Saturday, August 24, 2013

Herniated Disc During Pregnancy

Back pain is a common occurrence during pregnancy. The weight gain, shift in your center of gravity and loosening of your ligaments caused by hormones all contribute to pain throughout the lower back and pelvis. Some women may find that their pain is caused by a bulging or herniated disc.

Disc problems are common. Many people over the age of twenty would show some signs of disc degeneration if they received spinal imaging tests, and nearly everyone in the elderly population has degenerated discs. With its commonness, it may seem that almost everyone should be suffering from chronic pain, but degenerated discs usually aren't symptomatic. They can occur or become symptomatic during pregnancy due to the extra pressure exerted on the lower back by a growing baby.

Disc Anatomy

Spinal discs sit between vertebrae and absorb shock. They are composed of a tough exterior and a gel-filled center, a construction that allows them to have a cushioning effect. Through age, spinal misalignment, uneven forces from poor posture, improper body mechanics or injury, the exterior of a disc can degrade. The fluid inside can be pushed to the weakest side of the disc, causing a bulging disc. If the exterior of the disc cracks and internal fluids leak out, the disc is herniated.

If the bulge or the leaking fluid don't cause changes in spinal mechanics or interfere with nerves, then the disc degeneration will be asymptomatic. With the addition of a growing baby, the bulge or herniation can increase and cause symptoms to arise.

The most common symptom of a herniated disc is nerve pain. In the lower back, sciatica can occur when the sciatic nerve, running from the lumbar spine to the foot on each side of the body, becomes impinged or irritated by disc material. Sciatica causes pain to radiate from the lower back down the buttock and into the leg. The pain is sharp and generally shoots down the nerve path.


Pregnant women can still use some conventional pain treatment methods like heat and certain medications, but it is important to find something that addresses the problem directly.

Poor posture can exacerbate pressure on a damaged disc. Taking prenatal Pilates classes can help you maintain alignment and strengthen muscles around the spine that help support discs.

Chiropractic care may help alleviate pain from a herniated disc if it is caused by an alignment issue. By aligning the spinal and sacroiliac joints, a chiropractor can relieve pressure off discs and the sciatic nerve.

Acupuncture and acupressure are two types of pain management that are generally safe during pregnancy. Both interfere with pain sensations, acupuncture with the use of tiny needles and acupressure with applied pressure to specific points of the body. These therapies may work by targeting nerve clusters, releasing endorphins and/or unblocking energy meridians throughout the body (this latter explanation is the one supported by thousands of years of traditional Chinese medical practice). When seeking out a practitioner, be sure to find one well-versed in working with pregnant women. There are some pressure points believed to induce labor, which should be avoided unless that is the goal. Also, practitioners should be careful to avoid triggering muscle spasms, since the uterus is a muscle.

After delivery, the pain from your disc may subside since there will be less pressure on the lower back. It is still a good idea to pursue core strengthening exercises to provide support to the healing disc. If herniated disc pain continues well after labor, consider seeking inversion treatments that aim to expand interdiscal space and rehydrate damaged discs.

A herniated disc during pregnancy can cause lower back, buttock and leg pain. There are a number of options for safely managing pain while pregnant.

Pain and Electricity

When I think of electricity and pain, a scene from "Return of the Jedi" tends to pop into my head, the one in which the evil Emperor is zapping Luke with lightning bolts from his finger tips. Having experienced the unpleasantness of an electrical shock more than once in my life, I can sympathize with poor Luke Skywalker as he writhes around on the ground as electrical bolts play up and down his body. It is not like he is merely feeling the tingle that results from sticking the tip of your tongue on a nine volt battery. Still, while electricity can be dangerous (especially in the hands of someone who has joined the dark side) that mild tingling sensation that you get when you touch your tongue to a nine volt battery can actually help alleviate pain.

By blocking pain signals from reaching your brain, low intensity electrical pulses can actually help with cases of chronic pain. Physicians have known about this since the time of the Ancient Greeks. While the Greeks did not have nine volt batteries, they did have electric eels. It was discovered that placing a painful part of the body in a bucket with an electric eel helped alleviate the pain. While no one was really sure how it worked, the eel bucket trick was used for centuries to help alleviate the pain from gout.

Today, scientists have a much better idea why this phenomenon occurs. Pain, it turns out, is actually "all in your head" just like your high school coach told you it was. Pain is actually a useful thing in most cases, triggering your brain that something is causing damage to you, triggering action such as removing your hand from a hot surface or doing your best to get out of Emperor Palpatine's line of fire. These pain impulses are actually electrical signals that are sent up the spinal column and then to the brain triggering a response in the nerves. While these pain signals can be seen as a beneficial way to keep us from getting our fingers burned off, they can also become the problem in the case of chronic pain.

In the case of chronic pain, such as lower back pain, these pain messages become constant to the point of are detrimental. Even though we already know all about the problem, our bodies continue to shoot us pain signals making life rather miserable. This is where electricity can come in handy. Since there are only a select number of messages that your brain can receive at any given time, it is possible to override the chronic pain signals by replacing it with some other sensation, in this case the tingling sensation of low pulse electricity. By applying electrodes to the area of chronic pain and then pulsing electricity through it, you can actually temporarily block out the chronic pain and find some relief.

Since the bucket of eels is not longer politically correct, medical researchers have come up with other devices which can help deliver these electrical signals. One such device is the TENS (Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulator) device. This device is a portable battery operated device that a person can use to find temporary relief from chronic pain. One such device called the AuraWave has even been recently cleared by the FDA for non prescription use. If you cannot get your hands on some eels, or if you do not think you can convince the Emperor to use his powers for the good of pain relief, this TENS Device is certainly something that is worth checking out.

Your Journey With Your Puggle

Puggles as a hybrid dog has already earned much fame because of its loving nature. Taking a puggle home will surely be nice idea. But how do you catch the most charming and healthy puppy? Puggles belong to the class of Designer Dogs and are often very expensive when bought from a pet shop. But buying puppy from a pet shop might involve problems since there are many mixed breed dogs available in such stores.

A very common problem noticed in puggle breeding is the inadequate level of knowledge among the breeders. Such breeders try to mate a pug and a beagle to produce a puggle without having much know-how about the breeding techniques and information. The result of this ignorance often produces puggles with genetic disorders. Another major problem seen in unskilled pug breeding is, the overlook of temperament testing and finding the correct mix. Thus one should be pretty meticulous while buying a puppy from a pet shop. The buyer of a puggle is advised to check the papers, specific breeder and must also be well aware of the genetic history.

Now once a puppy enters your home it will surely bring with it loads of warmth and joy. And the puggle owners are often confronted with the problem of putting such an adorable puppy into control. Patience is the only key to this problem. There are various factors that affect the training program of a puppy. These factors are namely the age of the puppy, the learning ability of the puppy and the sort of treatment being provided to it by its master. All these factors are responsible in creating a well-disciplined puggle.

Understanding the commands vary along with the age of the puggle. A puppy will take a few weeks to take the toilet training whereas the same dog might take a longer amount of time to understand if it is a little older. Along with the age the learning ability of the puppies varies significantly. This is the reason why a puggle owner must be consistent is imparting the training. Next is the type of tone a master uses while training his/her puggle. It is always advisable to use firm tones while giving a command. Such tones are more legible for your puppy.

This new breed of adorable dogs is not only famous as a family pet but also much famed among the breeders. Incase of breeding puggles a breeder must make himself/herself aware of the breeding obligations involved. An upcoming breeder must be ready to take the responsibilities of prenatal and postnatal care of the puggles. At the same time a breeder must have sufficient education regarding the research of the pedigrees of the dogs as well. However while selling the puppies a dedicated breeder should be aware of the prospective buyer through the interview process. This will lead to a puggle to find the best home to stay in.

How to Find a Maternity Health Insurance Plan

Maternity Insurance In The US

When we discuss finding maternity coverage, we know that we are probably attracting two groups of people. One group is planning ahead for the time when they would like to have a baby. In this case, no family member is actually pregnant yet. This is, of course, a much better time to find maternity coverage. The other group of people who are reading this article already has a pregnant family member. In this case, they are probably scrambling to find some help covering all of the bills associated with having a healthy baby. This will be a little tougher, but there are still some options.

If You Are Planning Ahead For Pregnancy.

If nobody in the family is pregnant yet, but you plan on having a baby in the future, here are some common ways to find maternity health insurance. Some of these options, like payment plans or group health, may still work if you are already pregnant too.

Group Health Insurance - A work related health plan usually covers pregnancy. This is probably the easiest and most common way to find maternity coverage. If your current employer does not offer this, it may be time look for for one who does.

A pregnant woman may still be covered on her parent's insurance if she is young enough. There could be other qualifications like she must be unmarried or a student too. A wife should be covered by her husband's policy if they opted into that coverage. And of course, she would be covered by her own employer's plan if it covers maternity.

Individual Health Insurance - I am not an expert on the private health plan market in every state. In my own state, I can tell you that most family or individual plans do not cover normal maternity costs, or they cover them with a very high deductible. The basic health plan should cover complications of pregnancy. So a C section should be covered. However a basic private health plan probably does not cover office visits, tests, or a normal delivery.

The only health insurance company that I know of that offers a maternity rider (option) is Time. This will vary by state, and it is an extra option with an extra premium. It also has a waiting period before it will pay benefits. If you think that you need this benefit, you must take it well before anybody gets pregnant!

HSA Health Insurance - In some states, there is an individual HSA (health savings account) major medical plan with a maternity rider (option). The health savings account part of the plan is a tax deductible account you must contribute to before you need it. The major medical has a maternity option you can choose. Keep in mind that this option will have a waiting period before it will pay any benefits so this will only work if you plan ahead. But if you do plan ahead, your HSA balance should help you defray the costs of the higher deductible.

Your HSA, on its own, can be helpful even if the major medical plan does not cover maternity. You could use your cash balance, for instance, to pay for prenatal care.

Supplemental Insurance - Some disability policies may cover time lost from work because of a pregnancy. I have also seen some supplemental hospital or illness policies that will pay in case of maternity. These plans are unlikely to accept anybody who is already pregnant though, and I have never seen one that would cover the whole cost of maternity.

Save Money - If you can afford it, and you have no maternity coverage, or you do not have much maternity coverage, you can save for it like you save for a down payment on a house or new car.

If You Are Already Pregnant Without Maternity Insurance

Public Health Insurance - CHIPS is the federal and state children's health insurance plan. It also covers pregnant women. Your income must be less than the guidelines, but it is a good option for people with moderate incomes. You will be restricted to using the doctors on hospitals that participate, but you should be able to find medical care in your area. Very low income people with few assets may qualify for Medicaid.

You may also be able to find low cost clinics and hospital systems in your area. Visit because they have a search by zip code.

Your local Department of Health and Human Services is another public resource. Again, these options are probably going to work the best for people with limited incomes.

Payment Plans - Some OB-Gyns and hospitals have payment plans for the normal cost of maternity. You may need this if you lack coverage, or if your own health insurance will not cover the bulk of the cost. It would actually be better to check this option out before you are pregant, but if you are pregnant, it is an option to research. Try asking your current doctor or a nearby hospital. You might also search online for maternity payment plans in your area.

Private Loans - Many maternity doctors will give you a fee schedule for normal deliveries. Even if they have a payment plan, you may do better with your own financing. I hesitate to advise anybody to go into debt, but when you are safeguarding the health of a mother and baby, this may be something to consider.

Are You Pregnant or Planning To Get Pregnant?

Keep in mind that a normal US delivery costs $5,000 - $10,000. This cost will be multiplied if there are any major complications. In a perfect world, this would all be planned for before conception. I am not writing this to preach because I am aware that this does not always happen because we are humans living in an imperfect world. The most important thing is to make sure that the mother and baby have the best possible health care.

Panic Attacks During Pregnancy - 3 Tips to Help Control Them!

Panic attacks during pregnancy are normal. There are times when you cannot control your emotions especially when sudden bumps or pains occur during your pregnancy, and since you don't easily understand what caused them, you get worried. You also exert extra amount of concern as it's not only your health that's at stake-but your baby's as well.

But panic attacks can be controlled and prevented. You can then keep yourself or your pregnant loved one from getting into a panic situation by practicing these three helpful tips:

1. Water Therapy - drinking water, regardless of being pregnant or not, keeps the veins and nerves relaxed and at ease. You are also kept fresh and cool because of the hydration, thus you don't easily get worried. Whenever a potential panic situation arises, it takes a lot of time before the stimulus reaches your brain, and before it does, you have already responded to the situation properly. No need to worry then!

2. Exercise - panic attacks during pregnancy are also caused by restless muscles that have already grown tired of the usual routine of being pregnant. Restlessness usually builds up into anxiety, causing you to panic eventually. Thus, to keep the panic attacks from coming, get some exercise. Do some slight walking, at least to give your body some sweat. Your muscles are then stretched and satisfied, thus preventing you from getting restless and worrisome during your pregnancy.

3. Breathing - finally, you must learn how to breathe. The success of labor and childbirth depends on how you breathe, as your exhale will bring out the child you carried for nine months. By learning how to breathe properly, not only will you be able to bring out a healthy, happy child in this world, but also bring him out without the slightest risk of panic.

Discover How to Get Health Insurance Maternity Coverage

It's very exciting to discover you are going to have a baby. It's easy to want to buy outfits and look at a crib. Some immediately start planning the nursery. However, one of the first steps is to make sure your insurance plan has maternity coverage. If it doesn't, there are other ways to make sure health insurance maternity coverage is included. Some families will purchase extra coverage, others qualify for state help, or some hospitals offer prepaid maternity packages.

If you want to save yourself from a lot of worries, make sure maternity coverage is included from the start. This is necessary if you fall in the appropriate age group, because pregnancy can occur at any time. When you're first looking, the best way to compare different rates is to go online. You can see the different levels of coverage, as some will take care of all bills, while others only cover complications. Obviously, the fuller the coverage, the more money out of the pocket prior to the event. However, the bills will be lower after the baby is born.

There are a lot of things to consider when a baby is coming. There are nine long months of prenatal care, lab work, doctor checkups, and ultrasounds even before you enter the hospital. The doctor and hospital have to be paid after the baby is born. For those who need a c-section, there will also be a higher anesthesiologist bill and surgeon bill. If you don't have sufficient health insurance maternity coverage, the expenses will add up very quickly.

If you don't have health insurance maternity coverage, there are several things to look into. There are ways to get extra insurance online. Some families will qualify for state help, while others buy a prepaid maternity package from their hospital.

Friday, August 23, 2013

Return of Premium Life Insurance - Worth the Extra Cost?

Something I frequently discover working in the insurance world is other insurance brokers trying to convince all of their term life insurance clients to add on the return of premium rider. However, while the prospect of getting every penny of your cash back seems wonderful, is adding the return of premium rider suitable for you? This rider, or additional policy benefit, raises the policy holder's price, although at the completion of the term, if the insured has not died, the policy owner receives back every dime he has paid in premiums. This extra benefit can elevate the premium anywhere from 30% to 200% of the level term with no rider added. There are two schools of thought here: Some figure, "Why should I mind paying double the premium, since it will all end up in my pocket one day?" Other folks, however, want to pencil out the details and tally whether or not adding the extra benefit is a wise financial decision for them. The answer, of course, is that it depends on some variables, which we'll discuss.

But first, let's address life insurance with the ROP benefit acting like an investment. Specifically, it's not, to be exact, but here's how some investment-savvy folks see it. To appraise what sort of dollar benefit, or return on investment, you'll derive from return of premium, begin by taking note of what the cost of the rider is. Now, if I were to invest that amount in a traditional investment, how much would I have to gain to end up being equivalent to the total premium I'll have returned to me at the termination of my policy?

For example, if your return of premium policy costs $500 more per year than your regular term policy, and 20 years down the line, your return of premium policy will pay you back $25,000, then you can do some quick math on a financial calculator and find that if you were to take that $500 and invest it elsewhere, you'd have to earn about 9% in that investment for it to grow to $25,000. Well that's a slam dunk in my book. I'll settle for 8 or 9 percent any day of the week, especially knowing it's guaranteed money.

It won't be so clear-cut for everyone, though. Health and age are the primary factors that will affect how attractive your internal rate of return is, with the length of term and amount of face value being factors as well. If you're between the age of eighteen and thirty-five, in super condition, you'll most likely get an internal rate of return approaching double-digits. You might only get a 5-7% internal rate of return, however, if you're in your 40's or 50's. Again, health plays a factor too. Next, you'll want to go with a twenty or thirty year term, as those have the best return on investment.

One excellent feature of Return of Premium Life Insurance is that currently, the taxes you'll pay on your return of premium are 0! Uncle Sam can't tax it because you don't get back a dime more than you put in, meaning you didn't actually "earn" any interest. So even if your internal rate of return is just 6%, that's still a terrific net rate.

One more thing before we wrap this up: Don't buy ROP unless you're committed for the long haul. Let your policy lapse half way through the term, and you might get back 20% of your premiums in surrender value. Hold it until the end of the term, and get back 100%. Be smart and plan to hold on to this policy. Last, even if you're not the perfect candidate to purchase term life insurance with return of premium, I'm not condemning its purchase. No matter how expensive it is, it actually costs nothing more than the time value of money, since you it's all reimbursed, and that's one insurance payment we can all feel comfortable paying.

Postnatal Depression - Is There a Cure?

Postnatal depression (PND) is a mood disorder. The individual affected is not to be blamed, this is a disease. Women who suffer from Postnatal Depression may or may not have a history of depression. The disease can strike without warning anytime after pregnancy, though if you have no experienced any symptoms by the first 3 months chances are you are not part of the one in five women who do.

Postnatal Depression is not something to be overlooked or ignored. Some women have such severe reactions to the disease that they may cause harm to themselves or their new born. It is important to seek immediate medical attention if you have these severe symptoms.

For those women who do not have severe symptoms but are suffering there are many treatments available. Most doctors will prescribe any number of anti-depressants in an attempt to control your feelings. Many mothers do not like the idea of being "hopped up on drugs" when caring for their newborns.

For these women there are natural remedies available including St. Johns Wort which is safe for new mothers but should not be taken in conjunction with prescription anti-depressants. A vital part of treatment is building a strong support system around you and being educated upon your disease.

There are several online message groups that women from all across the world have joined to share experiences and stories. These can be an amazingly helpful tool in combating your own depression. There are also several books available that can explain breathing exercises and other natural remedies for postnatal depression.

The Super Mom - 5 Strategies to Debunk the Myth

For decades women have struggled with the roles we juggle. We are moms, we are friends, we are co-workers and employees, we are daughters and sisters and we are partners/spouse. Somewhere along the line we were told or more importantly we believed that we needed to be perfect and succeed in all of these roles. Perhaps as it relates to our role of mother our angst to get it "right" goes back to the assertions made by psychiatry at its onset well over a century ago, that all troubles sprouting in a person can be traced back to Mother. If this isn't enough to make us fear every decision we make, we as women have even fallen to the absurdity of the "mommy wars" battling between breast and bottle, staying home or career, PTA or homeschooling, organic or whatever is on sale. In the end, we must admit to our self and each other that ultimately we all want the same things. We want a family with some type of cohesion, we want healthy kids, and we want to be able to enjoy our lives and continue to experience the good of life versus wondering if we are doing enough. Here are five strategies to help quell the anxiety that we might feel trying to be that Super Mom because she doesn't exist and she will be glad to hear that she is off the hook!

1. Decide what is important to you and to your family and use that as your barometer. There are a hundred and ten million different ways to raise a healthy and well adjusted child and run a home, not every way is right for you. Don't stress that your 7 year old isn't taking violin just because the neighbor kid who reads a level above your child is. Your child has mentioned an interest in art and,drawing; sign him/her up for that! Trying to plug your family or child into a square peg to attempt to obtain a possibly unrelated result is not going to make anyone happy.

2. Don't sweat the day to day, beds don't have to be made every day, floors are going to be muddy when it has been raining, and dishes can sit. You know your kids and spouse will be fine with tuna sandwiches and some chips for dinner. Why don't you throw in some raw baby carrots or slice up whatever fruit is in the house and have done with it! Just because dinner isn't gourmet and perfectly, perfect, doesn't mean that it didn't provide for your family.

3. Set limits and boundaries. Don't feel you have to explain why your grade school child gets to bed at 7:30 on a school night to a mother who allows her same aged child to stay up till 10:00. You know your child and you know that they need those hours of sleep. In the same breath, don't judge that family for having a more lax bedtime routine, again, that may work for their household.

4. Build on what you are good at naturally. Maybe you are not the person with nerves of steel to be a field trip chaperone on a bus with 60 loud and enthusiastic kids, but perhaps you are more comfortable collating worksheet handouts for your child's teacher from home. Teachers are immensely grateful for any additional help. Offer what is convenient for you. You will feel good about being involved and glad you didn't volunteer for something you dread!

5. Find like thinking friends/moms and use them as your sounding board. Nothing beats validation. When we are surrounded by people who can empathize, listen and offer healthy and solicited advice we feel that we are not alone in our trials as a mother. Find moms who have similar values, similar goals and seek them out when you feel you need the outlet.

Over all know that you are a work in progress. You have the luxury of learning from mistakes remember life does not come with an instruction manual. Learn to write your own manual making sure those instructions need to involve keeping your expectations realistic.

Bringing Home and Preparing for a Second Baby

You are thrilled to learn that you will have another child. The happiness that your first child brought into your life is immeasurable and you are certain that the second child will bring as much happiness. But preparing for a second child is slightly different. There are extra responsibilities and things to consider when preparing for the birth of a second child. A large part is to help your older child understand that a sibling is on the way. This can lessen the anxiety for the entire family. Being aware of the changes involved with having a second child is the best way to prepare.

Having two children can be overwhelming to the most capable of parents. Although it may be a challenge, it is best to get organized prior to the birth of the second child. This can pose much more of a challenge that it was the first time around. Most parents with one child have time restrictions. Adding a newborn into the scenario will probably stretch your organized scheduled to the limit. Both meal and sleeping schedules will fluctuate, at least for the first eight weeks while you are trying to get your infant on a feeding and sleeping schedule.

A pleasant aspect of a second child is the parents increased knowledge and confidence in their abilities and knowledge of child rearing. The first time around, things such as breast feeding, changing diapers and handling illness seemed so hard and scary. Now things such as these will be like second nature to the seasoned parent.

Having and bringing home a newborn will affect a mother in several ways, both emotionally and physically. Increased exhaustion and anxiety is normal after having a child. These symptoms are typically called the "baby blues". Be sure to talk to your family and your medical doctor about this. Your doctor will make sure you have the "baby blues" and not postpartum depression. Postpartum depression is a serious condition that requires medical intervention.

Bringing home a newborn will cause you to be physically sore and quite tired. This is particularly true if you had a cesarean delivery or a difficult birth. If you breast feed your child, the feeding sessions during the night can be especially tough. Some people hire a "doula" to help during the day so the mom can rest. A doula is specially trained to care for an infant and mother during the first few weeks of an infant's life.

It will seem as if you have no time for yourself the first months after a child is born. The seemingly endless, sleepless nights and tensions of the day can be overwhelming. Try to make "alone time" a priority. It is important to spend time alone with your partner. Be sure to have an occasional "date night" once things settle down.

As a parent, you will try to help your first child adjust to the role of a sibling. Your older child may experience many emotions, from excitement to jealousy to resentment. Younger toddlers may regress when the infant comes home. They may forget their potty training, suck their thumb, or want to drink from a bottle. Older toddlers and children may misbehave, throw tantrums, or just generally try to test your patience. Time has shown that these problems go away and a little preparation will help the older child adjust to his new life. A great way of doing this is to play up the role of the older child. This time is not a good time to introduce other major changes in the life of the older child. Try to include the child in the decision making. Letting him participate in the activities of the new baby will help with the adjustment period.

There are so many positive aspects of having two children in a family. Once the chaos of having a newborn has settled down, you and your family will start to enjoy the benefits of having two children to love.

Is Fish Oil For Pregnant Women a Good Idea?

When women become pregnant they are advised to keep away from oily fish. The reason for this is because oily fish such as salmon and tuna are often caught from areas which are heavily fished and this causes the fish to be high in pollutants, especially mercury. So you would have thought fish oil for pregnant women would be a bad idea too, but you could in fact be wrong.

Pregnant women should of course consult with their doctor before starting on any kind of supplement, let alone fish oil, but if you get fish oil that has been processed in a particular way then there can be huge benefits for both the fetus and the mother. The process that the oil has to go through is molecular distillation. Basically this is a process of purifying the fish oil which means it should be perfectly safe to take. You do have to check that it has gone through this process though, as not all manufacturers do it.

Once you have found a fish oil that has undergone this treatment then the benefits that you get are all from the DHA fat to be found in it. Most supplements are higher in the other essential fat EPA but you really want one higher in DHA for the following reasons:-

  • Fetal Brain Development - The human brain is made up of about 60% fats and of that amount half again is DHA fats. Once developed the body does not make it any more and it has to come from an outside source. By taking a supplement the mother will be helping the baby because while its brain is being developed, it will be getting the best nourishment possible for it. It is believed that children born to mothers who have taken DHA during pregnancy have children that are less likely to have learning and attention disorders too.
  • Eye Development - As well as the brain having high levels of DHA so do the eyes. Again it is about 60% of the eye is made up of this essential fat; and although by taking it it will not stop a child having long or short sight if that is the way they are genetically made up, but it will help make sure that the retina is developed properly.
  • Asthma & Allergies - It has been reported that children whose mothers took DHA fats during pregnancy had very low numbers of children that suffered from asthma or allergies. Researchers are not 100% sure what causes these conditions but they think it is inflammation. Inflammation can overstimulate the immune system in the developing fetus causing the conditions but DHA which is well known for its anti inflammatory properties can stop this from happening.

One final thing about fish for pregnant women is that because of they way it feeds the brain it is known to help reduce the possibility of post natal depression too. So not only is it good for the baby but it helps out the mother as well.

How to Easily Get Pregnant - The Secret of Green Tea

For women looking up ways on how to easily get pregnant, green tea often gets a bad rap. The culprit for most of green tea's bad publicity, of course, is the caffeine contained within; caffeine has long been known as a deterrent to healthy pregnancies. However, recent studies show that you might want to think twice about tossing those tea bags in the trash can - green tea might actually help you improve your chances at conceiving.

Why Green Tea Got a Bad Rap for Pregnancy

No doubt, you've gotten or found a lot of advice about avoiding all sources of caffeine - coffee, cola, and tea are among the most common diet no-nos. Stimulants like caffeine tend to send the body into a sort of hyped-up state, decreasing your chances of conceiving. Caffeine is also a major diuretic, a substance that promotes urination. The more you urinate, the less chances your body has to absorb any nutrients floating in the body.

Another reason why tea used to be something to stay away from is the high amount of polyphenols it contains. Polyphenols are antioxidants, which would normally make them a good thing. Unfortunately, these same substances may reduce the body's ability to absorb iron and calcium, both of which are needed in greater quantities than normal during pregnancy.

Last but not the least, green tea's main active ingredient may block the enzyme your body needs to process folic acid. Folic acid is an essential part of early pregnancies, as the substance is a major factor in cell division. Without much activity from folic acid, cell division will slow down, and so will the development of the fetus. With all these reasons, it seems like green tea really isn't the best choice for those of you who are trying to conceive. What you might not know, however, is that green tea's got a little secret: despite all this, it might actually help you conceive easier.

Why Green Tea is Good for Conception

Several studies have recently shown that despite the caffeine, polyphenols, and the folic acid risks, women who consumed this tea have actually had an easier time conceiving than women who didn't. A study conducted by the Kaiser Permanente Medical Care Program found that women who drank green tea daily doubled their chances of conceiving. Another study published in the April 2004 edition of the Journal of Reproductive Medicine found that among women who took green tea pills, a stunning 33 percent got pregnant within six months of the program. Those who didn't take the pills didn't conceive at all.

So why is this particular tea helping all these women get pregnant more easily despite all of its warning signs? Unfortunately, there's no conclusive answer for that. The research, though encouraging, is still too young to be extremely significant. There are, however, bits of information that can help quell a few concerns about tea.

Won't Caffeine Cost Me?

Although green tea may contain nasty old Mr. Caffeine, it contains significantly less amounts of the stuff than caffeinated coffee or other teas. In fact, this type of tea has anywhere from about one-third to one-half of the amount of caffeine found in black tea. If taken in moderation, the relatively low amounts of caffeine in green type tea shouldn't be enough to do your chances of conceiving any harm.

The Problem with Polyphenols?

In spite of the possibility that polyphenols might block the absorption of iron and calcium, a study conducted at the University of California, Los Angeles found that polyphenols might actually help result in healthier births. Using the polyphenol-rich pomegranate juice as a means of research, scientists discovered that polyphenols may help prevent brain damage in developing fetuses and premature birth. Take note, though, that the study was conducted on mice, and so these results should be taken with a grain of salt. As the research continues, however, things are looking more and more promising for polyphenols to be beneficial for expectant mothers.

But Didn't You Say Green Tea Was the Enemy?

It was mentioned earlier that green tea's active ingredient might slow down the processing of folic acid in your system. You'll be glad to know, then, that the Kaiser Permanente study also found that the success rate of conception among women who took green tea wasn't due to the caffeine they were testing. It was something unique to the tea - something that wasn't present in the other substances they tested. What this means is that contrary to earlier beliefs about folic acid blockage, green type tea itself might be what helped the women get pregnant more easily.

Some Parting Advice

Before you get too excited, make sure you keep in mind that all this fascinating new research is still just a little too new to be completely reliable. You shouldn't treat green tea as the miracle drug you've been waiting for. However, with favorable results in several studies, green tea seems to have a few secrets worth looking into. In the meantime, it certainly wouldn't hurt to have a cup (or half a cup) of green type tea a day to boost your chances of conceiving. You can probably take decaffeinated green tea, or even green tea pills if you're concerned about any possible side effects, and as always, remember to check with your doctor before trying it. Good luck!

Thursday, August 22, 2013

7 Ways to Survive a Snoring Spouse

If your sweetheart snores you have a problem. A good night sleep is essential to good health and a healthy marriage. If your husband or wife snores, you might have trouble getting to sleep and staying asleep. All you need is love...and a good night's sleep.

If your snoring partner is keeping you awake, you have a couple choices. Either your partner can take some steps to stop snoring or you can learn to adapt. Lets look solutions which fit into both categories.

The snorer often isn't aware of the problem. Snoring might just be annoying, but it can also be a sign of sleep apnea. If a person has sleep apnea they may stop breathing for a few moments while they sleep and the snoring is a response. Here are a few steps to stop the snoring.

1. Sleep Apnea - Have you spouse see a doctor and be assessed for sleep apnea. If he or she is diagnosed with sleep apnea, treatment will follow.

2. Overweight - Snoring can be caused by obesity. If your partner is overweight dieting and exercising may reduce the night time serenades.

3. Eliminate common causes of snoring - Drinking and smoking can cause or increasing snoring. Reducing or eliminating these activities may help. Also try to avoid eating heavy meals just before sleep.

4. Over the counter remedies - There are several remedies available at your drug store. Ask your doctor or pharmacist for suggestions.

5. Sleep on side and not back - Try encouraging your partner to sleep on his or her side. Check out a maternity body pillow to help your spouse stay sideways.

If the snoring continues, you might choose to change some of your behaviors. Remember, marriages are happier when partners aren't exhausted.

6. Earplugs or white noise - You can try earplugs or playing some sort of music or recorded sounds to lull you into sleep. If you focus on the sounds of your choice you might be able to relax into sleep.

7. Different rooms - This might sound like a drastic solution, but having a good night sleep could help, not hinder your marriage.

Overeating While Pregnant

Pregnant women understand the importance of taking good care of themselves and watching what they put into their bodies during their pregnancy. We are cautioned to take great care to avoid alcohol, bad foods, drugs, cigarettes, certain prescription medications and anything that could cause problems for the baby. Many women, however, use being pregnant as an excuse to overeat unfortunately. You have probably heard or even used the expression "eating for two." The truth, though, is a little different. When tempted to overindulge, remember that you are not actually eating for two full sized adults and overeating during pregnancy can lead to a number of issues.

There are many health issues that women experience during pregnancy and overeating can contribute to making some of them worse. Back pain is a common problem that many expectant women deal with and one that is certainly exacerbated by gaining an unhealthy amount of weight due to overeating. Similarly, heartburn is something a lot of pregnant women are susceptible too and again overeating can make it much worse. It is often difficult to get a good night's sleep and if your stomach is churning from indigestion caused by eating too much then tossing and turning is virtually guaranteed. The delivery and losing the excess weight following delivery can both be made more difficult by overeating as well.

So what is a normal amount of pregnancy weight gain and what can be considered overdoing it? Most doctors and dietitians cite twenty five pounds as the expectation for the average woman. If you are underweight to start you may gain more and likewise if you are overweight when you get pregnant you may gain less. During your first trimester, you do not need to take in a great deal of additional calories. You may only gain five pounds during your first trimester. During the second and third trimesters, one pound a week is normal and two pounds a week is acceptable. Gaining more than two pounds a week could be an indication that you are overeating.

Some women experience cravings while others report feeling hungry almost constantly. Neither one of these feelings are a reason to overeat, however. We all have different dietary habits and metabolisms, but these issues can be combated by making slight changes to the way we eat. Eating more frequent smaller meals and getting some regular, light exercise are ways to avoid hunger. You can still eat the foods you crave and work them into a healthy eating plan as long as you do not overindulge.

We all know how important it is to watch what we put in our bodies while we are pregnant. Overeating though is something that all too often is overlooked. Talk to you doctor about eating healthy and expected weight gain. Take care not to overdo it so your pregnancy and your delivery can be as comfortable and as smooth as possible.

Free NHS Treatment for Pregnant Women

Good health is essential, most especially during pregnancy. In this regard, dental care for pregnant women is highly recommended, as well. This will prevent the expecting moms from acquiring gum diseases which usually results from hormonal imbalance. The good news is that, pregnant women in UK are entitled to free NHS dental treatments as prescribed.

In order to avail of these costless dental services including routine check-ups, you need to be pregnant during the time of treatment, or begin the course of therapy within 12 months after giving birth. Application of a Maternity Certificate (MATB1) or a Maternity Exemption Certificate (MatEx) will be necessary. This will ensure your eligibility for acceptance of this type of health benefit. You can obtain these forms from the doctors, midwives and health visitors. Your attending practitioner needs to sign, as well. This is to confirm all the information that you have filled-up.

If you are scheduled for treatment after your baby is born, you will be asked to present the infant's birth certificate for further proof. You are entitled to this free NHS dental care, only if you have recently delivered in the last 12 months. In cases of unfortunate loss of pregnancy, women may still avail of this NHS treatment without any charge. Additional requirements such as the stillbirth certificate will be requested, for your compliance.

After completion of the certificates and other requisites, you are ready to avail of the necessary NHS dental care free of charge. Dentists are expected to start the course of treatment, during the second trimester of gestation. The first and the later part of the third trimester is usually avoided for precautionary measures. An intensive medical assessment is done to check if it is safe to expose the pregnant woman to a particular dental procedure. If the condition of the patient is unfavorable, the doctor will opt to postpone any elective dental intervention, after the woman gives birth.

Routine check-ups with your dentist should not be skipped. Regular periodontal exams are very essential during this time. Proper dental care will prevent gum diseases and other illnesses which may increase pregnancy risks. It is highly recommended to stick with you dentist appointments as much as possible. With the NHS dental benefits, you do not have to worry about the cost that these treatments would entail. This is a great advantage that you should take, to promote health and wellness for you and your baby.

Some Interesting Ways to Help You Get Pregnant That You've Likely Never Heard Of

Here are some methods of helping aid in pregnancy that I have stumbled across over the years. In all probability, some of these you aren't likely familiar with. Keep in mind with these techniques that your mileage may vary.

1) North-South Sexual Position Alignment - Oriental Occultism has utilized North-South positioning for better sleeping, increased energy and well-being, and for increasing the chance of pregnancy for thousands of years. The woman should lay supine with her feet pointed South and her head pointed North. The man lays prone, on top of the woman (Missionary Position) with his head pointing North and Feet pointed South.

2) Sperm Competition Exploitation - There are many methods of encouraging the aggressiveness of sperm (for better chance of egg fertilization) through spermal competition. Two simple methods are:

A) Not the most ethical and a bit risky, to be sure. Introducing an extremely tiny amount of another man's semen into the vagina after the main partner has ejaculated into the vagina will create a sperm battle in the vagina and will make the partner's sperm more aggressive about fertilizing the egg. (When the sperm of two men are in the vagina at the same time, the sperm of each man will do battle with the other man's sperm. They will kill other sperm utilizing deadly enzymes, will form "gangs" of sperm to kill other sperm, and actually form "blockades" of sperm to block other sperm from reaching the egg. This is not science fiction, this is biological fact). Use this method at Your Own Risk due to potential fertilization by the man (or men) other than the partner.

B) Again, not the most ethical and a bit risky, hinting or convincing your partner that you might be sleeping with another man to get pregnant will make your partner naturally increase the quality and quantity of his sperm and, in all likelihood, create more fertilizing-aggressive sperm.

3) Pelvic Manual Therapy - This is a popular method for helping initiate pregnancy in Russia, as I understand it. I met a doctor in Moscow who claimed a 70% success rate with women who were unsuccessful with "conventional" methods. The bones of the pelvis and lower back are "aligned" through applying leverage to the legs and lower back. This stimulates neurological communication with the reproductive organs, as I am told. The closest Western equivalent would be osteopathy or chiropractic. Various forms of lower back, pelvic, and buttock massage can also used to "stimulate" the sexual organs which can heighten their function.

4) Pelvic Tissue Vasodilation - A relaxing hot bath, hot tub, or sauna session before sex, for the woman, is suggested. For the man, too, but not for more than five minutes, as long-term increased temperatures can be harmful to sperm. These methods increase blood flow to the pelvic regions and stimulate tissue function and response. Such adjuncts to sex also act as a libido for both partners and typically increase the intensity of pleasure experienced by the partners during the sexual act(s). Men who want healthy sperm should stay away from long-term sessions in saunas and hot tubs.

(As an interesting note, earlier in Eastern European history, saunas (for both men and women) were specifically utilized before sex to increase the likelihood of pregnancy. Saunas were also taken by both partners before the marriage ceremony, the belief being that a sauna session creates a clean mind and body {sauna is, after all, the cleanest form of bath possible} and this "cleanliness" is what the marriage consummation should use as a foundation. Babies were also typically born in the sauna. No surprise there, as the heat from the sauna session kills bacteria, the natural tannins in the sauna woods are also anti-bacterial in nature, and the heat from the sauna acted as a sedative to encourage relaxation for the woman, to decrease her pain during the pregnancy, and to make the overall childbirthing experience faster and easier.)

5) Post-Sex Orgasm Induction - Once a man has ejaculated into the woman (Missionary Position) the woman, even if she has already reached an orgasm, should be further stimulated to encourage an orgasm or, hopefully, more orgasms. The woman should clench her vaginal muscles as tightly as she can while the man withdraws his penis. This will ensure that more seminal fluid is left inside the vagina, as the vaginal walls will act as a makeshift penile squeegee. His penis should be removed while it is still erect, but not until he has contracted his penile and pubococcygeus muscles as many times and as tightly as he possibly can (to rid his penis of as much seminal fluid as possible). The woman should remain in the supinal-recumbent position. Her external genitalia should then be stimulated in order to encourage orgasm(s). The more the better. A vibrator is especially handy, in this case, when applied to the clitoris. Do not introduce any type of phallic device into the vagina during this post-intercourse stimulation phase.

The reason for inducing orgasm after a man has deposited his seminal fluid is because the cervix contracts (numerous times in cadence with pleasure sensations) when a woman is experiencing her orgasm. This creates a suction in the vagina and the fluidal contents (seminal fluid) of the vagina are then "slurped up" into the cervix via the cervical os. Achieving orgasm AFTER the man has deposited his seminal fluid in the vagina will greatly increase the odds of getting pregnant.

Of course, the utilization of pillows and what-have-you for better cervical-penile alignment and to decrease the potential for leakage of seminal fluid from the vagina should always play an important role for those people interested in increasing the chance of pregnancy.

It's also worth keeping in mind that other forms of medicine may also be quite helpful to increase the likelihood of pregnancy. Homeopathy, acupuncture, herbal supplements, and other methods may be helpful.

Always check with your obstetrician before attempting any of these methods.

Georg von Neumann

Medical Care During Pregnancy

An estimated 4 million American women give birth each year, and about one-third of these women will suffer from some type of complication. Many times, a doctor can detect and deter these problems, which means that prenatal care is very important for both a mother and her unborn baby. When a soon-to-be mother goes to the doctor, she is taking steps to protect both herself and her child.

You can start regular meetings with your doctor before you even get pregnant. If you are wanting to have a baby, you should visit your physician to make sure you are physically ready for pregnancy. This includes testing for diseases that can spread to your baby, like rubella or group B strep. Additionally, if you have a condition like diabetes or hypertension, you can discuss the best way to manage these problems so that you do harm your precious child. Before pregnancy, you can also discuss any hereditary diseases that run in your family.

Once you suspect that you are pregnant, you should make an appointment with your obstetrician two to four weeks after your first missed period. If you have not had previous testing for diseases, this is when doctors will check for any transmittable health problems. He or she will also do blood work, and help you find good prenatal vitamins to nourish both you and your child.

Even if you are healthy and normal, you should visit the doctor every four weeks through the 28th week of pregnancy. This is to check for any problems that may develop as well as to make sure that your child is growing correctly. After the 28th week, you must go every 2 weeks until the 36th week of pregnancy. From there, you should visit every week until delivery. Testing during these routine visits can keep a continuous watch for conditions like preeclampsia and gestational diabetes.

Routine medical care during pregnancy can help prevent health problems in the long run. However, it can be expensive to receive this treatment. In cases like this, you should make sure that you have a good health insurance provider who can help you pay these medical bills. To find the best health insurance plan for you, please contact the California health insurance agents from the Catherine Michaels Insurance Services today.

Masshealth - Finding a Health Insurance Company That is Right for You

With health insurance now mandatory in Massachusetts, people across the state are eager to find affordable Masshealth plans that offer quality coverage. Masshealth plans vary in the coverage they offer. As a consumer, it is important to understand the difference in Masshealth plans to know which is best for you.

Fortunately, Massachusetts law restricts health insurance companies from denying Masshealth coverage to someone due to health conditions or terminating them from a Mass health program for illness. This provides a safeguard for consumers of Masshealth programs that health insurance consumers in other parts of the country do not have.

Masshealth plans can differ significantly from plans offered elsewhere. Many of the larger companies do not offer Masshealth plans. Those that do offer Masshealth plans strive to provide a superior product.

What to Consider When Choosing a Masshealth plan

Most Masshealth plans do not include dental benefits. If you feel that you will need dental coverage, it will be an additional charge to factor into your health insurance budget. Vision benefits are covered by many Masshealth programs. For example, the Blue Cross Blue Shield PPO Mass health program offers 80% coverage on one eye exam every two years.

Coverage of women's health issues are something to be critical of when choosing health insurance. Masshealth programs often treat gynecological examinations in the same way as vision examinations by defining them by a number of examinations within a period of time. Many Masshealth programs have very specific rules and increased rates for maternity care.

Age is an important factor in deciding on a Masshealth program. How does health insurance coverage for children vary from that of adults under different Masshealth plans? Often, Masshealth plans have restrictions and price differences in relation to age. This can greatly impact coverage under a Mass health program for an older person.

All of these issues should be taken into consideration when choosing a Masshealth program. The more coverage offered by a Mass health insurance program for various medical issues will increase the overall price of the plan. At times the initial coverage of the Masshealth plan will require supplemental health insurance for problems that may not be covered, such as dental, or are minimally covered, such as vision. Choosing an appropriate Masshealth plan requires balancing the benefits of a plan against the cost of coverage, including the deductible.

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Help Falling Pregnant? - 3 Tips You Can Use Today

Increasing your chances of conceiving a baby does not mean you have to have complex procedures and/or costly hormonal treatments. Some of the simplest tips like avoiding unhealthy habits and carefully watching your ovulation calendar can go a long way toward helping you fall pregnant. Here are a few pregnancy tips that you can get started with.

Tip One: Stay away from cigarette smoke - even second hand smoke

Studies have shown that smoking decreases fertility. According to the British Medical Association, female smokers are 40% less likely to conceive than women who do not smoke. Researchers hypothesize that some of the hundreds of chemicals found in cigarettes initiate an imbalance of hormones, which can create irregular menstrual cycles or lack of ovulation. In addition, chemicals in cigarette smoke may also cause abnormalities in mature eggs. A final note about smoking: if a smoker does get pregnant, she's still at a higher risk of an early miscarriage than her non-smoking friends.

Just because you are a non-smoker does not necessarily mean you are in the clear. Passive smoking, or inhaling secondhand smoke, has also been linked the increased likelihood of infertility or miscarriages. To protect yourself simply stay away from cigarette smoke. This is true even if your partner smokes. One thing you can share with him is that cigarette smoke has been linked to lower sperm counts.

Tip Two: Use foreplay to liven your sex life up

A normal problem for couples that are trying to conceive is a lack of excitement in their sex lives. With the stresses of work, the pressure of a ticking biological clock and busy daily routines, sex simply may not be as juicy as it used to be. So, instead of going straight to intercourse, experts recommend spending time in foreplay. Foreplay has been shown to increase your fertility in a couple of ways. First, foreplay will help you relax more. Second, longer foreplay also encourages natural vaginal lubrication. This is especially important if you are on fertility drugs as they tend to cause vaginal dryness.

Tip Three: Use sex positions that help conception

When trying to fall pregnant experts also recommend that you use a position to make conception easier. The traditional sex position with the male on top is one of the best because sperm need only to travel a short distance to the uterus. Another positive position for conception is the rear entry position, with the woman either on her hands and knees or on her stomach. One final suggestion from fertility specialists is that women lie down on their backs after intercourse and "bicycle" for several minutes. This is reported to help the sperm arrive faster.

Conception Tips That Will Help You Get Pregnant - Guaranteed

Do you have a problem in giving birth? In this our day and society there are quite a lot of challenges that most women have in making babies. And quite a lot of expecting mother is not aware of the things that affect them. While some are busy working here and there and therefore unable to look out and settle to find out where the problem is coming from and what can be done to get rid of it. In this article, we will be discussing on the conception tips to help you get pregnant.

There have been a difficulty in giving birth for the modern mother and this is because of stress. Stress is a very dangerous element and it comes in different form, some are physical, emotional, mental stress. And also certain foods that are been consumed are not nutritious enough to enable a baby to be formed in the womb.

I would advice that the first thing that you should do is to get in touch with your doctor as there are lots of health issues that can cause infertility in a woman. There are two type; Thyroid issue and the imbalance in the sugar level. With the assistance of the doctor, you will be able to get off from your body.

But in a situation where stress happens to be the issue of infertility, then you have to get a very good method that is most suitable by you to get rid of it. Some methods that you can apply is the relaxation methods which includes the Meditation, yoga, hypnosis, exercise. Like I said earlier the choice is yours, you can take which ever one you prefer among the listed ones.

Also if you notice that the problem came due to malnutrition, then you will have to do something about it by changing the diet and as well taking lots of vitamins and mineral supplements to help you acquire the right nutrition to get pregnant. Certain vitamins that can b e of help are: Vitamin c, folic acid, B vitamins, zinc, Herbs like raspberry leaf, stinging nettles. They all can serve as conception tips that can enable you get pregnant.

Hoarding Disorder - How to Tell When There is a Problem

Hoarding disorder is a compulsive psychological condition which causes the individual to feel that everything around them or that they see should be saved or rescued, and is classified as a form of obsessive compulsive personality disorder. There is another type of hoarding disorder that is caused by delusional issues, where the person is completely out of touch with the world as we see it. These are quite serious and debilitating conditions, and require the expert and long term care of both a medical and psychological expert. Dealing with the messes and nests of those with hoarding disorder is a very painful and horrifying experience for the person inflicted, making the recovery process excruciating. Clean up and monitoring are both extremely important.

To view the home of a person with hoarding disorder can be a difficult and often unsanitary thing to deal with as well. It is quite normal to see every corner, crevice, surface, and all floor space covered to the top with junk. Some hoarders are rather orderly with their presentation and storage of odds and ends, but this will eventually spill over into mayhem as well. It will become impossible for even the most meticulous hoarder to hide the disorder for too long, and any warning signs should be tended to right away. Again, this is not a condition of laziness or selfishness, this is a very real and serious mental condition which takes over easily and is difficult to overcome.

Hoarding disorder can be a dangerous and unsanitary condition to deal with as well, especially when litter, garbage, food, or animals are involved. Food hoarders are highly susceptible to invasions from bugs and wild animals, while animal hoarders are putting themselves and innocent living creatures at risk of ill health, starvation, over crowding, and death. Some victims of this disorder are a bit luckier in the obsession which chooses to take them over. Bibliomania is a form of hoarding disorder, for example, and because books are such a common and well loved thing to so many people, it can be considered normal for people to collect great numbers of them over the years. The absolute stock piling and storing of them until there is no room left in the cupboards, on the shelves, on the sofa, or along the walls on the floor is a great indication of an obsessive compulsive hoarding disorder.

When there seems to be no rhyme nor reason to the things that a person is hanging onto, the hoarding disorder that they suffer is usually classified as the delusional type. This type of condition knows no logic or order, the person is just unable to see what's around them in a common on proper context. The disorder of this nature is basically a result of nothing ever leaving the home.

Five Kinds Of Exercise That Help Bring On Labor

Exercise is frequently recommended as a natural method to induce labor. Exercise is especially helpful in getting your baby to descend, and in encouraging him or her to engage better. There are at least five types of exercise you could do when your pregnancy is full term, to encourage your baby to get born.

Walking as a method for natural labor induction

Walking keeps you upright and helps your baby to descend. This exerts downward pressure on the cervix, taking you closer to cervical effacement and dilation. The pressure your baby's head places on your cervix also increases local release of oxytocin, which in turn brings on labor.

In addition to helping your baby to get into the right position, walking is also good for you. Walking is excellent cardio-vascular training, and can be done by most people; besides it doesn't require a gym or any special equipment. Walking improves blood circulation, respiration, as well as muscle tone. It keeps you fit to cope with the onset of labor, and be ready to welcome the newborn.

If you can, walk in the mornings when the air is fresher and less polluted. Wear comfortable shoes and also carry a big umbrella. It's good to have one, in case you want to lean on something to relieve any strain on your back. And of course, it's useful if it gets too sunny, or starts to rain.

Does climbing stairs really help to start labor?

It's often said that in hospitals midwives ask you to walk upstairs and down, in order to get the early stage of labor to go faster.

Climbing stairs has the same effect that walking does. It helps your baby to engage better, your cervix to dilate, and also increases the oxytocin level in the cervical area. Additionally, lifting your legs, one after the other, in order to move on to the next step opens up your pelvis. This makes more room for your baby and helps in bringing on labor. The slight swinging motion and small accelerated movements while going up, and the little bumps while stepping down, all help your baby to position himself or herself better for the labor.

Remember, it is important that you don't exhaust yourself climbing stairs, trying to get faster into labor. You should know your own limits, and must listen to your body signals.

How about swimming in order to bring on labor?

Swimming is another excellent exercise that helps bring on labor. The breaststroke especially is said to have this effect.

Remember to wear goggles and follow proper swimming techniques. If you keep your head above the water all the time while swimming, your spine will curve unnaturally. This is likely to strain your back, which is already coping with the extra weight of your belly.

If you don't know the right techniques, don't let that stop you! If you can swim a little bit, it becomes surprisingly easy to learn the proper technique for swimming breaststroke. Contact a swimming teacher for a lesson.

Immersing your body in water, when you are heavily pregnant, is truly a joyous experience. The water supports your body and takes off weight from your feet and joints. If you are suffering from swollen feet at the end of your pregnancy, the slight pressure of water will relieve this common problem comfortably.

It is indeed worth going to the pool or to the beach to enjoy the benefits of water and of swimming, to help bring on your labor and to get relief from swollen feet!

Does squatting help in starting labor faster?

Squatting opens your pelvis and makes labor easier, because it helps your baby to move down the birth canal and also creates more room for him or her to be born. Squatting can help you to get to labor faster, in case it doesn't start because the baby is too high.

The squatting position helps your baby to descend and engage into your pelvis. After your baby has engaged well, it's less probable that she or he will be able to turn anymore. This means that you should squat only when your baby is in the right position for birth. This position is called the anterior position in which the baby is head down and facing your back. If your baby is in a posterior position -- back against your back -- or in the breech position head up, it's important not to encourage him or her to descend. Your baby has to turn into the optimal, anterior birth position before you do any squatting.

Swinging -- could exercise for natural labor induction be more convenient?

Using a swing results in a small G-force that encourages your baby to descend. To try this type of physical exercise in starting your labor, find a safe swing in which you can be stably seated.

All these exercises can be the last bit of natural encouragement your full term baby needs to be born. It's always good to exercise. It's never too late, and even a little of physical exercise goes a long way, and is an improvement on doing nothing at all. Exercise helps your labor to start and also keeps you fit. When you are physically in good condition, you will feel great and are able to resist stress and illnesses much better. So, go for a walk around your block, or to the nearest park to use a swing!

Hemorrhoids and Pregnancy - All You Need To Know

Hemorrhoids occur when the rectal area's veins becomes enlarged. Though minor and can be treated via a change in lifestyle, it can cause significant discomfort especially when sitting down. Some symptoms of hemorrhoids, such as rectal bleeding, are also indicators of more dangerous illnesses. Once this occurs, a doctor should be consulted immediately. Though an embarrassing condition, hemorrhoids are actually experienced by most people at least once in their life. Hemorrhoid and Pregnancy is even more common.

Why is hemorrhoid during pregnancy more common?

Hemorrhoids are triggered by an assortment of causes whether or not one is pregnant. Some factors that bring about this ailment are genetics and your natural body makeup, your lifestyle, the weakness of your rectal walls and yes, pregnancy.

Pregnant women are prone for similarly varied reasons. These are listed below.

1. Constipation regularly occurs to pregnant women. This is due to the increase in progesterone a pregnant woman has. Progesterone relaxes the smooth muscles in the body. This would result in more sluggish digestion because the food moves through the intestine more slowly. Hemorrhoid in the third trimester is even more common because the uterus is impressing upon the rectum which also increases the occurrence of constipation. The strain caused by constipation irritates the rectum which causes the vessels to swell.

2. The enlargement of a pregnant woman's uterus. The pressure the uterus exerts on the inferior vena cava, which is the large vein that transports the deoxygenated blood from the base are of the body to the heart, and the pelvic veins cuts of circulation to the bottom part of the body and triggers the swelling of your rectal veins.

How can a woman who is pregnant evade hemorrhoids?

Though common among pregnant women, there are still ways to reduce the risk mainly by doing activities that would help increase the speed of your digestion. Start with your diet. You can circumvent the acquisition of constipation by eating food that is chockfull of fiber. Fiber rich foods include whole wheat, grains, fruits and vegetables. Ingesting water constantly helps speed up digestion by keeping the body hydrated. Chewing food thoroughly and slowly also decreases the work your body needs to do to break down the food. Even just eating moderately can aid digestion. Over eating would lead to your body working overtime to break down the food which often results in constipation. Exercise can also help prevent hemorrhoids as a known method of increasing the speed of digestion. For pregnant women, slow walks and various exercises are available. Sitting down for really long periods of time also contributes to the presence of hemorrhoids so avoid doing so.

What can I do if I already have hemorrhoids?

Using sitz baths, which is when you sit on a basin of water or soak in a bathtub, helps in relieving hemorrhoids. You can also press an ice to the concerned area to decrease the swelling. Alternating the two methods also eases the discomfort. If all the above home remedies did not cure your ailment, your doctor can best suggest a pregnancy safe cream or other treatment.

Although hemorrhoid and pregnancy are common partners, in most pregnant women, hemorrhoids disappear shortly after giving birth.

Confinement Food and How it Can Benefit New Mothers Post Childbirth

The exertions of childbirth can significantly weaken any female, especially if she doesn't take extra care to recuperate and recover her strength.

Post delivery confinement relates to very specific post-natal care for one month after childbirth, commonly known as the confinement period. It is primarily a Chinese practice to use food as a form of therapy during this one-month period to replenish the strength and revitalize the general health of the new mother.

It is fundamentally believed that the confinement period is a crucial phase where the new mother can fully optimize her postnatal recovery through a distinctive diet aimed at strengthening her "weakened" post delivery condition as well as minimizing an assault of ailments from developing later.

A unique diet comprising an array of confinement food is tailored towards ensuring the new mother overcome health conditions frequently related to childbirth. These may include fatigue, hair loss, back aches, "wind" in the body, anaemia etc.

Another reason why so much emphasis is placed on the confinement diet is because certain ingredients used in confinement food recipes provide extremely good nutrition aimed at boosting the body for lactation and milk production. One common confinement dish consumed mainly for increasing milk flow is Fish & Papaya Soup.

Vital ingredients commonly found in confinement food recipes would include sesame oil, ginger, black vinegar, eggs, rice wine, red dates, black fungus, pepper, Chinese wolfberry (Gou Qi), lily flower, Polygonum (He Shou Wu), Angelica (Dang Gui), etc.

As a whole, the postnatal diet using these ingredients is aimed towards helping to:

1. Dispel "wind".
2. Purge post-delivery stale blood.
3. Boost good intestinal digestion.
4. Purify the blood and cleanse the arteries.
5. Improve internal strength and vitality.
6. Enhance blood circulation.
7. Overcome post-delivery fatigue.
8. Prevent back aches.
9. Prevent postnatal hair loss.

Hence, despite being a traditional practice, many contemporary mothers who realistically follow the confinement dietary repertoire can attest to its effectiveness in enhancing postnatal recovery; thus explaining why it is still very widely practised in the Chinese community for so many years.

Modern working mothers who have no prior knowledge about cooking should not be unduly stressed about their special dietary requirements during the confinement period. One solution is to hire a confinement nanny (also known as a confinement lady) to take charge of the cooking on top of helping with various post-natal chores.

For those who are not prepared to incur excessive expenditure to fulfill these errands which their maids are fully capable of managing, professional confinement food catering offers an ideal solution to address the issue.

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

DHA Prenatal - Information on the Safest and Best Supplement

DHA prenatal supplements have been proven to be of paramount importance for women during pregnancy. This is due to the fact that DHA is very important for the early development and growth of the fetus. It is also important for the mother, and deficiencies can be damaging.

About 30% of the brain is composed of DHA. This is why the proper formation of the brain during fetal development is due to using a DHA prenatal supplement. But DHA is also found in the foundational material of the eyes, so it is important for that too. As well as many other areas of the body.

Prenatal DHA supplements can also guard against possible pregnancy problems. This includes preventing miscarriage, stillborn and preterm.

A baby draws on its mother's supply of DHA and therefore her DHA levels lower dramatically. If she fails to supply both herself and her child with DHA then it is a very likely that she will have post natal depression.

But it's not just about preventing drawbacks, prenatal DHA supplements bring many benefits too. Your child may have better hand-eye coordination and is more likely to have an IQ of 115 or over if you use a fish oil dietary supplement.

However, not all fish based oils will bring you these benefits. Some are sub-standard and won't be effective as others. They might also not be as safe.

Eating too much fish during pregnancy may result in mercury poisoning. To avoid this condition but to still supply you and your child with DHA, you can take a molecularly distilled supplement.

This process purifies and concentrates the fish oil before it is encapsulated. This makes it safe to consume by removing all kinds of harmful chemicals.

These include mercury, lead, PCBs and arsenic.

That's why the best and safest DHA prenatal supplement is one which has undergone molecular distillation. It will bring you the most benefits to your health.

Other things you need to know are the correct ratio of fatty acids and also the freshness of the fish oil. These will also contribute to a better supplement.

Surrogacy Overseas - Surrogacy Treatment at Lower Cost

Surrogacy can prove to be very expensive, but is a blessing for childless couples. One's insurance for health care may not provide sufficient funds, and it is worse for those with no such insurance. The only way prospective parents can make the process a little less expensive is to have the surrogacy overseas. In other words, prospective parents have to ask a surrogate mother from another country to bear the child.

One of the best countries to look for a surrogate mother is India. Here the cost of surrogacy is much cheaper than most places. Statistics show in America surrogacy can cost around thirty to sixty thousand dollars, while in India it is no more than three thousand dollars. One can save around twenty-seven to fifty-seven thousand dollars which the parents can use to raise the baby.

Also, many women in India will be eager to be surrogate mothers owing to their poor economic status. They welcome people from overseas as it means good money for them.

In addition, there are very strict legal procedures which the overseas governments will follow which become beneficial for both the surrogate mother and the intended parents.

Other countries which are equally good are Nepal and Pakistan. Women in these countries want to improve their financial status through surrogacy.

One can do research on your own before contacting agencies abroad. Searching the yellow pages, Internet and newspapers are good resources too. One can then contact the agencies and ask them about the costs before making the final commitment. One also needs to take into account the traveling costs. Whatever the cost, it is sure to be a whole lot cheaper than surrogacy in America.

Tips on Making Ribbon Hair Bows

It's very easy to make lovely hair bows. You can create any type of bow that you want which in any pattern or color. They can easy or may be difficult/complicated as you want. Hair bows make a nice addition to, even simple, ponytails. Here's how to make them:

You will need:

-    Ribbon (see below for amounts)
-    Velcro fastening or hair clip
-    Hot glue gun and glue sticks
-    Floral wire or any other thin wire
-    Fray check

Cut the ribbon. To make a baby bow, you need one foot of one inch wide ribbon. Use wider ribbon if you are making a bow for an older child or for an adult. A large bow of 5 inches wide can be made with 30 inches of ribbon while a 3 inch wide bow can be constructed with just 18 inches of ribbon.

Next, fasten the bow. Make a bow same you would when fastening a shoestring. For a more full appearance, attach several bows to one clip.

Now you need to get the bow ready for the clip. To begin, neatly trim the ribbon's ends. Make even the loops of the bow to matching size. Clip the ends of the ribbon. There are many ways to cut them:  straight, crinkly, zig zag or in a V-shape. Apply the fray check to prevent fraying at the ends of the ribbon. It is time to warm up your hot glue gun.

Take care not to burn yourself when using a hot glue gun; it has that name for a reason. Fasten a bow along the clip. Attach your bow, with a hot glue gun, to a small section of Velcro to create a baby size bow. You can paste the bow onto a difference of clips or barrettes procurable at most discount stores. When you're using a glue gun, take care not to touch the tip, since the metal gets hot and will burn your hand. Additionally, avoid using to much glue which will spill over the edges of the Velco or hair clip. Another thing you can do is to stitch a hair bow on top of an elastic tie, so that you can use the bow at the end of the braid.

If you would like to make a fancier bow, tie it with ribbon in two different colors or thread the ribbon through lace for a bow for something like a party dress. You could purchase many lengths of ribbon to match the size you've chosen. Bows can be made in any color, or pattern, to complement an outfit.

Can a Surrogate Mother Get HIV Or STDs?

A lot of women keep asking what chances they have getting infected while playing the surrogate for a mom who is HIV positive. We know that AIDS is transported from one body to the other in many different ways. But will carrying an HIV positive mom's egg lead to the same thing? Read more...

To go to the core of this query, the first thing a woman should do is educating herself about home surrogacy. Take the instance of a government funded clinic in America. It recently came to the headlines by refusing to assist in any type of surrogacy for homosexual men couple.

Both of these two persons were carrying HIV-positive. Their whole scheme here was to fertilize an ovum off a female donor with sperms from one of those gay men and then implanting that within a 2nd female who had previously agreed to bear the pregnancy.

However, the gay couple challenged the decision of the surrogacy clinic on logical grounds. They emphasized on the point that there were hardly any research findings that documented any cases of HIV-positive sero-conversion within the recipients of the gametes off HIV-positive donors.

They also challenged the decision as they had evidence that a woman was clearly agreed for carrying the pregnancy. Still, though that clinic was offering assisted conception to both the HIV-discordant gay couples (and as same-sex couples, they denied to undergo this procedure.

Their argument was that those superseding ethical concern in such a case was to protect of the prospective surrogate mom from getting HIV infection. If it was assumed that the risk of this woman's getting an HIV infection was zero without the surrogacy contract, or implantation of that fertilized egg. However, due care was undertaken for reducing the risk of this unusual HIV transmission - this, they felt would fully eliminate the risk for that surrogate woman.

But all these arguments were turned down by the ethics committee, as it expressed clear supports to the decision of the clinic regarding not performing the process or their reasoning behind it.

As you understand how vague the situation is. And it should be also clear by now that it's tough to give a verdict on whether a surrogate mom should carry an egg from an infected woman. The decision can be only directed by your ethics. Hence different people may have different view points regarding this. Consider the case of the following women when she commented on the above mentioned case.

When she was 13, this woman found that she was born with NO UTERUS! At the age of 19, her initial sexual encounter was a horror when she came to know that the sex made her HIV positive. Just 2 years later she met her husband who happens to be a great person. This guy as well was HIV-positive. The woman found hope that she's found someone at least who she could consider her life partner.

Despite being HIV positive she found her love. Now wonders whether she can get a surrogate mom who'd want to carry her baby knowing she is HIV-positive!

Overcome Infertility - Fertility and Fruit and Vegetables

As we mentioned in previous articles, infertility is defined as the inability of a couple to conceive after 12 months of unprotected sexual intercourse. It effects over 5 millions couple alone in the U. S. and many times more in the world. Because of an unawareness of treatments, only 10% seeks help from professional specialist.We have spent most of the time in this series discussing the conventional and Chinese medicine in treating fertility. I believe, it is the best time to change the subject by discussing how fruit and vegetables effects fertility

I. Definition
While fruit is defined as any fleshy material covering a seed or seeds and vegetable is defined as a herbaceous (green and leaf like in appearance or texture) plant cultivated for an edible part, as roots, stems, leaves or flowers, but in in daily language, the words "fruit" and "vegetable" are interchangeable.

II. How fruit and vegetables effects fertility
1. Load of vitamins and minerals
As we mentioned in some other articles, fruit and vegetable contain high amount of vitamins and minerals that is vital for over all health, including the reproductive organs. People eat less of above may cause nutrients deficiency, distorting the normal process of conception.

2. Low GI index
Most fruit and vegetable are low GI foods that helps to release glucose slowly into the blood stream, thereby decreasing the risks of blood sugars fluctuation, causing low sperm quality in men and distorting the menstrual cycle process in women.

3. Anti inflammation
Some food such as garlic, ginger and pepper contains high amount of antioxidants, that not only help to improve immune function in fighting against forming of irregular cells growth, but also prevent the inflammation of the pelvic region.

4. Blood flow
Garlic, ginger, onion, etc also help to improve the blood flow to the reproductive organs. By making the blood thinner, they increase the blood in transportation of nutrients and oxygen for our body cell need, including the reproductive organ, leading to decreasng the risk of low quality sperm in men and poor quality eggs in women.

5. Nervous symptoms
Some fruit and vegetable help to increase the body in fat and protein metabolism, thereby increasing the nervous cells in transmitting information between themselves and glands, thus decreasing the risk of nervous symptoms such as fatigue, stress, depression, anxiety, etc.

There are many other benefits of fruit and vegetable that we can not mention them all, but if you believe in transitional Chinese medicine, then you must choose your foods carefully without distorting the yin and yang qi in your body.

Foods to Help You Get Pregnant Fast

If you are hoping to have a baby in the next year or so, you may be considering what could help you achieve this quickly and whether there are any foods to help you get pregnant fast.

Our diet plays a huge part in determining our overall health and as far as pregnancy is concerned, what we eat can make a big difference. The consumption of a poor diet is a contributory factor in a lower rate of conception, whereas eating a healthy balanced diet can improve your chances significantly.

Fruits and vegetables are great to eat for overall good health and this is particularly relevant when you are hoping to conceive. It is always best to eat organic produce and if not, ensure they are well-washed or peeled to remove traces of pesticides. Our bodies ideally require a high level of vitamins and minerals to help both with conception and with the developing pregnancy.

Iron rich foods are required too and this group includes lean red meats and chicken, green leafy vegetables such as cabbages, broccoli and kale. If you feel you are short of iron, this is a good time to seek your doctors advice, who may advise you to take a supplement. Protein should be eaten in the form of soya, nuts, seeds and cereals along with lean meats, eggs and dairy products which are all good foods to help you get pregnant fast.

Folic acid is considered essential for women trying to become pregnant and very often breakfast cereals and bread are fortified with this nutrient. Orange juice is also a good source as are dark green leafy vegetables.
Other foods to help you get pregnant fast include milk, yogurt and cheese, all of which are good sources of calcium.

Monday, August 19, 2013

Risks to Avoid During Early Pregnancy

Week by week your pregnant body will be changing and working extra hard to cope, so it makes sense to take extra care of yourself and avoid unnecessary risks especially in the first trimester. But don't be alarmed by the multitude of scare stories you mat hear. In reality, there is no reason why, with a bit of extra care and some common sense lifestyle changes, you can't sail through your pregnancy without putting either your baby or yourself in danger.

Here are some of the risks to avoid:-


It's preferable for you and your partner to give up smoking before getting pregnant, but it should certainly be done as soon as pregnancy is confirmed. Smoking in pregnancy has been linked to premature birth and low-birth weight babies and to babies developing respiratory illnesses and it increases the risk of cot death.


Drinking alcohol can harm your baby. There is no safe limit, so it really is best to stop drinking altogether. If you do drink alcohol during pregnancy the Department of Health advice is to limit yourself to one or two standard units of alcohol once or twice a week (one standard pub measure of wine, half pint of cider, beer or lager) and NEVER binge drink (more than five standard measures).


Drinking over 200mg of caffeine a day can increase the risk of low birth weight babies and miscarriage.

Certain foods

P璽t矇, peanuts, under-cooked eggs and blue-vein or mould-ripened crust cheeses can be hazardous to your baby.


This is a parasite that lives in unpasteurised milk and cheeses, under-cooked meat, soil grown vegetables and cat faeces. It can also be caught through contact with lambing. It's only a problem if you become infected with it for the first time while you are pregnant and can cause miscarriage, birth defects and stillbirth.

Avoid the foods listed above, wear gloves to change cat litter, do the gardening or if lambing. Always cook meat thoroughly and wash all fruit and vegetables.

Prescription and over-the-counter medicines

It is best to avoid all drugs during the first 3 months, unless they are for a pre-existing medical condition, such as asthma, and have been prescribed by your GP.

Abdominal x-rays

All x-rays use radiation, which can harm your baby so they must only be used in situations where your condition is life-threatening. Dental x-rays are considered safe, but you must always tell your dentist you are pregnant.

Chickenpox and other viral diseases

Most adults have had chickenpox in childhood and are therefore immune to the disease. If chickenpox is caught in pregnancy there is a risk to both mother and baby. Viral diseases such as measles and slap cheek syndrome may affect your pregnancy and your unborn baby so always seek immediate medical advice if you have had contact with these.

Choosing the Domino Scheme

The Domino scheme means, in theory, that one midwife looks after you throughout your pregnancy, goes into hospital with you for the delivery, and accompanies you home again a few hours afterwards. Although the scheme isn't available everywhere and in practice you may not have the same midwife with you in labour who looked after you during pregnancy, research suggests that it's a very popular scheme with women. It gives them the satisfaction of developing an excellent relationship with one midwife whom they can confide in and whom they can trust to help them achieve the kind of birth they want. You may, however, have to be persistent if you want to choose a Domino delivery.

Schemes very similar to Domino are likely to be available to more women in the future. This is because a recent government report, called Changing Childbirth, recommends that women should see just a few midwives for their maternity care. At present, it's quite likely that the midwife whom you see at your GP's surgery will not be the mid¬wife who helps you give birth, or that, if you are going to the hospital for your antenatal checks, you see a different midwife and doctor every time you have an appointment. This makes it very difficult for the health professionals to get to know you and for you to get to know them. All over the country, the way in which midwives work is now being changed and soon, pregnant women should find them¬selves being looked after by a small team of midwives who will take responsibility for them from when they find out they are pregnant until after the birth of their babies. This will make it much easier for women to get information about their choices for birth, to ask questions and to feel relaxed with their carers. Perhaps it's never been such a good time to be pregnant!

4 Tactics to Help You Get Pregnant Fast

In an ongoing effort to get pregnant fast there are a number of tactics you can use to improve your odds of getting pregnant sooner rather than later.

#1 Understanding your cycle:

Your cycle is fairly regular and usually on the 14th day of your cycle your ovaries will release an egg that if fertilized, you will become pregnant. Once the egg is released, this is the opportune time to become pregnant. Getting this time right is of the utmost importance.

#2 Frequency of Sex:

Having sex during this time frame is crucial. There is no such thing as too much sex during the ovulation cycle. Sex once a day for about one week will ensure that you improve your opportunity to get pregnant. Sex three or four times a week will also increase your chances of getting pregnant fast, and this needs very little planning.

In actual fact the more spontaneous and fun it is the better.

#3 Living healthy:

Maintain a healthy weight, eat foods that are free of Trans fats and have a low fat content associated with them. Women's once a day type vitamins are also recommended as a crucial part in staying healthy and getting pregnant fast. Additionally make sure you are taking folic acid.

#4 Planning:

Consider any preconception planning if you or your partner has any health issues. Staying healthy, eating well, an active sex life and knowing your bodies signals, are all factors that will help you to get pregnant.

In conclusion, keep it simple and let nature take its course.

Essentials That a Newborn's Mother Must Have!

Some of the essential items that mothers of newborns should have are:

Breast pumps: Breast pumps are mechanical devices that help lactating women extract milk from their breasts. There are two main type of breast pumps, manual operated and electric or battery operated. Unlike dairy milking machines, breast pumps don't suck the milk out from the breast instead they stimulate the milk ejection response. Most women use breast pumps to continue breast feeding after they have returned to work and to keep up with their toddler's unusual feeding timings.

Skin cream: The newborn baby needs constant care and attention. Diaper rashes and dry skin are some of the common ailments that affect babies. A variety of skin creams are available to tackle this. Post-pregnancy, women also use anti-marks creams to reduce the stretch marks around their abdomen.

It's a good idea to buy these products before the baby is born. All such products should be checked thoroughly to ensure that no hazardous chemicals or allergenic substances are used in them. A good idea is to check with your friends and family for recommendations. Your doctor could also recommend some creams. If you use cloth diapers, then the baby could get a nappy rash which causes them great discomfort. A diaper rash cream which soothes them is the perfect solution. The baby's skin is still very soft and requires constant care and hence using a baby lotion or oil is a good idea.

Maternity wear: During pregnancy, expectant mothers need to wear clothes that are loose and comfortable. Also post pregnancy they need clothes that will suit their body size. Nowadays maternity clothing is available in various styles and sizes which means that pregnant women do not have to wear dreary gowns to be comfortable. Various tops and stretch pants are available in a variety of fabrics that are suitable for pregnant women.

Mothercare Products: These are products that make it easier for the mother to care for her new born. These include items like new mother clothes, baby soother nipples, disposable breast pads that help feed toddlers, feeding bottles, pacifiers, baby bath lotions,shampoos and baby products, pregnancy pillows that are specially shaped to accommodate expectant mothers, maternity belts which help pregnant women avoid back pain and spasms, nursing bras that help mothers feed their babies.

These are just some of the multitude of products that are available for expectant mothers. Nowadays most of these products are available online and can be delivered to your doorstep. However one thing that must be noted is that all these products should be researched and checked before being used. The health of the new born and the mother is paramount.