Saturday, November 23, 2013

Health Insurance Companies in North Carolina

There are several licensed, reliable health insurance companies in North Carolina. You will find several broker sites that manage a large portfolio of insurance products from leading insurance companies licensed to do business in the state of North Carolina.

These companies offer a number of health insurance plans like individual health insurance (for people who do not enjoy the benefits of group insurance); group health insurance [(insurance written for businesses of one or more employees. Small groups (1-49 employees)] are guaranteed issue; Medicare supplement (aims to fill in the gaps that Medicare doesn't cover; individual and group life insurance (individual written as permanent or term coverage with medical approval. Group is term coverage for 2 or more employees); short and long term disability (replaces 60% of income in the event of a disability. Short term replaces income for up to 6 months, long term up to age 65); dental insurance (individual coverage or for groups of 3 or more); foreign national medical insurance (coverage for people with foreign citizenship while in the US); health savings accounts or HSAs (newest tax favored federal plan which is 100% deductible); short term individual health insurance (coverage for up to 12 months mostly used by people between jobs, less stringent health requirements).

Among the leading North Carolina health insurance companies are Blue Cross Blue Shield of North Carolina (group and individual), John Alden (group and individual), American Republic Insurance Company (individual), Wellpath (group), UnitedHealthcare (group), Humana (group), Cigna (group), Aetna, Affordable Alternatives, Alternative Healthcare Options (AHO), Carolina Coverage, D&J Insurance, Hartsfield and Nash Agency, Inc, Health Quotes, Hill Chesson & Associates, LTC Planner, Medical Mutual Group, Partners National Health Plans of North Carolina, Inc, Pharmacy Network National Corporation, Premier Health Systems, Inc, Roper Insurance Agency, Seaway Insurance Agency, Inc, Tar Heel Insurance Agency, and Walker Insurance.

What About Those Dismal 'Pregnancy Over 40' Statistics? I Was 44 When I Had My Beautiful Daughter

OK, I know you've heard it all before, the pregnancy statistics over 40 are dismal. As far as I'm concerned, statistics are for statisticians. What about the fact that the number of unintended pregnancies in women between 40 and 44 is second only to teenagers? Many women in their 40's think their too old to get pregnant, they get a little lax with their birth control, and bingo!

I would venture to guess most women over 40 aren't trying to get pregnant (and many have had sterilization procedures). I wonder what would happen to those statistics if all women over 40 tried to get pregnant. I think we'd all be surprised. Our society and media is so 'age obsessed' that women begin to believe their life is over at the age of 40 (heck, now it's more like 35). The message is you'll need plastic surgery, you'll be replaced by a trophy wife, you'll have a hard time getting employed, and your chances of having a baby are less than your chances of winning the lottery.

As far as I'm concerned, I won the lottery, but it wasn't by luck. I was 44 when I had my daughter who, in my totally unbiased opinion, is perfect. I had a normal pregnancy and normal delivery and I conceived without fertility treatments. Yes, I'm the oldest mom at the playground, but so far, nobody's asked me if I'm her grandmother. As a matter of fact, I've been asked more than once, "Are you having another?" I'm in the best shape of my life, and even though my very active daughter wears me out occasionally, I'm keeping up just fine. As a matter of fact, I remember babysitting my niece and nephew when I was in my 20's - it wasn't any easier back then.

Being an 'older' mom is such a blessing. I'm wiser, more patient, and totally skilled at dealing with the trials and tribulations of a two-year-old. I have no hidden agendas for my daughter. Since I've already accomplished everything I wanted to do in my life, I'm not trying to live my dreams through her. It's her life, and I'm behind her no matter what path she takes. The comment I hear most often is, "She's such a happy little girl."

I will admit I had an interesting journey to parenthood. My own childhood was less than perfect. I grew up with parents who were totally mismatched leaving me with a negative impression of marriage and family. As a result, I waited until I was almost 37 to get married and didn't even start trying to get pregnant until I was almost 38. After a year of trying on our own, we went in for fertility treatments. I spent over two years trying medications, inseminations and IVF twice. The medications and inseminations didn't work at all, and the IVF's ended in miscarriage and the removal of my left fallopian tube. I became disillusioned with the assembly line practice of my fertility clinic and the amount of drugs and hormones I was pumping into my system was totally inconsistent with my 'all natural' way of life and personal philosophy. I notified my doctor that I was moving on to 'childfree'.

I was over 40 at this point and as if to spur me on, no matter where I went or who I talked to, I would hear yet another story of a woman giving birth in her 40's. I met a woman at my niece's graduation party who gave birth to triplets at the age of 45 (without fertility treatments), a tenant in our rental property all of a sudden tells me she gave birth to her son at the age of 45. A local radio personality said his mother had him at the age of 48 (before the days of fertility treatments). I was standing in the ski lift line and some teenagers behind us were laughing that their mom was going to have another baby at the age of 43. I started researching my own family history, and both my grandmothers were in their 40's when they had their last child. I couldn't get away from it!

I realized I wasn't ready to give up on getting pregnant but I absolutely did not want to go through anymore fertility treatments. I started researching natural methods to enhance fertility. I quit a high stress job, I started a totally new way of eating, and I went back and confronted all the unresolved issues I had with my parents and my less-than-perfect upbringing. I also researched natural methods of balancing hormones, increasing pelvic circulation, and I changed my 'pregnancy mindset' through visualization and meditation.

I was shocked when I became pregnant naturally just months after completing fertility treatments. Unfortunately, I was miscarrying by the time I realized I was pregnant. Even though my miscarriage was heartbreaking, I was ecstatic to finally know I could get pregnant on my own. Now, more motivated than ever, I continued researching natural methods to enhance my fertility and I continued adding things to my 'getting pregnant' protocol.

To make a long story short, I got pregnant two more times, but miscarried both. Why was this happening? I had the fetal tissue examined after a D&C, and wouldn't you know it, my baby was chromosomally normal. So much for the well-meaning condolences, "Something was probably wrong, it was a blessing". I continued trying to get pregnant, even though I was now 43 years old. I could feel my baby hovering over me. I needed to give her life. But, when I was 43 and 11 months, I almost gave up. I thought maybe my 'internal barometer' was broken. I was so sure I was going to have a baby, but here I was, almost 44, and still childless. My baby was out there but I couldn't get to her. I reluctantly decided that it was really time to move on to childfree and get on with my life.

Two weeks later I found out I was pregnant. I was a little angry that I finally made a firm decision to move on to childfree, and here I was, pregnant again! I guess preparedness finally met opportunity (I think I was the healthiest human being on the planet by then). I was cautious but excited nonetheless. We decided not to tell anyone or to see a doctor until any 'normal' person would. I didn't want a 'blow by blow' accounting of my hCG numbers or a depressing speech about the risks of pregnancy at my age. When I finally did see my doctor (one who was quite negative about women in their 40's getting pregnant), he was bouncing off the walls with excitement! My ultrasound looked great! This one was going to make it.

The moral of my story is "trust your instincts". If you know deep in your heart that you can do something, you probably can. I'm sure many doctors would use my story as an example of how difficult it is to have a child over 40. But, fertility treatments were probably the most detrimental factor working against me. There's a higher incidence of tubal pregnancies with IVF and I'm sure all those injections of drugs and hormones threw the delicate balance of my reproductive system further out of whack. If I would have started my 'all natural' pregnancy protocol earlier, I would have saved myself years of frustration, $25,000 in fertility treatments, and I would have had both my fallopian tubes essentially doubling my chances of getting pregnant naturally. I partially blame those over-quoted statistics. I can't tell you how many times I read that if you're in your late 30's or 40's you should "run not walk" to the closest fertility clinic because time's running out fast!

The bottom line is I overcame all of my challenges and succeeded naturally at the age of 44. So, for all you statisticians out there, I'd like to ask, "What are the odds of that?"

Excessive Weight Gain During Pregnancy Does Not Help

Excessive weight gain during pregnancy is always harmful. According to the American College of Obstetrics and Gynecologists, average put on should be between 25 and 35 pounds. Underweight women can be a little liberal, while overweight women should not put on more than 20 pounds. Whatever may be your situation, you should be cautious of your diet during the nine-month period. Ensure that you and your developing baby get adequate quantities of all the required nutrients.

Detrimental Effects Of Excessive Weight Gain During Pregnancy

It's easy to add pounds during pregnancy. But, the focus is to prevent the gain of extra pounds that are not really necessary for the body. The following are the harmful effects of excessive heaviness:

  • You may suffer from various physical problems, such as more discomfort in your legs and back. This happens because of the extra burden that develops due to extra pounds.

  • Your blood pressure may rise and your heart will have to work double hard. This is a dangerous situation for you as well as your baby.

  • This problem further leads to a difficult labor and delivery.

  • It's tough to get rid of those extra pounds after delivery.
  • Say "No" To Empty Calories

    You are overweight and are advised to put on just 20 pounds during the entire nine-month period. That does not mean, you can munch on junk foods to quickly get those pounds. Remember, weight gain should be from nutritious food and not from foods containing empty calories. If you wish your baby to develop normally and not suffer from birth defects, it's inevitable to give proper nutrition to all her organs. And for that, you should give yourself that nutrition first.

    The best way to increase average mass is to keep a check on the week by week gain. Take the help of doctor for preparing a diet plan. And forget about the age-old belief of eating for two. You only need to take 300 calories extra daily for a healthy pregnancy.

    Weight Distribution In A Pregnant Woman

    If you are curious to know where all the mass that you put on during pregnancy comes from, read on...

  • Baby: 7½ pounds

  • Breasts: 2 pounds

  • Fluids: 7-10 pounds

  • Amniotic Fluid: 2 pounds

  • Uterus: 2 pounds

  • Placenta: 1-1 ½pounds

  • Extra weight: 7-10 pounds
  • Therefore, the total weight gain comes around 25-30 pounds.

    Therefore, now you know that excessive weight gain during pregnancy is useless!

    Husband's Emotional Support For Pregnant Wife

    Pregnancy can be compared to a roller coaster experience. You have to ride in it until the end regardless of how scared you are of the speed, curves, twists, and height. A pregnant woman may act strangely during this period in such a way that she irritates a lot of people. However, she deserves to be greatly understood and pampered since mood changes can affect the baby as well. If you are a "soon-to-be dad", you should get through the ups and downs of pregnancy, too.

    Undergoing pregnancy is not an easy task to do because it involves a variety of emotional dilemmas. You cannot completely understand what your pregnant wife is truly feeling. You tried to fix the knotted emotions but still the intervention done was not worth it. Even if you performed all the household chores for her, she still complained. There are times that she frequently nags at you accusing you of something that you are not- an irresponsible husband and father. This may sound very heartbreaking that you want to leave her alone in the house and socialize with those people who are fun to be with.

    But this should not be the case! You have to deal with the difficulties of being a future dad. Though quite intricate to comprehend, you should be patient enough to accompany her in this journey. Understanding the whole "pregnant thing" is not the absolute answer. Rather, offering a genuine emotional support is all that matters to calm her down. Your presence is definitely a key factor which makes her feel contented and secured. Control your temper and listen to what she is saying with proper eye contact. Show her the utmost love and affection by caressing her especially in bad times. You touch her belly and talk to the precious living being in her womb. The baby can hear your voice even if he is still inside.

    Risks of Eating Disorder During Pregnancy

    Any eating disorder is extremely dangerous for the body. Anyone suffering from an eating disorder is at risk for malnutrition, kidney failure, heart attack and even death among many other problems. During pregnancy, a fetus must receive proper nutrients to grow - that an eating disorder will inhibit.

    Pregnancy is an extreme stress on the body. It can drain energy and be emotionally overwhelming. When a woman is pregnant it is of the utmost importance that she eats a well balanced diet, stay hydrated and get plenty of exercise. Pre-natal vitamins are a great benefit. Usually, a woman with an eating disorder is not properly nourished.

    Eating disorders make women more prone to miscarriage, complications throughout the pregnancy and even birth defects that are so severe they could result in the baby's - or even the mother's - death. If a woman has suffered from anorexia, bulimia, or compulsive overeating for too long, it could even diminish her chances of ever becoming pregnant.

    More serious risks to the mother, aside from the problems from the eating disorder alone, are an increased risk of gestational diabetes, pre-eclampsia (also known as toxemia), breech birth and spontaneous abortion.

    If a woman with an eating disorder does carry her pregnancy full term, the baby is at very high risk of delayed fetal growth, low birth weight, fetal abnormality, death within one month of birth and serious birth defects that may not even be noted until much later.

    After the birth, it is crucial to both mother and baby that the treatment for the eating disorder continues. A healthy, well-balanced diet keeps the mother's strength up, fights off postpartum depression and increases the ability for the mother to produce viable breast milk. Remember, breast milk is the infant's only way to receive nutrition and any deficiencies are passed from mother to baby.

    For any woman fighting an eating disorder, it is extremely difficult. She is already undergoing high amounts of emotional, mental and physical stress. Adding a pregnancy or baby to the mix could heighten this stress and hinder; or even halt recovery. Having a baby is a big step; make sure you are well into recovery and ready. Remember, a baby will not just bring you additional joy and laughter in your life, but they also bring a lot of responsibilities and duties. Do not get pregnant just because you need to be loved by someone. A baby will need your care and attention and he/she will need you to be strong and healthy.

    So if you think that you are ready to get pregnant, or if you are pregnant, you should inform your doctor as soon as possible. Follow closely all the instructions from your doctor to increase nutrition requirements for a healthy pregnancy. This will increase the chance that your baby will be born healthy. You should also seek a counselor to help you deal with your fears and worries as you proceed with your pregnancy. Enroll in childbirth and child development classes. This will give you additional information that can make you feel comfortable throughout your pregnancy and prepare you to a raise healthy child.

    Back Pain During Pregnancy

    What Happens During Pregnancy?

    Back Pain During Pregnancy is mainly due the changes that the woman's body will undergo. When a women becomes pregnant, a lot of physical changes and alterations in the endocrine system occur, which prepare her body for the growing foetus.

    These changes can also lead to joint and spine problems, due to the dramatic change in the pregnant woman's posture. There are pelvic changes, the protruding abdomen and increased Lumbar curve together with the increased weight gain, put pressure on the pregnant woman's skeletal structure.

    All of these factors can make pregnant women more prone to spine and pelvic misalignment, leading to back pain, lower back pain or even sciatic pain.

    What is Chiropractic Care?

    Chiropractic is a manual therapy, which primarily works on the spine and pelvis of the body. Either through accident or injury, poor posture, or postural changes during pregnancy, the body can become misaligned,(a misalignment is when a joint of the body has moved slightly out of its correct natural alignment.).

    As the spine protects the spinal cord, misalignment here, or in the pelvis can have a direct effect on the nerves, which may become pinched or trapped and therefore cause back pain.

    Chiropractic through specific adjustments maintains the correct alignment of the body, spine and pelvis. This in turn helps to ensure that the body's nerve supply works efficiently, freeing the patient from back pain, or any discomfort caused by misalignment.

    Chiropractic care is suitable for many individuals, including infants and children and even pregnant women are reaping the benefits. Once the mum to be is in the second trimester of her pregnancy, i.e., anytime after the first three months, Chiropractic care is safe.

    Mc Timoney Chiropractic.

    Mc Timoney Chiropractors are trained to deal with pregnant patients and adjust their equipment as necessary to suit the pregnant lady's requirements. The Mc Timoney Technique is a very gentle Holistic process, which makes it particularly suitable for women in this special and delicate state. Also the technique is easily adapted to allow the patient to reap the full benefit of treatment while avoiding any unnecessary pressure on the abdomen.

    Treating Symptoms.

    Regular visits to a Mc Timoney Chiropractor will keep the Mum to Be in correct skeletal alignment, while the Chiropractor will also give her plenty of advice on posture, lifting and bending during pregnancy.

    This treatment is gentle and effective and will ensure that the Pregnant Woman will maintain correct spinal and pelvic alignment and flexibility. This will enable the woman to have a comfortable and enjoyable pregnancy free from back pain and discomfort, while it also ensures that the pelvis maintains correct alignment for an easier delivery.

    Mc Timoney Chiropractic care during pregnancy can eliminate many problems such as sciatica, low back pain, headaches, and mid-back and rib pain.

    Roma Burke DC AMC MMCAI

    Deer Park Chiropractic & Massage Clinic.

    Friday, November 22, 2013

    Become Pregnant With Fertility Superfoods

    If you want to become pregnant, you'll be very pleased to know that there are fertility superfoods that can help boost your odds when trying to conceive. If you are trying to become pregnant, it's so important to eat right regularly and to fill your diet with vitamin and nutrient rich foods. Having a healthy diet also prepares your body to welcome conception and have a healthy baby. While it's true that some people have no trouble conceiving even when on a junk food diet, if you are having trouble conceiving for some time now, you should want to do everything possible to ensure a healthy pregnancy. You'll be doing your own body and your baby a favor.

    So if you want to become pregnant faster, here's a list of fertility foods that you should regularly eat:

    1. Load up on foods rich in calcium as it helps to make strong bones.

    2. Also fill your diet with raw and organic foods. Limit your intake of commercially available foods as they are laden with harmful additives and preservatives which can hamper your reproductive system to function optimally.

    3. Tea is a wonderful fertility booster. Try orange pekoe and green tea. Countless research have shown that women who drink tea on a regular basis increase their chances of becoming pregnant.

    4. Folic acid and vitamin B6 are also essential to ensure a healthy pregnancy. Nuts, leafy green vegetables, and whole grains are rich in vitamin B6. This important fertility vitamin helps regulate the reproductive hormones and folic acid helps prevent numerous infant defects.

    5. Vitamin C boosts the immune system and plays a big role in ensuring a healthy pregnancy. Eat lots of fruits that are rich in this vitamin.

    6. Water is one of the most essential fertility superfoods to consume. It helps your body eliminate all toxins the natural way, and helps maintain a healthy pregnancy.

    Here is a list of foods to avoid if you are trying to get pregnant:

    1. Processed foods; also referred to as junk food and sweets, contain increased amounts of refined flour and sugar. They are not beneficial at all and add nothing to contribute to conception, except for the wrong kind of weight gain. Give pregnancy a good start by avoiding these foods.

    2. Avoid seafood containing mercury. Mercury has been linked with some serious birth defects like autism.

    It's high time you face the facts - your baby will depend on you for nutrition, and al the foods you eat will largely determine whether or not you will have a healthy baby. Play it smart by learning how to become pregnant naturally.

    10 Simple Guidelines for Finding Health Insurance in California

    Health insurance in California is very affordable when you follow these 10 simple guidelines.

    1. Compare CA health insurance quotes from at least 3 California health insurance companies. (It is amazing to see someone choose a CA health care policy without even bothering to compare the premiums and the health plan benefits with other companies similar policies!)

    2. Be very skeptical about purchasing insurance from a California health insurance carrier that you have never heard of before. (That is not to say that the health plan is necessarily not a good health plan just because you haven't heard of the insurance company before but it just means that it would be prudent to research them a little bit online or speak with a knowledgeable independent CA insurance agent).

    3. Be very, very, very skeptical about a California discount health plan. (Remember, discount health plans are not health insurance! Just try searching on any major search engine for discount health plan warning and you can see all of the warning flags that go up from all of the state insurance departments and other .GOV websites).

    4. Enroll in your employer's group health insurance plan IF your employer is willing to foot the bill. (Even if you have a problem with your employer's group health insurance carrier it still is usually better to stay with the plan IF your employer is footing a large portion of the premium cost).

    5. Get quotes for your family members for an CA individual medical plan IF you are on a group health plan and your employer will not cover the cost to add on the rest of your family to your health coverage. (Assuming that your family is healthy then California individual health plans will almost always be cheaper than a California group health plan - make sure to scrutinize the differences between the group health plans and the individual health plans that you will be comparing as many individual health plans do not cover pregnancies [maternity insurance] unless you pay an additional premium while your group health plan probably does cover maternity automatically).

    6. Research the companies, policies, networks, doctors, clinics, and hospitals that are in your area of California. (The availability of a favorite doctor on a particular company's plan could be the deciding advantage for you to choose that company over another company with a similar health plan but without your favorite doctor on their network).

    7. Ask questions of your health insurance agent/health insurance broker so that you fully understand the options that are available to you.

    8. Change your policy. (Don't be afraid to admit that you made a mistake if the policy that you applied for was not what you thought that it was).

    9. Review your health insurance needs every year. (Your health insurance needs will very likely change every couple of years and if nothing else it will give you a chance to see if your company's rates are still competitive).

    10. Compare free California health insurance quotes at California Health Insurance 360!

    Check Into Health Insurance Maternity Options Before Starting a Family

    A year ago we were in the middle of monthly prenatal visits. By summer it was every other week, and in mid-August, I was going once a week. These visits ensured my doctor that the baby growing inside was healthy and ready for this world. He also monitored my health during the nine months, and when I went in for the scheduled caesarean, we were anxiously awaiting the birth of our baby girl. A month later we were receiving bills from the clinic, hospital, surgeon, anesthesiologist, etc. It made us wonder how someone could afford to have a baby if they weren't under any medical insurance coverage. The problem is some aren't, but it's important to know there's health insurance maternity options available for the joyous occasion.

    If you're looking for a medical insurance plan, make sure maternity is a part of the insurance coverage. Even in traditional health insurance plans, there are different layers of coverage, with some not covering maternity. This way if you would get pregnant, none of the cost of having a baby would be covered. There are also different deductibles of coverage, so if it's possible, make sure there's a manageable deductible. You could possibly have the birth paid off before the baby's even born.

    * Maternity coverage could save money later.
    * Low deductibles will allow you to have birth paid off fast.

    * Not checking into health insurance maternity options prior to being pregnant could create huge bills.
    * A high deductible can still make pregnancy expensive.

    It's also important to know that there are options online where a quote for health insurance maternity options would be given within minutes. Once you find a plan that works for you, sign up so you can be ready to start a family.

    How to Succeed as a Yoga Teacher

    Upon successful graduation from a Yoga teacher training course, many new Yoga teachers feel they still need some direction. After spending five months, up to years, with a Master Yoga teacher, Swami, or Guru, the new Yoga teacher has left the nest, but where should he or she go from there?

    Let's look at an organized way for new Yoga teachers to expand their knowledge, while pursuing their passion. After all, Yoga instructors cannot share the same interests all the time. With so many forms of Yoga, and a multitude of aspects to choose from, "the sky is the limit."

    Are you interested in Office Yoga, Prenatal or Postnatal Yoga, Chair Yoga, Yoga Therapy, Yoga for Stress Disorders, teaching Yoga to children, or another Yoga teaching path? There are many directions to specialize in, and it is best to keep the list small.

    This brings up the first step in finding your direction: Write a list of goals, interests, and objectives, for teaching Yoga. There is something very powerful about "etching ideas into the subconscious mind," with a pen and paper.

    If you decide to enter deadline dates, for short-term goals, you might be shocked at the number of goals, which reach fruition. When you put ideas into writing, and take action, the success rate does go up.

    Avoid procrastination, and do not allow excuses to run your life. This is a pitfall on a goal-setting path. I guarantee that you will run into obstacles. Nobody has a life without them; however, look at each one as a stimulating challenge.

    Do not waste time on blaming anybody, or anything; this will make you stronger as you journey toward becoming a better Yoga teacher. This will also guide you in the right direction to meet the needs of your students.

    Organize your list of goals by priority. Which goals are more urgent? Decide by projected deadlines - in measurements of days, weeks, months, and years. This will help you to avoid wasting time on long-term goals, when you have a serious deadline facing you this week.

    It is human nature to try to avoid the tough projects. Yet, you are best off to tackle the difficult projects first. Once you have taken care of the toughest chores, a heavy burden has been lifted from your mind and you can think clearly.

    Get rid of all distractions for optimum use of your time. For example: Cell phones, television, time wasting chatter, and Email must wait if you are in the middle of an important project or your studies. You do not have to live the lifestyle of a Spartan, but there are some times when the "technological toys" get in the way of real progress.

    Lastly, reward yourself with quality time, when you have finished a project. Make sure that you take the time to enjoy your family, friends, and quality relationships. You are a Yoga teacher, who teaches the art of living, and you should also enjoy a balanced life.

    © Copyright 2007 - Paul Jerard / Aura Publications

    Choosing Family Insurance Coverage - Some Tips

    Instead of taking out individual insurance policies many people choose family insurance coverage as a lower cost way to obtain insurance cover for the entire family. For those who have more than one child it is a particularly good buy as premiums are generally the same for two, three or more children. Family insurance coverage can include family health cover and homeowner's insurance which may cover mortgage payments in case the principal wage earner is unable to work through unemployment, disability or illness.

    Adding Children to Employers Health Coverage

    It can be very expensive to add a child to an existing health insurance plan offered by employers and you may well be better to take out out a additional family insurance cover, particularly if you have more than one child.

    What is Included in Family Insurance Cover?

    This type of cover normally provides routine annual medical examinations for any children under 16 (or 18 in some plans) and prenatal care. Some of the policies cover children until the age of 24 provided they are full time students. family insurance plans may also include hospital in patient care including operations, x-rays and lab tests etc. It is important to always check you know precisely what is covered by the plan. You may be able to select maternity coverage for all family members which may possibly be suitable for those with female children. While no one desires teenage pregnancy to take place it can happen and the family insurance can cover this.

    Dental Coverage for the Family

    A number of insurance policies include family dental coverage or you may perhaps have to to buy separate family dental insurance coverage. These policies differ in the type of cover offered and the age limit for any dependent children. Characteristically the amount of cover that you get is dependent on to the amount of the monthly payments.

    Full Time Students

    As shown above a lot of insurance plans include children above 18 provided they are in school full time. Insurance cover sometimes extend to twenty three or four. Check that the any campus medical facilities, local physicians, clinics or hospitals are willing to accept the family's insurance and you would be best to provide the student with an insurance card before they leave for school.

    What May Not Be Included

    Family insurance coverage might not include some treatments common in childhood, replacement for glasses, allergy tests or braces. Consider the coverage provided by the policy under consideration and think about taking out a savings plan for anything that is covered by your family insurance.


    Family insurance coverage may be a good buy for families with more than one child. Although there are some things not covered policies are usually very comprehensive and give good protection for the whole family, including, in many cases, full time students above the age of eighteen.

    Natural Health Helps Improve in Vitro Fertilization

    In vitro fertilization can be an emotionally, physically, and financially exhausting experience for many couples, natural health can support you along the way. Couples, who choose in vitro fertilization as a way to have a baby, go through a lot financially, physically and emotionally. Natural health can assist in all three areas. By following very cost effective natural therapies you can increase your chances of success, which in turn will save you money. By following a healthy life style you can achieve a healthy pregnancy, prevent miscarriages and have an easier birth and postpartum experience. By learning how to deal with stress you will be able to manage parenting and adjusting to your new life with a baby.

    Eat only organic fruits and vegetables. These are rich in minerals, vitamins and enzymes. Also they offer a wide range of anti-oxidants which will protect the eggs and sperm from damage. You can supplement with the following minerals and vitamins which have great anti-oxidant properties and also aid in fertility.

    During the six week prior to starting your in vitro fertilization treatments. Try an herbal detox, which will eliminate toxins from your body. A detox is also useful in between cycles to aid your body cleanse after taking fertility medications. If you get pregnant avoid cleansing until after you stop nursing.

    Acupuncture has been used for a very long time to treat women's health conditions. Today, it is gaining popularity very rapidly as an effective natural health therapy to be used in conjunction with conventional medicine for the treatment of infertility. Acupuncture helps reduce the side-effects of fertility medications. It also helps produce better quality follicles, enhance uterine blood flow and prevent miscarriages. For men, acupuncture helps improve the quality of sperm in morphology, motility and count.

    Your weight plays a very important factor in your fertility. Before your in vitro fertilization cycles make sure your weight goals are reached. Infertility results from either weighing too little or too much. The relationship between weight and fertility lays in the fact that estrogen is stored in fat cells. If you have too much body fat, the body produces too much estrogen limiting your odds of getting pregnant. A woman with too little body fat can't produce enough estrogen and her reproductive cycle begins to shut down. In both cases the menstrual cycle is affected leading to anovulatory cycles, irregularities, luteal phase defect, and more.

    Fertility Yoga helps you relax and increases calmness to assist you when dealing with the stress of invasive in vitro fertilization treatments. If you are new to yoga either take a beginner's class or follow a DVD that teaches simple relaxing poses with meditation and visualization. Talk to your doctor before starting any exercise program. Certain yoga poses create hormonal balance and are especially designed to increase fertility. Also, make sure the pose you are executing is not contraindicated during pregnancy and menstruation. To not do poses that can compromise implantation like inverted poses. Talk to a qualified yoga therapist or to your fertility health care specialist. Learn the yoga breathing and practice it every day!

    Massage Therapy
    Massage therapy can be wonderful before and during pregnancy. It helps to alleviate the tension caused by stress through touch and pressure by sending positive impulses to the spinal cord. It reduces excess nerve activity within muscles and helps with the removal of toxins, which contribute to pain and stiffness in the muscles. Besides increasing muscle relaxation, massage therapy contributes to increase blood circulation to the reproductive organs stimulating the body's natural ability to ovulate. Make sure to look for a registered massage therapist who specializes in fertility and pregnancy massage.

    Thursday, November 21, 2013

    Added Support - The Best Pregnancy Pillow

    When you're pregnant, you may find that it's hard to find a comfortable sleeping position. No matter if you're sleeping on your left or right side, your huge belly makes sleeping almost impossible. If you are at this stage in pregnancy, consider investing in a pregnancy pillow.

    Pregnancy pillows are typically not too expensive. Depending on where you go to shop and the type of pillow that you buy, they can range from $40 to $200. While you can struggle to use regular pillows to help you find a comfortable position to sleep in, pregnancy pillows are designed for your unique shape. They offer support for your growing belly, and they help you side-sleep once you are too huge to sleep on your back.

    But with all the pillows on the market, what is the best? If you are looking for the best pillow for pregnant women, check out the SnoozerPedic MD DreamWeaver Memory Foam pregnancy pillow.

    This special pillow is made with temperature sensitive memory foam, which means that it responds to slight changes in your body temperature. So it becomes soft when you need it to be soft, and it stays firm when you need it to be firm. Memory foam actually conforms to your body, so you will get the support that you'll need with this unique pregnancy pillow.

    The SnoozerPedic MD DreamWeaver pillow also has a candy-cane shape, designed to work with the natural curves of your pregnant body. The curved shape of the pillow's neck can easily cradle your head, neck, or shoulders, while the middle part of the pillow offers you back support and the bottom area of this pillow offers you a comfortable place to rest your legs. Because of the unique shape of this pregnancy pillow, you can also use it after pregnancy as a nursing pillow.

    What makes the SnoozerPedic MD DreamWeaver the best pregnancy pillow is that it promotes the semi-fetal sleeping position, which is the recommended position for pregnant women to use. The semi-fetal position relieves pressure on the inferior vena cava (a major blood vessel in your body, which transports blood from your legs to your heart). When the inferior vena cava is compressed, it can cause leg cramps and dizziness. So sleeping in the semi-fetal position can actually prevent these annoying pregnancy symptoms.

    Remember that memory foam is not for everyone. If this is the case, you may prefer to buy another type of maternity pillow.?

    Fertility Herbs Can Help You Get Pregnant Naturally

    Many women assume that getting pregnant will be fairly easy once they start to try. Unfortunately, infertility is a growing problem. We read about women in their 30's and 40's who are unable to get pregnant, but infertility also affects women in their 20's as well. Doctor's immediately start to focus on drugs and expensive procedures to help these women conceive. Women who are unwilling to use drugs as a first step or who have been using drugs and technology and have been unsuccessful, should not give up. Fertility herbs are a time tested way to increase a woman's fertility and regulate ovulation and female hormones in order to conceive.

    Fertility Herbs are not as concentrated as the chemical drugs proscribed by doctors. You should expect regular daily use to increase fertility gradually over a period of two to three months. In women older than thirty the time period may extend to six months or more.


    1) Healthy Habits: Before starting fertility herbs, women should make sure their habits are conducive to having a baby. Alcohol, cigarettes, and fatty foods are the first things that must go. Mild exercise helps get the blood flowing and can help reduce weight which may be stopping you from conceiving.

    2) Physical Signs: Get to know your body. In order to use the correct herbs for infertility, it is helpful to have some idea of the problem you are trying to correct. Chart your temperatures to find out whether you ovulate, whether your luteal phase is too short, and which hormones could be a problem for you. There are many books that can help you start this easy process that I can recommend.


    The great thing about fertility herbs is that they help improve the overall health of your body at the same time as they naturally increase your ability to conceive. Some of the most common and helpful herbs and how to prepare them are listed below but there are many more that have been researched and combined to improve their effect on the reproductive system.

    1) Red Clover Blossom:

    This herb has a high vitamin content which is valuable to the uterus. It's high protein content benefits the whole body. It's also quite high in calcium & magnesium which relax the nervous system and help promote fertility. This herb contains nearly every trace mineral needed by the glands. Daily use can help balance hormonal functioning which is necessary for a successful pregnancy.

    Preparation: Drink 1 or more cups of infusion in a tea daily for several months. If you can't gather your own clover flowers, you can buy the dried blossoms by the pound from a reputable source and add to your daily infusions.

    2) Rasberry Leaf:

    This is probably the most popular of all fertility herbs. It is a well known uterine tonic and is very high in calcium. It's fertility promoting effects are most useful when combined with Red Clover in a daily tea infusion.

    3) Chasteberry or Vitex

    Chasteberry is an amazing, and powerful, fertility herb that works with your body to regulate hormonal imbalances. Hormonal imbalances are believed to account for the majority of infertility cases world wide. This is a popular fertility herb in the East that has been taken for centuries. Vitex can help regulate your body's hormones which in turn will stabilize and regulate the reproductive system.

    4) Dong Quai

    Dong Quai is made up of Chinese blood building herbs. The way that Dong Quai works is by supporting the blood and promoting blood flow to the pelvis which can help with a wide array of fertility issues such irregular periods. Studies involving this herb have shown that the herb helps build a healthy uterine lining.

    For best results, herbalists suggest using this herb in tincture form during the days between ovulation and menstruation only.

    There are many more fertility herbs that can be used to increase fertility and your likelihood of getting pregnant. Please consult your doctor if you are also taking fertility drugs as the interaction of drugs and herbs can be dangerous. For more information about different herbs, combinations of herbs and fertility blends, please visit the website before for more information.

    3D Ultrasound - The Pros and Cons

    A 3D ultrasound is able to achieve remarkably clear images by utilising the same sound waves used in a 2D ultrasound but bending them in different angles. The clarity of the images available offers many advantages over 2D ultrasounds, but it also comes with some disadvantages.


    A 3D Ultrasound provides a more detailed image of the baby than a traditional 2D Ultrasound. The images are more lifelike and give a great indication of what your baby's physical features will look like. A 3D ultrasound is able to give a very clear image of the babys facial features after the fifth month.

    Unlike a traditional 2D Ultrasound it is not necessary to have a full bladder in order to obtain a clear image. Needless to say this is a great relief to expectant mothers.


    The remarkably clear images can provide a false sense of reassurance that there are no underlying physical problems with the unborn baby. Mothers to be may decide that getting a 3D ultrasound is the cheap alternative to a more substantial prenatal care program and may discontinue this prenatal care under the assumption "everything is ok." While a good tool for determining the physical condition of an unborn baby. 3D ultrasound should never completely replace all other prenatal care options.

    Can give a false indication of the health of the baby i.e. does not always accurately represent physical deformities. These "false positives" can become more of an issue with an inexperienced ultrasound technician. For example; harmless fetal cysts detected by 3D ultrasounds, may lead to further and more invasive tests can contribute to additional anxiety by the mother. There is also the possibility of "scanning artifacts" such as duplicated body parts, holes and unusual clefts, which usually go away after the ultrasound probe has been moved slightly. An inexperienced technician might be guilty of making this error. Again this can cause undue stress and anxiety to the mother.

    Ultimately the decision to go for 2D or 3D ultrasound is influenced by the level of information the expected mother wishes to receive. Sometimes too much information is not a good thing, however, and it can lull you into a false sense of security. Sometimes it is exactly what you need. In the end the choice is yours.

    How to Get Pregnant - 3 Most Valuable Tips Which Can Help You Conceive Fast

    Getting pregnant is the easiest thing in the world. This is the basic instincts of all the women in the world. This is a very natural thing. All the women in the world want to get pregnant and start their own family. It may be the easiest thing for many couples but some couples are there who finds it very difficult. They do their all the efforts to make it easy and possible. Now a day's many couples are there who cannot get pregnant easily and naturally. There are several reasons for not becoming pregnant naturally.

    In some cases, as when nature needs a boost a little push from you and your partner can go long way in getting pregnant. If you are living with the heartache of trying and trying to conceive without success, you need to change your lifestyle to accomplish your goal. There are some most valuable tips are given below which can help you in getting pregnant fast and naturally.

    •Stop using birth control methods- when you decide to get pregnant, first you need to stop using all the birth control methods. Many couples think they can get pregnant immediately after quitting birth control methods but it's not true. You cannot get pregnant immediately after quitting birth control methods. Your body needs some time to normalize everything from internal side.

    •Prepare your body to conceive naturally- you need to prepare your body that can conceive naturally without any medication or heartache. Start taking folic acid, minerals, vitamins, and full of protein which will help you in ovulating healthy eggs. Some foods are there which are specially prescribed for becoming pregnant such as beans, omega 3, iron and many more.

    •Know the best time to have sex- you need to be educated about the best time to have sex that can help you in getting pregnant fast. Learn about how sperm can become more or less active. Plan it properly so that you can have sex just as you ovulate with the high quality sperm. Female orgasm can also help in conception if it is done with well-timed.

    Why Confinement Is Essential for a New Mum After Giving Birth

    Confinement is tradition in several cultures and recommended by doctors for women who have recently given birth. Restrictions are placed on the mother during this period for at least six weeks in the United States and about forty days or more in other countries. Regardless of whether you are in good shape or not, it is important for the body to have adequate time to regenerate so you can resume your normal activities before you were pregnant.

    Confinement after birth is one of the main purposes of allowing the uterus to shrink back to its pre-pregnancy state which takes about four to six weeks. Unless requested by the mother that the baby will be formula fed, breastfeeding is encouraged to help the uterus contract faster. Other techniques such as firmly massaging the uterus in a circular motion also helps release any extra bleeding that a woman experiences from giving birth. Since she already loses a lot of blood during childbirth, resting during the confinement period will keep her hemorrhaging or losing too much blood which could land her right back in the hospital. This is also a good time to have family or friends who are able to help because your stomach, torn skin, or stitched areas may be sore and so you will not have to get up unless it's necessary.

    Fatigue is another factor that should be taken into account after childbirth. Confinement is absolutely a must because of the trauma that the body goes through during childbirth. Since you should be resting until your six week checkup, then it's a good idea to get sleep and drink plenty of water especially if you are breastfeeding to keep your energy up. A woman can also monitor any overtiredness or sleep deprivation to report to the doctor. Single mothers and mothers with little help with a baby should seek any extra support from trusted people if they have other small children because they may overexert their body to care for their children.

    Confinement is beneficial to not only the mother but also the newborn emotionally. It gives both of them time to further bond from the birthing place and for the mother who may suffer from postpartum depression, it may help to build a bond between them. This is another time to monitor any overwhelming feelings or depression like symptoms which you need to immediately relay to your doctor or nurse. Confinement after childbirth does so much for your mental state away from any chaos, people or active lifestyle that may have been physically draining so you can enjoy motherhood in the best state of being.

    Why Are Mothers Overwhelmed - Three of the Most Common Mistakes That Mothers Make

    A client asked me recently, "What do you believe are the most common reasons that mothers are overwhelmed?" I thought about this great question and decided to share with you my response. I'm giving you my top three here. Enjoy!

    Mothers are overwhelmed and over scheduled due to the variety of extra-curricular activities that they find themselves in this time of the school year as well as the regular obligations of work, home and volunteer commitments. Today, mothers are no longer multitasking but instead mega tasking.

    If we follow the pattern backwards, it often points directly to the fact that moms never learn how to stop the "Mom-Me" rollercoaster. Here are some common mistakes made by mothers and another course of action they could be taking.

    1. Mothers accept unrealistic workloads and allow guilt to drive them to create schedules that don't work. They fail to delegate family chores effectively and find themselves exhausted by trying to do it all, and then blame themselves when it doesn't work out.

    Action: Mothers need to learn to delegate properly. The reason for delegating work is to get the family to help with the needs of the family. Delegated projects should always be appropriate to the ability of the child to whom it is given. If the mom is washing dishes after dinner, she has to learn to ask her spouse for help with other nighttime tasks such as bath, bed time or planning for the next day.

    2. Mothers fail to create a family culture of support. Children often have chores and have no idea of the value their task has on family living. As a result, family members don't come to understand that everyone has a vital role of supporting the family. This teaches children that if one family member forgets their important family role then it impacts the entire family community.

    Action: Mothers need to make sure that children understand not only what they are doing but why they are doing it. This builds the esteem of children and teaches them the importance of accountability. Parents need to explain to their children that active families need active family members to lighten the responsibilities to make time for these extra-curricular responsibilities. Often children have no idea of the "cost" of baseball practice on the family's schedule.

    3. Mothers can be very picky, and rigid in family expectations, and seem to focus on wanting things done in one specific manner. This makes family members feel unappreciated, that nothing they do is right, that they can never please their mom, and hence, the desire to help dies.

    Action: Mothers must be open to having things approached differently if they want help from the family. The process of involving the family to help is a process of give and take. Having a family meeting to discuss weekly task and allowing each family member to share their best alternatives for helping. Mothers must remember to praise those family members who are consistently helping out. Husbands and children love to hear that their contributions are making a difference.

    In a nutshell, the happiest mothers are those who learn how to articulate their needs clearly, get help when needed and set realistic boundaries of what they can and can not do.

    As a "coached mom ", the "Mother" has a deep understanding of the five essential strategies for personal self-care and these replace the old methods of "Mommy Martyrdom": In my book, Time for mom-Me: 5 Essential Strategies for A Mother's Self-Care, I discuss the following five tenets of self-care for moms. They are:

    Finding Time
    Creating a personal schedule that honors the mother's values, allowing the mother to set realistic boundaries and allow her to fully enjoy what she commits too.

    Finding Meaning
    In order for a mother to truly help someone else she must begin by helping herself. In order to truly be a wonderful contributor, you must help yourself first. Mothers who commit to a reduced life load find that they get more enjoyment out of life.

    Finding Connection
    Motherhood does not completely define us but enhances what already is. This involves understanding that while mothers create the lives of our children they must remember that it is their life too. When mothers establish viable supportive networks to assist them they recognize that they become stronger at parenting.

    Finding Solutions
    Anytime a mother wants to make a change in your life she must begin by raising her standards. She has to decide that she wants more out of her life. Next, a mother must understand she must change what she believes is possible and be willing to try new strategies. She must be open to learning from non-judgmental sources like "mom-coaches" about techniques, solutions and real strategies on creating ways to incorporate what she wants into her life.

    Personal Growth
    This strategy is aimed at helping mothers make shifts in their lives that leave them changed for the better. Personal growth is recognizing that mothers have the capacity to be more of who they are.

    In short, mothers have to find time for the "Me" in Mom and learn the Five Essential Strategies for a Mother's Self-care.

    Live fully,


    Wednesday, November 20, 2013

    Catastrophic Policies

    Health Insurance - Catastrophic Health Insurance Coverage

    There are healthy people who rarely need any medical care whatsoever and to pay high monthly premiums for health insurance does not seem to make sense for these people, for it seems like throwing away money in some ways. These are the cases where catastrophic insurance coverage comes into play. Catastrophic insurance coverage is for those people who are in overall good health and rarely need to see the doctor for any health concerns. This type of health insurance coverage only covers catastrophic events such as hospital stays or surgery.

    This type of insurance is only for those who are truly in optimal health, typically young and single people but not always. This type of insurance coverage is a good idea for healthy people because they are able to lower the monthly premium to a very low rate in exchange for quite a high deductible. By simply keeping a savings account with the deductible amount, or close to it, people who choose this type of insurance coverage can be prepared yet save money at the same time.

    The things that catastrophic coverage will not cover are things such as:

    regular doctor appointments- these must be paid for out of pocket, but this is not often a high price tag as doctors and insurance companies already have agreements about fees in place,

    prescription medications- an overall healthy person will rarely need prescriptions

    mental health situations- if health changes, physically or mentally, a different plan might be in order if possible

    maternity care- if couples plan to have a baby, a different health care plan is called for in order for those medical care costs for both mother and baby to be covered by health insurance.

    Pre-existing conditions will often result in the catastrophic insurance application being denied, for this type of insurance is not suitable for people with risks of needing medical care. Conditions such as:

    heart disease
    and asthma

    While this list is not exhaustive, it does show that in order to purchase a catastrophic insurance plan, the consumer should have no chronic conditions that need frequent doctor visits, regular medical treatment or prescription medications. Catastrophic health insurance coverage is a low cost way of being prepared for any big health events such as surgery or hospitalization, which are the things catastrophic insurance does cover.

    Lisa Olson's Pregnancy Miracle - 3 Considerations When Looking at Pregnancy Miracle

    In this world of fast food, on demand TV, online instant bill pay and a pill that will take care of just about anything that ails you, does Lisa Olson's Pregnancy Miracle stand up to the hype? Are you going to be truly happy with the information in this book and will the methods perform to keep pace with your life that runs at break neck speed?

    I am going to go over some of the highlights of Pregnancy Miracle that may or may not appeal to you including: Lisa Olson's 5 prong approach and why it is different from many others; The 3 months of counseling that you will receive and why this should be so important to you and how effective these methods actually are.

    Effectiveness - The overall effectiveness of the methods in Pregnancy Miracle were successful 100% of the time when Lisa Olson first tested them. Of course, she tested them on herself and became pregnant twice after 14 years of trying... and at the age of 43 when most doctors would consider a woman "high risk"... and when most women would have given up.

    Lisa Olson's initial testing of her methods that eventually became the book "Pregnancy Miracle" was on a group of 35 women aged 28 to 47 that were suffering from various issues that were keeping them from becoming pregnant including some suffering from what is vaguely referred to as "unexplained infertility" by modern medicine. Her results on her test group found that about 80% of her group of 35 participants became pregnant within three months... some sooner.

    5 Prong Approach - The methods in Lisa Olson's Pregnancy Miracle are not simply a dietary regimen for you to follow or a list of foods for you to avoid. The "method" is actually a five pronged approach focused upon helping to correct the underlying issues that have kept you from becoming pregnant so far. It incorporates Traditional Chinese Medicine in a holistic way that has been used and proven extremely effective for centuries leading back through history.

    The shear amount of information in this 240 page book should be enough to tell you that Lisa Olson didn't skimp on sharing all of her knowledge and years of extensive research with you. This is no pamphlet or condensed version of a book on how to get pregnant. This is the accumulation of some methods that are almost a lost science these days... methods that have been pushed aside by modern medicine. But are they effective? You bet they are. In fact, many of these same methods are beginning to be accepted once again and used, in part, by infertility clinics and specialists just within the last year or so.

    So, if you're looking for a "simple" way to get pregnant easily this might not be for you. This is not a "pop a pill" cure for infertility. This is over 240 pages of information that will help you to become pregnant by actually fixing the underlying issues holistically. Is it effective? Yes. Is it powerful? Yes. Is it quick? In many cases the answer is yes, as you read above. But will it require you to do some things and make some changes? Yes.

    3 Months of Counseling - Along with the helpful advice, tips and guidance in Lisa Olson's Pregnancy Miracle you will receive 3 months of counseling from the author herself. This means that if you have any questions, concerns or need any additional specific guidance related to your particular set of circumstances you will have access to Lisa Olson herself.

    If you want to know what kind of success rate these methods have shown for couples with your particular problem you can find out directly from the one person who would know for sure. This should help you to move forward with a tremendous amount of confidence in knowing exactly what has worked for couples in your exact circumstances.

    Overall, we have to admit that given the amount of information, the testing and found effectiveness of the methods in Lisa Olson's Pregnancy Miracle and the authors offer to give her personal one on one support we feel that this should be considered as a likely avenue that you should check out if you are suffering from infertility. Add to this the fact that many of these methods have been used for centuries and you should agree that Lisa Olson is on to something here with her book Pregnancy Miracle.

    Andrea Yates and Post Partum Depression

    Can postpartum depression become so invasive as to cause a mother to kill her children? Since this very rarely happens, many scoff at the prospect. Interestingly enough, postpartum psychosis was first recognized as a disorder as far back as 1850. According to Pregnancy Infonet, (2007), studies on the rates of the disorder have shown that the number of women experiencing postpartum psychosis hasn't changed since the mid 1800s. Expert psychologists, psychiatrists, and behavioral scientists are discovering that postpartum depression can, if not treated promptly and properly over an extended period of time most definitely can escalate to psychosis. Doctor statements and evaluations, insufficient treatment, and failed suicides are things that must be considered in determining Andrea Yates mental defect at the time of her crime.

    It has been argued that due to some of Yates' logical and thought out actions that these prove she was sane at the time of the incident. The fact that, on two occasions she refused medication and on another occasion she stopped taking her medication. The fact that she had done a "practice run" of filling up the bathtub and, individually tracked her children down and drug them to their death are all arguments that are being touted as evidence that she had full knowledge of what she was doing.

    To understand the concept of Postpartum depression and Postpartum psychosis, one must first realize that the two illnesses are not synonymous. Postpartum depression is described as something that can start at anytime within one year of birth. There is usually sadness, common after such an ordeal as birth, and of course a loss of energy, also a common thing after giving birth. Sometimes there will be a bout with the inability to concentrate, especially for first time mothers and along with that, anxiety about motherhood. All these are symptoms of postpartum depression. Not every woman experiences these and some may experience only a few of them. However, these symptoms are quite different than those of postpartum psychosis. Catherine Roca, (April, 2005)

    Dr. Dan Williams, Psy.D., PA-C, "Peace and Healing", (2006), describes post partum psychosis as "very rare". He goes on to say that "It is characterized by homicidal and suicidal impulses, hallucinations, delusions, disorganized and bizarre thinking." Dr. Williams goes on to further describe some of the consistent characteristics of one who suffers postpartum psychosis.

    "The dilemma is that these individuals usually refuse treatment. This is a medical emergency situation. If post-partum psychosis is suspected, families need to call 911 as emergency intervention is necessary. Medication most likely will be prescribed. The ultimate goal is to keep the baby and mother safe." "Peace and Healing", (2006)

    Yates was first diagnosed July 21, 1999 as having severe major depression by Eileen Starbranch, MD. This diagnoses, came after her attempted suicides. During her week stay at Methodist Hospital Psychiatric Unit, she was diagnosed as having severe major depressive disorder, recurrent with psychotic features. Additional problems diagnosed were social withdrawal and minimal verbal communications. It was during this psychological evaluation that Andrea Yates admitted to having thoughts of hurting herself or someone else.

    Eileen Starbranch, MD, Court TV, Psychiatric Evaluation July (1999) On August 5, 1999, Dr. Starbranch along with Dr. Arturo Rics, M.D., had a consultation regarding continued care of Andrea. The findings of this consultation revealed that the onset of her depression began about six week prior along with symptoms of psychosis. Much of the documentation that was reviewed by both physicians indicated that Andrea remained reclusive, guarded and still had a persistent, depressed mood. Eventually Andrea did respond to some degree to her medication but was warned by Dr. Starbranch not to have another child as this could bring on another psychotic episode.

    Dr. Arturo Rics, M.D., Dr. Starbranch, MD, Methodist Hospital Psychiatric Center July (1999) Another psychiatrist, Dr. Melissa R. Ferguson, former medical director of psychiatric services at the Harris County Jail, gave testimony that in her opinion, Yates was suffering from psychosis. According to Dr. Ferguson, Yates told her she believed that the cartoon characters on television were telling her how bad she was for giving her children "too much candy and cereal". Ferguson also testified that she believed that Andrea was incapable of understanding the consequences of what she did. Dr. Milissa, Former Director, Harris County Jail.

    Andrea Yates had all the classic symptoms of post partum psychosis. Even though medication was administered, there was little supervision to ensure that she followed doctor's orders. Her hospital stays were short and therefore not effective in a medically supervised environment assuring that at best the possibility of her harming herself or others was sufficiently minimized.

    There is absolutely do doubt in anyone's mind that Andrea Yates did in fact drown her children in a bathtub. There is no doubt that the "how" was too horrible to fathom. Because of the rarity of this condition and its horrendous results if not treated, many Americans, particular women, will judge women like Andrea Yates without compassion for the suffer or the effort to learn and understand the illness. What those individuals should realize is that by understanding this catastrophic illness, it in no way condones the actions done as a result of that illness.

    In conclusion, the state of Texas is to be applauded in its efforts to recognize this rare, yet debilitating and extremely dangerous illness. The Andrea Yates bill became affective September 3, 2003 and it states the following:

    "Postpartum depression (PPD) is a serious disorder, each year affecting 10% to 15% of women who have delivered children. This disorder, despite its high prevalence, often goes undetected and untreated. In an attempt to address this public health problem, the State of Texas has enacted legislation, House Bill 341 (also known as the "Andrea Yates Bill"), which went into effect on September 1, 2003. This law requires healthcare providers who treat pregnant women to provide them with resource information regarding counseling for postpartum depression and other emotional traumas associated with pregnancy and parenting."
    Blue Corss/Blue Shield of TexasPostpartum Depression and House Bill 341


    BlueCross BlueShield of Texas; Postpartum Depression and House Bill 341

    (2007) Retrieved on September 9, 2007 from the World Wide Web:

    Ferguson, Dr. Melissa R. Former

    Medical Director of Psychiatric Services at the Harris County Jail. Retrieved on September 8, 2007
    from the World Wide Web:

    Roca, Catherine , Chief, Women's Programs, (2005) Depression During and After Pregnancy

    National Institute of Mental Health, (April 2005). Retrieved on September 7, 2007 from the World
    Wide Web: []

    The Pregnancy-Info Team, Postpartum Psychosis (2007) Retrieved on September 7, 2007 from the World Wide Web:

    Starbranch, Eileen, M.D. Court TV

    Retrieved on September 9, 2007 from the World Wide Web:

    Williams, Dan Psy.D., PA-C, (2006) Peace and Healing.

    Retrieved on September 7, 2007 from the World Wide Web:

    Yoga For a Pregnant Woman

    We cannot overemphasize the delicate condition that most women experience during pregnancy. In fact, as a pregnant woman, you are encouraged to seek prenatal and postnatal care to make this difficult stage in your life more bearable. Health care providers encourage you to perform regular exercises that are suitable to your condition. These exercises are expected to make you better fit during the entire nine- month period and lessen difficult moments during your labor and childbirth.

    Have you ever thought about practicing yoga during pregnancy? Did you know that nowadays, more and more pregnant women resort to yoga to prepare them for the painful moment of childbirth, and even the challenging world of motherhood?

    Being pregnant will of course not allow you just to perform the regular routines that require strenuous postures which may pose complications to your delicate condition. You shall not be allowed to do back bending; balancing poses on one leg, camel, handstands and headstands as well as upward bow, to ensure the safety of both you and your baby.

    Breathing techniques used during yoga exercises provide oxygen to your whole body. This gives benefit to the fetus because of the pumping in of the charged blood. In addition, the breathing exercises result to the soothing of muscle tension and muscle cramps which are always normally experienced during pregnancy.

    In terms of physical fitness, the mild yogic exercises allowed for pregnant women like you will help maintain your muscle tone. These muscle tones are particularly for the back and the pelvis, the body parts that take on the most pressure during the nine-month period of pregnancy and one year thereafter.

    On the other hand, yogic sleep calms the mind and body and to some extent prevents the trauma during childbirth. Stretching and gentle toning exercises modified specifically for you can really work wonderfully to prepare your body not only for delivering your baby but for caring as well. Prenatal and postnatal depressions are common problems of would-be mothers like you. But practicing yoga exercises calms and relaxes the mind and allows your worries and fears to vanish. The peace within you descends to your child and this makes childbirth bearable.

    Generally speaking, the great benefits you can acquire with the practice of yoga during pregnancy cannot be outweighed by the risks other people may think about. To avoid any risk and enjoy the full benefits of a peaceful and enjoyable journey to motherhood, you have the responsibility of checking it out first with your doctor if you are in the right condition to practice yoga.

    Because different people have different strengths and weaknesses, what is usually good to one may not be good for you. You have to carefully check with your yoga teacher which exercises are allowed during each stage of pregnancy. You should also be able to share with him if you have certain conditions that may prevent you from doing certain positions or exercises. But most of all, you should be very conscious about the effects of each activity to you as you go along to ensure that you and your baby are protected from harm.

    Pilates Home Equipment - How Pregnancy Pilates Will Help You Stay Fit For the Delivery and After It

    Pilates is a special method which involves mental and physical exercise for strengthening the abdominal section and the back. It focuses on stretching and breathing with certain principles to follow. Pilates during pregnancy is really beneficial as it tones your abdomen and pelvic floor.

    The principles of pregnancy Pilates are Centering, Concentration, Control, Precision, Breath and Flow (CCCPBF). The blend of all these principles will improve the balance with such as ease that one would never actually realize it happening. Many pregnancy Pilates DVDs and books are available in the market now. You can learn the techniques by following the live demo by the experts on the DVDs.

    Pilates during pregnancy will ensure that pregnancy and labour are comfortable. It will also help you tone your body into shape after pregnancy as well. Pilates are functionally Pre natal and Post natal. Not only will it ensure a comfortable delivery, it will also help you to get back into shape after the pregnancy.

    Prenatal pilates will help a woman to relax and stay fit and calm during pregnancy. It also prepares the women towards motherhood. It is always advisable to start the prenatal Pilates once you become 14 weeks pregnant.

    Before you start Pregnancy Pilates, there are few things which you might need to closely follow.

    You can consider these as the Do's and Don'ts of Pilates:

    · Consult a doctor and get an approval for practising Pilates.
    · Pilates should be practiced under an instructor/expert and not alone or in seclusion.
    · Do not strain yourself by overdoing it.
    · Do not stretch too much, move within a limited range as ligaments tend too loosen during pregnancy.
    · Avoid lying on your back during second and third semester.

    You may join Pilates classes or get yourself a copy of pregnancy Pilates DVD for your Pilates home equipment collection. One thing which you'll always need to keep in mind is to follow the principles of Pilates and practice it within you range and not to stretch too much.

    There are several sites which offer pregnancy Pilates DVD where you can see the live demo performed by various Pilates experts. These DVD's come with workouts for each phases of your pregnancy. The exercise performed in these pregnancy Pilates DVDs are performed by the experts themselves and some of the experts where pregnant while they filmed the exercise videos.

    Pilates, as already mentioned earlier, focuses on breathing which helps in relaxation and also prove healthier to your baby as there is more intake of oxygen. It is believed to be a good form of exercise which helps in fitness even during the pregnancy. The nature of this exercise is very gentle and also there is no much need to stretch beyond your reach.

    There are several types of stretch and toning exercise under Pilates. Some of them which prove to be beneficial during pregnancy are The Saw, Leg front pull, Spine twist, Side kick, Back strength etc. These exercises involve simple and slow stretching movements.

    If you were practicing Pilates before pregnancy, you can modify your movements according to your existing needs and condition. Remember, do not rush or advance your level once you are pregnant. Do not overdo the movements which strain your abdomen as this might not be favorable to your unborn baby.

    Tuesday, November 19, 2013

    Increase Your New York Maternity Leave Pay by Applying For Short Term Disability Insurance

    How long can you pay your bills on $170 per week - before taxes? The New York area has the nation's highest cost of living, and some of the highest incomes to help pay those bills. While the New York State Short Term Disability Insurance is good to have should you miss work, it does not replace a significant percentage of most New Yorker's income.

    New York Disability Benefits May Fall Short

    Who feels this the most? New York women preparing for maternity leave. They are expecting to be out of work for six to eight weeks for normal delivery, and may be shocked to discover how little income replacement they will get.

    For example, a woman earning $52,000 per year earns about $1,000 per week. Her New York State Short Term Disability payout equates to only 17% of her normal income. That's equivalent to an 87% pay cut!

    Many women can't afford an 87% pay cut for eight weeks, much less if she is disabled longer. What will happen if she is also out of work prior to delivery because of pregnancy complications? Or if she experiences complications during delivery and needs additional time to heal before returning to work? Or if she has an accident or illness that prevents her from working?

    Increase your Level of Disability Coverage

    Women can increase their maternity leave pay by applying for supplemental short term disability before conception. An individual short term disability insurance policy can replace up to 2/3 of income, and will be paid in addition to the NY State Disability benefit. The benefit can be paid free of any tax consequences, bringing take-home-income replacement very close to 100%.

    Supplemental Short Term Disability can create maternity leave income, while also protecting your family in case of pregnancy complications, delivery complications, premature birth, accidents, and illnesses. It covers your maternity leave for normal delivery, plus pays benefits for the unexpected medical events that cause you to miss work.

    Other Possible Gaps In Coverage

    Short Term Disability in New York has other limitations and gaps that women with a growing family should know.

    • The benefits end after 26 weeks - What if you are disabled for a year? Can you continue to pay your bills?

    • The benefits are taxable - Depending upon your state, federal, and FICA tax rates, your take home pay could be considerably less.

    • Government workers are exempt - If you work for a state, county, city, township, or boro entity you may not have coverage.

    • Teachers are Government workers - You may not have coverage if your union did not request this benefit.

    Get the right amount of coverage for your pregnancy and maternity leave by applying for short term disability insurance before getting pregnant.

    Lifelong Developments: The Practical Uses of Developmental Psychology

    The eyes and ears with which we see and hear life are not the same from when we are born to when we grow older. Human perception plays a large part in our personalities and behavior. Because this perception is constantly changing, our psychological and emotional lives are always in flux. The study of developmental psychology is the scientific study that deals with these changes over the course of our lives.

    Developmental psychology is often thought of in terms of having the greatest impact within three spheres of influence: social context, cultural context, and socioeconomic context. This is in contrast to the theory that most psychological and behavioral patterns in humans are innate, and that we are born with them. It is the classic nature versus nurture approach, and while one hundred per cent of emphasis should never go each way, it has been a major breakthrough in how we understand ourselves since developmental psychology has become more common place, not only in theory, but also in practical applications as well.

    Many career training programs these days incorporate developmental psychology as part of their coursework. Faculties dealing with community studies are one example, with programs preparing students for careers in childcare, human resources, social services and educational assistants. Healthcare faculties also have many programs that teach developmental psychology. For example, someone attending a school of nursing will attend classes focusing on the theories of personality growth through developmental psychology.

    What are some ways an aspiring nurse can actually take advantage of developmental psychology theory?

    - Working in pre-natal maternity care, a nurse can assist a soon-to-be mother in preparing the right kind of household environment that will not only be healthy and safe, but will foster a positive and happy environment.

    - Neo-natal care, where nurses may have to treat the baby for physical illness and injury, and where knowing the root cause of the problem may involve more than a physical mishap, but be related to the baby's attempting to grasp their reality in their environments.

    - Early childhood and youth care, it is important for a nurse to be aware of influences outside the direct sphere of the parents and household, for this is a time when the cause of problems may not be fully understood by the patient or their caregivers. This actually becomes even more the case in adolescents and teenagers as well.

    - Old age, here nurses are often working with patients who will constantly need assistance for the rest of their lives. Dealing with the psychological impact of palliative care and death can have major consequences on the health and comfort of the patient in these years.

    Nursing is an extremely complicated and multi-faceted profession that works with every aspect of the individual's mental and physical life, and in every stage from birth to death. Getting a strong knowledge of developmental psychology from a nursing school can round off any technical and medical expertise to make a good practitioner also an intelligent and caring person.

    How to Improve Your Chances of Becoming Pregnant: Things You Need to Know

    Pregnancy is arguably the biggest accomplishment that a woman can achieve in her lifetime. Women, want to get pregnant because this is heralds the start of a new chapter in their lives. Getting pregnant paves a way for having children and starting a family of your own. Pregnancy is indeed a celebration of womanhood. While some women get pregnant easily, others have a more difficult time. Thus, it is very important that regular check-ups with your doctor are done to help you identify if there is a problem.

    With today's technology, you might think that pregnancy problems can be sorted easily. However, it can be a very complicated process. Some couples have looked after their health and lifestyle and have just the perfect timing. For some other couples, however, health and stress-related issues get in the way of the woman conceiving. While doctors can be very helpful with some of the ways related to a successful conception, there are ways and certain times that can increase your likelihood of becoming pregnant. Below are some tips that you may find useful or you will want to share with a friend:

    • Break bad habits. Having a healthier lifestyle is crucial to getting pregnant. Smoking and drinking alcohol can cause serious reproductive health hazards thus decreasing your chances of conceiving. If you want to get pregnant easily, it is better to choose a healthier lifestyle. Stay away from your vices.

    • Keep your mind and body healthy. Engage in various activities that can help your body become fitter and healthier. Also, eating healthy foods can help you achieve your plans of getting pregnant. Learning to do meditation can be helpful with any stress and keeping positive as well. Having a sound mind helps you relax from all the stress that you encounter in your social circles. Stress is a very big hindrance to becoming pregnant. Learn to give yourself much deserved breaks and time to relax by yourself, to relieve any anxiety and stress. A stress-free life will definitely help increase your chances.

    • Foreplay is better than synthetic lubricants. Engage in foreplay with your partner as this allows your sexual act be more sensual and more invigorating. Your vagina has natural lubricants that can help the sperm perform more efficiently.

    • Engage in sexual acts when you are at your most fertile. Knowing your menstrual cycle by heart is an important factor, because you will know when conception is most likely to be successful. You can calculate your most fertile time by knowing your average monthly period cycle and your ovulation time to determine this.

    • Douching your vagina can have detrimental effects. The natural environment of your vagina is an excellent environment for your husband's or partner's sperm. Douching also affects your vagina's normal lubrication. Douching decreases your chances of getting pregnant.

    If you follow the tips that are specific for your needs, together with your doctor's expert advice, you will increase your chances of conceiving. It is very important to have a healthy mind and body all the time, so that your reproductive system will not be affected negatively. Technology may have some other options to having a baby, but you can achieve it on your own. The result will be far more rewarding, and there will be less chance of complications or unexpected happenings, such as twins, etc. Both of you need to stay positive and clean up you act to have a healthy diet and lifestyle, then pregnancy will happen when the time is right. When the day comes you will look back and say it was all worth it.

    Finding Affordable Health Insurance While Pregnant

    In the United States, there are currently approximately 41 million people who are uninsured. Throughout the health care debate, you have likely heard the statistics. Of this group, roughly 13 percent are women who are pregnant and due to either not having insurance or being under-insured, even, many will not get adequate prenatal care. Many insurance plans consider being pregnant a Prue-existing condition, and Medicaid only excepts pregnant women who meet certain income criteria, and this causes a great number to fall through the cracks. These women may make over the income guidelines and this causes a problem because pregnancy care is expensive- the average birth free of complications usually will cost around six to eight thousand dollars, alone. That's to say nothing of the extremely high cost of a high risk situation. A cesarean birth usually runs around $10,638. Though under Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act, it is not technically a pre-existing condition, there may be some exceptions that cause a pregnant woman to be declined coverage. This is also only if the plan already includes maternity care, so, make sure that you're clear on exactly where you stand with your insurer or with a prospective insurer.

    If you are a pregnant woman who is uninsured, there may be options available to you. Firstly, make sure that you are ineligible for Medicaid- some people believe that they may not be eligible, when they actually are. Also, on a state by state basis you may find that there are other options available to you by checking with your state's health department. There are also many health care discount programs out there that can help- doing some research on line and with your health care provider may help you to find those programs which can help you.

    Another thing to consider as an option is a birthing center rather than a hospital. Many birthing centers will accept a non-complicated pregnancy on a sliding scale at a much lower cost than a hospital. Check around in your area to find out where the birthing centers closest to you are, and find out if perhaps you are able to utilize that option. Some hospitals actually also have a sliding scale program and if you speak to someone in the account office, and are willing to work out a payment plan for self pay patients.

    These are just a few of the options you may be able to find if you are pregnant and uninsured. However, you may want to check with a few insurance providers before you decide that you cannot get coverage- not all insurance providers will consider you completely insurable, and some may offer insurance at perhaps a higher premium with some stipulations. You may also wish to ask about stand alone plans for pregnancy- some offer this and not too many people are aware that such options exist, so, when in doubt, make sure that you are asking about the coverage you need before you decide that you won't get it.

    Hormone Infertility - Simple Tests and Treatment Can Help You Become Pregnant

    Hormone deficiencies or imbalances between the various hormone levels are the principal cause or a key indicator leading to underlying causes of most infertility. Generally, you won't know whether your hormones are okay until your gynecologist orders blood tests when you begin infertility diagnosis.

    What Are Hormones?

    Hormones are chemicals produced by your own body, in your endocrine gland, and are carried through your blood to various parts of your body to control or regulate body functions. They can affect your metabolism, growth, immunity, reproduction and other functions. Effects are mostly physical, but some emotional responses also may be influenced. Hormones aren't good or bad, they are just there in your body, and have to be checked and treated if the levels are keeping you from becoming pregnant.

    Hormone levels are measured by the lab where your blood and urine samples will be collected. They may be tested at multiple times during your cycle. The most important hormones affecting you fertility include:

    - FSH - follicle-stimulating hormone - crucially important for development of follicles in the ovaries that lead to egg production
    - hCG - human chorionic gonadotrophin - made after conception that stimulates production of progesterone (another hormone) needed to support pregnancy
    - LH - luteinizing hormone - necessary to support the production of estrogen and progesterone and needed for release of ovulation-ready eggs
    - Estrogen - supports the production of uterine lining which is needed for firm implanting of the fertilized egg

    Male Hormones

    For your partner, diagnosing infertility may simply be completed by a semen analysis ordered by a urologist. If the lab-collected sample shows semen that passes standards for quantity and quality, there is no further diagnosis required. He would be deemed fertile because he is able to deliver what he must supply for conception to occur.

    If the analysis shows abnormalities, however, his blood will be tested for testosterone - the main male hormone - and also for levels of LH and FSH because they may affect sperm quantity and quality.

    Hormone Functions and Timing

    Knowing terminology of phases within your menstrual cycle can help you understand how your hormones function and interact. Menstrual cycle phases:

    - Follicular - days 1 - 13 days (day one is the first day of menstrual flow)
    - Ovulation - days 14 - 17
    - Luteal - after ovulation, days 18 - 29

    During the follicular phase, follides in your ovaries normally produce one mature egg. Doctors may treat low-FSH patients with an injection of Gonal-f to improve the likelihood of egg production. And the doctor can inject LH if you have low LH levels. Estradiol (another hormone) will also be monitored to prevent early ovulation. If it is too high, the doctor can inject Cetrotide to slow down ovulation until the egg is mature.

    During ovulation, your LH should peak to ensure sufficient levels of estrogen and progesterone for fertilization to occur. During this phase, you should engage in frequent intercourse to increase your chances to fertilize the egg.

    During the luteal phase, your progesterone level can be monitored to ensure the uterus will be ready to receive and implant the fertilized egg. If your progesterone is low, the doctor can prescribe medication to raise the level.


    If your doctor finds hormone deficiencies or imbalances, they can usually be treated successfully by taking prescribed medication or getting hormone injections. You can usually expect to become pregnant without further treatment.

    What Intended Parents Pay For in Surrogacy

    Whether you have decided to become a surrogate mother, or you are looking to find a surrogate mother, the question of what fees and costs intended parents pay for in surrogacy is a big one. Pregnancy, and an IVF pregnancy in particular, can be quite costly.

    The short answer is, if it relates to pregnancy, the intended parents pay for it. These expenses can add up fast. The following lists some common fees that intended parents pay.

    If a surrogate mother has her own health insurance, that does not exclude surrogacy, then this should be used. The intended parents should NOT reimburse her for her regular insurance, but should pay for a policy if she does not have one.

    Medical Expenses
    All medical expenses that are not covered by a surrogate mother's health insurance will be the responsibility of the intended parents. This includes if she loses her health insurance, or if the provider decides not to pay for the pregnancy.

    Clinic Fees
    All fees from the IVF clinic (not used in traditional surrogacy) are the responsibility of the intended parents. This also includes all medications and all tests the clinic requires of the gestational surrogate mother.

    Attorney Fees
    Both the intended parents' attorney and the surrogate mother's attorney will be paid for by the intended parents. They will also need to pay all legal fees associated with the birth of the surrogate baby.

    Agency Fees
    If an agency is used, all the fees should be paid by the intended parents. This fee can be avoided by finding an independent match.

    Surrogate Fees
    The fees that the traditional or gestational surrogate mother requires will be outlined in the surrogacy contract. The intended parents are responsible for all these fees, as they are described.

    Miscellaneous Fees
    Things like travel, childcare, lost wages, prenatal vitamins, and doctors office copays should be paid for by the intended parents. The surrogate mother should receive reimbursement on these items in addition to her compensation.

    The expenses that intended parents are responsible for can be quite large, and more than intimidating. If you are considering surrogacy as a solution to creating your family, it is best to research these fees and be prepared in advance.

    It is not unrealistic to assume that added up, all of these various fees can come to more than $50-100,000. It is so hard to put a better number on it since each situation is different.

    Lawyers may charge more in one state than another. An experienced gestational surrogate mother will request more in compensation than a first time traditional surrogate mother. A pregnancy might not be achieved on a first IVF transfer but may require three cycles, or four.

    And even after all the big expenses are paid, there are a myriad of smaller, everyday items that add up over time. Maternity clothing, prenatal vitamins, pregnancy tests. These things cost money.

    A surrogate pregnancy can be a very expensive undertaking. But in the end, having your own child to hold in your arms is worth it.

    Monday, November 18, 2013

    Best Sexual Position to Get Pregnant With a Boy Baby

    Gender selection is not a new concept; people have been trying to influence whether they have a boy baby or a girl baby for hundreds of years. Fortunately we now know a lot more about how our bodies work and for this reason we can influence our baby's gender or sex in many ways including what sexual position we use.

    Why This Method of Getting Pregnant With a Boy Works

    As you probably already know, it is the male or rather his sperm that is responsible for whether you have a boy or a girl baby. The Y chromosome sperm (boy sperm) is very fast and can reach the egg quickest in a race, but they don't live long and can often die within a day or two. The X chromosome sperm (girl sperm) live a lot longer (sometimes up to five days) and can reach the egg at any time, often once the boy sperm have already died off.

    That means that timing is important in getting pregnant with a boy. The closer you can have sex to when you ovulate - when the egg is released - then the more chance you have of getting a boy baby.

    Best Sexual Position to Conceive a Boy Baby

    So now that you know that you have to have sex as close to ovulation as possible so that the Y sperm reaches the egg first there are also a number of sexual intercourse positions that can help improve your chances of getting a boy.

    The most common is the rear entry position (often called the doggie position). This is where the woman is either in all fours position kneeling on the bed or floor and the man enters her from behind, or she is lying on her stomach with her legs kneeling on the bed or floor. This gives access to deep penetration and so the sperm is deposited right at the entrance to the cervix. Since they are not very strong, the Y sperm has a shorter distance to travel and will more likely reach the egg first and you will conceive a boy.

    4 Tips to Avoid Postpartum Depression - Pay Attention to Yourself

    Over 80% of women experience mood instability during the postpartum phase, the mildest of which is called the "baby blues". Symptoms of the baby blues include mood swings and crying, which fades relatively quickly. However, in some cases, baby blues can progress into Postpartum Depression, which occurs in 10% to 20% of postnatal women. Postpartum Depression is a moderate to severe depression that occurs in a woman after giving birth. In very rare cases, Postpartum Depression can lead to Postpartum Psychosis, a very serious illness that involves hallucinations and delusions, among other symptoms. By paying close attention to your body, you can significantly reduce the likelihood of developing Postpartum Depression.

    The following are tips to help in avoiding Postpartum Depression:

    1. Rest, rest, rest: This is much easier said than done, right? However, fatigue is a major contributing factor in the development of Postpartum Depression. Women should rest when their baby is sleeping. This is not the time to do the laundry, clean the bathroom and wash the dishes. In fact, try to do these things while your baby is awake, calm and alert. Find a safe place, nearby, for them to stay while you do the household chores. Better yet, elicit help from your partner, friend or family to get the work done. You can, instead, try to use this time to eat or bathe; a baby can go with you into the bathroom and stay safe in a portable car seat, cradle or Pack 'n Play. Common signs of sleep deprivation include poor concentration, memory loss, social ineptness, tiredness and irritability (many of which are also signs of depression).

    2. Proper Nutrition: It is no secret that fatty foods and empty calories are not good for the postpartum woman (or anyone for that matter) but did you know that certain healthy foods can help to improve your mood almost immediately? The brain is highly responsive to the foods we eat. In fact, the neurotransmitter, Norepinephrine, which affects your mood, is regulated by Vitamin C. Oranges, strawberries and other citrus fruits are rich in Vitamin C. Red peppers and bell peppers contain even more. Eating one of these fruits or vegetables can instantly elevate your mood. Reach for a piece of fruit as opposed to a fatty snack. Don't forget your green, leafy vegetables (easily obtained in a bag of salad) and be sure to drink adequate amounts of water; stay away from caffeine and soda pop.

    3. Lower Your Stress Level: Again, this is easier said than done. However,

    a. For money issues, when increasing income is not an option, lower your spending (check out the book, The Complete Tightwad Gazette, by Amy Dacyczyn. It is full of tips on easy ways to save and cut back on your spending).

    b. If possible, distance yourself, at least temporarily, from stressful relationships.

    c. Try not to take on too many activities and commitments. Now, more than ever, is a time for you to put yourself and your immediate family first.

    4. Make Quadruple Batches of Meals: When taking the time to make a meal, increase your effort by a relatively small margin and make four batches instead of one. Have the second batch as leftovers and freeze the other two batches for a quick, already-prepared, healthy family meal. Even when you are making a sandwich, make two or three; put the other ones in the refrigerator and they are ready for you to consume within the next few days.