Monday, April 15, 2013

Preventing and Relieving Prenatal and Postnatal Depression

Let me first say that I am not a doctor, and that this articles aim is to give you practical suggestions of things you can do to prevent and relieve prenatal and postnatal depression. There really are many things that are right in front of us on a daily basis that can help with this mental state.

It has been scientifically proven that certain activities do effect the chemistry of our brains, our moods and sense of well being. On the surface people only think of the joy of being pregnant; after all we are bringing life into the world; What could be more joyous than that? However, at least lately, woman are finally able to openly recognize some of the not so positive mental and physical aspects of pregnancy.

Post & Prenatal Depression Educational Solution:

Go deeper. What do I mean? Being aware of the way you feel, and not just acting the way you feel is a great start. There are so many great books that will help you get to the point where you begin to do things, physical and mental to direct your own mind and body condition for the result that you desire. One awesome book that is a Oprah book club selection is Eckhart Tolle's A New Earth. If you get just a little of the concepts in this book, you will be better off for it.

Meditation and Yoga battle prenatal and postnatal Depression:

Yes meditation, this stuff is real, I am telling you. It has been proven over and over again to calm and still the mind. You can even meditate on a positive phrase geared toward a specific result. If you think it will be too weird at first, a good way to get into it is through yoga. This form of exercise puts heavy emphasis on deep breathing and this automatically calms the mind.

If you are too hyper to use calming type exercises to get a flood of endorphins running through your body, then find another form of exercise that is more your pace. The point here is that physical activity will improve the way you feel by releasing more and more endorphins or feel good brain chemicals.

Again, these are just suggestion. Exercise has a magical quality that seems to have a positive effect on everything from disease prevention to well, pre and postnatal depression. Ask your doctor before doing anything, but the solution to preventing and relieving prenatal and postnatal depression may be right before you. Oh, you will also look better and recover from baby faster; not bad huh.

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