, iron. If you purchase omega-3 or DHA enhanced eggs, you also benefit from the essential fatty acids content, Many grocers now carry organic, free-range eggs... worth the price and effort to decrease your toxicity and increase your purity during this important time of growing a human being inside you!

6) Green veggies: broccoli & asparagus, especially. Yum. It's no wonder my daughter asked for broccoli on her 2nd Christmas... she came by it naturally! These two power veggies are loaded with calcium (broccoli has almost as much as whole milk and it's better absorbed), vitamin C, E and A, selenium, zinc, B-complex and potassium. Asparagus in particular is the food highest in glutathione - a critical anticarcinogen.

7) Sprouts: contain protein, enzymes, vitamin C and some B vitamins.

8) Fatty fish or Non-toxic fish oil supplement: Provides essential fatty acids for your chemical/emotional balance as well as your baby's brain and neurological development.

I kept trying... but I just can't stand fish! Instead, I guzzled TONS of pure fish oil throughout both pregnancies... even more during post-partum. You have to make sure it's NON-toxic, ultra-refined, pharmaceutical grade... whatever your preferred brand calls it to make sure there is NO MERCURY in it. You get what you pay for with this one. Spend a little more to invest in the safest brain building nutrient you could possibly provide for you and your baby.

9) Raw nuts: great source of vitamin E, magnesium, mono-unsaturated fats. Almonds are like the King of Nuts! They are anticarcinogenic, lower cholesterol, alkalinize the entire system, while supporting the digestive and nervous systems. They are a very good source of protein, several B vitamins, CALCIUM, iron, potassium and phosphorus.

10) Organic, grass-fed or hormone & antibiotic free bison and chicken. My two meats of choice... get a clean source of your favorites. Excellent protein, iron and zinc source.

11) Sweet potatoes: great source of vitamins A and E.

12) Organic kefir and yogurt: provide beneficial probiotic bacteria, calcium and protein.

My nutritional focus during pregnancy and postpartum was to get enough pure protein, greens and omega-3, DHA in particular. On the days I wasn't too sure if my food would achieve those 3 goals, I'd mix a smoothie with my favorite protein (Dream Protein - see my favorite links for free samples), Greens First (ditto) and Innate Choice fish oil. All bases were covered!

Depression Knowledge and Hypomania

A state of low spirits felt by most people at some time in their lives, but which becomes an illness if prolonged or severe. Frequently a cause can be recognized, but sometimes the symptoms just develop without obvious cause. About 2 per cent of the populations get depressed each year to the point of needing medical help. Recent work suggests that women between the ages of 20 and 45are particularly vulnerable, especially if they have become isolated from their usual confidants by the presence of a young family or death of a mother.


繚 Lack of interest in normal activities.

繚 A feeling of worthlessness.

繚 Poor performance at work.

繚 Frequent crying, often for no reason.

繚 Loss of appetite, concentration and memory.

繚 Lack of energy.

繚 Fear of disappointment.

繚 Incapability to control expenditure or eating.

繚 Disturbed sleep, often with a tendency to wake early in the morning and stay awake.

繚 Mood variations, sometimes with improvement as the day progress.

繚 If severe, there is a risk of suicide.


If depression is ignored or severe, it may lead to:

繚 Suicide.

繚 Substance abuse.

繚 Alcoholism.

繚 Anxiety.

繚 Heart problems.

繚 Weight problems.

繚 Work-related problems.

繚 Family conflicts.

繚 Interpersonal difficulties.

繚 Social separation and loneliness.


繚 Depression may last from a few days to many months. Initially it may seem to get worse, but even without treatment most cases will eventually get better.


繚 It is often brought on by some major event in a person's life such as bereavement, divorce or loss of employment. Sometimes job failure follows, rather than precedes, the depression.

繚 Some people get repeated attacks for no obvious reason and these often alternate with times of over activity.

繚 Many women feel depressed because of their menstrual period.


A mild form of mania with extreme restlessness and elation occurring in someone who may also suffers from depression. Unusually excessive energy and restlessness causes insomnia. Behavior may be bizarre, with the sufferer dressing flamboyantly, being excessively generous or grossly overspending. In severe cases, the patient may become confused and behavior become so antisocial that admission to the hospital is required.

Treatment in the Home

繚 Encourage the sufferer to carry on a normal life.

繚 Reassure the depressed person that he or she is loved and needed.

繚 Remember that depression gets better in time. Previous personal experience of getting through a depression will often help the patient's understanding.

When to Consult the Doctor

繚 If the illness has lasted more than two weeks without improvement.

繚 If the depressed person cannot cope.

繚 If suicide is considered a possibility.

What the Doctor may do

繚 Take a careful history and discuss the problems and possible solutions.

繚 Prescribe small quantities of drugs or psychotherapy.

繚 Refer the patient to a psychiatrist if the depression is severe, particularly if there is talk suicide.

Get Pregnant Effectively When You Want With These Pregnancy Tips

While some people take years trying to get pregnant, studies show that it shouldn't be that difficult. It is true that there are people who have irreversible infertility. These cases are however few, and moreover, there are instances where what is termed as irreversible infertility has been reversed. While most people still think that getting pregnant is a matter of chance, scientific evidence shows that it is actually possible to determine not only when to get pregnant but also the sex of your baby. The following tips will be useful in helping you get pregnant when you want to, without any delay.

Preconception Checkup

Most women usually assume that all that determines how well they carry their pregnancy is what they do after getting pregnant. Contrary to this popular thinking, studies show that the period leading to conception is as important as that within which fetal development takes place. How healthy a lifestyle the woman lives will play a significant role in determining how successful her pregnancy and delivery will be.

Having a preconception checkup is necessary mainly because of the fact that most of the problems that occur during pregnancy can be detected way before one gets pregnant. Possible complications can therefore be avoided or their effects alleviated to make sure that a woman's ability to get pregnant is not hampered. One may also get advice about what to take and what to avoid for a successful pregnancy.

Your Cycle

Getting pregnant when you really want is easy when you have mastered your cycle. This is because the process depends on when you are ovulating and when you are not. Knowing this will help you to know when is the best time to have sexual intercourse to get pregnant. Observing changes in your cervical mucus is a reliable technique of telling when you are ovulating. Kits are also available in the market which can help you do this successfully.

Lay Low For A While

Surprisingly, lying low after sex has been found to help in increasing the chances of one getting pregnant. While it may seem a little bit too farfetched, staying in bed for about twenty minutes will boost the chances of getting a baby. This is so because the extra time that you rest in bed allows sperm to get into the cervix, and thus increasing the chances of the sperms fertilizing your eggs. This is as opposed to a situation where one takes a bath immediately after sexual intercourse.

Wholesale Clothing Business - How to Find Cheap Vendors of Wholesale Maternity Clothing

Out of all clothing niches, maternity clothing is the one which yields high profit with less investment. The reason behind this is the maternity clothes can be bought at a low price on wholesale and sold at a good price.

Buying maternity clothes on wholesale is simple nowadays. The technological development has made the purchase simple with the use of internet. You can look over the companies by simply sitting at your own residence and select a better company which offers it at low cost. Moreover you can opt for stores which offer the maternity clothes with discount or offer. There are many websites available for searching companies or stores which offer it at much discount.

You can also locate shops which are poor at present in selling and buy the maternity clothes at lesser amounts. It is also possible to find a store which offers them at a cost lower than the retail shops. You can buy a huge amount from them and make a good profit. You can also search for some special brands of maternity clothes through internet. You can trace the customer care numbers of such brands and make a business with them.

You can also buy factory seconds which are second rated due to minor defects. You can buy them at low costs and make a good profit. You should have a full check for these second rated products and sell it if only they do not have major defects. It is equally important to buy a sales tax id number as you seek for cheaper sellers. The sales tax id numbers will help you in making business with stores or companies which refuse to have dealing with individuals.

Almost all of the pregnant women wish to be dressed up with clothes, which are more comfortable and easy to wear. There is no wonder in the fact that many women love to wear them even after their delivery. So the maternity clothing business will prove to be a very profitable business immediately after few months of outset.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

How Can Bedrest During Pregnancy Help?

If you are one of the many women whose doctor has prescribed bedrest during pregnancy, you might be wondering why you need to do this, and if it will actually help you deliver a healthy baby. While there is some disagreement on exactly how much good bedrest can do, many practitioners believe that the benefits of bedrest outweigh some of the potential drawbacks.

If you have been prescribed bedrest during pregnancy, it's probably because you have a medical condition that places you at a higher risk, your family history or past pregnancies indicate a higher risk factor, or you might be carrying multiples. In most of these situations, the benefits of bedrest hinge on the body's ability to normalize after being under stress, and creating a more manageable environment in which you and your baby can stay safe and healthy.

If you are going to spend most of your time in bed, it's very important that you discuss with your doctor which position is best for you. For most pregnant women, lying on their side, with a pillow between their knees is recommended. You may also wish to look into a body bolster specifically designed for pregnant women.

Unfortunately, there are drawbacks as well as the benefits of bedrest. Long periods of bedrest will cause your muscles to lose tone, cause aching joints and increase the risk of blood clots due to poor circulation. The best way to combat these problems is through exercise, but be sure to check with your doctor before starting any program, no matter how light. If you are on bedrest during pregnancy, some exercises you might consider are: tightening your arm and shoulder muscles, squeezing stress balls, turning your arms and feet in circles, and pressing your hands and feet against the bed. Just be sure to avoid using your abdominal muscles. It may not seem like much, but you will be surprised at what a difference it makes if you are otherwise almost completely inactive.

If your doctor intends to put you on prolonged bedrest during pregnancy, you may wish to ask about getting some additional support. An occupational or physical therapist can work with you to come up with an exercise plan, and can also advise you on how to make your bed more comfortable. You may also want to consider seeing a therapist if you worry about the strain that prolonged bedrest may put on your spouse and children.

The benefits of bedrest can be considerable if you are in a high-risk pregnancy. It's especially important that you relax and take good care of yourself if you have high blood pressure. Additionally, if you have any physical problems, like a weakened cervix, bedrest can help prevent putting any additional strain on the affected area. If it looks like you will be on bedrest for an extended period, be sure to find out exactly what you can and can't do. If you have any concerns about bedrest and how to make it more comfortable and less frustrating, don't hesitate to talk to your doctor.

Individual vs. Family Health Insurance Plans - What's The Difference?

Healthcare certainly isn't getting any cheaper in the USA, which mean finding the right health insurance plan to suit your budget isn't an easy thing to do. However if you work out what you need from a health insurance plan, and who and what you need covered, that will be a big help in making the decision about what type of plan will work best for you and your family.

Health Insurance Plans For Individuals

This is pretty straightforward - this is a health insurance plan that's designed to just cover one person, probably you. If you only have yourself to cover, there's no doubt that choosing an individual health insurance plan is the right decision to make. However there can still be a wide variation in the cost of an individual insurance plan, based on what type and level of coverage you choose.

An indemnity plan, which is the more traditional type of health insurance plan that most of us are familiar with, covers you no matter which doctor you choose to see and whatever procedures you need to have done. You can choose different levels of deductibles and out-of-pocket limits, so costs can vary. This is generally the more expensive option in health insurance, but that may be worthwhile if freedom of choice is important to you.

You can also get a managed plan, which is similar to an HMO, and these are certainly more cost effective. But in return, you give up most of your freedom of choice. Usually you will have to choose a doctor from an approved list, and specialists can only be seen by referral. However if you're generally in good health and only see your doctor once a year for a check-up or the occasional minor illness, it may be worth trading off choice for cost. You are still covered for health emergencies; it's just a little more complicated.

If you want to add dental and prescription coverage, it can usually be added to either type of health insurance plan for an additional cost.

Health Insurance Plans For Families

Again, this is self-explanatory - these are health insurance plans that cover all the members of your family. Naturally, as more than one person is covered, the cost is higher than for an individual plan. Generally speaking, the bigger your family, the more you will pay. The cost can vary enormously based on the gender, ages, whether or not one family member smokes and so on. You can take out an indemnity plan for your family and will have the same freedom of choice as you find in individual plans. If you have multiple people covered, this can be a bonus.

If you're not so concerned about choice, then financially you'll be better off choosing a managed health care package for your family. This works the same way as it does for individuals, but will cost more. However it's still cheaper than an indemnity plan.

Health Insurance Plans For Groups

If you're an employee, it's possible that your employer may offer some form of group insurance coverage, and pay some or most of the premium. You can usually still choose between the two main types of health insurance, so the policy you choose will determine the final cost to you.

Maternal Health in India

'God could not be everywhere and therefore he made mothers' - A Jewish proverb summarizes the relevance of a mother. That should place mothers in a highly privileged position. But the irony is that every minute a woman dies in childbirth. 536,000 women continue to die needlessly each year at a time which should be joyous - just when they are bringing life into the world. A further 300 million suffer from avoidable illness and disability.

About 14 years have passed since the International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD) formulated a reproductive health agenda for the world, and about seven years remain for the Millennium Development Goals (MDG) to be achieved

The fifth Millennium Development Goal (MDG) (Table 1) which aims to 'improve maternal health' - is desperately off-track.

Table 1 MDG 5-Improve maternal health


Target 5A: reduce by two-thirds, between 1990 and 2015,the maternal mortality ratio

1. Maternal mortality ratio
2. Proportion of birth attended by skilled Health personnel

Target5B:Achieve, by 2015, universal access to reproductive health

1. Contraceptive prevalence rate
2. Adolescent birth rate
3. Antenatal care coverage
4. Unmet need of family Planning

Maternal mortality is an important indicator of the status of women in a society - a maternal death often represents the endpoint of a life of gender discrimination and deprivation 'inside' the household, and failure of the 'outside' (e.g., health system) to provide timely and effective care. Chronic conditions such as under nutrition, anaemia, diabetes and hypertension make women more susceptible to maternal death, but even healthy women can succumb to an unexpected complication during pregnancy or childbirth.

Only use of good health care can make maternal death a rarity, as it has in the developed world. Indeed, a striking feature of maternal health in the world today is the vast difference in maternal mortality in developed and developing countries, the latter still alarmingly high. In 2000, 13 developing countries accounted for 70 percent of maternal deaths worldwide and South Asia for one-third. The country with the single largest number of deaths was India, where an estimated 136,000 women died.

A number of individual and household factors put women at high risk of death during pregnancy and delivery. These include age (too young or too old), high parity, poor nutritional status, low access to health services, low social status, illiteracy and poverty. As with other indicators of reproductive health, maternal mortality is higher in rural areas, among the economically worse-off, and those with little or no education. Women who have received no antenatal care appear to be at greater risk of death (a cause or correlate), and those with unmet need for contraception are clearly at higher risk than they would be if they could avoid pregnancy.

A maternal death is a death like no other. The impact of a maternal death on families and communities is devastating - but is especially so for surviving children. A newborn baby is three to ten times more likely to die within its first two years without its mother. The health of women is critical to a country's social, economic and political development. The survival of women in childbirth reflects the overall development of a country and whether or not the health services are functioning. In reality, the survival of women reflects whether or not women matter.

As per NFHS-3 and SRS 2001-2003, various health indicators reflective of the current situation of Woman's health in India are

o Women in the reproductive age group constitute nearly 19% of the total population with 16% of women in the age group of 15-19 yrs. are already child bearing.The median age of child bearing in India is 19.8 years. (Urban area -20.9 yrs., Rural area - 19.3 yrs).

o 77% of the total pregnant mother received some form of Antenatal Care.( Urban area 91% , rural area 72%)

o Among women who received ANC, less than two-thirds had weight, blood, or urine taken or blood pressure measured, Three-fourths had their abdomen examined and 36% were told about pregnancy complications. 56% of married and 59% of pregnant women are anemic. 65% of the pregnant mother received or purchased Iron and folic Acid but only 23% consumed IFA for 90 days. In urban Area the 76% pregnant women received or purchased IFA and only 35% consumed IFA for 90 days and in the rural area 61% received or purchased IFA and 19% consumed the same for 90 days.

o 49% of all deliveries are institutional .Only about 1 in 7 home deliveries are assisted by a skilled provider.(urban-68%,rural-29%)

o 13% of the lowest indexed women delivered in an institution in contrast to 84% of women in highest indexed group.33% of pregnancies belonging to SC caste delivered in the institution against 18% among Scheduled tribe.

o Only 42% of the postnatal mothers are receiving any forms of postnatal care. Maternal Mortality Rate has been gradually improving from 437 in 1992-1993 to 301/100000 live births .Maternal Mortality in India is not uniform. High maternal mortality is clustered among the EAG states of Bihar, Jharkhand, Madhya Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Rajasthan, UP, Uttaranchal, Assam & Orissa.

The overall average rate of MMR decline during the period 1997-2003 has been, of 16 points per year. At this rate of decline, MDG of 109 by 2015 may be difficult to achieve Under the prevailing conditions, the MMR would be around 231 by 2012.

They give us the impression that though we are moving in the right direction, the progress is slow and to prevent mothers from dying and living with problems related to child birth, a lot still needs to be done and at a much faster pace

The major causes of maternal mortality are excessive bleeding during childbirth (generally among home deliveries),(38%) obstructed and prolonged labour,(5%) infection/ sepsis (11%), unsafe abortion,(8%) disorders related to high blood pressure(5%) and other condition including anaemia.(34%).Forty seven per cent of maternal deaths in rural India are attributed to excessive bleeding and anaemia resulting from poor nutritional practices. Intermediate causes, which are the first and second delays in care-seeking, include the low social status of women, lack of awareness and knowledge at the household level, inadequate resources to seek care, and poor access to quality health care. Causes of third delay are untimely diagnosis and treatment, poor skills and training of care providers, and prolonged waiting time at the facility due to lack of trained personnel, equipment and blood. There are insufficient facilities for antenatal care and more than half of all deliveries are still conducted at home, very often by untrained helpers. The link between pregnancy-related care and maternal mortality is well established.

National programmes and plans have stressed the need for universal screening of pregnant women and operationalising essential and emergency obstetric care. Focused antenatal care, birth preparedness and complication readiness, skilled attendance at birth, care within the first seven days, and access to emergency obstetric care are factors that can help reduce maternal mortality. One of the major goals of Government of India's Department of Health and Family Welfare is to reduce maternal mortality and morbidity. The focus has shifted from individualized interventions to attention to the reproductive health care, which includes skilled attendance at birth, operationalising Referral Units and 24 hours delivery services at Primary Health Centres. and initiation of Janani Suraksha Yojna (National Maternity Benefit Scheme). The program to attend the same is Rural Health Mission in EAG states and RCH II in the other states.

If India is to achieve the Millennium Development Goal 5 (MDG 5) by 2015, besides providing universal emergency obstetrical care to each of the pregnant mother in need it will have to tackle critical social and economic factors, such as the low status of women, the poor understanding of many families about health care, the cost of such care, and also the low standard

Strategies which need to be adopted are

o Enhance inclusion. Two important groups - poor women and adolescents -need to be brought squarely into the fold of reproductive health services through geographic and household targeting and clearly-directed outreach. Social and gender sensitivity among providers, managers and policymakers is essential to achieve this inclusion, as well as the supply and demand improvements noted below.

o Improve supply. Enhancing the supply of services for all stages of the reproductive life cycle, for which integrating the essential package and providing a client-centred continuum of care are good approaches. Four services have been particularly neglected and require additional attention in this context: combating unsafe abortion, nutrition counselling and care, postnatal care, and RTI/ STI diagnosis and treatment. Improving the availability and quality of frontline female health workers through recruitment and/or contracting in, training, field support and performance-based incentives would help to fulfil many needs, while contracting out of services and other client/provider payment systems could increase the availability of care for poor women.

o Increase demand. Increase demand for several services that are provided but underutilized, such as ANC, IFA, institutional deliveries and family planning (although supply may be a constraint in some areas). In addition to 'behaviour change communication,' demand-side financing is important to achieve this.

o Reform the health sector for reproductive health. As reforms take place in the health sector, the delivery and financing of reproductive health services merit special attention. Reforms are especially necessary in three areas to support the above approaches to improving reproductive health. Decentralized planning and resource allocations, human resource development, and financing improvements are important to implement targeting, integration of services, supply improvements, a client focus, demand creation, and effective outreach.

CIGNA Health Insurance Company of Arizona Review

CIGNA Health Insurance Company of Arizona is a solid choice for those looking for affordable AZ health insurance coverage. Perhaps not as well known as many other health care companies, CIGNA has been around since the year 1792 when the Insurance Company of North America (INA) was formed by a group of citizens in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. The company started offering health insurance when they acquired the HMO network of Los Angeles in 1978. A year later the company acquired HMO's in Phoenix, Arizona and in Dallas, Texas. In 1982 the company became known as CIGNA when INA and Connecticut General Insurance Corporation combined.

Nowadays CIGNA has continued to grow in every state they offer coverage in, and the state of Arizona is not an exception. CIGNA covers about 500,000 members in the state of Arizona alone through their Arizona Health Maintenance Organization (HMO) network, their Preferred Provider Organization (PPO) network and their AZ Health Savings Accounts plans, not to mention that numbers continue to grow. The largest coverage area within the state is Phoenix where an estimated 150,000 members are located and the company has over 20 offices in the metro area of this city.

Based within the state in the city of Phoenix because is the largest member area within the state as discussed before, the company offers their benefits to residents of the following counties: Apache, Coconino, Gila, La Paz, Maricopa, Mohave, Navajo, Pinal, Yavapai and Yuma. Apart from the network of plans listed above they offer Medicare Advantage plans, Medicaid and Point of Service (POS) plans. Although the company itself is not a major insurance company within the United States, it has continued to grow and experts predict that it will continue its progress through 2008. With only 5 states where it offers coverage (Tennessee and Florida being the ones where it has expanded the most), it's only expected that the company continue to expand across America.

Within Arizona, CIGNA offers only one plan that is good for the general person that is looking for a well-developed, low-cost and comprehensive coverage Arizona health insurance plan. The plan itself is available to individuals that are 18 years of age or older, families with children up to 18 years of age or 23 if the son/daughter is a full time student and children without an adult subscriber who are at least 3 months of age. In order for you to receive coverage, the company asks that a person resides within one of the service areas for at least 9 months or more, unfortunately if you recently move to a service area you must wait the specified amount of time for you to be able to purchase a CIGNA plan.

The service areas within Arizona are divided into two. The Phoenix service area incorporates the counties of Maricopa and the city of Apache Junction. On the other hand the Tucson and Southern Arizona service area covers the counties of Cochise, Graham, Greenlee, Pima, Pinal and Santa Cruz counties.

The good thing about this one CIGNA AZ plan is that it covers everything one can think of when it comes to health care. For primary care physician (PCP) services a member must pay $25 with no limit on visits through the calendar year. For specialists they are required to pay a little bit higher ($50) but like PCP visits, there is not a limit on visits. Other services that are covered by the plan for which a member won't have to pay a single cent are lab and x-rays and blood pressure checks.

The prescription coverage side of the policy is divided into three tiers like many other insurance companies do. For generic drugs a person should be expected to pay $15, for brand name medications they should expect to pay $40 and for specially drugs they are expected to pay up to $60 dollars. The emergency care fee is $150, however there are special places within the Arizona service areas that are sponsored by the company called CIGNA Medical Group Urgent Care , that a member can go to in order to avoid the emergency room fee. In this group urgent care facilities, a member will only have to pay $75.

The coverage for Inpatient Care holds a $1,000 year deductible for individual and a $3,000 year deductible pre family. After you have met the deductible you will only be required to pay a 20% co-insurance. For Outpatient Care the member has the same deductibles and the same 20% co-insurance after the deductible has been met. The only difference is that in outpatient every diagnostic test or x-ray such as a CT, MRI, MRA or PET would include $100 copayment.

Other important things that the plan offers include chiropractor services for $50 a visit (a limit of 12 visits per calendar year), maternity care in which you wont have to pay anything for prenatal and post-partum exams, but at the time of delivery a 20% co-insurance is applied. Vision coverage is also worth mentioning, you will pay $30 for one exam per calendar year at a CIGNA vision center. It is important to note that if you have an eye exam somewhere else, you will be charged full price for it.

Family planning services are also covered, although infertility treatment is left out of the equation and you would have to go somewhere else for that. The plan also offers short term rehabilitation, mental health services, substance abuse services and detox services. Out-of-pocket maximums for this plan are $3,000 for individual and $10,000 for family and the lifetime benefit is unlimited. This last part means that if you reach the out-of-pocket maximum within a calendar year you will not be cut off coverage.

Medication That Could Help You Get Pregnant

If you are having trouble getting pregnant, the fertility drug Clomid may be one of the first fertility treatments you consider. Clomid is often prescribed by Ob/Gyns and is the first step into fertility treatments for many couples. If not successful, more advanced treatments may be recommended.

What Is Clomid?

Often, a woman experiences infertility because she is not ovulating regularly or not ovulating at all. When this happens, a fertility doctor may use controlled ovarian hyperstimulation (COH) to stimulate the growth and development of ovarian follicles to produce multiple eggs and increase the chances of getting pregnant.

To stimulate the ovaries, the woman takes fertility medications. There are many different kinds of stimulation medications, both in pill form and injectables. However, one of the most common and simple fertility medications is clomiphene citrate (Clomid). Clomid is a first-line fertility treatment that blocks estrogen receptors and "tricks" a woman's body into thinking it is low in estrogen. This trick stimulates the production of follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinizing hormone (LH), both of which are needed to induce ovulation.

What Is the Dosage?

Clomid is taken orally and may be used alone or in conjunction with other fertility treatments such as intrauterine insemination (IUI) or in vitro fertilization (IVF). In general, the fertility doctor prescribes a dose of 50 mg daily for five days. Your fertility doctor will determine whether this dosage is helping you to ovulate. If you are not ovulating, your fertility doctor will increase the dosage incrementally.

Generally, a baseline blood and ultrasound are performed early in the menstrual cycle, and Clomid is started within three to five days of the beginning of the cycle. The fertility doctor monitors your response to the fertility medication through blood tests and ultrasound and may give you an HCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) trigger shot when the follicles are mature. Then, sex or insemination is timed for about 36 hours after the trigger shot.

What Are the Chances for Success on Clomid?

Your fertility doctor will use the lowest dose of Clomid that is sufficient to induce ovulation for at least four to six cycles. Clomid will induce ovulation in about 80 percent of properly selected patients, according to the American Society for Reproductive Medicine's Medications for Inducing Ovulation. Approximately 40 to 45 percent of women will become pregnant within six cycles after receiving Clomid. If a couple has no other fertility issues, their odds of getting pregnant when using Clomid can range from 10 percent to 20 percent, similar to a fertile couple trying on their own.

Women who have very low estrogen levels, irregular or absent ovulation due to a hypothalmic disorder, or who are obese have less chance of success on Clomid (For obese women, losing weight may increase the chances of success).

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Using Injectable Fertility Medications

What is an Injectable Fertility Medication?

It is exactly what it sounds like. It is a medication that you inject, usually Subcutaneous or SubQ (just under the skin), using a needle, directly in the body to help stimulate follicle growth.

For the purposes of this article I am going to talk about the medication we were prescribed called Menopur. Menopur is a type of Follicle Stimulating Hormone or FSH which when injected properly helps the female produce more follicles than she normally would without an injection.

How does it work?

During a normal menstrual cycle the Pituitary Gland releases FSH which helps produce estrogen and follicle stimulation. Usually just one follicle is released per cycle and goes through the normal process and if not fertilized the egg is eventually expelled by the uterus during menstruation. During a normal cycle the estrogen that was produced tells the Pituitary Gland to turn itself off, limiting the amount of FSH which is released in the body, thus, limiting follicle stimulation.

Using an Injectable medication such as Menopur actually multiplies that process of stimulating follicle growth. Now the FSH is encouraging more follicles to develop which in turn produces more eggs for ovulation.

How is it used?

Doctors will prescribe different methods of treatment with Menopur. You must discuss these methods with your fertility specialist. But for this article I am going to tell you what we were told to do, to use this particular FSH, Menopur, in our fertility treatment.

First my partner took the normal fertility medication, Femara, CD3 - CD7 of her cycle. On CD8 we were told to begin her injections of Menopur.

We were prescribed six 75U vials of Menopur. We were told to mix 1cc of saline into 2 vials and inject that on CD8, to do the same on CD9, and then mix 1cc of saline into 1 vial, inject that on CD10 and do the same on CD11. So, all six vials were used at different strengths over a four-day period of time.

Some doctors start their patients on CD3 and go several days. Each doctor is different because each patient is different and may experience the medication dosages differently.

Because this procedure is easily taught it can be done in the comfort of your home with your partner participating.

What are the side effects?

The major side effect is the increase chances of having multiple births. Other symptoms are bloating, cramping, retaining fluid, tender breast, headaches, nausea which leads to vomiting,

Because you are over-stimulating follicle production there is usually an enlargement of the ovaries.

What are the increased chances of pregnancy with FSH's like Menopur?

Usually with this treatment your chances of pregnancy increase 20-25%. It might not seem like a lot but you have to remember it's the exact same chance as a couple in their mid 20's that have sex during ovulation. The chances of pregnancy increase if you produce more than 5 follicles per cycle. So the purpose of this medication is to increase follicle production, thus increasing your chances of a successful insemination and eventually a successful pregnancy.

What is the cost of using Menopur?

Cost varies by what is prescribed by your doctor and how much your insurance will cover. Usually it will cost you around $50 - $150 per vial of this particular medication. Our cost was $300 total, about $50 per vial x 6 vials. That was after insurance covered it at 50%.

It is up to each individual couple to decide your finances and if you can afford to do this type of treatment. We only decided to use it this month because we skipped our Fertility treatment last month. It is very expensive and not something I would incorporate into our Fertility treatments every month.

Pregnancy Pilates Poses: Helping You Through Hormonal Times (And Giving You An Excuse To Be Selfish)

The psychological benefits of exercising during pregnancy should not be underestimated. Carrying a child is both a profound and daunting experience for most new mothers. Many times it feels as though you have lost control of your body and this feeling can be bewildering at times. Thankfully using the Pilates method can at least help you feel like you're in control of your body. As the awareness of your body improves, using Pilates, you will feel as though you're back in the driver's seat.

The feel-good endorphins that are released during exercise played crucial role in keeping good spirits and giving you self-confidence. It really does feel good to keep active. With Pilates you can feel like you move more gracefully and freely during a time when your body's expanding. Also, Pilates will give you a good excuse for a little "me-time."

Losing coordination is one of the effects of the male hormone, testosterone, decreasing in your body. Testosterone plays a crucial role in your hand-eye coordination and the sense of your balance. To counter this Pilates can help you feel more balanced and coordinated in your movements. As your body grows you will not be able to move as well. Muscle memory will not make up for the changes going through your body. So you'll have to need learn new coordination skills.

To help out with the overuse of the upper part of our shoulders (the upper trapezius) here's an exercise called floating arms. Sitting down, put your left hand on your right shoulder making sure you can feel your collarbone. You're going to keep your collarbone still during the first part of the movement. You need to make sure that the upper part of your shoulder stays unengaged for as long as possible. This upper part of the shoulder is what you overwork. You need to visualize it staying soft and released. You need the lower trapezius muscle below the shoulder blades work.

  • Breathe in and lengthen up to the spine letting your neck relax.

  • Breathe out zipping up your abdominals and hollowing out your pelvic floor. Begin to raise your arms slowly, reaching wide out of your shoulder blades. Think of your hand leading your arm and your arm following as it floats upward.

  • Have your Palm opened to the ceiling as your arm reaches shoulder level. Remember to keep your shoulder under your hand as still as possible and that your shoulder blades are dropping down into your back for as long as possible. Breathe in as you lower your arms to your side.

  • Repeat this three times with each arm

Remember to keep a sense of openness within your upper body. Do not tense anything else while you're focused on this action. Also, do not allow your body to shift to the side while performing this, keeping it centered.

Baby Care - Options For Prenatal Care

Prenatal classes are helpful and supportive for you both.

What classes do

They will help explain a lot of the choices available before, during, and after the birth and will tell you about labor, birth, and baby care. You'll also meet other expectant parents with due dates near yours.

Where to find classes

If you're planning a hospital delivery, hospital based classes can be useful, they'll help familiarize you with procedures and will include a tour of the labor ward. Child birth educators generally offer classes in hospitals as well as birthing centers, but some communities offer other local venues as well. Ask friends who have young babies to recommend a good class that's easy to get to. Most child birth classes include guidance on preparing your self for an active birth, in which your partner or birth coach is also involved.

There's now a huge choice in maternity care, although how wide the choice is will depend on what's available in your area. Look into your prenatal options also means looking at your birth options.

Who Can Deliver Care?

Once you know you're pregnant, your first call will probably be to your family doctor or gynecologist. He or she may confirm the pregnancy with another test, take your blood pressure, and ask when your last period was to work out the due date. Your doctor will tell you the different options for prenatal care available in your area, and you can also talk through where the baby will be born, since these are often linked. Don't feel you have to make your mind up on any of these issues immediately go away and think about the possibilities before finalizing details.

Hospital care

You'll be cared for by hospital based doctors, your obstetrician and or midwife. The prenatal care may lack the informality of other options, but if you have any complications, have an existing medical condition, or are having twins, it's probably the wisest choice to have your pregnancy monitored by professionals in this setting.


In many places, prenatal care is given almost entirely by midwives who are based either in a free standing site dedicated to prenatal care labor and delivery or in a hospital. The comfortable, home like feeling of midwife centers is a comfort to many women who would like to have a natural birth out side of a hospital setting. Many women benefit from building a relationship with the midwives who will also deliver their babies.

Your doctor or obstetrician's office

You'll have consultations, checkups, and tests through out your pregnancy to make sure you and your baby are doing fine. Most pregnancies are perfectly normal, but its vital to have these check up to make sure all is well and to spot possible problems early, before any harm is done. Here, too, you will have many opportunities to get to know and bond with the professional who will be on hand to deliver your baby when the time comes.

The Advantages of Payroll Outsourcing

Every business that recruits people is accountable to maintain a payroll system. It is also a mandatory document that requires while auditing. There are many ways available to take care of the payroll activities. Many companies prefer outsourcing their payroll accounting tasks to accounting outsourcing companies and get it done. Few companies rely on payroll software and they will complete their payroll activities by themselves. Both the option has its advantages. This article would explain you the benefits of outsourcing payroll function and using payroll software.

Benefits of outsourcing payroll activities:

The purpose of payroll is to calculate the correct income and the national insurance contributions to be deducted. This will also be used to deduct the employer national insurance. Running a payroll system is common in any size of companies no matter if it is a small or large scale industry. There will be payroll specialist who can take care of all the payroll entries and maintenance.

Payroll outsourcing is absolutely suits for the small business companies. In fact, they are not familiar with the complications of recording the employee accounts. They cannot afford for the software as it will be too costly for the small business companies as they will not have many employees. The only left out option is to outsource their payroll accounting to a third party company who specializes in accounting. They have to pay a reasonable amount and forward their details to the outsourcing company.

All their payroll details will be up to date and they can focus on some other mandatory tasks. The payroll system not only focus on calculating the income tax and the insurance contributions but also dealing with the tax codes, taxable benefits, allowances which includes sick pay, maternity benefits, student loan plans and pension benefits etc. Hence, it is a huge system according to the size of the company. Medium sized companies also have started adapting the outsourcing techniques considering the time saving and cost effectiveness.

Hence, outsourcing your payroll system to a genuine outsourcing company is always worthy doing it. It saves your money and time. On top of everything it brings in more profit by allowing you to focus completely on your core competency.

Benefits of using payroll software:

A big alternative to outsourcing is to implement software system for payroll calculations. Here, you need to recruit a dedicated payroll specialist or a team of payroll experts according to the size of the company. It will be done in house and all the details will be operated within the company. You should choose potential software which has various option that suits your company. Also you have to consider the pay scenarios while choosing the software.

Mostly large scale industries prefer having a separate payroll section with all these software facility as they do not have to worry about any of the data. Everything will be maintained with in their office premises. Here, you can have a personal access to all the details. Maintaining your payroll accounts using the software is much more easier than doing it manually. It will reduce your entire administration burdens. You will be able to access to the particular data of an employee with in few mouse clicks. There is less chances of making mistakes. Hence you can choose to follow any methods mentioned above according to your financial status and the size of your company.

Choosing Your Healthy Career

Nursing can be your career choice for you future. If you are interested to the healthy filed but you do not want to become a doctor, surgeon, or the therapist, becoming a nurse can the right option for your future career. However, before you take the nursery education, it is better for you to see some reviews related to the nursery education programs. Some nurses work with the physician by helping to do their daily tasks. While the other help obstetricians to take care of pregnant woman and deliver the baby. The education programs and the training you will take depend to the field you will choose.

It is better for you to take full-time nursing degree courses first. The full-time nursing degree has four branches of nursing: child, adult, mental health, and learning disabilities. By taking this program you will be educated for three years and offered by higher education institution across England.

There is an also pre-registration nursing degree program which offers you both academic and professional qualification by combining the theory studies and supervised nursing practice. The program provides you the general introduction in nursing which helps you to build the observational, communication and caring skills. It is also including the introduction of four branches to nurse and maternity care.

Supervised nursing practice is half of this program and is carried out in the hospital and community settings. You will learn for three years in length. It starts with 12 or 18 month of common foundation program (CFP) and then followed by 18 or 24 months branch program included the four branches of adult, mental health, learning disabilities or children nursing.

Other degrees related to the nursing field are Masters Degree and part-time degree courses. Masters degree program need for years for the duration. You should contact the universities directly for further information. Part time degree courses are usually offered by some higher education institution.

New Design Maternity Clothes

Women generally are very conscious of their figures. They are very particular about their looks and the attitude is no different when they are pregnant. There was a time when pregnant women used to wear clothes larger than their sizes to suit the convenience. But modern days are different. A woman wants to look elegant and beautiful irrespective of the different phases of her womanhood. Why not look good during the pregnancy which is the most delightful and exciting period of her life.

New designs based on different styles and ideas have been introduced in the fashion world to cater the needs of the pregnant women. They can choose the right clothes that fit them as well as the colours they like. The designers of maternity clothes are taking care to offer maximum comforts to those who wear them without compromising the quality and the latest trends in fashion. The clothes suitable for the changing seasons are specially tailored from fabrics that are chosen with care. The clothes that are made for pregnant women should not only be comfortable but also withstand the climatic changes. The texture of the clothes used to create these special dresses is hand picked with care so that they should not cause any problem to the body or skin. A good designer knows well that the maternity clothes are to take care of, not only a would be mother but also the growing baby in the womb.

Dresses with enough room to stretch for a growing belly and without tight strings or straps to support them are preferred by pregnant women. At the same time the dress should not make her look like an inflated balloon. The skill and imagination of new designers have answers to all such problems.

Apart from summer and winter wears, clothes for special occasions are also available to day. Maternity swimwear suitable throughout all the trimesters are made and marketed in various patterns. One piece maternity bikinis, trousers, tops, skirts, nightwear, lingerie, jeans and T-shirts, and a variety of dresses in different colours and designs are made to meet the growing demands in the markets. A pregnant woman has to go through the extreme conditions of climate. So clothes to suit the changing weather conditions are essential. Naturally, the markets provide clothes for autumn, winter and summer months, and all of them are superbly designed.

For those who cannot afford to buy expensive clothes, there are many shops which offer good quality maternity dresses at affordable rates, thanks to the competitive market. Special discounts are also offered by many of them. There are many shops and websites who are dealing with used but good maternity clothes for the benefit of those who prefer inexpensive ones. A reasonably liberal return policy and offer of free shipping are the special features of many online dealers. Some of the shops buy back the used clothes if they are maintained in good condition.

The maternity clothe stores also offer baby clothing to facilitate shoppers in the advanced stages of pregnancy. Kid's crocs, baby kits, nursery tops, nursing bras etc along with a variety of dresses which the woman can wear after the delivery, are available in such shops. Online shopping is a convenient option for women during the advanced stages of pregnancy when the mobility is restricted.

Monday, April 29, 2013

Help Me Get Pregnant - Simple Things You Can Do That Will Help You Get Pregnant Fast

Many women do not feel complete until they experience giving birth and the happiness that comes with it. The hardest part is getting there, as conception is necessary first. Because of the stress that we deal with, day in and day out, conceiving a baby can be hard. It is important and helpful to know the best and quickest tips. Especially if you're asking "can someone help me get pregnant".

You can increase your chances of getting pregnant by doing a few different things, but there is never a guarantee. You can be on your way to holding your baby by taking the following hints to heart. There is no better feeling than becoming a mom.

1. Having sex on a regular basis, regardless of how crazy and stressful your life may be, is important. To conceive, many believe that you should be having sex, not every day, but every other day.

2. Keep track of your monthly cycles in order to realize when you are ovulating. Women typically ovulate halfway through their cycle, so if yours is 28 days, you should be ovulating around day 14. If you are someone who deals with a period that is irregular, you can calculate the day of ovulating by using an ovulation kit. Your urine contains hormones that will let you know whether or not you are ready to ovulate, just by a safe and easy test.

3. You should know that two days before you ovulate, you are most likely to get pregnant, and this is the prime time for sexual intercourse. His sperm will move towards your egg much easier if your cervical mucous is of the right consistency.

4. Remember that this process takes time and that you should wait up to a year before asking a physician to assist you in becoming pregnant, due to your fertility issues.