Saturday, June 15, 2013

How to Get Pregnant Fast - The Best Herbal Pregnancy Infertility Treatment

Have you been struggling for some time trying to get pregnant? If you want to maximize the chance to conceive a baby quickly and easily, it is very important to be well familiar with your menstrual cycle in order to be able to calculate when you are ovulating. Actually, you are most fertile in the days around your ovulation. Let's see two different situations in which it may be difficult to get pregnant quickly: irregular period and normal or regular period.

1) You Have an Irregular Menstrual Cycle

If you experience irregular menstrual cycles (outside of the normal 25 to 35 day length) you can find it very difficult to track your ovulation date. For example, if your period is coming once every 2 or 3 months or 2 to 3 times in one month, you absolutely need to correct your hormonal cycle. Are there natural ways to harmonize the menstrual cycle in order to treat infertility and help you get pregnant faster? Fortunately, 'Mother Nature' can be very helpful. A Chinese herb called Don Quai is considered as the best herbal pregnancy infertility natural treatment.

>> Don Quai Herbal Cure and Pregnancy Properties

Don Quai (angelica sinensis) is the name of a medicinal plant belonging to the Apiaceae family. This herbal medicine has been used for thousands of years in China, in Japan and in Korea to correct and regulate the menstrual cycle. How does it work? Although relatively few human studies have been conducted, it is generally believed that the Don Quai roots possess the properties to balance estrogen levels in women and improve blood flow in the female genital organs thanks to the coumarins it contains.

Don Quai is a supplement available in capsules, tincture and teas. Follow all directions on the product package. Before starting treatment with this herb, take the advice of professional heath care. Don't try to follow a cure by yourself without knowing first all the details about its side effects and drug interactions. For example, if you are taking a coumarins derivative drug you should not start this herbal treatment without the advice of your doctor since Don Quai is a natural blood thinner.

2) You Have a Regular Period

Do you have a regular period? Are you able to pinpoint when you ovulate by doing some simple math? If you had sex right on time and didn't get pregnant within 3 to 6 months what can you do in such situation? Is there a reliable plan or method to treat infertility in order to get pregnant faster?

Michelle consulted a lot of doctors and tried every natural trick in order to get pregnant without any success. She thought she'd never get pregnant. Fortunately, she was able to give birth to a baby boy within only 4 months following a smart plan.

Need Some Baby Belly Exercise Ideas?

Congratulations! Your new baby has arrived, but now you may be anxious to rid yourself of your baby "pooch." First and foremost, remember to be good to yourself. After all, your body nourished your new baby for nine months and it's perfectly reasonable to expect it may take a month or so for your body to recuperate.

However, as anxious as you may be, starting a new exercise routine or diet may not be the best thing for you right now, but there may be some light exercises that you can do. Of course, the first thing you'll want to do is check with your doctor and make sure your body is ready.

Something to Consider

For women who are breast feeding, doing some light to moderate exercise is fine, but this is not the time to start losing weight quickly. Losing too much weight can release toxins into your breast milk and since your baby is getting all of his/her nutrients from your breast milk, anything you consume is, of course, being absorbed by your baby's body. And, if you begin to diet while breastfeeding, you may also deprive your baby of vital nutrients, plus your milk production may diminish.

Exercise Ideas for the New Mom

Many women worry about losing their baby belly, as if it can't happen fast enough. But it's important to note that you can't just lose your belly; there is no such thing as spot reduction. Reducing your stomach can only come with overall exercise and a healthy diet. A combination of aerobic and core exercises, plus resistance training, are all required. As previously noted, it's important to get the OK from your doctor before beginning any exercise routine after you give birth. Women who had a c-section normally need to wait longer to begin than women who did not. However, for most women who had no complications during birth, there are some light exercises you can try.

A. Aerobics

Walking is the easiest exercise most anybody can do, including new moms. Fifteen to twenty minutes, three times each week is typically tolerated by most new moms. Keep in mind, it may still be uncomfortable and it may take awhile to get back to your pre-baby routine, so go slowly. Add additional time, or another day, to your walking routine when you're feeling stronger. When you feel you'd like to step it up, take your baby for the walk in her stroller, and after that, try walking up a few hills. Another easy and comfortable way to get your aerobic workout is swimming.

B. Core Workout

Obviously, carrying a baby for nine months can weaken your abdominals. However, jumping into an abs class is not your best choice. Again, you need to start slowly, and check with your doctor first, but a couple of easy core exercises include pelvic tilts, the modified plank, or performing crunches with an exercise ball. Starting out, you want to try ten to fifteen reps each, two or three times per week.

C. Resistance Training

Resistance, or core, training is important in your goal of losing your baby belly because it helps increase your energy which we all need with a new baby. Plus, it raises your metabolic rate to help you lose weight.

Good core strengthening exercises work different muscle groups at the same time which helps strengthen and tone your entire body. If you haven't used an exercise ball, it's a great tool to accomplish this. But, in lieu of one, you can also try modified push ups, back extensions, squats or assisted lunges.

Of course, it's important to listen to your body as an indicator of what you need. If you're feeling good, trying increasing it a little; if you're feeling fatigued, take it easy or take a day off. We all know how much energy it takes to keep up with a new baby and getting some exercise is an important part of not only taking care of yourself, but having the energy to enjoy that new baby.

Being 22 Weeks Pregnant - The Lucky Way

You must be wondering how twenty one weeks have passed, and you are now 22 weeks pregnant. It seems that time just slipped away with a wink. But it is not actually so. Let me tell you that the entire pregnancy time of yours is scientifically split into three complete trimesters. You have just ended the first and stepped into the second. Happy going indeed!

You are fortunate enough to have reached the stage of being 22 weeks pregnant without facing much discomfort. If this time has been comfortable one, then yours has been an easy sail through. But for many women sailing in the same boat, the first trimester brings in a lot of anxiety, sickness, and unexplainable changes in the behavior and body. For a majority of them, the morning begins with feeling puckish, which lasts the entire day. In such a situation, the volley of advices thrown by the near and dear ones to be more wary of the pregnancy diet sounds hollow. There is much pain and you can't explain - where? Your physical and mental inabilities overshadow the happiness of becoming a mother very soon. But not to worry, once the baby is in your hands and smiles at you, you will forget all that happened in the various pregnancy stages. The calm expression on the child's face will make you forget the trouble and turmoil involved in bearing it.

Now, for a 22 weeks pregnant lady, it's the beginning of the second trimester. You must be feeling that both you and your child have adapted to the bodily changes. But then comes the time for the expansion in body. The belly will become slightly visible as you and the child has begun to grown at a relatively steady rate. This stage is particularly crucial for the expectant mother. The expert's opinion on this will make her proceed on the path of pregnancy in a more intelligent manner. For this much required information, she can either consult her gynecologist or log on to some website having pregnancy information posted by field expert medical practitioners. In the absence of such knowledge, the expectant mother may find herself in a difficult situation, combating the changes occurring within and outside his body.

When you get 22 weeks pregnant, the baby within will start gaining weight. It is, in fact, the trimester of growth. Week after week, you will witness sizable increase in your belly size. This happens because your baby is now over a pound in weight and almost a foot in length. In addition, the baby in the womb will start picking up features that will be reflected finally at the time of delivery. Moreover, it is not only the stage of the child's pancreatic growth but also its hormonal production.

Being 22 weeks pregnant, the uterus will stretch far more what it was like in the previous trimester. Moving of the child near naval and increased appetite are the symptoms experienced in this week. However, it is a generalized opinion that the trimester about to come is more eventful compared to first; so wait and watch!

Recognizing Attachment Concerns in Children

Attachment is fundamental to healthy development, normal personality, and the capacity to form healthy and authentic emotional relationships. How can you determine whether your child has attachment issues that require attention? What is normal behavior, and what are the signs of attachment issues? If you've adopted an infant, when will you see attachment problems develop? These and other related questions are often at the forefront of adoptive parents' minds. In this article I will help you understand what to look for and how to identify concerns.

Let's begin with an explanation of attachment. Attachment is the base of emotional health, social relationships, and one's worldview. The ability to trust and form reciprocal relationships will affect the emotional health, security, and safety of the child, as well as the child's development and future inter-personal relationships. The ability to regulate emotions, have a conscience, and experience empathy all require secure attachment. Healthy brain development is built on a secure attachment relationship.

Children who are adopted after the age of 6 months are at risk for attachment problems. Healthy and secure attachment develops during the child's first few years of life. Problems with the mother-child relationship during that time, orphanage experience, or breaks in the consistent caregiver-child relationship interfere with the normal development of attachment. There are a wide range of attachment problems that result in varying degrees of emotional disturbance in the child. One thing is certain; if an infant's needs are not met consistently, in a loving, nurturing way, the patterns of attachment that develop will be problematic.

When the first-year-of-life attachment-cycle is undermined and the child's needs are not met, and normal socializing shame is not resolved, mistrust begins to define the perspective of the child and attachment problems result. The cycle can become undermined or broken for many reasons:

* Multiple disruptions in care giving
* Post-partum depression causing an emotionally unavailable mother
* Hospitalization of the child causing separation from the parent and/or unrelieved pain
* Parents who are attachment disordered, leading to neglect, abuse (physical/sexual/verbal), or inappropriate parental responses not leading to a secure/predictable relation¬ship
* Genetic factors.
* Pervasive developmental disorders
* Caregivers whose attachment needs are not met, leading to overload and lack of awareness of the infants needs

The child may develop mistrust, impeding effective attachment behavior. The developmental stages following these first years continue to be distorted and/or retarded, and common symptoms emerge:

* Superficially engaging and charming behavior, phoniness
* Avoidance of eye contact.
* Indiscriminate affection with strangers.
* Lack of affection on parental terms.
* Destructiveness to self, others, and material things.
* Cruelty to animals.
* Primary process lying (lying in the face of the obvious*)
* Low impulse control.
* Learning lags.
* Lack of cause/effect thinking.
* Lack of conscience.
* Abnormal eating patterns.
* Poor peer relationships.
* Preoccupation with fire and/or gore.
* Persistent nonsense questions and chatter.
* Inappropriate clinginess and demandingness.
* Abnormal speech patterns.
* Inappropriate sexuality.

So how does one distinguish the difference between a child who "looks" attached and a child who really is making a healthy, secure attach¬ment? This question becomes important for adoptive families because some adopted children will form an almost immediate dependency bond to their adoptive parents. To mistake this as secure and healthy attachment can lead to many problems down the road. Just because a child calls someone ''Mom'' or "Dad," snuggles, cuddles, and says, ''I love you," does not mean that the child is attached or even attaching. Saying, "I love you", and knowing what that really feels like, can be two different things. Attachment is a process. It takes time. The key to its formation is trust, and trust becomes secure only after repeated testing. Generally attachment develops during the first few years of life. The child learns that the child is loved and can love in return. The parents give love and learn that the child loves them. The child learns to trust that the child's needs will be met in a consistent and nurturing manner. The child learns that the child "belongs" to his family and they to the child. It is through these elements that a child learns how to love, and how to accept love. This is how a child develops a secure sense of self.

Older adopted children need time to make adjustments to their new surroundings. They need to become familiar with their caregivers, friends, relatives, neighbors, teachers, and others with whom they will have repeated contact. They need to learn the ins and outs of new household routines and adapt to living in a new physical environment. Some children have cultural or language hurdles to over¬come. Until most of these tasks have been accomplished, they may not be able to relax enough to allow the work of attachment to begin. In the meantime, behavioral problems related to insecurity and lack of attachment, as well as to other events in the child's past, may start to surface. Some start to get labels, like "manipulative," "super¬ficial," or "sneaky". On the inside, this child is filled with anxiety, fear, grief, loss, and often a profound sense of being bad, defective, and unlovable. The child has not developed the self-esteem that comes with feeling like a valued, contri¬buting, member of a family. The child cares little about pleasing others since his relationships with them are quite superficial.

When are problems first apparent?
Children who have experienced physical or sexual abuse, physical or psychological neglect, or orphanage life will begin to show difficulties as young as six-months of age. For example, the signs of difficulties for an infant include the following:

* Weak crying response or rageful and/or constant whining; inability to be comforted
* Tactile defensiveness
* Poor clinging and extreme resistance to cuddling: seems stiff as a board
* Poor sucking response
* Poor eye contact, lack of tracking
* No reciprocal smile response
* Indifference to others
* Failure to respond with recognition to parents.
* Delayed physical motor skill development milestones (creeping, crawling, sitting, etc.,)
* Flaccid

Gail tells her seven-year-old daughter, Sally, to pick up the napkin Sally has dropped. As Sally crosses her arms a sad and angry pout darkens her face. Gail says, "Sally, I told you to pick up the napkin and throw it away." Sally stomps over to the napkin, picks it up, and throws it away. Crying and whining, Sally stands with her back to Gail. Sally, angry and unhappy, is exhibiting one of the subtle signs of attachment sensitivity that nearly all children adopted after six-months demonstrate.

Attachment is an interpersonal, interactive process that results in a child feeling safe, secure, and able to develop healthy, emotionally meaningful relationships. The process requires a sensitive, responsive parent who is capable of emotional engagement and participation in contingent collaborative communication (responsive communication) at nonverbal and verbal levels. The parent's ability to respond to the child's emotional state is what will prevent attachment sensitivities from becoming problems of a more severe nature.

What are the subtle signs of attachment issues?
1. Sensitivity to rejection and to disruptions in the normally attuned connection between mother and child.
2. Avoiding comfort when the child's feelings are hurt, although the child will turn to the parent for comfort when physically hurt.
3. Difficulty discussing angry feelings or hurt feelings.
4. Over valuing looks, appearances, and clothes.
5. Sleep disturbances. Not wanting to sleep alone.
6. Precocious independence. A level of independence that is more frequently seen in slightly older children.
7. Reticence and anxiety about changes.
8. Picking a scabs and sores.

Internationally adopted children experience at least two significant changes during the first few months of life that can have a profound impact on later development and security. Birth mother to orphanage or foster care and then orphanage to adoptive home are two transitions. We know from extensive research that prenatal, post-natal, and subsequent experiences create lasting impressions on a child. During the first few minutes, days, and weeks of life, the infant clearly recognizes the birth mother's voice, smell, and taste. Changes in caregivers are disruptive. The new caregivers look different, smell different, sound different, taste different. In the orphanage there are often many care givers but no one special caregiver. Adoption brings with it a whole new, strange, and initially frightening world. These moves and disruptions have profound effects on a child's emotional, interpersonal, cognitive, and behavioral development. The longer a child is in alternate care, the more these subtle signs become pervasive.

There are effective ways for a parent to help his or her child.
Parents and the right parenting are vital to preventing subtle signs from becoming anything more than sensitivities. Parenting consistently with clear and firm limits is essential. Discipline should be enforced with an attitude of sensitive and responsive empathy, acceptance, curiosity, love, and playfulness. This provides the most healing and protective way to correct a child.

As Sally walks away to pout, Gail comes up behind her, scoops her up, and begins rocking her gently while crooning in Sally's ear. Gail sings songs and tells Sally she loves her and understands Sally is angry at being told what to do. Gail expresses sadness that Sally is so unhappy. At first Sally resists a bit, but she soon calms down and listens as Gail tells her how much she loves Sally. Sally is sensitive to feelings of rejection and abandonment that are evoked by her mother's displeasure, so Gail brings Sally closer to reassure Sally nonverbally. It is by experience that the subtle signs are addressed and managed. Nonverbal experience is much more powerful than verbal experience since most of the subtle signs have their origin in nonverbal experience and nonverbal memory. Finally, Sally eventually did what she was asked to do and praised for doing what was expected. In this manner, Sally experiences acceptance of who she is while becoming socialized.

These sensitivities do not constitute a mental illness or Reactive Attachment Disorder. They are subtle signs of attachment sensitivities. So, what can you do?

First, bringing the child in close is better than allowing the child to be alone or isolate him or her self.

Second, talk for the child. Put words to what the child is feeling. This allows the child to feel understood by you, maintains a connection, and helps assuage the fear of rejection and abandonment. It also helps the child become self-aware, models verbal behavior, and facilitates a sense of emotional attunement between parent and child.

Third, don't make food a battle. A child who steals food or hoards food usually has sound emotional reasons for this. Providing the child with food so that your child experiences you as provider is often the solution. Put a bowl of fruit in the child's room. (Be sure to keep if filled. It does not good if you provide and then leave an empty bowl!) In some instances, I've recommended that the parents provide the child with a fanny pack and keep it stocked with snacks. This usually quickly ends hoarding and stealing of food.

Fourth, for the child who is overly independent, doing for the child and not encouraging precocious independence is helpful. So, making a game of brushing your six-year old's teeth, dressing your seven-year-old, or playing at feeding a nine-year-old, are all ways to demonstrate that you will care for the child. Keeping it playful and light, allows the child to experience what the child needs and helps eliminate hurtful battles.

In conclusion, these subtle signs are important reminders that our children have ongoing sensitivities that as parents we must address. Responsive and sensitive communication is essential. Attachment is a function of reciprocal communication; attachment does not reside in the child alone. It is very important for the parent to manage and facilitate this attuned connection within a framework of clear limits and boundaries, natural consequences, and firm loving discipline.

Pregnancy Do's and Don'ts

Pregnancy is a wonderful experience that comes with its share of necessary do's and don'ts that an expectant mother should live by. Pregnant women who live by these guidelines of things that they should and should not do while their babies are still inside them are naturally the ones that reap excellent rewards in the end. These rewards are in the form of their healthy, bouncing babies. It is always because of these babies that expectant moms gladly bear whatever difficulties that may come their way during their pregnancies.

It is but expected for pregnant women to give up all their vices for the sake of their unborn babies. This is because alcoholic drinking, cigarette smoking and using illegal drugs can really bring harmful effects to unborn babies. Studies have shown that these vices can cause premature labor as well low birth weight, brain defects and other health problems to the child as soon as it is born. Because of this, it is really best that pregnant moms or even those who are planning to conceive should stay away or give up these vices completely.

One of the most important things that an expectant mother should gravitate to is healthy living. This means taking in proper amounts of nutritious foods everyday as well as drinking lots and lots of water. Fruits, vegetables, whole wheat breads, meat, fish, eggs and milk are just among the staples that you must have when you are expecting a child. Of course, if you want your unborn baby as well as yourself to be as healthy as possible, then you must also take care in staying away from foods that will only bring harm. It is best that you don't eat junk or fast foods as these are usually fatty and have artificial additives. You must also stay away from eating too much sugary, salty and spicy foods, as they can also cause complications that might put you and your baby at risk.

Part of healthy living, whether you are pregnant or not, is having regular exercise. Although taking in an exercise regimen would have to depend on your type of pregnancy and the advice of your doctor, this is one way to go to ensure that you and your baby stay fit until the day of birthing. Walking, swimming, light aerobics and doing yoga are among the most beneficial exercises that an expectant mom could do.

These are just among the do's and don'ts of pregnancy. There might be others that you will know of along the way, as your pregnancy progresses. However, these are the basic ones that you could live by to ensure that you and your baby are healthy all the way.

What Are The Important Things Every Pregnant Women Should Know About Health Insurance?

Exercise, proper diets etc. is very important while pregnant. It also plays a role in conceiving, so overlooking these things may sometimes complicate the matter. Many women plan their pregnancy considering their career, financial condition and other factors, but very few women plan their Health insurance accordance with their pregnancy. Today the cost of delivery increases with inflation. Approximate cost for a normal delivery is $ 6,500 and for cesarean the cost is around $ 10,500 depending upon the grade of maternity home or hospital. So it is very important that every woman should cover their pregnancy with suitable Health insurance and stop worrying about the maternity bill.

The very first important thing every pregnant woman should know is purchase the health insurance before they are pregnant. If someone get their Health insurance after they are pregnant than generally they have to wait for months before their insurance coverage become effective.

As mention in the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act, pre-existing conditions does not include pregnancy, so pregnant women can easily change health plans. But try to avoid changing job while pregnant.

It is always beneficial to know the coverage provided by your existing health plan for pregnancy, birth etc. Pay special attention to different types of baby care, preventive and maternity care provision of the health plan. After the child is born it is very important to inform your health insurance administrator with in 30 days.

If you are covered by group health insurance plan provided by your employer. Than inquire about whether the group health plan covers maternity or not, If you are not insured than for pregnant woman Medicaid is the best option, but to eligible for Medicaid your income should not exceeds certain limit. When in doubt always take the advice from reputed Health agency like [] or you may contact State insurance department.

Florida Health Insurance [] Click for more information

Friday, June 14, 2013

Foods to Eat When Wanting to Have a Baby Girl

Recently, there's been a lot of press about what a woman eats and the gender or sex of the baby she ultimately conceives.  A recent study indicated that women who eat breakfast and consume more daily calories (about 2200) are more likely to conceive baby boys, while women who skipped breakfast and consumed less calories throughout the day were more likely to have a girl baby.

Although these studies were important in showing that there is a definite correlation that the foods you eat effect your baby's gender, this is really only the tip of the iceberg.  There are many variables in choosing the foods that help you have a baby girl.  This article will discuss which foods to eat and which foods to avoid - and why this method works in the first place.  

Why Foods Affect Your Conceiving A Girl: You may already know this, but when you want to conceive a daughter, the foods you eat can greatly affect your vaginal acidity and PH.  Why is this important? Because the sperm which produces a baby boy is much weaker and shorter lived than the sperm that produces a girl.  This is why you should conceive well before ovulation, so that you are giving the boy sperm a long time to wait, and you are ensuring that they have died off by the time you are most fertile and can easily get pregnant.

But, another effective way to complete this process is by making your vaginal PH a very high number. Boy sperm are going to be greatly compromised in an acidic environment.  So, just skipping breakfast is not enough to really do the trick.  You'll also need to eat a diet high in acidic foods and very low (or devoid of) alkaline foods.

Consuming Calcium And Magnesium And Avoiding Potassium Foods When Trying To Have A Girl: Old wives tales will tell you that, to get a daughter, you should load up your diet with foods that are high in calcium (milk, cheese, yogurt) and magnesium (beans, legumes, leafy green foods) while you avoid foods that are high in potassium ( bananas, etc.) It is also said that you should avoid alcohol and caffeine (coffee AND chocolate).  There is somewhat of a scientific base to this advice, but again, this is only one piece of the puzzle, which leads me to my next point.

Examples Of Acidic Foods. (The Foods That Will Help You Conceive A Girl): If you really want a female baby, you'll need to go on a high PH diet and avoid the foods that can make your system more alkaline.  Examples of highly acidic foods (which you will need to eat a lot of) are many fruits (plums, prunes, cranberries) as well as meats, corn, fish and whole grains. When you are on an acidic diet, it will feel very restrictive.  It can be a bit difficult, but just keep thinking about your daughter and know that it will be worth it.

Examples Of Alkaline Foods (You Must Avoid And Steer Clear Of These): Consuming high acid foods is not going to do you any good if you counteract all of your hard work by eating alkaline foods. You must avoid these. Examples are almost all vegetables (except corn, as noted above), orange juice (remember to take folic acid supplements to replace this), potatoes, spinach, and watermelon.

Another Important Step: Changing your diet can be an effective way to get the right body chemistry to have a girl, but there is a faster way.  You can combine douching with your diet changes.  I know douching can seem old fashioned, but you'll only be doing it for a short period of time and it makes the process happen much more quickly.

If you don't believe me, go out and get some PH testing strips.  Test your vaginal PH and test again after one day on an acidic diet.  Note the changes and the move upward.  Now, douche with a solution based on how acidic you naturally are.  Retest again.  I'd be willing to bet that your reading increased more after the douching than after the foods, right?

If you absolutely don't want to douche, you can change your body through foods, but you'll have to do a really good job with self control and you should monitor your results to make sure you've gone high enough to chase all of the boy sperm away when you try to conceive.

Can't Get Pregnant - Your Options to Get Pregnant

If you find that you can't get pregnant, there are some options available for you that can help you get pregnant. It may be frustrating when you are not getting pregnant. The good news is that there are options out that will help. Lets look at some of your options.

The first option you have if you can't get pregnant is by going to a doctor. You can go to a fertility specialist if you have been trying for over a year with no success. They will run some tests and determine what might be causing you not to get pregnant. It is also a good idea for your partner to get checked out too since it is possible that he can also contribute to the fact that you can't get pregnant.

Another option to help you get pregnant is by changing up your lifestyle. If you smoke or drink, you could quit. If you are overweight, you should lose a few pounds. If you are stressed too much, you should reduce some stress. If your eating habits are poor, you should start eating more natural and healthy foods. If you work around chemicals, maybe you could consider another position at your job. Changing up your lifestyle to be healthy and appropriate for trying to conceive can also help.

One last option to mention is actual fertility treatment. One approach to treating fertility is acupuncture. Acupuncture along with herbal medicine can help stimulate fertility. Acupuncture can improve ovarian and follicular function, increase blood flow to the endometrium, and also reduce stress. All of these are good for fertility. This is just one type of fertility treatment that can help when you can't get pregnant.

There are still many other options out there that can help those who can't get pregnant. Don't feel bad because you are having a hard time getting pregnant. Surprisingly, it is common to have problems getting pregnant. Fortunately, there are options to help in situations like these.

Postpartum Depression: What You Should Know

The early signs of postpartum depression, range from gentle irritation, to feelings of loneliness. These can be followed by a heightened feeling of frustration and inadequacy. As the abjection worsens, the patient does not at all want to get out of bed, and ends up disturbing her sleep, and feasting on routine as well.

Nearly all accepted signs of postpartum depression begin practically right after childbirth. These worsen, as the patient shows curtailment of matter in the baby, or even bad feelings towards the baby. The patient feels anxious about the baby. Alternatively, the patient could lose concern in the self also. There is a loss of pleasure, motivation and energy. The patient starts feeling good-for-nothing and guilty about non-existent issues.

There are changes in appetite and hunger also. Disorder in the sleep cycle can be followed by thoughts of committing suicide. Some women might experience a delayed onset of postnatal depression. The Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale (EPDS), is a screening tool that detects postpartum depression. It requires filling out a form on the basis of your effects that you can subsequently discuss with your doctor.

If postpartum depression is not at all treated, it can get into postpartum psychosis. This is a rare, but very serious problem that can start right after childbirth. It includes disconnection from reality, and includes a high possibility for both infanticide and suicide. Hospitalization is required. Postpartum psychosis could manifest suddenly in the first two weeks after having given birth. The signs contain hallucinations, delusions, critical anxiety, confusion and disorientation. Increasing mood swings occur in both postnatal depression, and postpartum psychosis.

Women who have some history of any bipolar disturbances have an expanded possibility of advancing into postpartum depression, or psychosis. Nearly all new mothers dismiss slight feelings of dullness and mood swings, as passing 'baby blues', but these signs ought to not at all be taken lightly.

Conventional medicinal system depends on antidepressants and muscle relaxants, to cure the signs of postpartum depression. Drugs have side symptoms. Additional psychotherapy might not be of much use either. What is required is a holistic approach to treat the signs of postnatal depression with natural and herbal cures that are safe. Some of the best natural cures when joined with a holistic approach, could perform wonders. A careful alteration in diet, adopting of a suitable exercise regime, and counseling, would help treat this condition permanently.

Family support is vital in not only recognizing the signs of postnatal depression, but in helping treat it correctly. Ironically, some new fathers might also face postpartum depression, though their percentage is quite low, as compared to women. Would-be parents who are aware of the effects of postpartum depression can work together to handle the signs perfectly, and effectively even before the despondency sets in.

If you are pregnant, or trying to be, you should read up on postpartum depression.

You can read more about womens health issues at my blog:

Please visit:

Be Well.

Steve Stanley

3 Tips To A Blissful And Enjoyable Confinement

Now that you have gone through the arduous 40 weeks of pregnancy journey and the formidable task of delivering your baby, it is finally time to bring home your bundle of joy!

For most first time parents, this is a period of anticipation and excitement, but it can also be a time of uncertainty and stress. Many women start experiencing a sense of desperation now that they no longer have the support from the nurses in the hospital and will be all alone with her baby. It does not help that you have to deal with the excruciating pain from the episotomy wound (and for some, the caesarean wound) and the pain from the breast engorgement, which makes it almost impossible to sit up and walk properly, not to mention to care for a newborn.

The following tips will help you get through this seemingly darkness period of your life while maintaining your sanity and health.

Tip #1: Get help!

Do not be embarrassed to ask for help. Rally those around you to help in one way or another. Ask your mother, mother-in-law, father, father-in-law, aunties etc. Do not underestimate the importance of family support. One of my friends came down with chicken pox 2 weeks after giving birth and her father took over as the main caregiver for her newborn. If you do not have any reliable and experienced people to help you out, consider getting a confinement lady. An experienced confinement lady is an expert when dealing with newborn and can be an invaluable source of advice and help for new mom.

Tip #2: Get enough rest!

No amount of books you read or pre-natal classes you attend can prepare you for the exhaustion, frustration and even desperation of being a new parent. The sleep deprivation is horrific. I can still remember the 3-hourly feed that my eldest son insisted on till he is almost 6 months old! Do not underestimate the strain pregnancy placed on your body. You need plenty of rest during the confinement period to let your body to recover from the sheer exhaustion of childbirth so that you can be strong enough to take care of your newborn. A sleep deprived mom is a tired, emotional unstable, agitated and ill-tempered mom.

A confinement lady can help to take over the caring over the newborn so that you can get plenty of rest. Most mothers let their newborn sleeps with the confinement lady in the first few weeks so that she can take over the night feeds. This allows the mother to have sufficient rest at night. There will also be someone to help with other children and ensure that things are taken care of around your home until you are able to care for everything on your own again.

Tip #3: Eat well!

Having a nutritional diet after delivery is crucial in helping you regain your health and prepare you for breastfeeding. Do not dismiss the benefits of confinement meals. Chinese herbs commonly found in confinement soup such as Chinese angelica root (dang gui) and ginseng, are used as a tonic to nourish the blood and to improve uterine function. Ginger, black and white peppers are also liberally added to some soups and confinement dishes to eliminate "wind" from the body. Dried red dates and wolfberries are added to confinement tea to nourish the blood and to eliminate fatigue. An experienced confinement lady will be able to prepare delectable and nutritious confinement meals for you to ensure that you regain your health without gaining extra pounds!

You may want to check out for your confinement needs.

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Getting Pregnant After a Miscarriage - Improving Your Chances

Losing a baby through a miscarriage is a devastating experience. The decision to try again to conceive afterward may have been a difficult one to make, but there is a very good chance you will be successful. Doctors and fertility experts agree that one miscarriage does not guarantee a second one in the future. Even women who have miscarried more than once have a 75% chance of conceiving again. Although there is no treatment that can give you 100% protection from future miscarriages, you can increase your chances of getting pregnant after miscarriage by taking good care of your body and yourself.

Possible causes

The most common causes of miscarriage are due to chromosomal problems in the embryo, physical defects in the uterus, immune system dysfunctions, or a hormonal imbalance. However, it's very likely that pollutants, the medicines we take, and poor nutrition played a role in its occurrence. For instance, chromosomal defects can be caused by a deficiency in the trace mineral selenium. This mineral, which can be found in many green vegetables, protects the body from pollutants and toxins that can do DNA damage. Researchers discovered that women who miscarried have lower levels of selenium in their blood than women who have successfully delivered babies.

Seemingly harmless over-the-counter drugs can also increase the risk of miscarrying. A study by Kaiser Permanente from San Francisco discovered that 24% of women who took aspirin, ibuprofen, and naproxen miscarried before the 20th week of their pregnancy versus a 15% miscarriage rate among women who didn't take these drugs. Although this phenomenon has to be examined more closely by other researchers, the study theorized that these drugs suppress the production of prostaglandins. These hormone-like substances participate in pain-signaling, but they are also required for a fertilized egg to successfully implant itself onto the uterus.

Even fertility drugs can provoke miscarriages. Clomid is known to, in some cases, interfere with the uterine lining and prevent a fertilized egg from implanting itself. And with gonadotrophin treatment, which is another technique to stimulate ovulation, a similar phenomenon has also been observed. So even if these fertility drugs increase the chances of conceiving, they also ironically increase the odds of a failed pregnancy.

Remedies against future miscarriages

Miscarriages are caused by factors beyond your control, but there are some simple things you can do to increase the odds of a successful and trouble-free pregnancy.

Have a pre-conception examination

Before attempting to conceive after a miscarriage, visit your gynecologist or physician for a pre-conception examination. This exam will actually involve a series of tests to check if you have infections or underlying health problems that can threaten your pregnancy. Many miscarriages are caused by infections that need to be treated before you conceive again, or severe infections that just happened to occur during the early part of pregnancy. One of these is called bacterial vaginosis, an infection that makes a pregnant woman five times more likely to experience a late miscarriage or premature birth. Other infections include Chlamydia, toxoplasmosis, herpes, and mycoplasma hominis. Many of these conditions show no immediate symptoms, which is why it is essential to be screened and treated before trying to conceive again.

Increase your intake of folic acid

According to Sweden's Karolinska Institute, one common nutrition-related cause of miscarriages is low levels of folic acid. This B-vitamin is essential for proper embryo development and cell growth, which can explain why a lack of folic acid contributes to miscarriages due to chromosomal abnormalities. A deficiency in folic acid is also connected to low blood supply to the placenta, hypertension, and placental separation during pregnancy, which place the mother at high risk of miscarriage. Doctors recommend consuming at least 400mcg of folic acid before trying to conceive. You can obtain folic acid from sources such as green leafy vegetables, beans, whole grains or pre-natal vitamins which contain the recommended daily allowance of the nutrients needed for a healthy pregnancy.

Observe food safety techniques

Two kinds of food-borne bacteria called listeria and T. gondii can cause an infection called toxoplasmosis known to induce early miscarriage. Listeria can be found in unpasteurized milk products, undercooked meat, and soft cheeses, while T. gondii can be found in undercooked meat and unwashed fruits or vegetables. Toxoplasmosis itself only causes flu-like symptoms in the mother, but it can be passed on to a growing baby and cause a miscarriage, birth defects, or retardation.

Fortunately, this infection can be prevented by following basic food safety techniques. Always wash your hands before you prepare food or handle raw meats. All fruits and vegetables must also be washed under running water before consuming. Cook all your meat and poultry until they are well done, and reheat all leftovers until they steam. Never use a microwave to reheat food because this will not kill bacteria.

Maintain a healthy weight through diet and exercise

Studies show that women who are overweight or obese before pregnancy are more likely to experience a miscarriage or other complications like hypertension, gestational diabetes, and pre-eclampsia. If you are overweight, speak with a nutritionist and ask for a diet plan that can help you obtain a healthy weight. Do not go on a crash diet because the sudden weight loss will deplete your body of nutrients needed for a healthy pregnancy. Regular exercise is good too, but make sure you do not overdo it; strenuous exercise places the body under stress, which makes it more difficult to conceive.

You can conceive after a miscarriage

Going through a miscarriage may have been painful and traumatic, but that doesn't mean that your next pregnancy will end the same way. As long as you take good care of yourself and follow your doctor's advice, you too have an excellent chance of giving birth to a healthy baby.

Therapeutic Massage Helps Overcome Infertility

When my wife and I had our first baby, we were so elated we wanted another one. Unfortunately, after 4 months of trying to conceive, we were unsuccessful. Our tolerance for secondary infertility was very low; we immediately sought help from our obstetrician. She prescribed fertility pills for 6 months but with no results. We set on to find other alternative means.

We read about diet and cleaned up our act by eliminating processed food and junk food. We threw out our microwave oven. We eliminated all drugs and lotions. I ate raw oysters to increase my sperm count.

I made a call to all friends and relatives that we were in search of a therapeutic massage expert. Our nannie had an aunt who was a therapeutic massage expert and midwife who was reputed to have been the final ingredient that made many women pregnant. We sought her assistance, she had expertise in manually fixing uterus positions. Many infertility cases she says comes from the uterus being out of position. In our language, this expert is called a "hilot".

The "hilot" visited us for 3 Wednesdays in December 2002. The first session was scheduled immediately the day after the last drop of menstruation had stopped. Each session lasted only 10 minutes, the 2nd session left my wife sore as the "hilot" manually manipulated her uterus. The "hilot" told us on the 2nd Wednesday that my wife would still bleed this December 2002, but that she would surely be pregnant by January 2003.

January 18, we were so excited and took a test kit. Negative. Pffft... so much for "hilot" we thought. My wife said she will just begin a work out program. I had to go back and get a new sperm analysis. Sperm analysis comes out 300 million per ml. Whoa! I should be able to get any girl pregnant at this count, the lab technician said. Wife calls on my cell phone on January 25, 2003 and declares... "I'm pregnant!"

The hilot was absolutely correct, she called it, we are believers now. In fact, our lifestyle change and the hilot's caring was so good, my wife became unexpectedly pregnant again after just some 6 months after giving birth to our 2nd child. So we wound up with 2 additional children for our infertility fighting effort. We now have a total of 3 children.

Caring for a Baby During Confinement

You expect that you will be struggling to take care of yourself and the other members of your family during confinement, so how are you going to fit in caring for a small baby as well? It is quite normal to feel overwhelmed and scared as you go into this period of your life. You may wonder how you will ever care for this tiny creature once it arrives in your world, but in the end the answers will come and everything will get done.

Baby First

The first rule of thumb during confinement is that the baby's needs have to come first. If you are choosing between taking a much needed nap and feeding the baby who wants nourishment every couple hours, you have to stay awake and make sure the baby is fed. This may not be the comfortable thing to do, but it is something that every new mother has to contend with.

Your needs come second the moment your baby is born. They cannot look after their own needs and survive on their own, so they have to depend on you to do everything for them. If you don't take care of them, who will?

The best thing to do is hire a confinement nanny who can take care of many of the baby's needs while you take that much needed nap or just get a shower. You will of course still do a lot to care for the baby yourself, but you need someone there to help you out so your personal needs are taken care of as well.

Bonding Time

There are some things that you really want to take advantage of while you are in the confinement period and bonding with your new baby is at the top of the list. Them more you bond with the baby during the first couple months of their life the stronger your connection will be to them throughout their lifetime.

Take advantage of having the extra help of a confinement nanny and really spend quality time bonding with your baby. This happens as you watch them sleep in your arms or sit up with them for a midnight feeding.

Talk to the baby. Sing to them. Tell them how much you love them. Look into their eyes and allow them to grip your finger for security. Just let them know you are there for them. They may be small and unable to communicate intelligibly, but science has proven that they feel and need the love.

On Baby Time

Finally, it is important to forget about the clock that most people go by throughout their life and learn to live on baby time while in confinement. It really doesn't matter what time of day it is if your baby needs fed or has a dirty diaper. Babies are in their own little world and don't know how everyone else functions. That is how you need to be as well.

It is important to do things when you have the chance, rather than when you would routinely do them before having the baby. This means sleeping when the baby sleeps even it if is two in the afternoon and eating when the baby eats even if it is six in the morning.

Thursday, June 13, 2013

How to Get Pregnant Quickly & Easily - Tips to Help You Conceive Faster

Getting pregnant quickly takes a lot of effort. The first thing that you should do is start tracking your ovulation. You can purchase over the counter ovulation tests at your local pharmacy or grocery store. You should time your sexual intercourse to coincide with your ovulation window.

The second thing that you should do is reduce the stress that is in your life. Stress can cause you not to conceive so you need to relax and get enough sleep.

The third thing that you should do is start eating a balanced diet and get to a healthy weight. Overweight women have a harder time conceiving so you should try to lose a few pounds before trying to conceive if you are overweight.

The fourth thing that you should do is take folic acid supplements and prenatal vitamins. Folic acid and prenatal vitamins will help your baby develop properly; if you have these vitamins and minerals in your system before you conceive then you can help to reduce birth defects.

The fifth thing that you should do is stop drinking alcohol and smoking. Smoking and drinking during pregnancy can cause birth defects; you need to avoid exposing your unborn child to harmful chemicals and alcohol. Smoking cigarettes can make it harder for you to conceive and it has harmful effects on your own health.

The sixth thing that you should do is avoid being exposed to chemicals and toxins. You should eat and drink organic food products to keep your body as healthy as possible. You should avoid using a lot of household chemicals that have harsh fumes because they are bad for your health.

Conceiving a child quickly takes a lot of effort but these tips can help women increase their chances of conceiving quickly. If a year goes by and you are not pregnant then you should consult your gynecologist so that they can examine you and see if there is a medical issue that needs to be resolved.

Can A Fertility Bracelet Help Me Get Pregnant?

For hundreds of years women have been long adorning themselves with fertility bracelets, jewelry and charms with the hope that the energy held within the stones increases their fertility. The many cultures of the world have long supported the idea that the natural powerful fertility energies held within stones and were made a part of their customs to adorn themselves in the hopes of getting pregnant. In celebration of their fertility and womanhood right of passage, they'd actually embellish themselves by selling the fertility stones into their garments.

Modern-day traditions support the belief that certain gemstones can assist women considered to be unable to have children to boost the odds that she would be able to get pregnant. Whether or not fertility jewelry holds the power to enhance your fertility can just be decided by the results you've got once you have put on an ovulation bracelet or fertility charm for quite a while.

Should you choose it to be your belief that the absolute most power fertility charms could have would be a good luck charm, many infertility bracelets are quite pretty to wear, and when it's your desire to get pregnant, what could be the harm. Furthermore a fertility bracelet has the advantage that every time you wear it you are re-inforcing the idea in your subconscious mind that you would like to conceive a child.

There isn't just one form of fertility stone, actually various cultures have their own unique customary native stone like the Rose Quartz, also known as the "love stone" considered to have much power to promote overall reproductive system health and wellbeing. Rhodonite is also believed to be an excellent fertility stone used to calm a woman's emotional behavior.

Chrysoprase is a kind of fertility stone thought to bring happiness, calm down her nerves and offer compassion, and Moonstone used for nurturing receptivity. To help with the woman's blood circulation, Bloodstone is believed to help aid overall health in boosting fertility by alleviating the body of blood clotting disorders.

The green garnet, Vessonite is thought to have the powerful energy to create an atmosphere for a stable pregnancy. Every one of the manifestation crystals within the Quartz family are a perfect choice when deciding which fertility stone in a bracelet that's best for you, because of its own natural capability to develop little "family clusters" on its own.

Whenever attempting to choose which fertility bracelet suits you, you should approach the final decision as if you would deciding on any other jewelry. Those specials stones that "speak" to you are most probably those that you truly need. Whether you choose to purchase some piece of fertile jewelry or actually make a fertility bracelet on your own, adorning yourself with all the fertile power from the stones of a fertility bracelet is simply yet another aid to realize your goals in getting pregnant.

Post Natal Depression

What is post natal depression?

There is no doubt that the introduction of a baby into your life, no matter how loved and wanted, can cause a lot of emotional and physical stress if you are not prepared.

In our western culture, support for new mothers can be lacking because relatives often live far away and our friends may not be our immediate neighbours. Also, when your friends and family are with you, you may find that their expectations about how you should be feeling are not necessarily the same as yours. Alternatively, your feelings may not be as intense as you expect them to be immediately after birth and for some women, it can take some time before the feelings of love for the new baby develops.

For many women the pregnancy may have been a difficult one and the baby may not have been planned. Many things can influence the way that you initially feel about your new baby. These emotional stresses combined with a less than optimal level of nutrition and the obvious hormone changes that you will be experiencing post birth with perhaps a poor sleep pattern due to the babies demands can lead to post natal depression, and it is very common.

There are ways to both prevent and treat depressive thinking effectively without resorting to drugs.

So what are the symptoms of post natal depression?

Well it is no different from the symptoms of general depression, these can include:

o A lack of motivation

o Vivid dreaming

o Waking early feeling exhausted (this may be a normal part of early life with your baby of course, especially if he or she is not a good sleeper)

o A lack of pleasure in usually pleasurable activities

o Anxiety

o Black and white thinking (everything bad happens to me, everything good to others etc)

o Negative introspection and worrying

o Excessive guilt

o A loss of appetite

o Lethargy

o Reducing pleasurable activities

o A loss of libido

So how can you help prevent post natal depression?

The first thing to state is that most women don't actually get full depression but they tend to classify feeling weepy and a bit low as depression. This is quite normal and will pass after a few weeks so don't get too concerned if you do have mood swings or if you don't feel your usual self. It is probably due to the hormones changes that occur after birth as your body begins returning to normal, and remember you have been sharing your body with your baby for nine months and many women express a feeling akin to grief at this parting. So this is normal and will pass.

If you are concerned or you have suffered from depression in the past and want be prepared what can you do?

Well the good news is that relaxation and can be very effective at de-conditioning the emotional arousal that happens during depression. So planning time to practice active relaxation and using the techniques on the Second Nature Birth Programme will certainly be beneficial and will help you to prepare mentally for the birth.
Practicing the techniques will make it easier to relax after the birth and will be a powerful aid to de-stressing. We are far more able to cope with stress if we have a tool or method to help us relax.

Keep up some form of physical exercise. For example, if you are practicing yoga, do not give it up after birth. Go for long walks with your baby as soon as you feel comfortable enough and strong enough to do so. This would usually be at least three weeks after the birth and longer if you have had a caesarean. (consult your midwife for advice if you are unsure)

Join a local support network prior to the birth of your baby. A mother and toddlers group may offer exactly the support and shared experience that you need after the birth and a group like the National Childbirth Trust in the UK would be ideal.


Remember your diet is as important if you are breast feeding as it is when you are pregnant. The following is especially pertinent to maintaining mental health through diet:

a. Supplement vitamins and minerals during pregnancy, particularly calcium, magnesium and zinc.

b. Eat a lot of oily fish, herring mackerel, sardines salmon and tuna are all good.

c. Supplement omega 3 and 6 fatty acids.

d. Eat a lot of raw fruit and vegetables (organic if possible) and seeds.

e. Make up this mixture and use on breakfast cereal and in soups, one tablespoon a day. Make up equal quantities of sunflower seeds, sesame seeds, pumpkin seeds and then three times the amount of flax (linseeds) together in a blender. Grind them until they are granulated and store the mixture in the fridge.

f. If you are constipated you may wish to use a few more flax seeds during the day separately as these will aid the digestion.

What else can you do?

Talk to your partner. Friends and family and discuss any concerns that you have before they arise. Do not wait for issues to sort themselves out as they have a habit of hanging around.

Plan for the birth. This may seem obvious, but what we mean are the less obvious aspects like:

Find out who among your family and friends will be willing to baby sit or offer you support you in other way. Knowing this will be very reassuring.

When you cook, double the quantities. This means that you will only need to cook half the time.

Talk to other mums and learn from them about what they did to cope with a new baby.

Book your nursery place well in advance if you are planning a return to work. If you are not then you will want to plan intellectual stimulation when you are at home with your baby especially if you have had a challenging career.

Treating post natal depression.

Most post natal depression disappears after a few weeks or months, but you will want to avoid unnecessary suffering, so seek help early. As psychotherapists, we see people with depression every day and know how effectively to help. So seeing a brief solution focused therapist may be the answer for you. Visit our site
for more information.

Steve Griffiths DHyp Psych GHR HA. HB Prac. Steve is a brief solution focused psychotherapist working in Brighton and Hove

Article © 2005 Sussex Natural Childbirth. All rights reserved

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She Just Had A Baby, Why Is She Sad?

So you are bringing your child home from the hospital. What should you do to get ready? You should understand what it is your wife or girlfriend just went through. The birthing process may be a beautiful event in your and the mother's life, but it is also a traumatic experience for both you and the mother. As a soldier and as a firefighter I was taught to press through emotional issues for the good of the mission. In this case your job is to ensure that the mother is comfortable and able to focus on recovery and childcare. The next month will set the tone. The mother should not have to worry about laundry, dishes, or other trivial things. This is your time to shine.

You might notice some emotional issues. The mother might have what are called the "Baby Blues." The mother has gone through the equivalent of an ecstasy trip and is now in for the "letdown." When the mother is pregnant there are a whole host of chemical changes that result in emotional changes. After birth the emotional roller-coaster will start to turn south. It is your job to ensure that the mother is able to handle the emotional changes. If this is her first child, she might feel inadequate whenever something goes wrong. Make sure to encourage her and not point out mistakes in any judgmental ways. If she wants to cry, be there for her and support her. Remember that this is not as much an emotional thing as it is a hormonal thing. She is not sad necessarily because of anything that happened. She is simply sad. She might even say that she doesn't know why. This is natural. The key is to avoid having the blues turn into postpartum depression. PPD is an actual medical issue that needs treatment. Going without treatment can lead to long term depression and all the things associated with it. Because it may be hard to distinguish between the blues and Postpartum Depression, I will lay out the differences and some signs to look for then determining whether your wife or girlfriend has the blues or Postpartum Depression.

Postpartum Blues or "Baby Blues" usually last for a week or two after the birth of your child. The characteristic emotional symptoms can be mood swings, irritability, and insomnia. She may feel overwhelmed and might say things indicating such. The peak of the postpartum symptoms is usually four days after the birth, and usually subsides after two weeks. More than half of women report feeling the blues shortly after giving birth. Make sure to report any blue feelings she may have to a doctor. Most of all, use common sense, Use encouraging words to help her get through it. Tell her she is doing great and don't point out little errors that may be insignificant. Although you may be in a relationship where little jokes are normal, please watch what you say during this period. Things she normally might think is funny could make her feel devastated.

Postpartum Depression is a totally different issue. It is a medical condition that needs monitoring. The symptoms are essentially the same as the blues, except it doesn't go away. It seems to slowly build up over the next few months and peak about 3 to 4 months after birth. The mother can experience hopelessness, or suffer from anxiety. She might feel empty inside. Things she used to love to do might not interest her anymore. She might feel guilty or worthless with no real cause. As you can tell, the feelings just seem to get worse. Make sure you do not ignore mention of suicide or thoughts of harming the baby. Please consult a physician if you suspect the mother is suffering from Postpartum Depression. PPD is a treatable condition and there is no need to feel as if it is hopeless.

Six Tips to Help You Overcome Post-Partum Depression

Post-partum depression is incomprehensible, but it is natural since the mother understands that she has completely lost her freedom. Maternity is a big responsibility that frightens any woman who analyzes this matter, especially if she is inexperienced or afraid of repeating bad experiences she experienced or learned about through someone else.

Before the baby's arrival, the mother is only worried about its health, about how it will be born, the preparations for the new life, etc. She has many illusions and dreams. However, when the child is born and she suddenly understands that she is completely responsible for this new life, only then does she understand her real responsibility...

The baby is crying. She has to see what is happening and calm it down. The baby cries again. She has to do the same as before, no matter how tired she may be, and this is only the beginning. She cannot go anywhere: who will take care of the baby? It is too little, she cannot leave it with anyone and it cannot go to school and leave her alone for a while. The baby is totally dependent on her for everything.

She is young and wants to live her life. She wants to be a mother, not a slave. However, she starts feeling like a slave with everything she has to do for the baby.

When she thinks about the future, she imagines herself slaving like this for many years, only taking care of the kid...

This is how post-partum depression begins. It can turn into a neurosis and lead the affected mother even to commit suicide, which is a common event in our society.

What happens in this case is that the anti-conscience (wild conscience) starts influencing her thoughts and frightening her.

If you are a future mother or a young depressed mother, here are my tips to help you overcome your depression and continue triumphant in your journey of life:

1. Don't think that only you are the only one who has to raise your kid. Others will help you a lot in this mission and with gratitude because you'll give them this pleasure, since they'll love your kid as much as you do. Let the baby's grandmother and grandfather, aunts, uncles, cousins, and friends help; in particular, let the baby's father... Let everyone help you raise your kid and stop imagining that only you will be the absolute person responsible for its life: you are not alone.

2. If for any reason you are alone and you don't have anyone's support, things are really difficult for you. However, you should not lose hope because if you are right and love your child, enduring all the suffering in the beginning, God will help you and you will find many ways to raise your child, receiving help from people that you never imagined would ever care for you and your baby. You only have to believe in God and try to be a good mother, waiting for the support that will surely come.

3. If you don't believe in God, start believing because many scientific proofs of His existence have been found through dream interpretation, biology, astronomy, physics and many other fields of research. You need faith, especially in this period of your life.

4. The beginning is always difficult, but with time you will feel comfortable in your new role as a mother and you'll immensely love your baby. The satisfaction you will receive when admiring your child will be the best reward you could ever ask for in life, even though you may be tired and you cannot feel anything past your depression when you look at the baby and you think about your life being responsible for everything in the baby's life.

5. You'll learn many important lessons as a mother! First of all, you'll go back in time and remember your own childhood. You'll learn again the meaning of life through your baby.

6. Some day your child will make you proud, help you in many ways and will be the most precious person in this world for you! Now you cannot see its personality, he or she is not yet a grown-up person. The baby is only a sapling. Later, you'll discover the continuation of yourself in this kid and this feeling will give you peace and satisfaction!

Diet to Help You Get Pregnant - Top 10 Foods For Conception

If you are hoping to conceive, you might be wondering if there is a special diet to help you get pregnant. We have all read much about the impact of the foods we eat on our wellbeing and there are indeed certain foods to increase the chances of conception.

First of all, it is essential that you cut out any obviously unhealthy elements of your diet. For example, if you drink alcohol, then it is advisable to stop that altogether. It also goes without saying that you should stop smoking too.

With regard to your diet, sticking to the principles of a healthy diet is important, such as cutting out saturated fats, foods with additives, white sugars and over-processed carbohydrates and fizzy drinks. Generally, it is wise to consume foods which are as close to their natural state as possible.

A diet to help you get pregnant should ideally include the following 10 foods as these will increase the chances of conception:-

* Kelp-This is iodine-rich and good for ovarian function. It is nutrient rich and can be used in stews, casseroles and soups

* Broccoli-A well-known superfood. Great for general reproductive health. Helps regulate hormones

* Hemp Seeds-Good balance of essential fats as well as GLA. Good for skin and hormone health

* Fish-Great for overall female health. Very nutrient rich

* Wholegrains-Fiber-rich for a healthy digestive tract. Contains magnesium which is great for the reproductive system

* Avocados-Good source of Vitamin E which can help with PMS

* Brazil Nuts-3 a day will give you enough selenium, which is vital for reproductive health

* Aduki Beans-Nourishing and cleansing. Great for keeping weight in balance

* Rye Bread-Nutritious and easy to digest. If you eat bread-go for this type

* Nettle Tea-A good overall energiser and source of iron. Drink a couple of cups daily during your period

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Acupuncture and Infertility

What Does Acupuncture Actually Mean?

Acupuncture involves inserting and sometimes manipulating very thin needles into very specific points in the body. It's similar to physical therapy in that it is a process-oriented (i.e. ongoing) method of intervention. The insertion of the various needles are said to stimulate energy flow "Qi" (tee). Treatments for women with infertility commonly last three to four months spanning the time prior to insemination and after IVF. It's important to note that a commitment to acupuncture treatment means more than turning yourself over for needle manipulation. Most practitioners trained in Chinese medicine will conduct a complete physical workup that includes examination of the color of the tongue and taking of the pulse. The information from these preliminary activities helps the practitioner to understand the blood flow, body fluid balance and energy levels of the particular patient.

How Could Acupuncture Help a Woman Get Pregnant?

Because acupuncture appears to increase blood flow to vital organs, it may help in the regulation of hormone levels, and even improve ovarian and follicular function, making for healthier eggs. Also, blood flow to the uterus may increase, permitting for a thick lining of the endometrium that increases the chances that the uterus will hold implanted eggs to term with no miscarriage. For these reasons, it is not unrealistic to assume (and a few studies even seem to suggest) that acupuncture may improve the success rate of medical interventions such as in vitro fertilization (IVF).

Acupuncture is not going to help a woman get pregnant if her problem stems from something that needs surgical correction, such as a blockage in her fallopian tubes. But, in the special case of spasmed fallopian tubes (as opposed to blocked tubes) there may be some relief through acupuncture -- there have been cases in which spasmed tubes are de-spasmed (and therefore opened up) with acupuncture. That can be critical, because fallopian tubes must be open to permit an egg to travel past the cervix where it can be either inseminated or harvested.

Further, sometimes Acupuncture is combined with herbal medicine to treat hormonal imbalances, irregularities in a woman's menstrual cycle, and even some male factor infertility.

What do the Studies Really Say?

While many advocates claim that acupuncture can relieve almost any medical condition, it is now somewhat accepted that acupuncture can at least temporarily relieve pain and even regulate blood pressure by stimulating the central nervous system. These effects are achieved because the use of acupuncture causes the body to release endorphins which inhibit pain and gives the body the feeling of wellness. Endorphins may also release certain neurotransmitters and neurohormones, which some say encourage the body to heal itself.

A few studies have suggested acupuncture's benefits specifically when used in conjunction with IVF. A small German study in 2002 demonstrated a near doubling of pregnancy rates for women who received acupuncture both shortly before and shortly after embryo transfer. Another study in Great Britain produced similar results -- this study showed the odds of conceiving increased by about 65 percent for women who received acupuncture shortly before and after IVF procedures. Dr. Paul C. Magarelli, an infertility doctor at the Reproductive Medicine & Fertility Center in Colorado Springs, Colo., is co-author of an ongoing study into the use of acupuncture with IVF with Dr. Diane K. Cridennda, a licensed acupuncturist. While Magarelli was initially skeptical, he says he has been convinced by the data in his study that acupuncture improves a woman's chances of getting pregnant with IVF, and holding that pregnancy to term.

All of these studies were small in scale. One board-certified endocrinologist with the Reproductive Medicine Group in Tampa, Florida, Samuel Tarantino, acknowledges that existing studies have yielded good information, but the evidence is not yet sufficient to support a claim that acupuncture is a proven treatment for infertility. He attributes some of the reported success to a placebo effect. In other words, "if a patient believes it will work, it will work because of that. The brain has an intense power to heal itself." "It's impossible to say at this point," said Dr. Robert Schenken, president of the American Society for Reproductive Medicine, is another fertility specialist who feels that not enough controlled data from human clinical studies has been produced to draw any conclusions about acupuncture's effectiveness with infertile women.

If I want to use Acupuncture as Part of my Treatment, How Do I Go About It?

An increasing number of fertility centers have begun to offer acupuncture as an option as part of an IVF treatment protocol (bear in mind that even if your clinic offers it or gives you a referral, Insurance usually doesn't cover the cost of acupuncture, and a single treatment can cost anywhere from $75 up to $90). If you plan to use acupuncture as part of your overall treatment plan, consider beginning treatment three to four months before a medical procedure like artificial insemination or (IVF). Then, continue treatments both before and after insemination or embryo transfer. Do be sure to use an licensed acupuncturist with experience treating fertility. Your acupuncturist should not place needles in the abdomino-pelvic area after insemination or transfer.There is some risk that inadvertent mistakes in the placement of the needles by an acupuncturist who has not studied fertility could contribute to a miscarriage.

Natural Child Birth - Hospital, Birthing Center Or Home Birth Pros and Cons

Deciding where you want to give birth can be a little overwhelming. The important thing is to find what you feel is right for you. The best way to go about making this big decision is the good old pros and cons list. Its simply, easy and clear!

Hospital birth, Birthing Center, Or Home Birth?

Let's review some of the pros and cons. Hospital birth pros:

  • Suggested birthing place if high risk.

  • If anything goes wrong you have immediate medical assistance.

  • You can get some rest while the nurses take care of your baby.

  • The room service is always nice!

Hospital Birth Cons:

  • Chance of being coaxed into getting drugs is high.

  • You are not usually able to move freely and birth in different positions.

  • Getting stuck with needles and signing paper in between contractions is never fun!

  • Births are usually viewed as a medical condition rather than being viewed as natural.

  • Risks of being induced, cesarean section and unnecessary medical intervention is higher!

  • The initial bonding between parents and babies is delayed.

  • There is always...the hospital food!

Birthing Center Pros:

  • They Support natural birthing!

  • Its sorta like getting the best parts of a hospital birth with a home birth feel.

  • Health care providers include nurse-midwives, direct-entry midwives, or nurses working with an obstetrician.

  • You will not get coaxed into an epidural or other drugs.

  • Low Hospital Transfer Rate!

  • May be free-standing, on hospital grounds or inside a hospital building.

  • More birthing options such as positions, birthing balls and water birthing.

Birthing Center Cons:

  • Not recommended for high risk pregnancies!

  • If medically necessary you will have to be transferred to a hospital.

  • If you change your mind about birthing naturally there usually are no drugs available.

Home Birth Pros:

  • You are in the comfort of your own home! This can be very stress relieving!

  • No signing of papers or fetal heart monitors holding you down!

  • Midwifes are educated on handling problems that may arise.

  • You can give birth to your baby and climb right into your own bed.

  • More birthing options such as positions, birthing balls and water birthing.

  • Bonding between baby and parents is uninterrupted and highly supported.

Home Birth Cons:

  • If Something goes medially wrong you may have to be transferred to a hospital.

  • You do not get room service unless you hire them!

  • You must plan for help if you already have children so your able to rest.

These are just the basics to get you started in weighing the pros and cons of where you want to birth your baby. Its important to communicate with your partner about what you want to experience during the birth of your baby. Talk to your care provider about what the best options are for you when delivering your baby. You may find that your care provider is not the right one for you. You should shop around for a care provider that is in alignment with your beliefs around natural childbirth. Never forget this is the birth of your baby and you have a choice in how the birth takes place and with the right support you can do it the way you always dreamed of!

How to Care For a Pregnant Guinea Pig

The average guinea pig pregnancy lasts from sixty to seventy days. Many experts suggest that the length of pregnancy is actually tied to litter size. Longer pregnancies frequently indicate smaller litters whereas shorter pregnancies commonly yield large litters. The average litter size is four puppies but the number can range from one to eight babies.

What a Pregnant Guinea Pig Needs

More Vitamin C! The average guinea pig needs about five milligrams of vitamin C per pound body weight. A pregnant piggy will need twice this amount. Great fresh food sources of vitamin C include red bell peppers, parsley, spinach, mustard greens, kale, and broccoli.

More Food and Veggies! This is a time when a mother needs more food and fresh vegetables in order to develop healthy babies. The extra calories, especially from just a little bit more sugar than usual (think fruits) will work wonders for preventing serious complications such as pregnancy toxemia. Consider adding alfalfa (both in pellet form and fresh) as this is higher in calories and calcium than timothy hay.

Extra Room! Mothers will grow tremendously in size as their litters develop. Many pregnant guinea pigs have been known to strongly resemble eggplants in fact! Overcrowding and jostling in a cage with other guinea pigs can frequently increase the stress of the expectant mother, which can lead to health complications. The mother does not need to be moved right away but once she begins to show signs of discomfort this is a good idea.

No stress! Pregnant mothers are very sensitive to stress during pregnancy. Unnecessary transport, illnesses, crowding, and unexpected change can all lead to miscarriages, premature births, and stillborn babies. Keep an eye on the pregnant mother and if illness of any kind is suspect seek veterinary assistance right away.

Don't Forget Playtime! Just because your piggy is pregnant doesn't mean she should get out and about, so don't forget daily playtime. Also, find sneaky ways to trick your guinea pig into moving more within her own cage. Keep the hut at one end, food at another, and water somewhere else. This will naturally maintain activity.

What She Doesn't Need

Excessive weight gain. Bigger is not better and obesity increases the chance of pregnancy complications like toxemia.

Problems to Watch Out For

Young Mothers - This is frequently a problem when purchasing guinea pigs from pet stores. All it takes is sexing one baby guinea pig incorrectly and placing him or her in the wrong cage. One of the biggest problems for young mothers is being simply too small to deliver safely. How small is too small? Anything under 500g. If this describes your situation be sure to contact an experienced guinea pig veterinarian to get advice. He or she can assist you in developing a nutritional plan that will keep the size of the mother and litter down without causing malnutrition. Make extra effort to add foods containing sugar.

Pregnancy Toxemia -Toxemia is caused by insufficient consumption of calories, which leads to the mother's body attempting to survive off its own stored energy and tissue. Toxemia is usually fatal. Toxemia is known to have multiple causes. The first is the inability to get enough nutrients to the mother and/or the developing babies. Sometimes this is caused by the mother's inability to eat due to the weight of the developing litter upon her stomach. Other times the weight of the litter will stop blood from flowing normally around the uterus due to compressed blood vessels - preventing nutrients and oxygen from reaching the fetuses, resulting in their death. Toxemia can also be brought on by stress or malnutrition. Signs of toxemia include listlessness, not eating, signs of fat loss, and sometimes cold extremities.

A Week Before Birth

Make sure the pregnant female is kept completely separate from all males starting a week before the expected birth. Mothers will be extremely fertile right after birth and pregnancy is almost guaranteed. This would be especially hard on the poor piggy's body so make sure this is avoided!

Make sure you have the emergency contact information for your veterinarian in the event you experience birth complications.

Have a separate shoebox put aside with warm cloths and a hot water bottle in case you have any abandoned babies or problems with terrified mothers. The extra warmth will be vital to keeping the babies alive.


Usually there are not any indications birth is eminent, it just happens. Luckily, there isn't anything that you need to do to prepare for the birth of the babies other than just being available in case of problems. A normal birth will result in each baby emerging covered in a fluid filled sack. The mother will reach down and break open the sack, and clean the baby. If the sack is not opened by the mother the baby will suffocate. If you see this happen, be prepared to break open the sack yourself and get the baby breathing. After the birth is over the mother will then eat the placenta - don't worry, this is normal.


Sometimes mothers will reject a baby and chase him or her away from the litter. In this case your only option is to raise the baby yourself or find a foster mother. In other cases you will see the mother develop an irrational fear of her own babies. Sometimes the problem can be resolved by separating the babies from the mother and reintroducing them gently one at a time. Otherwise the babies will have to be handfed or fostered.

Signs Something is Going Wrong - Call Your Vet

Birth typically takes less than thirty minutes. Anything longer is a sign that there is a problem and the life of the mother and babies could be at risk.

If birth appears to end but you can see there is still a baby or babies waiting to be born.

After Birth

Weight the mother and the babies. Continue to weight everyone daily. This will be your best early indicator if something is wrong. Sometimes certain babies don't get enough milk and they need more time alone with the mother. Other times the mother is unable to produce enough milk. If this is the case you will want to supplement the babies with additional food.

Ten Tips for Surviving an Overdue Pregnancy

Your belly is huge, your due date has passed, and yet little Susie or Johnny has shown no interest in moving out of his or her cozy home. Your due date is calculated by counting forward 280 days from the start of your last menstrual period. Your due date is only an estimate of when your baby should come and is often off by a number of days. It is very common to deliver past your due date particularly if you are a first time mom. Knowing that it is common provides little comfort when you are the one overdue. Below are our best tips for surviving an overdue pregnancy.

1. Talk to your doctor.

Women have varying opinions on labor and childbirth. Some prefer a natural, wait and see approach, while others are very anxious and eagerly interested in induction. In our mother's generation it was not uncommon to deliver at 42 or even 43 weeks. Presently many doctors will induce at 40 or 41 weeks if your cervix is favorable. If you would prefer the wait and see approach, or your cervix is unfavorable for induction, your doctor or midwife will monitor you and baby closely. You will likely have a non stress test or biophysical profile done once or even twice a week if you are overdue. By 42 weeks your doctor will most likely choose to induce regardless of whether you cervix is favorable or not.

2. Get lots of rest.

The last month of pregnancy is exhausting. You may not be sleeping well due to discomfort and anxiety about your approaching labor. Remember to keep taking your prenatal vitamins and rest as much as you can. Lack of sleep and fatigue can war on your mood. Use a body pillow at night to help you sleep. Take an afternoon nap if you are not sleeping well or just rest with you feet up if sleep is not possible.

3. Finish up preparations for baby.

Now is a good time to finish up those last minute things you need for baby. You may have packed your hospital bag weeks earlier and finished the nursery what seems like ages ago, so here are a few ideas you might not have thought of to keep yourself busy. Install your car seat and have it checked for safety. Many hospitals and insurance companies will do car seat safety checks. Purchase a lullaby CD and set up a rocking chair nearby to rock your baby to sleep. Lastly, if you haven't already now is a good time to buy your husband or partner to bring to work after baby's birth. It's a little old fashioned, but hey some men still do it.

4. Try relaxation and meditation.

If you've never done relaxation exercises or meditation this probably sounds a bit corny, but it can't hurt to try it. Purchase a CD if you don't have one already with relaxing music or sounds from the rainforest or beach. Try slow deep breaths relaxing your muscles one at a time. Alternatively, you can purchase a CD or video that gives specific instructions on relaxation exercises. Now would also be a good time to practice relaxation and breathing exercises form your child birth class.

5. Try natural labor inducers.

There are a few things you can try to induce labor naturally. Foods such as pineapple and eggplant have been suggested as labor inducers. Cooked in a yummy recipe, it's certainly worth a shot. Cinnamon tea made from cinnamon sticks steeped in hot water is another thing you can try. Walking is something else you can try. The verdict is still out as to whether walking actually helps, but a little exercise is good for the body and soul regardless of effectiveness in inducing labor. There are many other tips, tricks, and old wives tales you can try naturally induce labor. Check with your doctor or midwife before trying anything to naturally induce labor.

6. Check fetal movements.

It is very important when you are overdue to keep a close eye on fetal movements. There are variations on how to keep track of fetal kick counts, so talk to your doctor about how to track and monitor your baby's movements. If you notice a decrease or change in your baby's activity call your doctor.

7. Observe for signs of labor.

For some women keeping track of signs of labor will bring comfort and others it is plain out discouraging. As you pregnancy comes to an end your body will show sings or readiness for labor. Increasing Braxton Hicks contractions, pelvic achiness, backache, and increasing vaginal secretions are all early signs or labor. Early labor symptoms can begin weeks before labor, but all these signs are reassuring that your body is indeed getting ready for birth.

8. Keep busy.

Keeping busy will help keep your mind off of things. Here are a few suggestions to keep yourself busy. Take this time to freeze up a few meals for after baby's birth. This will allow you a little extra time and rest when baby is home. Make a belly cast of your pregnant tummy to commemorate your pregnancy. Start a scrapbook album for your baby. You can include mementos from your pregnancy and prepare pages for after baby's birth. Knitting, crocheting, or other hobbies can also be distracting.

9. Ask for help.

If you are having a hard time physically or emotionally ask for support from your family, friends, or health care provider. You may be shouting from the inside, but unless you tell someone they may not know how you feel. If you are having feelings of anxiety or depression talk to your doctor.

10. Do something nice for yourself.

A massage, manicure, or trip to the hair salon are all good ideas to treat yourself at the end of pregnancy. If you can't convince baby to come out and play, at least mommy should have a good time.

Does Metabolism Slow Down After Pregnancy? - Get the Details!

Does your metabolism slow down after pregnancy? Most women know that their body experience hormonal surges that affect the body's processes, including nutrient delivery, storage of fat, and energy processing. Typically, the metabolism also increases which is why most pregnant women always feel hungry almost all of the time.

After giving birth, these hormones fall drastically and would continue to do so in 4 to 5 months after childbirth. Different women have various reactions to the decline of hormone. Some enter a state of depression or postnatal depression while some adapt to their hormonal changes easily. Mood swings are linked to the decline of thyroid hormones, which also regulate the body's metabolism.

Reduced thyroid hormones affect how the body regulates energy from food. As it takes several months before the normal production of hormone returns, burning of calories while at rest will most probably slow down during this time. Symptoms of depression, onset by the decreased thyroid hormones, also have a huge effect on weight gain. Your body is also drained of stored nutrients after childbirth, which slows down the metabolism and prevents mothers from losing weight.

Losing weight after pregnancy

With hormonal changes, lost nutrients, and other physical changes that occur after pregnancy, it is not recommended to try to shed pounds immediately after pregnancy. At least not in the way to go on some extreme diet! The most important thing is to get sufficient nutrition and gain more healthy calories needed for breastfeeding. On a lighter note, breastfeeding can help you lose a little weight. You can start with light exercise and increase it as you go further. Take out the junk food out of your snacking and all these little steps will help you lose the weight. However, as mentioned above, women respond to changes differently so be observant of your body's reaction to such changes.

If you do not want to gain more pounds, it is best to consult a dietician for a weight loss program after childbirth. Reduce intake of empty calories but do not cut off healthy calories as it would only slow down your metabolism more. As much as possible, increase your daily activity. Start by taking your baby for morning walks, dancing him carefully to music, or stroll him or her to the park. You may always be worried and ask does your metabolism slow down after pregnancy. Whether it does or not, the main concern is to keep you and your baby healthy before, during, and after childbirth.

Your Pregnancy Survival Kit

When a woman is pregnant, she may be restless, irritable, and in need of a few items. Here is a look at some of the things that a pregnant woman may enjoy and necessities to get her through the next nine months.

1. Maternity Pillow

Getting the right amount of sleep during pregnancy is important, but can be difficult. Pregnancy places strain on a woman's body and make it hard to get comfortable while laying in bed. A maternity pillow is made to give support to the entire body. These pillows come in all shapes and sizes for all pregnant women.

2. Weekly Prenatal Massage

Prenatal massage improves muscle and joint function, improves circulation, and takes away fatigue that is often associated with pregnancy. This massage is gentle and meant to alleviate the discomforts or pregnancy including low back pain, leg cramps, headaches, heartburn, varicose veins, and constipation. As blood flow increases, more nutrients and oxygen is carried to both mom and baby. It also soothes the nerves and helps a mom to relax through the anxiety brought on by raging hormones.

3. Tylenol

A pregnant woman often feels pain and discomfort while straining to support a developing fetus. Pain relievers containing ibuprofen are not safe to take at this time, However, Tylenol is acceptable. Since no medicine is completely safe, it is best to seek advice from a doctor before taking any drug while pregnant.

4. Prevacid Instead Of Tums Or Rolaids

To relieve heartburn during pregnancy, the safest antacid to take is prevacid. If heartburn becomes severe, it wise to consult a doctor who may able to recommend a course of action to alleviate the symptoms.

5. Humidifier For Rhinitis

It is quite common for a pregnant woman to get a blocked nose during pregnancy. High levels of hormones cause mucous membranes to swell and lead to congestion. To alleviate the stuffiness, it will be smart to run a humidifier. This will place more moisture in the air and make it easier to breathe.

6. Drink Plenty of Water

The body should always be kept hydrated, especially throughout pregnancy. The benefits of water throughout pregnancy are great and include clear skin, better bowel movements, and preventing morning sickness. Water carries nutrients to the fetus and flushes the urinary tract to prevent infections.

Dehydration during pregnancy can be dangerous. Amniotic fluid must be replenished often is drinking plenty of water will keep the baby safe in the womb. Also, water helps to thin blood which becomes thick around the eighth month of pregnancy. Thick blood can cause hypertension. Dehydration can also cause premature labor as it can start contractions. A pregnant woman should drink at least eight glasses of water each day.

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Am I Too Old to Get Pregnant? 5 Ways to Conceive at Any Age

If you are of "advanced maternal age" and your doctor is refusing you the opportunity to get pregnant, because he thinks you're "too old", think about all of the women who naturally got pregnant over 50 years of age:

  • Aracelia Garcia, aged 54 became naturally pregnant with triplets in 1994

  • Frances Harris, aged 59, became naturally pregnant with twins in 2004

  • Annie Leibovitz was 52 when she gave birth to her daughter Sarah in October 2001

  • Elizabeth Edwards gave birth to son Jack in 2000 at the age of 51

  • Ruth Kistler of Portland, Oregon gave birth to a daughter on October 18, 1956, at the age of 57 (this is before IVF was even invented!!)

  • Kathleen Campbell of Kimberley, Nottinghamshire gave birth to a son in 1987 at the age of 55, having conceived naturally

  • Dawn Brooke of Guernsey gave birth to a son on August 20, 1997, at the age of 59

As you can see, women can get pregnant at any age without the assistance of drugs or surgery. Personally, and in my own experience as a kinesiologist, I've never had a client aged 50 or over, but I've helped several women aged 44, 46, 47, 48, and 49 to get pregnant.

You can take control of your fertility and your health with natural remedies, and I recommend anyone over 35 who is having problems conceiving should do the following:

  1. Start taking an antioxidant formula - antioxidants help to repair free radical damage, and can reverse cellular aging. This is particularly important for improving the quality of your eggs, and keeping the reproductive organs young and healthy. I recommend AntioxiPlus

  2. Increase your intake of superfood fruits and vegetables - these fruits and vegetables are extremely nutrient dense, and provide your body with additional vitamins, minerals, macronutrients, as well as the energy required to reproduce. An easy way of doing this is by mixing a formula like AlkaGreens Plus into your morning juice.

  3. Do a body cleanse for fertility - older women have had a longer exposure to pollution than younger women... simply because they've been alive for longer. Gently detoxing the body, and strengthening the organs of elimination can double fertility, without the requirement for drugs or surgery

  4. Balance your hormones and triple your fertility with a herbal remedy like FertilPlus, which contains ingredients scientifically proven to increase fertility, and has had an excellent track record with helping women from countries all over the world to conceive. (There's even a FertilPlus for men that increases sperm counts, and improves sperm motility and morphology.)

  5. Reduce your stress levels, as it's been scientifically proven that the stress of trying to conceive is as harmful to your body as the stress of bereavement. Stress can put your hormones out of balance, which disrupts the menstrual cycle and ovulation, which prevent you from getting pregnant.

In my experience, women over 40 have more than one problem that is preventing them from getting pregnant. For example, there's fibroids, endometriois, PCOS, blocked fallopian tubes, PID, recurrent candida infections etc.

If this is you, my advice would be to tackle these conditions while trying to conceive, by combining a body cleanse with an organic herbal remedy specifically designed for the condition. This is because removing any of the obstacles to getting pregnant will help you to conceive at an advanced maternal age.