Saturday, June 29, 2013

Do You Need Help Getting Pregnant? Warning - Vitamin B6 Facts Tell All!

If you are having trouble conceiving, you may be starting to do some research as to what you can do to help the process along. Your doctor has probably told you that she will not see you until you have tried conceiving for a year, but you don't want to wait that long. So, left to your own devices, you start searching the Internet to find the magic pill that will help you to get pregnant as quickly as possible. You will find a plethora of information that describes solutions to infertility that is promised to work. The information can be confusing at best and it is difficult to know which information is correct. You need some honest help getting pregnant. Vitamin B6 is one of those solutions touted as the magical pill that will help you get pregnant immediately. Before you start popping those pills, there is some important information you need to know.

Vitamin B6 Fact #1 - B6 will not get you pregnant immediately.
Vitamin B6 is not a magic pill for fertility. Taking large amounts of it in an effort to conceive will not work, and could, in fact, be harmful to the body. This nutrient is an important part of general health and good general health makes for a baby ready body. So in that way, it works with a healthy diet to make conception easier.

Vitamin B6 Fact #2 - B6 can help you keep your pregnancy.
Studies have shown that this supplement will lengthen the time between when you ovulate and when you get your period. This is called the luteal phase of your menstrual cycle and a normal length is somewhere between 10 and 14 days. If your cycles typically have this time as less than 10 days, you may have difficulty conceiving. A luteal phase that is too short will not be able to sustain a fertilized egg and a miscarriage will occur. Medical professionals concur that taking vitamin B6 can lengthen this phase. In fact, studies show that women with a vitamin B6 deficiency could have the shortened luteal phase precisely because they need more of it.

Vitamin B6 Fact #3 - B6 is found in many foods.
You don't necessarily have to add vitamin B6 supplements if you discover that your luteal phase is short. Many foods contain it, and it is not difficult to get the recommended amount of two milligrams per day through a proper diet. Foods such as fish, chicken, beans, corn and nuts contain vitamin B6.

Vitamin B6 Fact #5 - B6 is in prenatal vitamins.
It can be a good idea to start taking prenatal vitamins before you get pregnant. If you are heeding this advice, you should already be getting the recommended amount of vitamin B6 each day.

Vitamin Fact #6 - B6 as been known to help reduce the severity of morning sickness.
Many women who struggle with nausea and vomiting during the early stages of pregnancy have reported relief by taking this supplement. It is very important to discuss this with your doctor, as any supplement taken in excess could harm you and the baby. You never want to take a supplement without consulting with your doctor first.

Pregnancy In The Stone Age - Can We Learn Something?

The woman who became pregnant during the Stone Age faced huge risks compared with today's mother-to-be. There was no way to control bleeding or infection; Caesarean section was not an option. That we survived as a species seems remarkable - until you dig a little deeper.

The outcome of pregnancy depends on the underlying health of the mother, nutrition before and during pregnancy and the threat of infection. In all those areas the woman of 50,000 years ago was better off than her counterpart today. How is that possible in an age when there was no plumbing, no medical care and no protection from infectious diseases?

Better diet, better pregnancy

The primitive woman's diet was less likely to be deficient in important nutrients than that of today's young girls. (Ref 1) A study from the University of Cincinnati Medical Center has confirmed earlier reports that adolescent and adult pregnant women take in too little iron, zinc, folate and vitamin E.

A woman who begins pregnancy without sufficient calcium, vitamin D and other bone-building nutrients increases her risk of developing osteoporosis in middle age. But that's not the end of the story. Her infant may also be at greater risk of fracture in the future. Osteoporosis of middle age is at least partly programmed before birth, especially if the mother smokes and has little physical activity. (Ref 2, 3, 4)

Most laypersons believe that Stone Agers were hearty meat-eaters. Anthropologists know that isn't so. They lived on a predominantly meat diet for only about 100,000 years, from the time that Homo sapiens developed keen hunting skills until the advent of farming. Before that time meat came from carrion and small game. The bulk of their calories came from vegetables, fruit, roots and nuts.

Plant foods contain everything that a pregnant woman needs, including vitamins, antioxidants, protein and minerals. Modern vegetarians often become deficient in vitamin B12 but small game, birds' eggs and the deliberate or accidental inclusion of insects in the Stone Age diet provided more than enough of that critical nutrient.

Folic acid deficiency in early pregnancy leads to defective formation of the infant's brain and spinal cord. Those abnormalities are much less likely among the babies of mothers who receive an adequate amount of folate, at least 400 micrograms per day. So few women eat enough green leafy vegetables to boost their folate levels, the U.S. government requires that manufacturers of baked goods add it to their products.

Obstetricians have been prescribing multivitamins for their pregnant patients for decades but it is only in recent years that studies confirmed the wisdom of that practice. In 2002 the American Medical Association reversed a position of long standing and recommended that everyone, with no exceptions, needs a multivitamin/multimineral preparation every day in order to avoid subtle but health-damaging inadequacies of these nutrients. Taking a multivitamin reduces the risk of congenital defects of the newborn, especially those that involve the heart. Preeclampsia is a serious, sometimes fatal complication of pregnancy. Women whose intake of vitamins C and E is low have a threefold greater risk of that condition. (Ref. 5, 6)

Would these mostly vegetarian early Stone Agers have become iron-deficient? Not likely. Their diet was rich in iron as well as in Vitamin C that facilitates iron absorption. Under those conditions iron deficiency would have been rare. Cereal grains interfere with iron absorption, which explains why iron-deficiency is common in societies that subsist primarily on grains. However, one of the main reasons why Stone Age women were unlikely to be iron deficient is that they didn't have nearly as many menstrual cycles as modern women do.

In a primitive society the onset of menses is about 5 years later than that of American young women. Modern hunter-gatherers, like the oldest Stone Agers, are either pregnant or nursing during most of their childbearing years and they only menstruate a few times between weaning one child and conceiving another. In those groups breastfeeding does suppress ovulation because it is literally on demand, i.e., every few minutes, even throughout the night. For a modern breastfeeding mother, on demand often means no more frequently than every couple of hours and perhaps once or twice a night after the third or fourth month. Thus menses return in spite of nursing and monthly blood loss continues.

The fish-brain connection

Beginning about 150,000 years ago our ancestors discovered seafood. The increased intake of fatty acids in fish and shellfish initiated the great advance in brain size and complexity that allowed humans to progress more quickly in the next 100,000 years than they had in the preceding million. Enormous gains in toolmaking and the development of language and group communication followed.

The human brain is composed mostly of water but the solid portion is mostly fat. The body can't manufacture the omega-3 and omega-6 fats that make up so much of the structure of the brain and eye so we need them in our diet. Maternal deficiency of these nutrients, especially omega-3s, prevents the newborn brain and eyes from reaching their full potential. The best source of omega-3 fats is fish; nuts and leafy green vegetables are also good sources.

Omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids are found in every cell of the body. They allow efficient flow of nutrients, regulate nerve impulses and keep inflammation in the right balance. In a proper diet there is an equal amount of omega-3 and omega-6 fats. That allows the immune system to fight infection, a real threat that humans faced from the Stone Age until the age of antibiotics, a mere 70 years ago.

The advantage to the baby of a diet that is rich in omega-3 fats is obvious but mothers need it, too. Nature protects the unborn infant by tapping into the mother's stores of omega-3 fats. A woman whose intake of omega-3 fatty acids is low during the months and years preceding pregnancy will develop a deficiency of her own. This becomes worse with succeeding pregnancies if her intake of omega-3s remains low. Postpartum depression affects about 10 percent of women following delivery and it is associated with a deficiency of omega-3 fats. (Ref 7, 8)

The newest epidemic

There is one complication of pregnancy that never occurred in the Stone Age: type 2 diabetes. No disease in modern times has risen so fast. It has increased several-fold since the 1950s; between 1990 and 2001 it rose by 61 percent. Gestational diabetics (Ref. 9) are those who do not yet have the full-blown disease but they cannot process blood sugar (glucose) properly during pregnancy. About half of them will develop frank diabetes in the years following delivery of their infant.

Most of us know type 2 diabetes, which was once referred to as adult-onset diabetes, as the disease that our grandparents developed in their later years. It's no longer uncommon to find it in adolescents, even in grade-schoolers. As it has dipped into the younger generation it has alarmed - but not surprised - physicians to find that it is no longer a rarity in obstetric practice.

How can we be so certain that the pregnant Stone Ager didn't have diabetes? This is a lifestyle disease that has three major associations: a low level of physical activity, a diet that is high in refined grains and sugars, and obesity. Those conditions simply didn't occur during the Stone Age. Their lifestyle demanded strenuous effort. Grains of any sort were not part of their diet because they require tools and controlled heat. Sugar as we know it simply didn't exist and honey was an occasional lucky find. Obesity would have been non-existent, as it is today among the planet's dwindling populations of hunter-gatherers.

Diabetic mothers have more complications of pregnancy than normal women do. Their babies are 5 times as likely to die and are 3 times as likely to be born with abnormalities of various organs.

They kept germs at bay

Common wisdom states that Stone Age people were an infection-ridden lot but that simply isn't true. They had powerful immune systems because of high levels of physical activity and a remarkably varied diet. Between the protective antibodies that a mother passed across the placenta and those that she conferred on her newborn via breastmilk, Stone Age babies had more protection against the germs of the day than modern infants do.

Sexually transmitted diseases don't spread very far or very fast when people live in small isolated bands as they did during the Stone Age. The likelihood that today's pregnant female will have at least one of these infections is more than 50 percent (Ref. 10). The impact on babies can be severe; some die, some will be brain-damaged.

Choice and consequences

Tobacco, alcohol and illicit drugs have produced a generation of infants with problems that Stone Age babies never faced. Mothers who smoke have infants that are smaller than the norm and whose brain development may be compromised. Alcohol or cocaine use by the mother during pregnancy results in stunted growth, congenital defects and other severe problems.

Given a choice, none of us would want to live in a Stone Age world but we have neutralized the almost miraculous medical advances of the last century. We have allowed our daughters to be less physically active and to subsist on a marginal diet. If we could reverse those two factors alone there would be a dramatic decline in prematurity and other complications of pregnancy.
The lessons that we can learn from the Stone Age are not subtle, obscure or beyond our capacity to imitate them. We can produce the healthiest generation ever by making better choices for our children and for ourselves.

Philip J. Goscienski, M.D. is the author of Health Secrets of the Stone Age, Better Life Publishers 2005. Contact him via his web site at


1. Giddens JB et al., Pregnant adolescent and adult women have similarly low intakes of selected nutrients, J Am Diet Assoc 2000;100:1334-1340

2 Cooper C et al., Review: developmental origins of osteoporotic fracture, Osteoporosis Int 2006; 17(3):337-47

3 Prentice A et al., Nutrition and bone growth and development, Proc Nutr Soc 2006 Nov;65(4):348-60

4 Lanham SA et al., Intrauterine programming of bone. Part I: alteration of the osteogenic environment, Osteoporos Int 2008 Feb;19(2):147-56

5 Keen CL et al., The Plausibility of Micronutrient Deficiencies Being a Significant Contributing Factor to the Occurrence of Pregnancy Complications, Am Soc Nutr Sciences J Nutr 2003 May;133:1597S-1605S

6 Bodnar LM et al., Periconceptional multivitamin use reduces the risk of preeclampsia, Am J Epidemiol 2006 Sep 1;164(5):470-7

7 Freeman MP, Omega-3 fatty acids and perinatal depression: a review of the literature and recommendations for future research, Prostaglandins Leukot Essent Fatty Acids 2006 Oct-Nov;75(4-5):291-7

8 Kendall-Tackett K, A new paradigm for depression in new mothers: the central role of inflammation and how breastfeeding and anti-inflammatory treatments protect maternal mental health, Int Breastfeed J 2007;2:6

9 Greene MF and Solomon CG, Gestational Diabetes Mellitus - Time to Treat, N Engl J Med 2005 June 16; 352(24):2544-46

10 Baseman JG and Koutsky LA, The epidemiology of human papillomavirus infections, J Clin Virol 2005 Mar;32 Supple 1:S16-24

Post Pregnancy Exhaustion

Many first time mothers are very surprised to find how much their lives change after the birth of their new baby. They tend to imagine that their lives will be structured in a peaceful way around the routine of caring for the baby and that every thing will run smoothly and efficiently. However, they soon find once reality kicks in that nothing goes like clockwork once you have a new baby in the house, that nights and days turn upside down and they even discover TV shows in the early hours of the morning. And of course one of the biggest problems for a new mother with this new lifestyle is exhaustion.

Fathers can suffer from exhaustion too! It is said that parents in general miss out on about 10% to 20% of their normal sleeping hours during the first year of their baby's life.

Unfortunately, such fatigue for new mothers can last for months depending on how well your baby sleeps and how good you are at napping when you can. Most new mothers start to feel less exhausted after 2 to 3 months. Although, recent research has found that contrary to popular belief that such post natal exhaustion is in the first 6 weeks after birth, it was actually found that many women were more exhausted at 14 to 19 months post partum than they were at 6 weeks. Could it be that this is linked to those months when your baby first starts to walk and you are having to watch them so carefully and are literally following their every move?

Some of the symptoms of severe exhaustion in new mothers are:

o Inability to concentrate

o Difficulty thinking

o Nervousness

o Lack of self-confidence

And these symptoms may well be linked to possible postpartum depression or anemia.
If you were anemic during your pregnancy or you lost a lot of blood at delivery, you may well need to continue taking prenatal vitamins and separate iron supplements. It is best to have a check up with your doctor in these circumstances.

The high prevalence of fatigue among women who have given birth is a concern that should not be taken lightly because sometimes it can be a symptom of larger medical problems such as postpartum thyroiditis (PPT) which is a thyroid dysfunction. Apart from exhaustion, some of the other symptoms for PPT are goiter, dry skin, constipation, weight gain and cold intolerance. And there are certain risk factors in some women for developing PPT such as:

o Goiter and the presence of antithyroid antibodies in the first half of pregnancy.

o A previous history of PPT.

o A family history of thyroid disease

o The presence of insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus.

If as a new mother, you suspect that you may be experiencing a thyroid dysfunction you should contact your doctor for treatment to improve this condition.

Pregnant? Discover How to Get Insurance

The expense of pregnancy can be the highest in a woman's life because it requires special medical support. Without insurance, it can be overwhelming and harmful to family finances. It is easier to get pregnancy insurance before you are pregnant. However, if you are already pregnant and do not have insurance for your pregnancy, there are still options available for you to get insured and to reduce your maternity expenses.

Employer sponsored

Women who are employed can have access to pregnancy insurance through their employers. Check with your employer for health insurance that includes maternity coverage. If the once a year open period for insurance has not passed, you might still be able to add pregnancy coverage to your health insurance. You also have rights to coverage if you are switching jobs. This is effectively covered by the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act. It protects women from pregnancy related insurance discrimination by employers.


If you are married, your spouse employment insurance can have options that can cover your pregnancy expenses. Discuss this with your spouse so he can add you to his employment insurance policy. Most insurance policies allow married couples to include their spouses.


Pregnant women can also get medical assistance through the government. The following are the common programs:

Medicaid - Funded by the federal government and administered through the states. Medicaid is for people with low income. Therefore you have to be below a certain income level to qualify. If you have more than one source of income, dropping one might lower your income enough to qualify for Medicaid and reduce your maternity expenses.

There are other similar programs like American Plan and the Women, Infants and Children program. Contacting your local health department or Planned Parenthood can give you information on the programs that are available in your sate. Investigate all your alternatives if already pregnant without insurance.

Natural Ways of Treating Anxiety

Are you currently suffering from anxiety? There are plenty of medications that you can use with this problem.

There are some doctors that prescribed medications such as Tranquillizers, Anti-Depressants and Sleeping Tablets to treat postnatal depression. There are several caring doctors out there but there are also some that are not.

Actually, the medications that were mentioned earlier are medications given as the last resort for treating anxiety, depression or insomnia, which are already severe and had affected our daily routines already and when the problem is not being treated by any medications. People who were prescribed with such medications will be having higher risks of having other illnesses or complications which will harm your health in the long run.

If you are afraid or worried in using prescribed medications because of the harmful reactions you can get through these medications, you do not have to lose hope. There are healthy alternatives that you can make use of in order to treat anxiety. You are wondering what the healthy alternatives that you can use that works well with your anxiety, so continue reading because this article will give you few alternatives that can treat anxiety naturally and safely.

Usually, when you are suffering from depression or anxiety, you do not want to spend time with other people, you just simply stay in your room. But being lonely is not good for you, since loneliness is one of the causes of depression, so you have to do things in order to avoid loneliness. It is better to out and join some groups. Joining groups can be helpful for you to solve your anxiety problem. You may not feel like doing it, but you have to do it, in this way, you can keep yourself from loneliness. You can join at your church, sport clubs and the likes. There are plenty of options you can choose from, just bear in mind that joining a social circle can help you out.

Another helpful way that you should do is exercise. Having 15 minutes to 30 minutes each day doing exercise or physical activities can boost your self-esteem and you can relax your mind and feel god about yourself. You can walk, dance, jog, swim, and go to the gym and a lot more. But in making some activities, you have to choose those activities that can give you much fun. As an advice, you have to do this everyday, this could reduce the symptoms of anxiety you have.

One of the causes of anxiety is too much worry about a problem you have at the moment. So talking this out with our family or friends can be helpful on your part. You can be relieved from stress or anxiety if you share your problem with the people you trust and love. As soon as you talk about it with family or friends, you could see yourself relief.

Using herbal remedy is an effective way of treating anxiety. You do not need to worry about the risks of having harmful side effect as soon as you take such remedy. There are plenty of herbal remedies from you to choose from. Just take time to research about the herbal remedy before using it. As a piece of advice, before taking the herbal remedy, you have to read the instruction carefully and follow it strictly to assure your safety.

Eliza Maledevic Ayson

Herbal Remedy Treating Anxiety

How Weight Gain Leads to Snoring

One of the major causes of snoring in modern times is obesity. If you look at obesity, the pandemic is cutting across all nations today due to the sedentary lifestyle and low exercise regimen that have become a bane of modern living. Excess weight gain can be also due to pregnancy, induced post natal weight, side effects of certain medications that tend to effect individuals, inclusion of junk food in regular diet, aerated drinks consumption and high stress levels that lead to a variety of psychological disorders, inducing weight gain by binging.

If you are a few pounds overweight, you might have started snoring. Contrary to usual belief a person who snores is not a heavy sleep, but that is a warning by the body of impending health hazards. Weight gain is not isolated in pockets, but all over the body layers of fatty tissue accumulation starts affecting the heart, compresses the throat region, creating narrow air passages that simulate snoring.

When you gain weight, you also lose toned muscles! Yes, snoring is a direct consequence of loose muscles of the throat and jaws, which indirectly let the tongue fall back into the throat. This obstructs normal breathing patterns when you are asleep. The constant vibration of the soft tissue in the throat region by the air pressure flowing through the narrow constricted air tracks causes the irritating noise, that we call snores.

Snorers stand a higher risk of being diagnosed with hypertension, diabetes, depression, and sleep apnea, cardiac and sleep deprivation related heath problems that knows no barriers of age, race and nationality.

On a regular day, most people who snore wake up to a headache, caused by low oxygen supply to the brain, dry mouth and throat as you snore through the mouth most times. The constant waking up through out the night does not let you get into REM sleep pattern, considered to be the deep phase of sleep.

Most of the people require 9 hours of sleep to rejuvenate but snorers, who wake up all through the night have issues of sleep deprivation. In most cases, the bed partner also suffers from sleep deprivation due to the constant tossing, coughing and interruptions all through the night.

Mostly sleep deprivation is often ignored as a minor problem. The major symptoms are constant drowsiness, poor alertness, low concentration, low productivity and relationship issues that crop up over time. Sleep apnea is a major concern for those who snore heavily on a regular basis.

However, the extreme stage of sleep apnea occurs when you ignore mild or medium snoring and over time the issue escalates to become a major health hazard. If you are still steps away from becoming a heavy snorer, it is time to take action and look for a good anti snoring remedy. You can choose from anti snoring pills, sprays, nasal strips, mouth guards and a variety of other ways to stop snoring. Part from that you can also refer about your condition with your doctor today.

Friday, June 28, 2013

Pregnancy Stretch Marks - An Important Insight

Pregnancy is a beautiful period so do not let the little pregnancy complications that occur to dampen your spirits. Brighten up even if you having problems like stretch marks as there are several treatments available and research has shown that after some time they generally disappear.

What exactly are pregnancy stretch marks?

Stretch marks are defined in Dermatology as scar formation on the skin with a silvery white hue. When they first appear on the skin they may be reddish or purple in color but as time passes they gradually fade to a pale white color and the skin in that area is very soft to touch.

Why and where do they occur?

The human skin includes the outer epidermal layer, the inner dermis layer and the subcutaneous stratum. The dermis is the layer that helps the skin retain its shape and the pregnancy stretch marks appear on the dermis as a result of excessive stretching and sudden weight gain. Pregnancy stretch marks may occur on breasts, belly, thighs, upper arms anywhere where fat tends to accumulate.

Various stretch mark treatments are available for stretch marks removal like ointments, the most popular of which is cocoa butter. You may also use Vitamin E oil or other ointments. If the stretch marks are really severe and these treatments do not help, consult your health care specialist, as there are laser treatments, dermabrasion, tretenoin, isotretenoin, adepalin and many such methods are being discovered. It makes sense consulting your health care specialist before applying any lotions for pregnancy stretch marks, as it may be possible that some medications such as steroids or hormones may be causing the stretch marks.

Who is more prone to getting pregnancy stretch marks?

  • The more elastic your skin is the less prone you are to getting stretch marks

  • Sudden weight gain may cause stretch marks so eat healthy and cut down that extra fat.

  • Genetics plays an important part so if your mother got stretch marks it is likely that you would too.

  • If you are expecting multiples the chances of stretch marks is higher as the belly usually grows larger than other women

  • In case you developed stretch marks on your breast during puberty you are more likely to develop stretch marks

  • In case this is your second pregnancy and you had it the first time it is more likely you'll develop them again

  • If you drink lots of water and eat a nutritious diet you are more likely to avoid serious stretch marks
  • Pregnancy stretch marks should not be seen as such a big problem that it disturbs your peace of mind and happiness. Don't worry once your baby is born, after a year or so the marks tend to disappear or may appear as light lines. In case you would like to apply ointments like Tretinoin cream it is better to do it after delivery as it may affect your unborn baby. If you are breast-feeding, please consult your doctor before using stretch mark treatments because some treatments for pregnancy stretch marks may be harmful to the breast milk or probably affect the milk supply.

    What You Need To Know About Skin Changes During Pregnancy

    Pregnancy drastically changes a woman's body. While some women are blessed enough to experience that pregnancy glow, some women find the change in their appearance utterly frustrating. This is due to the reality that, hormone activity throughout pregnancy can result to either a healthy glowing skin, or a skin with a variety of problems.

    Acne is the most typical skin issue that pregnant women suffer from. It is most common to find pimples around the mouth and chin in the course of pregnancy. These can carry on till delivery of the baby if it is left untreated. Even so, pregnant females ought to be particularly careful in using skin care products during pregnancy. Products that contain salicylic acid, benzoyl peroxide and any of the retinoids ought to be avoided. Topical preparations that are safe to use include sulphur-based products and items made up of glycolic acid or alpha hydroxyl acids.

    If these don't help at all, one can ask your medical doctor as to what topical prescription drugs that may offer great results without harming your child. It may also help if you use a foundation that is suited for oily skin. That has oil blotting properties and will not irritate your skin further. One can also use oil control papers or films since these assist in getting rid of excess oil.

    Besides pimples, women are also bothered by melasma or the mask of pregnancy. This occurs at around the 24th week of pregnancy and onwards. The hormonal changes of pregnancy cause areas of dark pigmented skin on the woman's face. According to the American Academy of Dermatology, women with darker complexions and dark hair are at greater risk. You may also experience darker pigmentation on your areola, and your thighs. Most females also have a line of pregnancy or linea nigra. This line of dark pigment runs down to the center of the belly.

    There is no remedy for the pigmentation of your skin but staying out of the sun can diminish the total amount of discoloration you may experience. Therefore, it is best to put on sunscreen every time you go outdoors. It may not be safe to use skin lightening products that have not been authorized by your physician. Discuss with your physician as to what products you may be able to use. A faster way to hide your pregnancy mask is by using a high-pigment concealer or foundation. Choose the shade ideal for your skin in order to cover the needed areas. For very best results, try a moisturizer just before you apply your concealer.

    Yet another common pregnancy related skin discomfort is PUPPP or pruritic urticarial papules and plaques of pregnancy. Females with PUPPP generate little red hurdles and hives that may form big patches once severe. It normally begins in the abdomen and spreads to the breasts, thighs, and buttocks. It may resolve after delivery of the baby but it can be extremely uncomfortable. One can try applying a cloth soaked in warm milk to achieve relief. If it persists, you may get in touch with your doctor so you can be prescribed topical steroid creams. Women need to talk with their health care provider if they notice other suspicious rash-like symptoms. Your physician needs to evaluate your signs and symptoms whether they are pregnancy related or not.

    Women may also have stretch marks as their skin stretches due to pregnancy. Even though stretch marks may be hereditary, it may improve if a woman uses certain measures to stop it from occurring. Keeping your weight gain within normal limits as well as moisturizing may help in preventing stretch marks.

    Indeed, pregnancy brings about a lot of changes in a woman's body. Though they may be disturbing, they should usually not last after the birth of the baby. If it bothers you that much, you don't have to worry. Many treatment options are now available to help correct your skin issues after giving birth.

    Why Health Insurance Maternity Coverage is So Important

    Long gone are the days when you could have a baby at home with the assistance of just a midwife and a few warm towels. Being pregnant and having a baby is huge business, and an increasingly dangerous proposition, and if you aren't covered by some sort of health insurance maternity coverage, you may find your newborn baby costing you a lot more than you had anticipated.

    Of course, it is all but impossible to try and go get health insurance maternity coverage once you are already pregnant, so if you are trying to get pregnant or see the possibility of it in your future, then you need to get your medical insurance policy immediately. Even if you aren't pregnant yet, you may find that there is a waiting period after you have signed up for your policy, which would prevent coverage for you if you became pregnant during the first few months.

    Finally, the type of health insurance maternity coverage that you get is vitally important, especially if you are looking to work with one particular OB/GYN or hospital. You will be going for many tests, procedures, and check-ups during the time you are pregnant, and you will still require care after you are pregnant (as will your baby), so it is worth it to spend the time to find a policy that allows you to see who you want and when you want. Obviously, you will also want a policy that has the lowest possible deductible for each visit to the doctor.

    So, take the time before you get pregnant to do your research and start shopping around for health insurance maternity coverage as soon as you can. Having a baby without any kind of medical insurance is a price that you just don't want to pay.

    Understanding Pregnancy Week by Week - Third Trimester

    Are you pregnant? Then you should know the various steps of the pregnancy. There are different trimesters like first, second and third trimesters. We will discuss here about third trimester of pregnancy. Pregnancy Week by Week: Third Trimester is the final stage of child delivery. The third trimester covers the whole period of 29-40 weeks of pregnancy.

    At this stage, baby will grow fast in the womb of mother. His body will be weighty at high speed. At the third trimester, the most important and vital parts of the body will grow into maturity. The whole respiratory mechanism inclusive of lungs will take the proper shapes. Within 37 and 42 weeks, your neonate will be fully matured and ready for seeing the daylight coming out of the womb. At the time of the delivery, you will face Braxton Hicks and pain. After the child birth, you will see that your baby is healthy with 18-21 lengthy body.

    The average weight of the neonate will be approximately 7.5 pounds. So far as the Pregnancy Week by Week: Third Trimester is concerned, at this final trimester, you will experience similar episode of uneasiness, fatigue and physical discomfiture as you experienced at the first trimester. At the third trimester, a matured pregnant woman will feel loneliness and she will find it difficult to sleep properly. If you want to go to sound sleep, you must collect body pillow which should be placed between your legs.

    Now collect another pillow for supporting your back. It will provide you pleasure and comfort. If you check properly the Pregnancy Week by Week: Third Trimester, you will find that the pregnant mom will face a number of problems which must be tackled very carefully so that the unborn baby in the womb must not be injured. This is the final stage of the child delivery and you must take care of your body so that you will be out of the risk of being injured or wounded. The heartburn is the common physical discomfiture which a pregnant woman experiences at Pregnancy Week by Week: Third Trimester.

    Heartburn mainly occurs when your baby tries to create pressure by hitting upward in your womb with his limbs or head. Your stomach will be pressurized by your baby as it will rotate in your womb. Therefore you should take the small amount of meal at short intervals. It will be better for you to sit on your bed for the first couple of hours after taking lunch and dinner. It will help you to overtake the severity of heartburn. If you closely follow the Pregnancy Week by Week: Third Trimester, you will see that within the 30 weeks of pregnancy, the approximate weight of your baby will be 2.9 pounds with 15.7 inches in length. During this period you will feel dejected and tired. You need to revitalize yourself to spend time in carefree attitude.

    Maternity Pillows: The Dream Pillow for Total Body Support During Pregnancy

    Such pillows allow for maximum support and comfort regardless of the position in which the user sleeps; they are therefore the most widely recommended and versatile pillows available.

    A maternity pillow is also available which fits under the belly or between the knees; this can be used for extra support in the beginning stages of pregnancy and then replaced by a full body model as pregnancy progresses. There are also models which are meant only for side sleeping and are more compact than the full body pillow; these are also very helpful and provide comfort during the earlier stages of pregnancy.

    Regardless of the type of body pillow chosen, the quality and level of support should be sufficient to provide comfort and to reduce pregnancy pain that results from the pressure which the growing belly exerts on the body during sleep. When a pregnant woman wakes up rested and pain-free, she is able to go about her daily tasks calmly and efficiently, so that she does not suffer from undue stress during pregnancy.

    Preventing stress and pregnancy pain does much to ensure that delivery and labor goes smoothly, especially when the added support of a full body pillow is provided during the later phases of pregnancy.

    Maternity pillows are a comfortable and inexpensive way to ensure proper sleep during pregnancy, and they do much to prevent pregnancy pain that disrupts sleep and often persists throughout the day. Physicians and other maternity care specialists advise their use and they agree that a quality maternity pillow is a safe and effective way of making sure a pregnant woman gets the sleep she deserves and avoids unnecessary and harmful stress during pregnancy.

    It is easy to find a selection of quality pillows through a specialty retailer, and they can recommend the right model for yourself or as a gift for a friend or relative who is expecting.

    Teenage Pregnancy Counseling Provides Tremendous Benefits

    Finding out that a teenager is pregnant is not all that unusual. Because teenagers are not at an age where discernment is necessarily a strong point, many girls end up pregnant during their teenage years. Perhaps there are many that you never hear about because they end up aborting the baby. Pregnancy counseling is a necessity today for teenage girls.

    If you are a pregnant teenager, it is important for you to know that there are people out there who are willing to help you not just get through this time, but they are there to help you get through this predicament with best possible results. Whether or not you choose to keep your baby as your own will be something you will need to consider for yourself. Pregnancy counseling can help you get through the pregnancy and help you decide on your next step.

    Getting pregnant was probably not in your future plans. Perhaps you do not even have any way to pay for all of the costs associated with it. Your parents might have insurance, but it might not include maternity. All of these issues are probably weighing on your mind. Your first step is to tell your parents. They may be very angry, but hopefully they will help you make the right choices. Tell them you would like to go to pregnancy counseling. Some agencies that counsel will help with medical expenses, and they will also help you if you choose to put your baby up for adoption.

    The worst thing you can do is to ask your other teenage friends for advice. Some might have good advice, but others may not. You would be wise to seek out the help of people who help pregnant teenagers all of the time. They are equipped to give you the advice you need to make the right decisions about the next chapter in your life.

    This is obviously a situation that will require a great deal of introspection and reflection on your part. There is no need to go through the whole decision-making process alone, however. There are numerous viable options at hand, but you will want guidance from experienced advisors in order to fully account for your particular needs and views. The most important thing to remember is that there is still a beautiful future on the horizon for you, no matter how difficult life may feel at the moment. Pregnancy counseling can help you find the right path to happiness and peace on your terms.

    Thursday, June 27, 2013

    Important Breastfeeding Tool for Your Newborn

    Many newborn babies are what we call lazy nursers. They have a weak suck or fall asleep at the breast rather than actively nursing for a full feeding. This is especially true of preemies and babies who weigh less than 7 lbs at birth. Worried new parents often decide to give a bottle because of concern about slow weight gain or fear that baby is not getting enough. Unfortunately traditional bottles can often make the problem worse and sabotage successful breastfeeding.

    Many new breastfeeding moms find themselves using a bottle for one reason or another. It can be a great way to let mom get some sleep while your partner has some bonding time with the baby. The only problem is that bottles function in an entirely different way than the breast. Baby only has to give a few small sucks and milk flows freely so that all baby has to do is swallow. The position and action of babies tongue is also completely different with the bottle than the breast. This can cause some confusion for baby and can ultimately lead to baby rejecting the breast or milk supply problems due to an improper latch and sucking technique.

    I frequently recommend to my breastfeeding clients that they use Medela Haberman Feeders for the first four weeks of breastfeeding. These bottles are actually made for babies that have a cleft palate. It has a longer teat type nipple with a slit-valve in the mouthpiece that opens only when baby sucks. The flow of milk is determined by babies sucking and position of the teat in baby's mouth just like when your baby is breastfeeding. There is absolutely no back flow in these bottle so no air for baby to swallow. These are a little pricey but I believe worth it for moms who are serious about breastfeeding, have babies with a weak suck or babies with reflux. They also make a mini size one for premature babies. Feedings with the Haberman Feeder will take longer than with a traditional bottle because baby has to actively suck for milk to be released.

    I have also used the Haberman Feeder bottle to transition babies who have developed nipple confusion back to successful breast feeding. The action of the nipple on this special feeder most closely mimics the action of breastfeeding. You can purchase these bottles online. You may also be able to find them at your local lactation center.

    Health Care Reform and Fertility Drug Coverage

    Couples facing infertility often have very limited health insurance options. Most insurance plans simply do not cover infertility treatments. Fifteen states mandate coverage at some level, but even if you work in one of the covered states there are many loopholes. With the recently passed Health Care Reform Act, perhaps there is some relief in sight for couples looking for coverage.

    In an earlier article we looked to see if the Health Care Reform Act directly addressed infertility coverage in any way. Looking at the Senate version of the bill widely available on the internet, and using the word search feature found in Adobe documents we were able to find absolutely no references for infertility, IVF, ART, and a variety of other terms significant for couples trying to conceive. It appears that the bill does not directly address infertility health insurance coverage.

    So we ask ourselves; is there any indirect assistance? Fertility drugs such as Bravelle, Clomid, Follistim, etc., can make up a significant component to the total cost of infertility. Health insurance plans that cover the cost of these drugs makes a big difference in the affordability of infertility treatments.

    One of the key components of the bill addresses prescription drug coverage - an important feature of any health insurance plan. So let's see how many mentions there might be for "prescription": the term "prescription" is mentioned 136 times. Perhaps there is a glimmer of hope.

    Of the 136 mentions of prescriptions, every single mention is associated with Medicare Part D: the prescription drug plan associated with the government run health plan for seniors. Medicare is our country's health insurance program for people over the age of 65. Most couples trying to conceive are far too young to qualify for this coverage, so most of the mentions won't apply.

    But Medicare also covers people who have disabilities, permanent kidney failure, or amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (Lou Gehrig's disease). Younger people in the latter two categories may qualify for Medicare, but may not be healthy enough to have children. This leaves only a very narrow segment of couples trying to conceive who might be impacted by the Part D legislation. We can conclude that this portion of the legislation is of little help.

    So it seems that there is nothing concrete in the bill relating to fertility drugs. But we will keep looking, and reporting back to you want we find. In the meantime, remember that many of the bills components do not go fully into effect until 2014. For those looking for coverage right now, consider that supplemental health insurance can help you recoup some of your infertility treatment costs when you deliver your happy healthy baby.

    The Insight on Artificial Insemination and Its Cost

    Artificial insemination has been widely used by couples with an infertility problem. It is a procedure in where sperm is placed into female's uterus to make the woman pregnant. The method was first used for insemination of cattle, but today it is also applied in humans and some other animals such as those in zoos. The sperm can be either from the partner of the woman or from a sperm donor if her partner has a low sperm count or no sperm at all, or the woman does not have a partner but still wants to get pregnant. The success rate depends on the infertility problem, age and some health factors, but overall it is between 5 to 20%, which is quite good. Now, how much does artificial insemination cost?

    The fact is, artificial insemination is quite expensive and not all couples can afford it. However, this method is cheaper than in vitro fertilization (IVF) and is considered to be the best option for some couples. Couples that have a hard time trying to conceive using ovulation timing intercourse or relaying only on fertility drugs often have poor success. Artificial Insemination instead allows fertilization to happen naturally which is a wonderful feeling for couples, especially the woman. The method involves several diagnoses, examinations and consultations. Doctors in many cases also prescribe drugs to increase the success rate. The drugs can be in the form of ovulations drugs or drugs for women who are allergic to sperm. Commonly, couples may need more than one session applying the method, as conceiving on the first try is unlikely. One session costs vary from $300 - $700, depends on the clinic, the nature of the problem, the age and some other factors. However, in case you have to do several sessions, you need to be prepared to pay from $1000 to $5000. Often times, the drugs are excluded from the overall package and they can vary from less than $100 up to several thousand dollars, depending on what the doctor prescribes. If you go to an average clinic, the doctor might prescribe you affordable drugs. If you do it in an expensive clinic, the doctor might prescribe expensive drugs.

    In addition, hospital stay is sometimes required for patients in certain conditions. Sperm washing that is necessary is also excluded and costs about $100. To see the progress after you do the method, ultrasound is required and it costs about $300 in each checking. In total, you are looking at approximately $5000 to $10,000, although you might pay much less than that. However, always expect to have to pay more just in case. Some insurance companies insure artificial insemination and you need to check with your insurance whether they cover it.

    What Can I Do to Help Me Get Pregnant?

    Are you wondering in your head, "What can I do to help me get pregnant?", if so here are some tips to help you get pregnant fast.

    What can I do to help me get pregnant tips:

    How To Get Pregnant Tip #1: Eat Right

    Eating right is actually a two stop process. First you need to stop eating foods that are bad for you that can cause infertility problems in both women and men and then you need to start eating nutrient dense foods that will boost your fertility.

    Foods that you need to avoid are: Caffeine (coffee, tea), cigarettes (quit smoking and avoid second hand smoke), sugar (both artificial and white sugar can cause serious problems such as Candidiasis - Candida which can lead to infertility, all canned foods, fast and processed foods, MSG, food coloring, and preservatives.

    Start eating: raw organic fruits and vegetables. Cooking destroys much of the valuable trace minerals, vitamins, nutrients, antioxidants and more from food. Pesticides can also cause infertility problems and must be avoided at all costs. Eat organic whenever possible.

    How To Get Pregnant Tip #2: Drink Lots of Water

    Please don't laugh. Most people over look this crucial tip. Many people are dehydrated and don't drink enough water. The truth is, water is extremely important to many processes within your body including reproduction. Your urine should always be clear. As general rule of thumb drink at least 6-8 glasses of water a day.

    How To Get Pregnant Tip #3: Have A Clean Colon

    Why is this important? Most people have bloated bellies and have a bowel movement only once a day or every few days. As a result, the body becomes jammed and full of toxins. Nutrient absorption will significantly increase if you have a clean colon - making it easier for you to get pregnant. Serious problems such as Candidiasis (Candida) are also avoided.

    Make sure you do a colon cleanse if you have a bloated belly or if you aren't going to the washroom at least 2-3 times a day. You most likely have pounds of feces that you can get rid of in your colon.

    Once your cleanse your colon and start to eat right, you will start to feel stronger and more vibrant. Pregnancy will follow close behind.

    So stop thinking about "What can I do to help me get pregnant", because now you know. You only need to start acting!

    The 10 Most Important Pregnancy Exercise Tips You Will Ever Read

    1. Pregnancy Exercise- How Much is Too Much?

    Pregnant women have often asked me if it's safe to exercise during their pregnancy, and if so, how much is too much? As long as you have the go ahead from your doctor (meaning you have a healthy, normal pregnancy), you can do most of the things you did prior to getting pregnant. The only exercises to avoid are where you could fall and potentially harm your baby (i.e., such as rollerblading, riding a bike, skiing, etc.). Be sure to listen to your body. If you ever feel light headed, dizzy, or out of breath, stop what you are doing, sit down and drink water. If you are listening to your body you will probably not get to that point. Just think of all the benefits of exercising- more energy, healthy weight gain, better sleep, and you'll lose the baby weight so much faster!

    2. Pregnancy Exercise- Weight Training

    I've been asked several times if it's OK to lift weights when you're pregnant. As long as you have given approval to workout by your doctor you can continue the exercises you did prior to getting pregnant. Of course, you should refrain from lifting heavy weight. Be sure to listen to your body. If anything ever feels uncomfortable stop what you are doing.

    Here's a great exercise to tone your shoulders: Stand with your feet shoulder width apart, knees slightly bent, pelvis tucked under, and chest and head lifted. Place one weight in each hand and rest them with your arms straight on your upper thighs. Keeping your arms straight (only a slight bend in the elbow), lift your arms up so your arms are parallel with the ground and your wrists are even with your shoulders. For best results use 2-3 lb. weights and work up to 2-3 sets of 15-20 reps.

    3. Pregnancy- Emotions You Experience First Trimester

    When you're pregnant you're likely to experience all kinds of emotions, especially as your belly grows. In the beginning you may experience fear- "Will the baby be ok? Will I be a good mother?", you may also experience excitement and joy, or regret that it happened too soon. Whatever you are experiencing, you are not alone. I highly recommend that you join a support group of new moms so you can share your experiences and feel supported along the way.

    4. Pregnancy Nutrition- Feed Your Baby

    So many pregnant women are concerned that they're going to gain a bunch of weight and never lose it. Some even count calories. This is not the time to diet. The key is to focus on nourishing your baby and yourself. Visualize your beautiful, healthy baby in your arms. The food that you eat goes to your baby and will help him or her grow, so eat when you are hungry and chose foods like whole grain breads, cereals, pastas, fruit, and greens.

    5. Pregnancy Exercise- Firm Your Buttocks

    Who says you can't tone your booty when you're pregnant? Here's a simple exercise you can do to firm your buttocks. Standing hold onto the back of a chair. Extend your right leg straight back behind you- your right toe is pointed and touching the ground. Inhale then exhale lift your right leg up straight as high as you can without leaning forward. As you lift your leg tighten your buttocks. Work up to 3 sets on each side-10 slow lifts, 10 pulses, 10 slow lifts.

    6. Pregnancy- Eat Healthy Snacks

    When you're pregnant there may be times when you ate a couple of hours ago and you're hungry again. Listen to your body and EAT! Just chose healthy snack foods like a few handfuls of Kashi Go Lean Crunch cereal, or carrots, or grapes with cheese. When you listen to your body, you're nourishing yourself and your baby and that means you'll have more energy, better mood, and you'll lose the baby weight quicker.

    7. Pregnancy Exercise- Tone Your Thighs

    Here's a simple pregnancy exercise you can do to tone your quads (top of thigh) and inner thighs. I call the exercise "Squat and Sweep". How to do the move: Hold onto the back of a chair with your feet approximately 3-4 feet apart and your toes slightly turned forward. Bend your knees into a pilee squat (make sure your knees never go over your toe) and keep your back straight, head lifted. As you press back to stand bring your weight towards your left leg and slide your right foot on the ground (i.e. "sweep") so it crosses over your left supporting leg. Next sweep your right foot back into a pilee squat. As you press to stand, sweep your left foot across your right leg. Repeat 10-20 reps each side.

    8. Pregnancy Nutrition- Fuel Your Body!

    When you're pregnant it's really important that you focus on nourishing yourself and your baby. When you listen to your body and eat healthy food there's no need to worry about gaining excess weight that's hard to lose. Always bring healthy snacks with you to avoid getting over-hungry. My favorite on the go prego snacks include: nuts, raisins, (walnuts and raisins together are yummy!), granola bar, and string cheese.

    9. Pregnancy Exercise-Swimming

    When it's summer, it's hot and it's the perfect excuse for pregnant women to be in the pool! Swimming is great for pregnant women because you'll feel light and buoyant. Try this simple exercise to tone your inner and outer thighs. Standing in the shallow end step or lightly jump your feet apart then bring your feet back together. Work up to 3 sets of 15-20 reps. In between sets walk from one side to the other.

    10. Pregnancy- Calming Your Fears About Having a Second Baby

    When you get pregnant the second time you may wonder, "How will I take care of two when one child is already challenging?" or "How will I be able to spend time with my first child?" or "Will I love this baby as much as the first?" As a mom of two I can tell you that I had these same fears. However, after having my second baby everything was soooooooooooo much easier! Because you have the experience of having a baby before, you're more relaxed and thus enjoy each phase. Yes, even the sleepless nights went faster because I was more relaxed and I knew it was only temporary. The first child still gets plenty of attention and learns how to share and "take care of" another person he or she loves. And as far as loving your second child as much, not even question of who I love more, there's plenty of room in a moms heart. From a mom who was unsure about making the step to have two, I have to say it was one of the best decisions I've ever made.

    Low Thyroid Level Symptoms, The TSH Test And What It Actually Tells You

    Studying Low Thyroid Level Symptoms?

    Discuss with several people who are studying much about their low thyroid level symptoms. They look at the symptoms as a mixture of illnesses and afterward they just assume that "they have it," whether they have been examined or not. Please reserve that the symptoms billed at this point are no more than to pique interest. They actually indicate nothing until they go through the aptitude of a qualified medical doctor. So here are some of the greatest common low thyroid level symptoms:

    1. Chilly hands and feet when they should not be especially in the Summertime You have freezing feet & socks just to sleep at night.

    2. Drained invariably even after a full nights sleep.

    3. Not able to drop Body Fat, even after harsh exercise & calorie counting in two to three weeks. It is cheaper for someone to map your Calorie intake and watch your weight fluctuation.

    4. Constipation, plus substitute of numerous seeds and fiber to alleviate symptoms.

    5. Brain blur, depression, that obstruct you from eating or miniature amounts of slimming exercise. This is constant in low thyroid function patients

    6. Ahead of schedule menopause or irregular menstruation. Problems with getting pregnant and loss of libido. Many women have high postpartum depression. I want to advise that multiple factors can attain this. But be sure you have acceptable serum free T3, a convenient 24-hour urine test for T3 and T4. Not just a fair test lab. The urine should be checked by a picture spectrometer.. All alternative tests are exceedingly suspicious..

    7. High cholesterol, if the thyroid is low, as measured by logical analysis, for the reason that the liver does not eradicate cholesterol from the blood and then you will be labeled as a heart patient, and prescribed lots of unearned chemicals that robbed you of your dollar and your vigor.

    8. Now further symptoms occur, but exceptionally countless & do not suggest strongly enough that poor cellular function is the culprit due to the deprivation of adequate levels of T3 Remember, you want to unveil your level of T3

    So How Do We Find The Level Of T3?

    This is the fundamental approach to capture low thyroid (T3). Examination of the patient. Wherever else will you discern a low thyroid level? To start with textbooks warned doctors about the history and physical appearance a lot about lab tests. History suggests that is very sensible advice. All laboratory tests and X-ray studies with isotopes were investigated in approved low thyroid patients. Do you suspect what the results were? None. But the best of the worst was the blood TSH. You remember the one who will suggest the level of T4? The inactive thyroid gland.. T4 You know, what drug companies sell to you while uneducated doctors badmouth the natural pork balanced thyroid gland was discovered to be of advanced quality.

    Was This Peer Reviewed?

    This was published in the New England Journal February issue of 1999, that low thyroid level symptoms should be assessed by examination. In general, this document was on a small assemblage of thirty-eight patients, but a strange conclusion from the addition of T3 has many patients feel healthier.

    Additional low thyroid level symptoms are as follows. Eyebrows are diluted or nonexistent at the last 33% of the eyebrow. Overweight (but I have discovered about 15% of hypothyroidism patients are skinny.. Go figure). A diluted pulse of around seventy or lower. Eyes are puffed-up under the covers, there is a puffiness under the eyes.. Skin is powdery & dry, sometimes cracked. Fingernails are broken. The lower limbs have been bloated and do not indent when you push a finger and hold it for 1 minute. Commonly the thyroid gland is enlarged and has a thumbnail, intermediate or large goiter. The first heart signal is not as distinguished as the subsequent, and the person appears in a daze. The ankle reflexes are almost always a regular low or nonexistent even if the knee and elbow reflexes are good.

    Some doctors may possibly be able to physically feel the thyroid gland. They can tell you whether it is swollen. The gland will increase in an endeavor to create more TSH more if the body is low thyroid levels. This is not an accurate science. I've looked at & felt thyroid glands for greater than eighteen years and it is still complicated, the right mode to reveal whether the gland is raised, is to have an ultrasound done.

    So What About Thyroid Cancer?

    Absolutely we're concerned of thyroid cancer. They're rather few and far between though. Besides, there may possibly be nodules on the thyroid gland, that call for a needle biopsy or even surgical requests. This is the realm of a surgeon and an endocrinologist.


    Established Medicine due to politics think that blood test technology for the TSH Levels is the most reliable. It would be if the reference points that they use for the TSH Levels were not gathered from pregnant women when they came in to get blood tests. Are the TSH levels the same with pregnant women as they are with everyone? I think not. Plus, the standard TSH Test only measures the T4 and not the T3. This is bad since we need to know both to see if your thyroid is actually converting the T4 to T3.

    For some reason this is not standard. It amazes me and sickens me because many people go on everyday being told that their thyroid is fine when they are suffering and causing undue damage to their body.

    Wednesday, June 26, 2013

    Boost Your Unborn Child's Brain! The Most Important Nutritional Supplement for a Healthier Pregnancy

    Omega3 - Nutrition for the Pregnant Mother and Child

    It is widely accepted that a woman's nutritional needs change when she becomes pregnant. This includes both an increase, as well as a decrease of certain foods, drinks and supplements. While we all know that an increase in nutrients during this time is beneficial, however, just as an increase in certain nutrients can support fetal development, deficiency of a number of nutrients can lead to birth defects or complications.

    Essential Fatty Acids (omega3 and omega6) in the correct ratio and quantify can offer exceptional benefits in terms of fetal development, the health of the mother-to-be and the health of the baby after being born.

    How Can Omega3 Fatty Acids Help During Pregnancy?

    Overall Wellbeing

    It is becoming common knowledge that omega3 fatty acids are exceptionally important for human health. Unfortunately in most Western lifestyles our diets include dangerously low levels of omega3s and a level of omega6 fatty acids that is far too high. This shift in our diet can be very closely correlated with the increase in incidence of degenerative diseases over the past hundred years.

    Omega3 and omega6 fatty acids are labeled 'essential' because the body cannot synthesise them on its own. It relies upon a food source, and unfortunately, given the nature of the average, modern western diet - the majority of us severely lack a natural source of omega3 fatty acids, with omega6s are provided at damagingly high levels through cooking oils, butter etc. To compound this, the omega6 fatty acids that we do intake are often cooked or spoiled by heat, light and oxygen and have therefore become toxic to our bodies.

    Hundreds of research studies have now proven, beyond doubt, that a diet including optimal levels of omega3 and 6 (in the correct ratio) on a regular/daily basis can lead to a myriad of health benefits, and can also help to prevent (and reverse) the symptoms of degenerative diseases such as cancers, cardiovascular disease, arthritis as well as Type 2 diabetes.

    Other benefits that are gained from including omega3 and 6 essential fatty acids in your diet include a stronger immune system, stronger bones, an increase in energy, weight loss and healthier hair, nails and skin.

    It is important to remember that pregnant women can experience a deficiency in omega3 fatty acids as more are required during pregnancy. This deficiency can be compounded after a woman's first pregnancy as her maternal stores can become depleted, rarely returning to pre-pregnancy levels.

    Fetal Development

    Omega3 fatty acids are vital to healthy fetal development. A deficiency can easily occur with modern, Western diets and supplementation has been recommended by many researchers, health experts and doctors (not only for pregnant women, but for everyone!).

    During fetal development, omega3 fatty acids are especially important for neural development and cell growth. Throughout pregnancy, omega3's supply 'brain food' to the fetus, as important brain and eye development takes place during fetal development, continuing well into the child's infant years. In fact, the lack of omega3 fatty acids during pregnancy and during the formative years after birth have been discovered to be a critical element for both the neurological and visual development of the baby. DHA is especially vital, as fetus cannot produce DHA efficiently independently.

    In fact, research has shown that by adding omega3 and omega6 fatty acids to the mothers diet during pregnancy can almost certainly have a very positive effect on the child's cognitive abilities. These effects have even been proven to exist in the development of the child until the age of four!

    Perhaps, even more critically, studies have shown that effective supplementation of omega3 fatty acids during pregnancy can greatly decrease the likelihood of complications such as pre term labour, and pre-eclampsia (toxemia) - a significant contributor to maternal mortality.

    Research is proving beyond doubt that omega3 supplementation is almost vital during pregnancy and can greatly increase the health and development of both the child and the mother. However, it is recommended that these fatty acids are not added solely to the diet through consuming fish or fish based supplements. There are growing concerns regarding the toxicity of fish, particularly from mercury poisoning. A safer option would be to seek specific pre-natal supplements, or those such as Udo's Choice which contain only plant based fatty acids.

    Infant/Child Behaviour and Development

    Modern research is showing a strong link between infant/child behaviour and nutrition. Over the past thirty years, the focus of this research has turned to omega3 fatty acids and their role in the behavioural development and learning skills. ADHD, in particular, has been very closely associated with omega3 fatty acid deficiency both in terms during pregnancy and in the infants diet until at least the age of four. Research has shown that infants with lower omega3 levels are more likely to suffer behavioural problems including hyperactivity, impulsivity, anxiety, temper problems and unsettled sleep patterns. Interest in this area was first shown following a breakthrough study in 1981 which hypothesised that children with ADHD are more likely to have a diminished nutritional status of EFAs due to them showing greater thirst than non-ADHD children.

    This study was further strengthened two years later, when EFA levels were measured in 23 children diagnosed with behavioural disorders and 20 average children. The results showed clearly that the children with behavioural problems were significantly deficient in EFAs.

    More recently, a UK-based study has been undertaken and monitored by the BBC to show the effects of nutritional supplements of omega3 fatty acids on the behaviour of children. The study has focused upon both infants (as young as 20 months) and children up to the age of 12. The children were assessed on their reading skills, IQ, spelling, behaviour and motor skills over a period of six weeks. The study was led by Dr Madelene Portwood of the Durham Local Education Authority and the Durham Sure Start trial and she concluded that 'The performance of almost 60 per cent of the children has improved dramatically... some two-year-olds went from having a vocabulary of 25 single words to being able to use whole sentences while others were able to sit down and concentrate for the first time in their lives'.

    Post Natal Depression

    It has long been accepted that using supplements of omega3 fatty acids can play a vital role in treating and preventing depression. When considering the increased requirement for omega3s during pregnancy and the depletion of a mother's omega3 reserves after giving birth it is no surprise that an omega3 deficiency may play a role in post-natal depression.

    A major UK study on over 11,000 women has found that the more omega3 fatty acids consumed by women during the third trimester, the less likely she was to suffer from depression both during pregnancy and for the eight months after giving birth.

    The reason behind EFAs being so effective at reducing depression is that they are used extensively by the brain through many different functions. Omega3s are converted by the body into both EPA and then DHA. The majority of the human brain is comprised of DHA, and a deficiency of DHA has been linked to the Alzheimer's epidemic. Low levels of EFAs are also highly associated with low levels of serotonin, the major brain chemical that is responsible for our mood levels. Low serotonin levels almost always results in depression.


    Pregnant women and new mothers should definitely consider supplementing their diet with omega3 fatty acids. The nutritional benefits are manifold both during pregnancy and in everyday life. Most significantly, the intake of omega3 fatty acids during pregnancy can prevent pre term delivery, improve the babies neural development, retina development, skin and cell health, reduce the likelihood of behavioural problems and can also help prevent the mother from experiencing prenatal and postnatal depression.

    On top of the non-pregnancy related benefits, this subject is certainly worth further research and consideration.

    Newborn Baby Checklist - What to Prepare For Your Baby Before The Big Day Arrives

    The arrival of a new baby is considered as a major life event and therefore it requires quite a bit of careful preparation. The work starts from choosing an obstetrician to getting the baby's nursery ready. There will be many different things on your to-do list as parents before your baby arrives. You should learn how to decorate the nursery and start making changes to make your home baby proof. You can check various resources online that will help you in getting these things done appropriately and practically. Below are some important things to keep in mind when you are preparing to have a baby:

    Prepare the medical details

    Once you confirmed that you are pregnant, it is best to call your insurance company to inquire and register for their benefits program related to pregnancy. You should a highly recommended obstetrician that will help you in delivering your baby at a hospital of your choice. You have to make sure that you plan your monthly prenatal visits even during the early pregnancy, since visits with the obstetrician are very important for good prenatal care. Once you have started your prenatal visits and you are into your second or third trimester of pregnancy, you can also pre-register at hospital you feel comfortable at, which will help to prevent a long check-in procedure once you are already in labor. Be sure to participate in childbirth classes at the hospital and familiarize yourself and take a tour of the hospital maternity wing.

    Read a few good pregnancy books

    Some expectant mom's read good books to get useful information on preparing for the arrival of their new babies. Most of them choose a book called "What to Expect When You're Expecting", this book is the standard classic that the majority of mom's tend to reach for. The book contains a full of useful information. Another book is Vicki Iovine's "The Girlfriends Guide to Pregnancy", which provides a lighter approach on pregnancy and delivery that expectant moms may also enjoy.

    Make a newborn checklist of everything you need

    If this is your first baby, it is highly possible that someone close to you like family members or friends will want to throw you a baby shower. Make a list of the items that you want for your baby to let your shower guests know the things that you truly need. Whether this is your first baby or your third baby, however, there is a variety of items that you will definitely need.

    Create a list everything you need and check the baby items off as you buy them. Be sure that you have the baby essentials which include crib, stroller, car seat, diapers and clothes for your baby. Other item which is optional is a baby bath tub; it will come in handy for the early weeks with your new baby.

    Get baby's room ready

    Regardless of if you are planning to have your baby sleep in a place right next to your bed or if you have a complete nursery set up in a different room, you should get your baby's space ready before his or her arrival. Having a new baby involves creating a comfortable space for another human being. You should set up the crib, bassinet and other baby furniture in his or her room. Moreover, keep in mind that it is important to keep the crib sheets washed and clean. In addition, you need to wash all of baby's clothing and have diapers as well as baby wipes available.

    These are just a few things that will help you in preparing for having a baby. It is best to take some time to go over this newborn baby checklist because you may find things of your own to add to the list. Not only will this preparation make things go more easily when you bring you new baby home from the hospital, it will also occupy your mind while you anxiously wait for the arrival of your new angel.

    Early Sign Of Pregnancy - Begin A Safe Journey

    Pregnancy week by week calendars can help you learn about the early signs of pregnancy. Your pregnancy journal can be a nice record of your pregnancy and your various experiences.

    Awareness of early signs of pregnancy or early pregnancy symptoms is vital to ensure proper care of mom-to-be right from the time of conception until the birth of the baby. If you are trying to have a baby, make it a point to observe any change in your body 10 to 12 days after your last period. Any sort of change could be an early sign of pregnancy. Most of the pregnancies are lost during the first few days. Therefore, it is important to recognize the symptoms of conception, confirm it through tests, and follow the medical advice to avoid miscarriages. In fact, a woman requires due care throughout her pregnancy period.

    Some Early Signs Of Pregnancy

    If you feel nausea in the morning, or smell of foods and beverages like tea, coffee, colas etc. makes you vomit, it could well be signifying conception. Another early signs include missing your periods, brownish or pinkish vaginal discharge prior to or on the due date of menses, and tenderness or swelling in breasts. Tenderness or swelling of breasts can be felt as early as within hours of conception.

    The moment you feel any of the above symptoms, you must not waste time in getting yourself examined for confirmation of pregnancy. Once it is confirmed that you are pregnant, you must take due medical advice and begin preparations for the joyous but complicated journey ahead.

    Coping With Pregnancy

    The thought and experience of carrying a baby in your womb makes you feel unique and complete. Nevertheless, those nine months can sometimes seem to be extremely tiresome and prolonged. The nausea, pain, breathlessness, sleepless nights, there is so much to endure. It is therefore wise to adopt measures to put up with this. One excellent and established means of soothing your mind and body is to keep a pregnancy journal. In this journal, you can document the symptoms, emotions, and anxieties you feel right from the early sign of pregnancy until the time you deliver the baby. You can pen down the pains and joys you go through during the period. Not only does this help you relieve your mind, but also provides reference points for other woman in your circle who might be having babies later.

    Keep A Track Of Your Baby's Growth

    Medical science generally describes the growth of the baby on weekly basis. Most of the pregnancy calendars and guides provide details of baby's shape, features, and motions during various stages of pregnancy by dividing the total period or term into 40 weeks.

    From the early sign of pregnancy until the moment you go into labor, you should try to match your symptoms and baby's movements with those mentioned in the pregnancy week-by-week calendars. If you find anything abnormal in baby's growth, rush to the obstetrician.

    Why Pregnancy Diet and Weight Gain Matter

    Have you been told you don't need to eat for two during pregnancy? Maybe you've heard that your baby will just take what it needs from your body. Has someone shared a story of how she hardly gained any weight and still had a healthy baby? Perhaps your doctor warns you to watch your weight at every prenatal appointment. There's a lot of conflicting information out there about pregnancy nutrition. Who do you believe?

    Old Wive's Tales Hurt Your Baby

    There are so many "old wive's tales" about pregnancy -- most of them are just silly or harmless. But some old rumors about pregnancy are actually dangerous. The belief that your baby can "steal" what he or she needs from your body is false -- not to mention dangerous to you and your baby.

    Your baby can't take what he or she needs from your body. And even if your baby could, it would leave your body depleted, giving you a greater chance of pregnancy complications, a dangerous childbirth experience, and a hard postpartum recovery. There's no reason for any of that -- and there's no reason for you to have a premature or low-birthweight baby because your baby couldn't get the nutrients he or she needs.

    Your pregnancy diet matters because your body has to build your baby completely over the nine months of pregnancy. It also has to prepare your uterus, muscles, and blood supply to handle the intense demands of pregnancy and breastfeeding!

    You do need to eat for two during pregnancy. You may not be literally doubling your intake of food every day, but you should pay close attention to what you eat. You want meals packed with nutrition, especially with protein and good fats. Protein builds your baby's body and helps your body stay in good shape. Healthy fats help build your baby's brain and help you handle the emotional ups and downs of pregnancy (plus good fats help keep your skin looking nice).

    You Need to Gain Weight

    You might hear about moms who gained close to nothing and still had healthy babies. Your nurse may scold you for putting on weight and tell you that you only have a few more pounds before you're at your "limit"! But the truth is, weight gain during pregnancy is important.

    Low-birth weight babies are at higher risk of almost every health problem possible. They're much more likely to suffer from slow growth during childhood. As they grow, they've more likely to have diabetes and cardiovascular disease. Low-birth weight babies are harder to give birth to than babies of average birth weight. They're also much more likely to have to spend time in the NICU, or neonatal intensive care unit.

    A mother who gains very little weight during pregnancy is far more likely to have a low-birth weight baby.

    Mothers who are not gaining weight are generally not eating enough. This makes pregnancy complications like gestational diabetes, pre-term labor, and pre-eclampsia (toxemia, HELLP) much more likely.

    Controlled studies on weight gain during pregnancy show that weight gain is variable between moms -- some moms gain less, some gain more. But the studies all agree that mothers who gain too little are at far more risk for pregnancy complications and newborn health problems than mothers who gain more weight. In fact, it's important to weigh yourself during pregnancy to make sure you're gaining enough, rather than too much!

    Eat nourishing, homemade foods that you've prepared from fresh ingredients. Get plenty of protein, good fats, and moderate carbohydrates (from green vegetables, starchy vegetables, and fruits) and your baby and your own body will be healthy and strong.

    Common Problems During the Third Trimester of Your Pregnancy

    Pregnancy is a time when a woman glows with the anticipation of her new joy,a new life she is bringing into this world, this is a time of wonder, a time of amazement, a time that can feel like an eternity when common complaints of pregnancy can make you feel less than glowing!

    Yes indeed pregnancy is wonderful but back aches, breathlessness, rib pain and high blood pressure can all leave you worn out and overwhelmed. Fortunately there are natural solutions for common complaints that really do work.

    In the third trimester most women begin feeling just as bad if not worse than they felt in the first trimester of pregnancy. There may well have been fewer problems in the second trimester from what was felt in the first but in the third trimester you may well come back to realise just how very, very pregnant you are.

    Back aches and rib pain is experience in nearly every pregnancy and can range from fairly mild to extreme.

    The pain of a back ache is usually in the lower back and goes down the legs; this can be aggravated by standing for long periods of time. Twisting or turning as well as poor positioning while sleeping also causes and contributes to back pain.

    Hormones are playing a part in this situation and will allow your joints and ligaments to loosen to assist your body and prepare it for birth. Massages for the back and strengthening exercises can help as well as proper alignment from a qualified chiropractor. Wearing flat supportive shoes and sleeping on a firm mattress can help too.

    The rib pain that is often felt is usually caused by the uterus pressing into the abdomen and in turn into your ribs. Tiny baby feet will find their way under the rib cage as well as baby stretches in the head down position preparing for birth. There is little that can be done for this complaint other than wearing comfortable loose clothes and stretching the abdomen a bit with an exercise ball or by leaning into a wall as you face it.

    Along with the rib pain many women experience breathlessness, like there is just not enough room for baby and lungs too, this is kind of often the case. Often breathlessness and rib pain will subside a little after week 36 when the baby drops into the birthing position. Propping up with pillows while lying down or even sitting can help move the baby off of the diaphragm. Experimenting with positions to find what is most comfortable and effective is about the only solution.

    High blood pressure can be common and must be addressed in pregnancy. High blood pressure in pregnancy needs to be carefully monitored by a health care provider to avoid serious complications such as eclampsia and even death. Some ways to prevent high blood pressure before it begins is a healthy diet, avoiding caffeine, spicy foods and nicotine and exercising regularly. Mild to moderate high blood pressure can often be controlled by deep relaxation, meditation, eating raw garlic, parsley and onion as well as cucumber. Always follow the recommendations of the health care provider and check with him or her before any herbal or other supplements.

    Just as there are many different complaints in the third trimester there are many different solutions and one of the best ways to obtain information is in mass numbers of experience. Reading books, web sites and message boards often can provide the information that not only matches the symptom but the personality as well. Searching out the camaraderie of others who are going through it too gives a sense of community that can ease those blues.

    Always remember to check with a health care provider before following herbal or any advice that creates a feeling of doubt...better to be safe.

    9 Amazing Tips for Healthy Pregnancy

    Making yourself aware of the several complexities linked to the pregnancy stage can be highly beneficial, when you are in the phase of becoming a mother. Several physical and mental changes take place in your body, due to the hormonal changes. You may perceive various changes in your bodily function but you need not worry, because these changes are common during this beautiful stage. Generally, a woman perceives these changes for the first time and it is possible that they mat not know how they should cope up with these changes.

    In order to tackle this situation easily, there are several tips that will help you in this stage. Moreover, you will be able to come out of the stress that every woman faces during pregnancy. Apart from releasing your mental stress, the pregnancy tips will also help you to take care of your unborn child. A doctor will be the best person to provide suggestions, but some of the common tips will help you take special care of yourself and your unborn baby as well.

    Healthy Pregnancy Tips
    If you are pregnant or about to get pregnant, then some of the pregnancy tips that would help you during this stage are follows:

    Know the early signs of pregnancy: It is advised that you should know the early pregnancy signs that would help you to get alert and ready at the right time.

    Discuss with Your Partner: It is very necessary that you should discuss with your partner and plan your pregnancy properly. Make sure both of you come to a common conclusion about getting pregnant.

    Take Healthy Diet: It is essential to eat healthy food regularly, if you are pregnant and avoid any type of dieting during pregnancy. Eat balanced diet daily and eat foods that are rich in fiber. Try to include more vegetables in your diet and eat those foods that contain protein, calcium, iron, folate and protein in higher quantity. Keep in mind that you should take 300 calories to 500 calories daily for your unborn baby, who is in your womb.

    Avoid Caffeine: Avoid those foods and drinks, which contain caffeine, such as chocolate, coffee, tea and coffee. If you are addicted to tea or coffee, then try to take it in limit. Moreover, try to drink plenty of water, because that will filter the toxic from your body.

    Learn Tips from Your Friends and Family: Becoming a mother is a valuable experience in the life of a woman, and so it is necessary that you should be aware of the beauty and complexities of this stage. It's always helpful to take tips from your friends and family, who already have a baby.

    Read a Book on Pregnancy: It is highly advisable that you should read a book on pregnancy that would give you a better idea about the complexities you might face at the time of pregnancy.

    Avoid Smoking and Alcohol: Smoking and alcohol are strictly prohibited, when you are pregnant, because they are very harmful to you and the health of your baby.

    Get a Family Health Plan: It's better to have a family health plan, if you are about to deliver a baby, because it will be in the benefit of the future of your baby.

    Join a Yoga Class: Yoga is highly beneficial for a pregnant woman, as it will keep your body fit and you will have a healthy baby.

    Wear Comfortable Clothes: It's highly recommended that you should wear comfortable clothes that keep you comfortable.

    Hope, the above given tips helps you keep yourself healthy and fit. It will also help you to take care of your baby. Moreover, if you are a working woman then experts has a view that they can work till sixth month, but they need to take extra care of themselves and their child, as compared to housewives.

    Tuesday, June 25, 2013

    IVF Cost - Your Top Questions Answered!

    IVF cost can be very expensive; be sure you know exactly what you are paying for. Not all clinics charge the same, so be sure to do your research. Common questions about IVF costs:

    1. How much will IVF cost?

    IVF will cost an average of $12,000. You will be paying at least $10,000 and maybe even up to $15,000 depending on your area. The costs listed are for a standard IVF procedure. This does not include assisted hatching, ICSI, or egg/sperm donation.

    2. Can I get a "packaged deal" on IVF?

    Yes you can. Some clinics offer programs for multiple IVF's. You pay a lump sum, usually around $30,000, for a few chances at IVF. Some clinics will even return a portion of this money if you do not have success after the third IVF. When considering this option please think about your chances of becoming pregnant using IVF. If your chances are good you may not want to go for this option. For example, you and your partner have to go through IVF because your tubes have been removed. Your fertility is good, other than the fact that the sperm cannot get to the egg. You decide to do the package deal, but end up having a baby on the first try. Now you have spent $30,000 on an IVF cycle that should have cost you $12,000. I am not telling you to rule it out, because it can be a great option for some people. Most people don't get pregnant on the first try.

    3. Does insurance cover IVF?

    Some people are lucky enough to have insurance cover IVF, but most insurance only covers a certain number of tries, or it does not cover it at all! You may want to check into this before beginning your IVF cycle. If your insurance does not cover IVF and you can find a job easily in your area, then you may even want to consider changing jobs to a company that has IVF coverage.

    4. Are there any hidden fees?

    If you want to do ICSI, assisted hatching or use donor eggs or sperm, then there will be additional charges. When deciding if you want to use any of these methods please keep in mind the fact that they can increase your chances of success, and in the long run they can lower the cost of IVF.

    Why You Should Learn Infant Massage

    Infant Massage is a wonderful way to get to know your baby, to understand their body language and develop a life long relationship. To be able to understand a look or interpret a cry with confidence is a wonderful thing.

    Infant Massage has been used in many ancient cultures, passed down from mother to daughter. Many cultures around the world like India, still use it today as part of a baby's daily routine

    Touch is an integral part of our health. We seem to have lost this in modern society. Too often babies are carried at arms length in a car seat, or pushed in a stroller facing away from the parent. We are constantly telling young children not to touch and "Keep your hands to yourself." Many children are spending days with caregivers as both parents work. Infant Massage is relatively new to the US. Vimala Scneider McClure brought it to the US from India in the 70's, after she had seen it's positive effects. It was used daily to calm a baby's chi or vital energy.

    Now many parents are taking classes. Hospitals are jumping on the baby wagon and are also teaching classes to new parents. Amazingly Preemies who receive massage daily averaged a 47% greater weight gain per day. Meaning they get to leave the neonatal unit much quicker.

    Benefits include a loving intimate connection. Increased eye contact and listening skills. Healthy digestion and elimination. Infant Massage also reduces gas and colic and allows the baby to sleep better... Ah wouldn't that be nice! Massage has also shown these babies have an extra sense of self-confidence as they grow.

    Benefits for parents include enhanced communication and emotional ties. Increased confidence and handling skills. For working parents this is a valuable tool, to help reconnect with baby and relieve the day's stress. It's also a great way for dads to connect with baby if they are at work all day.

    This is an amazing tool for working parents and adoptive parents. Mothers with postnatal depression are helped tremendously with this parenting tool as well.

    The steps are easily learned and you'll have them at your fingertips for additional children. Infant Massage is soothing to both baby and parent.

    Oh and did I mention improved sleeping!

    Check out if there are local classes near you and experience these amazing benefits. Both parent and baby will love it.

    Natural Endometriosis Treatment Which Can Help You Get Pregnant!

    Natural endometriosis treatment is by far and a way the best method of trying to improve your fertility. Infertility medication has been shown to be quite unsafe and not terribly effective. On the other hand, the natural methods you can use have minimal side effects and have been shown to have a 70% success rate amongst Asian couples.

    I strongly advise investing in a renowned guide teaching you exactly how to use herbal medication for your specific needs. There is one in particular that a client of mine suffering from endometriosis found extremely useful. I will talk about this book later.

    Natural Endometriosis Treatment - How does it work?

    This treatment is designed to facilitate  proper hormone balance in the body. This is absolutely crucial for conceiving and getting rid of ovarian cysts and endometriosis. An overabundance of estrogen is a typical cause of cysts and endometriosis. This mix of herbs will help to regulate this.

    Natural Endometriosis Treatment - What else will happen?

    Endometriosis sufferers often experience bleeding, muscle cramps and pain. These usually are the result of inflamed tissue in the uterus. Particular herbs are selected specifically to target and reduce these inflammations therefore eliminating the pain and the bleeding.

    Natural Endometriosis Treatment - How Long Does it Take?

    This obviously depends on your specific condition but most women can see improvements and even conceive within 8 weeks of using such medication properly.

    The guide that I recommend has a 2 month guarantee so that if you don't see sufficient gains after 2 months of using the guide properly, you can claim your money back and let me tell you, the refund rate is under 1%! Learn more about it; natural endometriosis treatment.

    All in all, it is best to give herbal treatment a go before embarking on the long and uncertain path of IVF or IUI treatment. The beauty is there is almost zero cost and zero risk of side effects if you follow the guidelines properly.

    New Mothers - Post-Natal Expectations

    Although your new baby will undoubtedly provide you with intense and emotional satisfaction, you will probably be physically uncomfortable. After all, your body has gone through significant changes during pregnancy and it will take some time for your body to return to its pre-pregnancy condition. Around six weeks after the birth your medical practitioner should examine you to ensure that everything is okay with your body, this additionally provides you with the opportunity to discuss any concerns you may have and the doctor will also test your blood pressure and take a sample of your urine.

    The doctor should examine your abdomen and take your blood pressure also checking that any stitches you may have had are healing correctly. An internal examination to determine the size and position of your uterus may also be conducted and you may also be referred to have cervical smear test if you are due to have one.

    When your baby is born in hospital the doctor or midwife will undoubtedly talk to you about contraception before returning home. If you haven't discussed this when at the hospital, you can also discuss it during the six-week check. Don't believe the old wives tale that breastfeeding mothers do not require any contraception - this is not true.

    Almost right after birth your breasts start to produce colostrum which is a high protein liquid packed with antibodies. Once your pregnancy hormones begin to decline your main milk supply will come in, normally around the third or fourth day. You will notice at this time your breast beginning to swell, feel hard and possibly painful to the touch. If they are painful bathing them with warm water can help to relieve the pain. Allowing your baby to feed frequently will also help reduce any suffering. If you have elected to bottle feed your baby your breast will remain full for 3 to 5 days following birth until they slowly stop producing milk.

    Your breast may never quite be as firm as they were pre-pregnancy and a good support bra and regular exercise will help you get back into shape quickly. Following the delivery of your baby your abdomen will be quite stretched and wrinkled as a consequence of relaxed muscles and stretched skin. Gentle exercising will again help to re-establish the shape of your abdomen and vagina muscles so do remember to try and focus a few minutes every day on exercising.

    Almost all mothers undergo vaginal discharge following the birth of their child. This will be akin to a very heavy period which will last couple of days. The discharge will gradually become less until it disappears completely after a couple of weeks. Have a good supply of maternity pants or large sanitary towels available to help contain the discharges.

    Weight Loss After Baby - Tips to Help You Reclaim Your Pre-Pregnancy Body

    Trying to lose those extra pounds after having a baby takes a little more time and effort than under normal circumstances, but the same weight loss principles apply. If you've just given birth, I'm sure you are anxious to pack up all those maternity clothes and pull out all your old stuff (or better yet, go buy some new clothes.) In this article I'm going to give you some easy lifestyle changes that will help you shed those pregnancy pounds and get your body back as soon as possible.

    The biggest difference between weight loss after pregnancy and normal weight loss techniques is that you need to take baby steps (pun intended). Your body is readjusting itself to your normal hormone and body fluid levels. If you are breastfeeding, you need to take extra care not to lose weight too fast, because your body is producing milk for your baby and the calories you take in will be used primarily for milk production and whatever is left over will be used to maintain your health and energy level. (Try not to drop below 2200 to 2500 calories a day)

    Your body will naturally want to get back to a normal weight, but there are things that you can do to significantly accelerate that weight loss.

    Drink Plenty Of Water - Especially if you are breastfeeding. It takes a lot of fluid to produce milk and new moms often find themselves being overly thirsty. By drinking 8-10 glasses of water a day (stay away from caffeine) your body will come to expect that it will get the water it needs and as a result it won't store it up in your cells, or ankles or all those places that we feel bloated. Water is heavy (8.33 pounds per gallon), so by not storing it up you will avoid the extra water weight.

    Get Adequate Sleep - This is a total catch 22 for new parents, but getting at least 7-8 hours of sleep a day (it doesn't have to be continuous) is vital to maintaining many different bodily systems. If you are consistently sleep deprived, you can actually start to gain weight (it happened to me, my baby was a horrible sleeper). Get your hubby to bring your baby to you to breastfeed so that you don't have to actually get up 3-4 times a night. Nap when your baby naps. Don't worry about keeping the house spotless, there will be time for that and you can always invite your mother or mother-in-law over to help. They will do anything to spend time with their grandchild.

    Start A Low Impact Exercise Routine - After the birth of my son, we went on a walk every morning (granted, it was June and very warm). He loved seeing the world and the fresh air and light exercise was invigorating. You'd be surprised how just walking 4-5 times a week for at least 30 minutes will help you lose those pesky pounds.