Saturday, July 20, 2013

Miracle Foods That Help You Lose Weight Fast After Pregnancy

Unbelievable as it may sound, scientific studies have shown recently that moms who eat certain types of food actually lose more weight than those who don't eat the same foods, all other factors being equal.

Science has proven that these foods would help you lose weight fast after pregnancy:


Beans are the preferred protein source for most dieters, as it contains a good mix of both carbohydrates and protein. Beans take longer to digest because of their high fiber content. This is a good thing, as it helps to stabilize your blood sugar levels and also helps you stay full longer.

The true power of beans as a fat burner lies in their high fiber content. Dietary fiber is like a workout for the digestive system. It helps de-clog the system, and it also prevents your blood sugar level from rising too high. Always remember: go for plain beans. Baked beans and fried beans (sugary and fatty, respectively) can actually prevent you to lose weight fast after pregnancy, as it provides too many calories and carbs.

Skim Milk

Calcium is probably the most well-known metabolism booster. Studies have proven that calcium can help weight loss after giving birth. In a study, the test subjects were divided in two groups. Both groups did the same activities, but one group was given several servings of calcium more than the other group. The amazing result was that at the end of the test, the group that received extra calcium lost weight almost three times as much as the group that did not receive extra servings.

Calcium is abundant in vegetables like broccoli, but most people get their source from dairy products. Just make sure to choose products made from 2%, 1%, or fat-free milk, as these products give you the highest amount of calcium in as little calories as possible.

Green Tea

It's been widely known for many years now that green tea is the "miracle product" for dieters. Tea contains many antioxidants that can fight cancer-causing free radicals in the body. Its caffeine content is a mild stimulant that doesn't cause undue stress to the body. Tea is also a diuretic, which will help flush out retained fluid in the body.

Besides these, green tea has also shown properties as a fat burner. Tests results were encouraging: Drinking 4 to 6 cups of green tea each day could help you lose weight fast after pregnancy.

Drink Water to Lose Weight Fast After Pregnancy

Though it doesn't contain any nutrients, water is still on the top list of "foods" that breaks down fat. Water lowers sodium levels to reduce bloating, it flushes retained fluid from the body, it promotes cell repair, and satisfies the appetite. In addition, water also keeps metabolism at optimum levels.

Both the kidney and the liver (the body's primary filtration centers) need water to function properly. The liver sometimes functions as a backup to the kidney, especially when the latter is deprived of water. But in performing a role as a filter, it becomes less efficient at its primary function - to burn stored fat for metabolism. So in order to maintain metabolism and fat-burning at optimal level, you should drink plenty of water.

For a diet overhaul, start eating these foods that burn fat. Add 64 ounces of pure water - and you'll be on your way to lose weight fast after pregnancy.

Sexual Positions That Help in Getting Pregnant With a Baby Boy

Do you desperately want a baby boy? Do you have not enough money to be spent on clinical treatments that determine the sex of the baby? If your answer is yes then the following reading would be of great help to you.

It is becoming increasingly famous there are many natural ways that influence the sex of the unborn baby. The easiest method that is free of cost as well is the adoption of some specific intercourse positions. Here we will discuss some sexual intercourse positions that will help you to get pregnant with a baby boy. This article will also explain the science that works behind this.

How Does The Sexual Intercourse Position Affect The Baby's Gender:
Most of us have an idea that sexual position used for conception that can determine whether the couple gets a baby girl or a baby boy; however only few of us are in a position of understanding that how does it takes place. The gender of the baby is determined by which type of sperm fertilizes the egg. There are Y chromosomes (boy) and X chromosome (girl). Both these chromosomes race towards egg. Each chromosome has different set of characteristics. Y sperms are extremely fast but at the same time they are weaker. X sperms are slower but at the same time they are stronger.

It is important to have this information to conceive for a baby boy. As you have to downlay the weakness of Y sperm. These Y chromosomes start to die off and deteriorate very quickly. There are many things that can be done for compensating this. The best idea here is to choose the sexual positions.

The Best Intercourse Sexual Position For Getting Pregnant With A Baby Boy:
For getting pregnant with a baby boy those positions are helpful that place the sperm closest to cervix. This close positioning help the little week guys to make their short trip and stay alive in the vaginal environment.

The famous position known for the closest deposition of cervix is rear entry. In this position the woman has to lie down on her stomach with her knees in sitting position. Another sexual position for conceiving a baby boy is that woman sits up with her knees on floor or on the edge of the bed. The pelvis can be raised even further with the help of a pillow.

It is generally believed that missionary position is helpful for conceiving a baby girl, this is true but slight variation can help the couple in conceiving for a baby boy. If the woman puts her legs on the shoulder of the man then it allows deeper penetration closest to the cervix.

Swimming For Pregnancy Fitness? Uncover the Hidden Risks That No One Will Tell You!

When you think about pregnancy exercise there are a few things that immediately spring to mind as safe activities  for pregnancy. Ask any pregnant woman what she would consider a safe form of pregnancy exercise and she is likely to say Yoga, Pilates or Swimming as her top answers.

In fact, swimming is recommended by practically everyone in your professional care team and for good reason. Swimming during pregnancy has several benefits for your pregnant body that you won't get from any other form of pregnancy exercise.
It's greatest asset is that the near weightless environment of the water provides a safe place for you to work out large muscle groups and the cardiovascular system, with very little risk of injury.
Swimming during pregnancy also increases maternal aerobic capacity, which in plain English, means that your body will be able to transport oxygen more effectively to working muscles, increasing their performance and giving you better results from your pregnancy workout.

A lot of women also find swimming during pregnancy provides them with a sense of wellbeing as well as relieving morning sickness.

But there are a few things you need to know before you go diving in the pool that your professional care team WON'T tell you.

Breast isn't always best

Breast stroke is commonly thought of as the best stroke for pregnancy by a lot of people, as it is the gentlest of the swimming strokes. It also encourages good alignment in the torso as it works the chest while encouraging you to pull back your shoulders.However, if you do breaststroke properly, you will notice that as you lift your head to come out of the water and breathe, you create an overly extended arch in your lower back.

Now considering the lower back is already under a LOT of pressure from your pregnancy posture, the last thing you want to do is add to this and wind up with pregnancy back pain.

Breaststroke legs are not suitable for pregnancy. During your pregnancy you pelvic ligaments become very soft, and the joints can be easily overstreched by the backstroke kick. The pubic joint at the front may begin to separate in preparation for birth and injury can lead to Pubis Symphysis Disorder and Round Ligament Pain

Back stroke

Swimming on your back for any length of time after 16 weeks could prove to be very uncomfortable as the weight of the uterus puts pressure on the vena cava.

If you do experience any discomfort you should avoid this stroke completely.

Acid indigestion and reflux

It is best not to eat anything for 2 hours prior to swimming to avoid acid indigestion and gastric reflux, especially in the third trimester.

Tumble turns will also aggravate this.

Choose a chemical free pool where possible

There has been some recent press about the dangers of uptake of chloroform by pregnant women swimming in chlorinated pools. In tests, pools were found to have "relatively high" levels of the disinfectant by-products which have been linked to reproductive problems.

A one hour swim was found to give a chloroform dose 141 times higher than a 10 minute shower.

However further research needs to be done on this and until a wide-scale population study has been conducted this is not conclusive evidence against the use of chlorinated pools by pregnant women.

How to have a great, safe pregnancy swim workout.

Choose a stroke that won't put pressure on your pregnant body. Front Crawl is great for a higher intensity pregnancy workout.

If you need a resting stroke for intervals try using a snorkel with breast stroke arms so that you don't have to keep bobbing your head out of the water and putting pressure on your lower back, whilst using front crawl legs to propel you.

Have a light snack a couple of hours before you enter the pool.

If you have access to a chemical free pool in your area then use it.

Always shower and wash your hair immediately after leaving the pool to reduce uptake of chemicals into your bloodstream.

Utah Health Insurance Companies - Getting Quotes and Comparing Plans

There are several reliable health insurance companies that offer plans in Utah.  Here are the main ones and a little about each one:

Altius Health Plans

Altius has a variety of unique plan options. Their large independent network of doctors allows customers to choose from the Mountain Star hospitals and an independent network of doctors.  Altius offers a free dental discount plan to all of their Utah members that purchase a health plan.  Because there are so many babies born in Utah, Altius has chosen to have a $7,500 deductible for maternity.  In my experience, people have been very happy with, and loyal to, Altius Health Plans.

Assurant Health Plans

Assurant Health offers a wide variety of plans, but their most unique advantage is their OneDeductible plan which is compatible with a health savings account.  Assurant Health is able to accept many people who have been denied by other Utah insurance companies because of their innovative "condition specific deductibles".   Assurant also offers 24 and 36 month rate guarantees on some of their plans, as well as the lowest individual & family maternity deductible in the state ($2,500 in 2009).  Assurant offers Utah residents the ability to choose their maternity deductible, which is completely unique to the Utah market.


HumanaOne has a large doctor and hospital network in Utah, called Choice PPO.   They have done a great job offering affordably priced health savings account compatible plans.   In fact, if you are looking to buy a high deductible health plan that is eligible to be used with a health savings account in Utah, HumanaOne will ilkely be the best option.  HumanaOne offers term life and dental insurance along with their Utah insurance plans and makes it easy for Utah customers to transfer their plan from state to state if they move.

Regence Blue Cross Blue Shield of Utah

Regence Blue Cross is a solid competitor in the market and boasts a fairly low maternity deductible compared to other Utah health insurers.  Blue Cross has the largest PPO doctor network in the state of Utah, called ValueCare. Regence Blue Cross Blue Shield of Utah continues to have a good reputation, solid plans, and competitive rates compared to other Utah insurers.


SelectHealth has exclusive network use of the Intermountain Healthcare hospitals.   In addition, SelectHealth's kids plans make for an attractive option for children under the age of 18.  Selecthealth also offers optional dental insurance with each of their individual and family plans, making it easy to get your health and dental in one place.  On top of receiving national attention for their ability to provide quality care at an affordable price, with excellent patient outcomes, they have received national awards for quality of care and innovation in the Utah marketplace. 

There are many quality options for Utah residents shopping for health insurance in Utah.  Stick to one of the main companies above and you will be happy with the choice you make.

Diabetics and Gestational Diabetes

Gestational Diabetes is form of diabetes that can only develop in pregnant women, usually diagnosed in the second trimester.

This is however different for women with pre-existing diabetes prior to their pregnancy, i.e. for women who are already treated for diabetes and are already diabetics before they become pregnant. Unfortunately, diabetes in pregnancy is associated with risks to the woman and to her developing baby.

As research shows, in pregnant women with diabetes the control of blood sugars may be more difficult, especially in the first trimester. Additionally, the signs of hypoglycaemia may become less apparent and some women may not recognise them as quickly as they used to before they were pregnant. As a result, this may lead to poor sugar control and particularly with hypo- and/or hyper-glycaemia in first trimester, to an increase miscarriage and abnormalities.

To prevent this from happening, tight control of blood sugar levels at more frequent intervals and efficient diabetes management is essential.

When the woman with diabetes is planning to get pregnant, she should inform her diabetic nurse and/or doctor about her wishes. The diabetic nurse and/or doctor should then offer pre-conception diabetic care and advice focusing on preventing the risk factors and enhancing the management of diabetes prior to and during the pregnancy.

The woman with diabetes planning to get pregnant needs to establish a good control of her blood sugars before her pregnancy and continue this throughout the pregnancy. She should also be aware of the risks of hypoglycaemia and the possible unawareness of signs of having a 'hypo', especially in the first trimester.

The woman who is diabetic prior to her pregnancy should:

1. Make sure that her blood sugar levels are well controlled, especially in the first trimester.

2. Always record her blood sugar levels and contact her diabetic nurse specialist and/or a doctor if concerned.

3. Have a list of contacts available for emergencies and if any advice is required.

4. Be monitored more closely by her diabetic nurse specialist and/or diabetic consultant.

5. Visit diabetic clinic at more regular intervals.

6. Have a full understanding of her diabetes and its possible effects on pregnancy.

7. Have monthly blood test to check for levels of the long-term glucose in the blood (HbA1c).

8. Be offered an additional ultrasound scan to check the baby's growth.

9. In the third trimester visit diabetes midwife and discuss her labour and how it might be affected by diabetes.

10. Be explained the preparation for labour and the postnatal care.

11. Know her insulin regime to be used during and after delivery.

Is Pregnancy Brain Real?

Have you forgotten any important information lately? Telephone numbers? Names? Appointments? Places you've put things?

If so, you're probably experiencing PREGNANCY BRAIN!

For those of you who, in the past, might have laughed at your girlfriend who suggested it was a REAL excuse - let me tell you, pregnancy brain is a REAL phenomenon and it affects over 50% of women.

There is research out there that suggests that a woman's brain does SHRINK during pregnancy! The question is - does it grow back? (Keep reading for my opinion on that one!).

Research or not - I know I had PREGNANCY BRAIN! I could hardly remember where I parked my car never mind where I actually put the keys for it (and normally I'm very responsible with things like that!).

I also found that not only was I forgetful, I was also clumsy and sloppy (every time I drank water I had a hard time finding my mouth!)

So, worry no more, cut yourself some slack, and chalk your "forgetfulness" up as yet another pregnancy symptom!

In fact, with all the changes you've got going on in your body, not to mention all of the important decisions you've got to make (pregnancy tests, cloth diapers vs. disposables, epidural or not, color of your baby's room etc.), it's no wonder you're not 100% mindful!

And what happens to your "shrunken" brain after delivery? Based on my personal experience, I am sorry to say it, BUT the forgetfulness doesn't completely go away the moment you deliver (nuh-uh!). Take it from me - my daughter is 19 months and I still often find myself going to the grocery store for diapers, coming home and THEN realizing I have bought everything else BUT what I went in for!

On a more serious note - I really believe that your degree of Pregnancy Brain (or not!) is reflective of the level of stress, overwhelm, and/or "busyness" in your life. So, here are some TIPS to help you take charge of your life:

8 Ways to Reduce the Pregnancy Brain Drain...

1. Keep a small notebook - jot down reminders, names, appointments;

2. Write a daily "to-do" list - this will help you remember what you need to get done (like buying diapers!);

3. Relax - plan time every day to do things like read a book or take a bath (lukewarm, of course!);

4. X-or-size (if you can) - move your body and breathe in the fresh air, O2 does wonders for your body and your mind. Check out my pregnancy and post pregnancy exercise program

5. Take a break - "time outs" work wonders for gathering your thoughts;

6. De-stress - unload that negative energy with a treat, like a massage or a mindless movie;

7. Grab a few winks - rejuvenate with a little sleep; and last, but not least...

8. Put your car keys in the same place each day (sound like a familiar frustration?)!

Pregnancy brain is real. It's also a great excuse - so have FUN using it for the next 40+ weeks!

For lots more TIPS to on HOW to take charge of your pregnancy, specific exercises you CAN and CANNOT do safely, and which foods are beneficial to eat and which to AVOID, read my kit at...

Friday, July 19, 2013

National Women's Health - It is Time For Women to Get Proper Care

Did you know there are centers and networks for National Women's Health in Europe, in the US, in Australia and in some countries in Asia? In lots of countries, it is an important issue as women frequently take care of so many things, but forget to take care of themselves.


It can be said that it is a dedication the nation has to provide women personalized care. Those that centers play a significant part in this respect are hospitals and other organizations such as nursing homes as well as health centers. They have doctors as well as nurses on their payroll and a number of community services.

The National Women's Health Center is one such organization which has several services particularly for women. Included are maternity care, maternity outpatient services and even newborn services. Other services that are also provided here are fertility, gynecology and oncology too.

Reform Plans

Establishing universal access to health care which meets various women's needs is very important. There are some reform plans being made in the US, and the National Women's Health Network is contributing to it in a big way. It is effective in the direction of getting quality and affordable health care for every women.

There are also doctors and lawyers who are promoting women to raise their voices for the health care that they require, so that the case becomes powerful. Finally, women's concerns can be addressed because it is looking at reforms on the local and state level as well.


First off, the changes in the health care system for women should be correctly identified and advocated. The prime concern should be the health care costs for low-income women, and their health coverage has to be increased.

Be clear with more explanation in regard to National Women's Health.

California Paid Family Leave - How Long Can You Go?

How long can you pay your bills when mom is taking a 45% pay cut? California couples need to ask themselves this question before getting pregnant. You may enjoy up to eighteen weeks of paid leave in California between your pregnancy, maternity leave, and time bonding with baby. This sounds great until you realize you are getting only a fifty five percent income replacement. And many CA workers don't qualify. Know your facts before you conceive.

CA Paid Family Leave

The California Paid Family Leave Act provides up to six weeks of paid leave to take care of a sick or injured family members. California is one of only two states with such a benefit. For those concerned about maternity benefits, you get six additional weeks of paid time off to bond with your healthy baby.

An 18 Week 45% Pay Cut

Workers who pay into the California SDI program are eligible for the paid family leave benefit as well. The state short term disability program allows for up to four weeks of time prior to delivery, plus eight weeks of paid time for a c-section delivery. Add six weeks for your time to bond with baby to get eighteen weeks of total paid time for a normal pregnancy, and health baby.

This sounds great until you realize these eighteen weeks come with a 45% pay cut or more. Many families are living check to check before mom gets pregnant, gets her eighteen week pay cut, then have to face the extra bills to feed, clothe, and raise a child.

Do You Qualify for Benefits?

Not every CA worker is automatically enrolled. Know the rules before getting pregnant. And if you can't afford an extended pay cut, consider purchasing supplemental short term disability coverage to increase your maternity leave income.

Post and Pre Natal Depression: What You Should Know

Pregnancy is one of the most exciting things for any woman to experience. But it is also among the toughest challenges that a woman can go through. Most pregnant women go under a lot of stress during their pregnancy.

If left unmanaged, stress may cause different health problems. And, one of these problems is depression. Women may either develop prenatal depression or post partum depression.

Prenatal depression is a type of depression that women develop during their pregnancy, while post partum depression is a type of depression that happens after giving birth to a child. Post and prenatal depression have similar symptoms. These symptoms are classified into two groups that include emotional symptoms and physical symptoms.

Among the emotional symptoms of postnatal and prenatal depression include anxiety, irritation, sadness and hopelessness. A woman suffering from depression may also tend to isolate herself from other people including her newborn baby or husband.

Post partum and prenatal depression also have physical symptoms, which include lack of focus and chronic fatigue. A woman who develops depression during pregnancy and after giving birth may also develop sleeping and eating disorder. When depressed, a woman may either lose her appetite or eat more than she used to. She may also have trouble going to sleep or she may tend to oversleep.

Now, there are a lot of things that you can do to avoid depression during and after pregnancy. First of all, you need to have an ideal diet. This means that you need to have a balanced meal, which also means that you need to eat vegetables, seafood and meat. You must also stay away from coffee while you're pregnant and after giving birth. During your pregnancy, you may drink tea as an alternative to coffee.

Another way to avoid or deal with depression is by exercising. Many studies proved that by exercising, a person's body produces dopamine and serotonin, which can help you feel good. It can also help regulate the flow of blood and oxygen that helps in absorbing and distributing nutrition to the whole body.

Now, there are still other ways to deal with depression and one such way is by learning how to meditate. This activity is very ideal because not only can it regulate your sleeping and eating habits, it can also help you bring harmony and balance to your mind, body and soul.

Seeking Employers That Offer Company Health Insurance

When people are looking for a new job, applying for one that offers good benefits is at the top of the list. Families need an employer with health insurance, and if they are forced to go without, may find themselves in a situation that will be extremely hard financially on the family later. Should there be an accident of some kind and someone in the family is hospitalized, this could wipe out a family completely. This is why it is important to make sure that there is a good benefits package offered in the way of company health insurance.

Having good enough insurance to take care of anything unexpected is a good feeling. Knowing that should one of your children get injured and need to go to the hospital, it is covered. Many times families can be strapped just by trying to make the co payments that are required. If someone is having medical issues and it is ongoing, the co payments alone can be enough to make it difficult on them.

There are many times that someone will need a medial procedure performed but their medical coverage does not pay for it. This alone can cause hardship on a family. If there is an ongoing medical issue that requires someone to be seen often by their doctor, or by many doctors, the co pays can be an issue.

Sometimes, while applying for work, someone may be offered a position with a business, but because the salary is not what they expected, will turn it down. Before making a decision like this, find out what the benefits are. If you have a nice package offered, you can consider that your salary is actually greater because you will not have to pay for your own coverage. Having a coverage plan offered by a company is a huge benefit and one that needs to be considered carefully before a decision is made.

If people are considering a new job and do not have children, it is important to remember that you may want them in the future. Good medical coverage will be very important when that time comes. There will be maternity care, delivery and child health care that will be needed for years to come. This will be a huge expense, so give it some thought.

Many people who do not have coverage will utilize the emergency rooms when they become ill. This is why the emergency rooms are always so full and it takes so long to be seen. Often people will wait until they are very ill, or their child is really sick before they actually go into the emergency room to get proper care.

In some cases, people have actually died before they could seek medical care. Often, they will wait til the last minute, or not go to a doctor at all because they cannot afford it. By the time they do, if they do, many times it is too late and they will die from whatever illness they were dealing with.

Covering the family for unforeseen medical issues is the responsibility of the parent. Although some companies do not offer company health insurance as part of their packages, many of them do. Seeking out these companies would be a good idea as having your family covered in every way will be a tremendous amount of stress and worry off of you.

Infertility Cures - Discover the Top 10 Fertility Foods Which Can Help You Get Pregnant

When seeking infertility cures, regardless of what the cause of infertility may be, certain foods can help aid your ability to conceive. If you are eating the wrong foods, your body is not functioning at a peak level and your system is compromised. Blood flow, immune system and every organ in your body, including your reproductive organs can not perform properly. When your body is not functioning at it's optimal levels, an imbalance occurs and conceiving and nurturing a fetus are much less likely to occur.

Taking better care of yourself is always a good idea but especially important when trying to get pregnant. After all, you wouldn't plant a tiny seed into un-nourished, sun deprived, dry dirt and expect it to flourish with new life. Your body is no different. It requires vitamins, minerals and nutrients which all help in creating another living being.

A variety of live unprocessed food will provide you with wonderful sources of energy. The proper energy acquired from some foods can help aid in balancing your hormones and nourishing your reproductive organs.

Here is our List of Top 10 "Fertility" Foods Which Can Help You Get Pregnant

1. Walnuts
2. Black Sesame Seeds
3. Barley
4. Flax Seed Oil
5. Broccoli
6. Wheat Germ
7. Seaweed
8. Raspberries
9. Apples

There are many other foods which can aid as infertility cures. Oranges, Lemons, Watermelon, Kiwi, Strawberries, Broccoli and Parsley are wonderful sources of Vitamin C. Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant. It protects your bodies essential fatty acids and neutralize toxins within your system. It can also aid in reducing stress levels and increase sperm motility in males.

Essential Fatty Acids or EFA are recommended when wanting to maintain healthy reproductive organs. Flax Seed Oil, Avocado and Fish can provide EFA. When choosing fish, Staying away from large fish such as tuna and shark is advised seeing as their mercury levels are high.

Cruciferous Vegetables such as Cabbage, Cauliflower, Broccoli and Brussels Sprouts all contain Di-indolylmethane DIM which is known to increase the metabolism of Estradiol. Estradiol is a form of Estrogen in your body and will aid in balancing your hormonal levels and therefore can aid in increasing your chances of conception.

There are many delicious powerful herbs, which in specific combination provide compounds which balance your hormones and will even out your PH Levels. Herbs have been used with exceptional results for centuries and are an easy and fast way to improve your fertility.

Making small changes in your diet can make a significant impact on your fertility and overall health. There are many foods and herbs which assist as infertility cures and including the above list is a great way to start your pregnancy journey

How to Stay Fertile Longer?

According to American Fertility Association a woman's fertility begins to decline in the late 20's, drops more sharply after 35 and plummets when she hits 40. After the age 30, the probability of getting pregnant naturally drops by 3%-5% per year and even faster after the age of 40! A healthy 30 year old woman has 20% chance of getting pregnant in any given month, by the time she turns 40 the chances drop to 5%.!

But don't throw the towel in just yet! There is hope. What these studies didn't tell you is the reason why the fertility is dropping with advanced age.

Women are born will all of their eggs while men start producing their sperm in puberty. We've had those eggs around for a long time and everything we've ingested or inhaled or smeared on our skin over the course of our life has either left a positive or a negative mark on all body cells including the eggs and sperm.

Most of the fertility issues arising with age have to do with accumulation of toxins due to a longer exposure and prolonged lack of necessary nutrients which in turn results in poor energy production, and faster aging and deterioration of the cells including eggs and sperm.

Aged cells are no longer plump and efficient. This means that they are slow on the uptake of nutrients and removal of toxic waists. Their membranes are no longer as efficient as they used to be and they don't communicate all too well anymore. Cells communicate with the other cells through nerve impulses and chemicals they release into the bloodstream letting the body know what they require for optimal function and cell repair. Aged cells don't do that quite as well anymore.

Even if in this poor state of health conception occurs the likelihood of miscarriages and abnormalities is higher. But when the toxins are removed and the nutritional deficiencies addressed your chance of a healthy pregnancy and conception is significantly better. In fact many couples well into their 40s use a natural fertility program successfully.

However you have to stay realistic and depending on your age, state of health and genetic inheritance you may still require other options. Just because you waited a bit longer to have babies does not mean that you should rush now and skip preconception care. Take the time to give yourself and your baby the best possible chance of a successful and healthy conception and pregnancy.

How does preconception care increase your chances of a healthy pregnancy and a healthy baby?

1. You know exactly which foods and substances are deteriorating your fertility and are contributing to ageing and as such you know what to avoid.

2. The detox allows your body to start with cell repair and toxin removal.

3. The fertility diet ensures you are getting enough building blocks required for optimal health of your eggs and sperm, as well as to sustain a healthy pregnancy.

4. All the nutrients required for a healthy pregnancy and a healthy development and growth of your baby are present.

At this point many of my patients say:

"I already have a good diet, eat healthily and exercise"

Many people don't realize that many foods labeled as "healthy" are actually not. If you look closely at the ingredients you'll see all sorts of additives and colors and sometimes even artificial sweeteners which are very toxic to the body. This is very common among vegetarians and vegans who think they have a very healthy diet by avoiding animal products but don't pay much attention at the ingredients of the "fake ham" or "fake sausages" and similar products which miraculously taste just like the "real thing" but with no traces of animal product.

Moreover, even if you eat non processed food and where possible organic, the nutrient content of the food is not what it used to be 100's of years ago. These days food can be picked or caught today in one country and flown out to another part of the world tomorrow so that you can buy it in the supermarket.

In that short space of time that food has been either frozen, or refrigerated, packaged in plastic, gassed, X-rayed, possibly sprayed or waxed to stay fresh for longer. By the time that food is in your plate it has lost half its nutrients and possibly contains a myriad of toxins your liver will have to deal with.

Another common misconception is when people think they eat very healthily by only eating sea food. Deep sea fish which lives for long time is loaded with mercury as are all the mussels and sea creatures without scales. This does not make Cray fish and shrimps healthy either as they crawl on the bottom of the sea and eat the sediment.

Unfortunately our seas are polluted with jet fuel which is rich in heavy metals, which have been found to be a big culprit in infertility. Even the purest organic diet, with cleanest water and toxin free environment may not meet the individual requirements for nutrients and supplementation for optimal preconception care is often required.

By putting simple steps into place not only will you be increasing your chances of getting pregnant naturally but you will also help turn back the hands of time on your appearance. The beauty is not skin deep and the youthful appearance doesn't come from a jar or a bottle!
It comes from modifying your diet by avoiding:

1. fast food
2. fatty food
3. simple carbs (sugary foods)
4. white flour
5. soft drinks
6. coffee
7. alcohol
8. tap water
9. smoking

And modifying your lifestyle;

1. minimum of 7-9 hours of sleep
2. regular exercise
3. reduced exposure to environmental toxins and radiation

A study by Foresight, the Association for Pre-conceptual healthcare in the United Kingdom demonstrated an astounding success rate of 81% of conceptions among couples previously diagnosed as infertile. Women who participated in the study were between 25 and 45 years old and Men between 25 and 59 years old."

So as you can see it is possible to conceive despite of advanced age as long as you give your body what it needs to do its antiageing and healing work naturally.

And remember if you want a complete guide with step-by-step instructions on how stay fertile longer, see my "Natural Fertility Prescription Program".

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Help to Get Pregnant - Are You Missing These Can't Miss Pregnancy Methods?

Have you tried everything you can think of to get pregnant, but haven't found a solution yet? Are you running out of ideas and have come to the realization that you need some help to get pregnant?

If you find yourself in this situation, here you will be able to finally get some answers. Pregnancy is one life's major milestones. I was surprised when I learned how much I still needed to know about it.

Through my experience I learned some tricks that I was able to use to get pregnant. I plan to share these things with you because I understand that at the very start of your journey there is a lot to learn. I am sure that the tips I have provided here will be able to help you, but it's up to you to incorporate them into your life.

Learn to Wait

If you have heard the saying that patience is a virtue then you had better believe it. In the case of pregnancy there are a lot of things that you have to learn and experience. Some women even go through several miscarriages before they are able to have a successful pregnancy. The main thing to remember here is not to jump to conclusions with your choices, instead do things slowly but surely. This will help you avoid making hasty decisions that could endanger your future pregnancy.

Eat your Way to Pregnancy

There are certain kinds of food that can increase your chances of getting pregnant. For example, staying away from spicy food during pregnancy and eating more fruits and vegetables is a good practice. There are a number of pregnancy diets that you can use which are available today. I also consulted a nutritionist who gave me the best diet to help me get pregnant.


Considering the condition of your environment is just as important to keep in mind because this will effect your overall health. If you work in an environment that causes you to be exposed to toxins like nicotine, alcohol and sleep deprivation then you must consider quitting your job or going on a leave. Toxins have many negative consequences for the body. For example, studies have shown that nicotine is one of the toxins that cause the most difficulty for women to get pregnant. Learn to make those small sacrifices because it will be able to bring the changes into your life that you desire.

Protect Your Life With a Family Medical Insurance Policy

Medical insurance is for more than just paying hospital bills. Family medical insurance can protect your family's health. Many people call to get private health insurance quotes for policies that they only plan to use in an emergency. They rarely consider that the insurance is also created to help them maintain their health. Medical insurance comes in various flavors. Some are comprehensive and will cover a myriad of services; others are very streamlined and are created to only cover basic services. It is important to determine which type of policy you will need. While it is hard to predict exactly what may befall you or your family, it is always best to try to find a policy that will cover at least most of life's events, such as maternity care. You can also find riders, which are amendments, or additions to your medical insurance policy that will allow you to add coverage at a later date when you need it. Some companies offer policy riders for pre-existing conditions, cancer, and mental health services.

Family medical insurance can help save a life by providing coverage for preventative health care. If you have a policy that covers annual physical examinations and regular screenings, you will be more in tune with your body and will be able to sense when something is wrong. Your doctor will be able to keep regular checks on you and will be able to steer you in the right direction when something is amiss. Your doctor will be able to catch illnesses before they become too severe and can refer you to qualified specialists when or if you need it. Some policies will allow you to see a specialist without a referral and others require a referral notice from your primary care physician. By keeping regular appointments with your doctor, you will maintain good health and your insurance company will see that you are taking care of your health and may even adjust your premiums or deductible to compensate you for your efforts.

Once you get your private health insurance quotes for your new family medical insurance, remember that your insurance is to serve a greater purpose than just helping you pay the bills when you break an arm, or have a heart attack. It is also designed to help you live healthier so that you can avoid those trips to the emergency room, which are more expensive than a trip to your family doctor's office. With the variety of policies and riders that are available, you will be sure to find the policy that is just right for your family to keep them happy, safe, and healthy.

Pregnancy - Sleep on Side Helps Optimize Your Baby's Health

When you are pregnant your body goes through a series of changes, often making it impossible for you to feel comfortable in bed. This is obviously going to affect your overall sleep patterns, making it more and more difficult to cope. Obstetricians are now advising the pregnant women to think 'SOS' when it comes to getting more comfortable in bed: its good advice but, basically, no more dramatic than, in pregnancy, 'sleep on side'. This is great if you are having trouble sleeping due to pressure from your growing abdomen. However, even better, is their advice to sleep on the left side as it is much better for both you and baby.

When it comes to your developing baby you obviously want to do the best you can and, sleeping on your left side will provide your baby with more nutrients. As a result of extensive research it has been found that if you sleep on your left side during pregnancy the blood flow to the placenta will increase, thereby increasing the amount of nutrients available.

You also need to consider your own comfort as well and quality sleep is valuable to your overall well-being during your pregnancy: while sleeping on your left side bend your legs and place a pillow between your legs for maximum comfort. Remember, in pregnancy, sleep on side is the best advice and, even better, try sleeping on the left side.

Avoid Sleeping on Tummy

Apart from the obvious difficulties of the physical changes making sleeping on your tummy rather difficult, you need to focus on the health of your developing baby get all the nutrients it needs. There is always the possibility that your growing uterus could press down, with the weight it is carrying, directly onto the veins returning to the heart, effectively reducing the amount of blood circulating around your body. You also need to consider comfort - not just for you, but for the baby as well. So, while sleeping on your tummy is not a definite no-no, as your pregnancy progresses you are hardly likely to want to sleep on your tummy - mainly because there are more comfortable positions to sleep in.

Maternity Pillows

Following the mantra, in pregnancy, 'sleep on side' will certainly make you more comfortable, especially if you use a maternity pillow to prop you up. The value of a maternity pillow during pregnancy cannot be stressed enough. These special pillows are designed to help keep pregnant mothers comfortable and in the proper sleeping position. It is a pleasure to sleep with one of these big comfy pillows cradling your body and keeping you in the sleep position that is best for you and your baby.

Postpartum Care and Recovery - Issues No One Told You About

You have barely done with dealing with pregnancy issues and now you have a horde of postpartum issues to deal with.

Blood Clots - or Lochia as it is also called is different from menstrual bleeding and occurs after childbirth for a period of a month or more. It is normal to bleed although your doctor must be informed in case of any abnormality like foul smelling blood clots, feeling dizzy and having a fever above 101.2 F.

Contractions - of your uterus continues for a few days even after childbirth as it is your body's way of bringing your uterus back to its pre-pregnancy shape. Breastfeeding activates the oxytocin hormones that helps contract the uterus further.

Sore Vagina - A birth of a baby might tear your vagina on account of which your doctor would have to stitch it up. The stitches may make your vaginal passage sore and make it hard for your bowel movements too. Use an ice pack to soothe the wound or pour warm water over the wound while urinating to prevent the wound from stinging badly.

Bowel movements - may be difficult during the initial days as you may feel hesitant to push anymore after a laborious childbirth. You are likely to get constipated too, so eat fiber rich foods and drink plenty of water to allow smooth passage of waste products. A herbal laxative will also provide relief from constipation.

Urination - may also be hard to begin with, as the vaginal muscles may be swollen or the stitches may sting. However, doing the Kegels can greatly help combat urinary issues and tighten your pelvic floor as well.

Hair Loss - is a common problem after childbirth. During pregnancy, your hair gets thicker due to hormonal changes in your body but after childbirth you lose almost all the additional hair that you had. However, there is no need to despair as it is only temporary and your hair will look the way it did before your pregnancy. Eat protein rich food and hot oil massages for good hair growth.

Stretch Marks - Proper and liberal application of anti-stretch marks cream during pregnancy will greatly combat further stretch marks after childbirth. Apply vitamin E oil liberally and the stretch marks will fade in time.

Postpartum/Vaginal gas - is a common occurrence for all new mothers. You can prevent vaginal/postpartum gas by consuming the right kind of food, wearing a postpartum belt and following certain traditional postpartum methods.

You will find a detailed information on many more postpartum issues, especially prevention of vaginal/postpartum gas, on visiting

Anxiety and Depression - How You Can Give Up Perfection and Heal Your Anxiety and Depression!

Are you experiencing anxiety and depression? Have you ever thought that the cause may be the fact that you are a perfectionist in an imperfect world? Here are some suggestions to help you let go of perfection and start enjoying life again.

1. Lower your expectations of yourself and others.

Realise that you may be stressing yourself needlessly into anxiety and depression by holding yourself up to a high benchmark that you may not be able to meet. You may also be judging other people as guilty of not meeting your high ideals. People are going to act according to their values, not according to your standards.

You have the power to lower that benchmark yourself by simply noticing where you think you or another person "should" be different and just decide to allow whatever is, to be exactly as it is right now.

2. Decide to let go of the way things should have been.

If you are depressed, you may be angry or sad that something did not turn out the way you would have wanted it.

Just realise that you may still be holding on to the way things "should have been" rather than letting go and moving on. If they could have been that way, they would have been. Acceptance is the key to progressing in life. You can do that right now by giving up perfection for acceptance and health. Just try it now and see how you feel.

3. Challenge your thinking.

If you are anxious and depressed, maybe it's time to ask yourself who said you need to walk with fear everyday as your companion? You can choose to have faith by your side each day instead, if you so choose but you have to make that a conscious choice.

Are you constantly worried about someone or maybe you are worried that something bad is going to happen?

All that is happening is that you are living in a possible future where you are resisting whatever may or may not happen and frightening yourself in the process.

Bring your focus back to the present moment and just realise "right here, right now, all is well as it is". Be willing to accept, rather than resist, whatever may or may not happen in the future, when it occurs, to save yourself needless worry.

Trust that you will be able to deal with whatever happens, if and when it does.

Anxiety and depression can be alleviated if we choose to start believing that everything happens for a good reason in our lives to help us grow in some way. Just putting the above suggestions into practice will help you feel lighter and begin shifting your life for the better.

Weight Loss After Pregnancy - Help For the Struggle

The average woman begins her role as a new mother with extra weight and inches that she did not have before her pregnancy. However, as important as she may believe that achieving weight loss after pregnancy may be, this is actually beneficial in an important way. Some of the extra weight gain was meant to nurture the baby after birth through breastfeeding. While her body needed 300 additional calories daily during pregnancy, as a breastfeeding mother she now needs no less than 500 additional calories daily for lactation and good health. Your body stores up a little extra nutrition for after the birth for the transition period from pregnancy to postpartum, for the baby's sake. So, breastfeeding helps burn an extra five hundred calories a day - which will make it considerably easier for you to achieve weight loss after pregnancy.

Burning more calories may actually be easier with a new baby. Walking for an hour burns 200 calories. Walking while pushing a stroller increases the number of calories burned considerably. Push a stroller uphill, and the number increases even more. In essence, the necessary tasks associated with a new baby provide you with opportunities to burn even more calories, such as lifting the stroller and car seat in and out of the car, setting up and breaking down the playpen, and generally carrying the baby from place to place. Weight loss after pregnancy can be within reach.

However, in spite of these tactics, you may still find yourself with extra pounds and inches that simply won't come off, making weight loss after pregnancy nearly impossible. In fact, you may not even have the opportunity to take advantage of these activities-for example, if you do not breastfeed, you will not be able to realize the benefits of breastfeeding. For these instances, there is a postpartum support garment designed by an orthopedic surgeon and a medial engineer that will help you with this process. It is created specifically to assist your body in returning to its normal shape, and it gives you great support in the process.

What separates this particular postpartum support garment from the rest is the fact that, not only was it designed by medical experts, but it provides more coverage than the others on the market, and it stays in place. Unlike most of the others, which are belts or bands, this particular medical garment extends from above the waist to the mid thigh, so it will not roll down at the waist, and it will not ride up above the abdominal area. Unlike the ones designed like a panty or a panty girdle, the leg extends below the panty line, thus giving additional coverage and providing additional reshaping benefits. Perhaps most important of all is that this medical garment designed by medical experts was created to restore your organs to their proper locations. All of these features combine to give you the benefit of getting closer to seeing the inches fall off of your waistline, which helps to move you closer to the weight loss after pregnancy that you want to achieve.

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Suggestions About Making The Right Life Insurance Decisions

If insurance is something new to you, or you need to combine policies, get better rates and coverage, then it is most certainly that you have plenty of questions. This article has answers to some of the most commonly asked questions. It also contained tips on how to pick the best insurance policy.

Check with independent rating agencies and make sure that your insurer is highly rated. Stay clear of insurance firms which are financially shaky and not very trustworthy.

Sign-up for a life insurance policy which you can change in future. The terms are typically for a minimum of five years and 30 years maximum. Do take the ages of your children's into consideration, factor in your mortgage obligations, retirement savings and your spouse's income-generation ability before making a decision on the kind of coverage to buy.

When looking for a life insurance agent, proceed with care. Some people prefer to work with independent agents who can provide competing offers from various companies, while others are more comfortable purchasing insurance from larger, national companies. A good and independent agent is often knowledgeable about various insurance offerings, and as such can offer great assistance to help you to select the best-fit policy for you.

Buying insurance when you are still young is often the wisest investment decisions you will ever make. The aging process inevitably makes you more vulnerable to health issues and illnesses. This may spike your premiums when you buy the policy, as compared to buying the policy earlier.

If you wake up one day and say, "I think I'll just buy some life insurance on a lark," you might want to rethink your decision. It is important that you understand why you need life insurance.

Decide the best route to take in order to purchase life insurance policy. For instance, you might want to use the insurance provided by your employer rather than opting for a private policy. Another good way is to get a financial planner who dishes out fee-only services to help you make informed decisions. Alternatively, give insurance agents who only work for a single company a try.

The advice you have been provided with will provide you with the confidence you need to purchase the life insurance plan that best fits your needs. Take the initiative to get yourself covered, and you can rest easy knowing that your family will not suffer any more than necessary if the unexpected ever occurs.

Pregnancy Back Aches - Tips to Help Reduce the Pain

One of the most common issues for all women during pregnancy is those nagging back aches. It only stands to reason that when you are carrying around an extra 20 pounds in your lower stomach that it is going to have a negative effect on your back. Well here are some tips to help you deal with this problem.

First off, be sure that what you have is an occasional back ache and not a constant pain. This could be a sign of a more serious problem and you will want to let your doctor know about it right away. It could be a kidney infection or even pre-term labor coming on. So it is better to error on the side of caution here.

Tips To Reduce Pregnancy Back Pain

* Use a heating pad when you are at home relaxing. This can really help.
* Avoid any and all heavy lifting. Now is not the time for this and it is also what causes women who are pregnant a lot of issues.
* Get off your feet at regular intervals during the day if you have a job that requires standing all the time.
* Avoid the high heeled shoes and wear sneakers instead. This really helps eliminate the pain and the extra stress on your lower back.
* Exercise and do some stretching for your lower back. This helps build up more strength and flexibility.
* Put a small pillow behind your back when you sit down in chairs. This is even truer if you have an office job where you are constantly sitting down.

These tips should go a long way in reducing the pregnancy back pain, but if they don't and you find yourself dealing with pain on a frequent basis, call your doctor. They may be able to give you some medicine to help.

Tips For Coping With Anxiety and Panic Attacks During Pregnancy

Anxiety disorders and panic attacks are not uncommon for pregnant women. Some women experience anxiety disorders and panic attacks before getting pregnant and some experience it after getting pregnant or during postpartum. Pregnancy can be very stressful, especially if you are a chronic worrier.

Both positive and negative events can cause stress. For example, pregnancy is actually a positive and joyful event but it can also be the most life-altering experience as your body going through big hormonal changes. This creates a lot of tension and stress which could lead to panic attacks.

During pregnancy, the serotonin (chemical which the body produces during times of fear or worry) level could become imbalanced in the brain, this can trigger depression, mood disorders and even panic attacks. It's no secret that having a baby is a very stressful situation, and for someone who is a chronic worrier, the additional stress could generate even more severe panic attacks. The effect of panic attacks during pregnancy can impact on the women's ability to cope with family and the birth of the baby.

The symptoms of anxiety and panic disorders during pregnancy could include shortness of breath, racing heartbeats, hot flashes and dizziness. But there are also psychological effects which include fear of losing control, fear of dying and fear of inadequacy. Symptoms of panic attacks and anxiety can be confused with life threatening physical disorders. Please consult your doctor to determine the source of your symptoms.

Here are some tips to help you control your anxiety during pregnancy:

1. Breathe slowly. When you feel anxious, put your left hand over your stomach; inhale slowly and deeply; you should feel that your stomach expand or move out when you inhale and move in when you exhale. Just do it slowly, it will help take your mind away from your worry.

2. Pay attention to your diet. Eat enough protein (such as lean meat, fish, poultry, egg whites, and beans); eat more fruits and vegetables. They are good for your body and mind, producing the chemicals needed to help calm your mind.

3. Exercise regularly will help you reduce the stress. However, please get some professional assistance to help you build an appropriate exercise program during pregnancy.

4. Rest well at night. Quality sleep is very important as your body is doing self-healing and self-recovery during sleep. No medication in the world can beat the natural self-healing given by your body.

Short Term Disability Insurance: Group, Individual or Voluntary

Short term disability insurance comes in a variety of flavors. In addition to policy features such as elimination period, benefit period, and benefit amount there are group policies, individual policies, and other that fall somewhere in between: group voluntary. Each type of coverage fits a different need for employers, employees, and individuals. This article will highlight the advantages and disadvantages of three policy types: group, individual, and voluntary.

Group Short Term Disability

Group short term disability insurance is an employer paid option. Many companies choose to cover the premium expense for disability coverage on behalf of its employees. Employee benefits are an important consideration for attracting and retaining a quality workforce, and group coverage is one way for employers to set themselves apart.

The primary advantage of group coverage is that all employees participate in coverage. This translates into lower rates, and guaranteed acceptance. With all employees participating adverse selection is eliminated. Adverse selection refers to the tendency for people expecting to need the benefit to purchase coverage more frequently than those not expecting to need the benefit. Lower claims ratios help lower rates. Guaranteed acceptance means that employees with pre-existing conditions can get coverage. There may be a waiting period before gaining benefits for the pre-existing condition, but the employee gets coverage for other medical events that might cause a disruption in coverage.

The primary disadvantage of group coverage is the employer cost and choice. Because employers must bear the cost of the premium, the employer gets to choose whether to offer this benefit to employees. And many employers choose not to buy this coverage for employees, meaning many employees have no income replacement. Another disadvantage is continuity. If an employee leaves the employer, they often leave their disability policy behind.

Individual Disability Coverage

Employees without group coverage or separating from their employer might look to the individual market for coverage. The advantage to this approach is that employees are in charge of the process. The employee or income earner gets to choose the insurance carrier, agent, and policy configurations that best suit his or her needs. And coverage continues no matter where an individual chooses to work.

The main drawbacks to individual policies are cost, benefits, and attainability. Individual policies often cost more than group policies because of the adverse selection factor noted above. Also the benefits and coverage may be more restrictive. For example, coverage options for normal pregnancy are very restrictive on individual policies. There is either no coverage at all, or exceptionally long waiting periods. Furthermore, underwriting requirements can be very harsh. Often only people with crystal clean medical records can qualify for coverage. Anyone who has experienced a medical event may find it very difficult to qualify for coverage.

Voluntary Disability Insurance

Voluntary short term disability insurance represents a fertile middle ground for both employers, and individuals looking for lower costs, better benefits, and more attainable coverage. Voluntary group coverage combines positive elements of both the individual policies and group coverage to create a more positive overall experience for both parties.

Voluntary coverage helps lower costs. Marketing programs via payroll deduction to groups helps pool risks for insurers helping to lower claims rates and costs. Also, a payroll deduction means policies can be paid for using pre-tax deductions, which can lower the effective cost of the policies.

Voluntary policies make coverage more attainable and sustainable. Since coverage is paid for by the employees through payroll deduction, there is no direct cost to employers. Employers can expand benefit options to employees without adding to direct costs. Because these are group policies, some insurers will offer a guaranteed issue option that hinges upon participation rates within a group. This means that employees with existing or past medical problems may be able to get coverage. The policies are also portable, meaning that coverage can continue if an employee separates from the group.

Finally voluntary coverage means expanded benefit coverage. For example, a woman planning a pregnancy can find a lower cost, attainable policy that covers normal labor and delivery, plus complications by purchasing coverage through her employer. Since she pays the premium herself, it's easy for her employer to make paid maternity leave benefits available to her and her co-workers. Should she leave her employer, she can continue coverage as the policy is portable.

Ask your employer to make a voluntary short term disability insurance program available.

Drugs to Help You Get Pregnant

Facing a hard time to get pregnant? If so, then it's crucial to know the fact that most fertility problems don't have anything to do with women. In fact, research shows that 40 percent of fertility problems arise due to male fertility, 40 percent due to female infertility and 20 percent due to both. In certain cases where a man shows low sperm motility, the woman needs to take the fertility drugs to get pregnant. Use of drugs to help you get pregnant is common these days. These medications help to create an ambiance inside the reproductive system of the woman that is quite friendlier to the sperm.

It is quite depressing for a couple to face problems related to pregnancy, especially if they have tried several times to conceive a child. The good news is that advancement in the field of medicine in the last few years has been helping women to get pregnant successfully. Today, most women who have had problems with infertility years after marriage can find that they are able to get pregnant with the help of the fertility drugs.

Given below is the list of drugs to help you get pregnant:


Clomid is one of the commonly prescribed fertility drugs. It is available in pill form and taken orally. This pill is prescribed to help women having trouble in ovulating regularly and for complication related with unexplained infertility. Clomid or clomiphene is generally known under its brand names- Serophene or Clomid. This works by stimulating the glands present in the brain to release two sorts of naturally occurring hormones-LH or LSH. Both these hormones then stimulate the ovaries to create or release mature eggs for fertilization.


This is another fertility drug which helps you to get pregnant. Basically, this drug duplicates the hormones produced by your brain normally. And Gonadotropins is usually given as injection. Gonadotropins is often used together with Clomid and IUI procedures (this is when sperm is injected into the uterus artificially) if it doesn't produce results on its own. There are three commonly used Gonadotropin types to help you to get pregnant. These include:

1. Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG)

HCG is usually known under brand names-Pregnyl and Ovidrel. This medication is used in combination with HMG, clomiphene or FSH. This drug stimulates follicle to ovulate or release its egg.

2. Follicle-stimulating Hormone (FSH)

This is also known under brand names- Bravelle, Follistim and Gonal-F. The FSH functions by stimulating ovaries to produce the mature egg follicles.

3. Human Menopausal Gonadotropin (HMG)

The HMG is known for its popular brand names-Menopur or Repronex. This medication is usually prescribed for women who don't ovulate as their pituitary glands fail to stimulate the ovulation. HMG contains both LH and FSH that directly stimulates ovaries to ovulate.


Also described as glucophage, Metformin is a prescribed medication when insulin is considered to be the major cause of infertility and in cases of Polycystic Ovarian Syndrone or PCOS. This infertility drug functions by reducing the insulin resistance. Once the present insulin level is found to be normal, the ovulation and menstrual periods generally become regular. Moreover, Metformin is also used to treat Type 2 diabetes. These drugs can actually prove effective if you and your partner are facing infertility problems. However, it is important to consult with your doctor before taking drugs to help you to get pregnant. You can discuss any side effects or risks of these medicines with your doctor during or after the treatment. Fret not to talk about any kind of concerns which you may have.

Answers To Pregnant Women's Queries on Pregnancy Doctor

Pregnant woman need health care in general and prenatal care in particular. Therefore, one must be careful while approaching a pregnancy doctor who can closely follow progress on various stages of pregnancy. The pregnancy expert should be able to guide the pregnant woman, who naturally has a nesting instinct, during different phases of pregnancy and fetal development.

1. Whom To Choose As A Pregnancy Doctor?

One can go in for an Obstetrician or a midwife to take care of the would-be-mother during and after pregnancy.

An Obstetrician provides medical and surgical care to women during pregnancy, childbirth and immediately after delivery. One can choose a gynecologist as well, provided he or she is also an obstetrician.

A qualified and certified midwife is a registered and trained nurse having adequate experience of providing care to women before, during and after pregnancy. Research shows that 80% of the women opt for Obstetricians.

2. How To Choose A Pregnancy Doctor?

  • The first and foremost factor is professional qualification, area of specialization, expertise, experience and reputation of the pregnancy doctor.

  • It is equally important to note that one's own experience with the doctor also matters a lot. The pregnant woman as well as her husband must feel comfortable with the pregnancy specialist.

  • Is the doctor is patient enough to listen to problems of his patients and solve them satisfactorily?

  • Finally yet importantly are the location and time availability of the doctor.

    3. What To Expect During Visits To The Pregnancy Doctor?

    The pregnancy doctor should be able to diagnose the pregnant woman, identify and discuss health problems that she is facing or is likely to, during the rest of the pregnancy.

    The doctor must:

  • Provide blood and urine tests for infections, in preliminary stages

  • Determine weight gain, and hormonal changes throughout

  • Keep track of blood pressure on a regular basis

  • Check the status of the fetus

  • Check the woman's hands, feet and face for swelling

  • Advice on vitamin or calcium supplements that the mother needs for her and her newborn's health

  • Address doubts on pregnancy and delivery

    4. How Often To Visit The Pregnancy Doctor?

    For a safe or rather low-risk and normal pregnancy, visits to a pregnancy doctor should be as follows:

  • 4 weeks- 7 months - Once in a month

  • 7-9 months - Twice in a month

  • 9 months- until childbirth - Once every week

    A woman with a "high risk" pregnancy may need to see her prenatal care provider more frequently.

    5. Various Fertility Treatment Options Available With A Pregnancy Doctor:

    Infertility can be either due to the male or the female or both. In any of these situations, the fertility/pregnancy doctor ought to diagnose the couple. The treatment very often is quite simple, such as changes in lifestyle, medication or surgery. The lifestyle changes include weight loss, stopping smoking or coping better with stress at the workplace.
    In other cases, the fertility specialist may recommend and provide infertility treatment for different fertility problems. The options include:

  • In-vitro fertilization (IVF) - It involves union of the sperm and embryo in a laboratory.

  • Intrauterine insemination (IUI) - It is an artificial insemination process, to artificially place the sperm in a woman's uterus.

  • Intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) - It is a fertility method to treat low sperm count in males.

    So, with your questions to the doctor being answered satisfactorily, get ready to welcome your baby in a relaxed frame of mind.

  • Taking a Look at Short Term Disability Insurance

    In 2005 alone, there were more than 24 million disabling injuries. That's 2,750 every hour, says the National Safety Council! While all of these incidents did not result in permanent injury or the need for long term disability insurance, they did require some time off and many people were concerned about lost wages and how to cover basic living expenses. Luckily, most working adults pay into a system of disability insurance through their employers, so they'll be covered should they ever need it. Self-employed individuals and contract employees may opt into a similar system to protect their wages as well.

    One type of short-term disability insurance applies to the states of California, Hawaii, New Jersey, New York and Rhode Island only. These locations offer State Disability Insurance benefits, which may also be referred to as temporary disability insurance. When a person comes down with an illness or non-work-related injury that is expected to last for a short amount of time, they can receive partial wage replacement under this program. These state programs pay maternity disability benefits for pregnancy and childbirth as well.

    Workers may be able to go back to work -- either with the same employer or a different employer -- and will still receive a certain percentage of their new pay. The money for these programs is paid through automatic payroll deductions, so any non-government employee is eligible, even if they are currently out of work. (However, they will not be eligible for SDI and unemployment insurance at the same time.)

    Once you apply for short-term disability insurance, you will have to wait to see if you're approved. On average, this can take anywhere from one day to 14 days. If approved, you will receive back-pay for the waiting period.

    Injuries generally clear much faster than illnesses, for which you will need a medical doctor to provide verification documentation on your disability insurance claims. If you disagree with the rejection of your claim, then you may appeal the determination, file a lawsuit or both. If you intend to appear in court, it's advisable to have an attorney who specializes in disability benefits law.

    Short-term disability insurance frees you from worrying about how you're going to pay the bills or cover basic daily expenses as you recuperate from a sudden illness or injury. In some cases, you may be quite certain that you're filing for disability long term, but you must first make a claim for short-term benefits and then re-apply for long-term benefits once your temporary disability insurance runs out. In some cases, you will need to apply for social security disability if you are over age 65 or worker's compensation if you were hurt on the job. You aren't mandated to stay at home for the entire time you're rehabilitating; in fact, many employers encourage you to come back to work, even in part-time as you heal.

    Tuesday, July 16, 2013

    6 Tips on How to Get Pregnant Faster - True Or False Quiz

    Are you attempting pregnancy for the first time? Have you been trying to have a baby for quite a long time without success? In either case, you are looking for a few valuable tricks and tips to get pregnant as fast as possible. How can you create good conditions to increase your chance to get pregnant? Let's answer to this question by means of a quiz.

    1) Is there a favorable position to help you get pregnant faster?

    Actually, experts agree that there isn't a specific sexual position to help you conceive faster. However, according to the majority of gynecologists, the missionary position (while the woman is lying on her back) would be a helpful position facilitating sperm to head towards the uterus and the fallopian tubes. Others say the doggy style is better.

    2) Is having an orgasm necessary to conceive a baby?

    Conception (part of the reproduction process) and orgasm (part of the sexual satisfaction) are two different matters. It is not necessary to have an organism in order to conceive a baby but a female climax would be able to help in a way. How? A female organism occurs with uterine contractions and would be able to propel or push the sperm further into the fallopian tubes.

    3) Is it true that dying to get pregnant is an obstacle to conceive?

    Explaining your concern about not getting pregnant fast to your friends, you may have heard this retort: "You think too much about that! You'd better forget it and it will come by itself!" It's quite easy to say, isn't it? The fact remains that there is some truth in what your friends say! Don't stress over the idea of becoming pregnant. Stress is going to affect your menstrual cycle and it will be more difficult to determine when you are most fertile. Additionally, stress would be able to prevent the ovulation. Relax as much as possible!

    4) Does it help to eat chocolate or spinach?

    Not really! What you must do is to avoid fast food and have a balanced diet of whole foods rich in vegetables, fruits, and grains. Eat also food rich in folic acid!

    5) I'm smoking, is it an obstacle to get pregnant?

    Smoking is not really an obstacle to get pregnant. It happens to many women. But it has been shown that smoking can affect fertility in both men and women. It's far better to cut down on smoking.

    6) How can I determine when I am most fertile?

    You can count the days, check your cervical mucus or even register your basal body temperature.
    Natural Fertility Methods
    Are there other tricks or even methods to boost the fertility and give you more chances to get pregnant faster? Of course, there are! Michelle saw various specialists and never got pregnant. She thought she'd never have a baby. Fortunately, Michelle finally gave birth to a son following a plan that worked within just 4 months.

    Feel free to read Michelle' story in her Get Pregnant Fast review!  

    3 Signs of Stress

    There are few signs of stress that we can detect early. Today, I would like to talk about three signs of stress.

    First signs of stress - you easily get angry

    When you easily get angry (when most of the time you don't), that is one of the early signs you are stressed. Most of the time, you will be angry about things that are so trivial and should not think about at all. You get mad when things go wrong. You get mad when someone accidentally collides with you, softly.

    Second signs of stress - you unable to focus on your work

    When you should be doing your work, you are thinking of something else. Like what makes you angry, sad or any negative feelings. This is often caused by inability for you to focus on the present and that means your productivity will also be lower.

    Third signs of stress - you will focus your energy on your problem more

    When you are stressed, most of your energy will be used to think about your problem. Why is that? Because it is our natural tendency to do so. When you focus on your problem, you can only do one thing: aggravating your stress. I believe that you should not focus on your problem more when there's a lot of things you can focus on and one of it is your goal.

    So that's three signs of stress you can easily detect. I hope you will do something when you see yourself getting into the state of stress and bye for now.

    Postpartum Depression And Its Symptoms

    Postpartum - postnatal depression

    What should be a joyous and happy time for a new mother can turn into a battle of depression. Depression in new mothers tend to make them feel afraid, sad, anxious or angry after childbirth. This is a common symptom found in new mothers and in a mild form is known as Postpartum blues, although it is more commonly known to us as the "baby blues".

    The symptoms of postpartum blues usually go away after a few days in most cases. It is said that around 10% of new mothers will experience the symptoms of postpartum blues for longer and in a more intense way. This is known as postpartum depression. It lasts longer than postpartum blues and is quite a bit more intense. It usually occurs within three months after childbirth or up to twelve months later. Often depressive mothers will require treatment or counseling to overcome postpartum depression as it is a serious condition.

    Symptoms Of Postpartum Depression

    New mothers might experience feelings of negativity towards their baby and lose interest in their son or daughter.
    You might find yourself worrying that you are going to hurt your baby all the time.
    Drastic or sudden weight and appetite changes.
    Lack of motivation and loss of pleasure.
    Sleep patterns change, some people might sleep more than usual, some might sleep less than usual.
    Flirting with suicide, thoughts of suicide and the like.
    Guilty feelings and feelings of worthlessness.

    In the early stages of postpartum depression it can look like normal baby blues. They actually share many of the same symptoms, which are crying a lot, mood swings, insomnia, sadness and irritability. If you are suffering from postpartum depression theses symptoms will last much longer and if untreated they will only become worse. Anxiety is prominent in postpartum, if you are a sufferer you might worry about your baby's health in excess and become obsessive.

    A new mother suffering from postpartum depression will usually start to show symptoms soon after childbirth. These symptoms will develop gradually in the new mother over a period of several months and will be hard to notice at first. Sometimes postpartum can develop suddenly as well and in some women the first symptoms can only appear months after they have given birth to their child. If a new mother has a depressive episode within five to eight months after childbirth, postpartum depression could be considered as a reason for the for it.

    Pregnant Cramps - 5 Causes of Abdominal Pain During Pregnancy

    What are the possible causes of abdominal pain during pregnancy? Should you be alarmed? Why do they occur? All these are questions that both the newly pregnant and those women who are more experienced ask. You should endeavor to be able to identify the signs and symptoms of normal and excessive abdominal pain. This is because knowing the difference between both types of cramps can potentially save your life. The aim of this article is to empower you with that ability by revealing 5 causes of pregnancy cramps.

    1. When the embryo implants itself into the walls of the uterus, it may cause abdominal pain. This happens during the first trimester and is not usually something to worry about because it is normal.

    2. During your second trimester, your uterus begins to expand. This expansion of the ligaments and muscles that support the uterus is due to the fact that your baby is growing bigger. As a result of this expansion, a dull ache across your abdomen may occur. You may also experience a sharp pain on one side of your abdomen, which usually occurs when you are rising up from a sitting position.

    3. If you experience pregnant cramp during your third trimester, then it is most likely due to a condition which is referred to as Braxton-Hicks contractions. This condition usually accompanies false labor which is the irregular and often painless tightening of your uterus. Ensure that you go to the hospital if this degenerates into regular cramping which is accompanied by vaginal discharges or if your water breaks because you may actually be experiencing real labor at this point.

    4. Once you begin to notice that your pregnancy cramps are very strong and that they linger for awhile without abating, you should contact your health care giver because this could be a sign that there is a more serious problem tied to your abdominal pain. Sometimes you may also notice that you are bleeding through your vagina or experiencing fainting spells. Conditions that may be responsible for this include, but are not limited to, the following; ectopic pregnancy, preeclampsia, and so on.

    5. Pre-term labor is another common cause of pregnant cramps. It is characterized by the presence of pelvic pressure, regular contractions, vaginal discharge and period-like clamps prior to your 37th week of pregnancy. It is advised that you contact your health care provider if you notice these signs.

    While you are pregnant, you should try to get as much rest as you can. You must realize that you are now responsible for someone else besides just yourself. Moreover, lying down and relaxing is one of the best ways to relieve pregnancy cramps.

    Tips to Staying Happy When Raising a New Baby

    Being a parent signifies adjusting to many changes. The newest member of your family is cute and adorable but your responsibilities will increase significantly after the birth of a child. Staying happy and positive could be difficult.

    Many ladies suffer from postnatal depression after the birth. Changing hormone levels, fatigue and confusion will all contribute to sadness and depression.

    The birth of a child is an amazing and exciting moment. Yet, it may turn out to be more difficult than what you had expected it to be. Here are several simple and efficient tips to stay happy and to counter postnatal depression.

    What is Postnatal Depression and When Does it Occur?
    Sadness and depression after the birth of a child appears about three months after birth and could last for some time.

    What causes postnatal depression? Changes in hormone levels are the number one culprit. The female body undergoes many modifications. Hormone levels change once again after birth, which could affect mood and sentiments.

    After birth, the body goes back to its 'regular' functioning. The levels of estrogen and progesterone decrease sharply. Prolactin increases, which leads to a sentiment of uneasiness and anxiety.

    Apart from physical changes, many new moms could feel sad because of the changes taking place in their lives. A baby means responsibilities. It also signifies staying away from work for some time and getting used to a new lifestyle.

    All these reasons for sadness and depression could be overcome in several simple and effective ways. Having some personal time and trying to relax will both play a major role.

    Take the Time to Relax

    After the birth of your child, sleep may be the last thing on your mind. You probably no longer remember what it feels like to just stay in bed and get up at midday on Saturday.

    In order to be happy, you need to relax and get your batteries recharged. Try to discuss this problem with your husband or partner. Make a schedule that gives both of you the chance to sleep and to have some personal time.

    You can also rely on the help of your dearest friends and relatives. Take several hours away from parental duty and enjoy a favorite spa treatment. Pampering yourself will affect your mood and will make parenthood a happier stage of your life.

    Sports and Activities

    A simple walk in the park can do miracles in terms of improving your mood and making you feel happy. Get your little one ready and enjoy the stroll together.

    Yoga classes have also been designed for moms and babies. Such courses serve two important purposes. They encourage physical activity. At the same time, they help mom and baby bond and create a wonderful connection.

    Talk to Friends and Your Partner

    Your dearest people will help you combat depression and feelings of sadness.

    Talk to your girlfriends and let them know what worries and concerns you have. Getting it all out will serve as an emotional relief and will make you feel better.

    Get your partner involved. Talk to him. He knows how you feel and he loves you. This period could be challenging for both of you but working on difficulties together will make your relationship stronger.

    You should also think about intimacy. Feeling tired and having the baby nearby will certainly make thoughts of sex vanish in the air. Try to have some alone time with your partner or your husband. It will make you feel good and it will get the two of you connected on a whole new level.

    Group Medical, Health, and Accident Insurance

    These types of insurance are common. They can include hospitalization, medical and dental care, surgical benefits, maternity care, and beyond this, major medical insurance, for the individual and his family.

    Employee benefit plans that require part payment by the employee should be examined carefully to see if they provide worthwhile benefits for the employee at comparatively low cost.

    In general, however, this type of insurance carries the same advantage as many other employee insurance plans; being group rather than individual, it is usually cheaper than the individual policy and does not require a physical examination.

    Moreover, it can either be fully paid for by the employer (to whom it is a tax-deductible expense) or partly paid for by him and contributed to by the employee.

    The inclusion of these types of insurance coverage in the compensation package can be of substantial value to the employee. If the benefits were not available through his company, he would have to arrange for them on his own. To the extent the cost is borne by his employer, it does not have to be paid for by him. The savings he thus enjoys are therefore equivalent to a tax-free raise in pay. These days, it is rare for employers to pay for more than the employee's premium on health insurance. With the costs of health insurance rising, some employers pay only part of the employee's premium. It is common for employees to pay the cost of insuring spouses and children under the company's insurance plan.

    A Tax Saving Opportunity: Cafeteria Plans: Fortunately, these out-of-pocket costs can be paid for with pretax dollars if the employer offers a Section 125 Cafeteria Plan. Depending on the plan, premiums, deductibles and co-payments can be set aside at the beginning of the year to be paid out of pretax salary dollars. Employees who are offered such plans would do well to seize the opportunity to take advantage of this tax savings.

    Cafeteria plans may also be known as premium-only plans or flexible spending plans, depending on their complexity. Simple plans, known as premium-only plans, allow employees to use before-tax dollars for plan contributions such as their share of medical plan premiums. Flexible spending plans allow employees to select from a "menu" of benefits. They can choose those most meaningful to their needs and pay for them with before-tax dollars. These include such choices as dependent care expenses, insurance deductibles, coinsurance payments and eye care (exams, glasses).

    Health Spending Accounts (HSAs): A tax-advantaged way to pay for health insurance deductibles and premiums has been introduced. It established Health Spending Accounts (HSAs) that were created as part of the Medicare Prescription & Modernization Act in 2003. They offer employers, the self-employed and individuals the opportunity to purchase high deductible health plans (lower premiums for all concerned) and allow the insured to establish a Health Savings Account in which they can save and invest 100 percent of the plan's annual deductible up to $5,150 for a family. (For a single person it is up to $2,600.) Employer matches to these accounts are also allowed, but the combined contributions cannot exceed the maximums allowed. Money in HSAs can be distributed tax-free for "qualified medical expenses" that are not covered by the health plan (deductibles, co-pays, excess fees). They can also be used to reimburse the insured for premiums paid on qualified long-term care insurance policies. The health insurance plans that qualify for this program must have at least a $2,000 annual deductible and annual out-of-pocket expenses of no more than $10,000 for families. For individuals the deductible must be at least $1,000 with out-of-pocket expenses of no more than $5,000. Premiums are fully deductible for employees. Contributions made by employers are not included in the employee's income, nor are they subject to social security taxes. If some funds in the HSAs remain unused during any given year, they can be left to accumulate tax-free until needed in subsequent years, or may be withdrawn tax-free due to a disability, death or upon reaching the age for Medicare eligibility. A beneficiary can be named for HSAs in the event of the death of the account holder. If a spouse, it passes tax-free. If a nonspouse, the account is included in their taxable income for the year.

    Monday, July 15, 2013

    FAQ - Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA) & California Family Rights Act (CFRA)

    Quick FAQS

    What are FMLA and CFRA?

    FMLA stands for Federal Family and Medical Leave Act. CFRA stands for California Family Rights Act. Both acts represent Federal and State laws that allow eligible employees to take up to 12 work weeks of unpaid leave during any 12 month period.

    What are the acceptable reasons for taking a leave of absence?

    For FMLA reasons will include a serious health condition of the employee, child, spouse, or parent; the birth of a child of the employee, placement of a child for adoption or foster care. This includes any period of incapacity due to pregnancy, including prenatal examinations or severe morning sickness.

    CFRA works the same as FMLA, except that CFRA also allows for care of a registered domestic partner and excludes pregnancy. For pregnancy, California allows up to 4 months of Pregnancy Disability Leave (PDL) pursuant to the California Fair Employment and Housing Act for all employers with five or more full or part time employees. PDL is for any women hindered due to pregnancy, childbirth, or a related medical condition. This includes prenatal care and severe morning sickness

    Federal Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) for Covered Employers

    Covered Employers are those who engage in activity affecting commerce and employ 50 or more employees in 20 weeks of current or preceding year. Public agencies and private elementary and secondary schools are covered regardless of the number of employees.

    California Family Rights Act (CFRA) for Covered Employers

    Covered Employers are those who engage in business or enterprise in California and employ 50 or more employees in any 20 weeks of current or preceding calendar year. California, counties, and any political or civil subdivision of the state and cities are covered regardless of the number of employees.

    FMLA and CFRA for Covered Employees

    Covered Employees are employed with the employer for at least 12 months (need not be consecutive months), worked at least 1,250 hours during the 12 month period immediately preceding the leave, and employed at a worksite where 50 or more employees work within a distance of 75 surface miles.

    What are the posting requirements?

    An FMLA and CFRA notice explaining entitlements of leave and procedures for filing a complaint with the Department of Labor, Wage and Hour Division must be posted in a conspicuous place where applicants and employees tend to congregate.

    Can the employer request medical certification?

    FMLA and CFRA. An employer can request medical certification from the employee. The employer can ask for a second and even third opinion to verify the validity of the medical certification. However, under CFRA, a second or third medical opinion cannot be requested regarding the care of an employees family member. The employer must accept the certification

    What is the employer's obligation to designate or deny leave?

    For both FMLA and CFRA it is the employer's obligation to designate or deny leave, in writing and indicate if leave is paid or unpaid. Designating leave must be done prospectively and not retroactively unless the employer lacks sufficient information as to the reason for leave.

    FMLA and CFRA allowed time off

    For FMLA, up to 12 weeks in an established 12 month period is allowed. Intermittent leaves or a reduced work schedule may be taken when medically necessary. CFRA is the same as FMLA with the exception that leave(s) taken for the birth, adoption, or foster care placement shall be granted at a minimum of two week increments. On two occasions increments of less than two weeks may be used.

    FMLA and CFRA leave will run concurrently, except in the case of a leave taken for disability due to pregnancy, childbirth or a related medical condition in the State of California which is covered separately under the California Pregnancy Disability Leave.

    How to determine paid or unpaid leave.

    FMLA and CFRA is unpaid, however, an employee may choose or the employer may require substitution of unpaid FMLA with vacation or other accrued time off and/or sick pay to the extent the circumstances meet the employer's typical policy for the use of sick pay.

    Does the group health coverage continue while the employee is on leave?

    For both FMLA and CFRA, the employer must continue any group health plan for the duration of FMLA leave, at least 12 weeks in a 12 month period, under the same conditions as if the employee was actively working. Longer health plan coverage or other benefits are determined by the employer's policy to the same extent and under the same conditions as would apply to any other leave. Employees are still responsible for their share of benefit premium payments.

    What happens when the employee returns from leave?

    For both FMLA and CFRA, the employee must be reinstated to the same or equivalent position at the end of leave. However, the employee has no greater right to reinstatement, benefits, or to other conditions of employment than if he or she was continuously employed during FMLA leave. The exception to this is for salaried key employees, defined as the highest paid 10% of all employees. If denial is necessary to prevent serious economic harm to the employer, then the employee needs to be properly notified.

    The above is a brief summary of information pertaining to FMLA & CFRA and not a complete description of all rules and regulations. As rules and regulations are subject to change we cannot verify that all information is current or completely accurate. HCP National provides educational programs to assist our clients in risk management through compliance with various applicable federal laws, rules and regulations; however, this is neither an effort to practice law or a legal service. We encourage everyone to consult with their own attorney, certified public accountant and tax professional on any issues involving specific facts, persons, circumstances or situations.

    Do's and Don'ts of Pilates During Pregnancy

    The popularity of certain exercise routines often rises and falls, and at their zenith many things are often claimed for them by enthusiasts or even professionals that are actually not always quite true. Or sometime may be fine for some people but not for others. Pilates is one such exercise regime that is enjoying quite a bit of popularity, but is it wise for everyone to do it?

    Certainly it is said to be good for increasing your core strength, for muscle flexibility and balance. However, if you are pregnant most professionals with any sense will agree that even with this popular and gentle way of exercising certain precautions should be taken. To that end, here are some do's and don'ts to keep in mind when it comes to Pilates and pregnancy.


    * Pregnant women should always ask their doctor or healthcare provider before undertaking any exercise regime, especially if they are not very fit to start with, or have any medical problems. If the doctor does not agree that doing Pilates will be good for you then it is important to abide by their decision. You won't always be pregnant and can start after the baby is born. You may see other pregnant women in the Pilates group, but this does not mean that you can do it against your doctor's wishes. Each person and pregnancy is different and you could easily have problems that the other women do not have.

    * If you get the go-ahead, you need to start off by gently stretching those muscles. Happily, you will find that your body has actually become more flexible as this is a natural process in pregnancy to help a woman give birth. So you are really aiding Mother Nature in what she intends for your body at this time. Doing Pilates in pregnancy can be a good thing for many women. They will become even more limber and this can only help the birth process - and the recovery afterwards.

    * Pilates exercise really focus on all the muscles that are most used during labor. The lower back, abdominals and pelvic floor muscles are all toned and strengthened through doing Pilates exercises. That is why it is considered by many to be the ideal way to exercise for many pregnant women.

    * However, it is really best to get specific instruction, especially if you have not done Pilates before. Not all Pilates classes are aimed at pregnant women, so find one that is especially for women who are pregnant. This can be an actual class or a DVD or even an internet clip.

    * Breathing is especially important during labor, so working on your breathing during a Pilates class can only be helpful. The correct breathing techniques can help you keep calm during labor and will also help with the labor. The breathing exercises you learn through Pilates will help your labor progress more successfully while you remain in charge and comfortable.


    * However, although Pilates can certainly help you it is important not to stretch too hard. You should never stretch to the point of pain as this can really do more harm than good. Remember that your joints are loosening naturally.

    * Never exercise to the point where you cannot speak in a normal tone for panting. If you pant or gasp when speaking you have become winded and this is not good for you or for your baby.

    * If you have done Pilates exercises before becoming pregnant you might think that doing the same ones will be a cinch. This is not so, simply because your center of gravity will not be the same. You have more weight at the front, remember? This means that you should concentrate on exercises that require a precise balance and take care when attempting the others. In fact, it could be wise to leave them until after the baby is born.

    * Remember that when you do Pilates in pregnancy you moves will not feel the same, nor will they look the same. Your body is different, so this is only to be expected and you should not worry about it. Mother Nature is taking care of your body and changing it to fit with your pregnancy. This is normal and should not cause frustration or negativity. Pregnancy is beautiful in itself; and with the help of Pilates before and after your baby's birth you will soon return to your natural shape, even if you feel that your body is not doing exactly what you want it to just now.