Saturday, March 9, 2013

Are You Struggling To Get Pregnant? Tips To Help You Conceive

If you have been struggling for any length of time to get pregnant the whole process can become frustrating. Doubts begin to arise and as a result stress starts to creep in. In the back of your mind you may be questioning everything wondering if you will ever be able to get pregnant.

Its human nature to worry when things don't exactly work out the way we thought they would. As a consequence you may start to form conclusions which have no basis in fact. I can be a bit of a worry wart myself so I can understand why you may be frustrated.

At this point it is necessary to take a little time out. It's kinda like when you are looking for something. Sometimes you just have to stop looking then all of a sudden it shows up. I am not saying that this will be the case here but at least when you take your mind of it you can begin to relax. Stress will not help you to get pregnant.

It's the simple things in life which make all the difference. You know the small things that make you feel warm and fuzzy. So do not over complicate the issue and keep it simple.

Let's discuss the basics. Sex which is wonderful needs to be healthy. Both of you need to be in good health. You do not want to have too much sex as this can affect your partner's sperm count.

Instead have frequent sex at the most opportune times. This will be leading up to ovulation. Keep your sex life vital; do not make it into some boring routine. Build up your sexual experience as this will lead to a passionate finale. Finish in the missionary position. Do not use lubricants.

Understanding your reproductive system is imperative. Hormones will be at play which will release the egg into the fallopian tube - while this is happening changes will take place with your body such as an increase in temperature. Your cervical fluids will also change in color and consistency. These fluids for a short period of time may look like raw white egg yokes. Understanding this will help you to pinpoint the right time to have sex.

As per usual take care of your health. Do not drink coffee or anything that makes you hyper which can lead to anxiety and stress. Eat lots of fresh fruit and vegetables and exercise. All of the above will help you feel better and as a result you will relax and let nature do its thing.

What Recurrent Disability Means for Pregnant Women

Short term disability insurance is a great program for pregnant women to have. It covers mom's normal labor and delivery helping to create maternity leave pay, allowing mom to stay at home bonding with baby without worrying as much about how to pay all those bills. It also covers leave due to pregnancy complications. In this article we will explore the significance of recurrent disability language as it applies to pregnancy and maternity.

Every insurance policy contains important definitions inside the policy and/or in the outline of coverage that your agent will present at time of application. Most short term disability insurance policies will contain language describing a recurrent disability - something that pops up very often for women during pregnancy and maternity situations.

Recurrent Disability Definition

A recurrent disability describes situations where a person is disabled temporarily, returns to work, and then becomes disabled again shortly thereafter for the same or a related condition. This may arise if your doctor orders you to take bed rest early on in your pregnancy, and then allows you to return to work before giving birth. Should this situation arise you will need to know how your insurer handles a recurrent disability.

A recurrent disability will either be treated as a new or a continuation. If it is classified as new you will have to meet a new elimination period, but would reset the clock on your entire benefit period. If it is classified as a continuation, the poles are reversed: there is no new elimination period, but the previous disability would eat into your benefit period.

You policy might have language such as "A recurrent disability will be treated as a continuation of the previous disability, not a new disability, if you have returned to work for less than six months."

Let's look at two examples to clarify how this works. Suppose you have a policy with a two week elimination period, a $3,000 monthly benefit, and a 12 month elimination period. In both examples we look at a bed rest pregnancy disability that last two months due to complications, followed by a c-section delivery. The most important difference is the timing.

Pregnancy Complications With Elimination Period Reset

In scenario one, your doctor orders bed rest for complications at the end of month one of your pregnancy, and you return to work at the end of month three. In scenario two you leave work at month six, return to work at month eight. In both cases you give birth a few days past month nine via c-section which qualifies you for an eight week maternity benefit - less the elimination period.

In scenario one, your first leave ended more than six months before you give birth. Your two week elimination period would be invoked twice rather than just once. Your maternity leave benefit would be a net of six weeks - or $4,168. On the plus side you would still retain more than ten months of income protection in case postpartum disorders prevent your return to work.

Pregnancy Complications with Benefit Period Reset

In scenario two the gap is under six months. This will be treated as a continuation, and your maternity leave benefit will be higher: a net of eight weeks of benefit - or $5,581. On the down side, should postpartum disorders keep you out of work longer, your remaining benefit period will have shrunk to eight months.

Can Fish Oil Help Postpartum Depression?

Fish oil supplements are now highly recommended for pregnant mothers, for all but good reasons. It is rich in omega-3 fatty acids EPA and DHA, which all contribute to the normal development of the baby in the womb. These omega-3 fats are actually building blocks that lead to the formation of brain cells and a sound nervous system. Omega 3 fish oil EPA specifically aids in the proper development of the respiratory and cardiac systems and promotes a healthy heart. Furthermore, many research studies also confirm that increased intake of omega-3 can reduce the risk of premature delivery and enhance the visual system of the developing fetus.

The benefits of this supplement do not end when the mother gives birth to the child. As a matter of fact, even if you have not taken this supplements early on, it is not too late to enjoy the many benefits of omega-3 fatty acids. Omega 3 fats do not only promote good prenatal nutrition, it may even be more important to take for women who have already given birth and/or is breastfeeding.

The fact that it helps counter depression has already been established. Omega-3 fatty acids are known to boost the levels of serotonin in the brain - those so-called happy hormones, and regulate production of chemicals that lessens anxiety and ill feelings. A new study conducted in England revealed that women who consume more seafood and thus more omega-3 during the third trimester are less likely to show major signs of postpartum depression.

There are a sheer number of research studies that provide sufficient evidence that links feelings of depression with decreased reserves of DHA and EPA omega 3 fats. The same is true in the case of postpartum anxiety. To make matters worse, a breastfeeding mother is bound to have depleting reserves of these fatty acids, which might worsen post-partum depression in already deficient mothers.

What all these reveal is that it is indeed important for the proper prevention and treatment of postpartum depression. New or expectant mothers must always prioritize their own and their baby's health so if you are interested in taking fish oil supplement to get sufficient amounts of omega-3, you must choose a supplement that does not put you at risk for mercury contamination. It is important to choose an omega-3 fish oil brand that contains pure, molecularly distilled and ultra-refined fish oil. It is also important to consult a health care provider should you find yourself having postpartum depression that is far from manageable. While there is enough evidence that links fish oil for postpartum depression, it must not be considered as a sole treatment for serious cases.

Extended Maternity Leave Pay in Case of Delivery Complications

During childbirth, the delivery may not always go as smoothly as hoped. A mother can be injured during delivery when a birth accident occurs. Luckily there is a way to protect your income during this time so you can focus on your recovery without the worry. And best of all it comes with a built in incentive to apply before getting pregnant: maternity leave income for your normal delivery.

The main birth injuries and disorders that might affect you include:

  • Postpartum hemorrhage - excessive bleeding after delivery that is difficult to stem

  • Uterine inversion - when the placenta does not detach completely after delivery

  • Uterine rupture - when the uterus ruptures during labor

  • Vaginal tears and lacerations - tears in the vagina or cervix

  • Postpartum infections - when wounds from tearing or c-section surgery become infected

Many working women are concerned about what might happen if they experience delivery complications and need to extend their maternity leave longer than projected. Saving up for maternity leave is difficult enough, without the extra burden of unplanned time away from the job. Plus, if you are injured during delivery, or develop a postpartum disorder, you may not be healthy enough to care for yourself. This may mean additional costs for in-home care.

Think about the consequences to you and your family if you experienced one or more of these conditions during your delivery. Could you afford the extended time away from work? Would you be able to cover the extra expense of a nurse's aide or other in home care provider?

Short Term Disability Insurance is a great way to protect your income in case delivery complications cause you to miss more than the standard six weeks of work for normal delivery. It replaces up to 2/3 of your income during the time you are unable to work for your expected and planned maternity leave. Plus, benefits may continue to be paid if your delivery complications require you to extend your maternity leave due to a medical reason.

Incentives to Protect your Income

Short Term Disability Insurance not only protects your income in case of delivery complications, it gives you an incentive to do so - it pays benefits for your normal labor and delivery - a planned event. Act at the right time, before getting pregnant, and make the policy work for you.

Pregnancy is a pre-existing condition and will not be covered if you apply for coverage after you are already pregnant. Your policy must begin before getting pregnant in order to be eligible for these benefits.

Short term disability covers a normal vaginal delivery for six weeks, and a normal c-section delivery for eight weeks. Your benefit for a normal c-section delivery may greatly exceed the premium you pay over the course of twelve months, helping you to create maternity leave income.

Example of Maternity Leave Income

Suppose you apply for short term disability insurance three months before getting pregnant. Your pregnancy goes full term, and you deliver twelve months after the policy effective date by c-section. Your benefit for normal delivery may be three times the premium you paid over the first twelve months. Use this money to fund your maternity leave.

The very same policy also pays benefits for delivery complications. So if you needed to miss additional work after delivery, you have the extra security of your short term disability policy. This is how you can you can protect your income from delivery complications, and take advantage of the built in incentive: maternity leave pay for your normal labor and delivery.

The Fine Print of Health Care in Greece

The Hellenic Republic consists of over eleven million residents with a little over five percent are immigrants. With a low population growth and death rates also low, this makes the median age quite high among the European countries. There are many health related issues with immigrants and tourists. These include diarrhea, cholera, E.Coli diarrhea, hepatitis A and B, typhoid fever and a whole host of issues from bacteria, parasites and other viruses. With temperatures that reach the forties in the Celsius scale, the system of health care in Greece thus becomes an issue when in the country.

There have been many moves designed to improve the system of health care in Greece. This despite the fact that the country has been chosen as among the best systems in the world by the World Health Organization. The system of health care in Greece is a mix of both social insurance working with the Greek National Health System. This homogeny makes the overall cost of health care in Greece amongst the lowest in the European Union. The allocation of the government for health care is also low, with general focus of the disbursement of the funds in public hospitals in the highly urbanized areas of the country. The disparity of health care in the urban and rural areas create the perception of low quality, despite the modernity of the public hospital facilities in the cities.

The European Union has made inroads in upgrading the current system in Greece, through aid programs for the establishment of hospitals, creation of mobile medical facilities, improvement of emergency care systems and the use of cutting edge medical equipment not only in the urban hospitals but also in the rural hospitals. The National Health System also provides health care services at free or low cost for those individuals contributing to the social security system. The free services include free laboratory services, maternity care, installation of life saving devices and transportation for the sick and infirm. For European Union citizens visiting the country, they can also avail of these menu of services with their registration using a E111 form.

Specialists in the system of health care in Greece can be consulted directly but many experience long lines to avail of their expertise in public hospitals. Patients can go instead to private specialists and reimburse 85% of the cost from the Idrima Kinonikon Asfalisseon, the Greek National Health Care System oversight body. As for dental and eye procedures, these are free under the system. Non-essential medication and health accessories though are charged for their full cost.

Emergencies are provided free regardless of nationality or coverage. Many public hospitals have smaller outpatient clinics to assuage the congestion in the main hospitals. These also provide specific and quicker medical care than the larger facilities. As for European Union citizens, the E106 can be the lifeline for an individual while in the Greek isles. As for retirees, the Greek system allows for full benefit of state health benefits while receiving their pensions from their home country social security system.

The system of health care in Greece receives high marks for its quality while the quantity of services leaves much room for improvement. As advised in the Expat Forum, you need to understand that "expatriates who are working in Greece and pay regular contribution to social security may be entitled to full or subsidized health care benefits. In such cases, private health insurance can cover the portion of the bill that cannot be covered by the government."

The Secret Foods That Help Promote Fertility and Boost Your Chances of Getting Pregnant

It is becoming well known now that foods can help and even heal certain conditions and that is definitely true for fertility. With the rise in awareness about the effect food has on our hormone levels is it any wonder that in today's nutrient deficient menu now has thousands of women unable to fall pregnant. So if that's true, how can you fix it?

Well the first thing to remember is that old saying 'you are what you eat'. That means you need to eat foods that nourish the hormone system and increase fertility.

Many specialists are recommending that you eat and act like you are already pregnant. And that includes no alcohol, no smoking and drinking lots of water. Try and pretend that you are at a luxury health spa and eat as healthy as you would there if you were on a body cleanse program.

So that's fresh fruits and vegetables, lean meats, fish and whole grains. While that makes sense, there are also some foods your probably haven't thought about that can help promote fertility. They are:

Goji Berry

Many women also swear by taking extra nutrient rich foods such as the goji berry which contains high levels of antioxidants, essential amino acids and vitamins A and C. Many practitioners of Traditional Chinese Medicine also recommend the goji berry.


Other nutrients that many women are lacking are enough iron in the diet. There have been studies that suggest that low iron is linked with infertility. So eating foods high in iron such as beans or taking an iron supplement like Floradix can help improve your iron levels and therefore increase the odds of conceiving.

Grapeseed Oil

Women trying to get pregnant should cook with oil that has essential fatty acids as these are well known to balance hormonal levels. Grapeseed oil is a good oil to choose and it tastes delicious as well.


Folic acid is important for preventing birth defects like spina bifida and it also can help you produce healthy eggs. One of the most nutrient dense ways of getting your folic acid requirements is by taking a wheatgrass shot.

Maca Root

And finally another important ingredient for conception is maca root which has very high levels of zinc. While maca root can be hard to find (it's grown in the Peruvian mountains but you can probably find supplements in your local health food store) it can be worth it, as studies are suggesting it's a potent fertility booster.

So there you go, some of the secret fertility foods that you may not have thought of.

Friday, March 8, 2013

Daddy's During Pregnancy - Your Roles

While mummy will play the star of the show, the supporting actor will be equally important. Here's a list of ways dad can help out during labor and delivery.


Lifestyle Changes

You can support your mummy-to-be by sharing in the lifestyle changes. Give up alcohol, drink more fluids, cut down on coffee and don't smoke.

Accompany Her

Visit the Doctor for prenatal-care appointment together. Don't miss the chance to get a glimpse of your baby during an ultrasound.

Be an Active Observer

Let your wife know you're enjoying seeing her belly grow and feeling the baby kick.

Attend the Prenatal Classes

Practice breathing with her so that you could help her with labour. Be ready to embrace her, hold her hands, soothe her.

Nurture Her

Make sure she is eating a good diet of healthy food. Make sure she gets plenty of rest. Make sure she is comfortable. Maybe offer her a pillow or to massage her feet. Take on more of the household duties like cooking, cleaning, mopping, dishes and laundry.

Prepare Your Home

Welcome the new family member by getting things like baby furniture, readying the house, preparing extra meals.

Make Decisions Together

About the kind of labor and delivery you want, what to name the child, whether your child should be circumcised.


Cheer Her On

Keep her focused. She shouldn't give up, and she shouldn't panic. If she starts acting restless or agitated during a contraction, make eye contact with her and encourage her to take a deep breath. Hold her hand and tell her she's doing great.

Physically support her

Hold her hand and hold her in position if she opts for an epidural. Clutch her legs and thighs during pushing.

Be at Her Beck and Call

If she wants some ice, get her some. Pronto. If she wants a back rub, roll up your sleeves and get to work.

Take it Like A Man

Don't take your wife's comments personally. Smile, nod, and know she will not appreciate a sarcastic response - no matter how witty you may deem it to be!

Snap Pictures

Capture the moment by taking out appropriate pictures.

Catch the baby

If you're up for it, ask your doctor if you can "catch" the baby, that is, support him as he emerges from the birth canal and cut the umbilical cord.

Post Labour

Call friends and family

You will be communication central for telling friends and family that you're a new dad!

Take initiative

Change diapers, help with feedings and baths. Allow your wife to nap while you take care of the baby.

Time off

Do whatever you can to take some time off from work when the baby arrives. This will help you establish your own close relationship with your child right from the start.

What dads should NOT to do during labor

* Don't chat on the phone with friends

* Don't return work calls

* Don't check stocks, surf the net or check emails

* Don't chew gum or blow bubbles

* Don't hoard the remote!

* Don't flirt with the nurses

* Don't let your mother in unless your wife says it's okay

* Don't socialise with other fathers

* Don't take inappropriate pictures

Female Libido Enhancement Pills - Improve Sexual Sensations

Love-making or sexual union is vital to man-woman relationship. It is elemental and occurs in accordance with the law of nature. Thus one is bound to feel attracted towards opposite sex and desire for a sexual union, for nature has created him or her in that way. Sexual union deepens the emotional bond between man and woman, for a woman usually considers her body as pure as the abode of God, and when she offers that very body to a man, she actually offers him her entire existence. This realization causes her to love her man from the core of her heart, and also causes her man to respond to her love emotionally.

However sexual dysfunction of either man or woman erodes the enjoyment expected out of sex. The enjoyment derived from sexual union touches the zenith when both partners participate in it actively, or else embarrassment and frustration would seep in, making the relationship tumultuous. This is why various pharmaceutical companies have launched in enhancement products to rejuvenate sexual life and help distressed couples.

Drop in libido or desire for sex is a dysfunction which many women experience as they progress in age. Perimenopause, menopausal and post-natal periods are phases when this problem acquires immense dimension. This leads to poor sexual response of woman during sexual encounters. At the root of the problem lies, the declining levels of female sex hormones in her body.

The other causes of poor female libido may be stress and depression, hostile relationship between sexual partners or aversion towards partner, fatigue arising out of child care or management of household chores, trauma related to previous history of sexual abuse, poor body image and lack of sexual confidence, any surgery in or injury to genital tract, fear of painful sex which actually occurs due to vaginal dryness, tightening, infections or atrophy in vulva or vagina, diseases like arthritis, diabetes, neurological disorders, cardiovascular problems, alcohol dependence, drug dependence, smoking, medications like birth control pills, antidepressants, appetite-suppressors, mood stabilizers or tranquilizers etc.

Poor female libido can be managed through lifestyle changes, increased water intake, intake of healthy diet rich in estrogenic elements like soy, potato, wheat, rice, cherries, apple etc, practicing yoga, meditation and other stress relieving methods. Hormone replacement therapy or HRT is another way of tackling poor female libido. Also luckily there are plenty of libido enhancers available in market which a woman can try out. If one opts for herbal female libido enhancers, one can go totally worry-less, because herbal products exclude the adverse side-effects of synthetic drugs.

HerSolution pills are one such purely herbal female libido enhancement pills. The potent natural ingredients of the product increase a female's sexual appetite, improve sexual sensations, and give highly intense orgasms. Intake of the pill would give a massive blow to the woman's fire of passion that had come down to flickers only, and it would definitely burst in to flames once more. The pills enjoy the approval of sex therapist and would have no negative impact on the woman's body. If a woman takes HerSolution pills, her man would discover her anew in bed. Apart from enhancing libido, the pills bring back natural lubrication in vagina, increase the anticipations of sex, quicken sexual arousal, enhance sensitivity in clitoris and bring back intense sensations in genital areas by elevating blood supply to the area. Thus the product retrieves the lost magic in a woman's sexual life. One has to take one pill a day.

The ingredients of the pill include Gingko Biloba, Niacin, Epimedium Sagittatum, Melatonin, Hops extracts, Tribulus Terrestrial, Mucuna Pruriens, Dehydroepiandrosdterone etc. These natural ingredients are in perfect blend and work together to promote female sexual response and revitalize a female's love life.

Postpartum Alopecia

Childbirth can be a stressful time and for some women it can result in a temporary hair loss condition called postpartum alopecia (also known as postnatal alopecia). The condition usually starts around two to three months after childbirth, gradually worsening for up to three months then recovering over the next three months until hair starts to re-grow. Postpartum alopecia is characterized as a general thinning (also known as diffuse thinning) over the whole scalp. This is unlike male pattern hair loss where the hairline recedes and a completely bald patch appears on the top of the scalp. Postpartum Alopecia can affect up to 90% of all mothers and the extent of hair loss can vary considerably from mild to excessive shedding.

Why does it occur?

The exact cause of postpartum alopecia is still not fully understood but it is linked to the hormonal changes that occur during childbirth. During pregnancy there are increased levels of estrogen in the body which keeps the hair in the anagen growing phase resulting in temporarily thicker hair. After childbirth a withdrawal of estrogen switches off the extended growing phase and switches the hair to the catagen shedding phase resulting in the sudden excessive hair loss. It has been suggested that modern lifestyles and poor nutrition are a major factor for postpartum alopecia, but research has shown that these factors do not play a part in this condition.

Can it be treated?

Since postpartum alopecia is a temporary condition where the hair fully recovers there are few effective treatments available. You can consult with you local GP for advice but you will probably be advised that there is nothing to worry about due to it being part of the natural postpartum process. The best that can be done is to try not to exacerbate the condition so that no more hair loss than necessary occurs. To help maintain your hair during this period you should try and avoid hair styles with plaits, pigtails, braids and using tight hair rollers that tend to pull the hair. Also avoid using hot blow dryers and heated hair strengtheners as these can also put excessive stress on the hair. After washing always try to pat the hair dry with a good quality bath towel, hair is always more fragile when wet so try not to rub the hair vigorously.

Eating a healthy diet that includes fresh fruit and vegetables can also play an important part in trying to maintain the hair. Fruit and vegetables contain flavonoids which are thought to encourage stronger hair growth by strengthening the small blood vessels supplying the hair follicles. Diet supplements are also known to help with hair growth and these can be used to help treat postpartum alopecia. The most effective vitamin supplements are Biotin, Vitamin B complex, Vitamin C, Vitamin E, and Zinc and these are readily available in multivitamin capsules. Finally there are a range of hair loss shampoos that may help to reduce hair loss in some cases but these are not generally guaranteed to help with postpartum alopecia.

The most important thing to remember about postpartum alopecia is try not to worry too much, it is only a temporary condition and it will eventually stop.

Please visit our web site for more information about the causes of alopecia

Best Tips and Tricks to Avoid Pregnancy Stretch Marks

Developing stretch marks is almost inevitable during pregnancy. Actually, about 90% of pregnant females get them. Nevertheless, there are tips and tricks you can learn to prevent stretch marks.

An easy way to explain what stretch marks are, is that they are depressed streaks or tears in the skin that form due to rapid expansion during a short period of time. The elastic tissue beneath your skin breaks, which is essentially why we get stretch marks.

Avoid Before they Form

As soon as you get pregnant, you'll quit the bad habits of smoking, drinking and doing anything else that can harm your baby. What most don't know is that your skin care routine can be quite harmful too. It's essential to quit using products that contain chemical ingredients. The side effects of chemical ingredients aren't 100% known, but there are some that have been proven to cause birth defects. Keep to natural skin care products to avoid any awful side effects for both you and your unborn child.

Eating healthy isn't just good for you, but also for your baby. It's also one of the most important tactics to prevent stretch marks. Have a balanced diet of wholesome foods. This will lead to a healthy skin and bodily functions. Keep in mind that over-eating isn't good for you; it will only cause rapid weight gain which can lead to the development tears in the skin.

Start adding vitamins to your daily habits. This can improve your overall health and skin flexibility and hydration. Improving these help to avoid overstretching and remember that the healthier you are, the healthier your baby will be.

Exercising is also a really good advice. This will prevent rapid weight gain that can otherwise lead to stretch marks. Talk to your doctor and ask which exercises you can do without harming your baby. But don't overdo it, if you feel dizzy or other symptoms, stop exercising immediately.

Moisturizing is also a good tip. Use a natural skin care cream since creams that contain chemicals aren't the best choice for you during pregnancy. Do it at least twice a day to keep your skin moisturized and flexible.

Some areas like your stomach, sides, hips, upper legs, breasts and buttocks are at high-risk areas of developing marks. A great way to avoid is to massage the high-risk areas. Massaging is a natural and healthy way to prevent the skin from tearing.

Effortless Baby Soft Skin Management in 3 Easy Steps!

Everyone wants to have beautiful, resilient, soft, and supple skin. Unfortunately, when many of us look in the mirror, we are quite dismayed to see that our skin is actually rather dry, grayish and pale. Some of us are even suffering from severe skin conditions like eczema, flaky, itchy skin, or rosacea, which make our skin feel and look even worse. Skin that is healthy usually functions properly, which means that it feels moist, resilient, soft, and supple. However, our health is also reflected by our skin, and if we are not healthy, it becomes apparent by the feel and look of our skin. Our skin even shows when we are not eating properly, are feeling under the weather or are stressed. We can actually improve both our emotional state and our overall healthy by ensuring that our skin is in the best possible condition and healthy. By following the 3 steps mentioned below, we can improve both our general health and our physical appearance, and get baby soft skin effortlessly.

Step 1: Eating moisturizing foods

Fats are capable of moisturizing our skin from the inside out, and that is why it is necessary for us to include fats in our diet if we want to have glowing and supple, baby soft skin. While there are both good and bad fats, but if you want to improve the health of your skin, you should focus on eating good fats. These fats belong to a subcategory of polyunsaturated fats and are known as EFAs or Essential-Fatty Acids. Flax seeds, freshwater fish, green vegetables, nuts, and oily fish are rich in Omega 3, which especially ideal for healthy skin. An oil blend containing Omega 3s like linseed/flax seed or fish oils are also good if you are suffering from skin disorders or if your skin is dry. You can also improve the condition of skin, nails and hair by consuming Omega-6 fatty acids because they are impressive acid neutralizers. They improve skin moisture and decrease inflammations. Fish, flax seeds, nuts like walnuts and leafy greens are rich in Omega 6s.

Step 2: Keeping your body hydrated

If you want to become healthy and stay that way for the rest of your life, then you must drink plenty of water every day. One of the key things to have a healthy, moist and soft skin is to keep the body hydrated properly. If you drink far too less water every day, then your body and skin will get easily dehydrated. Once your body gets dehydrated, you will start noticing that your skin will become dry, flaky and itchy. You are generally recommended to drink at least 2 to 4 liters of water every day. In fact, you should be drinking pure, alkaline water with a pH level of about 9.5 if your skin to be healthy and baby soft. You can add "pH alkalizing drops" to the water you drink to achieve this easily. "pH alkalizing drops" make the water more alkaline by restructuring it and drinking it will hydrate your skin quite effectively. Acids will be gently removed from your body if drink moderate amounts of alkaline water along with a proper diet.

Step 3: Alkalizing and shower baths

Alkalizing baths: An alkalizing bath will prove to be quite rewarding for you and your skin, and is especially ideal if you do not have the money or time to spend an entire day at the spa. Your skin's natural oils will be stimulated, and your skin will be cleansed by the alkaline concentrated bath, and your skin will become baby soft. You should take an alkaline bath for at least 20 minutes.

Shower baths: Taking shower baths will fantastically revitalize your body, softening your skin and making it firmer. Taking a warm shower first thing in the morning can is excellent for the skin. Take a shower in cold water at the end. Wrap yourself in a towel and rest for about 10 minutes. Your immune system will become awakened and strengthened by such a shower bath.

If you consistently follow these steps for a few months, you start to notice that your skin is becoming softer, until it becomes perfectly baby soft. There are other ways you can get baby soft skin effortlessly, such as removing excess hair, exfoliating, applying oil and lotion regularly.

Physiotherapy - Questions for New Patients to Ask

Physiotherapy, also often called physical therapy, can help you heal after an accident makes it hard to move. This type of treatment can also assist you in managing disorders that you have had from birth, which means you may be able to move a little easier, with a little less pain than usual. No matter why you have to go to physical therapy, there are a few questions you should ask before you schedule an appointment. Finding out certain facts ahead of time can save you time.

One thing to check is that your insurance is accepted. Otherwise, you may have to pay out of pocket for your physiotherapy appointment. Most doctors list this fact on their website, but since this can change so often, it is best to call the office to confirm. You should also ask whether the office files the claim for you, which is a convenience that many practices now provide since filling out the paperwork on your own can be confusing and time-consuming.

Another insurance-related question to ask is what your co-pay is, though the front office staff may not be aware of this off the top of their heads. Luckily, you can contact your provider or check your coverage on the website to find out information like co-pays, co-insurance, and deductibles so you make sure to bring the right amount with you.

New patients always need to fill out a lot of forms at any doctor's appointment. This is why you are encouraged to arrive early to your visit, as it may get pushed back a little if you do not allow sufficient time for the paperwork. Since it asks about allergies, past treatment, and insurance information, there is usually no way to get started with the physiotherapy care before you fill out the proper forms. If you know you will be in a hurry on the day of the visit, find out if you can fill out the paperwork days before the appointment, such as by downloading it online, printing it out, and bringing it with you.

Finally, ask what you should wear to your physiotherapy visit. In most cases, you should wear loose fitting, comfortable clothes that you can work out in. However, you should take into account what body parts will be involved in the exercises. For example, if your arm is the only part being rehabilitated, then you probably do not need to think much about your shoes, while tennis shoes are best if your legs will be the focus. To be sure, simply ask the office staff before you come in. If you cannot get in touch with anyone, just use common sense and think about what you would feel most comfortable in.

To avoid having to get your visit rescheduled, you should ask these things well in advance of your appointment. Otherwise, you may have to pay more than you expect, or you might be uncomfortable the whole time. Most physiotherapy practitioners should be happy to provide the answers you need over the phone or website.

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Marijuana and Pregnancy

What is marijuana? Marijuana, also called pot, weed, or cannabis, is a recreational drug that comes from the hemp plant. Parts of the plant are dried and smoked in pipes or cigarettes (joints) or less commonly eaten. It is an illegal substance in the United States, except in some states that allow marijuana use by prescription for medical purposes.

How much is known about the effects of marijuana on a pregnancy?

Marijuana contains about 400 different chemicals and some marijuana cigarettes may contain other drugs or pesticides. It is very difficult to study the effects of marijuana use during pregnancy because some women who use marijuana may also use alcohol, tobacco, or other substances at the same time. They may also have other factors that can increase pregnancy complications, such as lack of prenatal care. In addition, accurate information on the amount, frequency, and timing of marijuana use is not usually available for study participants. These factors may help explain why we see inconsistent findings in the studies that have been published.

I am trying to become pregnant. Will marijuana use by myself or my partner lower my chance of becoming pregnant?

In women, long-term use of marijuana may affect the menstrual cycle and lead to a reduction in hormones involved in reproduction and fertility. In men, an association with reduced sperm count has been documented. These effects do not appear to totally prevent pregnancy, but may lower the chances. The effects on fertility appear to be reversible when marijuana is discontinued.

Will smoking or ingesting marijuana cause birth defects in my baby?

The frequency of birth defects was not higher than expected in the babies of 1246 women who reported smoking marijuana during pregnancy. However, most of the women in the study smoked only "occasionally." While this data is reassuring, in the absence of studies where women smoked more heavily, it is best to avoid marijuana during pregnancy

Can marijuana harm the baby in any other way?

The main active chemical in marijuana is delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), which is known to cross the placenta during pregnancy. This means it gets into the baby's system, although how THC may impact a developing baby is unclear. Some studies have suggested that for women who smoke marijuana cigarettes regularly, there is an increased risk for premature births and low birth weight, similar to what is seen with cigarette smoking. Premature and low birthweight babies have higher rates of infant deaths, learning problems or other disabilities.

If I smoke marijuana in the third trimester, can it cause my baby to go through withdrawal after birth?

Some newborns exposed to marijuana have been reported to have temporary withdrawal-like symptoms, such as increased tremors and crying.

Can my marijuana smoking affect the brain development of the baby?

Differences in brain activity, behavior, and sleeping patterns of infants and children exposed to marijuana in pregnancy have been reported in some studies. It is believed that these children may have more problems with attention, impulsive behavior, and academic performance. However, the evidence is far from conclusive as many of the studies reportconflicting results.

What happens if I use marijuana when I'm breast-feeding?

Marijuana can be passed to infants through their mother's breast milk. Marijuana may also affect the quality and quantity of breast milk. Although no consistent effects have been noticed in infants exposed to marijuana through breast milk, the American Academy of Pediatrics advises that breastfeeding mothers avoid the use of marijuana.

Stop Hair Loss!

Are you losing more than 20-100 strands of hairs a day? If your answer is yes; you are part of 50 percent of the population experiencing hair loss, but before you get alarmed there are some changes in your body either conscious or unconscious that maybe causing your hair to shed. Did you make a change in your diet, Are you eating enough proteins and amino acids, Is your body going trough a hormonal change (postpartum, thyroid), Anemia, stress, medications etc.? It is advisable to consult a dermatologist for anyone experiencing extreme hair loss. A professional will evaluate all the possibilities and right treatment for those with a more serious problem.

Here are some recipes that will act on the scalp by tightening it and helping to avoid hair loss and promote hair growth.

Caution: Make sure recipes are not to hot before applying to hair or scalp.

1.Apply 2 tablespoons of warm olive oil to scalp, leave on for 10-30 minutes before washing hair.

2.Boil 2 cinnamon sticks in one cup of water apply to hair and live on for at least 5 minutes then rinse off.( it will sting a little).

3.Apply & massage vitamin E oil to scalp at least once a week. It's also helpful for dull hair lacking shine.

4.Increase your protein intake by taking multivitamins. Eat high protein foods like meat, chicken, fish, eggs, dried beans, grains etc.

5.Massage your hair with warm Castor and Almond oil once a week.

Best Way to Get Pregnant - Simple Tips That Will Help You Get Pregnant Within Two Months

Giving birth provides an unparalleled feeling of joy in the life of every woman. But for becoming a mother you need to conceive first. And to be fair, every day life has become so hectic that getting pregnant can be a real problem. Thus, knowing the best way to get pregnant can be really helpful.

While there is no fool-proof way to get pregnant, you can follow some simple methods to significantly increase your chances of conceiving. By using these tips, you'll be able to have your very own beautiful baby. And be able to experience the great feeling of being a mother.

1. Even though you might be very busy and usually come back home totally spent, you need to have regular sex. The experts say that you must try to have sex at least every other day in order to be able to get pregnant.

2. Try to find out when you ovulate. If you have a regular 28 day cycle, you can just count 14 days from the first day of your period to get your ovulation date. But in case your periods aren't regular, you can use an ovulation kit to calculate your ovulation date. These kits are safe and simply test for the presence of luteinizing hormones (which indicate ovulation) in your urine.

3. The chances of pregnancy are at their highest two days before ovulation and so this may be the right time for you to have sex. This is when the cervical mucus can expedite the flow of sperms towards the egg.

4. Be patient and give it about six months to year before you consult a doctor regarding possible fertility problems and other ways to get pregnant.

5 Things to Do After a Positive Pregnancy Test

When I found out that I was just pregnant, after taking a pregnancy test that turned out positive, I was incredibly excited but also a tiny bit frightened. I wondered about maintaining my health during pregnancy.

I'd heard about how some women have intense cravings and pile on the pounds. Would I be one of them? It was time to do some research to make sure I stayed healthy.

Along the way, I learned five steps to do in the very early stages of pregnancy, as well as through the entire nine months. Each specific tip helped me maintain my health during pregnancy and bounce back in shape quickly after giving birth. Obviously, these tips are not only for when you are just pregnant, but work for all women. To remain healthy is a lifelong struggle, but what better time than when pregnant to really strive for great health?

I have to admit that at first I thought I could eat everything in sight, stop exercising and just take it easy. But I quickly realized that I didn't feel right and that my body was more sluggish than ever. So here are the top five steps I followed:

First, I began to read lots and lots of information about nutrition for pregnancy. For example, I had no idea that a baby could actually rob a pregnant woman's teeth and body of calcium. Maybe that explained why my gums were starting to ache and my dentist told me to take extra care during pregnancy.

But to maintain health during pregnancy, it isn't just calcium that has to be added to the diet. Empty calories had to be limited. I also didn't like to drink caffeine as that seemed to make my baby restless and made me uneasy. I figured that couldn't be good for the baby.

Secondly, I took note of my food cravings, but endeavored not to indulge them. Some cravings truly indicated a need for specific vitamin rich fruits and vegetables. Other cravings, including those for salty foods, could lead to water retention and weight gain. Besides, a craving for salt didn't necessarily mean I needed extra salt because some women desire salt when they actually want sugar - just one of the oddities of pregnancy.

The third step is one that isn't for those women who are just pregnant but can benefit general health. I learned about specific types of exercise to help me stay fit. As not all exercises are recommended to be done during pregnancy, I tried to find out what ones were safe, to ensure my safety as well as that of my baby. A balanced blend of the right fitness routines helped prepare me to give birth and remain in good shape. I also stayed out of hot saunas as overheating the body isn't good for the baby.

The fourth tip I followed was to steer clear of drab maternity clothing. By focusing on my body, I figured I would be reminded to maintain my health during pregnancy, thus not gaining too much weight as I took pride in my pregnant body. Realistically I knew that I would have a baby bulge, but I hoped to get back into shape as soon as possible after the birth of my baby. Wearing nice clothes helped me remember that pregnancy doesn't have to mean dressing in loose and sloppy clothing.

Finally, I worked on putting together a fitness and diet program to help me lose weight after I gave birth. I started planning for this when I was just pregnant, even before the baby was kicking inside me. Shedding those baby pounds doesn't have to be a difficult process but I believe I succeeded only by planning ahead.

Juicing Safely: 18 Avoidable Hazards of Fruit and Vegetable Juicing

There is so much juice recipe information and nutritional advice on the internet, and it can be hard to sort out what is legitimate from what is not. Everyone knows that fresh fruit and vegetable juices can be powerful "medicine" for a range of diseases, but not everyone knows that those people who have health conditions or diseases need to take care when juicing.

Finding reputable information sources and checking with a healthcare professional before juicing is recommended. Juicing is generally safe and healthy but it's important to consider some of the potential hazards so that you can avoid them.

1. Certain raw fruits and vegetables may be contaminated with food-borne pathogens such as E. coli or salmonella. However, this is much more rare than such contaminations in animal products. To be safe, fruits and vegetables should be thoroughly scrubbed before cutting or juicing, and people with compromised immune systems or who are pregnant should stay away from especially susceptible foods such as sprouts.

2. Blood thinners such as Warfarin can have their effectiveness reduced if the patient consumes too much Vitamin K. Because of this, people on blood thinner should avoid consuming the juices of broccoli, carrot, wheatgrass, cranberries, kale, and other fruits and vegetables high in Vitamin K.

3. Garlic is considered a blood-thinner. Very high doses should not be consumed by pregnant or recently postpartum women, nor by any patient before or after surgery.

4. Onion and pomegranate can also amplify the effects of anticoagulant medications, so individuals taking these medications should consult a healthcare professional.

5. Garlic can also interact with medications including but not limited to quinolone antibiotics, hypoglycemic medications, antihypertensive agents, and calcium channel blockers.

6. Cauliflower is not recommended for individuals with gout or high levels of uric acid due to "purine" content, a natural substance that leads to excess uric acid. Large amounts of cauliflower as well as raw cabbage, kale, cauliflower, broccoli or Brussels sprouts should not be consumed by people with hypothyroidism. They are goitrogenic foods that may cause an increase in thyroid-stimulating hormone and potentially a goiter in people with thyroid disease.

7. Pregnant or breastfeeding women and those who take birth control pills should consult a doctor before consuming larger than normal quantities of alfalfa sprouts. Avoid alfalfa sprout and bean sprout juice if you have a hormone-sensitive condition such as certain cancers, fibroids, endometriosis, etc.

8. Pregnant and breastfeeding women should avoid bitter gourd and wheatgrass completely. Pineapple juice is not recommended in high doses for pregnant women as it may cause uterine contractions

9. Diabetics should carefully monitor their blood glucose when consuming large amounts of alfalfa as it may lower blood glucose.

10. Bitter gourd and blueberries may cause hypoglycemia in diabetics so they also require monitoring. You may find juice recipe information indicating other concerns about juicing for diabetics, and your doctor or nutritionist may have important advice regarding how to juice safely.

11. People with kidney problems should avoid asparagus and eggplant juice.

12. If you are on a low-potassium diet, consult your doctors before consuming large amounts of pear juice.

13. Those with kidney stones should avoid large quantities of beets, eggplant, concord grapes, kiwi, plum, other vegetables and fruits high in oxalic acid.

14. Cranberries can cause excess uric acid and calcium in the urine, increasing the chance of calcium-oxalate stone formation.

15. Spinach should be avoided by people with hepatitis, rheumatism, intestinal inflammations, gallstones and kidney stones. Strawberries and excessive amounts of sweet potato should be avoided by people with gallstone and kidney stones, as well.

16. If you suffer from gallstones, have a bleeding disorder, or take a blood-thinning medication (including aspirin) do not consume ginger before consulting a doctor. It can contribute to the thinning of the blood.

17. Grapefruit is notorious for interacting with a number of medications. Rather than making the medications less effective, in many cases grapefruit increases their efficacy which can lead to overdoses. Grapefruit interacts with statins, some chemotherapy agents, Buspar, certain beta blockers, fexofenadine, carbamazepine, certain anti-retrovirals, some immunosuppressants, sertraline and cyclosporine.

18. You can easily avoid whichever juices might cause bad reactions for you. Search for juice recipe information for fruits and vegetables you know you can safely consume, and then combine those fruits and vegetables creatively. Delicious, nutritious fruit and vegetable juices are just moments away.

Individual Health Insurance TX - Find The Best Health Plan In Texas

Finding a individual health insurance plan in TX is not that difficult. There are many companies that focus on selling health insurance plans to Texans. This article will describe some of your options and what you should look for when buying or getting a quote for an insurance policy in TX.

There are different types of health plans offered in Texas. You can buy a membership into a PPO (preferred provider organization) or HMO (health maintenance organization) plan from most major insurance carriers. Some major carriers in TX are Celtic, Blue Cross Blue Shield, AETNA, UNI CARE, and United Healthcare.

When deciding between a PPO and a HMO you need to look at which plan will provide the most bang for the buck. For example, do you want to specify which doctor to see? If so then you might want to consider a PPO. Most HMO's have one office in your area where you will have to use their doctors. PPO's usually have many doctors to select from, although your normal doctor might not be on their list.

When selecting a heath plan make sure you know how much the deductible will be for each member on the plan and the total out of pocket expense you will have to pay. Also make sure you know how much the coinsurance is for routine visits and other doctor related procedures. Also, make sure if you need maternity coverage that the plan will pay for it as well. Some plans do not include maternity.

Finding the right plan for you takes research. Take your time and make sure you check several quote services for the lowest plan that meets your coverage needs.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Affordable Individual Health Insurance Plans - How to Get Cheap Quotes Online

While costs for medical care continues to rise, there's still a way to get affordable individual health insurance. Here's how to find the lowest cost health insurance plan.

Individual Health Insurance

If you're self employed or your employer does not offer health insurance, you may have to purchase your own health insurance. Although individual insurance plans cost more than group plans, there are still some ways to find affordable individual health care.

Individuals and groups alike need to select the most affordable health plans they can find. That's what makes a managed health care plan the plan of choice. Managed care plans work by providing medical health care through a network of doctors and hospitals. An HMO is the least expensive of the managed health insurance plans.

As a member of an (HMO) health maintenance organization, you are provided with medical coverage including doctors' visits, hospital stays, surgery, emergency care, x-rays, lab tests, and therapy. Usually, the doctors and hospitals you use must be in the network.

Depending on your needs you may want to include coverage for items such as maternity care, prescriptions, and vision care. Managed care plans can vary quite a bit from insurance company to insurance company so look at each plan carefully before deciding on which one to purchase.

Affordable Individual Health Insurance Quotes

One of the best ways to get affordable health insurance quotes is to go to a free insurance quote website. There you can get competitive quotes from up to 5 health insurance providers so you can compare plans and prices. After you have your quotes, you need to look closely at the policies and decide which one is the best for you.

Little Learners

Joining an activity group is the perfect way to let your baby socialize and find out about the world. And as an added bonus, it could also save your own sanity

For most new parents the first few weeks pass in a whirl of cooing relatives, sleepless nights and mysterious milky mess. But there comes a time for every new mummy and daddy when things finally start to fall into place.

Now you know which way round a sleep suit goes, you can operate the car seat and even have the confidence to drive your precious bundle at more than ten miles an hour, it's time to leave the confines of home.

Luckily there are a multitude of baby groups and activities suitable for little minds keen to learn from all they see and hear.

Not only do they provide babies with an important opportunity to make contact with their tiny colleagues, at a time when rates of postnatal depression are on the rise, these activities can be equally important for new mums who can easily find themselves feeling lonely and isolated.

For the very young, baby massage classes are a great place to start.

Experts say the technique of rubbing your baby's body with natural oils can help you to bond while promoting sleep and helping relieve colic.

Baby Yoga can also help to produce a chilled out cherub and classes give you the chance to interact with your baby through movement, song and relaxation.

With light shows, baby rock and roll, instruments and a large play area, Baby Sensory classes are full of excitement for both parents and tots.

The classes are packed full of ideas of how to stimulate and soothe your baby and there is also a chance to learn baby signing to help with early communication.

Once you've brushed up on your nursery rhymes, there are many opportunities for public performances.

Rhyme Time is a free session for the under twos held twice a month at Salisbury Library.

Parents sing a mixture of old classics and new favourites while the babies bounce along on their laps and play instruments.

Also for the musically minded are Jo Jingles classes which combine music, singing and movement with an array of instruments and exciting paraphernalia like parachutes and bubble machines.

The delightfully named Jolly Babies also provides an early introduction to music and children are encouraged to develop a sense of rhythm as well as have a go at baby signing.

More active babies will enjoy Gym Babes where tots are encouraged to play and crawl together.

As they find their feet they move on to Tumble Tots where they can start to jump, roll and climb on a range of exciting equipment.

And for water babies, Five Rivers Leisure Centre holds daily parent and child swimming lessons where you can splash around together while singing nursery rhymes, playing with toys and developing confidence in the water.

Activities can be equally important for new mums who can easily find themselves feeling lonely and isolated.

Things to Help You Through Early Pregnancy

Early pregnancy is a scary time for many new mothers. It's a time of anxiety and change, further intensified by a flood of both hormones and information that may be correct on that day. New mothers will soon find a bevy of information declaring practically everything they touched throughout an average day, as being toxic to their unborn child. However, there's a short list of known things that will assist in sorting through the mess.

Make It Well Known You Are Pregnant

Tell any medical professional you come across that you may be pregnant, or even if you are trying to get pregnant. This can prevent exposure to harmful tests and chemicals if you are pregnant and don't know it yet. It's most important with medical professionals, but many others may need to know.


Start to exercise now, and it will help you stay in shape during pregnancy, it can lower your risk of miscarriage, and it has been proven to help reduce labor complications and length. It's also important to note, that high-impact exercise should be considered off limits. Also, stay hydrated, as dehydration is a big concern among pregnant woman.

Prenatal Vitamins

Take a prenatal vitamin. They can be prescribed by your practitioner or you can buy them over the counter. Ensure it contains 0.4 mg of folic acid.

Cat Litter

Stop changing cat litter. It's not the litter itself, but cat feces, in many cases, carry a bacteria that can be harmful to an unborn baby.

Harmful Chemicals

Avoid anything that may contain harmful chemicals, such as smoking, alcohol, and be sure to enlist the help of others when painting the nursery. Paint fumes are noxious.

Look For Non-medical Remedies

Use non-medicinal remedies for problems like nausea, heartburn, and constipation. This is the case for both prescription and over-the-counter medications. In specific cases in which medicine is required, such as mental or chronic illnesses, always consult your doctor, as to whether it is safe to take during pregnancy.

Know Your Birth Facility

Tour your selection of birth facilities before making a choice if you are not having a home birth. It's best to feel comfortable with whatever hospital you choose, as well as the doctor. Know the procedure for the day of your child's arrival, and know the layout of the hospital, so you're not milling about when everything is happening.

Know The Symptoms That Should Concern You

Review the signs of premature labor and warning signs for when to call your prenatal caregiver.

Early pregnancy can be a beautiful time for a woman, but keep in mind that the health and well-being of you and your little one are the biggest concern.

The Advantages of Insuring Your Car

The auto insurance policies represent a very good way of insuring yourself in case any unfortunate events take place. You are exposed to numerous risks every day. That is why all drivers should have a CAL insurance policy and a CASCO one, depending on what they need. Here are a few of the most important advantages these two kinds of insurance policies offer you.

You can also close a CAL insurance policy online, which means that you save a lot of precious time and a lot of money, too. Then, your documents are delivered for free, which once again saves you some money. There are also some insurers which offer free consultancy.

Once you are insured, your family and you can stay calm and relaxed even when you travel abroad. There is a lot of danger everywhere, but you don't have to worry anymore because your insurance policy covers everything it needs to cover and everything you need it to cover. If you get both a CAL insurance policy and a CASCO one, you can get a discount of about ten per cent of the total value. Of course, there are even insurers which offer you bigger discounts and you can only be glad about that.

Also, you have a lot of advantages if you sign both these policies with the same insurer because you get extra stipulations and extra packages. For instance, you can get a CASCO extension for when you leave the country with your car, but this only happens if you get both the CAL and the CASCO policies from the same insurer.

The fewer the damages in your history, the bigger the discounts for your insurance policies, this being a sort of proof of confidence. Having only a few damages or no damages at all reveals the fact that you are a responsible driver and that the insurer is exposed to fewer risks. There is also a Bonus Malus system, which uses the driver's history to establish the price of the insurance policy. Most of the drivers agree that the Bonus Malus system offers a lot of advantages and it also tempers a lot of drivers. These have the obligation to be more attentive in traffic and to think of the consequences of their actions.

Most of the insurance companies offer CASCO and CAL insurance policies. Therefore, the choice is all yours. Just think of the advantages you have with each of the insurance companies and think where it is best to invest your money. You should always read the terms and conditions offered by the insurer very carefully. What is valid with one insurer can be invalid when it comes to another insurer. Most of the insurance companies offer CAL and CASCO insurance policies, each of them offering their advantages and their disadvantages. All in all, make the best decisions for your car, for yourself, for your pocket and see where it is best to insure your car because your car is an important asset in your everyday life.

Drinks for Conceiving a Boy

If you're looking for a quick way to make your body friendlier to conceiving a baby boy, consider boy-friendly drinks. These drinks give you a way to change the environment inside of your body so that you're more likely to conceive a boy. Research shows that the woman's internal environment, especially in her reproductive tract, has a big influence on if she conceives a boy or a girl.

Drinks for gender selection are fairly easy to make, and fairly easy to take. Out of all of the foods and supplements you can add into your diet to make it more boy-friendly, drinks are one of the easiest things to do. It's best not to try and take every single drink. Rather, you want to pick the drinks that work the best for your situation. These drinks have been developed based on research and through the collective wisdom of gender selection communities.

What Do Drinks Do

Most of these drinks are meant to help change your pH levels. It's important to understand that the pH within the reproductive tract, and especially the pH of cervical fluid, can make it easier for you to conceive a boy. For a boy, you want a very alkaline pH (which means a higher pH). Drinks can help change this.

Drinks can also help boost your mineral levels. Some minerals, such as sodium and potassium have been shown to help increase the chances that you'll conceive a boy.

Baking Soda Drink

The baking soda drink is one of the most popular for improving your chances of getting a boy. It can dramatically raise your pH, thus priming your internal environment for conceiving a little man! To take it, you mix a little baking soda into water and drink away. Stir well and make sure it's well-dissolved so it's easier on the tummy. Take small amounts, and remember not to take too much. Baking soda is a common folk remedy for stomach problems and gas, and it's very effective and safe, however, you don't want to overdo it.

Apple Cider Vinegar Drink

Though vinegar seems like it would be acidic, it actually helps make your body more alkaline. This is because your stomach moves quickly to help neutralize the acid levels from the vinegar, creating a very alkaline environment. Some gender selection resources advise that you drink vinegar that still has the "mother" attached. Since vinegar is fermented, this is a natural by-product (it's harmless). You can buy vinegar with the mother in health food stores.

Cream of Tartar Drink

This drink is made to help boost your potassium levels because it's basically pure potassium. Some gender selection resources do not feel comfortable with the cream of tartar drink because too much potassium can have an effect on your heart. It's up to you to research and decide. A teaspoon of cream of tartar has about the equivalent potassium to a banana, or to one half of a medium potato. You can get your potassium via these food sources if you prefer, but the cream of tartar drink used in small quantities is generally thought of as safe. Take a teaspoon mixed in water. You can build up to a few teaspoons each day (take with breakfast, lunch, and dinner rather than all at once), but don't go over that.

Lemon Water

Lemon water works in much the same way that vinegar drink does -- your body will instantly rush to neutralize the acid, making a much more alkaline environment. Go ahead and squeeze lemon into all the water you drink throughout the day. This is a super-simple way to increase the chance you'll conceive a boy!

Gelatin Drink

You can also try a gelatin drink. Gelatin is very useful if you want to pregnant with boy because it boosts your testosterone levels. High testosterone levels in mom (and dad) make a boy conception more likely. You can mix a packet of gelatin into water and drink that, but I personally find it really hard to stomach! It's better if you mix it into a cup of warm soup broth, or use it to thicken sauces to eat with meat. Then you get a huge protein and testosterone boost all in one!

You probably won't want to take all of these drinks, but using a couple can make your body more friendly to the baby boy you're dreaming of.

Doula Marketing Secrets - How to Effectively Market Your Doula Practice

Are you a doula? If so, you recognize the importance of getting clients. Would you like to get more clients, faster than ever before... and have more satisfied clients at the same time? It's not hard, if you know a few secrets.

The most important secret to getting more clients for your doula practice is to use your website effectively. You should realize that people are using the web more and more to get the information they need. That means that when your prospects go looking for doula services, they fire up their favorite search engine and see what they can find. The question is: will they find you?

Its easier than ever to be found in the search engines. You merely have to apply a few proven principles and a basic knowledge of keyword research and search engine optimization.

One common mistake is gearing the website to the doula or child birth professional, perhaps without realizing it. Understand that your average prospect is not going to have anywhere near the level of knowledge that you do on the subject of pregnancy and child birth. Therefore, resist the temptation to "show off" your knowledge and instead, speak to the specific cares and concerns of the expectant parents.

When designing your website, invest a little time in studying the most popular and effective websites, and model them. These tend to be simple, cleanly designed, with white backgrounds. Make it easy to find what the prospects want to learn from your website.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

About Abortion - Important Considerations While Choosing an Abortion Clinic

Pregnancy period is considered to be one of the most beautiful times in the entire life of a woman. This time period is full of immeasurable happiness, joy and contentment. However, the situation might turn out to be completely different in case of the unwanted pregnancy. The unwanted pregnancy can cause a great deal of emotional turmoil to the would-be mother, and often ends up in going out-of-the-way and having abortion. In case you are also going through a similar phase and want to terminate your pregnancy, then having an abortion done is probably the best idea. It is completely a private decision on the part of a woman and this is the reason why choosing an ideal abortion clinic becomes very important.

Choosing an abortion clinic can be quite a tricky task. The health center should not only be able to provide impeccable pregnancy services, but should also have an upper hand in taking extra care of the patients. One of the most important things that you need to do is to stay informed and up to date regarding the related practices. You should look out for the required information in order to avoid any inconvenience in the future. Since non-surgical methods are considered to be the best alternatives, you should look out for the clinics providing the best services. You should take some extra pain in spotting out the best abortion clinic that can provide you professional help in this regard.

Selecting a well reputed clinic becomes quite crucial as far as abortion is considered. If done in an improper manner or at a fatal stage, abortion can result in some serious consequences. Therefore, you must look for the health center with well experienced and educated physicians that can take good care of your health and carry on the abortion procedures in the best possible manner. It is quite an emotional decision and thus should be taken after comprehensive consideration. You can also take the help and advice of your near and dear ones in this regard.

Internet can prove to be one of the best places to find an ideal abortion clinic in your locality. You just need to enter the required details and the search results will appear instantaneously. You should not finalize the name of the clinic that very instant. Getting some remarks and testimonials from the previous patients can help a lot in making a final decision. You can have a word with the other women regarding the experience of abortion at the particular clinic. This will surely help in gaining some emotional support from the previous patients and will make the procedures easy for you.

So, these are a few important points that you need to consider while selecting an ideal abortion clinic to terminate your pregnancy. These points are quite comprehensive in every possible sense and you just need to consider them in order to make a wise selection. For detailed information, it is always better to consult a professional in this field. Taking the help of family members and the ones you trust the most is also considered to be the best option at this point of time.

Can A Blood Test Predict Postnatal Depression?

Quite a number of women suffer from postnatal depression a few weeks after they have given birth. According to researchers, approximately 14 percent of women who have given birth will suffer from the depression. Some women who suffer from this form of depression go through a lot of turmoil, sometimes lasting for more than a few years. In this light, it can be helpful for the expecting mother to know if she will develop it. Scientists are experimenting with some methods to determine if a woman can develop the depression. One of these methods involves a simple blood test. Is it possible? Let's take a look.

The symptoms of post birth depression include irritability, anxiety, reduced sexual drive, crying spells, changes in sleeping and eating habits, and sadness. It's important to distinguish it from "baby blues" where the symptoms are temporary and milder. Most women go through a period of "baby blues" because of the demands of motherhood and the changes in their lives. As for women who suffer from this despair, the illness can be quite devastating. If they don't get the necessary professional help, it can spiral into something more serious.

According to a study conducted at the University of Warwick Medical School, the researchers propose that it's possible to predict the likelihood that a woman will suffer from post birth depression. This is done by checking for specific genetic variants, and the researchers are confident that a blood test can be used to make a similar prediction. On May 7, 2012, the University of Warwick's professor of molecular medicine, Dr. Dimitris Grammatopoulos, presented the findings of the study to the European Congress of Endocrinology/International Congress of Endocrinology.

Using the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Score, the researchers from the university studied a group of 200 pregnant women. The first time that the women were assessed was the time of their first prenatal visit. After that, the women were assessed for a second time about two to eight weeks after they have given birth. The researchers discovered that the women who suffered from it had a higher probability of possessing specific genetic variants such as the hormone receptor-1 genes that release corticotrophin and the glucocorticoid receptor's rs242939 single nucleotide polymorphisms and bcl1. The hypothalamo-pituitary-adrenal axis, an endocrine system, is controlled by these receptors. This system is activated by stress.

Dr. Grammatopoulos explained that the University of Warwick's study was the first to prove that there's a link between postnatal depression and the specific genetic variants of the hypothalamo-pituitary-adrenal axis. Buoyed by the findings from this study, she revealed that the university will be expanding their research with women from other parts of England in a bigger, multi-centre study. The focus will be on the hypothalamo-pituitary-adrenal axis' other genetic elements.

As you can see from the results of this groundbreaking study at the University of Warwick, it's possible to predict this depression with a blood test. It will be a great help for pregnant women if they know that they are likely to develop post birth depression because they can be better prepared to deal with it.

3 Food Nutrition Tips for a Pregnant Woman

Pregnancy is a great time in a woman's life but it can also be a very stressful time. If you are expecting a child then you have to be particularly careful about your overall health. You need to be especially watchful about your diet because you need the best possible food nutrition in order to ensure that you and your unborn child are both healthy. Pregnant women also find it easier to deal with most pregnancy related ailments simply by eating right.

As a pregnant woman your objective should be to stay as healthy as possible without putting on a lot of weight. Excess weight will harm your unborn child and can also lead to lasting health issues for you. Besides, it is far easier to avoid weight gain than to lose it afterwards. You'll merely be saving yourself a great deal of trouble (and expense) if you stick to a really good diet.

The following tips will ensure that you get adequate food nutrition without consuming excess calories:

- Eat lots of fibre rich foods, preferably from organic sources. This will ensure that you won't have too many problems with constipation. Most pregnant women get constipated because their digestive processes do not work well during this period. Foods such as whole grains, fruits and vegetables are rich in fibre and they ensure that constipation is no longer a problem.

- Add adequate amounts of flax seed and avocado to your diet. They are rich sources of monounsaturated fatty acids which are essential for your child. No doubt you can get these fatty acids from fish as well, but doctors recommend that you reduce the amount of fish you eat when you are pregnant because of fears of mercury poisoning.

- Eat lots of greens so that your body can produce the necessary amount of blood. The foetus tends to require a lot of iron in the third trimester; you should increase your intake of spinach, kale etc. accordingly. Be sure to consume Vitamin C along with the greens (a simple dressing of lemon juice will do) in order to ensure better absorption.

You will be able to enjoy a relatively trouble free pregnancy as long as you are careful about what you eat. Get help from a professional, if necessary, so that your diet is correct right from the outset. These food nutrition tips will also be of great help long after your baby has been born.

Functions of Pregnancy Support Band and Belt

You walk into a maternity boutique and see pieces of garments hanging on mannequins. They are neither lingerie nor undergarment. You see a brassiere, albeit its size is beyond the normal 36D cup. There are elastic belts and colored bands. You wonder what kind of inner wear they are, so you ask the sales assistant. She promptly answers that they are undergarments for pregnant women.

Pregnancy support bands and belts are functional innerwear for pregnant women. They are used to support the chest, abdomen, and back. During pregnancy, women experience pain on the pelvic area and groin. This is because the body excretes relaxin, a hormone the calms down ligaments and muscles on the pelvis and causes the pelvic muscles to move about freely during body movement, causing pain. In most cases, the pelvic area finds it difficult to carry the heavy weight on the abdomen. When this happens, the muscles swell, resulting in body pain.

Studies show that 50% of women experience body pain during pregnancy, 8% of whom feel severe body pain. There are even instances when maternity body pain results in incapacity. Pregnancy support bands and belts prevent incapacitation and lessen body pain. They provide support to the entire body structure. When can you use maternity belts and bands?

Ideally, pregnancy support bands are worn in the beginning of the first trimester of pregnancy. At this point, the belly begins to expand. Your clothes start to fit more snugly on your body. Likewise, your protruding belly starts to show between your blouse and skirt or pants. A pregnancy support band covers your belly, allowing you to wear pre-maternity clothes. It looks like tube tops layered underneath cardigans and shirts.

Moreover, a pregnancy support band enables you to wear pre-maternity jeans. Sometimes, jeans fit the thighs and legs, but it cannot be buttoned or zipped up anymore because of big belly size. Support bands hold the jeans snugly on your waist without you having to button or zip them up. They hold up the jeans like ordinary belts.

A pregnancy support belt can be used not only during pregnancy but also during postpartum recovery. You can use it to cover the belly when nursing your newborn baby. By wearing support bands, you can discreetly nurse your infant at home.

Maternity Style Guide: Loose or Fitted?

If you keep up with the maternity style of famous celebrities, you've probably seen lots of them wearing pregnancy fashion that doesn't look any different from normal clothing. It's the latest fashion trend for celebrities from Jessica Simpson to Snooki of the Jersey Shore. But are you comfortable wearing skintight dresses, leggings and tube tops as your baby bump grows bigger and bigger? Or should you go the more traditional route and opt for loose layers and breezy fabrics when you step out of the house? This guide will help you decide.

Your Personal Fashion Style

How you define your personal fashion style when you're not pregnant has a big bearing on what you should wear when you are sporting a baby bump. Are you usually at the forefront of every fashion trend, sporting new looks as soon as they hit the runway? Do you like to show off your curves? Are you unafraid of being the only one in your office who shows up for work sporting a hat, textured tights and riding boots?

If you answered yes to these questions, then you are a good candidate for wearing tight clothing that shows off your pregnant figure, ala Jessica Simpson. The trick to making it work is being comfortable in your own skin and flaunting your baby bump rather than trying to minimize it. A long or short jersey dress paired with big earrings and a bright, skinny scarf is a great look for casual events or days spent shopping. Just don't follow in the footsteps of Beyonce, who was often seen sporting high heels along with her tight dresses during pregnancy; your sense of balance is off while pregnant and you could take a nasty fall. A pair of low, strappy sandals are fashionable while providing a safe addition to your pregnancy style.

Health Concerns

Another consideration when deciding what style of maternity clothing to wear is your health. Do you need extra support due to a bad back? Are you "balance challenged" on a normal day, let alone one when you're carrying an extra twenty or so pounds of baby weight? Are you prone to sciatica, thoracic outlet syndrome or slumped shoulders from bad posture?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, then you'll need the added support and comfort of undergarments specifically designed for the mom-to-be. A maternity body shaper doesn't mean you can't wear tight, clingy fabrics, but it does add an extra layer that needs to be taken into consideration. You may also want to augment your body shaper with a pair of compression gloves or stockings to minimize swelling in your hands and feet.

In this instance, your maternity style might benefit from opting for gauzy materials and longer hem lines. Instead of spaghetti straps and Lycra, try cap sleeves and cool, comfy cotton.

Just because you're expecting a baby doesn't mean you can't look fashionable and stylish. Whether you follow the celebrity style trend of wearing tight clothing or opt for more practical, looser fitting apparel, you can always look great and enjoy support from an undergarment specially designed to for the mom-to-be. Take care of yourself first and enjoy the best health possible in order to look beautiful while expecting.

Abortion Clinic - What You Need To Ask The Physician

There are a good number of events in human life that are known to give unmatched pleasure to the people. Getting conceived is one of those joyful moments that a woman cherishes for her entire life. The decision of getting pregnant solely rests upon the loving partners and no one can enforce it on a woman. The happiness and contentment that a woman experiences after getting pregnant is unexplainable. However, the situation is completely opposite when the pregnancy is unplanned. It may be due to unprotected intercourse or some other unforeseen circumstances that a woman may get conceived. During this point of time, the lady is not prepared to take the responsibility of upbringing a child and thus, visiting an abortion clinic for terminating the pregnancy appears to be the best solution for the mental trauma.

Abortion is a medical procedure for terminating the pregnancy in a safe and secure manner. There are several kinds of abortion procedures that a surgeon can perform. The choice mainly depends upon the stage of pregnancy and the condition of the would-be mother. It is not at all easy for a lady to abort a child and can involve a great deal of mental stress and other complications. At such point of time, discussing each and everything with the surgeon can help in relieving the tension. It also clarifies a good number of doubts and helps in better understanding of the entire procedure. Here are certain points that you must surely include in your discussion process before undergoing a surgery.

1. Which Procedure Will Be Followed?

This is one of the most basic questions that need an answer before undergoing pregnancy termination. The procedures are mainly selected after judging the current state of pregnancy of a woman. The doctor will perform certain tests and check up and will let you know the suitable procedure.

2. Will There Be Any Kind Of Complications?

This is probably one of the most common questions that arise in the mind of women. They are quite apprehensive about any kind of post surgery complications. The physicians will be able to guide you in the right direction and will explain all possible situations to you. If there are chances of any kind of complications to arise in future, the surgeons will let you know after seeing the results of tests and examinations conducted.

3. Post Surgery Health Care And Medical Bills

This is yet another point that demands complete answers well before getting operated. What are the kinds of services that will be offered in the post surgery period? Will these services be free of cost or paid? Does the patient requires visiting the medical center frequently or will be done at home? How long will the patient stay in hospital after surgery? Apart from these, the medical expenses should be known before undergoing the surgery. If you have any kind of insurance cover, then you might have a word with the surgeon and insurance company regarding the benefits of same.

So, these are some main discussion points that you need to keep before the surgeon while choosing an ideal abortion clinic.

Monday, March 4, 2013

I'm Pregnant and I Don't Feel I Love Him Anymore

There's another question that goes often comes with this one and that is about the satisfaction many women feel in having given birth. It's like the child now fulfills all her love and sexual needs some even saying that the very act of holding a child in their arms and/or breast feeding the child gives them immense sexual pleasure so much so that some women even report the experience of an orgasm every time they feed their child.

So the first thing to know here is that what you are feeling is absolutely normal. Your body is surging with hormones as it adjusts to being pregnant and as it begins to prepare you, emotionally and physically, for the birth of your child and placing the care of another human being in your hands.

This also means that your instincts are on full alert. You may even find yourself becoming anxious not only about the baby and its well-being but also about your own well being. Suddenly you don't want to take the risks you might have once taken on the belief that if something happens to you what then becomes of your baby?

There are lots of hypotheses about why this happens but maybe after all it is just a quirky act of nature to ensure that this helpless child is taken care of to ensure its survival even though often the one who misses out most here is the woman's partner, the father of the child who can feel abandoned or unwanted now that the child is born. As far as nature is concerned the father has done his bit. It's now up to the mother to incubate this child and bring the pregnancy to full term.

Maybe this is as basic as you can get as this is truly about survival of the species.

So in accepting that the feelings you have are absolutely normal there are a few things you can and maybe even should do.

Firstly, and probably most importantly, if you find that your love is diminishing for your husband, or you even feel no love for him at all, you should not make any hasty decisions. Instead given that it is most likely just the hormones that are making you feel so give yourself some time to think rationally before making any long term decision that might impact negatively on all of you.

At the very least, wait until after your baby has been and then even for the postnatal stage to end. In the meanwhile enjoy what you and your partner have created together and share every aspect of this pregnancy together. Visit your doctor together, attend prenatal classes together and make all plans re setting up the baby's room and other decisions that will need to be made re the child's ongoing care after the birth together.

Mother's are often defined as the gate keepers to their child.

This means it's most often up to you to ensure you include the father in the pregnancy. Often, and especially so for first time dads, they can feel overwhelmed by the experience and very unsure of what to do. They therefore sometimes need a guiding hand to let them know that you are still the same person, only different. This means that it is also normal to continue all the pre pregnancy activities especially in your sexual relationship. Sometimes, dads and even mums feel scared about this as they are concerned that they might hurt the child. This is not so though if you are concerned speak to your doctor to relieve any fears you have.

So for now enjoy this beautiful time together and drop those thoughts of lost love. There will be time in the future to decide if this really is the case or just mother nature doing it's job after all.

Double the Trouble - Twin Pregnancy

Double the Trouble. No one in my family had twins, so as you can image it was a big shock when I found out I had two babies growing in me at the same time. Remembering the day the doctor told us always brings a smile to my face. As he was doing the usual ultrasound during my 3rd month, he says in a calm voice. "Here is the baby's heart", then moving to another location, "and here is the other baby's heart." Just as I did then, I still stop breathing for a minute. Although extremely excited I was also very scared. I didn't know what to expect of the pregnancy, delivery, and oh my gosh how was I going to take care of two babies?

No one can truly prepare you for twins but I am going to try to help some.

Double the Symptoms.

You are probably wondering what pregnancy symptoms you will have. The majority of twin moms had the same symptoms as a normal pregnancy, just multiplied.

Double the Nausea. As I, many women experience increased nausea and vomiting, referred to as morning sickness. If you have severe vomiting and can't keep any liquids down for over 48 hours you should contact your doctor. They may want to hook you up to an IV to keep you hydrated. Lack of hydration can lead to pre-term labor.

Double the Size. Maybe not exactly double but definitely bigger. One sure symptom for a twin pregnancy is a bigger belly. Expect to gain is about 1 pound per week, or about 40 pounds for a full twin pregnancy. Weight gain for a single pregnancy is normally 25 pounds. You may want to eat especially healthy when carrying twins. You don't want to get too big. Too much weight can push you into pre-term labor. Many women complain that the sleepless nights were multiplied to what at the time felt like a million times. Since your stomach will grow significantly larger than a normal pregnancy you can expect to be pretty uncomfortable.

Double the Movements. Yes, you can expect more movement. Many women pregnant with twins experience more movement than normal. You may feel a kick at the top of your stomach and at the same time as one in your back. My four year old and I used to love to lay on my back and just watch them move. "It's an earthquake in your tummy" he would say. It is normal for the movement to slow down later in your pregnancy since there won't be much room for them to move. I highly suggest watching a movie on twin development in the womb. It is truly amazing to watch them interact. Also consider getting a 3d ultrasound video done.

Double the Ultrasounds. One of my personal favorites. Ultrasounds are used more often in twin pregnancy to watch out for potential problems. An early ultrasound with twins is needed to establish the due date and to see if they are developing in separate amniotic sacs. If they share the same sac there are more risk and complications. Fortunately, this is a rare occurrence with twins, only about 1% of all twins. Ultrasound is an excellent way to comparing the sizes of the twins. One baby may be slightly larger but hopeful not too much. Sometimes one baby will steal from the other.

Double the Complications. Twin pregnancies are at a much higher risk of premature labor. They are also at risk for low birth weight, gestational diabetes, high blood pressure, toxemia of pregnancy, and complications of delivery.

Premature Labor. Premature is anything less than 37 weeks completed. Over 60% of all twins will deliver prematurely. Most of these premature deliveries occur after 34 weeks, in which case the overall long-term risks to the babies are quite rare. Deliveries before 34 weeks, especially those before 32 weeks, can result in low birth weight, and increased risks of permanent disabilities such as cerebral palsy, mental retardation, hearing or vision problems. The best timing for delivery of twins is earlier than the actual due date. Keeping them in until the due date may result in larger babies, but also further increases the risks of placental complications, labor-related complications, and delivery -related complications. The ideal timing for delivery of twins is from 37 1/2 to 38 weeks pregnancy.

Signs of premature labor include: cramps, contractions, and menstrual pains, increasing pelvic or vaginal pressure, increasing low back pain, heavy vaginal discharge, vaginal spotting or bleeding, rectal pressure. If you experience any of these signs you should contact your doctor. Better safe than sorry.

Double the Delivery. The likelihood of you having a vaginal delivery with your twins is about 50%. In order for your doctor to consider a vaginal delivery both babies need to be head down; both should weigh more than 4-5 pounds and be more than 35-36 weeks gestation. They should be similar in size with no evidence of growth problems. No other pregnancy complications should be present such as high blood pressure or low placenta. Twin deliveries usually occur in an operating room with personnel standing by prepared at any moment for an emergency cesarean section. Twins born from cesarean section are usually both about 1 minute apart. Many consider cesarean section to be a better option for twin births since if complication arrives they are better prepared. This is however something you should talk about with your doctor.

I experienced toxemia, often referred to as preeclampsia, which led me to an emergency cesarean section. I was scared out of my mind but when all was said and done they wheeled me down to the operating room at 34 weeks. 5 minutes after the epidural was given, my baby boys were born. Everyone's experience is different. Just be sure to find a doctor you trust and who will keep you as informed as possible.

Double the Questions. Get prepared now. Everyone is going to want to know are they?

Fraternal Twins. Fraternal twins occur when a women ovulates more than one egg a month. Two babies are born of the same pregnancy that was fertilized by two separate eggs and two separate sperm. Fraternal twins may be of the same or opposite sex and will differ genetically as well as in appearance. Fraternal twins resemble each other the same as any other sibling. Two-thirds of twins are fraternal.

Identical Twins. Identical twins medically occur when an ovum splits during early embryonic development, resulting in two offspring of the same pregnancy. Identical twins are always of the same sex, have the same genetic makeup, possess identical blood groups and will resemble each other physically. Only one-third of all twins are identical.

Do twins run in your families? When having twins, parents often find themselves subject to questions regarding genetics and the birth of their twins. The twins that run in families are fraternal twins. Since releasing more than one egg during ovulation is a trait that tends to run in families. Identical twins come from the same egg and do not run in families. There is no concrete link between a genetic inheritance and identical twins, as no one knows when or why certain eggs will split to cause twins while others do not.

Back Pain During Pregnancy - Understand The Cause And Get Rid Of The Pain

In 2007, The Back Pain Foundation asked women what their most important questions were about back pain during pregnancy. Below are the most frequent questions that women asked:

1. How bad will back pain be during pregnancy?

2. Why do I get pain in my back?

3. How can I stop the pain and make myself more comfortable?

4. Why do I get back pain during pregnancy?

Let's take a few minutes and discuss some of those concerns. First, we need to be very clear that not all women get back pain during their pregnancy. You may go through your entire pregnancy without getting any back pain. In addition, many women will get slight symptoms that they describe as a slight discomfort, ache or tightness but not pain.

What causes back pain in pregnancy?

As far as the cause or "why" someone might get pain during pregnancy, every woman's circumstances are different. Keep in mind that your body is undergoing many types of changes and stresses during pregnancy. You are gaining weight and the weight is pushing and pulling on your body in new ways, especially throughout your spine, pelvis and rib cage. This area is sometimes referred to as the "core" of your body.

Your core is the primary weight-bearing center of your body and also that which is most important for movement. And as your core movement changes during pregnancy, muscles can become stressed and overworked. Also your legs tend to be farther apart to help you carry the weight of you baby, so your center of gravity is different and your walking is different - creating more stress on your body. The new weight that you are carrying can also compress the vertebrae in your spine. Some women will experience these various stresses as pain or discomfort. All in all, your body has some good reasons to feel "cranky" and give you some pain. So the question becomes, what do to find some relief?

Pregnancy Back Pain Relief: Tips and Tricks to Eliminate The Pain During Pregnancy

To help reduce or stop pain in your back during pregnancy, rest whenever you need to...but not too much. One of the common myths about back pain is that you need "bed rest." This is not true. Research studies have demonstrated that too much bed rest is bad for your back. When you are pregnant you should take frequent rests, sitting and taking short naps whenever you need to. But do not spend too much time in bed; it will actually make your back pain worse.

When you do sleep, explore some new sleeping positions. For instance, try sleeping on your side if your normally sleep on your back (or vice versa). Keep one or both knees bent, as if in a fetal position. You may want to place a pillow or rolled up towel between your knees or under your stomach. The key is to experiment until you find the right position for your comfort.

Check with your doctor to see if he or she will approve light exercise. Remember what we said earlier about the stresses and strain of carrying new weight? Light exercise will help relieve that strain and stress. Swimming, and walking around the block or on a treadmill are potential ways of exercising and relieving your back pain and stress.

Get a "treatment." Are you the type of person that needs an excuse to get a massage? Now you have an excuse. Take advantage of it! Find a massage therapist that has training in prenatal massage. Feldenkrais is gentle bodywork that can also be extremely useful. A Feldenkrais practitioner can help you change the dynamics of your movement so that the pain goes away and you can move easier. And of course, you can take a nice warm bath, massage yourself or ask someone close to you to rub your back. A little TLC can go a long way.

Pay attention to how you move. Have you adjusted to your new body dynamics and weight? Do you have a stool or pillow to put under your feet to take the pressure off your lower back? Have your lowered your office chair to a more comfortable height? Are you sitting down whenever you need to? In other words, slow down, pay attention to how you are moving, and make adjustments. This is a difficult one, because we rarely pay attention to how we move. But you can learn to do it. Next time you make a movement, take a moment before you do and think it through in your mind. Visualize. Can you move in an easier pain free way?

In short, take care of yourself during pregnancy. Get plenty of rest, light exercise, warm baths and perhaps a massage or feldenkrais session and you will be fine. If you do get extremely bad back pain that lasts for more than a few days see your doctor or other health care provider. Most doctors are OK with pregnant women taking an over the counter painkiller such as aspirin or ibuprofen but it is best to consult your provider first.