Saturday, February 8, 2014

How Can I Flatten My Post Pregnancy Belly? Tips to Help New Moms Get Their Old Bodies Back

Tired Of Your After Baby Body?

How can i flatten my post pregnancy belly? Many women desperately ask this question soon after giving birth and discovering that their bodies have changed and their stomachs are now a little looser then the used to be. If that sounds like yo keep reading because this article will give you some simple but effective advice and flattening your belly!

Tips To Flatten Your Stomach After Childbirth

Start When You Are Ready- Being a new mom is a trying time and a special one as well. So take the time to bond with your new baby and only start your weight loss program when you fell you are 100% ready. Although do not put it off to long!

Ditch The Junk Food- Stop eating any junk foods that you may have developed a craving for while you were carrying your baby. Junk food is not only food but also soda, ,sugary drinks and alcohol. Replace these foods with healthy sensible foods and drink plenty of water!

Exercise For Weight loss- You are going to have to stimulate your metabolism and exercising is one of the best ways to accomplish that goal. When you metabolism is increased your body will use more calories even while resting.

Get The Support Of Your Spouse- Communicate to your husband how important it is for you to look better and feel better. Ask him to help you find time to help you with the baby so you can get your workouts in. Most men are thrilled when their wives are trying to look better and most will be glad to help and be part of your efforts!

Good Motherhood Qualities

Every woman dreams of becoming a mother once in their lives. Starting from pregnancy, a woman is already experiencing changes in role and responsibilities in preparation for motherhood. The most beautiful and interesting part of a woman's life is bringing up her child from conception to birth until the baby grows up and live his life. This is what we called motherhood. Though beautiful and interesting, motherhood is also a difficult role to partake. It entails a lot of effort, sense of responsibility and most especially love and care for the child.

Nowadays, there are so many support groups available in our society to have adequate knowledge about a good motherhood. Some conducts a mother's class to orient them. There are also books available for motherhood and some are readily available online where you can surf and buy them anytime. Aside from that, good motherhood guides are found easily in the Internet. So being a new mother, it will really help you to seek for advice, assistance and guidelines to experience an effective motherhood. These few ideas below will help you.

Firstly, do not do anything that will harm your baby during pregnancy. Take good care of yourself. Everything that you take will directly go to your baby such as food and medications. It is best that you visit to an expert so that you and your baby's health will be monitored from time to time. Have a healthy diet. Do not eat unhealthy foods that won't bring profit to you and the baby. Follow the diet that is recommended to you. Do regular exercise as prescribed. This will help you facilitate a good circulation to the body including the baby. Diet and regular exercises are the two most important things that you should consider during pregnancy. It is your responsibility to take good care of yourself for your baby.

Secondly, be comfortable to your environment all the time. Wear clothes that make you feel at ease. Maintain a position where you can breathe well and relax. Avoid stressful and strenuous activities. Always be ready. Do not be anxious about the delivery. Put confidence in yourself. Being mentally prepared for the baby's arrival will lead to positive insights that will help you promote a good mother and child relationship or bond.

Finally, be safe always. Ensure safety. Bring no harm to the baby. Remember that the baby is very delicate and sensitive therefore, take proper caution and protection. Do the best you can to give everything that the baby needs especially the love and care. Motherhood is enjoyable. You will feel real happiness if you will be able to lead the child a good life.

Motherhood is a very complex task once a woman conceives. Support from the husband is really helpful for the new mother to adjust to this responsibility. Family members, friends and relatives must extend help or advices to the new mother so that she will be encouraged and challenged to this new responsibility that she'll going to face for herself and the baby.

Pregnant? Why Should I Choose a Midwife?

Many women choose the healthcare services of a certified nurse-midwife or a licensed midwife during pregnancy. Midwives provide many services today for women, from routine exams and family planning, to the entire labor and delivery process and beyond, to postpartum care. Some deliver babies in private homes, but mostly they deliver babies in hospitals and birth centers. Many offer childbirth classes for expectant mothers and fathers as part of their midwifery practice.

If you are in good health and your pregnancy is considered low risk for labor and delivery complications, you likely are able to choose the services of a midwife. Many women enjoy the one-on-one support they receive from their midwife. They may feel their certified nurse-midwife really understands them through all the time they spend together during exams. Midwives statistically spend more time with their patients during office visits than an Obstetrician. She may even help you figure out what kind of childbirth classes suit you best, or give you recommendations depending on what kind of birth you are envisioning.

Why Choose a Midwife Instead of an Ob-Gyn?

Some women want an alternative approach to childbirth. A midwife often will help you learn about proper nutrition, and healthy habits, during your pregnancy. She is involved throughout your care, from prenatal to postpartum.

A midwife often views this experience as a life-changing event in your life. She has been trained to understand this process as a normal and natural physiological process. Obstetricians are surgeons and are trained in the pathology of pregnancy, labor, and birth-the study of disease. Your caregiver wants you to think about and thoroughly understand all your options for the labor and delivery process. She will probably want you to create your own birth plan. These are topics and issues you should learn about in your childbirth classes.

While midwives tend to support natural un-medicated childbirth, find a midwife who will support you in whatever decisions you choose or need. Certified nurse-midwives have professional relationships with the obstetricians within the hospital or birth center in which they work, and will use their services and support if necessary.

Studies have shown that women who are healthy and experiencing a normal pregnancy will have the same great outcome using a midwife as the same healthy pregnant woman who chooses an ob-gyn. They are less likely to have a Cesarean section or other medical interventions. Women who choose midwives are more satisfied, overall, with the entire experiences of pregnancy and childbirth.

What If I Have an Unexpected Complication during Labor and Delivery?

Medical emergencies could potentially happen within even the most healthy pregnancies. But midwives are trained to recognize these complications and if she can't handle the problem herself, she has an obstetrician she will defer to for support.

Midwives are becoming increasingly popular. As more women turn to more natural, holistic approaches to health and wellness, many feel a midwife is a better choice for them, since their goal is for a natural labor and delivery.

Does health insurance cover midwifery services?

Many insurance plans do cover certified nurse-midwife, and licensed midwife (homebirth midwives) services. It is mandatory that Medicaid cover certified nurse-midwife care in all 50 states. In addition, 32 states require other insurance plans to cover midwifery care.

If you are having a healthy pregnancy and feel the philosophy and care of a midwife align with your own personal beliefs, know that using a midwife can be a safe alternative to conventional maternity care. Expect the best and have a beautiful birth day!

Tubal Reversal Insurance Coverage

A tubal reversal or tubal ligation is a procedure that surgically corrects and reconstructs the fallopian tubes of the female reproductive system for purpose of conceiving. The procedure is performed by a credentialed surgeon who is considered an accomplished specialist in his or her field with proficiency to restore functional capacity of fertility. There are basically three standard operations utilized in the medical community to accomplish this reconstruction which are displayed prominently in media including implantation, anastomosis, and a salpingostomy. All variations of correcting the problem are operationally invasive, inherent in risk, relatively expensive, and elective thus not usually covered under normal circumstance by health insurance, or is it?

Why Is Tubal Reversal Usually Or Normally Not Covered By Insurance?

A medically underwritten plan for an individual would require an exclusionary benefit period for a prolonged duration of time while reinvesting the monthly premium at regular intervals to earn sufficient return on invested capital hence funding the operation. The median average claim expenditure for Tubal Reversal Ligation surgery can run anywhere from $4,500.00 to $10,000.00 depending on several factors such as history of female complications, age, height, or weight and with just one person to pool this risk the cost of covering exceeds the insurers return on investment by a wide margin. The second reason is the fact that very speculative complications can occur during the course of operating such as excessive bleeding, infection, anesthetic casualty, damage to nearby organs, and risk of ectopic pregnancy all which would only exacerbate the claim cost expenditures and cause negative asymmetries in the medical loss ratio costing a fortune for the insurance company.

Exceptions To The Rule.

Group insurance benefits are unsurpassed in the arena of coverage and most often commercial insurance carriers write experienced rated policies instead of medically underwritten benefits to cover these procedures which are offset by factoring the premiums of the business enterprise as a whole. Simply put, with many employees paying monthly premiums there is financial leverage to provide this as a covered expense. Some states are required by federal mandated law to honor payment for Tubal Reversal Ligation if they do in fact cover maternity regardless of the provisions stipulated within its contractual arrangements with the insured. As a matter of fact, The National Infertility Association has addressed them by state including Arkansas, California, Connecticut, Hawaii, Illinois, Louisiana, Maryland, Massachusetts, Montana, New Jersey, New York, Ohio, Rhode Island, West Virginia, and Texas. The caveat is there are certain loopholes in regards to evading or meeting such requirements such as not all carriers being required to offer maternity related coverage's.

Applying for Tubal Reversal Insurance.

Our company Health Insurance Buyer will assist you in locating such coverage from carriers like Blue Cross Blue Shield, Humana, and Aetna to name a few insurance companies as well as help you locate reputable providers that perform the aforementioned services such as Chapel Hill Tubal Reversal Center, Center for Fertility and Gynecology, or Atchafalaya Obstetrics and Gynecology as an example. Once our health insurance agency has identified a carrier for you in your respective geographical area which provides coverage for these special infertility treatments and helps you apply for these benefits, there are some steps you need to take. We will need to make sure you request and obtain your operative notes and pathology report from the original physician or hospital where the sterilization was performed validated by date of service. Also needed are birth date, current address, height, weight, and maiden name along with any other names or information that may have been used at the time. Recent evaluation for testing of Pap smear, Cervical Culture, Blood Count, and Obstetrical Panel will have to be up to date for clearance. Last but not least, upon remitted claim submittal special attention has to be made to make sure the International Classification of Diseases (ICD-9) diagnosis code for bilateral tubal occlusion is billed as 628.2 and Current Procedural Terminology (CPT) procedure code for tubal anastomosis is billed accordingly as 58750 for maximum allowable reimbursement.

Tips to Minimize the Chances of Hair Loss Happening to You

Hair loss, or going bald, is one of the greatest fears of both men and women alike. It's no wonder then that the hair loss treatment industry is flourishing. The most often asked question is - Is it possible to prevent hair loss from happening?

Before answering that question, lets take a look at the possible causes of hair loss. They include:

(a) Genetic (it runs in the family);

(b) Hormonal changes (such as after delivering a baby. The medical term is postpartum hair loss);

(c) Medication for ailments not related to hair loss;

(d) Poor diet (consuming nutritionally deficient food)

(e) Stress (in this globalised dog-eat-dog environment, most people's stress level is at an all-time high)

(f) Health problems (such as a malfunctioning thyroid, high fever, general anesthesia, etc)

Tips to minimise the chances of suffering hair loss:

(a) Eating a balanced and healthy diet, and stay away from junk food as much as possible. Eating healthy is not only good for your hair but also for other bodily functions.

(b) Treat your hair with respect, and wash it as often as necessary. Some people wash their hair only once every few days because they have heard that washing it daily can cause hair loss. Well, feedbacks from doctors and hair specialists made it clear that it is only a myth - meaning a daily wash will not cause hair loss. Some doctors recommend using baby shampoo, and make sure to lather it gently.

(c) Don't ever rub your hair vigorously with a towel when it is wet. The recommended advice from hair experts is to let your wet hair to "air dry" - so try to put that favourite hair dryer of yours away as much as possible. What if circumstances do not permit and a hair dryer is deemed necessary? Well, in that case, use the dryer on a low heat setting.

(d) When it comes to styling your hair, do it when it is damp or dry. Don't style your hair when its wet because the hair may stretched and eventually break.

(e) If you have itchy hands which loves to tease your hair, make a conscious effort to stop this habit. Teasing your hair can damage it.

(f) If you are very much into using chemicals for things such as straightening or coloring, the advice is try not to use them as often as you possibly can. If you do use them, apply them with care and always follow the instructions on the product label to the T.

Scary Lack of Options in American Maternity Coverage

The cost of health care is quite a bit higher in the United States than in other developed countries. As well as being unfairly expensive, the American medical infrastructure has come under fire as of late due to a number of factors. Perhaps the greatest influence is the imminent presidential election in late 2008, and candidates from both the left and right have been scrambling to find plausible solutions to the glaring deficiencies left as a legacy of the Bush era. Another cause for the pressure to change comes from Michael Moore, a controversial political moviemaker whose recent work, a documentary film titled "SiCKO," highlights the many flaws in the United States health care system.

Faced with limited options, mothers-to-be are often stuck between a rock and a hard place in terms of covering their prenatal and childbirth costs. Traditional insurance providers, with high premiums and deductibles, sometimes have additional out-of-pocket costs that families are unable to shoulder. Other options, such as traditional health methods, aren't very reliable so women are forced to face the rising costs without attractive solutions. What other alternatives do they have?

One solution that has arisen comes in the form of non-traditional health coverage. Consumer-driven health plans (CDHPs) are becoming popular for Americans seeking a cheaper route to medical insurance. CDHPs, which incorporate cost-sharing and fairly low deductibles in combination with Health Reimbursement Arrangements (HRAs) or Health Savings Accounts (HSAs), have the potential to yield high tax benefits that could offset costs and make CDHPs considerably less expensive than traditional insurance providers. The likelihood of these benefits coming to fruition, however, remains in question. Desperate individual policyholders are nevertheless turning to CDHPs to lessen the financial burden that comes with childbirth.

The Kaiser Family Foundation, a California-based, health-related think tank, recently tested the viability of CDHPs as an affordable option for high maternity costs. In the least expensive scenario, it was found that a new mother could pay barely US$6,000 for out-of-pocket costs to cover prenatal treatment and a straightforward childbirth. While US$6,000 is starkly less than the costs paid by other CDHP policyholders, it is still similar to or more expensive than would have been paid out-of-pocket under a traditional medical insurance plan.

In a second scenario, a family spent US$21,000 on out-of-pocket maternity fees when using a CDHP. This is quite a high value, despite the family having had coverage for more than two years and the pregnancy and birth being relatively free of complications. In a third (and quite extreme) example, a family was forced to pay more than US$287,000 in medical fees during the birth of the family's second child. In this case, a woman experienced a rocky pregnancy, coupled with gestational diabetes, pre-term labor that resulted in a c-section birth, and comprehensive neonatal intensive care.

The vast divide between the out-of-pocket charges for maternity care is the result of inconsistent cost-sharing across CDHPs. The conclusion, therefore, is that pregnant women with coverage from CDHPs could face costs that are extremely higher those incurred under traditional insurance providers. The risk of accumulating ridiculous hospital bills is too high in the face of the steep costs of raising an infant. The rising popularity of CDHPs could therefore potentially damage the health of less wealthy Americans who turn to CDHPs and then suffer from inferior health care and heavy financial losses as a result. On the other hand, CDHPs can, in some cases, provide comprehensive health care options to those who have been exposed to health insurance plans that are incomplete parcels of larger plans designed to suit a broader base.

Despite a much longer list of pros and cons, it has clearly emerged that CDHPs are a much riskier alternative to complete health care plans. Though American health care is pricey and often insufficient for the cost, the safest choice is to acquire coverage from a trusted insurance provider. The lack of reliable cost sharing and the rookie mistakes made by the new CDHP organizers can result in disastrous effects to the health of those insured. And the health of a pregnant woman or newborn should not be gambled with.

Friday, February 7, 2014

The Benefits of Maternity Compression Stockings

Although it's always best to speak with your doctor when you have concerns about your pregnancy, the following tips cover some of the most common health concerns for expecting mothers.

1. Leg Cramps
During the last months of pregnancy, women often experience leg cramps, especially while they're resting in bed. Massage or heat pads are wonderful ways to reduce the pain of leg cramps, as is wearing maternity compression stockings. Compression stockings reduce venous pressure and increase circulation, which often completely stops cramping in the legs. However, if the cramps persist, you should contact your doctor.

2. Poor Leg Circulation
During pregnancy, the weight of the fetus puts extra pressure on the legs and feet. Specifically, the uterus puts pressure on the main vein on the right side of the body, the inferior vena cava. This puts more pressure on the rest of the veins in the legs, and can result in varicose and spider veins.

In addition to following your doctor's orders for relieving swelling (such as elevating your feet when you are seated), compression stockings can also reduce the pain and discoloration of varicose and spider veins. Maternity compression stockings are specially designed to boost the blood flow from your legs to your heart; this reduces circulatory problems that can occur in your ankles and lower legs.

3. Thyroid Disease
During pregnancy, the body naturally increases the levels of estrogen and human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) hormone present in a woman's hormone system. These hormones can cause the thyroid to function differently. Altered thyroid functioning can manifest in symptoms such as fatigue, feelings of depression, high blood pressure, elevated heart rate, anemia, and intolerance to heat. Doctors often prescribe thyroid supplements for pregnant women experiencing a problem with their thyroid gland. Health professionals may recommend wearing compression socks for women as well; this will help reduce the additional leg swelling that can come with a thyroid imbalance.

4. Gestational Diabetes
When an individual is diabetic, insulin levels are too high. Insulin is a hormone that regulates the amount of sugar in the blood stream. If the body fails to produce enough insulin, or inappropriately uses insulin, diabetes may occur. Gestational diabetes symptoms include extreme fatigue, hunger, and thirst.

Because these symptoms are common during pregnancy, the best way to diagnose gestational diabetes is through blood testing. Doctors may instruct sufferers of gestational diabetes to follow a certain diet/meal plan, exercise regularly, regularly monitor blood sugar levels, and take certain medications. Lastly, gestational diabetes can decrease circulation, particularly in the legs, so your health advisor may suggest that you wear maternity compression stockings to prevent or alleviate pressure and swelling.

5. High Blood Pressure
High blood pressure during pregnancy is dangerous, especially for the baby. It can cause conditions such as low birth weight, preeclampsia, and premature delivery.

If you are diagnosed with high blood pressure during your pregnancy, it is wise to heed your doctor's advice regarding diet and lifestyle changes. Additionally, compression socks for women can help control the symptoms of high blood pressure, such as leg swelling and cramps.

Postpartum Thyroiditis Symptoms

Exactly what are the Symptoms?

Thyroiditis serves as a generic expression which defines "inflammation of the thyroid gland", therefore, postpartum thyroiditis is thyroiditis that comes about in females following the delivery of a newborn baby. Thyroiditis symptoms can cause both thyrotoxicosis (very high thyroid gland hormone levels in the bloodstream) and also hypothyroidism (very low thyroid hormone levels in the blood). When it comes to postpartum thyroiditis, thyrotoxicosis starts initially followed by hypothyroidism.

What's causing thyroiditis symptoms?

The precise explanation isn't understood but it is considered to be an autoimmune condition similar to Hashimoto's thyroiditis. In fact, both of these diseases can't be distinguished from one another in relation to pathology specimens. Just like Hashimoto's thyroiditis, postpartum thyroiditis is concerning the development of anti-thyroid (anti-thyroid peroxidise, anti-thymoglobulin) antibodies. The women having positive antithyroid antibodies have a much greater risk of developing postpartum symptoms than women that do not have positive antibodies. It is believed that females who develop postpartum thyroiditis have an underlying asymptomatic autoimmune thyroiditis that flares up within the postpartum period when there are variances in the immune system function.

So how common is thyroiditis?

Within the United states, postpartum thyroiditis happens in around 5-10% of women. Often the number of cases is certainly elevated in certain high risk populations (see below).

Who's going to be in danger of getting thyroiditis symptoms?

Practically any women with:

• Autoimmune disorders (for instance Type 1, or juvenile onset, Diabetes Mellitus

• Positive anti-thyroid antibodies (risk fits with antibody levels, the larger the antibody number the higher the associated risk)

• Background of prior thyroid problems

• History of earlier thyroiditis (20% of ladies have recurrence of thyroiditis symptoms with future pregnancy)

• Family history of thyroid dysfunction

What is the clinical course of thyroiditis?

The conventional description of postpartum thyroiditis comprises of thyrotoxicosis followed by hypothyroidism. Not all ladies exhibit evidence connected with going through both phases; in the region of 1/3 of individuals will manifest both stages, whilst a third of people are going to have just a thyrotoxic or hypothyroid phase. The thyrotoxic phase shows up 1-4 months following birth of a child, may last for 1-3 months and is particularly related to symptoms like panic and anxiety, insomnia issues, palpitations (fast heart rate), weakness, weight reduction, and also one becoming easily irritated. Because these indications in many cases are attributed to being postpartum and the emotional stress of having a new baby, the thyrotoxic cycle of post-partum thyroiditis often is missed. It's much more common for women to display indications in the hypothyroid stage, that almost always occurs four to eight months after delivery and can last as much as nine to twelve months. Regular Thyroiditis indications and symptoms incorporate weariness, putting on weight, bowel problems, dry skin, depression symptoms and poor physical exercise tolerance. A lot of women will have return of their thyroid function to normal inside of twelve to eighteen months from the beginning of indicators. However, approximately 20% of those that go into a hypothyroid phase will remain hypothyroid.

How is thyroiditis dealt with?

Treatment plans is dependent on the phase of thyroiditis symptoms and degree of indicators that sufferers display. Most women presenting with thyrotoxicosis may be treated with beta blockers to lower palpitations as well as reduce shakes and tremors. As signs or symptoms get better, the prescription medication is tapered off simply because the thyrotoxic stage is transient. Antithyroid medicines usually are not helpful for the thyrotoxic stage because the thyroid just isn't overactive. The hypothyroid phase is generally helped by thyroid hormone substitute. If the hypothyroidism is slight, and the patient has few, if any, symptoms, absolutely no treatments could be appropriate. If, perhaps thyroid hormone therapy is actually begun, treatment plan have to be ongoing for approximately 6-12 months and then tapered to find out if thyroid hormone is necessary in the long term. It will always be critical to strive to stop thyroid hormone following postpartum thyroiditis Symptoms, considering that eighty percent of patients will probably attain standard thyroid performance and not need chronic therapy treatment.

Health Insurance - Eye - Catching Benefits You Can't Pass Up!

Health insurance is a crucial package of benefits your pocket book can't live without. Read on to learn why this coverage is important and what elements you should look for when you're shopping for a health insurance policy.

A most basic definition of health insurance explains that if you purchase health coverage and are sick or injured, depending on what is covered in your policy, you will only be responsible for a certain percentage of the medical costs. This type of coverage is intended to help you manage health care and medical bills.

"What should be in my policy?"

The perfect health insurance plan will include FIVE vital components:

-International coverage - Are you covered worldwide for non-emergency care?
-Annual dollar limit you can afford out-of-pocket - Make sure your pocketbook can handle your policy's annual maximum
-Ability to see specialists without a referral - If you or your loved ones have a serious or life-threatening illness, you don't want to have to beg for the best treatment.
-Vast coverage limit that shouldn't ever be exhausted, even for the most catastrophic medical expenses - A key idea to keep in mind when shopping for your health insurance policy is to find one with no limits, if possible. If this is unattainable, find a maximum policy limit of $1 million per claim or $2 million per lifetime.
-No internal policy limits - Do not purchase a policy that has internal policy limits.

"What coverages should I have under my health insurance?"

Your health insurance policy should include several coverages...

Physician's expense - covers your doctor's office visit or hospital visit

Hospital expense - takes care of room, board and services while you're in the hospital

Surgical expense - pays for any surgery related fees or costs

Major medical insurance - provides a very high maximum benefit formulated to protect you against losses from major injuries or illnesses

"Perks of health insurance?"

Double check your health insurance policy. It MIGHT include the following benefits...

- Vision
- Maternity care
- Preventive care
- Mental health benefits
- Prescription drugs
- Dental

"I know I need health insurance, but my company doesn't offer insurance packages. Where can I get a reasonable insurance quote?"

There are several insurance comparison web sites that allow you to quickly get an insurance quote - whether you're looking for health, life, home owner's or auto coverage. To receive an insurance quote online, most of the comparison sites will ask for personal information. It is very important to answer truthfully when you are filling out these applications. Otherwise, your insurance quote may not be as accurate as possible.

Infertility Cure Ebook - Pregnancy Miracle Revealed

Are you seeking an infertility cure or get pregnant quick and naturally guide?

For those who have been planning to have a baby for a couple of months or years without results, you may well be serious about reading an infertility cure ebook. This is a far less expensive choice, than say, proceeding straight to a fertility consultant.

The issue with fertility doctors is that they can be extremely expensive, and their fee isn't often covered by insurance. They may suggest medicinal drugs which have awful adverse reactions, or you could possibly choose to undertake invasive IVF operations. In any event, you can actually throw away lots of useful time and cash, and have completely nothing to point out for it.

Fortunately, there exist an infertility cure e-book which DOES guarantee success. It is referred to as Pregnancy Miracle, and it is part of a total package of ebooks that centers on everything connected to fertility and pregnancy. You will understand the most effective ways to become pregnant - that is, what time of the month, what positions you should utilize, and many others.

Moreover, this eBook clearly shows why your daily diet may be adding to your infertility. As you will get to know, the over-processed, fast foods that are well-known these days have excessive preservatives and chemicals to be digested adequately. In contrast, raw, natural fruit and veggies will boost your metabolic rate and enhance your energy.

More often than not, changing to an organic eating plan can have remarkable effects on your chance to become pregnant. So how can this infertility cure book guarantee a pregnancy? Easy! If you don't become pregnant within twelve months of purchase, you can actually return the Pregnancy Miracle and obtain a full refund. This risk-free guarantee is something you'll never see made available by fertility professionals.

So in addition to the book's awesome low-cost, it is also almost risk-free. This makes the Pregnancy Miracle the best guide now available in the fertility industry. As infertility cure books go, it is the most in-depth and holistic guide to fertility on the market.

Lastly, in addition to the Pregnancy Miracle, you will obtain various free added ebooks in the series. A baby name guidebook is included, which consists of a large number of names, meanings, and origins from just about every country on earth.

Additionally, you'll get a pregnancy guide that will assist you to prepare once you are expecting your baby. And because exercising is indeed essential, the package also contains a comprehensive guide to yoga, which is possibly the best activities for women that are pregnant, due to it's less impact nature along with stress-relieving tactics. Could it be that Pregnancy Miracle is the best infertility cure book on the market?

Panic Free Pregnancy - 7 of the Most Frequently Asked About Methods For Calming Pregnancy Panic!

So now you know you are pregnant and you have done all it takes to ensure that all is as it should be with you and your unborn child. Yet, now and again, you are assaulted with feelings that are so real and tangible which indicate that all is not as well as you might think. Feelings that make you think thoughts like; "How certain are you, for example that your baby is okay?", "What is the guarantee you have that you will make a good mother for that child?", "How will you provide for it until he needs to leave your house when fully grown?", "Will you be required to raise him or her alone", "What if you cannot lose all that post baby fat?" etcetera, etcetera.

While all of the above may be legitimate questions, you must realize that becoming anxious over them are unnecessary and uncalled for. This is due to the fact that you are simply experiencing bouts of anxiety and panic attacks which can be a normal condition for pregnant women. Nevertheless, being common does not mean that you should accept it as the norm and begin to endure it - no, in fact there are many techniques out there that can help you put those anxious feelings under. This article will not list out all of those techniques but will answer the most frequently asked question concerning the 7 most common of these techniques in the hopes that you will be able to decide on which best suits your kind of person or the type of panic that you experience. Okay let's roll...

1. Is Swimming An Effective Way To Calm A Panic Attack?

Yes it is. It helps to ease pressure on your joints and calm frayed nerves. It also gives your mind something to concentrate and focus on. Additionally, swimming helps to position your baby for the birth process (delivery).

2. Can You Give Me A List Of Herbal Supplements?

These include, but are not limited to, the following; valerian, kava kava, winter cherry, St. John's wort, bugleweed, ashwangandha, and so on.

These herbs can be used to combat panic attacks and achieve a panic-free pregnancy term. They are also very fantastic catalyst for mood stabilization and achieving a calm sleep. It is able to do this by helping the neurotransmitters in your brain maintain healthy balance.

3. I Don't Know How To Execute The Proper Deep Breathing Technique, Can You Describe How?

Deep breathing helps you relax and will be helpful when it is time for labor too. They are very effective for preventing panic and can improve you physical and mental condition. Two basic types are note worthy; Abdominal and Slow;

Abdominal - To do this one, place one hand on your belly; Take in air through your nostrils slowly and deeply so that it gets to the bottom of your lungs. While doing this, your shoulders and chest should be as stationary as possible while your belly should expand with air; After about 5 to 8 seconds, you should exhale slowly. As you exhale, feel and allow your body relax. Repeat this technique about ten times to ensure a smooth and regular breathing. Once you have done this for 5 minutes you will begin to notice much less anxiety. Practice this routine daily.

Slow - Slowly inhale air through your nostrils while counting to 5; Hold in that breath for about 5 seconds; Then exhale slowly through your mouth while counting down from 5 - 1. While doing this you might want to repeat the word "relax...relax..." silently. Continue this technique for about 5 minutes and practice it daily.

4. I've Heard About Prenatal Yoga, What Is It Exactly?

It is simply a variation of yoga which is suitable for pregnant women. Yoga is a relaxation technique that calms the body and clears the mind of anxiety.

5. Going For A Walk - Is It Advisable Or Not?

It is advisable. But care should be taking to choose serene locations and terrain that is not harsh or too coarse. You should be thinking about locations like the park, the beach and so on. Try not to overdo it as the aim here is to relieve the stress that causes panic and not to help bring it on.

6. Is It Important To Eat Healthy Foods To Ward Off Panic Attacks?

Yes it is. In fact eating a healthy meal with high nutritional value is recommended if you want to have a panic-free pregnancy term. You want to ensure that you eat foods like; cereals, eggs, fruits, veggies, milk and so on. You should also abstain from ingesting or inhaling substances that consist of caffeine, alcohol, nicotine and other negative substances that are addictive and dangerous to you and your unborn baby.

7. Should I Medicate My Attacks?

This is a toughie. The answer is not so simple...I will not recommend that you take medication for your panic due to a lot of reasons but your doctor may disagree. So let me expatiate further; even though antidepressants and anti-anxiety medication can help calm you down, the truth is that they are addictive, habit-forming, and pack quite nasty withdrawal symptoms. You will also constantly need to up your medication so as to maintain their efficacy. Finally and more importantly what panic attack medication actually does is to quell your symptoms not eradicate the original trigger or root cause of that panic. If you still opt for medication, ensure that it is with the full consent of your doctor.

Fish Oil For Pregnant Women - Number 1 Supplement

Fish oil for pregnant women is becoming so popular, it's a standard recommendation by many gynecologists to their pregnant patients. A healthy diet and other good supplements are important, too, of course: no food or nutrient is enough all by itself. Having said that... here's why this may be the No. 1 supplement for pregnant women.

First, DHA and EPA, the essential omega 3 fatty acids in fish oil, are among the best natural anti-inflammatory nutrients known. This is a major reason why they are helpful in so many areas: the brain, the joints, the digestive system, the heart and circulatory system.

Omega 3's have been shown to benefit mood, concentration and mental alertness. There is also a strong relationship between the lack of omega 3's and depression.

The areas of the world where omega 3 is lowest in the diet are also those with the highest incidence of depression. Japan, with a tradition of a lot of fish in the diet, has rates of depression among the lowest in the world. New Zealand has rates of clinical depression that are among the highest on earth -- and New Zealand has one of the lowest amounts of omega 3 fatty acids in the diet.

From these facts, and several clinical studies, omega 3's are considered to be good nutrients to help prevent postnatal depression, the depression that sometimes plagues new mothers.

Omega 3's, and especially DHA are vital during pregnancy because the baby developing in the womb needs DHA for healthy development of the brain and eyes. DHA is actually concentrated in the brain and the cornea of the eyes. Studies have shown better development of brain function and eyesight in babies whose mothers were given omega 3 supplements during their pregnancies.

Other interesting studies have shown that omega 3 supplements for pregnant women seem to help head off allergies in their children -- perhaps because of the anti-inflammation qualities of DHA while the baby is developing.

After the baby is born, omega 3 supplements are still extremely important. The brains, eyes and bodies of young children are developing rapidly, so this is a nutrient that is also particularly important at this stage. And of course, it's also great for the emotional health of the busy mother.

For more on the importance of fish oil for pregnant women, see my website.

Iron Rich Foods For Pregnancy

During the last trimester of pregnancy, you need to eat more foods high in iron than you normally would. This is because your body is busy making more red blood cells so as to supply enough for you and your baby. Each blood cell uses iron as a core. Iron can't be manufactured by your body; it must be absorbed from the food you eat.

Iron is found in lots of different foods, but it is difficult to absorb. This makes it hard for your body to take in enough iron to meet its needs when you are pregnant. If you don't provide your body with enough iron in your diet, your body makes fewer red blood cells. This is known as anemia. Anemia from iron deficiency is very common, and, fortunately, is fairly easy to remedy, as well.

Your body also needs a nutrient known as folate to make healthy red blood cells. Folate is easy to absorb and you can find it in most green vegetables.

What causes anemia? It's usually brought on by a poor intake of folate- and iron-rich foods. It can also be caused by the destruction of red blood cells that occurs occasionally when you're sick.

What are the symptoms and signs of anemia? Sometimes you won't experience any symptoms. But if your anemia is severe, you may feel fatigued and weak.

Can you prevent anemia? Yes, you can eat foods high in iron. These include fortified grains, dried beans, eggs, fish, chicken and meat. The type of iron that is found in meats is called heme and it is easier to absorb than the iron that's found in vegetables. If you're suffering from anemia and you already eat meat, increasing the meat that you consume will readily increase the iron that your body receives from it.

Also, it's a good idea to eat foods that are high in folic acid, like orange juice, wheat germ, green leafy vegetables and dried beans. Always eat foods that are high in vitamin C, too. This includes fresh raw vegetables, and citrus fruits.

Another way to get iron, and something people don't think of very often, is cooking with iron pots. This can add up to 80% more iron to your diet that food cooked in aluminum. Be sure to always remember to take your prenatal vitamins, and your mineral pills that contain extra folate.

You can also take vitamin and iron tablets. Since it's hard to get enough iron in your diet, you may need to take a supplement, in addition to eating foods high in iron. There is usually enough iron in your prenatal vitamin to avert anemia, but your health care provider may prescribe an extra iron supplement if you're anemic. Take it in small amounts if it upsets your stomach. You may want to take a stool softener as well. Don't take your iron supplement with calcium supplements or dairy products.

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Causes and Treatment of Swollen Painful External and Internal Hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids are masses of swollen veins in the lower rectum or at the anus. The condition develops from increased pressure in the veins in the lower rectum most often caused by straining to have a bowel movement. Hemorrhoids are varicose veins -- that is, blood vessels that have become unusually swollen - hat show up in the rectal area. Hemorrhoids are typically anywhere from the size of a raisin to the size of a grape. Hemorrhoids are often itchy and can be very painful, especially in the first few days postpartum. You may find some bleeding in the rectal area especially after a bowel movement, this is normal.

Hemorrhoids are very common in both men and women, and about half of the population in the United States will suffer from hemorrhoids at least once by age fifty. Hemorrhoids are swollen veins and excess tissue in the lower rectum and anus. They can cause pain, bleeding, and itching. Hemorrhoids are common among pregnant women because the pressure of the fetus in the abdomen, as well as hormonal changes that occur during pregnancy, cause the hemorrhoidal vessels to enlarge.

External Hemorrhoids, however, are commonly associated with pain and itching as well as bleeding. Thus, most of the approximately 500,000 Americans who seek medical treatment for Hemorrhoids each year are afflicted with the external type of the swollen veins. External Hemorrhoids involve the veins outside the anus. They can be itchy or painful and can sometimes crack and bleed. External hemorrhoids may also be noticed by the presence of a small skin tag protruding from the anus or of a bulging vein type protusion around the anus.

Internal Hemorrhoids can range from small, swollen veins in the wall of the anal canal to large, sagging veins and tissue that bulge out of the anus all the time. Internal Hemorrhoids can be painful if they protrude all the time and are squeezed by the anal muscles, or if they are thrombosed, or clotted. Internal Hemorrhoids usually develop due to chronic constipation and are also prone to develop during a woman's pregnancy period. Internal Hemorrhoids often do not cause a visible lump or pain, but they can bleed. Bleeding from Internal Hemorrhoids typically occurs with bowel movements, causing blood-streaked stool or toilet paper.

Hemorrhoids treatment can be external or internal or both together depending on the nature of the condition. Medicated pads procurable commercially contain witch hazel, that is a natural astringent drug which can help relieve irritation and reduce swelling. A few people are sensitive to astringents as well as the painkillers carried in hemorrhoid cream, thus care should be exercised when using these products. Natural treatments, such as Venapro, have shown to be effective in controlling and reversing symptoms dramatically.

When Maternity Support Is Needed, Here's Help

The baby is on the way. Excitement reigns in the household. However, mother is feeling aches and pains that cause her distress. Her back is aching, her balance is off, and it is nearly impossible to find relief. Fortunately, there is help available.

The Problem

Pregnancy causes a number of changes in your body. As the baby grows, your center of gravity shifts. As this happens, your posture is affected and you start feeling back pain and abdominal pain. Your skin is being stretched to make room for your growing child and this, too, causes pain. In addition, your body is producing a hormone called relaxin that is softening up the ligaments and joints, getting them ready for the birth of your baby. The support you once had just is not there and it is painful. Your body is also producing more fluids and blood as it takes care of you and the baby. This causes swelling (called edema) which is another annoyance.

What You Can Do

Back pain does not have to be overwhelming. Regular exercise helps to strengthen the muscles in your back and give you more flexibility. Swimming, walking, and stationary cycling are all safe exercise methods, even in the later stages of pregnancy.

Be aware of your posture when you are working, sitting, or sleeping. While you are sitting at a desk, place a rolled up towel at the small of your back to provide extra support. When sitting for a long time, placing your feet on a stack of books and sitting up straight with your shoulders back will also help. Sleeping on your side with a pillow between your knees will relieve some of the stress on your back.

When You Need More

Following the suggestions above will help but sometimes you need to do more. One way to help alleviate pain and provide support for your growing belly is to wear a maternity support garment. A good support garment will help relieve:

繚 Abdominal muscle pain

繚 Leg pain

繚 Sciatica

繚 Pelvis pain or weakness

繚 Hip separation pain

繚 Lower back pain

繚 Provide postpartum back, stomach, and pelvis support

A maternity support body suit that supports your whole upper body is now available. Be careful when you are looking at body suits. This is not the body suit that cosmetically covers your belly. Worn as an undergarment, the maternity support body suit provides not just support for your abdomen but also helps to correct your posture and provide correct body alignment. You may find that you feel less fatigue and stress while wearing the body suit. You also may find that you are breathing better as your lungs now have more room to expand. A maternity support body suit will give you better overall support and help your muscles to actually grow stronger.

As you wear the maternity support bodysuit, you will find that your back feels better and your abdomen does not feel so heavy. Your posture will improve and you will feel better overall. This is a time to feel joy and expectation, not pain and stress. Do what you can to help yourself feel better.

Baby Massage and Postnatal Depression

If as a parent of a newborn you have not had a chance to discover the benefits of infant massage yet, it might be the right time to give it a go.

I started my journey with baby massage last year when majority of my friends became first-time parents.

Since then I have never looked back and have been touched by the uniqueness of the baby massage playing a very important part in bonding process. Touch is the first sense developed and it is the main way the baby is learning about the "outside womb" world through.
Researches show that baby massage is proved to be a great tool in treating post-natal depression.

From my own practice I can say that intentional mother-baby interaction and positive touch can be only beneficial for both sides.

After working with one of the mother who was suffering from post-natal depression I came to the conclusion that infant massage classes should be offered as a part of treating post-natal depression.

My friend who had rather traumatic experience with giving birth and the fact her baby was not 100% healthy when born caused a lot of difficult time for her. Although she had a lot of family support she was not able to open herself towards her little girl. She felt like her emotion were blocked and she was unable to show live towards her baby the way she wanted.

Because I needed someone to practice with I just brought my doll and we started the journey. Firstly, my doll made her laugh which was a good sign and then when she started learning and practising the strokes she became hooked on baby massage.

Soon after Alex started regular massage sessions with Paula we both notice how the relation mother-baby as well as mother's mood has improved.

"Spending a quality time with my angel made me realize how much I love her. Baby massage is a fantastic opportunity to do something else with your baby rather than just feeding, changing nappies or bathing. We both enjoy our session when we are getting to know each other better and better. I also feel a lot better in myself knowing I'm doing a little bit extra for Paula"-says Alex.

Golden Seal - Uses and Side Effects

Native Americans used golden seal as an eye wash and to relieve stomach problems. Today, it's used to treat menstrual disorders, minor sciatica pain, rheumatic or muscle pain, and as an antispasmodic. It's said to enhance the potency of other herbs as well. The useful portions are de rived from the rhizome and roots of Hydrastis canadensis. Its principal chemical constituents are the alkaloids hydrastine and berberine; it also contains other alkaloids, volatile oils, chlorogenic acid, phytosterols, and resins.

Golden seal may have anti-inflammatory, antihemorrhagic, immunomodulatory, and muscle relaxant properties. It exhibits inconsistent uterine hemostatic properties. Hydrastine causes peripheral vasoconstriction. Berberine can decrease the anticoagulant effect of heparin. It stimulates bile secretion and exhibits some antineoplastic and antibacterial activity. Berberine can stimulate cardiac function in lower doses or inhibit it at higher doses.

Golden seal is available as capsules, dried ground root and rhizome powder, tablets, tea, tincture, and water ethanol extracts. Common trade names include Golden Seal Power, Nu Veg Golden Seal Herb, and Nu Veg Golden Seal Root.

Reported uses

Golden seal is used to treat postpartum hemorrhage and to improve bile secretion. It's also used as a digestive aid and xpectorant. Golden seal is used topically on wounds and herpes labialis lesions.


Alcohol and water extract: 250 mg by mouth three times a day

Dried rhizome: 0.5 to 1 g in 1 cup of water three times a day

Expectorant: 250 to 500 mg by mouth three times a day

For symptomatic relief of mouth sores and sore throat: 2 to 4 ml of tincture (1:10 in 60% ethanol), swished or gargled three times a day

Topical use (cream, ointment, or powder): Applied to wound once a day.


Adverse effects associated with golden seal include sedation, reduced mental alertness, hallucinations, delirium, paresthesia, paralysis, hypotension or hypertension, mouth ulderation, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, GI cramping, contact dermatitis, and megaloblastic anemia from decreased vitamin B absorption.

Golden seal may reduce anticoagulant effect of anticoagulant medications. Increased hypoglycemic effects may be seen with hypoglycemics and insulin. It may reduce or enhance hypotensive effect of antihypertensives. Golden seal may interfere or enhance cardiac effects when given with beta blockers, calcium channel blockers or digoxin. It may enhance sedative effects of central nervous system (CNS) depressants such as benzodiazepines. Disulfiram-like reaction may result when liquid preparations are combined with disulfiram, metronidazole, or cephalosporins.

Patients with hypertension, heart failure, or arrhythmias should avoid use. Pregnant and breast-feeding patients and those with severe renal or hepatic disease should also avoid use. Berberine increases bilirubin levels in infants and shouldn't be given to them.

Safety Risk Life-threatening adverse effects of golden seal include aystole, heart block, leukopenia, and respiratory depression. High doses may lead to vomiting, bradycardia, hypertension, respiratory depression, exaggerated reflexes, seizures, and death.

Clinical considerations

German Commission E has not endorsed the use of golden seal for any condition because of the potential toxicity and lack of well-documented efficacy.

Monitor patient for signs and symptoms of vitamin B deficiency such as megaloblastic anemia, paresthesia, seizures, cheilosis, glossitis, and seborrheic dermatitis.

Monitor patient for adverse cardiovascular, respiratory, and neurologic effects. If patient has a toxic reaction, induce vomiting and perform gastric lavage. After lavage, instill activated charcoal and treat symptomatically.

Advise patient not to use golden seal because of its toxicity and lack of documented efficacy, especially if the patient has cardiovascular disease.

Warn patient to avoid driving until he knows how golden seal will affect CNS.

Tell patient to notify pharmacist of any herbal or dietary supplement that he's taking when obtaining a new prescription.

Advise patient to consult his health care provider before using an herbal preparation because a conventional treatment with proven efficacy may be available.

Research summary

The topical use of golden seal extracts in sterile eye washes persists although there is little clinical evidence for its effectiveness. The plant possesses astringent and weak antiseptic properties that may be effective in treating minor oral problems. While small amounts of the plant can be ingested with no adverse effects as a component of bitter tonics, large doses can be toxic. The effects of the plant and its extracts in pregnant women are inconclusive. Golden seal is less effective than ergot alkaloids in treating postpartum hemorrhage. Berberine can decrease the duration of diarrhea caused by pathogens such as Vibrio cholerae, Shigella, Salmonella, Giardia, and some Enterobacteriaceae.

Two Recommended Hospitals in Madrid

Madrid is the capital of Spain and could very well be considered the financial capital of Southern Europe. The city has many tourist attractions such as several world famous art museums, some Catholic churches and numerous historic buildings. Madrid has many world-class hospitals in both public and private sectors. These well-equipped health care facilities offer the service of English speaking staff and accept all major health insurances. The following is a summary of some famous hospitals in Madrid.

Hospital de Madrid situated at Plaza Conde del Valle de Suchil 16, 28015 is one of the leading hospitals in Madrid offering high quality health care service. This modern private hospital is operated by the Hospital de Madrid Group - a renowned health care service provider of Madrid. It has a spacious outpatient section featuring well-equipped departments in all medical specialties. It also has specialized units for digestive diseases, pain management and various types of surgery. The surgery section is equipped with modern devices and facilities. The emergency department is well equipped with a defibrillator, blood banks and easy access to laboratory. The Intensive Care Unit and Coronary Care Unit have specialized doctors and nurses. The analysis laboratory is capable of performing every hematological, microbiological and biochemical test due to its automated equipment. The pathology and cytology laboratories are also well equipped. Telephone: 34 914 47 66 00

Hospital Universitario La Paz is the most popular public health care facility in the city. The hospital is located in the north of Madrid at Paseo de la Castellana, no. 261, 28046. This large hospital has an area of 180,000 square meters and is made up of a general hospital, a maternity hospital, a children's hospital and a hospital of traumatology and rehabilitation. Hospital Universitario La Paz offers quality medical service to more than a million patients each and every year by employing 7,000 staff members. Hospital La Paz offers a very large number of health services as well. This sustainable hospital has implemented many environmental management policies according to the international guidelines of ISO 14001. Hospital La Paz has units in all specialties of medicine including dental care.

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Top Tips for Returning to Work After Maternity Leave

Returning to work after having a baby is a time of mixed emotions, whether you are going back after a few months, a year, or longer. Guilt plays a big factor for many mums, but you need to put it in perspective and remember that happy mums mean happy babies. Going back to work has many positives, such as allowing you to have grown up conversations again, and allowing you to achieve more in your chosen career.


The practical arrangements for who will look after your baby, where, at what times and how much this will cost is something which I am sure you have already thought about. When it comes to getting back into the working routine, no amount of planning will make it problem free. Aim to start your childcare a day or two early to get into practice, ensure that your baby is happy with the carer, and get used to being baby-free again. There are a variety of government funding options available to help pay for childcare. Have a chat with fellow working Mum's to find out the latest policies or do a search online.

Backup Plans

At some point, your baby or your care provider will be ill - and you will need to think about alternative arrangements. It might be agreed with your work that you are able to take the time off at short notice, if not then perhaps a friend or family member could be your emergency backup. Have this planned before you go back to work, and be sure to keep tabs on when your backup may not be available.


Working and being a mum is a juggling act. Pack everything that you can for your baby's day and yours the night before, and make a list for the final bits you need to pack in the morning. Become a fan of lists, on the fridge, in the car...

Return to Work

If you are able to choose exactly when you return, then be kind to yourself and plan to go back halfway through the week, easing you back into the working routine slowly.

The Boss

Most employers are sympathetic and understand the stresses associated with returning to work. Scheduling an informal meeting with your boss the week before your return to discuss your workload and priorities could help you feel more prepared for the first day back.


Perhaps you have already decided on working flexible hours, working from home or maybe only returning to work part time?

Whatever you have agreed, don't let the first week make you feel like you've made the wrong decision. It won't be easy but give it time and see how you feel. If after a few weeks you still aren't happy, talk to your boss to find out what your options are.

New job

Perhaps you are returning to a new job, or just looking for something which will fit around your new life as a mum. There are many options, from self-employed jobs to part time and freelance positions, all with their own unique challenges.

For example you could put your childcare skills to use and become a qualified childminder, or you may wish to help pregnant mums to be by becoming a Hypnobirthing practitioner.

Keep your Mum friends

After being at home with your baby for the past months, you will probably now have some new mother friends. It is important not to lose contact with other mums when back at work, as being able to talk about your baby with people who understand is extremely valuable. Plan a weekend get together - if only for a coffee it gives you something nice to look forward to.


Working and being a mum is tiring. Don't try to do all that you did pre-baby, and set yourself an earlier bedtime. Sleep is important not only to stay physically healthy, but helps you deal with stress too.

Stay positive

Being a mum is one of the most important jobs you can do, juggling work with this role requires much effort and determination. If you're feeling stressed, or having a bad day, take a few minutes to think of the positives and then tackle the problems one by one. Don't forget to take the time to do things for yourself, whether it is an afternoon shopping with friends or an evening curled up with a good book. Find the happy balance between work, family and career and enjoy the benefits of being a working mum.

Known Causes of Cellulite

Cellulite refers to the appearance of bumps and dimples on the skin. Most women call this kind of skin texture as "cottage cheese." It is commonly seen on thighs and buttocks and most skin care experts believe that it is caused by poor skin elasticity. Fat cells often become too hefty for fiber compartments that hold the skin, causing them to bulge and develop uneven fat layers underneath.

Do not be so bothered if you have cellulite as almost 90 percent of women have the same kind of skin texture. While there are different products that you can use to help yourself get rid of cellulite, it is still wise to know what are causing the skin to become lumpy. Knowing the causes of cellulite will help you not just how you will address it but also prevent having it.

In contrast to popular belief, all individuals can have cellulite, both thin and overweight. In fact, a lot of slim people have this kind of skin appearance. Cellulite is all about skin elasticity and fat cells. Genes can greatly help you know if you will have cellulite. Even girls who are as young as age 14 can exhibit signs of lumpy or dimpled skin. If you wish to determine how much cellulite your skin can have, you can look at your parents, especially your mother.

Since cellulite is primarily a problem of women, a lot of doctors believe that it can be caused by the degree of estrogen in female. Several postnatal women or those who are taking birth control products develop cellulite because the waste system of the body cannot get rid of the heavy estrogen flow in the body. Another cause of cellulite is about how you live your life. Having poor diet can cause you to have bad fluid retention and circulation.

Cellulite can also develop following a traumatic injury once the circulatory system of the body has been agitated. Another cause is aging. As a person ages, cellulite is being promoted by the body as the layer of the skin becomes thinner. Normally, the contents of deep skin layer are restructured over time.

Overall, the causes of cellulite involve metabolism physiology changes, hormonal factors, dieting, heredity, connective tissue structure alteration and slight inflammatory alterations. If you wish to get rid of cellulite, consult your doctor for effective anti-cellulite creams and treatment options you may consider undertaking.

Pregnancy Tips to Keep Yourself in Good Health

Now you are having a baby you must take extra care of yourself during the months that lie ahead.

Lots of women bloom during pregnancy - their hair grows quickly and develops a glossy shine, their skin develops a healthy glow, and their breasts swell and develop a sexy cleavage. These changes are due to the pregnancy hormone progesterone and to more oxygen circulating around your body. Progesterone can also have a calming effect and help reduce anxiety, hence the serene feeling of contentment some pregnant women experience.

Unfortunately, not all women experience this 'bloom' when they are having a baby and find their hair falls out and becomes greasy, and their skin breaks out in spots.

However, there are things you can do to keep yourself in good health.


Dental care is free on the NHS during pregnancy and for one year after the birth, so book an appointment now. Bleeding gums are very common in pregnancy due to an increased blood flow, so you've got to take special care to keep your teeth and gums healthy.

Gum disease has been linked to premature labour and, if left untreated, can lead to periodontal disease and tooth loss.


Hair growth speeds up so your hair may be thicker and glossier when you are having a baby. Faster hair growth may also mean more hairs falling out because new hair is replacing them. Some women get greasy hair when they are having a baby and this is due to progesterone stimulating more sebum (oil) on the scalp - wash your hair frequently using mild shampoo.


Progesterone causes glands in the skin to produce more oil so you may find you break out in spots. Equally, your skin can become dry and itchy. Use a skin care range appropriate for your type of skin and moisturise daily. Avoid perfumed shower gels and bubble bath as these can dry your skin.

Stretch marks

These occur if the elasticity of the skin becomes over-stretched and appear as reddish lines, often on the breasts, stomach and thighs. It helps not to put on too much weight to wear a supportive bra and to moisturise regularly. After the birth, the lines will gradually begin to fade and become less noticeable.


If you find your skin is more sensitive to the sun than normal, use a moisturiser that contains UVA protection. Some women develop a condition called chloasma, a butterfly-shaped mask of darker skin across the face. This can be concealed with make-up and will disappear after the birth.

Legs and feet

Tired, aching legs and feet are common when you are having a baby. Try to spend some time with your feet up every evening. Fluid retention sometimes causes your feet to get bigger so you may need to buy bigger shoes.

What Husbands Can Do When Their Wives Have Postpartum Depression

When your wife has postpartum depression (PPD), which affects about 1 in 7 women after childbirth, you might feel confused, annoyed, scared, sad, worried or any combination of these. My husband certainly did. You might be thinking, "Why can't she just be happy? What's wrong with her? Aren't new moms supposed to be happy now that the baby's finally here? What's going on?"

Remember that PPD is a biochemical disorder which is no one's fault - not yours or hers. Although you can't fix it like you can a broken cabinet or leaky faucet, it's your job to support her as she recovers. Warning signs of PPD include anxiety, lack of energy, frequent crying, inability to sleep at night even when the baby's sleeping, low self-esteem, guilt feelings, appetite problems, irritability or anger, overwhelmed feelings, forgetfulness, decreased sex drive, and hopelessness. The normal Baby Blues should be gone by two weeks postpartum, so if she's still feeling weepy, she needs help. Or, if the symptoms are more severe than the mild Baby Blues even during the first two weeks, don't wait - get her help right away. You or she should call a healthcare practitioner you trust and ask for a referral to a therapist who specializes in postpartum depression.

Here are some pointers that will help you to help her and your relationship: (Excerpts from Beyond the Blues: A Guide to Understanding and Treating Prenatal and Postpartum Depression by Bennett and Indman)

Just being there with her is doing a great deal.

Letting her know you support her is often all she'll need. Ask her what words she needs to hear for reassurance, and say those words to her often. Things like, "We'll get through this. I'm here for you. I love you very much. You're a great mom. The baby loves you. You'll get yourself back. The PPD is temporary. I'm sorry you're suffering - that must feel awful. This isn't your fault."

Share at-home responsibilities.

Even a non-depressed new mom can't realistically be expected to cook dinner and clean house. She may be guilt-tripping herself about not measuring up to her own expectations and worrying that you'll also be disappointed with her. Remind her that parenting your child(ren) and taking care of your home is also your job, not just hers. Your relationship will emerge from this crisis stronger than ever.

Let her sleep at night.

She needs at least 5 hour of uninterrupted sleep per night to receive a full sleep cycle and restore her biorhythms (Chapter 11 of Postpartum Depression For Dummies* explains in detail how splitting the night can work even if she's breastfeeding or you need to leave the house early for work.) If you want your wife back quicker, be on duty for this time without disturbing her. Many dads have expressed how much closer they are to their children because of nighttime caretaking. If you can't be up at night taking care of your baby, hire someone who can take your place. A temporary baby nurse will be worth her weight in gold.

Get the support you need so you can be there for her.

Often a husband becomes depressed during or after his wife's depression. You can help protect yourself by getting your own support from friends, family, or professionals. Regular exercise or other stress-relieving activity is important, so you can remain the solid support for your wife. Provide a stand-in support person for her while you're gone. o Don't take it personally. Irritability is common with PPD. Don't allow yourself to become a verbal punching bag. It's not healthy for anyone concerned. She feels guilty after saying hurtful things to you and it's not good for her. If you feel you didn't deserve to be snapped at, calmly explain that to her. (Excerpts from Postpartum Depression For Dummies by Bennett)

Back her up in her decision- making.

If your wife needs to see various practitioners, take medication, join a PPD support group, stop breastfeeding, or whatever else, she needs to know you're behind her 100 percent. You can certainly participate in the decision-making process, but the decisions themselves are ultimately hers. It can be helpful for you to accompany her to a therapy or doctor's appointment so you can ask any questions you may have regarding her treatment. As a therapist, I find the partner's attendance useful and I encourage it at least once. My client is always relieved to know that her husband is getting support and now understands more about her situation and the illness. o Don't mention how much her care costs. She's already feeling guilty about what she's costing the family, both emotionally and financially. Without your wife's mental health in tact, nothing else matters. During PPD recovery, couples may use up savings and take out loans - consider it an investment in launching your new family in a healthy way. Be open to doing (and spending) whatever it takes to get her the right, specialized help, not just whoever is covered by the insurance plan.

Practice the work/life balance.

You've probably read your employee handbook about your company's work/life balance program. Now's the time to make it work for you. Tell your manager what's going on at home, that you need to leave work every evening on time, and that you can't take expended business trips for the foreseeable future. You may see this practice as career suicide, but it isn't. Many of my clients' husbands have taken parental leave, and have made the effort to be at home on time every night during this difficult period. Federal law provides husbands job-protected time off from work following the birth of a baby or to care for a seriously ill spouse. If you're a domestic partner, it depends on the state in which you live whether or not you'll be covered. If necessary, go ahead and move off the corporate fast track to help your partner recover. Your physical presence to her is more important than the next promotion, and years from now, when you look back on your life, you'll never regret having chosen family over work. I hear over and over from my clients that they don't care about the big house (with the big mortgage). They just want their husbands at home. So, if you're thinking that it's for her and your kids that you're working long hours, traveling, and so forth, you may want to ask her what she thinks - you many be surprised.

Maintain intimacy.

As you and your wife walk the road to recovery, it's important to maintain intimacy, even if it's (for now) void of any sexual activity. You may be rolling your eyes with the thought of "just cuddling." After all, what's the point of cuddling if it doesn't lead to anything? But for her, just being close to you and being held by you is comforting and healing. She may also have some physical healing to do following the birth process. Remember not to take her lack of interest in sex personally. This isn't a rejection of you - it's mainly about hormones, brain chemicals, and life changes. If you're the one returning from work at the end of the day, make sure you greet your wife first, before you greet any other member of the family (including the furry, four-legged ones). The relationship with her is the most important one and without it, no other little person would be there (see Chapter 15 for other sex and intimacy issues). Refer to the first bullet for ideas of what to say to your wife that will truly help her.

There are also some clear no-no's to avoid. Here are a few: DO NOT say:

"Think about everything you have to feel happy about." She already knows everything she has to feel happy about. One of the reasons she feels so guilty is that she's depressed despite these things.

"Just relax." This suggestion usually produces the opposite effect! She's already frustrated at not being able to relax in spite of all the coping mechanisms that have worked in the past. Anxiety produces hormones that can cause physical reactions such as increased heart rate, shakiness, and muscle tension. This is not something she can just will away.

"Snap out of it." If she could, she would have already. She wouldn't wish this on anyone. She can't snap out of PPD any easier than she can snap out of the flu. Be patient, non-judgmental, and upbeat. With the right kind of professional help along with your consistent and loving support, your wife will recover and your marriage will likely be stronger than ever.

Pregnancy Miscarriage - How To Avoid It

Pregnancy miscarriage or spontaneous abortion is the loss of a pregnancy, on its own, which occurs in nearly 20% of all confirmed pregnancies. This usually occurs before 20-24 weeks of the pregnancy but it is most common during the first 12 weeks. When a pregnancy miscarriage occurs, the fetus, placenta and the amniotic sac are expelled by the body.

Causative Factors Of Pregnancy Miscarriage

The most common factor attributed to causing a pregnancy miscarriage is chromosomal abnormalities of the developing child. It could be due to genetic defects of the fetus caused by faulty egg and/or sperm. The lifestyle of the expectant mother during her pre-pregnancy days as well as during pregnancy period may also play a major role. Smoking, drug/alcohol abuse and exposure to hazardous materials can increase the risk of pregnancy miscarriage in women. Hormonal imbalances, health issues such as infections, diabetes, immune disorders, problems of the uterus or ovaries etc. can also cause pregnancy miscarriages. Women who have health problems such as diseases of heart, kidney or liver, thyroid problems etc. are at risk of a spontaneous abortion. It has been rightly said that if an expectant mother is given adequate pre pregnancy care she can greatly reduced the chances of a pregnancy miscarriage.

Symptoms Of A Pregnancy Miscarriage

Vaginal bleeding is by far the most common symptom. If you have no idea that you are pregnant and have vaginal bleeding that lasts for more than 2 weeks it is better to consult your physician as it may indicate a spontaneous abortion or some other problem that needs immediate attention. If you know you are pregnant and are bleeding it is time to call your doctor if you use up more than one sanitary pad in one hour. It may be accompanied with low back pain and contractions, and in some cases bleeding may be accompanied with clots. Women may also experience cessation of pregnancy symptoms such as tenderness in the breasts, morning sickness etc.

Types Of Pregnancy Miscarriages

There are several types of pregnancy miscarriages. An expectant mother who suffers light uterine bleeding and is found to have a closed cervix, the condition is called as a threatened miscarriage. When the expectant mother has uterine bleeding and an open cervix, the condition is referred to as an inevitable miscarriage. When the expectant mother has lost the fetus and the products of conception, it is referred to as a complete miscarriage. When the embryo dies inside the womb and the products of conception are not expelled, it is referred to as a missed miscarriage. Recurrent miscarriage occurs in some women due to any of the causes listed above. If women consult a physician before they consider getting pregnant and plan a pregnancy, exercise caution and take the necessary precautions, they can have a successful healthy pregnancy. These are a few facts about pregnancy miscarriage and a few tips on how to avoid it.

Find Ways to Pay For Medical Expenses During Pregnancy

Pregnancy is an exciting time, but it can also be quite stressful. The extra expenses of prenatal care and preparing for the new baby are overwhelming for many women.

According to the U.S Department of Health and Human Services, your spouse and your baby deserve to be healthy and have consistent care. Financial aid and other programs are available for women in need and their babies. The following organizations can help your partner and your baby get medical care:

" State and local health departments - They can tell you what programs are available in your area. Ask about health insurance, medical care, and how your family can qualify for this help.

" Local hospital or social service agencies - Ask to speak with a social worker on staff. She will be able to tell you where to go for help.

" Community clinics - Some areas have free clinics or clinics that provide free care to women in need.

" Women, Infants and Children (WIC) Program - This government program is available in every state. It provides help with food, nutritional counseling, and access to health services for women, infants and children.

" Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP) - This program provides health insurance for children under age 18 in every state.

" Telephone book and Internet - These resources may have information on programs in your area.

Women in every state can get help to pay for medical care during their pregnancies. This prenatal care can help your family have a healthy baby. Every state in the United States has a program to help. Programs give medical care, information, advice and other services important for a healthy pregnancy.

To find out about the program in your state:

" Call 1-800-311-BABY (1-800-311-2229) This toll-free telephone number will connect you to the Health Department in your area code

" Call or contact your local Health Department.

Above all, ensure a healthy pregnancy for your spouse by making sure she has a healthy diet , sleep and exercise, a stress-free life, and regular visits to the doctor.

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Overcome Infertility - How to Treat Infertility With a Chinese Herb - Dodder Seed (Tu Si Zi)

As we mentioned in previous articles, infertility is defined as inability of a couple to conceive after 12 months of unprotected sexual intercourse. It effects over 5 millions couple alone in the U. S. and many times more in the world. Because of unawareness of treatments, only 10% seeks help from professional specialist. We have spent most of the time in this series discussing the conventional and Chinese medicine in treating fertility. I believe, it is the best time to change the subject by discussing how to treat infertility with Chinese herbs--dodder seed.

I. Definition
Dodder also known as tu si zi in traditional Chinese medicine, is a genus parasite plant belongings to the family Cuscutaceae. It has been used in strengthening the kidney and liver function.

II. How dodder seed effects fertility
1. Kidney yin deficiency
Kidney yin is vital to balance the kidney yang caused by prolong period of time in taking hot, spicy food as well as sexual stimulating herbs or medication. deficiency of kidney yin causes qi imbalance, resulting in lessening the chance of quality sperm production.

2. Liver
It is said that dodder seed also helps to improve liver function in fat and protein metabolism, resulting in strengthening the cells of the nervous tension, thereby reducing the symptoms of fatigue, dizziness and emotional and physical stress.

3. Spleen
Spleen is vital in regulating insulin production as well as assisting liver in carbohydrate synthesis, thus decreasing the risk of fluctuation of blood sugar, leading to symptoms of diabetes, causing thickening of the blood and effecting sperm count.

4. Water retention
It is also helps to improve the kidney function in urinary extraction, hereby decreasing the risk of water and fluid retention.

5. Blood stagnation
Beside helping to strengthen the liver in carbohydrate metabolism, it also increases blood flow to the reproductive organs, thereby, reducing the risk of blood stagnation in the abdomen and increasing the chance of fertility.

III. Side effects
There is no known side effect if not overdose.

2 Effective Natural Fertility Treatments To Help You Get Pregnant Fast

Many women have difficulty getting pregnant. Something which should seem so simple can become challenging for many reasons. To help improve your odds of success I am going to outline some natural treatments.

It is not always necessary to pursue expensive infertility treatments. You may be able to pregnant by simple trying a few natural infertility treatments.

Vitamins & Minerals

Taking prenatal vitamins before you get pregnant can help boost your body's amounts of needed nutrients. Besides these multi-vitamins, there are several single supplements that may help you. Vitamin C can improve sperm count and motility.

It can also help the fertility drug Clomiphene be more effective for women. B6 can help the fertility in women, and B12 can raise sperm counts in men. Zinc can aid in testosterone production and help sperm counts in men. It also helps women utilize their estrogen and progesterone more efficiently.

Folic Acid not only helps prevent birth defects, it helps increase women's fertility. Selenium also helps prevent birth defects and can raise men's sperm counts. If you are anemic, it may be hindering your fertility. Since it is common for women to be anemic, get your blood checked and see if you need an iron supplement.


Herbs have been used for thousands of years as natural remedies. There are herbs that work positively on the reproductive organs as well. Women's herbs include red clover, which is very nourishing to the uterus, it balances the hormones and relaxes the nervous system. Stinging nettles can balance the hormones and regulate ovulation.

Red raspberry leaf is another very nourishing herb that supports the female reproductive organs. It is very good for the uterus and creating hormonal balance. If your period is irregular, lady's mantle can help regulate your cycle and prepare the uterine lining for implantation.

Herbs that are helpful for men include astragalus, saw palmetto, Panax ginseng and tribulus. They all regulate the hormones and promote sperm production.

Simple Medical Problems

Have yourself screened for thyroid problems, blood sugar imbalances, and progesterone levels. Natural progesterone cream can help with maintaining progesterone levels. Blood sugar levels and thyroid problems may require some type of medication.

Natural Treatment - The Best Permanent Hemorrhoid Cure

Hemorrhoids can cause uncomfortable situations and painful problems even to the extent of making day to day life difficult. Though considered as a consequence of pregnancy and obesity, bearing excessive weight incorrectly, moving heavy objects, acute and prolonged constipation and physical strain can also lead to hemorrhoids. The chemicals and synthetics formulated to cure Hemorrhoids in most cases do more harm than good in the long run and offer only a temporary solution. As an effective alternative, trying out Natural Hemorrhoids Treatment is a wise decision to relieve the problem of hemorrhoids.

Though being very common, many people struggle to get well from hemorrhoids but eventually develop severe cases of chronic hemorrhoids. To go by definition hemorrhoid is "an itching or painful mass of dilated veins in swollen anal tissue." There are quite a few ways to tackle the physical discomfort of hemorrhoids. While looking for a Permanent Hemorrhoid Cure it is important to note that the solution is natural and address the root cause. There are vitamins, minerals, herbs, and natural compounds that can be effectively used to treat hemorrhoids. All that is needed is to find the right hemorrhoid remedy according to the severity of the problem. By practicing the following, pain and uneasiness caused by Hemorrhoids can be greatly reduced. Ingredients in a Natural Hemorrhoids Treatment include:

• Vitamin E - The antioxidant property of this vitamin prevents further free radical to damage and helps to control inflammation internally
• L-Arginine - Helps in relaxation of muscles and check muscle spasms
• Horse Chestnut - This herbal constituent helps to strengthen and tone veins and lessen swelling
• Oat Straw - Lifts up energy levels, supports an overly stressed digestive system by promoting regularity and acts as a mild antidepressant
• Plantain - Reduces itching and burning
• Red Sage -. The Chinese drug helps in the stimulation of circulation
• Being active is important
• Sitting in a warm bath or a sitz bath
• Sitting on a soft or inflatable pillow or ring
• Wearing loose clothing
• Kegel exercises

Most importantly a diet rich in fiber helps to reduce stress over bowel movement. Intake of fluid helps to break down the consumed food easily.

There are few online portals on the internet that bring forth customized programs that work wonder in the treatment of hemorrhoids irrespective of age, gender, and hemorrhoids condition. Some programs are also suited for pregnant women and women who have postpartum hemorrhoids. One such program that deserves special mention in this regard is the one offered by The program guides and gives natural methods and knowledge that heal Hemorrhoids.

Ways To Relieve Your Depression Symptoms

Depression is a very serious medical mental disorder that needs immediate attention once someone has been identified as having it. If you or someone you know is suffering from some form of depression, then there are some things that you can do at home yourself to help get relief from the symptoms and to help you regain your life back. Some of the basic things that you can do to help you cope with depression includes changing your diet plan, creating a daily schedule, creating a daily exercise plan, and picking up on new hobbies and interest. All of these things are set in place so that they can keep your mind busy and it should lessen the feelings of depression.

The diet plan that you should stick with are those that can provide you with good energy and are healthy. You should always avoid consuming too much oily food and substance. If you are a drinker, then make sure that you watch the amount of alcohol that you consume so that you can avoid creating more problems for yourself. A good idea is to try and always include fruits, vegetables, and protein into your diet every day. Another good thing is to drink lots of fluids throughout the day.

When creating your daily schedule, make sure that you list just enough things so that you can complete it within the day. Don't overwhelm yourself by listing more tasks than you can complete in a day otherwise, this will create a negative feeling for yourself and may even further make you regress into your depressive state. A good idea is to only include small amounts of task during the first week so that you can have something to feel accomplished about once all the tasks on your list are done.

Your daily exercise plan should mainly focus on anaerobic exercises such as jogging. Things such as yoga and outdoor meditations also work well. We are not necessarily trying to build muscles with our exercise plan, but rather we are trying to develop a routine that allows us to make our body work so that we don't feel lethargy and immobile all day. The feelings of being lethargic and 'heavy' are very common in those who are diagnosed with depression.

Lastly, we want to try and pick up on new hobbies and create new interest. So how exactly do you go about finding new things to get interested in? Well there are many different ways to do that. You can go to a library or a bookstore and checkout the magazines and books on various different topics available and see which one sparks your interest. Or you can check out your local museum to try and see if anything there intrigues you. The goal of this is to help your mind become refreshed with new ideas and new thoughts. Individuals who are depressed tend to have the same recurring thoughts nearly every waking moment of their lives. This might be due to the fact that they have nothing to look forward to and nothing to plan for. By finding new hobbies and interest in your life, you can have something to look forward to doing towards the end of your work week.

These are some of the simple things that can be done at home to help relief some of the depression symptoms without having to resort to drugs and therapy. Keep in mind that these things aren't meant to replace medication, counseling, or therapy, but rather they should be something that you try first and see how well it can help at getting rid of the symptoms of depression.

Cure Hernia Pain During Pregnancy

Immense pressure on the abdominal walls during pregnancy can often times be enough to cause fatty tissue or intestine to protrude through a hole formed in the abdominal muscle wall. That means lots of baby pressure on your belly caused a bit of intestine to peek out through a hole in your muscle. This can result in an inguinal hernia: bulge in the groin area, abdominal hernia: bulge in the abdomen (besides the large baby bulge), umbilical hernia: bulge on the bellybutton, or femoral hernia: bulge on the inner leg near the groin. These can all be very painful and impair walking.

Many medical professionals will tell you there is nothing you can do for this pain and to withstand the pain until the baby is born. Relief is possible. Know that you can wear a pregnancy supporter for hernia care to prevent more damage and reduce the pain. I experienced inguinal hernias while pregnant and wearing support bands made all the difference in the world, from impaired almost impossible walking to normal walking and playing with my kids again. There are 2 excellent pregnancy hernia support products on the market and if you type in pregnancy hernia band you will find access to them on search engines. Elastic based products tend to stretch out and are not durable so buyer beware.

What are the life changing steps you can do to relieve hernia pain in pregnancy:

  • Wear a pregnancy hernia support band!!! Relief will come immediately.

  • Avoid lifting or if that's impossible avoid holding a child for long periods of time while standing (sounds impossible if you have little ones, but bend down and talk to them, sit side by side, have them sit in a 'big person chair' at the table if you are working in the kitchen, you may have to get creative.

  • Rest your hernia--lay down and take the pressure off at night, support your belly with a pillow and place a pillow between or under your knees at night.

  • Have your husband/significant other lift for you: leave heavy groceries or boxes in the car for him/her to bring in. Let them know you are in pain. If you are alone, get a folding shopping cart and wheel your groceries, etc. into the house.

Hernia surgery after pregnancy may be necessary depending on the severity of the hernia, check with your doctor. My inguinal hernia went away, only to return again in my 3rd pregnancy, but never to return there after, I am almost 50.

How Bed Rest Can Help Your Pregnancy

While the vast majority of pregnant women experience no complications, a sizable minority does. Typically, about one in five pregnancies are high risk enough to warrant a doctor prescribing bed rest for part or all of the duration of a pregnancy. A pregnancy bed rest is often recommended if the woman has a history of pregnancy problem, or if she is expecting multiples. Resting in bed can help your pregnancy if you are facing problems like high blood pressure, vaginal bleeding, or premature labor.

Depending on the severity of your condition, your doctor might prescribe bed rest for as little as a few days, or as much as the bulk of your pregnancy. In most cases, a pregnancy bed rest can be done at your home, but in a few more serious cases, you might spend it at a hospital so you can be monitored more closely. While unlimited rest may sound wonderful to many busy, overstressed women, most find that after just a few days of resting in bed, they are feeling bored and uncomfortable.

You might be prescribed partial bed rest, which means you need to stay at home, but can participate in some limited activity, like taking a shower, having dinner with your family, or making lunch for yourself. Since resting in bed helps pregnancy, especially if there might be serious complications, you might be instructed to do 24-hour bed rest, which means that you must stay in bed all of the time. Depending on the situation, you might be able to get up and use the bathroom, although some women are instructed to use a bed pan.

If you've been instructed to rest in bed during pregnancy, you will most likely be instructed to lie on your side. Since this can become uncomfortable over time, you can alleviate some of this simply by changing sides every now and then. This has the added benefit of improving your circulation.

Even though most doctors believe that bed rest helps pregnancy, there is not much good research to show just how effective it can be for various conditions. Unfortunately, the research that has been done has sometimes been quite contradictory. While some research suggests that bed rest can help prevent premature labor, some actually claims the opposite; resting in bed during pregnancy might actually increase the chances of premature birth.

With such conflicting information, it can be hard to decide what to do. Even a lot of health care practitioners disagree on just how much bed rest helps pregnancy. Your best option is to be honest with your doctor if you have any concerns. Make sure you understand exactly why this method is being prescribed, and be sure to get specific information on exactly what you can and can't do.

More and more practitioners are moving away from complete confinement to a modified approach, in which you combine rest with carefully chosen and regulated activity. Keep in mind that your doctor wants to do everything possible so you have an easier pregnancy and deliver a healthy baby.

Monday, February 3, 2014

Pregnancy Tips For Women - The Best Tips to Help You Get Pregnant Right Now!

Avoid smoking- cigarette smoking is very injurious to your health as well as to the health of the baby. It can lead to lung cancer and can cause premature birth of your baby.

Avoid drinking- alcohol can seriously harm to your unborn baby. So, it is always advisable not to consume alcohol during the nine months.

Reduce or avoid caffeine- too much amount of caffeine can lead to low weight of the child at the time of birth and miscarriage.

Specific foods such as under cooked eggs, peanuts and some particular kind of cheese are dangerous to take.
Do not take any drugs without the doctor's consent as it can harm you and your baby.
X-ray- x-ray radiations are very harmful for the unborn baby. So, do take extra precautions while getting your x-ray done at the time of pregnancy.

Eat healthy and properly- regular intake of food should be there and at the proper time. Even if the time of eating has come and you are not hungry then also eat food because your child needs it. Eating should be healthy and one should minimize or avoid eating junk food as that can harm your unborn baby.

Wash all vegetables and fruits properly as they can contain some pesticides or insecticides.

Dairy products contain a parasite called as Toxoplasmosis. This is present in unpasteurized cheese and milk and in the meat which is not cooked properly. So, consult doctor before consuming them or avoid taking them. If you are eating meat then it should be properly cooked.

Avoid cocaine, crack or heroin- taking any of these drugs can cause addiction of these drugs in baby as well and can have various other hazardous effects.

Aspirin should be avoided as that can lead to miscarriage and neonatal heart defects. Paracetamol should be taken in moderate amount and not without the consent of doctor.

If you need to travel somewhere then do consult your doctor before going out.

Avoid all those treatments that are unfamiliar to you or if it a dire need to take any treatment then do consult your gynecologist.

Drink water in large quantity as it will keep you hydrated.

Don't eat food stuffs that are containing large amount of sugar and salt.

Go for walk and yoga classes.

Think positive and feel good about the fact that you are pregnant. This will help child emotionally.

Don't take any kind of stress and just be happy.