Saturday, February 23, 2013

Get Pregnant With the Help of Prenatal Care

Most women over 40 can expect to have a healthy pregnancy and a healthy baby with advances in preconception and prenatal care. Prenatal care for women over 40 is important. Women who is planning a pregnancy, their future children, their partners and families need important implications in prenatal medical and obstetrical services.

First pregnancy for women over 40 is different from subsequent pregnancies. Women who have first baby need different information and have different concerns. In the context of prenatal care, age is merely one factor to consider, so age 40 is not an absolute number at which there are health risks for women in pregnancy. Other factors are health status of the mother, medical, nutrition and family histories. There are also health and psychosocial advantages that associated with advanced maternal age. They would be able to choose among a variety of care providers and birth options.

Folic acid supplements are recommended for women for 40 to decrease the risk of neural tube defects. Start to consume Folic acid from 3 months before conception and continue throughout the first trimester of pregnancy. Women who are pregnant or have a planning to get pregnant, take a daily Folic acid supplement is important. Planning carefully is needed for women who have waited to become pregnant and also they should improve their health in the preconception period. To prepare them for parenthood, visit to a health care before pregnancy to make health changes at least 3 months.

In the early 30s, fertility begins to decrease significantly and continues to drop with increasing age. There are certain prenatal complications occur more frequently in the pregnancy of women over 40. Whether the mother is giving birth to a first baby or has given birth previously, the level of risk depends on some pregnancy complications. However, age is an important risk factor for chromosome anomalies in pregnancy.

Prenatal care should be meet in psychological needs of women over 40 who have planning to be pregnant. It is common that they have difficulties of emotional concerns. They need some respect and support. They need to be heard with sensitivity. Moreover, prenatal care is the same for women of all ages, even though there are a few differences, especially in the area of screening tests and diagnostic tests.

Women over 40 are recommended to access prenatal care early in pregnancy to ensure that they have the option of the first trimester. To support women in having the healthiest pregnancy possible, regardless of age; prenatal care is designed to reduce the risks that have a positive impact on women and their growing families.

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