Saturday, February 9, 2013

Marriage in Trouble? 2 Tips to Deal With a Depressed Wife

Is your marriage in trouble but you don't know where to start to fix it up? Well maybe the woman you love is battling depression? If so, you may be discouraged and want to give up. But hang in there! Depression can be devastating but it is something that can be treated. Don't leave her battling it alone. She needs your support as much with this as if she had a physical ailment.

Here are 2 tips for men whose wives are dealing with depression.

1. Help her find the cause.

Understanding what caused the depression may be the answer to getting over it. If she recently had a baby she may be suffering from Postpartum Depression. This is a common occurrence that can range from mild to severe. She may feel like she is not a good mother or she is simply struggling to take care of the newborn. Encourage and help her to get through this by guiding her to seek counseling. Postpartum Depression can be very serious if left untreated.

Premenstrual Depression is another type of psychological problem women can go through. You can tell if this is a problem because there will be a cycle. It will happen regularly a week or two before her period. The nice thing about this type of problem is you know that if you can deal with it calmly it will disappear. Exercise and healthy eating can help her control this type of depression. If it gets severe there is medication that can help, usually in the form of progesterone. If you find your marriage in trouble because of this, be extra patient during this time frame. She can't help herself and feels bad too.

Lastly there is regular depression. Usually this is triggered by something in her life that caused a good deal of stress such as a death in the family, losing a job, or moving away from friends. She needs to seek help and you may have to help her to that. It may seem impossible but it is crucial.

2. Get Her to Seek Help

This is surely easier said than done. However here are three steps you take that can encourage your wife to get the help she needs. It will save a marriage in trouble and possibly it will also help your wife's outlook on life in general.

Only state what is factual and what anyone can see. Don't resort to labels. Don't tell her she is inconsiderate. Simply state that you noticed she hasn't been able to get dinner fixed lately.

Make sure she understands what you mean. Then state - "I don't think you are lazy I just want to understand what is wrong."

Now you can try and encourage her to get help. Now is the time to say, "Let's get help together."

The person you married was most likely not depressed when you married them but things change. If your marriage is in trouble make sure you rule out depression as a cause. And if it is the cause understand you can overcome the problems.

How the Clear Blue Ovulation Monitor Will Help You Get Pregnant Quickly

How long have you tried to get pregnant without success? Many women who wish to get pregnant usually rely on the Clear Blue ovulation monitor to tell them when their most fertile days are coming up. The Clear Blue ovulation monitor, which works like a pregnancy test in some ways, does more than just test your hormone level. Once you urinate on the stick, the Clear blue ovulation monitor will tell you how fertile you are now and give you an indication of how soon you will be fertile.

For women who are desperate to get pregnant, getting an ovulation monitor can be their best course of action. Having such a device will take all the guesswork out of determining during which days of the month you should try to get pregnant. Of course, it's possible to get pregnant any time of the month, but we're obviously much more prone to getting pregnant during those elusive days right smack dab in the middle of the cycle.

The Clear Blue fertility monitor also lets you know when your period is coming up. This is especially helpful if you ordinarily have an irregular period. It's a real bummer when your period shows up when you least expect it. No more will you get "surprised" by your period - you now know when it's coming up!

As all women know, we're least fertile during our periods, so you know you can avoid the time right before your period for getting pregnant. But not all women know when it's going to occur, so the Clear Blue ovulation monitor comes in very handy here. Even if you don't know when you're period is arriving, the monitor will tell you how soon it's coming so you can prepare for your monthly flow and get busy soon thereafter.

I know when I was trying to get pregnant, I kept having trouble keeping track of my most fertile days. I tried using plain old pen and paper and manually counting the days toward my 12-14 days of my cycle. But guess what? That wasn't enough. It turns out, I'm more fertile on days 16-18, which made all the difference between getting pregnant and remaining childless.

Best of all, the Clear Blue ovulation monitor gets to know your body better the more you use it. That means, if you use it for a straight month, it will give you a more and more accurate reading each time you use it the second month.

Understand Unemployment Insurance

Many women have asked about whether there is such a thing as unemployment insurance for maternity leave. In order to get the details, it is best to discuss what unemployment insurance fund is first. When a worker becomes unemployed or is not able to secure a job because of illness or maternity leave, he can avail of the financial aid offered by the unemployment insurance fund, or UIF for short. It can also cover the dependents of the contributing worker if he has passed away. If an employee, excluding public servants, works for over 24 hours within each month, he or she is required to contribute to the UIF. The worker is required to pay 1 percent of his or her salary each month, and the employer will contribute an additional 1 percent. The employer is accountable for the salary deduction which is channelled to the worker's contribution to the fund.

Furthermore, it is the employer's obligation to ensure that all of his or her employees have officially signed up with the UIF, whether they are natives or foreigners of the area. When a worker who contributes to the UIF loses his or her job or is unable to work, he can claim their benefits from the fund. It covers for Unemployment, Maternity, Adoption, Illness, and Death.

A) Unemployment Benefits

If you have been retrenched or dismissed from the job or if your contract has expired, then you as a contributing member can avail of the benefits. However, if you have resigned of your own accord then you are exempted from the coverage.

B) Maternity Benefits

If you are pregnant and have to take a maternity leave, then the UIF can cover for you. You can avail of maternity leave whenever you want from 4 weeks before you are expecting and you can choose not to go back to work for six weeks after you have given birth.

C) Adoption Benefits

UIF can be applied to one who adopt a child whoever are not exceed two years old, and he or she must take a leave to take care of him or her. However, only one of the parents who are adopting will be able to apply for coverage.

D) Illness Benefits

If you are unable to work due to illness for two weeks, then you can be covered with the UIF starting from the date which you have been off of your job.

E) Death Benefits

If a contributing worker has died, the spouse or the child of minor age can be covered with the unemployment insurance fund.

The UIF will cover a percentage of the salary that the contributing worker earned while they were with the fund. The biggest number that can be claimed would be 58 percent of what the worker's daily income. A worker who has been a UIF contributor for over four years can claim coverage to a maximum of 238 days. For those who have been contributors for less than that time, he or she can claim one day every six days that they worked while they were UIF contributors. The unemployment insurance for maternity leave allows the woman to claim to a maximum of 121 days. If you gave used up the coverage but still unable to secure a job or are ill, then there you may apply to get an extension of the UIF benefits. Make sure to prepare for all of the paperwork and other requirements before you apply to claim the benefits from the unemployment insurance for maternity leave, unemployment, illness, adoption or death.

Pregnancy Back Pain at Night

Many women suffer with pregnancy back pain at night. This type of night back pain in pregnancy is called nocturnal back pain. You may have it on its own, or concurrently with low back or sacroiliac pain. There are a couple of different theories as to why night back pain develops during pregnancy. One theory is that it is caused by muscle fatigue from being active all day. By the end of the day, your body becomes more fatigued, and thus you feel more discomfort toward the evening hours. The second theory is that nocturnal back pain is due to water retention. This can lead to edema and an increased volume of blood. This additional water in the body can place pressure on the spinal nerves and muscles, resulting in backaches.

Some women have very severe back pain while sleeping during their pregnancy. The most important thing you can do is to avoid sleeping on your back during pregnancy. Lying on your back, or in the supine position, compresses major arteries and veins, namely the inferior vena cava and the aorta. This decreases circulation and allows fluid pressure to build up in the pelvis, which places pressure on the spinal nerves. As your fetus grows, it also puts more and more pressure on your arteries and veins. The farther along you are in your pregnancy, the more important it is to avoid sleeping on your back. The healthiest sleeping position for you and your baby is on your sides. Resting on your left side will place the least amount of pressure on your spine. In addition to side sleeping, supporting the uterus can help alleviate night back pain.

To properly support your uterus, lay on your side with pillows under your abdomen and between your legs. This will help to support your uterus and keep your spine in a neutral position. There are several wonderful pregnancy pillows that can help to make sleeping much more comfortable. It is also important to make special efforts during the day to adjust your posture in ways that will help prevent muscle fatigue. Be sure to take frequent breaks from standing or sitting. If you must sit or stand for long periods of time, elevate one foot on a low stool or foot rest. Also, wear good, supportive shoes, and avoid wearing high heeled shoes, which place extra strain on the back. It is also possible to manage pregnancy back pain at night by maintaining a regular exercise program. Regular exercise will help strengthen and support the spine, therefore helping to minimize strain and muscle fatigue.

Exercise and postural adjustments will help to minimize night time back pain, but may not completely prevent it. Many women find pain relief in alternative approaches such as acupuncture and massage therapy, though this relief may be only temporary. There are a variety of gentle hands on techniques that can be performed at home, which are also beneficial for relieving pregnancy related back pain. Unfortunately, anti-inflammatory medications such as motrin, advil, and aspirin are contraindicated during pregnancy. The only pain reliever considered safe during pregnancy is acetaminophen. Soaking in a hot tub or whirlpool is not recommended during pregnancy. You may however find a warm, not hot, bath can soothe your sore back. Try adding Epsom salt to a warm bath to help relieve pain.

Tips to Select a Confinement Lady

Every woman is worn out after giving birth to her newborn baby. The nine months of pregnancy are tiring especially for a new mother, and she must have adequate rest after her delivery. Taking care of a newborn demands a lot of patience, expertise and constant work. It is really difficulty to cope up with all this pressure especially during the post natal period and this could lead to postnatal depression. This is why every mother should have someone to take care of her and in the absence of a suitable family member, avail confinement nanny services so that she can properly take care of the baby and herself.

The following tips will help you in the process.

* Hiring a confinement nanny should be done before the first trimester is over. This is because many people avail this facility and bookings need to be made in advance. If you don't start early, you will not be able to get a good confinement lady. Also you need plenty of rest in the ending weeks of pregnancy, so you cannot afford to go through such a rigorous process at a later stage and you don't want to have to settle for just anybody.

* Contact your relatives and friends. There will be at least some mothers who have availed the services of a confinement nanny. You can ask them to recommend someone to you who is well aware of confinement duties and practices and benefited greatly from it

* Experience is key in this field because she can be a great help to you. Not only will she be able to take care of the baby and you, but will manage other household duties side by side. She can also give you very useful tips on how to manage time between your husband and the new member of the family so that nobody gets neglected.

* When you have selected a confinement nanny, thoroughly brief her about her duties and let her know your expected date so that she can arrive at your house before the baby does. Observe how she responds to your questions, is she patient and detailed in explaining? Does she brushes off what you ask? A good nanny

* Most importantly, see if you feel comfortable with her. A lot of things can be said and promised to seal the job but you wouldn't know until your confinement starts. There are cases where confinement ladies are confirmed for a job over the phone from a recommendation from a friend only to realize later that it wasn't so 'good' a recommendation. Everyone's expectations are different so it is advisable to meet her in person and gauge the affinity. And always trust your gut instinct, it goes a long way.

If you don't hire a good confinement lady, then she can be more of a burden rather than a help. Usually if you treat her well and not like your maid, she would also treat you and your baby lovingly. So follow these tips and you should have a well-rested and enjoyable confinement and not troubled with the arrival of the new baby which should always be a great blessing.

The Myth Behind Maternity Insurance

Maternity is a period between conception and birth of the child. For most women and their partners alike, this period is filled with anticipation and excitement as they await the coming of their new baby. But this period can be quite burdensome too to the couple, especially to the mother. Aside from physical and emotional burden they experience, and lifestyle changes they have to deal with, the couple is faced with financial burden as well. Vitamins, maternity clothes, check ups and the baby's stuff are only few of the things they must spend for. To aid expectant mothers get through this very important stage in her life, insurance companies provide assistance through maternity insurance plans.

A maternity insurance provides financial security to women who are in the pregnancy period. This is especially helpful to middle-income mothers who may not be able to pay for high costs of pregnancy and childbirth all at once. It helps them cut maternity costs and allows them to avail of appropriate health care, services and medication they and their child need. There may be some medical assistance programs that also help cut expenses during pregnancy but they are not enough while a maternity insurance covers more maternity expenses.

In the event of any complication that may cause the mother or the baby to stay in the hospital for a longer time and may require an operation or other medical services, the couple can count on the maternity insurance. For instance, if the baby is premature, he or she would have to spend weeks or even months in an incubator. Expenses incurred during the period of incubation may not be covered by existing medical plan but unexpected expenses brought by these eventualities may be covered by maternity insurance plans.

Getting a maternity insurance is one of the best ways one can take care of her baby even when he or she is not yet born. Financial security allows the mother to get the best prenatal care that shall ensure that the baby develops normally. Furthermore, with the help of a dependable maternity insurance company, the couple can eliminate worries on how to pay for pregnancy and childbirth expenses. Going through the maternity period without these worries but instead, with the right attitude and disposition, ensures that the mother can give birth to a child that is physically, mentally and emotionally healthy.

With all the risks involved in pregnancy and childbirth, getting a maternity insurance is a life-saving decision. It helps an expectant mother get through her life's most crucial moment with security and hope. Moreover, maternity insurance is payable in easy installments so she and her husband can surely have more peace of mind. However, it is important to be extra careful in purchasing maternity insurance plan. If you are planning to get maternity insurance, make sure to get it only from a reliable insurance provider to prevent problems in the long run. It would be best to shop around first to know where to get the best maternity insurance policy that shall benefit you and your baby.

Friday, February 8, 2013

What To Take To The Hospital When Having A Baby

The last thing you want to worry about when you go into labor, is trying to figure out what items you need to put in your hospital bag and trying to hunt them down before dashing to the hospital. Ideally you should have your hospital bag packed and waiting by the door by at least 2 weeks before your due date. That way, when the time is right, you can grab your bag and go without any last minute delays or worries.

It is useful to have 2 bags for yourself: one for labor and one for your hospital stay afterwards including your baby item essentials. It is also helpful to have your labor partner pack a bag in advance for themselves and some helpful labor items.

Labor Bag for you:

- Your Birth Plan, if you have one.

- Maternity Bathrobe. This is particularly useful for early stages of labor as you may need to walk around the hospital to progress labor. After the baby you will also need some sort of cover up to a nightgown, particularly if it's the hospital excuse for a nightgown, when you need to walk the corridors.
- Slippers and socks
- A clean nursing top or front-opening nursing nightgown if you prefer to bring your own
- Drinks and snacks and breath mints
- A straw, which will make sipping liquids easier.
- Toiletries (hairbrush, toothbrush, toothpaste, facial cream)
- Lip moisturizer
- Massage oils or lotions
- Eyeglasses (if needed)
- Cell phone and list of important numbers
- Magazines, music, word puzzles. Fun light reading to pass the time. Don't bring heavy involved reading or work from the office! You are looking for fun and mindless distraction to pass the time. Remember, you will be productive enough in a few hours to make up for any unproductive activities during your labor waiting period!
- Maternity pads (nighttime sanitary pads), and spare maternity underwear.
- Nursing bras. If you plan to wear a bra during labor, it is helpful to have a nursing bra on already if you plan to nurse your baby. Usually you will be allowed to nurse right away after birth. Make sure you wear a very comfortable fitting nursing bra, not one with underwires.

For Labor Partner:
Watch with a second hand to time contractions
- Camera/video camera if you want it and film/tape if needed
- Snacks, reading material
- Toiletries (toothbrush, toothpaste..)
- Change of clothes, particularly if they will be staying with you at the hospital for several days after the baby.
- Cell phone/phone card
- List of important numbers
- Dollar Bills for vending machine
- Water Spray/Mister for gentle cool-downs during labor.
- Tennis balls for back massage

Hospital Bag for your Postpartum Use:
Front opening nursing nightie
- Comfy clothes to wear for leaving the hospital. Remember you are not going to be able to wear non-maternity clothes a few days after having your baby! So bring comfortable maternity clothing or transitional clothing. Also, if you have a C-section, the last thing you will want is any pressure on your tummy. A comfortable cotton elastic waistband that fits below the belly or that is designed to fold down bellow the belly for comfort is best.
- Easy fitting footwear
- Change of underwear and maternity pads for heavy bleeding after birth
- Nursing Bras (at least 2). Make sure these are easy fitting nursing bras that do not have underwire. Wear a nursing bra with plenty of room and stretch as you breasts may increase up to a cup in size when you milk comes in.
- Personal music player and headphones
- Magazines and easy reading material. You will be too tired for any heavy reading!

Hospital Bag for Baby:

Last but certainly not least you will want to pack a few things for the new baby:

-Properly installed infant car seat. This is a must if you want to take your baby home with you! Make sure you have your car seat professionally installed several weeks before you go to the hospital. Any fire station can install your car seat for you. An alarming number of car seats are not properly installed by parents.
- Newborn diapers
- Infant hat
- Receiving blankets
- Newborn sleeper or outfits
- Socks/booties

If you have all of these essentials ready to go in advance, you can have peace of mind that you are well prepared when the time comes to have your baby!

4 Virtues of a Great Confinement Nanny

When hiring a confinement nanny, you have to consider what it will be like to spend most of your time with them, day in and day out. If you end up with a nanny that you don't enjoy or who rubs you the wrong way, your confinement period will not be as enjoyable as it should be.

As you search for a great confinement nanny to care for you and your baby, take the following virtues of a great confinement nanny into consideration.

#1: A great nanny will have a positive attitude.

You want a nanny who looks on the bright side and sees all things in a positive light. If they are constantly complaining you will not enjoy being with them, which is not a good thing considering they will be with you for so much time every day. Similarly, if they so uptight and anxious that they seem paranoid over the baby, you will also feel paranoid and uptight.

A good nanny will be laid back and friendly. They will put you at ease even when you feel anxious or uptight yourself. They will look at t he bright side of things no matter what is happening with your health or with the baby.

There are a lot of causes for stress and worry when you are in confinement, but with the right confinement nanny it will be much easier to get through.

#2: Babies will be the main love of a confinement nanny.

When you bring a nanny into your home, she should put your baby first. She should love babies and want to take care of them, rather than seeing them as a bother. You can tell when you have found a confinement nanny who really loves babies when she comes in and automatically scoops the baby up and starts taking care of them.

Your nanny should be as loving and caring toward your baby as you are! There should never be any rough treatment or ignoring your baby during the confinement period.

The right confinement nanny will teach you to take care of your baby and bond with your baby, rather than standing off and watching from a corner. They become an active participant in caring for your new baby.

#3: A good nanny will be just as attentive to your needs as the mother.

While taking great are of your baby, the right nanny should take great care of you. They should watch over you, make sure you get proper amounts of rest, and answer your questions and concerns. They will understand what you are going through and have heard all your questions a million times before, so they know just how to answer to put your mind at ease.

#4: You should be able to verify references for a good nanny.

A great confinement nanny always comes with prior experience. If using an individual nanny, make sure to get references and talk with other women who have used them in a nanny capacity. If you are going through a confinement nanny agency, verify that they only use nannies that have prior experience and adequate knowledge to help you through the confinement period.

It isn't difficult to find a confinement nanny who is experienced and knowledgeable yet friendly, loving and positive in personality. Their presence in the room is going to be felt by you and your baby, so personality is just as important as expertise.

What Is The Best Natural Nutrition For Pregnancy?

We all want to give our babies the best start in life and eating well during pregnancy will do just that. The old myth of eating for two applies more to nutrients not quantity. The trick is to know what you need, why you need it and how to make each mouthful that you do eat really count.

Water, make sure during all of the different stages listed below that you are keeping yourself hydrated with drinking enough water Aim for up to 4 pints per day of mineral water where possible. This will help you keep your skin glowing and elastic, energy levels up and all the important bowels moving!

Nutrition for PreConception

If you are trying to become pregnant there is never a better time to eat well. Imagine planting a seed, you would want it to have the best soil ever and you are the soil for your baby! If you can provide the best home for your new baby then the chances of conception will improve no end. The most important nutrient during this time is folic acid; this is needed for the correct cell division and to prevent spina bifida. Along with that you need good supplies of Vitamin C, E, Zinc, Magnesium, Vitamin B3 and B6, and omega 3 and 6 fatty acids.

First Trimester Tips

This stage is crucial to your baby's development and really the most important nutritionally. During the first trimester your baby would have developed all its major organs as well as finger nails, eyebrows and of course it's little beating heart. All of that is made from what you have eaten! Important nutrients are folic acids, B vitamins as well as essential omega oils and zinc. Your body will also need plenty of iron as blood volume increases and the placenta is made.

If you feel sick during this stage make sure you are taking enough vitamin B6, this can really help to relieve sickness. Drinking enough water, taking regular exercise and eating small frequent meals will help too!

Second Trimester Tips

Your baby has already been formed and what it needs now is to grow! This trimester is when the organs start to mature and the bones and teeth start to harden needing calcium, magnesium and vitamin D. Along with these Vitamin A, C, E, Zinc and essential omega oils will continue to nourish the skin (stretch marks), baby and body.

Third Trimester Tips

This is the time that the baby begins to lay down fat stores. Vitamin C is needed for gums, teeth, bones and blood vessels and of course calcium remains necessary for bones too. Can you believe that your baby can hear you now! Baby's brain is growing faster and faster so essential omega oils remain crucial (in fact they always are!).

Eating small regular meals during this time last trimester. You really won't fancy large meals as there isn't room, but regular highly nutritional meals will help you feel energised, healthy and no heavier than you already feel!

Taking some Magnesium Citrate is good for the muscles to contract during labour and it is worth keeping zinc high to help with all the healing that is needed after the birth. Vitamin K is good for blood clotting, and to prevent haemorrhaging.

Post Natal Tips

Repair, need of energy and of course breastfeeding are all important reasons to keep eating well. If you are breastfeeding you still need nutrients for two and lots and lots of water. Vitamin A, C and E and Zinc are particularly important to repair the damaged tissue as is an amino acid called glutamine. Calcium, magnesium, iron and B vitamins will all have been depleted during the birth so getting these replenished and balanced again is very important and will help you to feel better.

Small frequent meals are often the way to go during this stage too as time is of the essence when there is a new baby in the house! Ask visitors to bring a nutritious meal with them when they visit and ask them to wash up and hoover maybe as well!

Why Zinc?

Zinc is an essential trace element and is very important during pregnancy and the post natal period. Unfortunately a lot of zinc is lost during the refining of foods so a supplement more than likely going to be needed.

Zinc is needed for the breakdown of carbohydrates. It is also involved in every area of reproduction and has been known as the most important trace element for any pregnant woman!

Zinc is required for fertility in both the male and female. It is also necessary for the proper formation of elastin chains in connective tissue so vital for the growth of both belly and boobs! It helps the uterus to contract efficiently and the perineum to stretch.

Adequate zinc levels are required for foetal growth and zinc can help prevent premature births, toxaemia and post natal depression. It's worth noting here that positive maternal instinct can depend to some extent on good nutrition. If your body is out of sorts then so will your mind and instinct be.

If you are deficient when breastfeeding then so will your baby be! Babies with low zinc levels are more likely to be restless and cry which won't help your mood if you are struggling! That in itself makes a zinc supplement worthwhile.


Drink water! You will be losing around a pint a day of fluid so you need to replace this! 2 litres per day minimum is needed! Trust me, when you start feeding you'll be grabbing water to drink. Always try and have glasses or bottles dotted around the house at your feeding points so you can drink all the time. It's vital to form milk and of course to give you energy. Keep some good books around the house too at feeding points as you'll be feeding for a while at the beginning!

As well as water and zinc make sure you are getting enough essential oils in your diet. These are still needed for brain development and of course for luscious skin.

Avoid empty calories and remember that whatever you eat so does your baby! Avoid caffeine, alcohol, curries and highly gaseous foods such as garlic, onions and cabbage. Lots of brown rice and vegetables, oily fish (avoid shellfish) and whole foods are a fabulous way to give your baby all it needs.

Is a Vegetarian Diet ok?

No worries here to still get all you need!

Iron stores can stay up with lots of green vegetables, sunflower seeds, peanuts and dried fruits. Molasses, almonds and parsley are also fabulous ways!

As for Vitamin D... walk outside daily!

If you are vegan you may have to get B12 from a supplement; fortified soya milk or yeast extracts.

Nuts and seeds carry essential fats that you both need.


Carbohydrates whole grains, e.g. rice! Potatoes, beans, pulses, cereals, oats, pasta, dark leafy vegetables, root vegetables, fresh fruit

Protein eggs, tofu, quinoa, tahini, bean sprouts, organic meat, cheese

Essential fats Flax oil (linseed), hemp seed, avocado, green leafy vegetables, soybeans, walnuts, sunflowers seeds, sesame seeds (tahini), almonds, oily fish

Vitamin A carrots, sweet potato, squash, watercress, mango, melon, cabbage, dried apricots

B Vitamins green leafy vegetables, banana, avocado, nuts, watercress, squash, courgette, cabbage, broccoli, fish (sardines, mackerel), mushrooms

Folic Acid spinach, broccoli, peanuts, sprouts, asparagus, sesame seeds, wheat germ

Vitamin C broccoli, green peppers, parsley, oranges, watercress, kiwi, lemon

Vitamin E olive oil, pepper, tahini, nuts & seeds, avocado, sunflower seeds

Vitamin K Brussel sprouts, seaweeds, blackstrap molasses, lentils, peas, cauliflower, beans, peas

Choline lecithin, sardines, anchovies, eggs, soya, peanuts

Chromium brewers yeast, wholemeal bread, rye bread

Iron tofu, beans & pulses, cabbage, watercress, prunes & dates, dried apricots, blackstrap molasses, pumpkin seeds, parsley, almonds

Magnesium green leafy vegetables, soya beans, cashew nuts, almonds, banana, prunes, broccoli, Wheatgerm, brewers yeast, buckwheat flour, brazils

Selenium Molasses, herrings

Zinc wholegrain rice, lentils, pumpkin seeds, almonds, tofu, ginger root, pecans, and split peas

Most importantly, be happy!

Is Ringing Ears During Pregnancy A Common Phenomena?

Pregnancy is an exciting time for an expectant mother, although it can also be one of the most stressful due to the radical changes taking place within the body. As the body changes, strange and sometime unusual phenomena may take place. One such phenomena is a medical condition known as tinnitus, also referred to as ringing in the ears. Tinnitus, or ringing in the ears, does not only affect pregnant women, worldwide one in five individual are affected by the condition.

However, in pregnant women, tinnitus takes on a more troubling dimension because it seems to come from out of nowhere and can be a frightening experience for those who never experienced it. For those who have experienced tinnitus in the past, pregnancy seems to heighten the severity, frequency and duration of the annoying sounds. Needless to say, with the many already aggravations of pregnancy from the morning sickness to the mental doubts, ringing in the ears is an unwelcome presence.

Aspects of Pregnancy Leading to Tinnitus

So, what exactly brings on the ringing ears during pregnancy? Scientific research on the subject has revealed the following connections:

  • High blood pressure has been known to cause or to intensity tinnitus. In pregnant women, blood pressure levels can become elevated and lead to hypertension.

  • The increased levels of emotional and physical stress, coupled with the fatigue experienced by pregnant women also heighten awareness and brings on episodes of tinnitus. It appears that the expectant mothers increased sensitivity to her surroundings also makes her more sensitive to the triggers that cause tinnitus.

  • Depression is common in expectant and new mothers, which is known as pre and postpartum depression. Unfortunately, this medical condition has been known to lead to tinnitus among susceptible individuals.

  • The use of anti-depression drugs have also been known to trigger tinnitus

For some women, the ringing in the ears they experienced during pregnancy does not stop after the baby has been delivered. New mothers are constantly under emotional and physical stress caring for a newborn. Stress is one of the leading causes of tinnitus; therefore, experiencing tinnitus after the baby is born is not an unusual occurrence.

Safe Treatments
Fortunately, there is good news for tinnitus sufferers including expectant mothers. Ringing in the ears can be significantly lessened in intensity, severity and duration, if not completely eliminated during and after pregnancy. Since expectant mothers have to think of the unborn baby, they must seek medical advice before taking any medication to reduce the affects of tinnitus. Your doctor is the best professional to perform diagnostic tests to determine and treat the causes of your tinnitus.

Adapting a healthy lifestyle will help you reduce the symptoms associate with tinnitus. This includes:

  • Avoid possible irritants like loud noises in the environment. Wearing ear plugs when around loud noises to block out loud sounds will help.

  • Use white noise to mask any ringing sounds you may be suffering from. White noise machines can be purchased; however, playing a radio or TV softly in the background is just as effective.

  • Take care of your heart's health. Taking care of your heart will help you avoid high blood pressure. Studies have shown that high blood pressure is one of the causes of tinnitus.

By talking to your doctor and taking the necessary step to prevent or cope with the ring in the ear sounds you hear during your pregnancy, you will be able to enjoy your pregnancy without the unwanted ringing sounds brought on by your pregnancy.

Affordable IVF Treatments - Courtesy of Supplemental Insurance

If your health insurance plan does not cover in vitro fertilization use a two step approach to make your IVF treatments more affordable. First, find an IVF clinic that will provide a refund program. If you qualify medically for the refund, apply for supplemental insurance coverage. You will cover yourself in three ways: rebates if you fail to conceive, a triple return for your normal delivery, and extra protection just in case.

Many couples undergoing in vitro fertilization find that their health insurance plan will not provide coverage. If you find yourself in this situation you may be looking at $10,000 or more in out-of-pocket costs. Plus there is the possible cost of the pregnancy, lost income during maternity leave, along with the extra mouth to feed and clothe. Make your in vitro fertilization treatments more affordable by following this two step approach.

Your first step is to find a fertility clinic that will provide you with a refund or rebate programs. The clinic will reimburse some or all of your costs if you fail to conceive or deliver. You must qualify medically for one of these programs in order to participate. In other words the clinic will agree to refund your money if, based on their experience and data, you will have a successful outcome. This step does two things: it allows you to move forward without having to "waste money" on unsuccessful treatments, and it confirms that you are likely to conceive.

Knowing that you are likely to conceive, buy supplemental insurance before starting your next IVF cycle. Supplemental insurance pays cash benefits directly to you for your normal labor and delivery. Your benefit for normal delivery may be three times what you pay in premium if coverage starts three months before conception. For example, $200 per month in premium may yield a $7,800 benefit for a c-section delivery.

But that's not all you may see in benefit. Supplemental insurance may pay additional benefits if you experience pregnancy complications, premature birth from IVF multiples, postpartum disorders, accidents, or an illness.

Increasing Accessibility: Complimentary Midwifery Care

In the past year, I have had the privilege to attend several births as a student midwife and I can honestly say that each experience has touched me in a special way. I can recall dancing with a woman as she swayed to the rhythm of her contractions; I have dabbed the sweat from many a woman's brow with a cool washcloth in between her "surges". I have even felt the raw power of a woman's determination course through her body as she leaned back into my arms and pushed with all her might to bring her baby into this world. Of course, some of my favorite memories are when women have gently birthed their newborns into my hands as their family watches with pure awe and reverence on their faces as they greet their newest member. They have just witnessed not only the birth of a new baby-they have witnessed the "birth" of a new mother as well. It is moments like these that capture a mere glimpse of the intense beauty and power that make birth so special.

Pregnancy and birth are elements of an incredibly momentous journey into motherhood for a woman. This life changing event can have a profound impact on a woman and her family as each member assumes a new role in relation to the little bundle of joy-mother, father, big brother, big sister, grandparents and others. Since each member of the human race enters this world through their mother's womb, pregnancy and birth have always been normal, elemental human experiences in family life.

Worldwide, hundreds of thousands of babies are born each day-many of whom are birthed into the hands of a midwife. In fact, in most developed countries, the majority of births are attended by midwives. The United States differs in this aspect, however, as midwifery was not allowed to flourish at the turn of the 20th century. At that time, a physician-led campaign attempted to smite the entire midwifery profession, prohibiting many midwives from practice. The shockwaves of this campaign are still felt to this day. Based on a 2010 National Vital Statistics Report, less than 20% of births in the U.S. are attended by midwives.

In developed countries that have an established standard of care that provides access to midwifery care for most, if not all women, their birth outcomes are better than in the U.S. Despite the advances in technology, specialized obstetrical training and astronomical healthcare expenses, the U.S. consistently lags behind in the maternal-neonatal health care statistics. In an excerpt from her book, Into These Hands: Wisdom from Midwives, Geradine Simkin, the Executive Director of Midwives Alliance of North America, tells us: "The U.S. has one of the highest infant mortality rates in the modern world, ranking about thirtieth among developed nations, and the rate is higher for infants of color. Although the U.S. maternal mortality rate has improved over the past century, it has not improved at all since 1982 and appears to be increasing. Our maternal mortality rate is as dismal as some developing nations and the rate is higher for women of color. The safety, reliability, price and performance of our current maternity care system are issues of grave concern." It is clear that the highly interventive, over-medicalized approach to care of women during pregnancy and birth that is so prevalent in the U.S. is not improving outcomes for mothers and babies. What is it about integrating open access to midwifery care into the healthcare system for all women that improves pregnancy and birth outcomes?

Midwives respect the normalcy of pregnancy and birth as a healthy part of the life cycle for women. Throughout the childbearing year, midwives provide holistic support and address concerns regarding the woman's physical, emotional, and social well-being. While providing hands-on support and monitoring during labor and birth, midwives are also committed to utilizing the least amount of technological interventions as necessary. Midwives do not ignore the fact that pregnancy and birth can become vulnerable to pathology or complications, and are not opposed to referring to specialized providers, such as obstetricians, or using technological or pharmacological interventions when there is an indication to do so.

It is true that technological interventions can provide myriad benefits, but midwives appreciate that every intervention also introduces some degree of risk. Take cesarean section for example: cesarean section can be a life-saving tool for both mother and baby, but we cannot ignore that this is a major abdominal surgery that carries the potential for harm. Potential risks of cesarean section include-but are not limited to-hemorrhage, infection, and death. The divergent perspectives on the potential benefits and harms of routinely interventive, highly medicalized care of women during pregnancy and birth that has become the standard in the U.S. is one of the areas that distinguishes midwifery from the field of obstetrics.

The practice of midwifery is supported by a comprehensive body of knowledge regarding the normal reproductive health of women and its potential for motivating a woman to make healthy lifestyle changes. Additionally, midwives spend more time with the women that they work with from appointment to appointment, providing prenatal care and education that is tailored to the individual needs of each woman and her family. Obstetrical practice is also supported by comprehensive knowledge of the reproductive health of women; however, there is a greater focus on the potential for pathology or complications to arise and making a diagnosis. As you can imagine, there is some overlap between the practices in the two specialties which allows midwifery care to serve as a compliment to obstetrical care, when needed. This makes midwifery care appropriate for not only women experiencing healthy, low-risk pregnancies but also for women who are experiencing high-risk pregnancies that require obstetrical management as well.

There are examples of care models, both domestically and internationally, where women receive both midwifery care and obstetrical care during their pregnancy. Those care models have seen a significant reduction in the neonatal mortality rates and a decrease in the rates of birth related trauma, infections, and complications-particularly in rates of pre-term births and of babies who are born with low-birth weights.

One such example of this care model exists at The Birth Place in Winter Garden, Florida. The Birth Place is directed by Certified Professional Midwife, Jennie Joseph who established the "Easy Access Clinic" within The Birth Place where no woman is ever turned away. Through collaborative partnerships with other medical providers in the community, including obstetricians, and the regional hospital, women receiving care at the Easy Access Clinic experienced lower rates of pre-term births, low-birth weights, and cesarean section. For example, according to the March of Dimes, the rates of pre-term births in Florida are approximately 14%. For women receiving care at the Easy Access Clinic, the rate of pre-term birth was less than 2%.

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Surviving an Ectopic Pregnancy

"You will never be able to have a baby, if you get pregnant it will kill you", thus were the words of doom uttered from my shoots straight surgeon. I looked to my left hand and pushed the button, the button to my morphine drip. The morphine that I thought could shut her up. Push the button and the horror of what my surgeon just said to me would be reduced to Never, Never land. What the hell was she thinking? What the hell was she saying? Where the hell am I?

The answers to my desperate questions came in multiple conversations with my mother, my boyfriend, my doctor. I had just lost my baby. How can you lose a baby that you never held? How can you rectify the dreams you had yesterday with the realities of now? Instead of planning for a baby shower, I would be bed ridden for weeks, and heartbroken with nightmares of a beautiful baby girl crying. To this day, I believe my baby was a girl. Although, I will never really know the truth of this little one's sex.

About a month prior to my hand on the morphine drip, I was in love, happy and using birth control. The first sign that something was amiss was the sudden, intense pain in my stomach. Bam, it would hit me, and for about ten minutes or so, I thought I was dying. Now, keep in mind I am prone to hypochondriac symptoms, thus the remarks of impending death. However, the pain would leave, and I would go about my merry way. Then my period started, so any worries of being pregnant vanished.

Nevertheless, the pain did not. It got so bad that one night I called my mother and explained to her what I was going through, she said to call 911. Therefore, like any dutiful daughter, I called. When the paramedics came, I was painless. My predicament, how to explain to these two men that I was not crying wolf, that I had most certainly been in sever pain. I could not explain why it was no longer ripping me apart. Forward to my ER visit, once escorted by the two doubtful paramedics, right into the arms of a very doubtful P.A. I kid you not, he said to me after I explained where the pain was, that "there is nothing there that would cause that kind of pain". So once, I got my pat on the head, and a request for my insurance card, off I was back to my oblivion of what was actually going on in my body.

The next day I bought a home pregnancy test. I sat on my toilet and read the instructions. Peed, and waited. "Oh my God, it's pink, the line is pink", I screamed. I was alone, and sat there, and let the news reverberate throughout my circulatory system. I was going to have a baby. I had to tell my love, tell him we were going to have a baby. I called him at work (I could not wait...not the most opportune time) but what can I say, I was a new expectant mother. He was quite surprised, because we used birth control, but said I will be home as soon as possible. Therefore, that night we sat stunned, planned, and accepted. The next day I went to Planned Parenthood (to this day, I do not know why I did this; I had medical insurance and a doctor). I took the urine test, and it came out negative. I asked the technician, was she sure that I was not pregnant; she said there was no doubt I was not. O.k., forward to the next morning, my period started. Therefore, that was that. No baby.

A week later, I was at work, stopped at a convenience store, walked in and the pain hit me so hard, I crashed to the floor. The proprietor of the store rushed to me, and got me into a chair. He asked if he should call 911. I said no, that I would be o.k. I got in my truck, put her in reverse, and the pain hit again, I ran right into the yellow pole. The yellow pole that is there to prevent people from backing into the house next door. Thank goodness for that yellow pole. "That's it", I said to myself. I went to a friend's house, she called my OB/GYN, made an emergency appointment for me, and then I went home to suffer until the appointment. I called my boyfriend and said that I was in trouble and could he meet me at the doctor's office.

After my doctor gave me a pregnancy test and it came out negative, she sat down to give me the "talk". It could be a sexually transmitted disease, such as Chlamydia. I remember thinking to myself, what the hell has my boyfriend been doing, or better yet, who? I know, not nice. Not nice to come to such quick judgment of the man that I loved. However, I knew that I had just been with him. Then the strangest thing happened, and my world imploded within ten or fifteen minutes. My doctor came back with that same pregnancy test and said it was positive. She then went on to explain that I would need to get to the hospital as quickly as possible for an ultrasound. My boyfriend picked me up and took me to the waiting room at the hospital that was ripe with happy, glowing pregnant woman. We sat there. I remember feeling nothing. I suppose I was numb and scared. I did not know at that moment what was wrong with me.

Forward to me laying on the table and the ultrasound technician is rubbing the hand held device on my stomach looking for the cause of all this trouble. Next thing I know she is screaming for assistance. That is where I black out. That is when my world changed, my first real experience with severe loss. My tube has ruptured and I was being rushed to emergency surgery. I remember waking up for a moment being rushed on a stretcher with my boyfriend at my side saying that he loved me and that everything was going to be o.k.

No, everything was not o.k. I woke up to the words I mentioned at the beginning of this article. I was twenty-two years old and barren. Better yet, not barren but I would be responsible for killing myself if I got pregnant again. The story goes like this; I was pregnant with an ectopic pregnancy and had been bleeding internally for over two weeks. My surgeon said that I was lucky to be alive. That if I would not have called her that day, I would have been dead that night. See, here is the real kicker; part of me did die that night. I lost my child, and the dreams I had of her for one precious day. One day where I planned her life, her clothes, her nursery, her smile, her little digits.

Now, many years have passed since I lost my baby. I have not had any children. Perhaps out of fear that it will kill me. I have since educated myself on what a cauterized fallopian tube is, and that many women have had successful pregnancies with just one tube. However, the words still ring in my ears and in my heart. I suppose it may not make sense to most people, but I also feel as if I would be betraying my baby by moving on, and having children.

For those who have experienced a situation like mine, I am sure you know what it is like not to be able to have a funeral for your lost child. I think finding closure when it comes to an ectopic pregnancy is the most difficult pill to swallow. It is imperative to find a way to come to grips with this type of loss. I suggest finding a way to have your idea of a funeral anyway. Thanks to my mother, we had a small ceremony to help me with moving on. Since this, I have lost my mother as well. One thing that I find comfort in, is knowing that my baby is with her grandmother. I am not the most spiritual of women, yet I believe this with all of my heart.

Lower Back Pain in Early Pregnancy

During pregnancy, women may feel different kind of symptoms such as dizziness, nausea, missed period, and even lower back pain. Pain in the lower back occurs in the first trimester of pregnancy for about 80% of expecting women. Usually, aside from missing one's period, a woman can determine that she is pregnant if she is experiencing regular pains in the back.

Lower back pain in early pregnancy can be caused by many factors. Some of the causes of this back pain are as follows:

• Stretching of the ligaments - a woman's body needs to prepare and stretch itself along the abdominal area for pregnancy. Due to this, pregnant women may feel pains in the lower part of their back.

• Extra weight - during pregnancy, a woman may gain extra weight. Because of that, and along with the weight of the developing fetus, the spinal column cannot support the weight well.

• Posture - as the tummy of a pregnant woman swells, she has the tendency to bend backwards, resulting to pain in her lower back.

• Center of gravity - the woman's body starts to move forward due to the swelling of the uterus.

• Stress - pregnancy is really a stressful time for a woman, both physically and mentally. Because of that, the pelvis weakens and back pain results.

• Hormones - hormones are very much active during pregnancy. Progesterone, a hormone produced by women, may soften the pelvic ligaments and causes back pain.

• Urinary tract infections - UTI can be a cause of back pains, and during pregnancy, women are more prone to have UTI.

Pregnant women should not worry if ever they are experiencing back pain. It is a normal phase of pregnancy. Although there are no ways for them to stop occurring, there are still measures that will help the pain to be bearable. A pregnant woman can do these following steps to minimize the pain they will experience in their lower backs:

• First of all, it is important for a pregnant woman to do exercises during their pregnancy. Try doing back exercises to help lessen the pains in your back. You can do walking, pelvic rocking, stretching, and other back exercises.

• Drink lots of fluid to help ease the pain caused by UTI.

• Take a lot of rest. Pregnant women need a lot of rest, to gain more strength and energy for both her and the baby's health.

• When lying down, placing a pillow on your lower back can help ease the lower the pain in early pregnancy.

• Stop wearing heels and high-heeled shoes during pregnancy. Just wear flats and comfortable footwear to help you achieve more balance.

The mentioned tips above are just some of the remedies and preventive measures that a pregnant woman can do to lessen the discomfort experienced brought about by lower back pain. It is normal for women to experience several uncomfortable and even painful symptoms during pregnancy. These things cannot be avoided, but by doing preventive measures, can make them bearable. Pregnancy is a critical period for every woman, so utmost care must be observed to ensure the safety and health of both mother and child.

Trying to Get Pregnant Fast With 9 Eating Tips to Help Your Fertility

When you are trying to get pregnant fast, but it is not happening yet, so you may not feel so good when you see another people are having a baby. It is a fact that having a baby should not be a difficult mission at all. However, it is a very difficult mission for some couples. Infertility is considered to be the problem that most couples are experiencing.

If you are trying to get pregnant fast, then the food you eat is considered to be the most important thing and the techniques in this article may be able to help solving your problem as well.

First, you need to understand that anything you eat will have an effect on your body. This is the reason why your body should be well prepared before trying to have a baby. In addition, you also need to understand that when you start adjusting your diet in order to prepare yourself for having a baby, this process may take approximately 3 - 12 months before you can see the result.

If you do not know about how to adjust your diet, then below are 9 tips that can be followed.

1. If you are trying to get pregnant fast, then you need to stop smoking. Just keep in mind that the fertility in both you and your partner can be reduced by doing this behavior. In addition, smoking will lengthen your time frame to conceive as well. So, stop smoking is considered to be the first step that you and your partner should follow.

2. Aside from stop smoking, both you and your partner should stop drinking alcohol as well.

3. If you are trying to get pregnant fast, stop having any form of caffeine is highly recommended. Even there is no official evidence to prove this, but having caffeine is not good for your health anyway.

4. You should try to eat more fresh fruits and vegetables every day because they have higher nutritional content and low levels of pesticides.

5. You should try to drink lots of water, eight glasses per day is highly recommended because the excess toxins can be flushed out of your body.

6. If you are trying to get pregnant fast, you do not have to eat much, but small portions should be taken in every 3 hours. Besides, this method can help sustaining your blood sugar levels as well. Progesterone will be blocked and your body will release too much adrenalin when your blood sugar is dropping. This is considered to be a good condition for people who are trying to have a baby.

7. Adding zinc in your diet is highly recommended because zinc is considered to be very important for fertility and lower the chance of miscarriage in women, and producing quality sperm in men. Zinc can be easily found in pumpkin seeds, cashew nuts, and crab meat.

8. If you are trying to get pregnant fast, you should try to take vitamin B, especially vitamin B6 which can help balancing your hormones. Vitamin B6 can be found in bananas, sunflower seeds, lentils, tinned salmon, and chicken. Vitamin B12 is also good for your cellular reproduction in women, and good for increasing sperm count for men. Vitamin B12 can be found in lamb, sardines, chicken, and marmite.

9. If you are trying to get pregnant fast, having more fiber foods is recommended since your system will stay clean and this method is good for fertility as well.

However, before adjusting your diet as mentioned, just make sure that you are fine. If you have any health problems, then you need to see your doctor and fix the problems before start adjusting your diet.

Healthy Pregnancy Tips - Protect Your Unborn Baby Against These Dangers


Where a gene has been altered or suddenly changed in some way, the resulting gene abnormality may be passed on to the child. These abnormalities are known as mutations, and are, fortunately, rare. Some mutations may be caused by exposure to radiation. X-rays or chemicals, but many are spontaneous, and once the change has taken place there is no cure (although some of the diseases caused can be cured). If a man or woman has a condition caused by a mutation, such as congenital dwarfism (stunted growth), it may be passed on through the sperm or the egg cells to any children.

Environmental factors

Some congenital disorders may be caused by environmental factors, or environmental and hereditary factors linked together. Environmental factors are circumstances outside the body that affect the physical and mental development of the fetus and the child.

Examples of these factors are:

  • Geographical location. (For example, Scotland has a higher percentage of heart disease than the rest of the United Kingdom.)

  • Social environment. Poor health care, inferior housing and diet can produce a higher risk of congenital disorders.

  • Education. Poor general or health education can result in people being unaware of what causes congenital handicap, and of the advice and treatment available.

  • We can provide a good or a bad environment for children. A good environment will include sound antenatal and postnatal care, healthy living conditions, clean air and water, and opportunities for intellectual and emotional development. A poor environment can produce stunted physical growth, retardation in learning and intellectual development, and emotional problems.

Disease or deficiency while in the womb

Some congenital diseases can be contracted during the nine months of pregnancy by the infection being passed from the mother to the fetus. A typical example is rubella (German measles), which, if it does not result in a miscarriage for the mother, may cause deafness, cataracts or deformity in the child. Other virus infections can also be dangerous. Diseases as different as syphilis (an STD, now rare) and diabetes in the pregnant woman can cause severe problems for the unborn child. A poor or inadequate diet during pregnancy can make the fetus suffer a shortage of vitamins and minerals, resulting in a deficiency disease, and some drugs during pregnancy can have harmful effects. One of the most tragic cases occurred when pregnant women in the early 1960s were prescribed Thalidomide (a sedative), and a number of their babies were born with extremely serious limb deformities; but some antibiotics, steroids and hormones can be harmful to the unborn child too. Pregnant women should take only medicines that have been carefully selected to avoid harming the fetus.

The Most Effective Herbal Treatment For Infertility

Infertility problems today are raging. A lot of couples today seek medical attention but to no extent. They have given so much time and effort, not to mention the expense, but still they couldn't find the best herbal treatment for infertility problem. Still there are a few medical practitioners who advice their patients to try the use of herbal medicine that these couples don't know the most effective treatment for the disorder.

Herbal medicine is the study or use of medicinal herbs to prevent or treat diseases or to promote health and healing. It may be a drug or preparation that is made from plant or plants that is used for treatment or promotion of health. Moringa Oleifera is considered as the most effective herbal treatment for infertility.

Moringa Oleifera is also called ben oil tree, horseradish tree, drumstick tree or sahijan is a short, slender, perennial tree about twenty five to thirty feet tall. It is also called "The Multi-Purpose Wonder" because of it usefulness. Every part of the tree can be used either for a dish to taste better or other things or a lot of nameless benefits.

Moringa Olfeira contains nutritional values such as:

Vitamin C - is the safest and most effective nutrient for the body. Not only that it helps the maximum absorption of Vitamins A, D, E and K but it is also an effective cure for the common colds and helps improve the immune system. The benefits of vitamin C also include the protection against cardiovascular diseases, prenatal health problems and eye disease. It is also promotes healthy skin.

Vitamin A - is also called retinol and a fat soluble vitamin and helps your eyes adjust to light and keeps your body's mucous membranes moist. Vitamin A also has antioxidant properties which help neutralize free radicals in the body that cause tissue and cellular damage.

Calcium - is good for your bones and teeth. Most people do not have or fail to include Calcium in their diet which results to Calcium insufficiency. It is important to include calcium in the diet because it helps to strengthen the bones and teeth. In addition, Calcium plays a great role in the sperm motility.

Potassium - helps neutralize fluid and electrolyte balance in the cell. It helps prevent high blood pressure, promotes regular contraction, regulates transfer of nutrients to the different cells in the body and maintains the water balance in the body tissues and cells.

Protein - is essential to the structure and function of all living cells and viruses.

The Moringa Olfeira leaf contain 7 times the Vitamin C in oranges, 4 times the Vitamin A in carrots, 4 times the Calcium in milk, 3 times the potassium in banana and 2 times the protein in yoghurt. All of which significantly help a man or a woman's fertility level. You not only can achieve a well and sound healthy body but you can also treat your infertility problem with this herb.

Can a Pregnancy Due Date Calculator Help Me?

To tell you when your baby is due, your doctor will use a pregnancy due date calculator. After you have it confirmed that you are pregnant, you will probably experience different emotions and feelings - excitement, nervousness, and fatigue. The next step is usually to fix an appointment with your doctor. But perhaps you would rather not wait that long to find out when you can hold your precious baby in your arms.

Of course, your doctor will be the best authority to tell you when your baby is due; but you can use an online pregnancy calculator to find out the tentative date of arrival of your baby. This is a tool that uses the following information to calculate the pregnancy due date.

*You would need to know the first day of your last menstrual period.

*You can get accurate results if you know your body's cycle.

Pregnancy due date calculators can be surprisingly accurate. The pregnancy usually lasts 266 days. It is assumed that the time from the last period to the day on which you conceived is a fortnight. These calculations can help you find out your due date, and the formula is simple. You only have to add 280 days to the date on which you had your last period to figure out your estimated date of delivery. But even though you do the research, your doctor will have the last word on confirming the due date.

Many doctors use the pregnancy due date calculator even before an ultrasound test. After a comprehensive examination, be prepared to hear your doctor's estimation of the due date, which could be different from yours by a few days or weeks. This is because your doctor has had the advantage of a full physical exam.

There is one more way to use the pregnancy due date calculator. Suppose you can recall with conviction the actual date on which you conceived, which means you would need to specify the day on which your had sexual intercourse during your ovulation cycle, you can simply add 266 to that date and you would get an almost accurate due date. You must know your body's ovulation cycle and keep track of when you had sexual contact. Yet, no matter what, it is preferable that you go by your doctor's evaluation.

For the most part, it is fun to use the pregnancy due date calculator after you discover that you are pregnant, particularly when you are eager to know when your baby is due. Obviously your findings are no substitute, as you will need the doctor's endorsement. Nevertheless, it can give great pleasure just to know the approximate date when you can expect your baby.

Since a pregnancy is expected to last for 40 weeks from first day of your last menstrual period, or 38 weeks from the date on which you conceived, this is all the information you need to get an estimate of your due date with a pregnancy due date calculator, especially if you are the sort who has a regular menstrual cycle.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Women Empowerment - Myth Or Reality

You can tell the condition of a nation by looking at the status of its women.

- Jawaharlal Nehru

Empowerment of any section of a society is a myth until they are conferred equality before law. The foundation of freedom, justice and fraternity is based on the recognition of the inherent dignity and of equal and inalienable rights to all the members of the society. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights adopted and proclaimed by the General Assembly of the United Nations on 10th December 1948, envisaged in Article 2 that "every one is entitled to all the rights and freedoms set forth in this declaration without distinction of any kind."

It has traditionally been accepted that the thread of family weaves the fabric of Indian society. Women are considered as the hub center of the family. Still, in the era of political domination by foreigners, the women in India suffered most. A few social reform measures were taken towards the later 19th and early 20th century during the British regime. The inception of Mahatma Gandhi in the National freedom movement ushered a new concept of mass mobilization. Women constituted about 50% of the country's total population, he, therefore, involved women in the nation's liberation movement. The mass participation of women directly in the freedom struggle was the great divide in the history of (Feminist movement) empowerment of women. They shed age-old disabilities and shared the responsibility of liberation of their motherland with their counter parts. The freedom of India thus became synonymous with the empowerment of women. In this context the date of India's political freedom (August 15, 1947) is a landmark in the history of women empowerment in India. It brought in its wake a great consciousness in our society for human dignity. It was realized that every citizen of independent India be accorded equal treatment under the law.

This is the urban age and Women along with men are here to make an impact, let's not ignore them, let's listen and prioritize them. In almost all societies through history, Women have occupied secondary position vis-à-vis men.

Women's rights and issues have always been a subject of serious concern of academicians, intelligentsia and policy makers. From pastoral society to contemporary information and global society, the role of Women has changed drastically. The role of a typical "Grihani" (house wife) who catered to all the requirements of the house holds including the rearing and upbringing of children in various sub roles of daughter, daughter-in-law, wife, mother, aunt etc. has been played quite efficiently. The continuity of changes in socio-economic and psycho-cultural aspects of human living has influenced the role of Women. With the process of Industrialization, Modernization and Globalization showing its deep impact on the human society all over the world, the role and responsibilities of Women has attained new definition and perspective. Further this has also led to addition of responsibilities and widened the role of Women who also shares the financial responsibilities.

The Women issues have received tremendous attention in the planning circle and in wide intellectual discussions and forums at national and global platforms. However the existing lacuna in the formulation and execution of the policies has not changed the grass root situation to a great extent. On the encouraging front, in the South Asian countries there have been relatively increasing economic participation in past one decade. Statistically the rate of literacy among Women has also increased. The educational and occupational patterns have also changed and widened with Women entering the domains, which till decade back was considered to be dominated by men. Further there has been encouraging rise in the percentage of the Women joining service sector especially Banking and Information Technology. In the background of the gigantic transformation, the core issue, which still remains unanswered, is that of Women's right and empowerment.

The Women rights are the means by which a dignified living is ensured thereby safeguarding her privileges. Thus the basic fundamental rights of speech, freedom and decision-making are her basic rights as an individual and citizen. The right for education and employment are significant for Women development and national development in the wider sense. The power and freedom to exercise these rights is Women empowerment. Women rights and empowerment are not independent of each other. The Women empowerment can only be facilitated only if she is able to exercise her right in the socio-economic spheres of decision-making.

India, with a population of 989 million, is the world's second most populous country. Of that number, 120 million are Women who live in poverty.

India has 16 percent of the world's population, but only 2.4 percent of its land, resulting in great pressures on its natural resources.

Over 70 percent of India's population currently derives their livelihood from land resources, which includes 84 percent of the economically-active Women.

India is one of the few countries where males significantly outnumber females, and this imbalance has increased over time. India's maternal mortality rates in rural areas are among the worlds highest. From a global perspective, Indian accounts for 19 percent of all lives births and 27 percent of all maternal deaths.

"There seems to be a consensus that higher female mortality between ages one and five and high maternal mortality rates result in a deficit of females in the population. In the year 1990 it was estimated that deaths of young girls in India exceed those of young boys by over 300,000 each year, and every sixth infant death is specifically due to gender discrimination." Of the 15 million baby girls born in India each year, nearly 25 percent will not live to see their 15th birthday.
The Indian constitution grants Women equal rights with men, but strong patriarchal traditions persist, with Women's lives shaped by customs that are centuries old. In most Indian families, a daughter is viewed as a liability, and she is conditioned to believe that she is inferior and subordinate to men. Sons are idolized and celebrated. May you be the mother of a hundred sons is a common Hindu wedding blessing.

The origin of the Indian idea of appropriate female behavior can be traced to the rules laid down by Manu in 200 B.C.: "by a young girl, by a young woman, or even by an aged one, nothing must be done independently, even in her own house". "In childhood a female must be subject to her father, in youth to her husband, when her lord is dead to her sons; a woman must never be independent."


The exceptionally high rates of malnutrition in South Asia are rooted deeply in the soil of inequality between men and Women.

This point is made in the article, The Asian Enigma, published by Unicef in the 1996 Progress of Nations, in which the rates of childhood malnutrition in South Asia are compared with those in Africa. We learn that malnutrition is far worse in South Asia, directly due to the fact that Women in South Asia have less voice and freedom of movement than in Africa despite the fact that in comparison to Africa , Asia is far more better in terms of economy.


India's maternal mortality rates in rural areas are among the highest in the world.
A factor that contributes to India's high maternal mortality rate is the reluctance to seek medical care for pregnancy - it is viewed as a temporary condition that will disappear. The estimates nationwide are that only 40-50 percent of Women receive any antenatal care. Evidence from the states of Bihar, Rajasthan, Orissa, Uttar Pradesh, Maharashtra and Gujarat find registration for maternal and child health services to be as low as 5-22 percent in rural areas and 21-51 percent in urban areas.

Even a woman who has had difficulties with previous pregnancies is usually treated with home remedies only for three reasons: the decision that a pregnant woman seek help rests with the mother-in-law and husband; financial considerations; and fear that the treatment may be more harmful than the malady.


"Working conditions result in premature and stillbirths."

The tasks performed by Women are usually those that require them to be in one position for long periods of time, which can adversely affect their reproductive health. A study in a rice-growing belt of coastal Maharashtra found that 40 percent of all infant deaths occurred in the months of July to October. The study also found that a majority of births were either premature or stillbirths. The study attributed this to the squatting position that had to be assumed during July and August, the rice transplanting months.


"Women and girls receive far less education than men, due both to social norms and fears of violence."

India has the largest population of non-school-going working girls.

Although substantial progress has been achieved since India won its independence in 1947, when less than 8 percent of females were literate, the gains have not been rapid enough to keep pace with population growth: there were 16 million more illiterate females in 1991 than in 1981.


"Women work longer hours and their work is more arduous than men's. Still, men report that "Women, like children, eat and do nothing."

Women work roughly twice as many as many hours as men.

Women's contribution to agriculture - whether it be subsistence farming or commercial agriculture - when measured in terms of the number of tasks performed and time spent, is greater than men. "The extent of Women's contribution is aptly highlighted by a micro study conducted in the Indian Himalayas which found that on a one-hectare farm, a pair of bullocks works 1,064 hours, a man 1,212 hours and a woman 3,485 hours in a year."


Women's work is rarely recognized.

Many maintain that Women's economic dependence on men impacts their power within the family. With increased participation in income-earning activities, not only will there be more income for the family, but gender inequality should be reduced. This issue is particularly salient in India because studies show a very low level of female participation in the labor force. This under-reporting is attributed to the frequently held view that Women's work is not economically productive.
Women's employment in family farms or businesses is rarely recognized as economically productive, either by men or Women. And, any income generated from this work is generally controlled by the men. Such work is unlikely to increase Women's participation in allocating family finances. In a 1992 study of family-based texile workers, male children who helped in a home-based handloom mill were given pocket money, but the adult Women and girls were not.


"Violence against Women and girls is the most pervasive human rights violation in the world today."
"Opening the door on the subject of violence against the world's females is like standing at the threshold of an immense dark chamber vibrating with collective anguish, but with the sounds of protest throttled back to a murmur. Where there should be outrage aimed at an intolerable status quo there is instead denial, and the largely passive acceptance of 'the way things are."

Male violence against Women is a worldwide phenomenon. Although not every woman has experienced it, and many expect not to, fear of violence is an important factor in the lives of most Women. It determines what they do, when they do it, where they do it, and with whom. Fear of violence is a cause of Women's lack of participation in activities beyond the home, as well as inside it. Within the home, Women and girls may be subjected to physical and sexual abuse as punishment or as culturally justified assaults. These acts shape their attitude to life, and their expectations of themselves.

In recent years, there has been an alarming rise in atrocities against Women in India. Every 26 minutes a woman is molested. Every 34 minutes a rape takes place. Every 42 minutes a sexual harassment incident occurs. Every 43 minutes a woman is kidnapped. And every 93 minutes a woman is burnt to death over dowry.

One-quarter of the reported rapes involve girls under the age of 16 but the vast majority are never reported. Although the penalty is severe, convictions are rare.


Legal protection of Women's rights have little effect in the face of prevailing patriarchal traditions.
Be it in the case of Marriage:

"Women are subordinate in most marriages."

Child Marriages

"Child marriages keep Women subjugated."


Women are kept subordinate, and are even murdered, by the practice of dowry.


Divorce is not a viable option.

Divorce is rare - it is a considered a shameful admission of a woman's failure as a wife and daughter-in-law. In 1990, divorced Women made up a minuscule 0.08 percent of the total female population.

Maintenance rights of Women in the case of divorce are weak. Although both Hindu and Muslim law recognize the rights of Women and children to maintenance, in practice, maintenance is rarely set at a sufficient amount and is frequently violated.


Women's rights to inheritance are limited and frequently violated.

In the mid-1950s the Hindu personal laws, which apply to all Hindus, Buddhists, Sikhs and Jains, were overhauled, banning polygamy and giving Women rights to inheritance, adoption and divorce. The Muslim personal laws differ considerably from that of the Hindus, and permit polygamy. Despite various laws protecting Women's rights, traditional patriarchal attitudes still prevail and are strengthened and perpetuated in the home.


The World Bank has identified empowerment as one of the key constituent elements of poverty reduction, and as a primary development assistance goal. The Bank has also made gender mainstreaming a priority in development assistance, and is in the process of implementing an ambitious strategy to this effect. The promotion of Women's empowerment as a development goal is based on a dual argument: that social justice is an important aspect of human welfare and is intrinsically worth pursuing; and that Women's empowerment is a means to other ends. A recent policy research report by the World Bank, for example, identifies gender equality both as a development objective in itself, and as a means to promote growth, reduce poverty and promote better governance. A similar dual rationale for supporting Women's empowerment has been articulated in the policy statements put forth at several high level international conferences in the past decade (e.g. the Beijing Platform for Action, the Beijing declaration and resolution, the Cairo Programme of Action, the Millennium Declaration, and the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women.

Yet to date neither the World Bank nor any other major development agency has developed a rigorous method for measuring and tracking changes in levels of empowerment. In the absence of such measures, it is difficult for the international development community to be confident that their efforts to empower women are succeeding and that this important Millennium Development Goal will be achieved.

Thus, this review attempts to the following:

1. An indication of the different ways in which empowerment has been conceptualized;

2. A critical examination of some of the approaches that have been developed to measure and track changes in Women's empowerment;

3. An examination of some of the ways in which the effects of policies and programmatic interventions to promote Women's empowerment have been measured;

4. A summary of the evidence on how Women's empowerment affects important development outcomes such as health, education, fertility behavior, income levels, etc.

How Should Empowerment be Operationally Defined?

"Empowerment" has been used to represent a wide range of concepts and to describe a proliferation of outcomes. The term has been used more often to advocate for certain types of policies and intervention strategies than to analyze them, as demonstrated by a number of documents from the United Nations, the Association for Women in Development, the Declaration made at the Micro-credit Summit, and other organizations. Feminist activist writings often promote empowerment of individuals and organizations of Women but vary in the extent to which they conceptualize or discuss how to identify it.

Relevant studies describe empowerment as "the enhancement of assets and capabilities of diverse individuals and groups to engage, influence and hold accountable the institutions which affect them." In general, Women do not take a central place in much of the literature on social inclusion or empowerment.

The Process of Empowerment

There are various attempts in the literature to develop a comprehensive understanding of empowerment through breaking the process down into key components.


Measuring Empowerment from a Universalist Perspective

As we move from a discussion of conceptualizing empowerment to measuring it, it is important to note that measures of empowerment must involve standards that lie outside localized gender systems and a recognition of universal elements of gender subordination.

As we move from a discussion of conceptualizing empowerment to measuring it, it is important to note that measures of empowerment must involve standards that lie outside localized gender systems and a recognition of universal elements of gender subordination (Sen and Grown 1987; Bisnath and Elson 1999; Nussbaum 2000). It is clear from the literature on gender and empowerment that the role of gender in development cannot be understood without understanding the socio-cultural (as well as political and economic) contexts in which development takes place. The concept of empowerment only has meaning within these specific contexts. At the same time, operational definitions (e.g. definitions embodied in indicators to be applied in the context of development assistance policies, programs, and projects) should be consistent with the spirit of international conventions to which countries providing international development assistance have been signatories. The approach based in universal human rights offers the best operational framework for this task.

Because empowerment is multi-dimensional, researchers must use care in constructing index or scale variables relating to empowerment Such variables may mask differential effects of interventions on distinct aspects of empowerment. Inappropriate combining of items relating to gender and empowerment may also mask differential effects of the component variables on outcomes of interest.


Empowerment is Context Specific

One of the major difficulties in measuring empowerment is that the behaviors and attributes that signify empowerment in one context often have different meanings elsewhere. For example, a shift in women's ability to visit a health center without getting permission from a male household member may be a sign of empowerment in rural Bangladesh but not in, for example, urban Peru. Context can also be important in determining the extent to which empowerment at the household or individual level is a determinant of development outcomes.


There are certain critical paradigms, which need to be examined from the point of view of women issues.

1. Constitutional Provisions and Policies: The principle of gender equality is enshrined in the Constitution of India (in the Preamble and fundamental rights) where by the constitution upholds and grants the equality to women. The National commission for women, which was set up in 1990 through an Act of Parliament to safeguard the rights and legal entitlements of women, is considered to be the apex body to ensure rights and work towards the women empowerment. In terms of five-year plans the fifth five-year plan (1974-78) is considered to be very crucial from the point of view of women development with 1975 being declared as International Year of Women.
The 73rd and 74th Amendments of constitution of India in 1993 are landmarks to ensure political empowerment of women. These provisions surely ensure of legal protection of women's rights, but socio-economic rights of freedom and decision-making is still not realized to the extent of social empowerment. One of the reasons is the rigid patriarchal structure of the Indian Society.

National Policy for the empowerment of women (2001):

The goal of the National Policy for the empowerment of women is to bring about the advancement, development and empowerment of women. Some of the specific objectives of this policy are: a) Creating an environment through positive economic and social policies for full development of women to enable them to realize their full potential, b) Equal access to health care, quality education at all levels, career and vocational guidance etc, c) Elimination of discrimination and all forms of violence against women and girl child.

The policy also provides for economic empowerment through poverty eradication, micro credit programmes, training of women to facilitate them in playing efficient role in agriculture and industry. The social empowerment of women is facilitated through effective provisions of Education, Health, Nutrition, Drinking water and Sanitation, gender sensitization etc. Elimination of all forms of violence against women, physical and mental, whether at domestic or societal levels, including those arising from customs, traditions and accepted practices.

The effective implementation of the policy at all levels can be a gigantic step for women development and can set an example for other countries in South Asia.


Empowerment of women is a gradual and complicated process. It involves changing the way of thinking of the whole society. From long time it has been stamped on the minds of the people that women are inferior to men. It is not easy to change the stubborn attitude of the people. In rural India, Women have inadequate access to education, health facilities, healthy diet etc.

In India gradually the percentage of working women is rising. Only by contributing towards income of the family the women can get rid of the status of "burden".

Entrepreneur women can positively contribute to attain the goal of women empowerment. Entrepreneurship provides women for what she is longing for - control over the resources and power of decision making. Such women can help in poverty alleviation by providing job opportunities for many other deserving women.

Surveys have proved that a large percentage of educated but not trained women are present in the country. Such women can be given training in a specific field like making homemade papads or pickles, handicrafts and many such things and can start their own small enterprise.

Self-employment is a blessing for poor and deserving women as sufficient job opportunities are not available in the country. In small sector, the women may be owner of the enterprise may be a manager or controller or may be a worker in the enterprise.

Tenth plan is initiating women empowerment by implementing specific strategies like such social environment would be created by providing necessary services so that women would be proficient to utilize their potential, To make the women economically self-reliant, proper training would be provided to them. Equal rights for the women would be provided so that there is no social, political discrimination against her.

In the present scenario, where phenomenal advancements are occurring in each and every sphere, women empowerment has become crucial for alleviating poverty and procuring over all growth.
We can not abscond the fact that Women's rights are human rights and should be treated as such. .The fact that women's rights need to be safeguarded in every country of the world cannot be overemphasized. In a historic decision, the Rajasthan government is changing the service rules to punish employees who are found guilty of torturing their wives. As reported in a national daily, the punishment could involve sacking and action would correspond the crime, with punishments including suspension and stoppage of increments.

A small step forward in terms of marriage was taken when the Hindu Marriage Act was enacted in 1955. The term Hindu in this case includes Buddhists, Jains, Sikhs and their denominations. Several laws have been enacted including the Child Marriage Restraint Act of 1929 and the current Special Marriage Act,1954 which governs civil marriages. In this Act, for a boy and girl to get married they must have completed 21 and 18 years of age respectively. Bigamy is prohibited in this Act and each party is expected to give consent to the marriage. For a civil marriage, three witnesses are necessary. Progressive laws such as these protect the woman. Under the Islamic law, marriage is considered a contract and a nikaah is performed with several do's and don'ts. The Parsis are governed by the Parsi Marriage and Divorce Act, 1936. Christians are governed by the Christian Marriage Act, 1872 and the marriage usually takes place in a church.

The report on the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW) released by the Government recently mentions the steps taken by it to contain the negative impact of restructuring of the economy that India has embarked upon. The Government of India made special efforts to increase its support for social sectors and started a number of schemes aimed at the poor, particularly poor women and women in the informal sector. These include the Rashtriya Mahila Kosh and the Mahila Samakhya programs.

Keeping in line with the governmentýs policy on equal opportunity, there are 65 women in senior positions in the Indian Foreign Service around the world. For the first time after Independence the highest post in the Foreign Service, is to be occupied by a female foreign secretary, Chokila Iyer. It is commendable that despite various hurdles and mindsets, the Government has managed to ensure equal career opportunities for women.

The government has taken a number of steps and enacted a number of legislations to protect and safeguard women and ensure that their rights are not abused. One such measure is the Maternity Benefits Act, 1961.


We propose the following next steps for moving forward the agenda on measuring women's empowerment:

1. Development of a framework of domains or dimensions that can be applied across settings would be the natural next step for building on the strengths of the existing literature on the conceptualization of empowerment. Procedures for determining indicators for each domain, at different levels of aggregation, and across contexts, should also be developed. This effort would move the measurement of women's empowerment agenda forward considerably by allowing for greater specification of exactly what aspect of empowerment-i.e. which dimension-is of interest, and realistic specifications of the type of change that can be expected over a specific period of time, and given specific interventions. It would also move forward efforts to develop context-specific measures that more closely resemble what they are meant to measure and reduce the reliance on proxy measures.

2. Better, more coordinated efforts at data collection are needed. For example, the process component of women's empowerment cannot be effectively captured in any measurement scheme without the availability of data across time. Attention to process also requires a discussion of the appropriate time periods for data collection of various types of indicators. At the aggregate level, a broader range of more sophisticated, gender- disaggregated data are needed with regard to the labor force, market conditions, legal and political rights, political and social processes. At the household level, data need to be more frequently collected for important, but relatively under-utilized indicators such as time use or violence against women.

3. Greater attention to measuring women's empowerment at "meso" levels is required along with efforts at documenting the impact of program and policy interventions. For programmatic and policy evaluation, existing models of monitoring and evaluation that are effective need to be tapped, and their adequacy for women's empowerment as an outcome or intermediary process should be assessed. At a minimum, quasi-experimental evaluation designs and the collection of baseline and endline data must be considered in implementing programs aimed at empowering women. Measurement of institutional and normative change in communities requires new and innovative approaches. One approach to consider is the business school model of case studies. Documentation through narratives which are then analyzed using qualitative techniques would be another option. Exploration of the work on collective action may also provide further guidance. This is clearly an area where a review of lessons learned from related efforts and cross- disciplinary approaches would be helpful.

4. Greater interdisciplinary engagement is necessary to develop indicators and approaches that capture the key elements of women's empowerment, have scientific merit, and acceptability among important stakeholders. Although at this stage we have drawn only from literature that has been at the core of the discourse on women's empowerment, it is clear that continued efforts at moving this work forward would benefit from drawing on a wide range of disciplines. Moreover, based on what we reviewed from sociology, demography, economics, and anthropology, it is clear that there is overlap, but not much interaction across disciplines. Further interdisciplinary engagement would greatly facilitate the task of translating the current consensus on conceptualization to the actual measurement of women's empowerment.


As UN Secretary General Kofi Annan has stated, "Gender equality is more than a goal in itself. It is a precondition for meeting the challenge of reducing poverty, promoting sustainable development and building good governance."

In a globalizing world, gender equality and empowerments of women are vital tools-to achieve sustainable developments of societies, and are even admitted by the fools!
Still, the violence towards women is an epidemic against which no country is immune-
And today, we face the greater challenges of human rights and a non-melodious tune!
In the arena of politics, the poor are excluded from governance, regardless of the gender- And women are victims of other people's decisions 'Cause they are assumed to be tender! So the entire spectrum of women's roles to combat poverty, hunger, and disease- Need to be re-examined under the new Millennium lights before the roles decease! Impacts of modern conflicts now affect the global women and girls without a doubt- But they're neither initiators nor prosecutors of conflicts, or matching game of shout! Determined efforts must be taken to end the impunity surrounding this lamentable claw- And the perpetrators must be brought to justice, and told that they are not above the law!

Only through action to remedy discrimination against women can the vision of India's independence - an India where all people have the chance to live health and productive lives - be realized.