Saturday, December 28, 2013

IVF Infertility - Can In Vitro Fertilization Treatments Help You Get Pregnant Now?

Reproduction is a natural and complicated process. Sometimes it's as easy as having a one night stand with a stranger, but for others, it can be so hard. So many couples have had trouble conceiving after trying for ten years. So many couples yearn to have and raise a child on their own, but conceiving is not as easy as it seems.

In vitro fertilization is a conception method in artificial means that allow the ovum fertilized by the sperm outside the womb. The fertilized egg is planted into the infertile woman's uterus for gestation. In vitro is usually the last means for couples to conceive a child and is best for treating multiply IVF infertility problems for both men and women. Babies born through in vitro fertilization are sometimes called test tube babies-but in reality, babies are combined in a Petri dish and not in test tubes.

The first successful in vitro fertilization was performed in 1978, wherein 3 test tube babies were born. IVF infertility has thus been solved most of the time through in vitro fertilization. It allows couples to become pregnant when they normally can't due to several problems: low sperm count, low sperm quality, polycystic ovary syndrome, menopause, and more. Even same sex couples have opted for in vitro fertilization to have a child of their own DNA. Success rate for this method is 30%, which is quite high for artificial conception methods.

Despite its good success rate, in vitro fertilization comes with its own risks and disadvantages. The biggest risk is chance of having multiple births. This could be a boon or a bane, depending on how you see it. Another risk is that test tube babies have higher chances of being conceived underweight. Remember that the natural means is always the best means, so be sure to exhaust all other natural methods before resorting to IVF infertility methods.

Choosing the Right Birth Attendant - The Investigation

Picking the right prenatal care provider/birth attendant is one of the most important decisions you will make during your pregnancy. While the process does not have to take a lot of time it is important that you give some focused energy to your choice since the person you choose has the power to affect your entire experience.

Once you have an understanding of the type of birthing experience you desire, it's time to move into The Investigation Phase of choosing your provider. The goal of The Investigation Phase is to create a list of providers that you believe may fit your needs and desires. There are four basic steps to the investigation. Each step will bring additional information.

Step 1 Ask your friends, family and coworkers what providers they used. Ask what providers they recommend, which they don't recommend. Be sure to ask WHY? While their choice of provider may not be your choice what they tell you can give you good baseline information.

Step 2

Visit the websites of the hospital, birth center, or OB/GYN offices in your area. This will provide good baseline information. While you can't make a decision about choosing someone simply from an internet profile you may be able to eliminate someone from the search. As an example: If you are absolutely adamant about having a female provider you can eliminate some providers once your internet search reveals their gender. Perhaps you are absolutely sure you want to birth with a Midwife. If the practice you investigate does not have any midwives, you can eliminate them as well. If you are planning a hospital birth and there is more than one hospital in your area find out how you can get a tour of the maternity area including the nursery and post partum units.

Steps one and two are the basic investigation. Its possible you will eliminate a few providers with those two steps. Moving forward, you want to intensify your investigation and obtain more specific information about your remaining options.

Step 3

Make more use of the internet. First do a basic internet search. You may be surprised at the amount of information, personal and professional, you can find through a simple internet search. Then make a visit to The Birth Survey a national non-profit organization with a goal to create more transparency in maternity care. Women from all over the country can visit the website and provide insight, feedback and opinions about a provider they recently used for a delivery. Check out the site and see if the providers you are considering have been mentioned.

Step 4

If you are planning a hospital birth, call the hospital and talk to the staff about the providers. Call more than once and at a different time of day since a different person may provide different information. (Saturday and Sunday afternoons/evenings are often good times.) A great question to ask the staff is: "If you or a family member were pregnant, what provider would you use?" If it is possible, speak with different levels of staff on the unit. They see the providers differently and often have varying opinions. If it would make you feel more comfortable don't hesitate to call anonymously.

Remember, at this stage of the game, you are simply investigating and gathering information. You are NOT making any final decisions. At the end of the investigation phase, you should have a list of providers that you will interview to determine which provider is right for you. Also remember, during this process you should make an appointment with someone and start your prenatal care. You can always change providers later.

Need Help Losing Pregnancy Weight? Discover How to Become a Sexy Mommy!

First of all, congratulations to your baby! Now that you are a mommy you will have a lot to keep track of: Breast-feeding your new born, figuring out why she is crying, keeping her clean, warm and comfy, and... losing pregnancy weight - stubborn, annoying post-pregnancy weight.

Of course, this shouldn't be your main concern right now, but let's face it, we're still women, aren't we? So, what is the best way in losing pregnancy weight and becoming a sexy mommy in no time?

There are a couple of DON'Ts you can't do in your current situation, because it could be very harmful to your exhausted body.

The first thing is, don't go on a crash diet or even decide to fast. I know it sounds obvious but many women are so frustrated after a while that they decide that they're all better and go on a diet that deprives their bodies on nutrients it needs badly right now, for you AND your baby. Things like low-carb diets or eat-only-this-and-that diets are a big, big no-go.

The second thing you shouldn't do is jumping into more-than light exercising. Until your body is recovered and balanced again, you should stick to light cardio exercises at most.

After about 8 weeks you should be fit enough to increase your work outs. But don't take my word on it. For your exercise program you really should consult a doctor. Just make sure he understands why it's important to you to lose weight right now.

Okay, fine. You have to wait until you can exercise, but what can you do right now that will result in you losing pregnancy weight?

I mentioned that you shouldn't go on some diet, but what you can do is control what you eat. Your baby is born and now you can eat food that will aid your fat loss.

Sit down and create a healthy and balanced meal plan. It will help you kick-start your post-pregnancy weight loss and later you can add in cardio exercises. This is where you will see results very fast and become a sexy mommy.

Ardyss International's Maternity Garments and Nutritional Products For Pregnant Women

There are over four and half million births in the United States each year. And any woman who has gone through the stages of pregnancy and development can attest to the significant changes their bodies make throughout that time. The nine months leading up to the birth of a child is an extremely delicate time emotional, physically, and spiritually and often requires lifestyles changes.

The changes that women undergo include making changes to their diet and the introduction of essential vitamins, minerals, and additional supplements to ensure they receive all the necessary components that help nurture a new life.

In the latest Doctors Showcase call with Drs. Lee Laney (Gastroenterologist), Tonia Farmer (ENT) and Abdul-al (Ob/GYN) they all spoke about the importance of a wrap-around care for pregnancy that can help supplement your doctors' care and help ensure you have a smooth, healthy pregnancy experience. These leading medical professional are part of the growing Ardyss International business team that utilize the products in their independent practices throughout the country.

As doctors they have all been involved in some capacity with pregnant women and have offered medical advice and assistance throughout pregnancy. They have recently decided to explore the importance of how the Ardyss products both nutritional and garments can benefit pregnant women. Dr. Laney has delivered well over 50 children in his career and although his emphasis is in Gastroenterology he has profound insight into the needs of women including the essential products pregnant women should be including in their daily diets.

There are essential vitamins Dr. Laney advocates that all women need pre-pregnancy and throughout that can help make for a much more comfortable maternity experience. He suggestion during pre-pregnancy that women build up on Calcium, Omega-3 fatty acids, folic acid, and water-soluble (Vitamins B and C) and fat-soluble(Vitamins A, D, E, K). These will be helpful to the mother prior pregnancy and the health of the fetus and will help with gastro and intestinal problems.

Those supplements can be addressed in the Ardyss nutritional products line by consuming Ardyss Plus, Coral Calcium, Le Vive, Green 29, and Omega 3, 6, 9 supplements, and the delicious Nutrishake for additional protein support. A recent study by a team from University of South Carolina found the women taking the highest dose of Vitamin D were 50 per cent less likely to suffer from problems including premature labour, pre-eclampsia, gestational diabetes and infections, than those on the lowest dose. Dr Carol Wagner, lead author of the study, said: "The spectacular part of the study was it showed women replete in vitamin D had lower rates of preterm labor and preterm birth, and lower rates of infection."

As a pregnant physician preparing for her third child, Dr. Farmer is aware and attested to the most challenging problem women face during pregnancy-Back Pain. The overall consensus is among medical professionals is to encourage use of a non-restrictive maternity garment which will help alleviate back problems. In addition to the suggestion of getting ample exercise, the benefits of chiropractic care and acupuncture can be used linked to effective treatment for back pain. Because the body is experiencing weight gain and the developing fetus is changing the shape and posture of the body it is vital to have support around the abdominal region and back.

Dr Abdul-al understands the complaints new mothers as a highly respected doctor he often hears the complaints of new mothers and he first line of defense for his patients are the use of Ardyss International's maternity girdles from the second trimester to birth. These garments are medical grade garments designed by an Orthopedic Doctor Lionel Kelly who designed the full product line of Ardyss garments with the intention of overall body support. These particular garments are of particular benefit to pregnant women because they are designed to help alleviate fluid build-up and provide comfortable and support in this areas where women have new contours and additional weight gain.

The Ardyss maternity garments are just being discovered by medical professionals all over the world because of their benefits to patients. You can engage your own physician to seek out more information about these product especially if you wan to use them throughout your pregnancy. The statistics are staggering for low-birth weight and premature babies born in the United States it can be likened to living in a developing country with little to no medical care throughout pregnancy. Even more surprising is how these issues affect African American women regardless of socio-economic status. These issues can be halted by having access to important information and alternative care products.

The Ardyss Doctors Showcase will continue to host webinars on different topics I would encourage anyone interested in learning more to stay connected via email. This article is here to provide information on Ardyss International products to help improve your quality of life. This information presented here does not diagnose or treat any illness, you should always check with your physician before using any new products.

Will Acupuncture and Holistic Methods Help With Getting Pregnant?

Acupuncture has been around for thousands of years and in a part of traditional Chinese medicine. Many women that are having trouble getting pregnant are turning to acupuncture and holistic methods to help them fall pregnant. If fertility issues are a concern for many men and women, turning to acupuncture and other holistic methods may be the answer that is needed. Will acupuncture and holistic methods help with getting pregnant for you? Find out in this article.

The traditional Chinese medicine practice has been accepted into western practices and continues to spread globally as a way to cure common ailments. Fertility issues are an area that is being helped by acupuncture. The needles used in acupuncture shall not get you pregnant. The needles are used to eradicate the level of negativity in the patient to allow the body to open up and allow conception.

Acupuncture has been found to help men and women struggling with infertility and has helped them conceive. It is usually older women who have decided to try to have a child that are turning to this more and more because of the success rate. Acupuncture in conjunction with other holistic methods such as the addition of certain herbs, lifestyle changes, diet changes, etc, have proven successful with helping with conception and getting pregnant.

For women that have fertility issues resulting from hormone imbalance or blockages in the fallopian tubes, acupuncture and other holistic methods may help with conceiving. Men with low sperm counts that hinder conception are commonly treated with acupuncture. In this case, along with herbs, acupuncture treats the kidney energy levels.

Negativity affects the body in many levels and may lead to various illnesses and diseases such as infertility. Instead of treating the symptoms such as infertility, acupuncture and other holistic methods seek to get to the bottom or root of the problem. Once the root is dealt with and treated, the problem should no longer persist. If only the symptom is treated, the root can continue to produce more and more symptoms which is why traditional medicine does to effectively treat the problem because it only seeks to address the symptoms.

Acupuncture and holistic or natural methods can also be used to create a healthy body. Although there is no guarantee that fertility issues will be cured despite the success rates of acupuncture and holistic remedies, you are guaranteed to become healthier with less stress and anxiety, etc, which may allow traditional infertility treatments to work because your body is in a much healthier place. These traditional methods may include being artificially inseminated, in vitro fertilization, etc.

Even after you conceive, other types of acupuncture can be performed to relieve cravings, back pain and to continue to promote a healthier body to allow the fetus to thrive until delivery. Giving birth may throw your body's energy levels off and an acupuncturist can help you deal with negativity as well as postpartum depression that a lot of women deal with after giving birth so that you can be in a better place to bond with the baby.

C-Section Adhesions: What Every Woman Must Know

One of the biggest side effects of a surgical birth are the C-Section adhesions you are left with.

Adhesions are filmy, sticky, tentacle like internal fibrous scar tissue structures that begin to grow immediately after surgery, these adhesion fibers are a way for the body to heal itself.

The unfortunate thing about adhesions that result from having a C-Section are that they can attach themselves to your organs such as your uterus, ovaries, intestines, bowels, and other organs. When this happens it can cause intense chronic pain, infertility or even bowel obstruction.

C-Section adhesions are not a problem for every woman; in fact I've had two c-sections myself and have never had a problem with adhesions. But they can and do become a problem for many people.

A good example of how adhesions can cause problems was when a family member of mine had his appendix removed when he was 13 years old. Strangely enough when he was 76 he had an obstructed bowel which the doctors told him was the result of adhesions that had entangled his intestines from the appendectomy he had at age 13.

The interesting thing about adhesions is that they continue to grow for several years after surgery.

Surgical adhesions can cause pain as well as blockages. Once they attach themselves to your organs they can grow like a vine choking a tree. They can even grow to a point where they have their own blood vessels and nerve endings. They can cause so many different pains in so many different ways that they are hard to diagnose.

Unfortunately, if you think that you have adhesions as a result of having a c-section, your OB/Gyn will often treat your pain as it relates to his expertise. For example, doctors will treat a pain in the gastro intestinal area as though there was a problem with your intestines and send you to a GI doctor. When the pain is asymptomatic or in multiple areas, they get stumped, this can lead to exploratory surgery where they don't even know what they are looking for.

So what can you do now if adhesions are causing your pain and discomfort?

Because adhesions are hard to detect with the usual CT Scan, MRI, or X-ray, medical personnel cannot get a good diagnosis and usually have to begin a series of healing by process of elimination, which can take a very long time.

- Post surgery massage therapy has also been advocated and claimed to work which makes sense to me just as moving around does for preventing the adhesions from sticking.

- Avoid C-Section Adhesions with Yoga Exercises. Yoga is ideal for just about anything connected to healing and achieving that overall feeling of peace, but it can also help relieve C-Section adhesions.

Yoga poses and stretches, like the forward bend, the cat/cow stretch, the cobra pose and side twists will strengthen and tone muscles and can keep your incision flexible while also keeping it from getting tight and uncomfortable.

- Stretching for C-Section Adhesion Pain Relief. Daily stretching is another way to soften adhesion fibers. Pelvic tilts are gentle but effective exercises that are excellent for stretching the areas of the adhesions that need the most attention.

Never stretch too rigorously. Take care to stretch gently and move slowly. If something hurts or doesn't feel right, don't do it.

Things that can help prevent adhesions from Occurring in the first place

First of all YOU must be your own best advocate with your doctor. If you are pregnant or are thinking about becoming pregnant, you owe it to yourself and your baby to educate yourself on childbirth and the possibility that a C-Section could occur.

Discuss everything with your doctor. Remember that you are in charge of and have responsibility for your own health. The doctor is there to assist YOU with your health goals, not the other way around.

- Inquire with your doctor about using adhesion blockers. This is barrier material that doctors can use to help reduce the effects of adhesions.

For example, use of a material called Seprafilm, an adhesion barrier, has been shown to reduce internal adhesions after open abdominal surgery. This is something you should talk to your doctor about.

- Closing up the peritoneum. This is a surgical technique that helps minimize tissue injury and contamination of the wound, but it's also been found to reduce adhesions.

On closing the peritoneum, a study in 2005 by Stanford University has found that women who have had the peritoneum closed as part of their first c-section delivery are as much as five times less likely to develop adhesions than those who had theirs left open as is the common practice today.

This is possibly why I have not had any issues myself with adhesions as my doctor closed the peritoneum. Personally, after discussing this with my doctor, I think this may be one of the most significant things you can insist upon to help your future health in the event you must have a c-section.

- The type of incision can make a difference. A report by Mathai M, Hofmeyr GJ of The Cochrane Collaborative states that using a Joel-Cohen incision, a specific type of incision used for C-Sections can result in "... less fever, pain and analgesic requirements; less blood loss; shorter duration of surgery and hospital stay. This is another factor to discuss with your doctor as part of your preparation plan.

- Prepare and Stay Positive. Your mental and spiritual outlook plays a major role in your ability to heal. For me personally, my first C-Section took a toll on my body and my mind. My postpartum depression was high and my pain was severe. I'm convinced that if I had been prepared for having a C-Section and understood the complications and what to expect, my outcome would have been much different.

My second c-section was much better. Two weeks tops on the full recovery compared to two months and more with my first. Most of that, I believe, is simply because I knew what to expect, so the mental stress was greatly reduced.

If you are a spiritual person, you too will likely be better off than someone who did not take the time to prepare physically and mentally.

My final thoughts for you are that in the event of a c-section delivery I have helped you understand the importance of preparation and discussion with your doctor so that your C-Section becomes the miraculous joyful event that it's meant to be.

Friday, December 27, 2013

Pregnancy Back Support

Studies show that 50% of women experience chronic back pain during pregnancy. Aside from this, they experience pain in the pelvic area. Pain disrupts their daily life. It prevents them from carrying out their daily activities. In some cases, severe pain results in incapacity. Women become bedridden in the entire pregnancy duration. Approximately 8% of women have experienced severe disability because of back pain. Therefore, manufacturers of garments have made clothing items to support the body during pregnancy.

The most common maternity garments are belts, girdles, and support bands. Maternity belts are elastic fabrics wrapped around the waist and hips. Maternity belts push belly the upward, easing the weight needed to be carried by the back. There are three types of maternity belts. These are standard pregnancy belt, prenatal cradles, and abdominal support pregnancy belt. Standard pregnancy belt provides moderate support on the abdominal and back area. They are the simplest kind of belly support belt for pregnant women.

Prenatal cradles provide the maximum support on the abdomen and back. A prenatal cradle has a crisscross design on the chest, extending towards the shoulders and back. Side expanders provide a firm support on the waist and back. The support points lift the weight from the pelvic cradle, relieving the back from heavy weight.

Moreover, abdominal support belt functions like prenatal cradles. It provides maximum support on the abdomen and back. It has an abdominal strap that wraps the upper abdomen. This envelops the entire abdominal area, decreasing belly movement during exercise. They are recommended for active pregnant women who love to exercise. Straps of pregnancy belly support belts are fastened by Velcro adhesives.

Pregnant women have distinct needs. The degree of pregnancy back support depends on the heaviness of the abdominal area. Likewise, this depends on one's pregnancy duration. Women need maximum support on the third trimester of pregnancy. The womb is expanding enormously, causing maximum protrusion of the upper and lower abdomen.

Belts for pregnancy belly support lessen back pain during pregnancy. There are support belts that resemble a camisole. This type of abdominal inner wear is a combination of maternity bra, maternity belt, and support band. Now, heavy belly mass is not a problem for pregnant women. Maternity undergarments provide adequate support for a woman's body.

Which Health Insurance Plan Is Best for Me?

Health insurance has proven itself of great help and financial aid in certain cases when events turn out unexpectedly. In times when you are ill and when your health is in grave jeopardy and when finances seem to be incapable to sustain for your care, health insurance is here to the rescue. A good health insurance plan will definitely make things better for you.

Basically, there are two types of health insurance plans. Your first option is the indemnity plans, which includes the fee-for-services and the second is the managed care plans. The differences between these two include the choice offered by the providers, the amount of bills the policy holder has to pay and the services covered by the policy. As you can always hear there is no ultimate or best plan for anyone.

As you can see, there are some plans which may be way better than the others. Some may be good for you and your family's health and medical care needs. However, amidst the sweet health insurance plan terms presented, there are always certain drawbacks that you may come to consider. The key is, you will have to wisely weigh the benefits. Especially that not among these plans will pay for all the financial damages associated with your care.

The following are a brief description about the health insurance plans that might be fitting for you and your family's case.

Indemnity Plans

Flexible Spending Plans - These are the types of health insurance plans that are sponsored when you are working for a company, or any employer. These are the care plans inclusive in your employee benefit package. Some of the specific types of benefits included in this plan are the multiple options pre-tax conversion plan, medical plans plus flexible spending accounts, tax conversion plan, and employer credit cafeteria plans. You can always ask your employer of the benefits included in your health care/insurance plans.

Indemnity Health Plans - This type of health insurance plan allows you to choose your own health care providers. You are given the freedom to go to any doctor, medical institution, or other health care providers for a set monthly premium. The insurance plan will reimburse you and your health care provider according to the services rendered. Depending on the health insurance plan policy, there are those that offers limit on individual expenses, and when that expense is reached, the health insurance will cover for the remaining expenses in full. Sometimes, indemnity health insurance plans impose restrictions on services covered and may require prior authorization for hospital care and other expensive services.

Basic and Essential Health Plans - It provides a limited health insurance benefit at a considerably low insurance cost. In opting for this kind of health insurance plan, it is necessary that one should read the policy description giving special focus on covered services. There are plans which may not cover on some basic treatments, certain medical services such as chemotherapy, maternity care or certain prescriptions. Also, rates vary considerably since unlike other plans, premiums consider age, gender, health status, occupation, geographic location, and community rated.

Health Savings Accounts - You own and control the money in your HSA. This is the recent alternative to the old fashioned health insurance plans. These are savings product designed to offer policy holders different way to pay for their health care. This type of insurance plan allows the individual to pay for the current health expenses and also save for untoward future qualified medical and retiree health costs on a tax-free basis. With this health care plan, you decide on how your money is spent. You make all the decisions without relying on any third party or a health insurer. You decide on which investment will help your money grow. However, if you sign up for an HSA, High Deductible Health Plans are required in adjunct to this type of insurance plan.

High Deductible Health Plans - Also called Catastrophic Health Insurance Coverage. It is an inexpensive health insurance plan which is enabled only after a high deductible is met of at least $1,000 for an individual expense and $2,000 for family-related medical expense.

Managed Care Options

Preferred Provider Organizations - This is charged in a fee-for-service basis. The involved health care providers are paid by the insurer on a negotiated fee and schedule. The cost of services are likely lower if the policy holder chooses an out-of-network provider ad generally required to pay the difference between what the provider charges and what the health insurance plan has to pay.

Point of Service - POS health insurance plans are one of the indemnity type options in which the primary health care providers usually make referrals to other providers within the plan. In the event the doctors make referrals which are out of the plan, that plan pays all or most of the bill. However, if you refer yourself to an outside provider, the service charges may also be covered by the plan but the individual may be required to pay the coinsurance.

Health Maintenance Organizations - It offers access to a network of physicians, health care institutions, health care providers, and a variety of health care facilities. You have the freedom to choose for your personal primary care doctor from a list which may be provided by the HMO and this chosen doctor may coordinate with all the other aspects of your health care. You may speak with your chosen primary doctor for further referrals to a specialist. Generally, you are paying fewer out-of-pocket fees with this type of health insurance plan. However, there are certain instances that you may be often charged of the fees or co-payment for services such as doctor visits or prescriptions.

Government-Sponsored Health Insurance

Indian Health Services - This is part of the Department of Health and Human Services Program offering all American Indians the medical assistance at HIS facilities. Also, HIS helps in paying the cost of the health care services utilized at non-HIS facilities.

Medicaid - This is a federal or s state public assistance program created in the year 1965. These are available for the people who may have insufficient resources to pay for the health care services or for private insurance policies. Medicaid is available in all states. Eligibility levels and coverage benefits may vary though.

Medicare - This is a health care program for people aging 65 and older, with certain disabilities that pays part of the cost associated with hospitalization, surgery, home health care, doctor's bills, and skilled nursing care.

Military Health Care - This type includes the TRICARE or the CHAMPUS (Civilian Health and Medical Program of the Uniformed Services) and CHAMPVA (Civilian Health and Medical Program of the Department of Veterans Affair). The Department of Veterans Affair (VA) may also provide this service.

State Children's Health Insurance Program - This is available to children whose low-income parents were not able to qualify for the Medicaid.
State-Specific Plans - This type of plan is available for low income uninsured individuals.

There are many different types of insurance plans that you may have the prerogative to know about. By learning which health care insurance fits your situation, you can avail of the many options that will likely be of great assistance to you in times when you will need it most. Insurance costs have typically become one of the common draw backs in choosing for an insurance quote. However, weighing the benefits will really matter. Make sure that you always read the benefits, terms and conditions before landing to whichever type of health insurance you choose.

Unexplained Hair Loss In Women

Unexplained hair loss is becoming more common among women. Suddenly hair starts falling out for no reason, at an alarming rate-sometimes handfuls at a time. For many women, shock and panic set in as the dramatic increase in shedding continues. Some worry they may soon become completely bald.

Because routine lab work often comes back normal, the condition may be dismissed as "just a cosmetic problem" that one must learn to live with. Or, the person may be handed a one-size-fits-all prescription for a synthetic topical treatment that only deals with the symptom rather than the underlying issue.

It is important to understand that chronic excessive shedding is not normal, and will not occur when all is well. When the hair growth cycle shuts down, or stops functioning properly it is an indication that a physical or emotional imbalance exists. Telogen effluvium is the name for this condition.

A temporary increase in shedding may occur due to a minor, short-lived trigger such as infection, flu, high fever, new medication, change in diet, medical procedure, vaccination, shock or trauma, etc. If the body is otherwise healthy; and the triggering factor has been resolved or removed the hair growth cycle will spontaneously heal before any noticeable thinning occurs. Although this type of telogen effluvium is usually not cause for concern, it may be beneficial to pinpoint the trigger in order to avoid the possibility of future episodes.

When the condition is long-lasting and severe, causing an obvious decrease in volume there may be a deeper issue that must be determined and treated in order to restore normal thickness and optimal health.

Often there is more than one contributing factor. Chronic telogen effluvium occurs as a result of the body working overtime--expending extra energy in attempt to overcome the inner disturbance, imbalance or disorder. The hair growth cycle may shut down or become disrupted in order to compensate while the body deals with the difficult task of trying to re-establish balance.

Below is a list of common causes or contributing factors that can lead to chronic telogen effluvium. It's important to realize that if one of the following conditions exists, it does not necessarily imply that it is the single cause of the problem. Correcting all imbalances and improving overall health and well-being is the best line of defense.


Standard thyroid testing is often incomplete. Because even a slight imbalance can cause hair loss, thorough, highly sensitive lab work is advised-especially if thyroid symptoms exists. This should include testing for antibodies (Hashimotos thyroiditis).


Common deficiencies that are associated with hair loss include protein, iron, zinc, magnesium, chromium, selenium, vitamin D, etc. These deficiencies are also often associated with the underlying disorder in which hair loss is the symptom of. Rather than supplementing or increasing dietary intake of one particular nutrient, it may be more beneficial to include a wide variety of nutrients through diet and supplementation in order to provide balance to the body.


Nutritional deficiencies are often caused by mal-absorption issues such as Celiac (gluten intolerance) or Chron's disease and other digestive disorders. In addition to increasing nourishment, success will depend on determining and treating the underlying mal-absorption condition accordingly.


Candidiasis albicans is a systemic fungal/yeast infection. This under-diagnosed condition can wreak havoc of the entire system. Symptoms include an over-all feeling of un-wellness, foggy thinking, lack of energy etc. Skin symptoms and hair loss are common. If Candidiasis albicans exists, healing the infection should produce notable improvements in hair and skin health and overall wellness.


Some experts believe that chronic low-level systemic inflammation is at the root of all health disorders. Anti-inflammatory diet can be very helpful for health of hair and the underlying related disorders.


Autoimmune disorders may make a person more susceptible to chronic telogen effluvium. To keep symptoms from manifesting, great efforts must be made to keep immune system balanced. Certain autoimmune conditions such as Hashimoto's thyroiditis, Graves's disease, Celiac, Chron's and lupus are commonly associated with hair loss.


It's not uncommon for telogen effluvium to occur in women approximately three months after delivering a baby. In normal cases the condition subsides within six to nine months, leaving the new mother with only a slight decrease in thickness and volume. If the shedding becomes severe and long-lasting it would indicate that other factors are involved. Extreme care and extra nourishment are necessary during the postpartum period.


Anytime an unhealthy lifestyle is present it will be more difficult to re-establish healthy hair growth. The better condition the body is in physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually, the easier it will be to heal the imbalances causing the excessive shedding. Although disruption of the hair growth cycle can be the first sign of a wide variety of health disorders, it can be last to recover. The body has a built-in healing system that works on the principals or priority. It will provide healing energy to the areas that are most essential before it will bother with hair growth. The best results are achieved when the entire system is treated holistically rather than concentrating only on the symptom of hair loss.


Alopecia areata is an autoimmune condition that specifically targets follicles of the scalp causing bald patches. This is not a form of telogen effluvium but there are variations of alopecia areata that can mimic telogen effluvium such as diffuse alopecia areata or alopecia areata incognita. Severe forms of this autoimmune disorder can cause baldness on the scalp and all over the body but the follicles remain alive so there is always potential for regrowth.

Basic Advantages and Disadvantages About Short Term Disability Insurance

According to the Social Security Administration, 3 from the 10 workers out there have a pretty good chance of becoming disabled at some point. If you might be one of those individuals, would you be prepared to support the financial percussions that might appear in this kind of situation? Unless you have other financial sources that you can use to pay your mortgage or other monthly financial obligations, it probably be good idea to purchase short-term disability insurance.

The injuries which are work related are usually being covered under worker's compensation. Of course, as you might have guessed already, off-duty injuries are not. It may very well pay a percentage of your monthly income or a rate which will have to be paid on a weekly basis. Employers might offer short-term disability insurance from 6 weeks to 2 years, with a restriction of how much you are able to receive in a certain period of time. For you to be eligible, you will have to be working for a particular period of time. Employer group coverage might even be offered to you free at costs.

If by any chance, your employer will not offer you any coverage, or you just simply want to buy some additional coverage, you might consider buying individual short-term disability insurance. Unlike employer coverage, individual insurance coverage will be limited depending on your health. Beside this, individual insurance coverage is usually in many situations more expensive. Individual coverage too just like employer coverage normally will offer you coverage up to 2 years. With this type of insurance you are able to determine the percentage of your own monthly income which you might want to reimburse.

As you might noticed by now there are advantages and disadvantages when it comes to short-term disability insurance and you are the only one who can know which is the right decision to make.

Chiropractic Treatment During Pregnancy

Why Do Pregnant Women Need Chiropractic Care?

During a pregnancy there are several physiological and endocrinological changes that happen, when preparations are made for the developing baby. Due to these changes, a pregnant woman could suffer from misalignments of the spine or joints that can result in any of the following:

  • Prominent curve of the back

  • Enlarged abdomen

  • Changes in the pelvis

  • Postural changes

A large part of chiropractic care is focused on relieving intrauterine constraints by establishing proper alignment and balance of the pelvis. When the pelvic bone is misaligned it could reduce the room available for the baby, causing unnecessary pressure on the baby as well. Also, a misaligned pelvis could cause difficulties in the delivery process. Breech and posterior positions can interfere with the natural ease of labor and lead to interventions such as C-Sections.

5 Benefits of Receiving Chiropractic Adjustments during Pregnancies:

  1. Counterbalance of the Relaxin Hormone: During a pregnancy a natural hormone called Relaxin is released, which is necessary to be more flexible and malleable. Relaxin helps relax the ligaments and muscles in the body. However, there is a negative side effect to Relaxin. There is a higher possibility of the joints to become misaligned. Therefore, chiropractic adjustments will assist in bringing the joints back in alignment.

  2. Offsets Weight Distribution: As we all are aware women gain weight during their pregnancy and due to the weight gain her posture changes. These postural changes can cause joint stress as well as fatigue on the muscles and ligaments. As the baby grows the uterus expands outwards causing the mothers center of gravity to shift forward. Due to the shift of the center of gravity the mother's biomechanics puts more pressure on the pelvis and the lumbar and thoracic vertebrae. A chiropractic adjustment can be done to offset the movement and pressure.

  3. Prevent Intrauterine Constraint: As mentioned above chiropractic care can help establish proper alignment in the pelvis by relieving intrauterine constraint. Intrauterine constraint occurs when normal movement of the developing fetus is restricted. Problems that can arise from intrauterine constraint are growth defects and long-lasting neuromuscular challenges. Another problem caused from this constraint is it could cause the baby to breech, causing the birthing process more excruciating and unsafe. Chiropractic adjustments can reduce the chances of requiring a C-section and improve the alignment in the pelvis.

  4. Relieves Spinal Subluxation: Spinal Subluxation is when the vertebrae moves out of position putting pressure on the spinal nerve and causing malfunction. This many not seem like that big of a deal but when you consider that the spinal nerve is the highway of your body. Regardless if you are pregnant or not a chiropractic adjustment can reduce and correct spinal subluxation. During a pregnancy, spinal subluxation can add additional stress and pain to the nervous system. A pain-free happy mother is most likely to create a happy healthy child. With this in mind, correcting spinal subluxation is crucial during chiropractic adjustments.

  5. Low Back Pain Relief: The most obvious benefit of receiving chiropractic adjustment during a pregnancy is reducing lower back pain. Many pregnant women have lower back pain due to the shift in their biomechanics and a spinal alignment can help improve the pain.

As you can see chiropractic treatment can be conducted safely throughout a pregnancy. Regular adjustments can offer numerous benefits for the mother and the developing child. Throughout their pregnancy women tend to learn different lifestyle habits that will continue to promote and enhance their wellness potential.

So You Are Ready To Be First Time Grandparents

My husband and I just became grandparents. It is a learning experience finding out what our roles are. My daughter and son-in-law live with us as well as my granddaughter. Finding out what your boundaries are is a balancing act. You have a mother who is super protective of her baby and wants the best care for her baby. This is good. Sometimes they sound so ridiculous, but you have to listen.

My rule of thumb has been to back off from the parents and the baby, letting them bond. There are brief times I want to hold her, but my daughter just rolls her eyes at me. I talk to the baby as if I was having a conversation and you can hear her saying she is crazy-although they do it too. I guess they are not used to me talking so infantile. They do not realize they do it too. I just ignore it.

The reason I am writing this article is for new grandparents out there who are learning to become grandparents. There are a few suggestions I have about becoming the best grandparent you can be.

繚 Do not overstep your welcome. Stay long enough to get a taste of your grandchild and let your child decide how much involvement they want you to have. As the child gets older, you may be spending more time with your grandchild.

繚 Show concern and take an interest in your grandchild. Ask how the doctor's visit went, but do not harp on it. Your child may tell you something or they may not want to discuss it with you. My daughter thinks I should already know how it went. She does not realize that I am truly interested in how to clear her clogged tear duct or how much she weighs or how long she is now. Again they may not want to discuss this with you. Give them their privacy and let them tell you in their own time. Maybe they want to discuss it with their spouse first. Maybe they feel it is something they are responsible for-when it is not and they are afraid of what you will think.

繚 Always ask if you can pick up their child. Maybe they are trying to get their child on a schedule or trying to break a habit from the baby being held all the time. Maybe they are getting ready to feed the baby. Maybe they want their husband to take a role in doing something with the baby-changing the baby's diaper, learning how to quiet a crying baby, having the baby learn a connection with their daddy.

繚 Do not assume anything. Maybe your child wants help, but they do not know how to ask you for their help. Let them figure it out. They may be embarrassed to know they need your help. They want to be as independent as possible.

繚 Do not give advice unless it is solicited. They are still trying to show their independence from you and they are making their own family unit and working on things on their own.

繚 When you listen to your co-workers tell how wonderful it is to be a grandparent, do not despair. Their grandchildren are older and their children use them as baby sitters and then your children may be at a different stage in their life-they may want your help and advice.

繚 Give this union between you and your grandchild a chance to grow. Do not rush it. The wait is worth it.

Why am I telling you this? I am trying to tell you we need to set boundaries between ourselves, our children, and our grandchild. It is important. I have seen grandparents rush in and take over the mother's roll and that is not giving your child respect. You are overstepping your boundaries. Now there are instances where you need to take over-the mother has postpartum depression/psychosis. The baby is really sick and the parents need respite. Use your best judgment and let your children tell you how much help they may or may not need. Let this early stage in the newborn's life be a sacred space. Your time will come. At least that is what I hear.

Thursday, December 26, 2013

IVF Rates - Will My Insurance Pay?

Let's face it, no one likes to read all the health insurance company's fine print to try to decipher just what is and is not covered, but with IVF rates as high as they are, couples who are struggling with infertility should definitely see exactly what their insurance covers before proceeding with any treatment plans. While it's impossible to say without looking at your actual insurance policy, there are a few things that you should know in general about insurance and paying for IVF.

Maybe, Maybe Not
First off, some insurance plans will cover some infertility treatments but not others. There may be a section on your health insurance policy that talks about whether or not you are covered for certain infertility treatments, but if you can't find it, you can either call your insurance company or your employer's human resources department, which will be able to walk you through the ins and outs of your policy. If your insurance will cover some infertility treatments or at least diagnostic appointments, you should definitely take advantage of that before jumping right in to IVF.

State Laws for IVF Insurance
Some states have laws in place requiring employers of a certain size - usually they have to have more than fifty employees - to offer insurance plans that cover at least some infertility treatments; even if you live in one of these states, though, you may not be covered for actual IVF treatments. The states with laws like these are Arkansas, California, Connecticut, Hawaii, Illinois, Maryland, Massachusetts, Montana, New Jersey, New York, Ohio, Rhode Island, Texas, and West Virginia. Some couples actually move, especially if they live close to the state and can find jobs there, in order to get infertility coverage before trying treatments.

The requirements in these states can vary greatly. In Arkansas, for instance, the couple must be infertile for two years before using the infertility coverage, and the benefits - copayment, limit, and deductible - for IVF are the same as those for other maternity coverage; insurers can limit coverage to a maximum of $15,000, which covers, on average, one cycle of IVF. In Illinois, on the other hand, couples only have to be infertile for a year, and the law requires insurance to cover IVF and more complex treatments like ZIFT and GIFT.

If you don't live in one of these states, though, don't give up hope. Some employers offer insurance plans with infertility benefits even if they aren't required to. The main thing is that you have to check with your provider. Before you get any treatments done, be sure you know the requirements such as how long you have to be infertile to use your insurance for infertility treatments, what types of clinics you can go to, and what types of treatments you can have. Also, ask about the lifetime limit for infertility treatment, since this can also vary greatly from one plan to the next. Knowing this information about your insurance beforehand can help you team up with the infertility clinic's financial department to determine the course of treatment that is most likely to get you a baby without breaking the bank.

Fertility & Pregnancy - Vibrational Infertility - Understand This to Help You Get & Stay Pregnant

Getting Pregnant

Getting pregnant and having a baby is something that many of us want. In spite of the fact that we were born with the capacity to bring forth new life, getting pregnant and staying pregnant can be a challenge.

Your Fertility

If you have been trying to conceive for some time, you may have begun to doubt your fertility when yet another menstrual cycle arrives. Perhaps you have already received a diagnosis of Unexplained Infertility or maybe you are engaged in fertility treatment of some sort. In any case, Vibrational Infertility (Morris, 2009) might apply to you.

The Law of Attraction and Fertility

Understanding Vibrational Infertility requires an appreciation of the Law of Attraction and how this operates in our lives. Everything in the universe including thoughts, feeling and babies are vibrations of energy and information. The Law of Attraction explains that like attracts like. Your thoughts and feelings (which make up your vibration) attract experiences that match them.

So for example, when your dominant vibration is one of concern that you won't get pregnant or that you might lose your baby then that is what you are attracting... more worry and reasons to be anxious with regard to pregnancy and fertility.

I discovered with my three miscarriages that thoughts and feelings that seem to be irrelevant to pregnancy and fertility also have a huge influence on whether your pregnancy will be successful or otherwise (because they contribute to your vibrational output).

Vibrational Infertility

From my personal experience and my coaching work with women and couples around their fertility it is clear that many women and men who are having difficulty conceiving a baby have what can be called Vibrational Infertility.

Vibrational Infertility is a term I have coined to illustrate what is really happening when you are having difficulties in getting pregnant and/or staying pregnant. This explains that there is a difference between the vibration you are emitting and the vibration you want to attract (success in fertility). It happens when you are not (yet) a match for success in pregnancy.

This is great news for anybody trying to conceive because your vibration is not static. It can be changed and once you start deliberately shifting your vibration (using a process like the one I write about in my book 'Get Pregnant and Stay Pregnant with the Law of Attraction'), you can bring yourself into alignment with the pregnancy you desire so that it must manifest in your reality.

It worked for me and it can work for you too.

Vitex Agnus Castus Might Help You Fall Pregnant!

Vitex agnus-castus, also called chaste berry, is becoming more and more popular with women trying to fall pregnant. But what does it actually do and will it really help?

The key to falling pregnant is having regular menstrual cycles and ovulation. Of course general health and well being also play a part, but for those women whose fertility is due to hormonal imbalances that cause irregular menstrual cycles or ovulation then Vitex has been used for centuries to help correct these problems.

The most common hormonal problem with women is insufficient progesterone during the luteal phase. The luteal phase is the time between ovulation and your period and should be around 14 days long. If your luteal phase is less than 10 days (called a luteal phase defect) then the egg, even if it does get fertilized, doesn't have time to embed into the uterus and is expelled with your period.

Vitex acts by balancing the hormones thus shifting the ratio of estrogen to progesterone. It doesn't actually produce progesterone itself, just helps your body increase its ability to produce more. It is also helpful for reducing high prolactin levels which are also commonly associated with a luteal phase defect.

It has been shown to be especially beneficial for women with Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) as they often have hormonal irregularities that mean that estrogen, which is dominant in the first half of a women's cycle, continues to dominate in the second half thus not producing enough progesterone to sustain a potential pregnancy.

It is safe to take Vitex throughout your whole cycle until you fall pregnant but many women choose to take it either in the first half or second half of their cycle thinking that this will be more beneficial. However this doesn't allow enough time for the herb to build up in your body and many women give up too soon thinking that the herb is not working for them.

It usually takes at least 3 - 6 months for Vitex or Chaste berry to begin working so if you have just started taking it, continue for at least six months to make sure you get the full benefit.

Vitex can be taken in capsule, tea or tincture form, so talk to your naturopath about which is best for you.

Maternity Support or Maternity Support Girdle Help Reduce Back Pain During Pregnancy

Some devices for maternity support, such as maternity belts, shoulder supports, and hip belts, may be covered by insurance when recommended or prescribed by a health care professional. It is advised to consult with an obstetrician before purchasing such belts and girdles, as most physicians are more than willing to arrange for insurance reimbursement when possible.

When choosing such devices, make sure that they are of high quality and provide comfort as well as support. They should be made of stretch fabric and have adjustable bands so that they can conform to the belly as it grows, as well as being able to move along with the wearer so as to properly redistribute weight when she walks or otherwise engages in daily activities.

Maternity pillows are available in full body styles as well as in styles that provide maternity support only for the belly and back. The latter are ideal for the first stages of pregnancy, whereas the former are recommended in order to prevent pregnancy pain that is caused by sleeping in uncomfortable positions that create pressure on various parts of the body as the uterus grows.

Maternity support belts and pillows are safe and natural ways of preventing and relieving discomfort during pregnancy. Taking advantage of these natural methods that make pregnancy a more pleasant experience is very highly recommended by experts as well as by women who have successfully used maternity support devices. Some of these devices continue to provide relief and comfort after delivery, as support helps a woman return to her usual level of fitness and health once the baby has been born.

A wide selection of maternity support devices is available from retailers who specialize in pregnancy comfort products, and they make great gifts for yourself or for loved ones.

Overcome Infertility - How to Treat Infertility With Minerals - Copper

As we mentioned in previous articles, infertility is defined as the inability of a couple to conceive after 12 months of unprotected sexual intercourse. It effects over 5 million couples alone in the U. S. and many times more in the world. Because of unawareness of treatments, only 10% seek help from professional specialists. We have spent most of the time in this series discussing the conventional and Chinese medicine in treating fertility. I believe, it is the best time to change the subject by discussing how Minerals--Copper effects fertility.

1. Immunity
Copper is vital in maintaining the production of antibodies and white blood cells as well as antioxidant enzymes, thereby increasing the immune system in fighting against infection and inflammation and preventing the immune abnormal function of antibody antigen production.

2. Enzyme production
Low levels of copper may alter enzyme systems in regulating the reproductive function in offspring production, leading to decreasing of the chance of fertility caused by sexual libido and low quality sperm production.

3. Nervous symptoms
Since our brain requires certain amount of copper in transmitting information. Deficiency of copper increases the risk of stress, resulting in over production of certain hormones ( adrenaline and serotonin), leading to nervous tension including emotional and physical stress.

4. Anaemia
Although zinc is important for the reproductive health, overdose of zinc may cause copper deficiency, leading to low red blood count and decreasing the blood function in oxygen absorption, thus increasing the risk of blood and nutrients deficiency, causing irregular ovulation in women and lower quality of sperm in men.

II. Side effects and risks
1. Over dose of copper is toxic and may cause unexplained infertility
2. Intake of copper supplements may increase the levels of gastric acids.
3. Over dose of copper for prolong period of time may cause liver and kidney diseases.

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

How Safe Is It For Women To Take Fish Oil Supplements During Pregnancy Or While Nursing?

Given the extreme popularity of fish oil supplements, there are countless women who would like to continue taking their fish oil supplements during pregnancy, but they are concerned that doing so may have a negative effect on an unborn child. Many are also unsure as to whether or not they can take these supplements while breastfeeding.

Now, I am not a doctor, so I am not going to say outright that it is safe to use fish oil supplements when you are expecting. I'm also not going to say that it is unsafe. Instead, I am simply going to discuss a few studies which have been carried out over the years.

To begin with, people take fish oil supplements because fish oil is the number one source of omega-3 essential fatty acids. It also has high concentrations of the fatty acids which are of the most interest to us, such as DHA and EPA for example.

If you have ever had a child before, and you gave the child baby formula, you will have noticed that most top end brands have added DHA and EPA, since these two fatty acids play an important role in terms of brain development. Manufacturers add these in order to try and match the DHA content of breast milk.

Unfortunately, even the top brands of baby formula contain insufficient DHA, especially when compared to the breast milk of women that eat a healthy diet. Of course, if a woman's diet does not contain much DHA; neither will her milk, since omega-3 fatty acids cannot be produced by the body.

According to the National Institute of Health (NIH), women who are breastfeeding require approximately 300mg of DHA. This dosage will ensure both mother and child receive the correct amount. Interestingly enough, low DHA intake has also been linked to behavioral problems such as ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder).

Low concentrations of DHA in the brain have likewise been linked to depression, and it is widely believed to be one of the main causes of post-natal depression. Scientific studies have also proven that a decrease in omega-3 fatty acids within the brain leads to a decline in normal brain function.

What you have read in the above paragraphs does not come from me. Instead, it comes from experts in the field, so in my opinion, taking fish oil supplements during pregnancy is a wise thing to do, and I think you will find many doctors who will agree. With that said, if you are still concerned, then you should first discuss your intentions with your own doctor.

Does an Online Discount Health Insurance Plan Make Sense

An online discount health insurance plan can be worth investigating if you find the insurance costs offered to you through your workplace, association or chamber of commerce outside of your range. It is important

to find something that works for your needs as well as your family requirements.

What is important? Do you think you'll be needing maternity care , physicals for your family, regular prescription drugs refilled or Are you considered high risk ?

Ask friends about the policies they use, but keep in mind that their own needs may be different than yours.

Don't pick a plan just based on your friend's recommendation but see if it will cover the types of services you require or if it may have more features than you would normally use.

One nice thing about looking for an online discount health insurance plan is that a lot of insurance companies are aware of the competition and you can compare rates to get the best deals. It is important to look via your zip code as counties even 10 miles from each other can have huge differences in the monthly premium charges. This can be based on cost of living or other factors.

When you fill out an online form you will be asked some question and it is a quick process where you can then get a comparison. They will be looking at your age, degree of risk and you can see what each has to offer in terms of the premium and benefits. By keeping in mind what services you'll be using you can make an informed decision and choose a health insurance plan that will speak to your needs. Some are comfortable for example with catastrophic insurance that would protect them from expensive hospital bills but not have coverage for doctor's visits until a high deductible is met.

How Bitters Can Boost Fertility and Combat Unexplained Infertility

The first time I hear someone say that bitters can boost fertility and cure infertility, I thought it was unscientific. I dismissed the folk-remedy philosophy that bitters can make a woman conceive. Not until I started researching the causes of unexplained infertility. Bitters work so well because they boost fertility and combat infertility through different mechanisms. This range from boosting your overall health and toning reproductive organs specifically. Yes, bitters balance the hormones, tones the ovary and makes the ovary release healthy eggs.

The problem with many infertile patients is that they do not associate infertility with 'fertile nutrition.' Good nutrition is the foundation a healthy body. Remember a healthy ovary is to be found in a healthy body. When the ovary is healthy, it produces healthy egg (ovum) and healthy egg produces healthy pregnancy leading to the birth of a healthy baby.

How does bitters boost fertility? Well, bitters tone and tune-up the five pillars of health: mind and mood, ingestion, digestion, circulation, immune system.

Bitters stimulate the bitter receptors at the back of the tongue to shut down the craving for refined sugar. This in turn stimulates the vagus nerve (the 10th cranial nerve) responsible for release of digestive enzymes. Any time your digestion improves, your overall health improves. Note also that sugar is the cause of 250 diseases including causing auto immunity and free radical damage which can retard the reproductive organs including the ovary.

Bitters also helps the detoxification work of the liver and the kidneys. Estrogen is eliminated in the liver which is also responsible for balancing all reproductive hormones. The liver pushes to the kidneys the wastes that are water soluble to be eliminated through the urine. The force of the kidneys rules the reproductive organs according to Chinese medicine. Detoxification also help the body to remove pollution of the antibodies that fight disease and initiate tissue repair and degeneration. This can boost the fertility of the ovaries and eliminate ovarian cysts and premature ovarian failure. Bitters have been known to correct irregular menstruation which is a sign of anovulation and hormonal imbalance.

Once infertility is diagnosed, stress tend to kick in. The body is not designed to handle excessive stress. Mental stress releases stress hormones which cause oxidation, immune depletion, inflammation and fibrosis. Bitters are adaptogens that helps the body cope with stress. Adaptogens tend to tone the the internal organs and bring them back to normal physiological function.

Bitters also eliminate estrogen dominance by eliminating excess estradiol (the bad estrogen) while boosting the level of progesterone and testesterone secretion. Without hormonal balance, the ovary, the immune system and ovulation is thrown off balance, too. In fact hormonal imbalance causes majority of the women fibrosis diseases that has been blamed for unexplained infertility. These include uterine fibroids, anovulation, polycystic ovary disease, endometriosis, endometrial hyperplasia, adenomyosis, irregular periods, and luteal phase defect. Bitters helps eliminate growths or tumors including falopian tube blockade due to adhesions.

Specifically not only does bitters help mature eggs, they also help ovulation and propelling the released eggs to the falopian tube to be fertilized by the advancing spermatozoa. Note that once pregnancy test is positive, bitters are no longer needed.

The bitters that are effective (used in combination of other herbs) are gentian (called bitter root), bitter leaf (common in African-folk medicine), golden seal, dandelion greens and watercress. The Chinese bitters are a form of gentian or bitter root found in Europe.

You take bitters consistently for one month to regularize the menstrual periods and stop if period starts again. Then take for the second month and stop if pregnancy occurs. By then it is no longer necessary. If there is no pregnancy, take after your period is over for six days and stop just before ovulation starts. Continue the cycle if there is no pregnancy. It takes an average of two months to get pregnant with bitters.

What Is a Reputable Umbrella Company?

An Umbrella Company is simply a company that is structured to employ temporary agency workers permanently to work at a variety of temporary workplaces, stating in the workers contract that their permanent place of work is their home where they carry out the duties of finding work and keeping records of expenses incurred and contract assignments. The Umbrella employee should be able to claim a tax free amount each week of 瞿3 for the use of their home for an office. The benefit of this employment structure is that (mostly) travel related expenses from home to temporary workplace can be claimed as well as temporary accommodation and incidentals like replacement tools and a certain amount of subsistence. The expenses are taken from the gross receipt (the amount you would have been paid as gross salary if employed directly by an employment agency) and after being subtracted whatever is left is taxed as gross salary. It should be stated in the "overarching" employment contract that the workers salary is variable for this reason, but will never be less than the national minimum wage (NMW). Once the salary is taxed the net pay is then added to the tax free expense amount and paid to you. There is usually a fee or "margin" that is taken from the gross receipt as the Umbrella Company is in business to make money. Different Umbrella Companies have different "margin" rates; you would need to enquire with them at the time you sign up. Some companies quote gross fees and some quote net fees.

At the end of each working week you let the Umbrella Company know where you have been working, the name of the client (agency or contractor) and the hours and rates at which you agreed to carry out the work. The Umbrella Company will invoice your client (agency), collect the money, and when you have submitted your work related expenses they will calculate your pay and transfer it to you.

A well structured Umbrella Company will cover you under their employers and public liability insurance, give you access to a pension and cover all of your statutory rights like Statutory Sick Pay (SSP), Maternity and Paternity Pay and paid holidays. The most compliant Umbrella Company's will take their responsibility so seriously that they will provide you with an employee handbook which should outline their Diversity and Equal Opportunities policy as well as give you guidance on their disciplinary and grievance procedure.

How To Avoid Toxins in Skin Care During Pregnancy

The Natural Path To Skin Care During Pregnancy

Expectant mothers are becoming much more aware of the products that the apply to their skin to protect the fetus growing inside of them. During pregnancy a number of changes occur that impact on the emotions and body due to an increase in circulation and hormonal functions designed to assist with the birthing whilst supporting the new baby's growth.

Changes in oestrogen, progesterone and melanin stimulating hormones can lead to skin changes including sensitivity, dryness, stretching, itchiness and darkening in a variety of areas. During pregnancy nails could become more brittle and thinner and sometimes harder. Usually they return to normal within 6 months post birth. This is when a first class luxuriant body lotion and stretch mark oil should be used often.

The ovaries release a large amount of oestrogen throughout pregnancy and to proportion this there is an increase in androgens which affects the hair. Abnormal hair growth on the upper lip, chin and sides of the face can be caused by this. Don't be troubled it only accelerates vellus hair, a fine peach like fuzz, which as a rule disappears after childbirth.

In my experience, once pregnant, expectant mum's should instantly start using luxuriant body lotions or body oils to assure the skin is deeply moisturised to prevent the itching sensation caused by stretching skin as the baby grows. Sudden stretching of the skin can result in scars know as stretch marks due to the underlying connective tissue rupturing.

Reducing the probability of stretch marks that appear also on the hips, breasts, rear of thighs is to keep the moisture level up by use of oils, plant butters or rich moisturisers. Stretch marks are very common in a broad percentage of women who become pregnant. As elasticity and stretching are a biological matter, using on a daily basis applications can significantly improve the skin's flexibility and suppleness to help decrease chance of stretch marks.

Due to more pollution in the atmosphere, it is important to do what we can to avoid the increasing toxin load in our bodies. A knowledge of the nature of skin and how ingredients in pregnancy skin care products might actually permeate the skin and be delivered into the blood stream, can assist us see why, it is fundamental to avoid synthetic ingredients at all costs.

The skin's responsibility is to permit substances in as well as keeping them out. This function depends on the environment in which the skin finds itself.

Below is more detail on transdermal (across the skin) absorption...

The skin consists of several layers. The epidermis (what we can touch) the dermis (contains most of the blood vessels), the subcutaneous tissue are the basic divisions of the skin. The external layer of the epidermis, is called the stratum corneum, comprises of several layers of keratinised epithelial cells tightly jammed together which aid in keeping the skin hydrated. Keratin contributes to the composition of a semi waterproof barrier.

Substances must have a low molecular weight to permeate the skin. Pure essential oils, are concentrated essences with a small molecular structure that allows them to penetrate the skin easily and work into the body by mixing with the fatty tissue. They are regularly added to high quality skin care products. Because of the small molecular structure of essential oils they have a lower weight to fixed oils. therefore all the excellent beneficial properties associated with essential oils are absorbed into the bloodstream quite quickly. Fixed oils act as a carrier for essential oils and because they have a higher molecular weight they lie on the surface, acting as a lubricant. It is important to note that some essential oils can cause irritation for some skin types so it is worth having an informed discussion with your skin care supplier when buying. A lot of mainstream lotions contain ingredients other than fixed or pure essential oils - namely, synthetic fragrances, and preservatives. Sorry to say, most of these synthetic substances can penetrate the skin and promptly deliver into the bloodstream.

The information about the nature of the skin helps us understand how ingredients in skin care products actually penetrate the skin and enter the bloodstream. If we are attempting to maintain a toxin free body, it is obvious that we would select natural organic skin care products.

The real benefits of natural skin care products vs mainstream is that they comprise all natural ingredients free from artificial colouring, preservatives, fragrances and is cruelty free.

Medicinal plant essences and herbs have been valued for thousands of years for their therapeutic giving properties. Modern science now has confirmed the has many varied offerings that can support expectant mothers from childbirth and beyond.

To know they are doing the very best for their unborn baby and their own bodies women find this knowledge comforting.

It goes without saying that to maintain a healthy pregnancy and skin it is vital to have a good whole food diet, plenty of water, exercise, sleep and daily applications of body oils, lotions, and avoidance of any chemical exposure. All this will ensure enormous benefit for the mother and new baby.

Summing up the fundamental difference in terms of natural maternity skin care is sound awareness. It is about being more informed about the products you use on your body, as soon a new baby is coming into the world and what you do before they arrive is just as important as what you do after.

'Love is the sound of a new baby's cry','

10 Simple Coping Strategies When a Family Member Has Clinical Depression

1.Remember that it is an illness:

Clinical depression often requires medical supervision as well as professional treatment. Clinical depression is treatable and requires commitment, understanding and patience from all those involved.

2.It is not your fault:

Clinical depression is usually a combination of chemical imbalance and learned behaviors. There may be times when the depressed individual is extremely sensitive, argumentative and/or blaming towards you, the children, the in-laws, the boss and even the world. All the above mentioned are not the cause. What you are responsible for is how you choose to take on the outward symptoms and how they affect you, your home and your relationships.

3.Be well informed:

Educate yourself on what type of depression is present and if there is a dual diagnosis
IE: chemical dependency and depression or personality disorders and depression. Know what the symptoms, treatments and follow-ups are. There are suggested guidelines for communication and setting boundaries. Though the illness is not your fault; it benefits you and your family to remain open minded and willing to learn new ways of doing things.

4.Make sure to have a support network:

Depression and dual diagnosis affects the whole family. There are many ranges of emotions from anger and fear to hopefulness and hopelessness. Having others that have experienced it before can help eliminate unhealthy coping mechanisms such as isolation, shame, control and low self-esteem. There are many national and local support groups available on line. For more information check with your favorite search engines or call a local and/or national mental health hotline.

5.Make time for yourself and your children:

Don't fall into the trap of not taking care of yourselves. Misery and fear love company. Living with and loving someone who is clinically depressed can be incredibly draining. Do not become a hostage or enabler. Remember your flight instructions: "For those traveling with small children; place the oxygen mask on yourself first and then assist the children."

6.Be a victor not a victim:

Pain is inevitable; suffering is optional:
We are all going to feel pain in life never mind a home with mental illness. Surround yourselves with knowledge, self-care, experienced support and nurturing. There are no such things as victims only volunteers.

7.Recognize that clinical depression is episodic
Clinical depression comes in waves. People with clinical depression do get better!

8.Understand that medication takes time to work:

In most cases, improvement takes as long as 6-8 weeks. Even early responders require about 3-4 weeks before they notice mood improvement. Even after a person with clinical depression feels better, she or he needs to stay on medication at least six months. People should never stop taking medication on their own; medical supervision is a must. There can be serious physical and emotional complications from sudden withdrawal such as increased depression and suicidal tendencies.

9.Medication alone is fairly ineffective:

Research shows that medication in combination with cognitive behavioral therapy is more effective than medication alone. Combined with therapy, the person who is clinically depressed may need to make lifestyle changes, including dietary and exercise changes. The family needs to find ways to reduce stressors by simplifying their lives.

10.Get a written relapse prevention plan:

Make a list of early symptoms such as sleep, appetite and mood changes. Early intervention is the key to stopping a downward spiral. Determine what worked in the past to get the person with clinical depression back on track and do the things that worked before.

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Pregnancy - Three Tips That Can Help You During Pregnancy

If you're looking for some information on what you should or shouldn't do during pregnancy, then this short article could probably help you. Here, we're going to talk about three things which are commonly related to pregnancy. First, we will talk about the importance of having a good diet. Next, we're going to discuss about some activities that a pregnant woman can do to fill her extra time. The last thing we're going to talk about is some types of clothing which you can wear that can compliment your appearance.

First, let's talk about a proper diet which can improve both of you and your baby's overall health. The types of food you consume should contain 2 or more of these certain nutrients such as iron, folic acid, fiber, Vitamin A, Vitamin C, protein, calcium, and magnesium. An example of such food is orange juice, yogurt, and broccoli. You also need to avoid cigarette, alcohol, excess caffeine, and raw seafood. If you can, instead of eating three times a day, try to split your meals into five or six smaller meals a day. This will make your metabolism works faster and you will burn calories more efficiently. On top of that, to help your body absorbs food more quickly and avoids dehydration you need to drink a lot of mineral water.

Next, let's talk about some activities you can do to occupy your free time. I believe there are lots of fitness program you can follow. Try to look for free exercise training on television; they usually air it in the morning. If you can afford it, you can hire a good yoga instructor to come to your house and teach you basic technique and movement on yoga meditation. Another thing you can do is choosing a name for your baby. Think and discuss it with your husband. Try to pick names which have a good meaning behind it. Besides picking names you can also try other activity that doesn't involve much physical movement, such as learning a new recipe and how to cook a new gourmet. Another interesting routine activity that you can do is writing a journal during your pregnancy and maybe adds some photos on it to track your progress.

Finally, let's talk about your maternity clothing that suits you during pregnancy. You should consider whether you really need to get a new set of clothes or not. If you're a working wife, then you probably need to get some new set of maternity clothing because you will be going out more often compared to a house wife.

These are some information and activities you should consider during your pregnancy. Create a proper diet which you can easily follow, make yourself busy by doing some fun activities which can help you feel better, and try some new set of clothes if you want to. Keep these in minds, and you'll be able to easily endure your hard times until you see your new born baby.

The Truth About Teen Sex and Pregnancy

Teen sex and pregnancy has become a major cause of concern for parents in recent years. In fact, it has been estimated that 60% of teens are sexually active between the ages of 15-19. Also there has been a 3% increase in the pregnancy rate of teens since 2006.

Dangers Involved in Teen Sex and Pregnancy:

The most major negative effect is that their education gets affected. Due to various reasons involved, a teenage mother usually drops out of school and never goes to college. And as you may know, raising a child is not only a tough job, but also an expensive one. So as a result this mom may need to take any small job she can with typically low pay.

Statistics show that babies born to teenage mothers tend to be underweight and are more prone to suffer from health issues in future. Also a teenage mother has a higher chance of facing many female issues in the future.

The most damage that teen sex and pregnancy causes is the emotional toll it has on the teenage parents and their families. The decisions made at this time affect the lives of all involved for many years to come.

Reasons for Teen Sex and Pregnancy:

It is a heavy burden to be a teenager. It is the stage in life where they feel that they need to belong somewhere. They have the urge to be accepted by their peers. And if their friends have sex, then they too do it as they want to be accepted by others.

Teenagers, who do not have a smooth relationship with their parents, often feel that they are unloved. They see having sex as a way to find love in their life. In certain cases teenagers welcome pregnancy, as they feel that taking care of their baby will provide them with the love, that they feel, is not shown by their family.

It has been shown that teenage boys are the ones initiating sex the majority of the time though not always. Another major reason for the rise in pregnancy in teenagers is ignorance. They live in the moment and don't stop to think about the consequences of their behavior and the affect it may have on their future.

Prevent Teen Sex and Pregnancy:

The teen years are a very challenging time in the life of a person. It is the time where they mature from children to responsible adults. It doesn't always progress easily as there are times when both the adult and the child are in the same body and you don't know which one will make a decision. It is the responsibility of the parents to educate their child and guide them so that they don't go astray.

This is a time when children are curious to try out new things and the urge to rebel against anything that is said to them. This makes it important to explain your decisions and rules. Without the understanding, the result may be the opposite of what a parent has intended.

Parents have to talk with their children about sex, and not run away from the issue. An open discussion about the topic will instill better moral judgement. They will listen if the teen sex and pregnancy issues are presented in an understanding and non-threatening way.

Get involved in your children's lives by helping them look into the future and plan their success.

Though teen sex and pregnancy is increasing at an alarming rate, it can be avoided by just sitting and having an open discussion with your children. After all it is the job of the parents to be supportive and provide the necessary moral support to their kids.

Advice on the Available Individual Health Insurance Options

Advice on the available individual health insurance options should include topics such as preventative, preexisting conditions, long term care and life threatening conditions. Each individual health policy differs depending on the conditions of care that a policy holder wants coverage for. A younger individual may not want to care a long term care option or think they need to carry a cancer policy. An older individual may not need a maternity coverage.

Individual health insurance options can also include options that could cover prescription drugs, co-pays, doctor choices and lab costs. With today's individual health insurance options you can build a policy that is uniquely fitted to suit your needs. You can build an individual health plan that covers a set amount of doctor office visits with or without co-pays. Maybe you want your policy to have the option of a disability clause in case of an accident.

Available individual health cover options have many choices in today's health insurance market. You may want to make a list of what coverages are essential and which ones you think you may want to carry before purchasing a policy. Do you have pre-existing conditions? Do you have family history of certain diseases such as cancer? Do you visit the doctor's office on routine visits for check ups for an existing condition such as diabetes or blood pressure problems?

Available individual insurance options can include short term disability, long term care, cancer, heart, preventative, etc. Health insurance options can help you save money also on designing a policy that fits your individual needs. You can choose the amount of coverage, how many doctor office visits are included yearly, your co-pay and deductible and what prescription coverage if any you may require.

If you don't go to the doctor's office very often than you can tailor a plan to suit your needs. If cancer runs in your family then you may want to think twice about adding a cancer option that would help cover the cost of treatment should you need it in the future. If you do not need maternity coverage than this is an option you could drop. The available individual insurance options make designing a plan for anyone an easy solution to choosing the right health insurance plan.

How to Get Washboard Abs After Pregnancy

Tight stomachs and fine looking bodies have become an obsession for some people. Of course this is due to the society that we live in. People are not considered attractive unless they look a certain way. This can be difficult for many people as obtaining one these kinds of bodies is not a short road. It is actually something that will take some time and dedication on the part of the person as well as some simple skills.

Many wonder how to get washboard abs. They have always seen them on the television and tried to find some kind of method that will help them. This is especially true of the women that have had children. The reason being is that the stomach becomes extremely loose following a standard pregnancy and trying to tighten it up and get some definition is the main concern that they have.

So how to get washboard abs after pregnancy weighs heavily on the minds of a lot of people. Taking into account the necessary changes that must be made we will look at a couple of tips that will help you achieve this goal and continue with your plan for an attractive post pregnancy body.

Dietary Changes

One of the most important aspects of the ability to get washboard abs is dietary changes. A person generally does not have a great diet during pregnancy and that has to change for this part of your life. You should avoid lots of grains and other bread or flour based products. Concentrate on the proteins and vegetables.

Exercise Daily

Daily exercise is important for this cause. You need to be willing to put in as much exercise as you can. Crunches and other stomach based exercises are going to be the best to begin with as they will help burn off that post-natal flab. This will help you more than anything if you want to know how to get washboard abs.

Setting a goal to achieve washboard abs is also a great deterrent of postpartum depression. Since your mind will be focused on something else, depression will not have time to set in. Not only that, but you will be improving your health and your baby will appreciate to have a healthy mom.

Laying on your back and doing crunches and sit-ups is not the best way to get back into shape. It does help, but there are other exercises that are easier to do and much more effective at burning fat and strengthening your abs.

Cystic Acne Treatments - Things You Need to Know

Cystic acne treatments do not have to be terrible or intimidating. Use this article to help you in attaining the m best decision to heal your cystic acne. While cystic acne is generally affiliated with adolescents, cystic acne can impact anybody. If at anytime you're uncertain about what to do, its best to consult a dermatologist.

As acne goes cystic acne is believed to be among the most fallacious types of acne to get. Acne is occasionally addressed as Modular acne and it acquires its name from the vesicles that build on the surface of skin once they start erupting.

Unless there are suitable cystic acne treatment, the appearing of cystic acne will result in pocked skin, which will leave a reminder on the skin. The impingement of this is that you will come across obvious pits on the skin. Its conceivable that without suitable cystic acne treatments you will find lasting scars on your skin.

Acne can be very distressful. Acne (including cystic acne) is a skin condition that bears witness at the teenage phases of an individuals life. The presence not exclusively impacts the physical visual aspect, but likewise subverts the confidence level of the individual. Acne, in essence means pustules that are bloated.

These pustules are typically constituted upon the surface of the skin. The activity is owed to the infection that kicks in upon the surface and is known as Acne. Cystic Acne is the most grievous class an acne infection. The flare-up is not solely the cruelest, but also the sorest. This form of acne addressed as cystic acne is a truly inflictive kind of the infection.

Affairs exasperate, as the contagion is not one that will be easily healed in the short term. A lot of time is required in order treat the cysts and in the meantime the process becomes awful if not addressed soon enough. Vesicles are not only puffed up, but likewise satiated with suppuration. This causes the blood-red color cysts that are obvious upon the skin surface exceedingly tormenting and inflictive. While the infection is for the most part viewed at the onrush of penetrate and is due to a hormonal alteration, the primary reason of the infection and its evolution is not genuinely specified. The miss of a particular explanation makes it even more arduous to care for this form of acne, as dieting and dandruff are 2 additional causes being investigated as the conceivable reasons. Acne deviates from person to person and though hormonal alteration and subsequent instabilities are found fault, you can't preclude the additional possible causes. Another reason summoned as potential causes for the onslaught of Acne include the accumulation of dust particles and dirt on the skin. This is a major cause of the contagion, because the pores become closed up, causing the skin surface to become very susceptible to infection.

There are tons of skincare pros and experts and even a count of physicians who are committed to the curing of Acne. Professionals are also investigating the hypothesis of the flare-up of acne such as Cystic Acne being ancestral and passed on down from generation to generation. Acne can evolve and erupt at any given time regardless of the age of the individual. Acne can strike males and females alike. The most common observation is that the persons touched by Acne are oftentimes adolescents. acne, that typically is detected in people above 30 years old is what is known as adult acne and is normally discovered in the adult females during the postpartum period. This sort of effusion in women is rather common due to extreme interchanges in the hormonal equilibrium that happen in the body. It is all crucial to bear in mind that the break out of acne is a impermanent stage that requires to be dealt with in time.

The Benefits of Using a Midwife During Childbirth

A growing trend in the United States among expecting mothers is the consideration of hiring a midwife for aid during the birthing process. This alternative form of giving birth goes back to using the natural methodology rather than relying on technology to provide results. Also, having a Certified Professional Midwife (CPM) helps increase comfort levels in the birthing environment.

Though the trend is rising, there is still some skepticism on the topic and too often mothers are discouraged due to little support from family and friends. Despite these speculative valuations regarding the utility of midwife child births, the inherent benefits are glaring. Hiring a midwife allows for the baby to be born in the home in the presence of a loving family, as opposed to being born in a time-crazed hospital that is dependent upon schedules, a tired, overworked staff, and profit margins.

A recent study, conducted in California, compared the birth process rates between a midwife birthing center and a traditional hospital. The findings were quite intriguing. Cesarean rates at the center were only at 1.5% where as patients who were attended to by a doctor had the procedure at a rate of nearly 16%. While this is just circumstantial evidence, it does suggest that perhaps birthing in a natural environment helps the process go by easier. The transfer-to-hospital rates at the center were at 13.5 percent. The study never indicated the reasons for a patient's transference to the hospital. Between the two birthing centers, there was relatively no difference in the rates of baby deaths, bleeding, birth injury, or respiratory distress syndrome. Midwives are less likely to use disruptive technologies that may lead to childbirth injury.

While the study doesn't seems to suggest that one option is better than the other in terms of health and safety, it does present an alternative to the conventional methods which might be preferred by expecting mothers. In fact, 76 percent of mothers who have experienced both hospital births and home births said that they liked the home birth more than they did the hospital birth. 91 percent of mothers who have had their child at home say that they would definitely have their next child at home again.

There are also other monetary benefits to midwife, home childbirths. Giving birth to a baby at a hospital ranges in cost from $4,000 - $6,000, where as a certified professional midwife usually charges about $2,000, everything included. Some state insurance agencies will cover that cost as well.

Monday, December 23, 2013

How to Get an Affordable Tubal Reversal in These Economic Times

Finding an affordable tubal reversal becomes the goal of any woman once she makes up her mind she wants to reverse her tubal ligation and become pregnant once again. Of course, as these hard economic times progress, there will be those who desperately want a free tubal reversal instead.

As much as I would love to be able to point you toward a surgeon who provides free surgeries, this just isn't going to be possible. Even if you could find a surgeon who would do all that work for free, there is still all the surgical staff, office staff, facility costs and more that must be paid. There are certain organizations who take providing free ones as a ministry but their money does come from somewhere and they usually have very strict rules. A search on the web should bring up something for you if you must choose this route.

However, if you are still just looking for an affordable tubal reversal, you will want to know more about the usual tubal reversal cost. The price range for this procedure is $3500 - $30,000. But, you will be happy to know that you can find several surgeons whose charges are in the $6,000 to $7,000 range. Fortunately for you, this encompasses some of the best tubal reversal doctors around including the world's foremost specialist for this surgery.

Of course, this price tag can still seem out of reach for some women and their families. So what are your choices? Most first turn to their health insurance. Unfortunately, most health insurance companies consider this an elective procedure and will not pay for the surgery. Some may pay for some of the upfront testing needed before the surgery, but not the operation itself.

Lacking that alternative, you could look into getting some type of loan. There are some companies that will lend money for surgical procedures. Or you could try to refinance or get a second mortgage on your home. There are even signature loans for those with excellent credit.

However, given the present economic turmoil, it would be better for you to avoid taking on more debt. Unfortunately, none of us knows what the future can hold and some wise advisers, looking to the lessons of the past, recommend getting out of debt, not taking on more.

What this leaves you with is saving up for the operation. Either save it yourself in your own special savings account set aside for just this procedure or see if the doctor you have chosen provides a payment plan. Once set up, you can pay into the plan as much or as little as you are able each month till the amount is totally saved. Using a payment plan is a better idea than saving in my own bank account as it is essentially gone. It will not be easy to use it for anything else that comes up.

Choosing a doctor or clinic that gives you an affordable tubal reversal is the first thing to do. This is possible because of the fine doctors that are available at an affordable price. Make sure you check out their credentials and learn more about them secondly. You may find price is not the most important criteria. Then make the choice as to how to pay that affordable price. It's up to you.