Saturday, January 11, 2014

Hospital Confinement Indemnity - Help For Extra Expenses

If you have ever been in the hospital, or had a family member in the hospital, then you know how expensive it can be. If you don't have hospital confinement indemnity insurance, then you really should consider it. Not only are medical cost high, but there are always other cost involved in a hospital stay. Usually a loved one, or caregiver, will come to the hospital every day to make sure you get everything you need, and to keep you company. It doesn't take long before all those extra expenses start to add up, and cause a financial strain. Here are some of the cost that may be incurred.

1. Fuel cost of driving back and forth to hospital.
2. Cost of caregiver eating out.
3. Lost wages of person hospitalized, or caregiver.
4. Possible babysitting fees for caregivers children.
5. High deductible to pay from health insurance plan.
6. Co-insurance - the amount insurance does not cover.

There are probably more cost than these that will come up when you or a loved one are in the hospital. By having a hospital confinement indemnity policy you can use the benefits to pay for some of the cost. Knowing that you will have extra cash coming in to take care of some of these expenses is a real stress reliever.

A hospital confinement indemnity plan is a supplemental policy that pays the cash benefits directly to you. You can use the money to pay for medical cost, or just buy needed groceries. The way the money is spent is up to you and your needs. It doesn't get much easier than that!

When you start looking for a hospital confinement indemnity plan you will see that some may be different from others. This is a good time to have a qualified insurance agent explain the differences to you. By discussing your options with an agent you can be assured they will offer information that you didn't even know to ask about. You want to get a hospital confinement indemnity policy that not only meets your budget, but one that pays out the best benefits possible.

Supplemental policies, like the hospital confinement indemnity policy, have premiums much smaller than your regular health insurance. So, almost every family can afford to have one on the bread-winner in the family. This is important because if the main bread-winner is not able to work, their salary may be compromised.

It doesn't take long to get behind on your finances when someone in the family is not receiving their full paycheck. Having a hospital confinement indemnity plan can take the worry out of situations like this.

Normally a hospital confinement indemnity plan pays a certain cash benefit per day, for every day you are confined to the hospital. Many policies pay a lot more per day if you are confined to intensive, or critical care units.

No one anticipates being in the hospital, but it happens to people every single day. Talk to an insurance agent and get you a hospital confinement indemnity plan today.

The Best Advice For Breastfeeding Your Baby

The trick to breastfeeding is getting your baby to latch on to your breast well, this takes time and patience. Remember breastfeeding is a new learning experience for you and your baby. The more you practice the better you'll become. A baby who latches on well, gets milk well. A baby who latches on poorly will have difficulty getting milk, especially if the milk supply is low; which is more than likely if your baby has a poor latch. If the latch is not corrected you may start to get sore nipples from excessive sucking from your baby. A poor latch is similar to giving a baby a bottle with a nipple hole that is too small-the bottle is full of milk, but your baby will not get much. This can cause both mother and baby to get frustrated, which is not a good combination. A poor latch is one of the biggest contributing factors in mothers quitting breastfeeding. When your baby doesn't get full they need to feed more frequently which will result is sore nipples and endless hours of feedings.

Here are some tips to help make breastfeeding a little smoother.

Start breastfeeding your baby immediately after birth, most newborn's can start feeding within 15 minutes. This is when you start bonding with your baby; your first feed should be skin-to-skin contact. The warmth from your skin will keep your baby warm enough, you can still have a blanket draped around you both to help. Mothers that say they are too tired to breastfeed after giving birth are using an excess. This is the most important time between yourself and your baby. I was in labor for 40 hours without any drugs for assistance and the first thing I did after kissing my husband and new baby girl was start breastfeeding.

It is imperative that mother and baby be kept in the same room. Mothers and babies learn how to sleep in the same rhythm from the very beginning. When your baby starts waking for a feed you will also start to wake up naturally. Your baby will give you signs before they start to cry that they are ready for a feed. These signs may include some or all of the following. Breathing sounds may change, they may start to stretch or squirm. Mothers hear all! Your milk may start to flow and your calm baby will be content to nurse. A baby that has been crying for some time may be too tried on the breast this may result in them refusing to take it. Mothers and babies should be encouraged to sleep side by side in the hospital. This is a great way for mothers to rest while the baby nurses. Breastfeeding should be relaxing, not tiring. You can even bring this method home with you. Having your baby in your room for the first little while will help you get to know the signs of when they are hungry.

Do not restrict the length or frequency of feedings. A baby who feeds well will not be on the breast for hours at a time. If this is happening it is usually because they are not latching on well and not getting the milk. Get help to fix the baby's latch, and use compression to get your baby more milk. Your baby will tell you when they need a feed.

Do not supplement your baby with water, sugar water, or formula unless other wise directed by your physician. Your baby will get everything they need from your breast milk. If your baby is losing weight or not eliminating enough waste this could be due to a poor latch. Ask for a lactation consultant to come in and view a feeding with your baby. Bottles are not recommended within the first 4-6 weeks of life. Introducing a bottle too soon may give your baby nipple confusion, this may affect your babies breastfeeding and make it difficult to feed.

The key to breastfeeding is the proper latch. How do know if your baby has a good latch? Your nipples should not be sore, they may be a bit tender but they should not be sore. There should be a tight seal between your baby's mouth and your areola. Much of the areola (at least a one-inch radius) is inside baby's mouth. Your baby's tongue should be between the lower gum and your breast. Your baby's ears should be wiggling. During active sucking and swallowing the muscles in front of baby's ears move, indicating a strong and efficient suck that uses the entire lower jaw. You should hear your baby swallowing. During the first few days after birth, your baby may suck 5 to 10 times before you hear a swallow. That's because your colostrum comes in small amounts. You may have to listen carefully to notice the swallows. You should not hear any clicking sounds, this indicates that your baby does not have his tongue positioned correctly and is latched on incorrectly.

Under some circumstances, it may be impossible to start breastfeeding early. Premature babies can start breastfeeding much, much earlier than they do in many health facilities. In fact, studies are now quite definite that it is less stressful for a premature baby to breastfeed than to bottle feed. Unfortunately, too many health professionals dealing with premature babies do not seem to be aware of this.

Natural Child Birth, How To Have A Safe And Comfortable Birth

We know that babies remember their birth. We also know that mothers remember the birth of each child and frequently wish the birth had been managed differently. What may not be so well known is the impact of the birth on the new or growing family. Issues such as post-natal depression, marital disharmony, and lack of ability to bond with the new baby are all more common after a birth that was not satisfying to the mother.

When parents confidently participate in all the decisions made during labour and delivery, they are far more likely to look back on the birth with no regrets. It may be that the parents will elect to have a managed birth directed by medical staff, and if that is their active choice, they may well be content with the outcome.

However, the administration of any drug brings with it the possibility of undesirable side effects. Pethidine, known as Meperidine in the United Sates, meptazinol, usually called Meptid, and Diamorphine are three systemic opioids commonly used for pain relief in labour. The side effects of these drugs may include nausea, vomiting and drowsiness in the mother, and depression of the baby's respiratory system. These side effects may impact on the baby's ability to feed after birth, as it is likely she will be sleepy.

Is it possible to use the body's own natural system of relaxation and pain relief? What is the cause of the pain and discomfort that women routinely experience during childbirth?

At the beginning of the 20th Century, an English doctor named Grantly Dick-Read began to answer these questions. As a result of close observations of women in labour he formulated the theory of "Fear - Tension -Pain - Syndrome." His primary premise was that fear causes tension within the body, particularly within the uterus, and that tension inhibits the natural birthing process, prolonging labour and causing pain.

His theories have subsequently been proven to be correct by the work of Marie Mongan, director of the HypnoBirthing Institute.

The system she has developed is a complete antenatal education that is now taught around the world, allowing parents to prepare for the safe and calm birth of their child. At all times during the Hypno Birthing course, and indeed during the Hypno Birth itself, the mother is awake and fully aware of what is happening.

It requires a degree of commitment from parents, as the course is taught over a series of five lessons of about two and a half hours each. Mothers and partners are taught the arts of relaxation and visualisation, techniques that are just as helpful after the birth as before, as shown in the following comments:

"HypnoBirthing showed us how to embrace labour with a positive mental attitude. The techniques helped me tremendously with my labour, and also caring for Noah after his arrival."

"My opinion of HypnoBirthing is very high, it kept me calm and focussed throughout my labour."

"HypnoBirthing techniques greatly aided my ability to deal with the situation."

It is important to find a qualified HypnoBirthing instructor, as this programme really is a complete antenatal education. It will lead to the most natural and pain free birth of which the mother's body is capable, and positive, satisfying birth memories.

Fathers and partners are fully involved, thus setting the scene for the development of a fully functioning, positive, family life after the baby is born.

Effective and Proven Ways to Lose Post Pregnancy Belly Fat

It is a known fact that during pregnancy, women put on weight. The weight gain is distributed not just to the baby but also the placenta, the amniotic fluid, the breast tissue, fat and uterus. The belly grows and the baby and all others increase in weight too. According to the stage of the pregnancy and the position of the baby, some have protruding bellies, others have rounded bellies. For some it can be difficult to lose post pregnancy belly fat.

The normal weight gain during pregnancy is considered to be 20 to 25 pounds on an average. If the woman puts on much more than this and gains too much weight, it is unhealthy and is more likely to have a post pregnancy belly. Other risks are varicose veins, pain in calf muscles and tiredness. It may also pose a risk to the uterus if the weight gain is in excess. On the other hand, an insufficient weight gain can cause a defect in the development of the fetus.

In pregnancy, women experience stress and anxiety which makes some eat more than usual. It is important to be in a stable emotional state. After the delivery of the baby, many women continue to look pregnant because of their post pregnancy belly. It can take up to four weeks for the uterus to contract and shrink back to its original shape and size. The fat gained during the nine months takes time to burn off, ending up in the post pregnancy belly. When the belly stretches to accommodate the baby, the skin develops stretch marks. For some, these stretch marks fade away as they lose post pregnancy belly fat.

The first couple of months may be extremely exhausting for the mother taking care of her child and not getting enough sleep. Such a condition may not allow the mother to exercise. However, after a couple of months, one should start light exercises. Breast feeding is not only essential for the child's growth; it also helps the mother burn off some calories. When you reduce breast feeding or stop breast feeding, it is important to alter the diet accordingly as you may not require as many calories now. If this is not done, it will be difficult to lose post pregnancy belly fat.

One should remain active during and after the pregnancy. If the woman goes for walks and does light exercises as advised by the doctor during pregnancy, she will lose post pregnancy belly fat faster. Walks should be continued afterwards too. Start small and slowly increase the distance as your body gains back its strength. Eat healthy food and snacks. Try taking smaller portions increasing the frequency of intake of food. This will boost the metabolism of the body and will aid in burning of the calories. Drink plenty of water and consume fiber in your diet to avoid constipation and indigestion which in turn will bloat up your belly further. Pilates and yoga are helpful in toning of the body and relaxing the mind. Take up one or two forms of exercise and do it regularly. Following a proper nutritious diet along with exercises will help you lose post pregnancy belly fat.

How to Get Pregnant Fast - 3 Free Tips to Help You Get Pregnant Fast

When trying to get pregnant; a couple would usually have concerns if they remain unsuccessful after a couple of months. There is really no easy guide on how to get pregnant fast. While there are a number of different tips and practices one can follow to be able to achieve their desired results, there is really no easier argument than practice makes perfect.

Should a couple decide to begin building their very own family; one should be able to properly prepare oneself on the pros and cons of parenthood. Though these would usually come later, the greater task at hand is to be able to create the child who will need all the proper nurturing in the future. There are tips a gynecologist or a family planning councilor would be able to provide on how to get pregnant fast. These of course would include the constant sexual intercourse the couple would have. Some would suggest particular dates or perhaps specific plans for that matter on when the best time to copulate would be. There is also the matter of ovulation which is rather vital in these situations where a female needs to have a constitution ready for conception. And finally, this particular tip is mostly meant for females; this is where they must be highly conscious of their ovulation as well as their peaks for them to help determine the best time to conceive. A woman's ovulation process is rather vital; for one to be able to miss out on this opportunity would have to wait the completion of another cycle for them to be able to get their chance in conception.

Getting Pregnant Over 40 - Six Ways To Help You to Conceive Quickly

Getting pregnant after 40 can be very difficult for many women. In today's busy world and we have careers and put off having a child until very late. When you are in your 40s start to realise just how fast is your body clock is ticking away and want to have a child before it is too late. So what can you do?

Instead of running to a fertility clinic and starting on expensive treatments you probably do not even need you can use natural methods to help you get pregnant quickly. What are these methods?

1. Staying fit. It is a proven fact that if you have a high BMI or body mass index your chances of conceiving decrease. The more overweight you are the smaller your chances are. This not only affect your chances of having a baby this will also affect your health and you need to take steps to address.

2. Being underweight can have as much effect on your chances of conceiving as if you are overweight. If you are trying to get pregnant over 40 and you are either overweight or underweight unique to take steps to address as quickly. If you are under weight this can stop you ovulating.

3. If you take anything with caffeine in it. You should stop as quickly as possible always for reduce your intake. Anything contains caffeine in coffee has an adverse effect on your body and your hormones and this in turn can affect your cycle and make it much harder for you to get pregnant over 40 and have a child. So cut that coffee out now.

4. Smoking is one of the biggest problems for women trying to get pregnant. Smoking not only reduce your chances of getting pregnant by up to 60%, even if you do get pregnant this will affect the child in so many different ways. You should stop immediately to improve your chances enormously of having a healthy child.

5. If you are trying to get pregnant over 40 and drink alcohol you should be aware that even a few drinks a week can result in a reduction in your chances of getting pregnant. Instead of risking that you should cut it out if you can.

6. Another reason that you might find it hard to get pregnant or 40 is if you are under a lot of stress. This may be the case if you have been trying to get pregnant for while and you have not been able to. This then becomes a vicious cycle with the stress stopping you getting pregnant and the fact that you are not pregnant increasing the stress.

You should take steps in the stress levels as low as possible all the time to increase your chance of getting pregnant quickly.

Following the steps listed here can help you to get pregnant very quickly and get pregnant over 40. It does not matter if you have been trying for six months or two years, these steps combined with other natural methods can help you to get pregnant quicker than you thought possible.

Friday, January 10, 2014

Pregnant Teen Help - Three Steps to Getting the Help You Need

Unplanned pregnancy is not an uncommon problem.

Did you know that one in three girls will become pregnant before turning 20? This is almost always an unplanned pregnancy and it creates stress and trauma in the teens' lives as well as those of their families. Deep emotional feelings of denial, shock, fear, guilt, worry, anger, disappointment, embarrassment, depression, excitement and nervousness are common for both the teen and their family.

Where can a teen turn for help when this happens?

First and foremost: Tell your parents! Even when emotions run hot, they are still your best support! Give them some time to get used to the situation, then listen to them and their advice. They love you and want to help you. Work it out as a family. You're young and the wisdom of parents with more experience in the world will be the best place to start.

After you tell your parents, you may wish to follow, or look into the following three areas to get the outside help you will need during your unplanned pregnancy.

1. Get medical advice. Find a doctor that will best fit your particular needs. Someone who will be honest and forthcoming with options you will need along the way. Take a prenatal vitamin, one your doctor prescribes, and take it regularly. It will boost your energy and give the baby you carry needed nutrients.

Get plenty of rest and eat right. Eating fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains and dairy products with calcium and iron will be most helpful.

Exercise daily to help prevent stress and depression. Your doctor will be a wealth of information on how best to take care of yourself and the baby during your pregnancy.

Don't know which obstetrics (OB) doctor to choose? Your local hospital or your own family doctor can suggest names. Don't be afraid to ask questions. Remember, unplanned pregnancy is not that uncommon. No one will think you're weird.

2. Find an unplanned pregnancy support group through your school, your doctor, or your clergy. There are many ways to get information that will help arm you against worry and fear during your pregnancy.

3. Begin thinking about your options after the baby is born. Will you keep it? Will you look into adoption? I, for one, would hope that you would choose to take the pregnancy to full term and not abort. Abortion has its own set of serious problems that arise long after the baby is taken out. The financial problems that result go far beyond the cost of the procedure, and the emotional and social price you pay are devastating.

Will you marry the father? If you do, ask yourself, "Will he really be a good husband and father," or will his frustrations and the pressure of parenthood turn him into someone you barely recognize? It happens more often than you think.

Will you offer the baby up for adoption? There are thousands of wonderful people out there who are mature, financially secure, and are yearning for a child they can call their own, and nurture to maturity. Additionally, it gives you a chance to still have your youth, plan for a career, and when the time is right, start your family openly and intentionally. Adoption is often the best option for all involved: you, the child, and the new parents.

If you choose this option, be sure you involve a reputable adoption agency that has access to the best adoptive parents, can and will counsel and help you through the process, and will stand by you during birthing and the recovery days afterward.

Also, if you choose to adopt out, don't worry that you "abandoned" your child. Quite the contrary, you will have made a tough decision that gives that child a chance for a full and happy life, one of plenty and peace instead of a life of hardship because of your limited means. That's just as much "love for your child" as any other sacrifice you could make for them.

In the end, do what is best for you and your child, but make sure you really know the likely future for each decision before you settle on one course of action. Remember that you are deciding for two.

Many years ago, a friend of mine had an unplanned pregnancy. Her mother made her marry the father. Looking at the results, it's hard to believe that the mother was right. The young couple were divorced after a year and she had the baby while living at home with her family.

Because of the responsibilities of parenthood while she was too young, a lot of educational and social options were out of her reach. Her life has been a struggle to make money and support her baby. She is living with the natural consequences of the choices she made long ago.

So, what are your goals? What do you want to accomplish in your life? Don't forget that you are important, too, even as you try to make the best decision for the baby. Strive for the win-win situation, and you really can have a happy future!

3 Types of Private Health Cover

It is almost a common sense these days to do your research before making any sort of purchase. And it goes without saying that private health insurance is one of the products that you want to get right. So ideally you need to shop around before making a decision. But before that it's equally important to get an understanding of various private medical cover types out there.

Budget cover

Budget level health insurance can provide cover for hospital treatment for in-patient procedures such as surgery, radiotherapy and chemotherapy along with Psychiatric treatment.

These policies will cover your treatment in a private hospital, it might also cover cancer treatment for up to one year and cover any costs related to transport in a private ambulance. With some policies they might offer an NHS cash benefit if treatment is taken in an NHS hospital instead of a private hospital.

Standard cover

Mid-range levels will cover you for most hospital fees deemed eligible and in some cases, specialist fees as well. In most cases, this level will offer the same benefits as the basic level cover but with added extras - this will differ per insurer.

In a lot of cases, mid range cover provides more prompt treatment, including access to specialists and consultants, access to private treatment and cover for use for consultant appointments. Some policies will also include diagnostic tests and outpatient psychiatry, parental accommodation if your child is sick and major dental expenses may also be covered under such policies.

Comprehensive cover

The higher end policies again offer the same cover the mid-range and basic level, but tend to have no limits on them and even more benefits.

They may also include complementary therapies like physiotherapy, psychiatric treatment and access to private hospital transport service. Cover will also be provided for treatment in certain circumstances where there may be complications during pregnancy.

In some cases, the insurance policy may offer an unlimited private ambulance service as well as the benefits previously mentioned. Access to private maternity care and cash benefits for NHS in-patient treatment are also generally available with this level of cover.

I am sure that you take your health seriously, although NHS waiting lists leave a lot to be desired. Private health and medical care insurance will ensure that you and your family are seen by medical experts immediately should they unfortunately suffer from any illness, injury or disease. The beauty of this kind of policy is that it is regarded as affordable medical and healthcare coverage that will typically be far less expensive than you could ever imagine. I urge you to grab this opportunity to protect and nurture your health by taking advantage of our free, no obligation quote.

Missouri Differences From the Federal FMLA

Missouri's family and medical leave laws conform closely to the federal Family Medical Leave Act. That means all employees can take up to 12 weeks of unpaid leave for either their own or a loved one's illness or injury as well as certain other family-related matters.

The FMLA allows all employees to take up to 12 weeks of unpaid leave when they or a loved one is sick or injured. If they choose, employees can use accumulated leave such as sick or vacation time before taking unpaid leave. FMLA leave can be used:

  • Following the birth of a newborn child;

  • Following the placement of an adopted or foster child;

  • To care for a spouse, child or parent with a serious health condition;

  • To take medical leave from work when the employee has a serious health condition;

  • When the employee's spouse, child or parent is on active duty military service and has been notified of an impending deployment;

  • When the employee's spouse, child or parent is injured or becomes sick during military service and the employee must be absent from work to care for the relative. Up to 26 weeks of annual leave are allowed for this purpose.

Use of Sick Leave

Missouri state law gives employers the right to require employees to use accrued paid sick leave before taking unpaid leave for family or medical leave. Accrued paid sick leave may be used for:

  • an employee's own incapacitating illness, injury, pregnancy, childbirth, medical exam and treatment or exposure to contagious disease that would jeopardize the health of others;

  • an employee needs to care for their child, spouse, other relatives or members of household, due to illness.

Missouri laws dictate that annual and sick leave are to be calculated in multiples of one-quarter hour. Employees must submit a written statement indicating that the leave was taken for an allowable reason. Sick leave cannot be accrued while employees are on any unpaid leave of absence.

Leave for Adoptive Parents

Missouri state law grants leave to parents adopting a child. Adopting parents employed by the state may use accrued sick leave, annual leave, compensatory time or leave without pay to take time off to arrange for the adoption or placement of a child.

Medical Donations

Public employees are entitled to five days off for bone marrow transplants. These employees are also entitled to 30 workdays of paid leave to donate an organ. Written verification must be provided to the employer. Employers must continue to provide health insurance and other benefits throughout the period the employee takes leave for organ or marrow donations.

Important Components of COBRA Health Insurance

In today's economy, there is very little job security. Unfortunately, one of the secondary effects of losing your job is that you lose your health coverage as well. Thankfully there are programs in place that can extend your health coverage for up to 18 months following a termination, career change, or even retirement.

COBRA insurance was enacted into a law to protect you from losing your healthcare in scenarios such as getting fired or laid off. Officially known as the Consolidation Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act, it is designed to provide medical insurance coverage for employees and their families even after they've severed ties with their employer. People must also understand that COBRA is a law, not an insurance package.

Before COBRA medical insurance was enacted to cover medical needs of terminated employees, the group health plans of terminated workers and those who changed employers were immediately canceled. With the advent of COBRA insurance, employees who have been fired or laid off will receive 18 months of medical coverage of the same health insurance policies their employers gave them.

However, the benefits of COBRA medical insurance are available only as a group plan and not as individual health coverage. You need to be a part of a health plan group of 20 or more employees for you to be eligible to apply for COBRA medical insurance policies.

The Price of COBRA Health Insurance

The price of a COBRA policy is also significantly higher than the total price of the medical insurance policy bought by your employer. The total cost of a COBRA insurance package is the total amount of your group healthcare plan plus 2% administrative fees. COBRA is more expensive than other group plans, but also provides peace of mind knowing that your family or individual health coverage plan is extended to cover you or your family in case of emergencies or severe health issues.

What makes COBRA unique from other forms of medical and health insurance plans is that COBRA will continue to cover any pre-existing medical conditions that were approved and covered by your original health plan. If you happen to be afflicted with a medical condition, COBRA will cover these conditions. Other health insurance providers may not cover pre-existing conditions, potentially leaving major conditions to go untreated.

Why COBRA is a Wise Choice

There are many reasons why applying for COBRA is a wise decision. Apart from the fact that you are medically insured and covered for a period of 18 months after leaving your job, you can maintain all the benefits you once received from the same health plan insurer you had before you left your job. As mentioned before, COBRA covers any pre-existing or recent medical problems, which may not be the case with other health insurance companies.

If you lose your job and rely heavily on your health insurance plan for sharing the cost of expensive medications, applying for a COBRA policy is an excellent choice. COBRA covers the cost of prescription drugs, as well as other services such as maternity benefits and accident insurance.

Since many individuals cannot afford the COBRA option offered by their employers, there are COBRA alternatives that are designed for people who are in good health and with no pre-existing medical condition and do not need to take expensive medication. These alternatives come in the form of individual and family health plans.

While COBRA provides an opportunity for individuals to retain health care insurance, individual health coverage plans are much more reasonable as it pertains to cost.

The best thing you can do is to research your health insurance coverage options before you decide on the best health plan. It is important to make a wise decision since this health plan may be with you for a while!

How To Make Sure Your Pregnancy Is Healthy

Keeping healthy during pregnancy can be accomplished in a number of ways. Most of the ideas that follow are not hard to implement, so have a look.

Before you retire to bed each night, take the time to do some stretching. Leg cramps are common during pregnancy because of weight gain. Having a good stretch before bedtime will relax your muscles and help reduce the chances of cramping during the night. This will help you to sleep soundly all night long!

You must exercise regularly during pregnancy. Light to moderate exercise, that does not overly stress your body, can help you have a shorter labor and lose your baby weight quickly after delivery.

Staying relaxed and as stress-free as possible during pregnancy is essential. Not only does stress trigger a wide range of health issues in a pregnant woman, but stress also affects the baby in the womb. If some cases, large amounts of stress could make the baby come out too soon.

Human skin can stretch a lot, but only so far. It's perfectly normal for your belly to become itchy as it expands. Avoid taking a hot shower or bath to try to soothe your skin. Hot water leeches oils from the skin, leaving it itchy and dry. See to it that you moisturize using something heavy like petroleum jelly or cocoa butter. Choose loose fitting clothing made of soft fabrics and stop scratching!

This will keep your body's weight under control and your health in check. It is, of course, important not to over-do the exercise. You need to make sure to stay in shape during your pregnancy because this will help you lower your risk of a miscarriage and also overall help to reduce labor complications.

Ask your doctor about your condition before you travel, while you're pregnant. Make sure you bring all of your medical records along with you, in case something might happen.

Swelling is often an inevitable part of pregnancy, but it can be dealt with. Attempt to minimize your salt intake.

Build up a bedtime routine to help improve your sleep while pregnant. If you can follow a consistent bedtime routine, then your body will learn that bedtime is near. This should ease the process of falling asleep. Try shoulder massages, warm showers, or reading short stories before bed.

Make sure you eat before you head out to buy your groceries. Cravings for unhealthy foods will occur frequently during your pregnancy. An occasional treat is perfectly fine, but your daily menu should be packed with nutritious foods that promote the health of your baby and keep you feeling great. If you go grocery shopping when full, you'll be less likely to purchase anything outside of your list.

When you are pregnant, you should give your body support, when you are sleeping. You can find various body pillows specifically designed for those who are pregnant at a number of stores. A regular pillow can be used for support if you don't have a pregnancy pillow. Try to sleep with a pillow beneath your knees and one beneath your stomach.

A pregnancy journal is a wonderful way to commemorate your pregnancy and all of the wonderful things that happen when you are expecting. The gift of a pregnancy journal can be just as special to your child. In this journal you can write down every thought you may have regarding your pregnancy, and even your hopes and dreams for your child. It will be a wonderful present for your child in the future.

Don't overeat when you are pregnant in order to not have to try to lose a lot of weight once your baby is born. You should not double your calorie intake! You should eat an extra 300 calories a day for the last six months of the pregnancy to allow your baby to grow.

When you are pregnant, you should consider taking an HIV test. Even if you don't think it's possible the worst can happen, so it's best to know before your baby is born so you can ensure they have the best chance of being healthy. It will also allow you to seek out medical professionals who are knowledgeable about HIV.

As you experience the constant changes your body goes through while pregnant, consider archiving your stomach in photographs. Once your baby is born, your pregnancy will soon be forgotten, so it's worth having pictures as a reminder of those nine glorious months.

Ask your partner to eat healthier with you; this will give you some support. Doing this as a team will make the changes easier on you and lead to less stress in your relationship down the road.

Snoring may increase during your pregnancy. Nasal membranes swell during pregnancy. If you're snoring so much that your partner can't sleep, try using nasal strips so that your airways are opened up. You may also want to pick up a pair of ear plugs that your partner can wear, to help them get a better night's sleep.

Learn how to track your cycles if you are trying to conceive. By finding out when you are ovulating, you can increase your odds of becoming pregnant. It can help you figure out when you became pregnant so that you have a due date that's more accurate.

The shade of the line on your pregnancy test does not determine how strong your pregnancy is. If you see that the line is faint, it still means that you are or are not pregnant. It does not show anything else. The appearance of the line, any line at all, is a determiner of pregnancy.

If you read through and apply the ideas in the preceding paragraphs, then you and your child can easily waltz through pregnancy with ease and grace. It is obvious from these simple tips that so long as you take good care of yourself and baby during this time, it can be one of the most enjoyable periods of your life.

Pregnancy for Dads - Understanding What Your Wife Is Going Through

A series of emotions for Dads may come during nine months of pregnancy. It range from surprise finding out she's pregnant or wishing she were not. There may be emotions pleasure and acceptance of the pregnancy task. The common reaction is ambivalence which is feeling of being pleased and not pleased.

Dads were forgotten in the childbearing process in the old days. However, Dads today have important role and encourage having emotional support and interest in the pregnancy. As the pregnant woman adapts to pregnancy, Dads must go through some psychological changes.

Dads must accept her partner's body changing to another state. He must have recognition of the reality that a baby is coming. He must give emotional support while she is learning the process of pregnancy.

Some Dads may work too much to earn more money in preparation for the baby. They spend little time for her due to preoccupation with work. She needs emotional support during these times, dads must be beside her.

Dads must enjoy her partners pregnancy and be informed about sexuality and woman's health. Some men believe that breastfeeding may result to her wife's breast unattractive. He may make decision not to breastfeed the baby. The good advice of Obstetricians is to have bonding between mother and the baby, and breastfeeding is the only way. Sexual desire may not change during pregnancy. The enjoyment rises and remains with some difficulty of looking for the best position.

Some pregnant may have mood swings and husbands must handle it. The stress of pregnancy may affect her relationship with the child. It also influence whether she's able to carry pregnancy until delivery. Help your pregnant wife reduce level of stress and fatigue. Do not let problems go into big ones.Be there when she needs you most.

Go with her during prenatal visits, childbirth classes, and planning parenthood. These classes can help accept, expose with other parent role models, and learn information about pregnancy with childcare.

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Information About Online Pole Dancing Lessons

Pole dancing can effectively facilitate weight loss and shape muscles due to its mixture of strength training and cardiovascular exercise, the result is a sexy body. The sport tones up the whole body giving beautiful definition to the arms, thigh, abdominals and shoulders. Many participants claim that it improves confidence, self - esteem, body awareness and body shape. Many people have recovered from post natal depression and eating disorders due to the profound effect this sport has on a women's self-esteem and mental health.

For the past few years, pole fitness lessons have been offered by gyms, dance schools, bars and dedicated pole fitness studios. Some people have learned to dance on their pole at home. Pole fitness studios offer just pole dancing lessons whereas others offer a wide range of exercise classes including yoga, flexibility, strength and cardio classes. Some classes are just about learning pole tricks and spins and others teach you how to link the moves together to make short dance routines so that you get a cardiovascular workout as well.

Pole fitness today is extremely popular and very big business. Despite its wide availability some countries still do not have access to pole fitness instructors so lessons are not available and not everyone can make the sessions due to the day and times that they are available.

If you are unable to have lessons in the traditional way then why not learn at home with online pole dancing lessons? Online lessons are generally taught in 3 levels; beginner, intermediate and advanced. Many online lessons also provide strengthening and flexibility exercises and some teach you short routines so you learn the art of pole dancing and not just the tricks. Some ladies chose to enrol in online pole dancing lessons because they have small children at home and can't make lessons, there are no lessons available in their area or they prefer to learn on their own, from the comfort of their own home.

The benefits of online pole dancing lessons are that you can learn at your own pace, at a time convenient to you whilst getting all the benefits of attending lessons. Taking part in online lessons will lead to weight loss and it will shape your muscles resulting to a sexy body. The lessons will tone up your whole body giving beautiful definition to the arms, thigh, abdominals and shoulders. You may experience an improvement in your confidence and self - esteem as well.

The only disadvantage of online lessons is that you miss out on the social interaction with new people however some providers of online pole dancing lessons also provide online chat rooms and forums that you can meet people, share your experiences or ask for advice and tips.

Online pole dancing lessons are the way to learn if you don't live near any pole dancing studios or gyms which offer lessons in this discipline. You can also take these online lessons if you want a few extra lessons outside of your weekly lessons or your pole fitness course. Taking online lessons in addition to your weekly lessons may speed up your progression through the levels.

Fertility Wonder Oil

Imagine building a house without some of the essential materials. Well it simply wouldn't work, it would be leaky, drafty, insufficiently insulated, and would probably collapse during the first storm.

Our cells are no different to a house. They all have a blueprint (DNA) and are meant to be constructed according to the plan. However when the body makes a request for a particular nutrient to complete the cell construction, it's gets a message that the reserves are empty or being held only for the key organs, needed to keep you alive.

One of those essential nutrients are 'Essential Fatty Acids' - Essential because our body can't make them, so we need to get them from food. Essential fatty acids (EFA's) are necessary for;

- Normal brain and nervous system function
- Visual acuity and cognition
- Hormone and prostaglandin regulation
- Healthy placental growth
- Brain and liver development in the foetus

The central nervous system starts to develop 21 days after conception; because of this it is essential that the mother's reserves are optimal before conception.

EFA's are also very important for;

- The health of breasts and mammary glands
- Growth of the uterus in the mother

EFA's can protect against SIDS (sudden infant death syndrome) and post natal depression and have been found to be effective in the treatment of endometriosis, heavy periods, cramping and mild depression. Deficiency has been linked to male infertility and can lead to congenital malformations and spontaneous abortions. Omega 3 and 6 are known as EFA's. Omega 6 is readily available in food (nuts and seeds and vegetable oils) but Omega 3 is harder to come by and the need for Omega 3 increases during pregnancy and lactation.

Omega 3 fatty acids (EPA and DHA), are the building blocks of membranes of all cells in the body, and precursors of eciosanoids, hormones important in the prevention and treatment of many diseases, especially in women.

For example period crams a.k.a. dysmenorrhea, stem from disturbed balance between anti-inflammatory and pro-inflammatory hormones. By increasing the intake of omega 3 fatty acids your period cramps can vanish.

I speak here from first hand experience. As a teenager, I couldn't leave the house without a Ponstan (a painkiller) on the first day of my period. When I learned at college about omega 3's I started taking the supplement every day and within 2 cycles I never had to use Ponstan again, my cramps were gone.

Studies have shown that omega 3 fatty acids;

" Facilitate pregnancy in women with infertility problems by increasing uterine blood flow.
" Promote fetal growth by improving placental blood flow.
" Lower the risk of premature birth, by increasing the length of pregnancy and birth weight.
" Facilitate the child's brain development.
" Prevent preeclampsia (high blood pressure in pregnancy).
" Prevent postpartum depression.
" Prevent menopausal problems.
" Prevent postmenopausal osteoporosis.
" Prevent breast cancer.
" Lower bad cholesterol (LDL) and increase good cholesterol (HDL) - this is especially

important for women receiving hormone therapy, which can increase bad cholesterol.

Buyer Beware

When buying Omega 3 Fish oils, you need to make sure the product;

1. Contains antioxidants to prevent the oil from oxidizing and going rancid

(a.k.a. lipid peroxidation).
2. Has been tested for mercury, dioxin and polychlorinated biphenyls (PBCs), and

meets the established safety limits.

Fish that live a long time (e.g. swordfish, shark & tuna) have a longer time to accumulate environmental toxins. Try to make sure your fish oil comes from wild sardines or wild salmon.

What we all need to be mindful of, is, the ever increasing demand for the ocean fish reserves. Studies have shown, worldwide, the demand for wild fish is now greater than the ocean can supply and projections suggest complete reliance on aquaculture (farmed fish) by 2050.

A solution to this problem is Krill Oil - abundant zooplankton found in the Antarctic waters. Krill Oil is eaten by whales and other fish. It possesses a fatty acid profile comparable with fish oils. It is a more sustainable solution comparable to fish oils.

How much do you need?

The recommended therapeutic dose of Omega 3 (RTD) is 1000mg three times per day, with food. Never have them on an empty stomach, as they won't absorb properly.

How do you store it?

In the fridge.

If you get fishy burps, you can put it in the freezer and have the capsules frozen, this way they'll thaw out in your small intestines instead of your stomach.

Food Sources

Deep sea fish, wild salmon, red snapper, wild trout, herring, halibut, sardines, walnuts, almonds, nuts, seeds, flaxseed oil (only 20% gets converted into the active form), grass fed meat, hemp seed oil.


1. Arthur, R.'Omega-3 Sources'. The Journal of Complementary Medicine,
May/June 2009 Vol 8 No 3.

2. Saldeen P, Saldeen T. 'Women and omega-3 Fatty acids'. Obstet Gynecol Surv.
2004 Oct;59(10):722-30; quiz 745-6.

3. Keene, I. 2008. "Natural Fertility Prescription", Australian Natural Therapeutics,

Pregnancy - First 40 Days - Dos and Don'ts

You have just given birth and the excitement of being a mother is seeping into you. With this new explosion of energy, you can turn two ways. Either get home feeling extremely exhausted and down and sleep the days away or go nuts with the new found energy. If you are on the verge to commit the latter, let me help draw you a list of do's and don'ts in this article.


Don't be a superwoman! If you're somebody who used to excel in multitasking, it's time to relinquish that title for a while. Caring for your baby and getting enough rest alone will keep you busy daily. Let hubby attend to matters for a while. Everything can be shelved; only attend to matters if it needs immediate attention. Don't commit yourself to any strenuous activity such as moving house or racquetball playing.

Workouts are a no-go for the first 40 days even if you're up and about a few days after giving birth. Your body is still not ready for the high-impact workouts for several weeks. Although most mothers are usually back on their feet within two weeks of giving birth, they better off restricting themselves to low-impact activities. It's not uncommon for many mothers to engage in yoga exercises around this time.

Sex? No! You've just had your baby hence muscles and whatnots are probably very sore. Sexual intercourse should preferably only resume after the postnatal check-up. Of course with the hormones going haywire in you, sex may be something you would pounce on. Refrain yourself for six weeks if possible. Don't say we didn't warn you!


If the previous paragraph has upset your husband, here's something he can rejoice about. When we said preferably no sex, we didn't rule out love play. Hand petting by you on him or vice versa, is encouraged. You don't want to reach a point where you both lose interest in sex (although we have our doubts over any man ever losing interest in sex!).

Do build up on good nutrition. We are not just saying this to help you get into the process of regaining your strength or to supplement Baby with the necessities when you breastfeed. We are insisting on this because studies have shown that good nutrition (with good moral support) prevent mood swings and hence decrease postpartum depression.

Do drink lots of water. Before you roll your eyes at us and mumble that you already know that, allow us to emphasise why we are not just telling you, but writing it in capital letters and highlighting it. Flushing out toxins and aiding in digestion and elimination are just general stuff water helps with. Drinking heaps of water also helps facilitate milk production.

Do get a postnatal massage if possible. The benefits of getting a massage are tenfold. Not only does the massage provide relaxation, it releases stress, relieves aches on shoulders and neck, hastens the reduction of fluid retention, helps the uterus to shrink to its original size and reduces cellulite. If you have delivered via C-section, then consult a massage therapist before you partake in this massage.

Rest and more rest. Nursing affects the hormones and thus would leave you exhausted. There is no such thing as too much rest for a mother who has just given birth. Try and master the art of catnapping. This will be extra beneficial when you need to wake up in the middle of the night and feed Baby.

So there you have it - some do's and don'ts that you should be aware of in those first 40 days. Enjoy the arrival of your little one and rest well.

Happy Child Guide Review - Is Dr Blaise Ryan's Program Any Good?

The Happy Child Guide is a very popular parenting program online these days.

On this Happy Child Guide review we will take a look at this program, learn about the pros and cons of it and understand better if this product can really help you or not.

The Happy Child Guide Review - What Exactly Is It?

Developed and written by Ashley Ryan, a certified parenting coach, and Dr. Blaise Ryan, a chief medical advisor, The Happy Child Guide is a complete parenting program that has been introduced to the general public after several years of research.

The main idea behind this program is to teach the parents how to address the root cause of their child's misbehavior which can be fixed permanently, and to achieve this goal Dr. Blaise Ryan and his wife Ashley break down the complex system of the child brain neuroscience into three steps that can be used by parents in order to dissolve their child's misbehavior almost instantly.

According to Ashley and Dr. Blaise Ryan not only their guide will reveals to any parents why their child is defiant, but it will also shows them step-by-step how to stop the child's misbehavior once for all.

To learn if it's really true and to understand better if this program can help your child too, lets talk about some of the pros and cons of Dr. Blaise Ryan's program.

The Happy Child Guide Review - The Pros And Cons

The Pros

Very Comprehensive Program

One of the biggest advantages of the Happy Child Guide program is the fact that it is a comprehensive system and much more than just a parenting guide.

In addition to the main guide, Dr. Blaise Ryan's system also contains very useful components such as: 7 week e-coaching course about effective alternatives to punishment, several interviews with parenting experts in MP3 format, 6 exclusive bonus guides on teaching children respect, post-natal depression and many more.

Proven Program Which Is Based On Years Of Research

Another advantage of this program is the fact that it is based on proven strategies and several years of research.
Inside their guide, Ashley and Dr. Blaise Ryan provide efficient and proven solutions to parents who are facing difficult situations with their child, and all of these strategies are based on scientific researches and past experiences of parents from all over the world.

Easy To Follow And User-Friendly Guide

The Happy Child Guide is a very user-friendly eBook and you can easily follow the strategies inside this step-by-step guide.

In addition, the main eBook also comes with helpful worksheets that can help any parents to walk through and implement the extensive material inside this guide effortlessly.

The Cons

It Is Not A Miracle Cure

One thing to remember is that this program is not a "miracle cure" and in most cases it will take a lot of practice and discipline to begin seeing positive changes, so don't expect to see changes in your child's misbehavior in only few days.

Less Effective For Children Who Are Over 11 Years Old

Dr. Blaise Ryan specially designed his program for parenting children until age 11 and the methods inside his guide are less effective for teens.

The Happy Child Guide Review - The Bottom Line

Overall, there is no doubt that the Happy Child Guide is one of the most popular parenting programs on the internet these days for a good reason and this program can really help you to transform your child's inappropriate behavior permanently.

However, don't forget that Dr. Blaise Ryan's program is not a "magic pill" and if you think that your child's misbehavior will disappear in only 24 hours when using this program, then the Happy Child Guide is probably not for you.

I Hope that this Happy Child Guide review was helpful for you, all the best!

Sibour's Homemade Incubator - How Safe Is This Medical Equipment for Newborn Babies?

Babies apparently need to stay inside the mother's womb for an average of 9 months or about 37 weeks. But due to some reasons, expected mothers especially pregnant teenagers would give birth before time. Based on studies, infants who were born prior to 37 weeks pregnancy or premature babies are usually at risk to variety of medical problems at the same time has greater possibility to the die in the initial year of life. It is because many of their organs are still in the developing stage and not yet ready for the environment outside the womb. This is also the reason why incubators are very essential to preterm birth babies.

The said medical equipment has the capacity to maintain the same warmth, humidity as with the atmosphere inside the mother's womb. It also helps in maintaining the right amount of carbon dioxide and oxygen content at the same time allows enter of food and administration of medicines, which are all essential in the growth of newborn babies' organs until they become mature enough to adapt the environment outside the womb or the postnatal survival. Lastly, neonatal incubator is designed to limit the exposure of premature babies to germs that might cause infection. But recently, a traditional birth attendant and herbalist from Kenya named Alice Sibour was featured in CNN because of its invented ways of caring newborn babies. One thing in her clinic that caught attention to many people her own version of incubator, which is based on report helps premature babies of Mathare slum. The neonatal medical equipment that Sibour did basically needs pillows to serve as mattress, blankets to wrap the baby, two small containers of hot water to be placed underneath the bed, a mosquito net to cover the entire bed.

Sibour's home-produced medical equipment for neonatal incubation is probably the best solution in order for preterm birth children survive especially if they are living in countries wherein access to healthcare service is very limited, just like in Kenya. But if this medical equipment for incubation will be carefully inspected, many health specialists for sure will have doubt about its capability to control contamination. In the first place, mosquito net is not enough to trap all airborne particles that would cause infection. The said device also lacks the ability to maintain oxygenation that is par with the mother's womb. Moreover, it is already stated that the purpose of incubating a premature baby is to provide the same amount of heat that they acquire while inside the mother's womb. The said warmth is very essential for the development of their organs. With that two small containers of hot water placed underneath the bed, its capacity to provide heat greater than the core body temperature (37.5 degrees Celsius) is obviously questionable.

Are You Trying to Get Pregnant? Here is Amazing Biblical Keys to Help You! Part 1

Many of you have prayed all year for God to take away the miscarriage and infertility that has troubled you and give you your own child. Low sperm count may have been an issue that has troubled you and stopped you from having your own child. You may have done all you know to do in the physical yet have no answer to your problems. It looks like God has forsaken you. It looks like heaven has become brass in your case. In times like these what can I do? You may ask?
Today I want us to visit the Bible and see someone who faced the problem of unanswered prayer and how she finally overcame it.

In the book of 1 Samue1- 1:11, I found an unanswered prayer. A woman named Hannah was offering this prayer. It becomes obvious upon close observation that she had been praying this prayer for a long time. If you will notice, her prayer is not unscriptural It is simply unanswered. All she wants is a child. However, no child is born. Day and night she cried out to God to bless her womb and enable her become pregnant with her own child, but nothing happened.

The Bible tells us that Hannah is a faithful child of the Most High God. She and her husband go to Shiloh and worship God each time there is a feast. During those pilgrimages they always make the proper sacrifices and give generously to the work of the Lord in Shiloh.

Since we know that Hannah is a faithful worshiper of Almighty God, it is only reasonable to believe she is also a woman of prayer. Because of her great desire to have a son, we know she is constantly praying to conceive. No doubt she rises early every morning with this special prayer request, "Oh, God, give me a Son!"

Like so many out there she keeps at it, Lord, take away this miscarriage, take away this infertility from my life! Visit my womb with a child. Surely she continues to call out to the Lord Almighty every single day yet nothing seemed to be happening.

Everyone in the house knows her prayer by heart. I am sure she has asked all her family and neighbours again and again to agree with her that she will become pregnant. All the angels of heaven know her desire. To put it bluntly, everyone in heaven and earth seems to have heard her prayer - that is, everyone except God. Here we see the most heart-breaking kind of prayer. It is an unanswered prayer!
The Bible tells us that sorrow over her unanswered petition finally causes her to stop eating, "In bitterness of soul Hannah wept much and prayed to the LORD".

At this point she makes a radical change in the way she prays. Driven by desperation, she makes one last, violent attempt to move God's hand. Thank God, she has the sense to throw tradition to the wind and boldly take hold of that which is rightfully hers! Child of God, don't be turned off by the thought of taking violent action in prayer, for the violent leap of faith almost always brings deliverance, especially when your heaven has turned to brass.

We can see the desperation in Hannah's heart in the unusual way she forms her prayer. Her approach to God totally disregards tradition. The words she speaks can be described only as spiritual violence. It did not matter to her any more what anybody had to say.

Hannah's new way of praying swiftly moves God's mighty hand to her point of need. The Bible tells us that within hours of praying, she becomes pregnant. Take a moment, and read her most unusual prayer. (Continue reading in Part 2)

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Ten Tips For Beating Depression

I heard about a woman who was suffering from depression, so her concerned husband took her to a psychiatrist. The doctor listened to the couple talk about their relationship, and then he said, "The treatment I prescribe is really quite simple." With that, he went over to the man's wife, gathered her up in his arms, and gave her a big kiss. He then stepped back and looked at the woman's glowing face and broad smile. Turning to the woman's husband, he said, "See! That's all she needs to put new life back into her." Expressionless, the husband said, "If you say so, Doc, I can bring her in on Tuesdays and Thursdays."

Okay, that's not how to treat depression, but I have a few other suggestions that make more sense. As a result of trial and error, over the course of thirty years, I've found ten blues battling strategies that often help me. These are not quick fixes, and this list is not exhaustive. It is also not a "must do" list.

When you're depressed, the last thing you need is a list of expectations to live up to. Don't stress about forcing yourself to accomplish all these things. They're not items to be checked off a list each day. The only one that is crucial is number one. After that, you can experiment with the others as you feel able to.

1) Get the Facts and Get Help.

Web sites and books on depression abound. Find them and do some research. You need to know what you're dealing with. Learn all you can about depression, so you can make educated decisions about your own health, learn how others cope, and find what medical treatment is available. Many books have self tests to help you determine whether you are experiencing clinical depression or temporary sadness in reaction to an event. In addition to reading everything you can get your hands on, one of the most important things you can do for yourself is seek medical help right away. Depression is much too complicated for you to solve on your own. Clinical depression is a serious medical condition that is very complicated to treat. Often it is a physical problem that requires long term medication. In my own experience, it's taken years of medication, counseling, and practicing various self help methods to slowly emerge from it, and it's still a daily battle.

Many people suffer needlessly from depression because they won't consult a doctor. If you're waiting for God to heal you, consider this: God gives scientists intelligence, which they often use to create helpful medicines; and He gives doctors wisdom to treat illnesses. Wise doctors and modern medicines are gifts from God and vehicles through which He often heals. Doctors can help you determine whether what you feel is truly depression, or if you are just reacting normally to a sad life situation.

If you've experienced depression, you already know it is not an illness you can "snap out of," no matter what others may tell you. It's not something to be ashamed of either. Depression can be a serious physical illness caused by an imbalance of brain chemicals or other factors. Like any serious medical condition, depression needs to be treated. Without the proper treatment, none of my suggested coping strategies will do any good.

2) Get Focused.

Feelings of hopelessness and helplessness pervade the life of a depressed person. The opposite of depression is a hopeful attitude. Focusing on hope and developing a hopeful heart is a must. It can be accomplished in a couple ways. One way is to search the Bible for the numerous Scriptures that tell how God has helped those who felt hopeless. It's helpful to memorize verses like these: Hebrews 4:15 (For we do not have a high priest who is unable to sympathize with our weaknesses, but we have one who has been tempted in every way, just as we are--yet was without sin.); 2 Corinthians 4:8 & 9 (All-surpassing power is from God and not from us. We are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed; perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted, but not abandoned; struck down, but not destroyed.); Matthew 6:34 (Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.); Isaiah 41:10 (Do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.); and John 14:27 (Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.).

The story of Job and the book of Psalms are the most worn pages in my Bible. While at my lowest, I've read and re-read them more times than I can count. My fridge and the mirrors in my house are covered with sticky notes reminding me of how God intervenes in the lives of His people.

Another way to focus on hope is by practicing positive self talk. This simply means telling yourself good things. I made a list for myself of positive affirmations like "God cares and understands my pain. God values me. God is giving me strength. I am made in God's image. I can choose my attitude. I choose not to put myself down. I'm a worthwhile person. I have a purpose. I enjoy life. I choose to be happy and I am competent." If you struggle with depression, I think you'll find it helpful to write down as many of these affirmations as you can think of and read them every day. Even if they're not currently true or you don't really believe them, it's okay. Say them to yourself anyway. Your mind will come to believe what you tell it, so tell it you are already the type of person you want to become. Be sure to remind yourself often that God is with you and He is pouring his strength on you. "Why are you cast down, O my soul? And why are you disquieted within me? Hope in God, for I shall yet praise Him For the help of His countenance. ...For You are the God of my strength..." (Psalm 42:5 and 43:2 NKJV)

2 Corinthians 4:18 says we need to "fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal." Focusing on positive, heavenly things rather than earthly things will keep the feelings of hopelessness at bay.

3) Get Friendly.

Fellowship with other people is a mood lifter. Being alone is the worst thing you can do when you're depressed. Unfortunately, it's usually the very thing I want most. Depression grows best in isolation. I find it very difficult to get out and socialize when I'm depressed, but if I push myself to do it, I'm almost always glad later. Some ideas for socializing include joining a club, taking a class, inviting someone to meet you for lunch, or visiting a nursing home to chat with the residents there. It especially helps me to be with friends who enjoy the same hobbies I do. Shopping, watching movies, and rubber stamping are some of the things I enjoy doing alone, but they're twice as much fun when I do them with friends.

4) Get Giggling.

I collect cartoons and funny newspaper columns. I visit humor web sites online, watch funny movies, and read funny books. Best of all is laughing with friends. One of the reasons I enjoy my grandson so much is because he makes me laugh. I can act goofy with him and let go of my inhibitions. We dance and sing and make up silly rhymes. I have photographs of us wearing funny glasses with big black mustaches. I laugh every time I look at those. Laughing affects brain chemicals. It releases endorphins, which make you feel good. Chocolate does the same thing, but a good laugh is less fattening.

A friend of mine, who had a very frustrating job, told me that one day she was inspired by someone who had a huge, bright smile. She decided to emulate that woman and smile at everyone she encountered. Right away, she realized that smiling was addictive. It seemed to make the time pass more quickly and she found herself less frustrated and more at peace. She told me, "It sounds corny, but it really works!"

Paul wrote, "Rejoice in the Lord always. Again I will say rejoice!" (Philippians 4:4 NKJV) I've heard that a person can act her way into feeling better. Act happy, act glad, and it helps you to feel happy and glad. Paul exhibited this truth in his own life. Acts 16 tells how Paul and Silas were attacked, beaten, locked in stocks, and thrown into solitary confinement. Yet, at midnight, what were they doing? Feeling sorry for themselves? Asking God, "Why?" Moaning and complaining like I do? No, they were singing! Sure they were suffering, but they knew they were children of God. Paul may have even been remembering his personal encounter with Jesus on the road to Damascus. (Acts 22:10) They were praising God because they had been rescued from their sins, filled by the Holy Spirit, and added to God's family. No jailer could take that away. That was worth being grateful for, no matter what else happened to them. Even if they were to be killed, it would only send them to heaven. So why should they fear? That's some awesome faith, isn't it?

5) Get Rhythm.

When I feel a case of the gloomies descending, that is not the time to play melancholy music. Positive upbeat tunes are in order -- the sort of music you might hear at a parade or a circus. Music gets your toes tapping and your blood flowing. It makes you want to sing. Singing and dancing sends a message to your brain that you're happy. Your brain is an actualizer. Whatever it "thinks" is true, it works to bring about. This is why positive thinking works. You tell yourself, "I'm happy" often enough and your brain accepts it as fact. It actualizes that truth, making it happen. I've found that when depression takes hold of me, I tend to ruminate on negative thoughts. Listening to good, Christian music with positive lyrics helps to pour good things into my brain and crowd those negative things out. There's a list of good things to ponder in the fourth chapter of Paul's letter to the Philippian church. It says to think about whatever is true, honest, just, pure, lovely, noble, right, or admirable. Philippians 4:8 says, "If anything is excellent or praiseworthy, think about such things." Christian music helps me accomplish this.

6) Get Busy

We all need to feel like we're involved in something significant. We need to participate in something outside ourselves. You might consider volunteering at a local women's shelter or food pantry. I've enjoyed both and discovered that when I stay busy helping others and concentrating on their problems, I get a break from focusing on my own troubles. This is how HUGS and HOPE began. It started with a small effort to make a difference for one family and it grew. I've learned that joy boomerangs. When you give it away, it comes back to you. Helping others gives you the heart-warming satisfaction of knowing you are making a difference in the world. That will elevate your mood as well as your self esteem.

7) Get Physical

This is two-fold. Physical exercise is good for us, but physical contact is equally important. Our bodies need to move to be healthy, and going for a walk is the easiest exercise for me to do when I'm depressed. It doesn't require as much energy and motivation as other activities. Breathing the fresh air and looking at the beauty of nature can be helpful, and taking my dog along is even better. Just watching his ears flop as he bounces down the road in front of me often brings a smile to my face.

Exercise affects brain chemicals, and the healing touch of physical closeness does too. If you're depressed, hug somebody - anybody, everybody! A hug is good medicine. It reduces stress and tension and it boosts your immunity to illness. Hugs raise self esteem and lower blood pressure. They feel good and make people happy. And they're free! Hugs are the universal language that communicates love and acceptance. They're healthy for the "hugger" as well as the "hugee."

8) Get Quiet

I need to lean heavily on God's word and spend time with Him. When I pray, I talk things over with God. When I read the Bible and meditate on it, I hear Him speak to me and I contemplate what He says. I've found this to be one of the best anti-depressants there is. However, I need to add a word of caution here. Too much solitude can worsen depression. Isolating yourself and avoiding people can make depression grow. Don't use meditation time as an excuse to avoid human contact. Time with God is of the utmost importance, but balance between quiet time alone and time spent with others is essential.

9) Get Forgiveness - And Give it Too!

I've read that many psychiatrists agree that depression is guilt or anger turned inward. David is an example of someone whose guilt led to depression. After committing adultery, he wrote, "When I kept silent, my bones grew old through my groaning all the day long. For day and night Your hand was heavy upon me; My vitality was turned into the drought of summer." (Psalm 32:3-4)

Sin makes you feel bad, but when you receive God's forgiveness, your guilt is removed; and often depression is removed too.

Depression can sometimes be caused from the need to forgive someone else or yourself (whomever is making you angry). Grudges cause feelings of frustration, which aggravate the hopeless feelings of depression. When we forgive, we let go of past hurts and give up bitterness. Then depression has no negativity on which to feed. If you free yourself from feelings of hate and open yourself up to feelings of love, you may feel as if the depression is physically lifting off your shoulders.

My friend Nance went through a difficult divorce, which left her bitter about the past, anxious about the future, and miserable in general. She harbored a lot of grudges and guilt, and she worried constantly. She felt the need to control everything in her life, yet she knew she couldn't. After attending a women's retreat, Nance realized what her negativity was doing to her.She released her worries, fears, anger, and resentments at the foot of the cross. Then she felt a renewal in her heart. She was happy and at peace.

When she was dying, Nance told me that the most difficult thing she'd ever had to do was forgive - both her ex-husband and herself -- for past mistakes. She said forgiving was even harder than dying!

Forgiveness isn't a simple one time event. It's a process that often takes time (sometimes years), but it's an important step to healing.

Jesus taught forgiveness when he said we'd be forgiven in the same way we forgive others, and when he told Peter we should forgive, not seven times, but seventy times seven. Of course, Jesus also lived forgiveness. While hanging on the cross, he looked at his torturers and said, "Father forgive them for they do not know what they are doing." (Luke 23:34)

10) Get Thankful.

When I'm depressed, I need to make a conscious effort to count my blessings. An attitude of hopelessness and discontent has a hard time competing with an attitude of gratitude. 1 Thessalonians 5:28 says, "In everything give thanks, for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you." It's important to remember that depression is not fatal and it doesn't last forever. You WILL survive! Remind yourself that this cloud of despair will pass eventually. It may seem like there's no light at the end of the tunnel, but trust that there is; and be thankful for that, as you wait for the light to appear.

So, while kisses from your husband (or a psychiatrist) may be great, they can't cure depression. But along with medication and the proper treatment, now you have some practical steps you can take for your own well being. There are times when one of these strategies may be more helpful than the rest. Other times, it may seem that none of them makes a huge difference. But I keep practicing all of them anyway, because I know they are steps toward a healthier lifestyle. Following them on a regular basis may not eliminate depression forever, but they help me to minimize their severity.

These tips can be helpful for people who are not depressed too. They can be useful for anyone who is a little discouraged, a little blue, or needs to refocus on more positive things in life.

I hope that by trying these ideas you may find yourself on the way to experiencing more joy.


Drinking Alcohol While Breastfeeding


If you make the decision to breastfeed your baby, what steps should you take to ensure your baby receives the best nourishment? While many mothers are aware that avoiding alcohol whilst pregnant is advisable, it seems that the guidelines for post pregnancy are somewhat unclear.

After consulting with the experts we have complied some essential facts about drinking alcohol whilst breastfeeding.

The effect of alcohol

o    The level of alcohol in a mother's bloodstream is very similar to the levels in the breast milk.

o    Levels peak between 30 and 60 minutes of drinking alcohol, or 90 minutes if you drank with a meal.

o    It takes between two and three hours for a unit of alcohol (a small glass of wine, or half a pint of ordinary-strength beer) to leave a nursing mum's breast milk.

The effect on your baby

o    Breast milk containing alcohol is likely to disrupt your babies sleep patterns and cause the baby to become agitated.

o    Larger amounts of alcohol may cause a sedative effect.

o    Research shows that babies may take around 20% less milk if alcohol is present in breast milk. This is because alcohol inhibits the mother's 'let-down' which releases milk to the nipple.

o    Consequently, babies are likely to need feeding more often and may even go on 'nursing-strike' due to the altered taste of the milk.

In moderation

Dr Wendy Jones, a pharmacist who is a Registered Breastfeeding Supporter with the UK based Breastfeeding Network says it's safe for breastfeeding mothers to drink alcohol "within reason" - a position supported by La Leche League and the American Academy of Pediatrics Committee on Drugs.

"An occasional glass of wine is fine but binge or regular drinking above the recommended daily levels of two to three alcohol units is harmful to mum and baby," says Wendy. "It is better not to drink every day but to keep alcohol for social occasions."

However if you do drink over the recommendations at a social occasion, you may want to avoid breastfeeding. Wendy advises, "If you feel drunk and particularly if you have drunk enough to vomit, it is better not to breastfeed for 12 hours".

Alcohol contained in breast milk will not remain there once the alcohol has passed from the mothers system. Therefore 'pumping and dumping' to expel the milk containing alcohol is not necessary.

Know your limits

According to breastfeeding consultant and former maternity nurse, Geraldine Miskin, first-time mums often choose to avoid alcohol altogether, however those with children tend to be more comfortable including alcohol in their diet.

"They have experience looking after small babies and children and know their boundaries," she says. "Managing family needs with a sore head will definitely not be part of their plan. However, if you have more than one child and a crazy day with no help - a glass of wine at the end of the day keeps you sane!"

Geraldine suggests that mothers who do want a drink should follow these guidelines;

o    Have alcohol with a meal and shortly after a feed, so there is time to process the alcohol before baby needs to feed again. 

o    However, she advises having at least two alcohol-free days each week: "This way you won't become dependent on 'that one glass of wine' at the end of a long day, which can quickly become two or three".

Is abstinence best?

Many take a very different view on alcohol and breastfeeding. Janet Fyle, professional policy advisor at the Royal College of Midwives (RCM), argues that drinking in moderation sends out the wrong signal to mothers.
"The RCM advises abstinence in pregnancy and during breastfeeding," says Janet. "In the light of all the evidence, we believe cumulative alcohol consumption can be harmful to mother and baby."

Janet argues that advising women it is OK to drink in moderation is very dangerous, as many ask the question, "What is moderation? If someone is consuming alcohol regularly, it's very easy for them to cross the line." Mothers raising children alone without support and those with post-natal depression could be particularly at risk.

Mothers nursing their babies in bed should be particularly careful. "If you are co-sleeping, you must never consume alcohol because of the danger of suffocation," says Janet. "The same applies to your partner."

While abstinence is the College's official recommendation, midwives are encouraged to consider the individuals circumstances when advising on drinking alcohol. Janet stresses, "We're not trying to tell people how to live their lives. If someone says 'I'm going off to a wedding, can I have a glass of champagne?', that's different."

Conclusion - What is best for baby?

The evidence suggests that for mothers who want to enjoy the odd drink, switching to bottle-feeding is not necessary and may deny your baby the benefits of breast milk.

"Breast milk from a mother, who has the occasional small glass of wine or half a pint of beer (the equivalent of one to two alcohol units) is still superior to formula milk, which does not contain all the immunological and other special properties we know breast milk has," says Wendy.

"If you know your boundaries with alcohol, there is no need to switch to formula," agrees Geraldine. "Just think of all the benefits your baby will be missing out on if you give up breastfeeding during the day - just so that you can have a glass of wine at night."

The Right Parental Care During Pregnancy

Only a healthy mother can deliver a healthy baby. So, parental care and preparation are necessary at the beginning itself. Having nutritious food and health exercise alone will not help a mother to deliver a healthy child. It needs overall care in each minute element that a mother comes across her regular life. Once you know that you are going to have a baby, it is essential that you give your baby a healthy start. Pregnancy is an extremely amazing time for you as well as your partner and future child. As an expectant mother, you must know what is happening to you and the baby growing within you.

Time of changes

Even though in the initial stages you might not notice any major transitions taking place in yourself, you would be able to see the budding evidences of the changes going on inside your body slowly. Most Believe it or not, it would be totally miraculous yet strange for you to wake up every morning to discover that you see a body that is different from what you had yesterday. It is quite normal to experience some common discomforts while you are pregnant. Nausea, dizziness, vomiting, bloated body, fatigue, tiredness, body aches, frequent urination and many other problems are common during this time. All these should be given due care during the effective parental care.

Give care on emotional changes

You would also undergo emotional and physical changes during pregnancy. Maintaining a cool and calm mindset is necessary to keep your baby healthy. The time demands more relaxation techniques to free your body from unnecessary commotions. Try to practice any of your favourite pastimes during pregnancy period. If you come across extra mental pressure and shock, try to get rid of it at the earliest with the help of your better half. Reading is a good habit that any woman can leisurely enjoy during her pregnancy days. Watching comedy movies also can gift you more relaxation.

Consult your doctor in time

You can keep a track of your kid's development by going through various tests. The best way is to visit your gynecologist regularly. These parental care visits are extremely essential for the health of your would be baby and you. A health care provider would also guide you about the things that you must avoid during your nine months of conception. Activities like drinking and smoking would hurt your child. Same is the case with certain medicines. A good doctor would advise you to eat a healthy diet and drink plenty of fluids. Prenatal vitamins also play an essential role in the health of your unborn child.

The Pros and Cons of Teen Pregnancies

Teens are becoming more and more sexually active these days. This increases the risk of contracting STD's and also unwanted pregnancies. Some teenagers are aware of the consequences of having unprotected sex and some are not. Then there are those who want to have a baby and those who don't want one but end up getting pregnant anyway.

Teen pregnancies are either unwanted or wanted. Either way, if you are a teen, there are still issues that have to be faced. Here are some of the pros and cons of teen pregnancies.


They will most likely miss out on needed education. Some teen girls don't like the stares they get from having a big belly so they might stay home from school. Then there are those who get sick a lot from the pregnancy and have to stay home. Not to mention all the doctor appointments they have to go to. So, there is a big chance that they will either miss a lot of days in school, or have to quit for the moment.

The pregnancy will have a big impact on them. They will go through pain, gain weight, lose sleep, feel stressed, and more. Pregnancy can be very hard on a teenager. Their bodies aren't as strong as fully grown women and they are new to this experience and most often, it's something that is hard for them to experience.

Dealing with family is another negative side to teen pregnancies. In most cases the parents will be upset. They know that they will have to support the teen and the baby once it's born. With most teen pregnancies, the teen will not be able to care for and support the baby. They will need some kind of help. This help usually comes from the parents. So it is normal for them to be upset with the teen.

The most common downside of becoming pregnant as a teen is not being able to do the things they usually do. After the baby is born and even while the teen is carrying the child, they won't be able to do the things they normally do. For example, they might like playing basketball, going to the amusement park, and doing things they can't do during pregnancy. When the baby arrives, they have to turn their focus to the baby. They won't be able to go to the mall every weekend or go out with friends. They will have to tend to the baby unless they have a babysitter.


They will be able to grow with their child. Being a young parent has it's good points too. Being able to do things with your child is always good. Older people tend to pass up on things because they are not into whatever it is that the child might be into or they are just too tired.

There are not too many positive sides to getting pregnant as a teen. There are more negatives than positives. Either way, just make sure you know what you are doing before you do it. Educate yourself on what happens when you practice unprotected sex and get pregnant. Having a talk with an older relative or parent that will have a calm talk with you is also a good idea.

CMS and JCAHO Healthcare Security Requirements Summary

Every healthcare organization/hospital accepting payment for Medicare and Medicaid patients is required to meet certain Federal standards called "Conditions of Participation" (CoPs).

These Federal requirements are promulgated by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid to improve quality and protect the health and safety of patients. Compliance is based on surveys conducted by state agencies on behalf of the CMS. Conditions of Participation are regulatory standards hospitals agree to follow as a condition for receiving federal funding through the Medicare program.

Under an agreement with CMS, State healthcare licensure agencies conduct surveys of hospitals and enforce compliance with CoPs and ensure that Conditions of Participation are being practiced. Hospitals and other healthcare facilities are subject to random onsite reviews. Unannounced surveys can result from patient or public complaints or inquiries. Healthcare Security is an important element for the new 2006 Conditions of Participation.

Department of Health & Human Services
Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services
(Healthcare Security)


Title 42CFR, Volume 3 - §482.13 Condition of Participation: Patients' Rights

A hospital must protect and promote each patient's rights

Interpretive Guidelines §482.13

These requirements apply to all Medicare or Medicaid participating hospitals including short-term, acute care, surgical, specialty, psychiatric, rehabilitation, long-term, childrens' and cancer, whether or not they are accredited. This rule does not apply to critical access hospitals. (See Social Security Act (the Act) §1861(e)).

These requirements, as well as the other Conditions of Participation in 42 CFR §482, apply to all parts and locations (outpatient services, provider-based entities, inpatient services) of the Medicare participating hospital.


Title 42, Volume 3 CFR - §482.13(c)(2) The patient has the right to receive care in a safe setting.

Interpretive Guidelines for §482.13(c)(2)

The intention of this requirement is to specify that each patient receives care in an environment that a reasonable person would consider to be safe. For example, hospital staff should follow current standards of practice for patient environmental safety, infection control and security. The hospital must protect vulnerable patients, including newborns and children. Additionally, this standard is intended to provide protection for the patient's emotional health and safety as well as his/her physical safety. Respect, dignity and comfort would be components of an emotionally safe environment.

Survey Procedures §482.13(c)(2)

o Review and analyze patient and staff incident and accident reports to identify any incidents or patterns of incidents concerning a safe environment. Expand your review if you suspect a problem with safe environment in the hospitals.

o Review QAPI, safety, infection control and security (or the committee that deals with security issues) committee minutes and reports to determine if the hospital is identifying problems, evaluating those problems and taking steps to ensure a safe patient environment.

o Observe the environment where care and treatment are provided.

o Observe and interview staff at units where infants and children are inpatients. Are appropriate security protections (such as alarms, arm banding systems, etc.) in place? Are they functioning?

o Review policy and procedures on what the facility does to curtail unwanted visitors or contaminated materials.

o Access the hospital's security efforts to protect vulnerable patients including newborns and children. Is the hospital providing appropriate security to protect patients? Are appropriate security mechanisms in place and being followed to protect patients?


The use of handcuffs or other restrictive devices applied by law enforcement officials who are not employed by or contracted by the hospital is for custody, detention, and public safety reasons, and is not involved in the provision of health care. Therefore, the use of restrictive devices applied by and monitored by law enforcement officers who are not employed or contracted by the hospital, and who maintain custody and direct supervision of their prisoner are not governed by §482.13(f)(l-3). The individual may be the law enforcement officer's prisoner but he/she is also the hospital's patient. The hospital is still responsible for providing safe and appropriate care to their patient. The condition of the patient must be continually assessed, monitored and reevaluate.

JCAHO - 2006
(Healthcare Security)

The Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations evaluates and accredits more than 18,000 healthcare organizations and programs throughout the United States. Hospitals aggressively seek Joint Commission accreditation to meet Medicare certification and licensure requirements. Accreditation is also a condition of reimbursement for many insurers and other payers. In addition, JCAHO Accreditation reduces the hospital's liability insurance premiums. Beginning in 2006 JCAHO will conduct all surveys without prior notice.

The Joint Commission has accredited hospitals for more than 50 years and today accredits over 80 percent of the nation's hospitals. The Centers for Medicaid & Medicare Services (CMS) have required JCAHO accreditation by US hospitals since 1965 as a 'Condition of Participation' requirement in order for them to receive Medicaid and Medicare reimbursements.

The Joint Commission and Healthcare Security

The Joint Commission's Standards address the hospital's performance in specific areas, and specify requirements to insure that patients are provided a safe and secure environment. 2006 Environment of Care© requirements include, but are not limited to the following:

o Development and maintenance of a written Security Management Plan to include an Emergency Management Plan.

o Conduct an annual Risk Assessment that evaluates the potential adverse impact of the external environment on the security of patients, staff, and others coming to the facility.

o Use the risks identified to select and implement procedures and controls to achieve the lowest potential for adverse impact on security.

o Identify, as appropriate, patients, staff and other people entering the facility.

o Access Control / Physical Protection - control access to and egress from security sensitive areas, as determined by the organization.

o Mitigate Violence in the Emergency Department and other locations.

o Education and Training - staff, licensed practitioners, and volunteers have the knowledge and skills necessary to perform their responsibilities within the environment.

o Develop and implement a proactive infant abduction prevention plan.

o Include information on visitor/provider identification as well as identification of potential abductors/abduction situations (during staff orientation and in-service curriculum programs).

o Enhance parent education concerning abduction risks and parent responsibility for reducing risk and then assess the parents' level of understanding.

o Attach secure identically numbered bands to the baby (wrist and ankle bands), mother, and father or significant other immediately after birth.

o Footprint the baby, take a color photograph of the baby and record the baby's physical examination within two hours of birth.

o Require staff to wear up-to-date, conspicuous, color photograph identification badges.

o Discontinue publication of birth notices in local newspapers.

o Consider options for controlling access to nursery/postpartum unit such as swipe-card locks, keypad locks, entry point alarms or video surveillance (any locking systems must comply with fire codes).

o Consider implementing an infant security tag or abduction alarm system.

Material in this brochure provided to Accutech-ICS ( by Security Assessments International, Inc.,


The information provided by and SAI is in accordance with our understanding of current JCAHO and CMS Regulations. It is intended for educational purposes only and should not be considered 'legal' advice. Please consult with your legal counsel or Compliance Officer for clarification of laws and rules related to your State when applicable. and SAI are not affiliated with the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations. and SAI - ©January, 2006