Saturday, December 21, 2013

Confinement Nanny Duties: How Far Should It Go?

There is a bit of controversy over what modern day confinement lady should be expected to do when they are hired to work for a new mother. It is a given that a confinement nanny will help with all aspects of care for the baby, but how far should they go to help the new mother? Should they be expected to do any or all of the following things?

• Cook meals for the entire family
• Wash laundry for the entire family
• Scrub floors
• Scrub bathrooms and the kitchen
• Clean up after meals and wash dishes
• Tend to older children in the family
• Pick up after the husband
• Serve guests that come into the home

For most of these items, a confinement nanny today would say absolutely no. The distinction needs to be made between a made or general hired help for the home and a confinement nanny. It's like hiring a nanny to help take care of older children. They are there for childcare, not to perform housework or to service the mother so she doesn't have to get up.

There are different types of hired help and a nanny hired specifically for the confinement period is different from all other types of help. This nanny is in charge of helping to care for the newborn, but not necessarily other children in the home. They are in charge of making sure the mother is comfortable, gets adequate amounts of rests, and is healing as she should. This doesn't necessarily mean that the nanny should cook meals for the entire family and do everyone's laundry.

The job of a confinement nanny should not mirror that of a maid hired to keep the house clean. There has to be a line where the duties of the confinement nanny are respected and lines are not crossed.

Communication is Key

Some confinement lady will step up and do these other household tasks, but they will usually want to be compensated for the extra effort. Others will only do a specific list of tasks that are commonly expected of a confinement nanny today. It doesn't matter what nannies may have done in the past. Things are a bit different today and communication right from the start is essential.

Before you contact an agency to hire a nanny, you should have a good idea of how much help will be needed, how long the services will be needed, and specifically what duties need to be covered. You can then communicate your needs clearly to a nanny service to see if they have someone who can accommodate all of those needs. If they don't, you will either have to use another service or hire more than one person to make sure everything is covered.

For instance, you may need to hire a confinement nanny to care for yourself and the new baby while hiring a part time nanny to care for other children in the home until you are on your feet enough to do that care for yourself. You may need a confinement nanny and a part time maid who comes in for the heavier scrubbing and picking up.

You have to be very clear about what you expect from your confinement nanny. She can then be very clear on how much of that expectation she is willing and able to live up to.

Multiple Miscarriages - There is Hope After Suffering Multiple Miscarriages

Although dealing with multiple miscarriages can be devastating for some women, there is hope. Modern medicine does not know everything. We now have access to many different methods of helping or eliminating the growing problem of multiple miscarriages.

Miscarriages can be caused by any number of things, but the most common is a chromosomal abnormality. In fact, nearly 70% of miscarriages are caused by this and 95% of fertilized eggs or embryos with genetic problems are rejected before the mother is even aware of being pregnant. It is natures' way of making sure only the fittest survive.

The second most common reason for miscarriage is hormonal imbalances or abnormalities. This is usually solved by prescribing drugs to regulate hormones in the mother. Other reasons are, illness of the mother, abnormalities of the uterus or cervix, immune system disorders or bacterial vaginosis. There are also pre-existing conditions that cause miscarriages, such as diabetes, high blood pressure and kidney or heart problems. It is important to get a pre-conception appointment to help avoid some of these common causes.

However, many women suffering multiple miscarriages are just told that there is no answer. At least not one that does not include expensive surgeries, drugs with side effects or, in general painful and time-consuming procedures. That is, if you have insurance! If you do not, then your options are extremely limited. What if there were a way to significantly improve your chances of solving your problem with multiple miscarriages? Would it be worth your time and effort? Most women would say yes.

Having dealt with a miscarriage and being in the high risk category or pregnancy, I searched for something or someone that would help improve my chances of carrying to full term. Thankfully, due to the sharing of information on the internet, we now have access to many different methods of treating and even eliminating some infertility issues, including the problem of multiple miscarriages.

Taking Off the Baby Weight: Nutrition Guidelines for Women in Confinement

You have to be careful when cutting calories or tweaking your meals in order to lose weight during confinement. Healthy foods are more important than ever to your body while recovering from delivery. This is even truer if you are breastfeeding since your baby will be depending on your nutritious food choices to grow and thrive as well.

It's a little ironic that your baby needs you to eat so they can grow while you are trying not to eat so you can stop growing. A lot of things in life are ironic, but it doesn't get anymore ironic than this for many women battling postpartum baby weight.

The Calorie Game

In order to lose weight you have to cut calories to create a calorie deficit, but this is not healthy while you are breastfeeding. This is what confuses so many women in confinement. The ways that they would typically lose weight or control their weight in the past are suddenly advised against by their confinement nurses and doctors.

Your body will be different after having a baby, so you can't use the same old fad diets and restrictive calorie plans at this point in your life. If you have a nursing baby then you have to think more about their needs than your own desire to fit into your clothing again.

Rather than focusing on weight loss, you should focus on making healthy food choices. This will benefit both you and the new baby.

The Right Choices

The only way to help your baby grown while helping yourself to stop growing is to make better nutritional choices. You have to pick the broccoli over the French fries and the fish over the cheeseburger.

Try to consume your foods in as close to their natural state as possible. This means you would choose whole grain rice and boiled chicken breast over white refined rice with a heavy sauce and beef. You are thinking not only about the calories involved here, but also about the nutrients that these food sources will provide to your body.

You can start the process of getting rid of the baby weight just by making healthy choices and filling your body with nutritious foods. This may not seem like enough and you may feel desperate to get rid of that excess fat, but give it time and be patient. Once you recover fully you can kick up the effort and add exercise to the mix.

Creating Healthy Meals in a Pinch

The problem that many women in confinement face is the lack of time to cook healthy meals. It takes some effort to change from white refined foods to whole grains and to include more fresh fruits and veggies into your daily diet.

If you have a confinement nanny you will have a much easier time making time to cook healthy meals. Your nanny may even be able to help, depending on the contract you have with them. If this is a concern of yours, then you may want to ask about cooking services with your confinement nanny service when working out the terms and pricing for your care.

Another way to eat healthy during confinement is to cook in bulk. Make large portions of healthy food, portion it out into single servings, and then freeze them. You can now pull them out of the freezer and heat them up quickly.

Pregnant Women and Chiropractic Care

Chiropractic care for pregnant women is often questioned by many whether it is safe or not. The good news is yes, chiropractic care throughout pregnancy is perfectly safe if handled by a professional. In fact, there are many benefits that pregnant women can get from chiropractic care.

As the baby inside the womb develops and grows, a lot of physiological and endocrinological changes happen to the body including a growing abdomen and an increase in a woman's back curve. Her pelvis also changes and all of these can lead to misaligned spine or joints.

Chiropractic can help establish pelvic balance and alignment to help the body adjust to all of the changes. If the spine is aligned, delivery will be easier for the mother.

Chiropractors undergo extensive training including handling pregnant women properly. Some even take specific interests such as prenatal and postnatal care.

In fact, most chiropractors know how to work with women who are pregnant or still trying to conceive. They know how to adjust the pressure appropriate for pregnant women and how to use the right techniques that are safe for them. They can also teach the right exercises and stretches that can be done by pregnant women on their own time.

Pregnant women can maintain a healthy pregnancy if they undergo chiropractic care. They can also learn how to control the symptoms of nausea. They may also have reduced time for labor and delivery.

As their body changes, chiropractic can relive the back, joint or neck pain that a pregnant woman feels. Chiropractic care can also lessen a pregnant woman's chance of undergoing a potential C-section delivery.

The Doctor's Advice Regarding Chiropractic Care

Since chiropractic care helps develop the pelvic balance, a lot of doctors recommend undergoing chiropractic care as early as possible during pregnancy. This way, there will be less stress in the pelvic area giving a healthy environment to the baby which in turn allows the baby to position properly before delivery.

A baby is usually positioned breech during the early part of the pregnancy but as the baby grows more and more, he will find it harder to position properly when he is already 37 weeks or more. Chiropractic care early on the pregnancy balances the pelvis and gives greater chance for the baby to move into the proper position. If the baby is positioned correctly, the mother has lesser chances of suffering difficult labor.

Womens Health with Rose Otto Pure Essential Oil

A wonderful woman's oil!

Rosa damascena may relieve mood swings from hormonal fluctuations during pregnancy and is one of the most helpful oils to use during labor and delivery.

Rose oil eases labor pains and relieves postpartum depression!

True Rose is good for the genito-urinary system and is known to have a balancing and regulating effect on the female hormones and the menstrual cycle.

Rose oil cleanses the uterus and may be helpful for relieving premenstrual tension (PMS), as well as menopausal symptoms.

Use Rose oil in dilution as an Aromatic Mist to purify your auric field or to clear the atmosphere of a room. Creates a lovely ambiance!

AROMATIC BIRTHING MIST: This is a favorite way of mine for using aromatic oils. You may use your aromatic mist as a facial toner to soothe your fevered brow during labor or as an all over body freshener, or as an air freshener for your birthing room. The amount of oil you use depends on the purpose of your aromatic mist.

To 4 ounces of pure water add your pure Rose essential oil, shake well and spray! You can allow the oils to synergize into the water briefly, or for 1-3 hours or longer as time permits.

1) Face - 8-10 drops

2) Body - 30-40 drops

3) Room and air freshener 80-100 drops

CAUTION: Please avoid during pregnancy due to its hormonal effect. If you do want to use Rose oil while you are pregnant please consult a qualified professional aromatherapist, as some can be especially beneficial in certain situations.

PLEASE NOTE: There are many cheap, synthetic copies of aromatic oils, but these are not recommended for therapeutic use. For best results purchase the highest quality oils you can possibly find. Use certified organic essential oils, or oils that have been tested and are pesticide free.

Aromatherapy is a gentle and noninvasive complementary health care system used for balancing and synchronizing your body, mind, spirit and emotions to enhance your health. Properly administered essential oils are a natural, safe and effective way to enhance your health and well-being and can produce satisfying results where other methods have failed. Please consult with your physician regarding serious health concerns and do not attempt to self diagnose.

Taking Care During Pregnancy

Motherhood brings in lot of responsibilities towards yourself and the unborn. Your responsibilities start from the day you get pregnant. The article congregates few tips for taking special care during this special period of your life:

  • Regular exercise, even walk during pregnancy can benefit a pregnant woman. The discomfort and fatigue can be combated. If you do a permissible amount exercise during pregnancy, the labor is much easier and recovery is faster too.

  • Don't keep your stomach empty. Keep some crackers with you and eat some of it as you wake up. This will take over morning sickness.

  • Take a shower with warm water during labor to relax your body.

  • Eat several small meals each day but avoid rich, spicy, acidic and fried foods. They may cause heartburn.

  • Drink lots of liquids to prevent dehydration during labor. Drink at least 8 - 10 glasses of water each day but special care should be taken in summer pregnancy.

  • When a woman is going through labor pain, gently rubbing the back will relax her and feel good to making contractions more effective.

  • Not many times have it been taken care of. Don't ever change a cat's litter box when pregnant as it can contain toxoplasmosis that can cause birth defects.

  • Walking in between contractions facilitate easy labor.

  • Regular popping a prenatal multi-vitamin supplement along with dinner checks nausea.

  • Pregnancy makes you more sensitive to odors, strong fragrances and sudden motion, etc.

  • The body needs to be more relaxed during pregnancy so take enough rest! You feel sleepy and drowsy all the time. If you are working, short naps of few minutes or half an hour during the day at regular interval help you fight fatigue.

  • Diet is very important this time. Mother should take a healthy diet for she is also providing nutrition to the unborn.

  • It is important that the women must be active throughout their pregnancy, so that she can soon regain muscle tone and lose weight after childbirth.

  • Laying on left side, drinking lots of water and reduced intake of salt will avoid high blood pressure during pregnancy.

  • Usually the pregnant women's feet and legs swells. So walk often and sit with your feet up supporting them on a stool.

  • Cramps in feet are common problem so to reduce cramping place pillows under your knees and feet while you are sleeping.

  • Wearing seat belts while driving or traveling by car is must. Care should be taken while wearing it. The bottom strap of belt should be worn across your hips instead of your abdomen.

  • Add an additional 300 calories to your food when you are pregnant, or even more while exercising.

  • Getting pregnant does not end up your sex life.....though your sexual desire may reduce. Until and unless your doctor does not cautious about any risk in pregnancy, you can enjoy your sex life.

  • Always take utmost care before taking any medication or medicine. Consult and check with your gynecologist if they are safe for you.

Friday, December 20, 2013

How to Cut Umbilical Cord Stem Cell Costs

Cord blood is the stem cell rich blood that remains in the umbilical cord and placenta immediately after the cord is cut and the baby is born. Umbilical cord blood could be used as part of a therapy associated with many cancers and blood disorders.

Approximately 10,000 patients annually are in need of stem cell therapy. But 70% of these are unable to find a donor that matches their blood. Your child's cord blood would provide a perfect match. It could also benefit a sibling, grandparent, relative or even you, as the odds for finding a match are much higher.

Freezing these cells provides a form of life insurance for your child and your extended family. You may be asking, how much does this life insurance cost, will we benefit, and can I reduce costs in any way?

How Much Does Stem Cell Storage Cost?

The average cost quoted by the leading blood banking companies combines an upfront fee, along with smaller annual storage fees, and other miscellaneous charges. The average upfront fee ranges from $1,000 to $2,000, and the annual storage costs range from $100 to $150.

Will We Benefit From Stem Cell Storage?

Banking your baby's stem cells gives you a sense of security. If your child or family member becomes seriously ill, the stem cells may help them get well again. For many couples, this amounts to pure guesswork: will somebody get sick, and will the science advance enough to make a difference? Nobody knows for sure.

Couples with a family history of cancer and/or blood disorders are most likely to benefit. Their family history suggests that one or more family members may face this in the future. Stem cells show the most promise in treating these disorders.

How You Reduce Costs

For couples who want to freeze their baby's stem cells "just in case", the answer is: shop around. For couples whose child, and/or immediate family member is currently battling cancer or a blood disorder, the answer is: take a tax deduction. The IRS allows cord blood banking fees to be deducted as a medical expense, provided the banking is needed to treat a specific medical condition.

The same rules apply for your Flexible Spending Account as well. Only there are three distinct advantages to using your FSA, rather than a deduction on your 1040.

  1. The IRS imposes a medical deduction hurdle of 7.5% of your Adjusted Gross Income (AGI). A couple with an AGI of $100,000 gets no tax savings on their first $7,500 of medical expenses. A Flexible Spending Account has no such hurdle. You get tax savings on your first dollar of expenses.

  2. A Flexible Spending Account allows you to avoid FICA (7.65%) tax on your stem cell storage fees. That translates into $150 in extra savings on a $2,000 fee.

  3. A Flexible Spending Account allows you to pay your entire stem cell storage set up fee on the first day of your Flex plan year. You have 52 weeks to pay your employer back by payroll deduction. It's like getting an interest free loan from your employer!

Early Signs Of Pregnancy For You To Check

You have waited and waited, and then the pregnancy test reveals a positive result! Yes, you might be very excited right now but anxious at the same time because it is a challenging, life-changing experience. Your body is also nourishing and carrying a whole other person so stay healthy to ensure the success of your pregnancy. Pregnancy gives you the opportunity to experience the early signs of pregnancy which gives spice to the whole pregnancy process.

Pregnancy begins after conception and you will notice some early pregnancy symptoms. However, these symptoms may be caused by other conditions. So you perform a pregnancy test to support your doubts and if positive, make an appointment to your health care provider to for confirmation. The action of a pregnancy test is to identify the presence of the hormone human chorionic gonadotrophin, a hormone released by the placenta once it is developed in the uterus. If this hormone is detected, it may be a sign that you are really pregnant.

In pregnancy, the biggest challenge for you is to deal with the pregnancy symptoms. These may include any of the pregnancy symptoms listed below.

A missed period. This symptom will make you feel that you have to know more about other pregnancy symptoms to support your doubts. However, this can also be due to other health problems. This symptom is reliable if you have a regular period. Also, you might experience light spotting. This is due to the fertilised egg that implants itself on your uterine lining. This can happen around 3 to 12 days after ovulation.

Exhaustion or tiredness is also a supporting pregnancy symptom. However, this can also be due to lack of sleep, busy schedule and hormonal imbalance. During pregnancy, the hormone progesterone is increasing which also causes the feeling of exhaustion. This sign can be experienced as early as the first week after conception.

Mood swings. This symptom will make you feel like crying for no reason, it's normal. Mood swings are common in early pregnancy. The cause of this symptom is unknown but it is sometimes it is associated with fatigue and surging hormones. Mood swings will make you feel that something is not quite right or you may feel very happy or sad in an instant. The one who is greatly affected with this pregnancy sign is your partner. If you want to cry, go ahead.

As your pregnancy progresses, some symptoms also develops. The growing size of your uterus causes heartburn, constipation and frequent urination. It is because of the pressure exerted to some of the body parts. For some women, frequent urination is experienced not only because of the growing size of the uterus but due to some unknown changes taking place inside a woman's body. It can be felt as early as two weeks after conception.

Skin Care Products For the Pregnant Woman

Taking care of your skin is especially hard when you're pregnant. The hormonal changes in your body can cause excessive dryness and rashes. Here are some of the best skin care products that are made specifically with mothers-to-be in mind.

Basq Skin Care: Stretch Mark Cream

Stretch marks are one of the biggest skin care problems for pregnant women. Basq Skin Care's stretch mark cream prevents and helps repair stretch marks. Darutoside and Algisium C, two of the main ingredients in this product, are clinically proven to strengthen skin and promote resilience. The cream also contains Shea and Jojoba butters for a rich, creamy texture that feels great on your skin, and the various oils allow the cream to absorb deeply into the dermis where the damage occurs. All Basq products are skin allergy and irritancy free.

Mambino Organics: Scar Repair

Acne tends to pop up more often throughout your body when you're pregnant, which can lead to scarring. Made with Rosehip, Helichrysum and Vitamin E, this cream helps smooth out and fade acne as well as cesarean scar tissue.

Mambino Belly Butter

Another pregnancy skin care product from Mambino Organics, this cream contains a luxurious blend of nutrients and organic botanicals that gives your skin renewed elasticity and hydration, while alleviating itchiness and dryness. The mango and cocoa butter helps soften and moisturize and the calendula infused oil regenerates torn tissue. You can continue to use this product even after childbirth to keep your skin looking great and help you during your post-partum rebound.

Mario Badescu: Block Cream

This cream helps tackle the problem of melasma, or the so called "pregnancy mask". This is when the skin pigmentation in areas around your eyes and sometimes your cheeks and lower lip becomes darker. Melasma is a problem especially with fair-skinned women and it is caused by hormonal changes that make pregnant women's skin more susceptible to discoloration due to sunlight. Badescu's Block Cream is a daily moisturizer that provides sun protection for delicate skin, and is especially made for women who are pregnant. 

Beaute De Maman: Face and Body Cream

As mentioned, acne and other skin blemishes are a side-effect of the hormonal changes that happen during pregnancy. This body cream provides special antibacterial, antifungal and anti-inflammatory protection to fight acne and blemishes caused by these  hormonal changes. It has natural botanical extracts for a gentle drying effect.

Effective Tips To Help You Get Pregnant

Are you trying to get pregnant? For some women this can be a difficult journey. At times it can even become frustrating. Trust me the last thing you want to do is get really stressed out as this will not help your cause.

To begin with - that bundle of joy that you want to have so desperately is going to need a good home for nine months. So your first goal is to take care of yourself. Good health is imperative. Let's start with the obvious and work our way down.

In terms of diet you will want to start eating good healthy fresh foods. I call these foods living foods. Eat lots of good fruit and vegetables. Prepare and eat fruit first thing in the morning. When you are preparing meals and cutting vegetables up, put a plate aside for yourself and put some of your raw cut veggies on it.

This way you can nibble on some raw food as you prepare dinner. Eat lots of leafy greens. Cut out caffeine and alcohol. By no means do any drugs. Drink lots of water maybe eight glasses a day. Get in some exercise even if it is just a brisk walk for 30 minutes.

Add vitamins especially B9 and increase your intake of folic acid. In your vaginal area do not use any lubricants during sex as this can kill of sperm. In terms of sexual positions missionary is deemed to be the most effective.

After sex relax. Try and pop your hips up. This can help the sperm on its trip to the egg. Don't just jump out of bed lie there for at least five minutes.

Always engage in sex before ovulation not after. In terms of predicting ovulation you can use an ovulation predictor kit. Secondly you can monitor your body temperature. You will notice a rise in temperature of about .4 degrees during ovulation.

In terms of cervical fluid when you are most fertile your cervical fluid will look like raw egg whites. If you're comfortable with your own body you can check this throughout the month.

Last but not least if all else fails you will need to consult with a doctor.

The Facts About Maternity Leave Laws and Policies

Motherhood is the most beautiful phase of a woman's life. The greatest joy on earth for a woman is perhaps holding a little bundle of joy in her hands. However, working women may face problems when it comes to juggling motherhood and work.

Every country has laws to cater to pregnant women. It is important to be aware about maternity leave laws and policies so that you can continue working. Maternity leave is the period of leave which a pregnant woman takes just before and after the birth of a child.

Under the Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA) passed by the US Department of Labor's Employment Standards Administration in 1993, employees can avail benefits like sick leave, maternity leave and/or vacation leave. All organizations have to comply with rules of the FMLA.

According to the Maternity Leave Act, a pregnant woman can take twelve weeks, or three months of maternity leave, without pay. To be eligible for this leave, the woman employee should have worked for a minimum period of 12 months for an organization. Though this is the general rule in majority of the states, the number of days may differ from one state to the other.

Employers are not supposed to discriminate against a woman who is pregnant. However, there have been instances where women have been fired or refused promotion all because of their condition. Such kind of unfair discrimination can put the employers in legal trouble.

However, in order to avail the maternity leave, the woman has to request for it in writing at least 30 days before proceeding on leave. Usually it is advisable for a pregnant woman to discuss the leave with her immediate supervisor once she enters her second trimester. This leave is unpaid and the woman's job is protected during this period. In addition, the employer has to continue the woman's group health insurance. In some states based on the state law, companies may take pregnancy as a short-term disability. This paves way for the woman to receive a small percentage of her salary.

Pregnancy discrimination still prevails. However, many companies have introduced flexible leave policies and working conditions for women who are expecting.

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Implantation Bleeding During Pregnancy

Any woman will testify that pregnancy is a blissful time. However, most of the time, during pregnancy, a woman is always pushed into a state of worry and bewilderment. One such situation is of implantation bleeding during pregnancy. Is it an onset of period? Is this an indication of an unknown issue? Or is it all the way a new phenomenon? Normally, a slight bleeding during pregnancy can invite tension for a woman. However, such bleeding can be even normal too.

There are several cases wherein women experience bleeding during their pregnancy especially in the first trimester. This is quite normal to happen with some 10 percent women noticing such spotting or slight bleeding. But, this bleeding is not the one which you get in your period. When you are nurturing a life in the uterus, your body takes care of that baby and so the brain transmits messages as signals of not menstruating to the uterus. In most cases, a slight spotting or bleeding when pregnant is okay and is not at all harmful for the baby nor for the would be mother. But, there are certain risks that are linked with the bleeding, more particularly in the later pregnancy stages. Therefore, it is very much vital to know about the factors leading to bleeding that if not in limit, need a minute and timely vigilance.

If you have just entered into the pregnancy stage, you might spot some scanty and brownish discharge and you might take that as your period. However, that is not period, but implantation bleeding. Many women will experience this slight discharge within 10 to 14 days of fertilization. This happens because the fertilized egg is implanting in the endometrial lining of the uterus. As the fertilized ovum is about to reach its home in the uterus, it might upset the lining resulting in slight bleeding. This implantation bleeding during pregnancy tend to remain for some days, say three days, and is quite light as opposed to the periods.

Is There Something to Worry?

Implantation bleeding during pregnancy is not something to take tension of. Rather, it is a sign of joy because it might be a sign of pregnancy. In the early stages of pregnancy, the cervix adjusts so that the baby is taken care of. The body supplies more blood to cervix due to which bleeding can take place. Even this is not abnormal and it is not something to conclude that your baby is facing problems. However, only if you bleed heavily and that too for over some days, then consult the doctor.

Sometimes, implantation bleeding during pregnancy, especially in the first trimester, can be quite heavy indicating a problem for your baby. This is more an indication of miscarriage. About 15 to 20 percent pregnancies terminate as miscarriages that occur in the first three months of pregnancy. If bleeding is experienced with fever, chilliness, and severe cramping; then this is surely a miscarriage.

Further, bleeding during early stages might also be a signal of other serious issues for the baby. One such issue is ectopic pregnancy taking place in every 1 of 60 cases of pregnancies. It can take the life of the mother and baby too. In this condition, critical internal bleeding takes place. Therefore, one must never delay in going to the doctor.

Bleeding is also sometimes seen during the second and third trimesters, which is certainly not due to menses. This bleeding takes place mostly due to cervix infection and yes there are chances of miscarriage and preterm labor as well as stillbirth. So, you need to immediately consult a doctor in such cases without fail.

15 US States That Mandate Insurance Covers Fertility Treatments, AND IVF?

There are only fifteen states in the US that have laws in place to include fertility treatments in their insurance coverage. However, it seems that 3 out of those states do not cover the cost of IVF. In fact, everything to do with IVF is specifically excluded. Possible motivations for not covering IVF could be:

  • it is risky, in that it often takes several cycles to "take" and even then there's no guarantee the baby will be carried to term

  • extremely expensive

  • those states simply don't need more people; their infrastructure can only just keep up with the constant influx of folks as it is.

Which are these states that refuse to contribute to the cost of IVF?

California, Louisiana and New York

The remaining 12 states that do have laws in place to cover fertility treatments, including all currently understood methods of assisted reproduction technology (ART) are

Massachusetts, Connecticut, Rhode Island, New Jersey, Maryland, Arkansas, Ohio, West Virginia, Illinois, Texas, Montana and Hawaii

In a recent survey, (August 2010) currently in process via a Facebook page for IVF support, California came in as the most expensive state, with one set of would-be parents found their cost of IVF as much as $34,000 and weren't done yet! Another California hopeful reported a deal she had found that was $22,900 for 6 cycles with a 100% money back guarantee if she did not "bring a baby home from the hospital." This seems some consolation, at least.

An Iowa patient reported in at $18,000; in Northern Colorado there is someone who is now pregnant at a cost of $20,000 and a Pennsylvania mom facing $12,000 per cycle if she commits to doing 3 of them. These and other numbers will be tabulated, and eventually made available in one convenient place, as yet to be determined.

With these kinds of huge dollar figures, and so few states requiring insurance companies to cover fertility treatment, it is not wonder that the whole concept of Medical Tourism has become mainstream. A round of IVF in India can cost as little as $3,000. Is that what we want in America? To force our people to go abroad to get what should be their birthright - the chance to have a family of their own. It's like we're embarrassed for these people and want them to go get it all organized in private... the way people used to go "take the waters" in Switzerland to dry out! Surely this is not the way for a 21st century super power to behave?

Making Ends Meet While on Maternity Leave

Having a baby should be the happiest time in a couple's life. Unfortunately for many families, the birth of a baby, although wonderful, represents a time of great financial stress. Only about one in every seven workers gets paid maternity leave from their company. Women struggle with the financial need to be at work and the emotional need to be with their new baby. Making ends meet while on maternity leave is not easy; here are some tips to make your stay home a little easier.

Making Ends Meet While On Maternity Leave: 5 Tips To Ease The Financial Stress

1. Take advantage of Government Benefits. Always apply for child tax credits, child care benefits, and low income tax breaks. Check your local Government as well; sometimes they offer programs that help new families with making ends meet while on maternity leave. Check your local Employment Insurance office for help with such benefits.

2. Get used to using coupons while on maternity leave. You can actually save quite a bit of money this way if you sign up for mailing lists from your favourite stores. They generally send samples along with money saving coupons. Also check out online sources for coupons such as (Canadian residents), and the frugalshopper; just Google coupons and there are many sites that come up. Choose your coupons and print them off.

3. You can also get help making ends meet while on maternity leave with your local community resources. Check out second hand stores, local swap meets,, and the YWCA. A great resource to find organizations in your community that help is using kijiji or craigslist. Also ask your church, they usually have a great list of all the local organizations that help families.

4. Something I personally started doing while I was on maternity leave and continue to do today is make good use of the dollar store. If you have never been into the dollar store you have been missing out. You won't find high quality stuff, but what you do find is reasonable and useful. I get everything from kitchen gadgets to household cleaners to my dog's dishes at the dollar store. You won't find everything you want, but for a dollar you will find it easier to compromise on some household items.

5. The best thing I did while on maternity leave was bring in an extra income. Many moms find that being on maternity leave is a perfect time to look into having a home business. It is a great way to making ends meet while on maternity leave and if you end up liking it and making good money you just might find yourself wanting to stay home with your baby. Look for something online; it will be easier since you won't be expected to go out and do home parties or sell face to face. Also look for an opportunity where you will have a mentor to help coach you along the way. You want to be able to start off slow (since you will be very busy with baby!)

An online business is best for making ends meet while on maternity leave because it gives you ultimate flexibility in when you put time in and with how many hours you put in. It also gives you the opportunity to earn while you are learning and create a great income for your family. This is an especially great option for those new moms who really want to be a stay at home mom but couldn't financially afford to do so. With an online home business you can be completely flexible for you and your baby and financially help support your family.

High Blood Pressure and Pregnancy What You Should Know

A positive lifestyle change is a great way for the average person to control their blood pressure. However, what about pregnant women with high blood pressure? Can having high blood pressure during pregnancy harm the unborn child?

Yes. High blood pressure can result in complications during pregnancy that can be dangerous to both the mother and fetus if left untreated. There are different ways pregnant women with high blood pressure can help control their condition and reduce the health risks to the fetus. That being said, not all pregnant women with hypertension put their baby and themselves in danger. Many have healthy pregnancies without complications.

How common is hypertension in pregnancy? In the U.S. alone, it is estimated that problems with high blood pressure occur in 6 - 8% of pregnancy, over 65% of which are in women experiencing pregnancy for the first time.

What are the negative effects of hypertension? The effects high blood pressure can have on a pregnancy may be mild or severe and could include:

o Damage to the kidneys and other organs in the mother

o Cause early delivery and low birth weight

o In serious cases, the mother can develop preeclampsia (toxaemia of pregnancy), a dangerous condition that can be fatal for both the mother and fetus.

What is preeclampsia? This is a condition that usually develops in the 6th month of pregnancy and occurs from a combination of high blood pressure and kidney problems that cause protein in the urine of the mother. Preeclampsia affects the placenta and can affect the kidney, liver and even the brain of the mother.

When it affects the brain, preeclampsia can cause seizures, a dangerous condition called eclampsica which is the second leading cause of maternal death in America. Preeclampsia can also cause complications with the fetus including premature birth, low birth weight and stillbirth.

Preeclamspsia can be treated, but cannot be cured until the mother delivers the baby. There is no known way to prevent the condition, but those who show signs can be effectively treated to reduce risks.

Who is at the most risk for developing preeclampsia?

o Women with a pre-existing condition of high blood pressure prior to pregnancy

o Women who had preeclampsia or hypertension during another pregnancy

o Women who are obese

o Women who are carrying more than one child

o Women who become pregnant before the age of 20 and after the age of 40.

o Women with kidney disease, lupus, diabetes, scleroderma and rheumatoid arthritis.

Tips for controlling high blood pressure before becoming pregnant and while you are pregnant -

o Healthy Lifestyle - Make sure your blood pressure is checked regularly, you are an ideal weight, and live a healthy active lifestyle.

o Educate yourself - Talk to your doctor about your hypertension and find out what you can do to help prevent and reduce complications during pregnancy.

o Medications - If you are taking medication to control your blood pressure, find out if they are safe to take during pregnancy. Don't assume that they are safe, or will be dangerous and stop taking them without first consulting your doctor.

o Engage in regular medical care - when you are pregnant make sure you attend all regular checkups.

o Avoid alcohol and tobacco - this can increase blood pressure and harm the fetus.

o Discuss all medications with your doctor - Do not take any over-the-counter medications (even if you have a cold) without first consulting your doctor. Cold and flu medication often contains decongestants that can increase blood pressure.

Remember, although hypertension can cause complications in pregnancy, many pregnant women with high blood pressure, and even those who develop preeclampsia, often have healthy happy pregnancies and give birth to healthy, happy babies.

Understanding The Various Types Of Depression

Depression is one of the most well known and commonly seen psychiatric disorders. Although stress contributes to being afflicted by depression, the affects of stress is not depression. Neither is depression feeling blue or sad for few days. Depression is characterized by intense and relentless feelings of worthlessness or guilt, sadness, difficulties with attention and memory, inability to find pleasure or enjoy anything, aberrations in sleep and eating habits, fluctuation in energy levels and at its extreme recurrent suicidal tendencies. All of these or most of these signs persisting over more than two weeks would be sufficient for a diagnosis of depressive disorder. However depression is not a single entity, it is a group of disorders lumped together under the label of mood disorders. The primary and common symptom that characterizes these disorders is mood vacillations. There are three major types of depression: Major Depressive disorder, Dysthemia and Bipolar disorder.

Types of Depression:

Major depressive disorder also called clinical depression is characterized by all of the symptoms described above. The symptoms are present for at least two weeks with an intensity that debilitates the individuals normal day to day functioning. Individuals who suffer from this type of depression might have just one single episode or might have recurrent relapses through out their lives. Major depression is more common among females than males. The symptom patterns in males are set apart from typical female symptom pattern. Men are more likely to be violent and aggressive unlike the more passive, lethargic and subdued affect observed in females. Major depression can be treated with antidepressants and psychological therapy.

Dysthemia also called mild or chronic depression is characterized by a milder and longer lasting symptom pattern of the major depression. The symptoms could last for as long as two years and sometimes are interspersed with episodes of clinical depression. When Dysthemia occurs together with major depression a diagnosis of double depression is applied. Afflicted individuals or their near and dear ones might not recognize that the person is depressed as the symptoms are mild and last long enough to give the impression that it is a personality pattern rather than an illness. However Dysthemia can be formally diagnosed and treated with anti depression medication and therapy.

Bipolar Disorder as its name implies has a symptom pattern of dramatic mood oscillations from a depressed extreme to a manic extreme characterized by elation or euphoria. The moods swings can take place over a varied time frame moving from one mood to the other gradually over time or rapidly within a matter of minutes. The depression in bipolar disorder is characterized by the regular depression symptoms, however the manic cycle brings with it sleeplessness, restless hyper activity, euphoria, and some thought disorder symptoms like hallucinations, delusions and extreme rage leading to impaired day to day functioning and social life.

Other less common and milder forms of depression include atypical depression, post partum depression, seasonal affective disorder and substance induced depression. If you suspect you have depression and have the characteristic symptoms such as difficulty in sleeping or staying awake, increased or decreased appetite, inability to concentrate, feelings of guilt or worthlessness, extreme mood swings, substance abuse and suicidal tendencies seek medical help immediately.

Are You Bored by Confinement? Simple Ways to Lead an Exciting Life With a Baby

Things get complicated after you bring a new baby home. Whatever your life consisted of before has to be trading for changing diapers, washing bottles, and worrying nonstop about the health and growth of your new baby. You stop listening to your own thoughts and start listening to baby monitors. Every aspect of your life changes during confinement.

This is supposed to be a super busy time of your life where you are praying for just an hour of solid sleep and the time to take a shower without the baby crying in the next room. For some women that is the way confinement is, but not for every woman. That may not be the way you are experiencing confinement and there should be no guilt or apologies for it.

Rather than being overwhelmed with responsibility you may be feeling a little bored. You may miss the adventure and spontaneous fun that you enjoyed routinely before getting pregnant. You may be thirsting for some of that adventure and spark in your life right now.

The baby is wonderful and you couldn't love them more, but you need something more. You need something to do during the confinement period. What could that possibly be?

First, you have to adjust your thinking. You aren't interested in finding just something to do. You are looking for something to do with your children, not by yourself. You want to bring some excitement into the health without disrupting their schedule or being irresponsible. How do you balance that during confinement?

Bring Some Relief

The first thing you have to do if you are feeling bored in confinement is bring a nanny into the picture. You need someone who can help you look after the baby so you have a little more free time to spend with yourself.

Nannies are often thought of as being there to care for the baby and make sure a new mother gets adequate rest to recover from the delivery of the baby. Yet, many nannies will take on more responsibilities and free up some time for a new mother if she wants to spend more time doing things for herself.

Just having someone there to talk to and to help care for the baby will help you find other things to do besides just changing diapers and washing bottles all day long.

Safe Activity

Next, think of things that you used to do before giving birth that you could safely do during confinement. Preferably, find things that could include your baby for bonding time.

For instance, if you like to scrapbook or have been thinking that a detailed baby scrapbook would be nice to have, that would be a good option for confinement. You don't have to physically get active to do this and you will have something very valuable to show for your time at the end of confinement.

You can also start working new hobbies into your life that include the baby. What about photography? Take pictures of the baby and go online to learn new techniques for better and better images.

You can also paint, draw, or write short stories. As you are cleared for more physical activity you can start working to lose the baby weight. You may want to learn to cook healthier foods so your breast milk is healthier or take the baby on long walks through every park close to your home.

The First Week Sign Of Pregnancy - Time To Get Alerted Of Your Pregnancy

The first week sign of pregnancy ticks the alarm that you have started blooming a new life inside you. The pregnancy symptoms are not so visible in the first week of pregnancy. Both your physical and mental health undergoes certain changes after you become pregnant. Make a note of all these changes that start surfacing as early pregnancy symptoms within a couple days from conceiving. Onset of these symptoms at the first week of pregnancy marks implantation of fetus in the uterus and gradual development of it in your body. Drastic hormonal changes take place during this phase to support growth of the baby and the symptoms are just your body's reaction to these changes. Hence, take care of your body and monitor each first week sign of pregnancy and add to your pregnancy journal to create a week by week pregnancy calendar till the end of nine months course of pregnancy. Pregnancy journals or calendars help women to observe if they are making healthy progress towards childbirth.

How To Determine First Week Of Pregnancy

Now many women wonder how to calculate their pregnancy. Which is the first day of their nine months course of pregnancy? Usually, the first day of the last menstrual period commences the nine months duration of pregnancy. That means the day on which the last normal menstrual period ends is the day when you have become pregnant.

Usually, the ovulation is a thirty-day period and during this time, egg from ovary travels gets into fallopian tube where it is fertilized by a sperm and then descends to uterus for getting developed. The period when the fertilized egg gets into the inner lining of the uterus is considered the first week of pregnancy. Implantation of the fertilized egg at the inner lining of the uterus can be perceivable by slight bleeding and other symptoms. Take care to notice each first week sign of pregnancy for the right calculation of the pregnancy period and to be prepared for the childbirth, gradually.

First Week Pregnancy Symptoms

Following are the most probable changes pregnant women are supposed to undergo at the first week of pregnancy -

  • When you are suddenly experiencing a degree of enhanced exhaustion even If you are a full-fledged healthy, active workingwoman, you should take it seriously. Women many tend to feel a heightened level of exhaustion and may even faint due to low blood pressure.

  • Feeling nausea in the morning or throughout the day is a prevalent first week sign of pregnancy. Often your stomach may prone to feel queasy and feel aversion to foods.

  • Frequent urination is another first week sign of pregnancy. If you are expecting pregnancy, you may rush to bathroom more frequently than ever. Enlarging of your uterus to accommodate growth of the fetus inside it pushes your bladder and cause frequent urination.

  • Implantation bleeding is a significant first week sign of pregnancy. Because this bleeding results from implanting of egg in the uterus, it is termed as implantation bleeding. This light bleeding may accompany slight abdominal cramping.

  • Your breasts will show significant changes such as varicose veins, getting larger, more tender, sore and sensitive.

  • You will undergo dramatic mood swings and depression, anxiety, sudden onset of joy etc. This drastic transition of mood is an outcome of hormonal changes.

  • Gas is an embarrassing first week sign of pregnancy. However, you can reduce such discomforts by enriching your meals with adequate fibers and cutting down on spices. Constipation can accompany this gas symptom of pregnancy.
  • To reduce discomforts of first week sign of pregnancy, consume proper diet containing vitamin, mineral and folic acid as per charted by your doctor.

    Wednesday, December 18, 2013

    Getting Pregnancy Coverage While Pregnant

    Finding medical insurance that covers maternity expenses via a private insurance carrier while you are already pregnant is difficult or impossible. Insurance companies will usually consider a current pregnancy a reason reject an application. They will consider the pregnancy to be a pre-existing disease or condition.

    The advice below may not be or might not be applicable to you. There are different regulations in different areas. The exclusions and limitations you might find on a given policy might mean that a pre-existing disease or condition you expect to be covered isn't.

    It is important to know the limitations of your medical insurance plan before you purchase it.

    It is also important to keep any current health care insurance policy you might have until you are covered by the new policy. Even if your existing health insurance plan does not cover maternity expenses, you should think twice or even three times before canceling it.

    There are three main reasons that you should do this. The first is that you may have an otherwise covered sickness or injury not associated with your pregnancy that triggers a major health care expense. The second is that you may have or develop a serious medical disease or condition that will keep you from getting coverage in the future. The third reason is that even though the health expenses of a normal pregnancy might be excluded from your policy, your plan may include coverage for complications. Complications of pregnancy are considered a disease. Pregnancy is not.

    In many situations, private health insurance will not be an option. Most insurance companies will automatically deny new coverage for pregnant women. However, there are some exceptions.

    Group or employer-sponsored medical insurance may offer an opportunity for you to get coverage. These types of policies are governed by different regulations. Medical history is less often a factor in your being eligible for a group health insurance policy.

    Employer-sponsored medical insurance policies will often cover preexisting disease or conditions. If, you can get coverage through a group contract before you give birth, you may be able to get the health insurance company to cover most of your bills.

    Of course, the group medical insurance coverage plan in question will need to cover maternity. Not all will. Many health insurance policies will specifically exclude maternity related expenses.

    In a typical pregnancy the vast majority of the medical care will be needed just before, during and immediately after the birth of the child. This means that if you can get coverage before you have your child, you can avoid most of the medical expenses.

    If your employer offers group medical insurance, and they will have an open enrollment period before your due date, you might be able to get coverage for your expenses in the maternity ward. This can help you dramatically reduce your financial exposure.

    If your spouse or domestic partner has group medical insurance available through his or her work, you may be able to take advantage of his or her next open enrollment period. This may also be a viable option for you.

    If you are married at this time, but get married to someone with group health insurance, you may be able to get insured by their contract during a special open enrollment period. Getting married usually allows a spouse be insured by the other spouse's health insurance plan right away without waiting for the next open enrollment period.

    The approaches listed above might not work for you. Group insurance often provides the best coverage. However, if you are not able to get coverage that way there may be programs available from your local, state or from the federal government that can help you limit your exposure.

    To learn about the options you qualify for via other stratagems and via local, state or federal-based programs, contact the hospital where you intend to deliver your child. They might be able to point you in the right direction.

    Dangers Inherent to Pregnancy

    There are several ways in which a woman takes care of herself (or, neglects to) that can minimize the inherent dangers of pregnancy or, increase the dangers. Of course, when a woman finds out that she is pregnant, she needs to do the best that she can in order to take care of her body (as well as her unborn baby) in preparation to carry a child to full term.

    A couple generations ago, there was no accurate way to positively determine if a woman was pregnant. A couple of missed periods would seem to indicate conception but many times it was not a clear indicator, as there are other reasons for missed periods. Today with the fairly accurate tests that can be administered at home, a woman has the opportunity to adopt a healthier lifestyle much earlier in the pregnancy -which is good for baby.

    By consulting early on with a physician to ensure that she is on a proper diet, is exercising, is consuming vitamins and does not smoke, drink or partake in any substance abuse, a woman can help eliminate, or at least control, some of these risks that could make her pregnancy more difficult. Proper care by a physician throughout pregnancy should include, as a minimum, regular check-ups as the pregnancy progresses.

    Being in close communication with a physician will help to catch any anomalies early and will ensure the highest success rate in dealing with them. If a woman has had a difficult time in becoming pregnant before or has had issues with her reproductive system in the past, she may find it very hard to conceive. This could not only impact the process of conception but also hinder the ability of carrying a fetus to full term.

    Throughout pregnancy, a woman must be fully aware of two very common issues that can complicate pregnancies: hypertension (high blood pressure) and blood sugar in case of gestational diabetes. These two problems are very common in pregnancies and will be monitored closely early on in pregnancy to note changes. It will help if a pregnant woman improves her diet to eliminate any potential dangers she may have when carrying her child. Additives found in many processed foods are deemed unhealthy whether you are pregnant or not. Many women rightly do not wish to subject their developing unborn child to the dangers posed by these adulterated food-like substances.

    Becoming pregnant at either a very early age or at a later age in life can also contribute to complications during pregnancy. At a young age, a pregnant girl's body may not quite be fully developed to carry a baby. Additionally, at an older age, it will not only become more difficult to become pregnant (as women approach menopause) but there are higher risks involved that could result in a baby born with health issues or a condition of some sort.

    Regardless of the dangers involved, as long as a woman does the best she can to stay fit and healthy, stays on a nutritious diet (preferably organic with lots of fresh fruits and vegetables) she is doing all she can do to protect her unborn child. Nature will take its course.

    Kangaroo Mother Care - A History of Healing

    In 1979, in the highly populated city of Bogota, Columbia, doctors were faced with an unnerving predicament. They were experiencing a shortage of incubators at the city's hospital, and a serious infection was spreading among the patients. The doctors had to find a solution to keep the preterm babies warm, and protect them from contracting an infection. Thinking of how kangaroos keep their newborns in their pouches, the doctors devised a plan to use the mothers' bodies as incubators. As they had hoped, the newborns were kept safe and warm while wrapped against the skin of the mother. Kangaroo mother care was developed as a solution to a challenging situation, and has been studied and found to be an effective method in caring for preterm infants at home.

    In the early 1980's, UNICEF noticed what the doctors in Bogota were doing, and took note of the benefits of KMC. By wrapping the newborn baby against the mother's chest in a sling, the baby is kept warm and has adequate access to the breast for feeding. One of UNICEF's missions in the early 1980's was to promote exclusive breastfeeding for infant health, and to discourage the marketing of breast milk substitutes. The kangaroo mother care protocol promotes a very healthy and protected environment for preterm babies, and encourages exclusive breastfeeding. In an effort to educate the communities throughout South America, UNICEF published a booklet, in Spanish, on kangaroo mother care. It became more apparent, through wide spread use in the region, that this form of parenting was highly effective in creating a viable living environment for the newborn baby.

    The endorsement by UNICEF set the stage for the growth and development of the concept of KMC. The research and practice of this method of newborn baby care spread throughout Europe and North America, and was implemented throughout communities in Africa and the Middle East. Medical researchers began to look deeper into the reasons why this care worked, and how this form of early parenting may be the root of successful mother care through the centuries in more primitive societies. In 1991, the first research review on KMC was published by Dr. Gene Cranston Anderson, a doctor in research nursing. The publication confirmed the usefulness of kangaroo mother care in the development of preterm infants and in increasing the bond between mother and child.

    Since 1990, kangaroo mother care has become a wide spread practice among all classes and societies throughout the world. In tribal villages, kangaroo mother care ensures the viability of preterm infants where advanced technologies are not readily available. In more advanced societies, kangaroo mother care is accepted as a best practice in caring for newborns and developing the child maternal bond. Additionally, the method allows preterm babies to leave the hospital, under the guidance of a physician, with the mother long before it was possible in the past. This natural approach to incubating newborns is an effective and cost efficient way to provide a nurturing environment for growth and development. Even today, there is still ongoing research into the effectiveness and possible applications for kangaroo mother care.

    Safe and Smart Pregnancy Clothing

    It is a must for every mom-to-be to pay more attention towards what she wears since it is not only about comfort but also about safety! Get an idea of 'what to purchase during pregnancy?'

    During pregnancy, along with healthcare, one thing every mom-to-be must note is 'What they wear?' For many women, their fashion statement during pregnancy turns out to be so mind-numbing and unexciting. To refresh yourself and also to keep up the comfort quotient uncompromised, you must fill your wardrobe with right choice of maternity wear.

    Its All Here!
    It is a myth that your husband's dresses can make pregnancy clothing comfortable. People are also of an assumption that shopping for maternity wear is tiresome and there are very less choices available. Nowadays, there are many outlets specializing in pregnancy clothing are present in all cities. One can also shop their maternity wear from the comfort of their home! Its all simple with specialty online stores for pregnancy A-Z where a wide range of maternity clothes are available at reasonable prices.

    Special Maternity Wears
    One can enjoy being a fashionista even during pregnancy if they choose to wear the right type of pregnancy clothes. The is a wide range of maternity wears which includes kurtas, t-shirts, pregnancy jeans and pants, formal wear, drapes, lingerie and even nursing wears are widely available in stores specializing in pregnancy clothing.

    Maternity clothing is considered safe and is strongly recommended to every mom-to-be because, it reduces the risk of feeling sick and dull allover due to forcing yourself in wrong fits, developing ungraceful figure post pregnancy, reduces chances of getting more stretch marks, sagging, maternity wear are skin friendly and hygienic.

    Clothing for every Trimester
    Pregnancy clothing can be classified based on the trimesters. There are maternity wear available for every trimester. Few start gaining weight during their first trimester itself, even if people don't gain weight at this point, it is recommended to wear free and soothing fabric since first trimester is well noted for morning sickness and other pregnancy symptoms that will make you feel more uncomfortable if you choose wrong clothes.

    Second and third trimester clothing should be chosen with utmost care. The fabric, the fit, the convenience in every piece of clothing matters the most here. Get branded dresses and also expandable and scratch-free dresses for this period to avoid permanent scar marks.

    There are specially designed nursing wear and postpartum wears available for new moms in pregnancy clothing stores. Making use of postpartum wear adds more style, comfort and they will be more convenient to nurse your new born.

    There are also summer maternity clothes and winter maternity clothes available and they are reasonably priced for everyone to afford with ease.

    So what your pregnancy fashion statement?

    Know When You Should Call the Doctor During Pregnancy Nausea

    A common malady of pregnancy is the nausea and vomiting that frequently occur during the first few months after conception. Fortunately, in the majority of cases this problem is not critical for either the mother or her fetus. There are rare cases when the symptoms of morning sickness are a very serious threat to the well being of both the mother and child if she does not seek treatment. It is vital when pregnant to realize the signs of pregnancy nausea when it is imperative to call the doctor.

    Normally, a woman will begin to experience the signs of morning sickness sometime between the fourth and sixth week of her pregnancy; generally, the nausea and vomiting will have abated by the end of her first trimester. Even during this time period it is important for the mother to notify her doctor if her symptoms become severe enough that she has difficulty in eating. During pregnancy, a woman should always contact her health care provider if she is not able to either eat or drink for a 24-hour period of time.

    Although it is very unusual, there are instances when an expectant mother is not able to maintain a healthy diet with proper fluid intake. This condition when a woman suffers from extreme nausea and vomiting is known as hyperemesis gravidarum. Hyper means "over" and emesis means vomiting; gravidarum is the term that refers to the "pregnant state". Hyperemesis gravidarum affects approximately one out of 300 women who are expecting a child.

    As a result of the excessive vomiting that a women experiences with HG, she is at risk of becoming both malnourished and dehydrated if she does not seek medical attention quickly. The mother's lack of nutrients and fluids will soon begin to affect the health of the unborn baby. Pregnancy nausea when severe necessitates contacting the woman's health care provider immediately. Whenever vomiting is occurring more than 2-3 times in a day, it is crucial to inform the woman's doctor.

    Due to the fact that dehydration can result in serious consequences for both mother and child, it is imperative that the mother recognize what the warning signs of dehydration are. Dehydration, which is the result of the body eliminating more fluids than are being replaced, can cause lightheadedness and dizziness. The dizziness is the result of low blood pressure due to dehydration. Frequently, headaches will be experienced when dehydration occurs.

    Additionally, this severe lack of fluids will result in infrequent urination, a darkening in the color of urine being eliminated, dry skin, dry mouth and eyes, a feeling of extreme tiredness and/or weakness. If the period of dehydration is prolonged, the mother may become confused and lose her mental acuity.

    More than likely, if the expectant mother is suffering from any of these symptoms due to vomiting, then she has already begun to become dehydrated. Drinking sufficient fluids throughout the day is vital for the health of both the mother and her baby. It is recommended that 10 glasses of water be drunk each day. When dehydration goes untreated, it develops into a serious medical problem. One of the complications of untreated dehydration is preterm labor. Whenever a woman is unable to keep fluids down due to extreme morning sickness, it is crucial to notify her health care provider immediately.

    Tips to Prevent Obesity During and After Pregnancy

    Pregnancy is a beautiful phase of a woman's life wherein she feels proud of the fact that she is nurturing a life inside her. Many women take this fact quite seriously and start eating for two adults; this results in excessive weight gain. Experts believe that to provide nourishment to the growing foetus, women need just about 300 calories extra during pregnancy. This can easily be sufficed through extra nutritional food. You don't need to eat for two adults. While little indulgence on chocolates and ice creams can be fine occasionally, excessive calories should be avoided.

    Extra weight gain during pregnancy can be risky for both mother and her child. Obese pregnant women are at a risk of developing complications like child birth defects, miscarriage and other life threatening complications like pre-eclampsia. Obesity during pregnancy also increases the risk of maternal high blood pressure by 10 times. Women who are obese during pregnancy are more likely to have gestational diabetes and problems with labour and delivery. They are also at higher risk of Cesarean deliveries.

    Tips to prevent obesity during pregnancy

    Discussed below are a few tips to help prevent obesity during pregnancy.

    • Eat a well balanced diet, rich in nutrients and vitamins

    • Satisfy your urge for snacks with dry fruits and a bowl of fresh fruits instead of going for junk food

    • Don't take pregnancy as an excuse to turn into a couch potato; being physically active is important to avoid obesity during pregnancy

    • Go for daily walks

    • Many experts recommend yoga for pregnant women as it helps them stay fit and also experience a deep sense of calm and relaxation

    • If you enjoy swimming, go jump in the pool; it will help to strengthen muscles in your upper and lower body and keep your weight in check

    • Before doing any exercise consult your doctor and instructor. Avoid exercises that involve twisting or inversions. Also avoid lying on your back for long periods of time

    • While some exercise is important, don't strain yourself to lose weight. Some weight gain is inevitable and necessary during pregnancy

    How to prevent obesity after pregnancy

    Soon after delivery, don't expect to get yourself into the pre-pregnancy stage instantly. It will take about 6 months to get back into shape. Many women often feel anxious when they see themselves in the mirror and feel that they still look a few months pregnant. Experts believe that there is no reason to fret. It takes about four weeks for your uterus to contract to its normal size. During this period, you lose about 8 to 20 pounds as the body gets rid of all that extra fluid. Mentioned below are a few steps that you should take to prevent obesity after pregnancy and help yourself get back to your normal weight and shape.

    • Go for breast-feeding. Contrary to what many women feel, breast feeding does help you lose weight and get back in shape. It consumes 500 calories from you a day, helping you to reduce some of the fat you gained during pregnancy. In addition to being the most comprehensive nutrition for your baby, breast-feeding also accelerates your metabolism, consumes redundant fat, reduces fat accumulation under the skin and prevents obesity after delivery.

    • Even while you are breast feeding you can exercise. Consult your doctor and instructor before starting with any exercise routine. Suitable exercises after delivery will help boost your metabolism and avoid caloric accumulation.

    • Take appropriate balanced diet avoiding high-fat and sugar laden diets. While you are breast-feeding, ensure that you include dairy products, vitamins, fresh fruits and vegetables in your diet.

    • Ask your doctor if you can use the belly belt. It will help you lose several inches, eliminate gestation lines as well as prevent bowel droop and loosening of the skin.

    • Do not take slimming pills while you are breast feeding.

    Tuesday, December 17, 2013

    Avoid Gaining Weight After Pregnancy

    For many pregnant women, gaining weight is a big concern. The problem arises after the baby has been born. It is difficult to lose a lot of weight after the delivery. The woman becomes self-conscious and fears that she has become unattractive to her partner so she wants to lose the excess weight quickly. Some of the factors that lead to weight gain are a lack of time to exercise, abnormal hormone levels and food cravings. This is why guides like Pregnancy Without Pounds have become very popular.

    The key to this weight gain issue is to stop the problem before it starts. It is important to gain just enough weight during pregnancy for the baby to be healthy.

    The recommended weight gain range is from 25 to 35 pounds depending on the woman's weight prior to the pregnancy. Pregnancy weight trackers are also available online for estimates on how much weight should be gained. To get more accurate figures, it is best to consult a health care professional.

    A healthy diet is very important for a pregnancy without gaining excess pounds. You should eat food with high nutritional value in order to support the development of your baby. You shouldn't just give in to all your food cravings and eat everything you want just because you are eating for two.

    The baby needs only about three hundred calories a day above your normal dietary calories. This is about the number of calories in three large bananas or two glasses of milk; don't go overboard and double what you normally eat.

    Avoid junk food and fast food that are just full of empty calories, fat and sugar. A variety of fresh fruits and vegetables, poultry, meat and dairy products should be included in your daily diet. Calcium, iron and protein are very important for the development of your baby. Ask your health care provider if you need prenatal supplements.

    Remember to drink at least eight glasses of water a day to keep hydrated. Caffeinated drinks like coffee, hot chocolate and soda should be avoided because caffeine, even in low levels, can increase the chances of miscarriage and slow fetal development.

    Moderate regular exercise is very healthy for pregnant women. It is one of the best ways to control weight gain and to strengthen the body in preparation for childbirth. Exercise will also ensure you do not gain excess weight after childbirth. The Pregnancy Without Pounds review covers this in more detail.

    Remember to ask your health care provider if it is safe for you to exercise. Remember to drink lots of water before, during and after your workout in order to avoid dehydration. Exercise should be at least 25 minutes a day or three to five times a week depending on the advice of your health care provider.

    Low impact kinds of exercise are recommended for pregnant women. There are exercises specifically designed for pregnant women like prenatal yoga, aerobics and water workouts. Cardiovascular exercise is very important for pregnant women but strenuous workouts should be avoided. Walking, swimming and dancing are the best forms of cardiovascular exercise for pregnant women. Take a closer look at Pregnancy Without Pounds to find out more information.

    England's Healthcare Crisis Sends a Warning to the Colonies

    The government solution to a problem is usually as bad as the problem.

    Milton Friedman

    I thought I would share this article out of England (Laura Donnelly, "Axe-falls-on-NHS-services," Sunday Telegraph, July 24, 2010). Despite having the ultimate "public option" the British are facing a cost crisis of their own. The choices they are making carry worrying implications for us.

    England nationalized health care during the second world war, and is a paradigm for what is both good and bad about government controlled health care. Funding comes from the government, and local entities decide how to spend it. Everyone is insured, but what is actually covered is determined by committees using the money available. Faced with an unprecedented financial crunch, the government has decided to severely limit health care funding. Quoting from the article

    • Restrictions on some of the most basic and common operations, including hip and knee replacements, cataract surgery and orthodontic procedures.

    • Plans to cut hundreds of thousands of pounds from budgets for the terminally ill, with dying cancer patients to be told to manage their own symptoms if their condition worsens at evenings or weekends.

    • The closure of nursing homes for the elderly.

    • A reduction in acute hospital beds, including those for the mentally ill, with targets to discourage GPs from sending patients to hospitals and reduce the number of people using accident and emergency departments.Tighter rationing of NHS funding for IVF treatment, and for surgery for obesity.

    • Thousands of job losses at NHS hospitals, including 500 staff to go at a trust where cancer patients recently suffered delays in diagnosis and treatment because of staff shortages.

    • Cost-cutting programs in pediatric and maternity services, care of the elderly and services that provide respite breaks to long-term carers.

    Such dramatic cuts are disturbing on many levels. Many of the services, including joint replacements, nursing homes, and terminal care would be considered mandatory for any basic healthcare plan in this country. But far more important is the manner in which the decisions were made.

    From the article "The Sunday Telegraph found the details of hundreds of cuts buried in obscure appendices to lengthy policy and strategy documents published by trusts. In most cases, local communities appear to be unaware of the plans."

    It appears bureaucrats made decisions impacting millions of people in secret, with little or no disclosure. This is the exact procedure used when Ms. Pelosi and Mr. Reid rammed through Obamacare, with the vote coming before the actual bill was available for review.

    I am well aware that society must make difficult choices about how to allocate limited funds for competing and often irreconcilable demands. I also believe that health care must be rationed in some way, or no money will be left for anything else.

    However, the experience in England and with Obamacare demonstrates that governments are unwilling and unable to openly and honestly debate these issues. Our elected representatives are so fearful of the populace that they cannot face the harsh light of day.

    Governments are simply not very good at making health care decisions. Allocations will be made based on political donations and lobbying efforts. It is not hard to imagine Plastic Surgeons coming out ahead in the votes of this Congress. The "scooter store" is a perfect example I will discuss later.

    Many voices in this debate use these argument against any government involvement in health care. Although alluring, such Utopian fantasies are not realistic, our government must be involved. I feel some combination of basic, limited government coverage for everyone, combined with market driven choice based supplemental care, offers the optimal solution for our country.

    Pregnancy and Exercise, How to Stay Fit While Being Pregnant


    The first thing to understand when you exercise during your pregnancy is to take extra care. This doesn't mean exercise less, rather be sure to know and understand your body limits. Even though exercising during your pregnancy can be beneficial, there are certain risks involved that may be detrimental. Be sure to check in with your doctor or midwife to ensure that you are able to exercise during pregnancy.

    Once you have the go-ahead from your physician, keep them updated with how you are doing. Are you experiencing fatigue or pain while you are exercising during your pregnancy? Be sure to let them know if that's the case. It's important to have caution while exercising, and if you're in doubt, check in with your physician. It is also very important to remember that exercising while pregnant isn't mean to improve your physical fitness, rather maintain your physical condition.

    While choosing an exercise to do during your pregnancy, be sure to consider ones that involve a partner - be it your spouse, or a friend. Pick pregnancy exercises that you enjoy, as that will help you to stay motivated to exercise during pregnancy Stay away from pregnancy exercises where you might be in danger of falling, losing your balance or getting hit in the abdomen, as these might increase the chance of something going wrong during your pregnancy.


    Finding a pregnancy exercise that you enjoy and being able to fit into your schedule is important. You'll soon notice that once you start to experience the benefits of exercising during pregnancy, you'll want to ensure that you exercise regularly. Keep in mind that the best resource for exercise while pregnant will be your healthcare provider.

    Two stages of exercising that are important are warming up and cooling down. Even with an exercise such as walking, this will help you to avoid and prevent muscle soreness and stiffness. Try to include 5 to 15 minute sessions of warming up and cooling down while you exercise during your pregnancy.

    The best warm up activity is one that is kept at a low-intensity, rhythmic activity, such as walking, or riding a stationary bike. Follow that up with slow, controlled stretches, before proceeding with a higher level of activity. A gentle cool down is also important as you exercise during pregnancy. In order to have an effective cool down, stretch each muscle, one at a time. Gentle toning pregnancy exercises are safe if you keep them to a moderate level. You might also try to include relaxation or deep-breathing exercises as well.

    Below is a short list of signs that you should stop exercising:

    1) Bloody discharge or any gush of fluid from the vagina

    2) Unexplained pain in the abdomen

    3) Persistent headaches, changes in vision, faintness or dizziness

    4) Marked fatigue, heart palpitations or chest pains

    5) Sudden swelling of ankles, face or your hands


    The best way to decide how much and how often you should exercise during your pregnancy is to follow the FITT principle - Frequency, Intensity, Time and Type.


    According to the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, women who are pregnant should not exercise for longer than 30 minutes. Even though you may feel good, and that you can keep going, your pregnant body can only handle so much. A good workout program at the beginning of your pregnancy is one that is performed three times a week.


    Throughout your pregnancy, you should aim to exercise moderately. Again, the idea is not to improve your physical fitness, rather to maintain. Overtraining can be damaging to you and your body, as well as your baby's. Learn how to take your pulse, and do not exceed 15 to 20 beats per minute more than normal. If you find it difficult to talk while you are exercising, you might be exercising to heavily while you are pregnant.


    Be advised that you should begin your exercising in short workouts. Pushing yourself to quickly might result in soreness of the muscles, as well as exhaustion. During the first few weeks of your pregnancy, you should exercise no more than 15 minute sessions. Once you feel comfortable with that duration, exercising for up to 30 minutes during your pregnancy should benefit you greatly. This increase in time shouldn't occur until you are into your second trimester, however. It is important that you listen to your body if you exercise while being pregnant. If you find yourself tired and sore after a workout, cut back until you can feel comfortable with the amount.


    Whether you prefer to exercise during your pregnancy alone, or with a friend or group of friends, it's important to decide which type of activity you will perform. Some activities that women who are pregnant find helpful are swimming, walking, stair-climbing, stationary cycling, and special prenatal aerobics and aquatic classes. Some of these activities such as walking and swimming, can be done in moderation even up until the day you deliver.

    Taking Care of Your Unborn Baby the Natural Way

    There are numerous options now that an expectant mother can choose from when it comes to taking care of the baby inside her womb. She can opt to live a healthy lifestyle by having a balanced nutrition and regular exercise as well as take in synthetic prenatal vitamins. This also means that she'd have to give up on cigarette smoking and alcoholic drinking. However, she can also opt to take care of her baby in a more natural way. This means that she still lead a healthy lifestyle and do away with all her vices minus the synthetic supplements.

    The second option is quite doable nowadays, with the presence of a number of alternative ways to get natural supplements to the synthetic prenatal vitamins. It is very easy now for a pregnant mom to get sources of alternative supplements because of the numerous healthshops and even sites on the Internet that offer these stuff. There are now herbal prenatal supplements that are made from all-natural ingredients like trees, flowers, fruit seeds and roots, among others. There are even fruit bars already available that contain all the needed vitamins and minerals needed by pregnant moms. These fruits bars even have proper amounts of folic acid, calcium, iron and other essential nutrients that are much needed for the development of the unborn baby. If you are one of these mothers who want to take care of their unborn child in the most natural way possible, then all you have to do is familiarize yourself with the alternative and natural prenatal supplements that are now abound.

    If you are still dubious about these herbal prenatal supplements as well as these fruit bars, then you can talk to your doctor about this. He will tell you what fruits and vegetables as well as other foods that you can take to still get the amount of nutrients needed for your unborn baby to grow and develop healthily. There are certain vegetables and fruits that, if taken in correct propertions, can already supply you and your baby with much needed nutrients like the folic acid, calcium and iron. If you increase your ingestion of these foods in appropriate amounts, then it is already possible for you to do away with taking synthetic or even herbal prenatal vitamins. Green leafy vegetables, broccoli, oranges, beans, wheat germ and whole grain breads are just among the foods that you can stock up on if you want to avoid taking prenatal vitamins. Through these foods, you are not only assured of your own health but also that of your unborn baby.

    COBRA Health Insurance - What You Need To Know

    COBRA health insurance is an area of insurance law that suffers from a certain degree of uncertainty and yet this law will affect the lives of many Americans at some point in their lives. This is not an obscure law that only affects a small number of people in limited special situations. COBRA (or the Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1986) amends the Employee Retirement Income Security Act, the Internal Revenue Code and the Public Health Service Act to provide continuation of group health coverage that otherwise might be terminated.

    According to the US Department of Labor; COBRA provides certain former employees, retirees, spouses, former spouses, and dependent children the right to temporary continuation of health coverage at group rates. This coverage, however, is only available when coverage is lost due to certain specific events. Group health coverage for COBRA participants is usually more expensive than health coverage for active employees, since usually the employer pays a part of the premium for active employees while COBRA participants generally pay the entire premium themselves. It is ordinarily less expensive, though, than individual health coverage.

    Generally speaking, if you are an employee at a company that has 20 or more employees and you leave your group health plan (or your group health plan terminates for some reason) for some reason other than gross negligence then you will be offered COBRA continuation coverage (There are also provisions for spouses and dependent children).

    Practically speaking; should you elect the COBRA continuation coverage option? If you or your family has major health issues then yes. If you and your family are relatively healthy then you will probably want to compare individual health insurance plans as individual rates are approximately half the cost of a comparable COBRA group health insurance premium. (Hint: One major difference between individual health plans and group health plans is that with individual health plans you usually have to pay extra to receive maternity coverage where on most group plans maternity coverage is included. If having maternity is a necessity then be sure and compare the rates offered to you by COBRA with the rates offered from an individual plan with maternity coverage to get a true apples to apples comparison.

    Monday, December 16, 2013

    What Causes Cellulite - Know it to Cure It

    Almost every woman on earth has cellulite including celebrities and supermodels.  Getting to know about cellulite is a wise thing to do, but before removing cellulite, it is necessary to know the causes of cellulite. These causes will help you to prevent and diminish cellulite from your life. Cellulite is not a disease, it is a health disorder that is has multiple symptoms. To remove cellulite, you need to adopt more than one method for its treatment.

    All you need to know about cellulite

    Cellulite is appearance of unattractive bumps on the skin especially in the thigh, leg and buttock areas. The texture can be referred as "cottage cheese". Poor elasticity is the main cause of cellulite as the experts put it. Fat cells bulge too an extent that it becomes impossible for the fibre compartments that hold the skin. These compartments enlarge to form uneven layers or dimples of fat beneath the skin. So what is the reason behind incapability of the body to hold these fat cells? Or what causes cellulite?

    Cellulite causes

    It is a common misconception among majority of the population that cellulite is caused due to fatness or obesity. However, this is not true as cellulite can be observed in slim women too. Cellulite can be related to skin elasticity and fat cells. The type of cellulite you develop is determined by your genes. Even girls of 14 years of age show symptoms of cellulite. If you wish to know the type of cellulite you will posses, you can predict by looking at your mother. As cellulite is more observed in case of women than men, doctors believe that high levels of estrogen - a female hormone is the cause of cellulite.

    Many women on birth control pills or at postnatal stage develop cellulite in them as the body's waste structure cannot eliminate the large amount of estrogen flow in the body. Lifestyle can also be responsible for cellulite. Poor diet, meaning; consumption of toxic foods cause fluid retention and bad circulation in the body. This increases your chances of developing cellulite. Women leading sedentary lifestyles are also prone to have cellulite as it causes hardening of connective tissue that eventually leads to dimpling in the dermis.

    If you are at post adolescent age between 25 to 35 years, you are likely to have cellulite due to aging. This is because aging causes thinness of subcutaneous fat layer in the skin. The contents from the subcutaneous fat layer are bifurcated over time with unfavourable results. Disturbance of circulatory system after a severe injury can also cause cellulite. The following paragraph explains the causes of cellulite, which will help you to mange and prevent cellulite.

    How does cellulite develop?

    Heredity and genes determine the formation of cellulite. Lack of water intake does not allow the harmful to flush from the body. Mixture of fat, toxic waste and water cause formation of cellulite. So it is recommended to drink plenty of water to drain out all the toxins and diminish cellulite. Poor diet, smoking, medication, poor lifestyles and crash diets are also other causes of cellulite. So what causes is known to you now, so you can take the necessary precautions to take care of your cellulite.  

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    The First Antenatal Visit: Health History

    Pregnancy is a life altering experience for women and the best way to approach pregnancy would be to stay well-informed about various facets of it.

    Pregnancy is a time of great change. From the onset, it induces many changes in the woman's body which can be very frightening to women. It also alters the lifestyle and behavior of the mother to be. By being informed about the changes and problems occurring in pregnancy women can be better prepared to face pregnancy. This resource is designed to provide a basic understanding of routine antenatal care.

    Prenatal Care

    Pregnancy is not disease, it is a natural process. But complications do occur in some women. In the underdeveloped countries many women die due to lack of antenatal care. Therefore women who are pregnant should see a doctor as soon as they see two lines on the pregnancy kit. Antenatal care consists of two arms: regular health care visits and education about childbirth.

    Antenatal Health Care Visits

    These visits must commence immediately with the diagnosis of pregnancy. These visits allow the doctor to monitor the mother to be and the baby for any illness. The growth and development of the baby is also assessed during these visits.

    The first antenatal visit is usually longer than the others and during this visit a detailed history is taken from the mother to be. During this visit one can expect a general physical exam, some lab tests, calculation of due date and a timetable for antenatal care. One can also schedule any childbirth education classes during this time, but this is better done in the later pregnancy. This visit is also a good time to discuss expectations and concerns that women may have with their doctor.


    A detailed history is mandatory for good antenatal care. It is therefore necessary for women to give as much information as possible to their health care provider. The common questions asked during the first visit are mentioned below. Women would be advised to go over these questions before the first visit.

    繚 When was the last menstrual period?

    繚 Are your periods regular? If yes what is the cycle length and how long does the period last?

    繚 Do you suffer from excessive swelling of the feet or puffiness of face?

    繚 Any other symptoms one would like to make a mention of?

    繚 History about prior pregnancies including abortions, both spontaneous and induced. Any complications in these pregnancy should be mentioned to the health care provider.

    繚 History of twins, genetic defects in family

    繚 History of high blood sugar, high blood pressure, kidney disease, cardiac disease, seizures or any other medical surgical condition in the mother to be.

    Accurate answers to the above questions will enable the doctor to tailor a management plan that is appropriate to each woman.

    Baby Feeding - How Often Does a Newborn Baby Need to Be Fed?

    How often a newborn baby needs to be fed depends on many factors, but the general rule is that a newborn should be fed at fairly regular intervals, several times a day and through the night, at least for the first few months. Many parents struggle with knowing how often their baby needs a bottle, how much they need to drink and how to tell when they have had enough.

    The requirement of every baby will differ slightly and baby food products will usually state a recommended amount on the packaging, usually based on the weight of the baby. While these are a good guideline, most babies will not quite fit into these patterns, some babies will require less food, but more regular feeding, while others will feed much more than the recommended amount and may still appear hungry.

    The weight of your baby is a good indication to go by, if your baby is getting enough food, they will gain weight steadily. If you are concerned that your baby is not feeding well or that they are not gaining weight, then you should talk to your health advisor about which steps, if any, need to be taken. Some babies simply do not fit into the average patterns but you should always make sure this is the case as sometimes a baby can be having difficulty with the type of formula they are drinking. In the case of breastfeeding, the mothers diet can affect the flavor of the breast milk and this could cause the baby to be less inclined to feed.

    Advantages of Chiropractic Care

    Chiropractic care is a method to maintain good health conditions of the spinal column, discs, related nerves and bone geometry. The fascinating thing is that its done without drugs or surgery. Chiropractors say that it is the art and science of adjusting misaligned joints of the body, especially of the spine. Spinal nerve stress is greatly reduced through Chiropractic Care which promotes health throughout the body.

    During pregnancy, there are several physiological and endocrinological changes that occur in a human body, creating the environment for the developing baby. This also involves weight bearing changes which causes added stress to the spine. Chiropractic care during pregnancy not only can help you to stay more comfortable, but can also help to facilitate your birth.

    During pregnancy, the pelvis can get misaligned. When this happens, the amount of room available for the fetus greatly reduces. This restriction is called intrauterine constraint. Less amount of room may also make it difficult for the baby to get into the best possible position for delivery. Through Chiropractic Care, pelvic balance and alignment can be obtained.

    Chiropractic care during pregnancy may provide the following benefits

    • Helps to maintain a healthier pregnancy

    • Helps in controlling symptoms of nausea

    • Increases the likelihood of full-term delivery

    • Can reduce the time of labor and delivery

    • Helps relieve back, neck or joint pain

    • Can prevent a potential cesarean section

    Chiropractic care during pregnancy is absolutely safe for both mother and fetus. Spinal adjustments are especially gentle during pregnancy. This is due to the increase in hormones released during pregnancy which causes significant muscle and ligament relaxation. Hence less force is required to correct sub-luxations Special adjustable positions can also be provided ensuring comfort and safety for both mother and fetus.

    Specialised doctors who are licensed to diagnose and correct subluxations are called Chiropractors. Currently there are about 100 Chiropractic Physicians in the United States and Canada who have completed a 3 year post-doctorate degree. They specialize in maternity and pediatric care. According to Chiropractors the frequency of care varies for a number of different reasons. Normally, regular care during a non-complicated pregnancy will range from once per week to once per month.

    So, as a pregnant woman adjusts to her new body during her pregnancy, it is important for her to learn and understand the benefits of chiropractic care. Small adjustments may improve her overall health as an expectant mother. Also chiropractic care is a drug-free approach to pain reduction and that eliminates unnecessary complications that might arise due to intake of unnecessary medication. And above all, scientific studies have proved that chiropractic care works! Chiropractic care throughout pregnancy is proved to restore balance to the pelvis and the muscles and ligaments that attach to the pelvis. That leads to better deliveries for you and your baby.

    We shouldn't forget that pregnancy should be a time full of health and happiness! It should not be a time to suffer from pain or discomfort .Contact your local Chiropractic Physician who has specialized training in maternity care and work with him so that you can experience the quality of life you and your unborn child deserve!