Saturday, April 27, 2013

Pregnancy Insurance For Pregnant Women

If you've become pregnant, then congratulations and your baby is most welcome in this world. But a bit of concern for you is that approximately 13% (780, 000) pregnant women don't have access to pregnancy or maternity insurances or coverages resulting in inadequate & concerning prenatal care.

Here's the pregnancy insurance stats for reference-

a. 13% of all pregnancy are uninsured,

b. 12% of all birth are premature,

c. 57% of uninsured pregnant women neglect their prenatal care, till the six months of their pregnancy.

d. At any given point, 40-80 million Americans are remain uninsured, and

e. Approximately 1 in 10 American babies are born under-weight.

It is possible that you have a health insurance that doesn't cover maternity benefits or you may be under-insured. But getting maternity benefits through maternity health insurance is going to be tough for you, if you're already pregnant. In that case you'll have to look for other alternatives.

And the good alternatives are applying for Medicaid as it accepts pre-existing conditions, if you're qualified for it. Medicaid is a federal govt. funded state insurance program, administered by states for low-income individuals & families. Medicaid money is paid directly to your health-care service providers for the health-care services you received.

So, in case of Medicaid insurance, your pre-existing condition of pregnancy is acceptable. The only criterion you've to qualify is your level of income that varies from state to state. If you earn less than $30, 000. 00 a year, you are normally qualify for Medicaid and that's the most economical way of getting good health-care services.

You may find other options that serves additional programs such as Medi-cal that accepts pre-existing conditions, from the state of California. For details info, you may locally contact your Health Departments by State.

WIC (Women, Infants and Children) is another federal agency that safeguards the health of low-income women, infants & children under age of 5 by way of providing supplemental foods, nutrition education, health-care referrals, infants & children, who are at nutritional risks. (For more info, visit my blog)

There are a lot of alternatives to Medicaid and traditional pregnancy health insurance. They are heavily discounted alternative routes and smoothly help you out of the crisis.

Maternity Card:Although its not an insurance itself, it works with a National Preferred Provider Maternity Network that provides you with a comprehensive maternity plan, even if you're a pregnant.

AmeriPlan is another heavily discounted (up to 50%) health-care plans that are available in almost all states except Alaska. And by paying a specified monthly subscription, as per various product plans, you can get into its nation-wide services through vast network of service providers.

AmeriPlan covers all pre-existing conditions (except orthodentic treatment in progress) and you don't have to think about deductibles, annual limits, waiting period, claim form & other formalities (For details, visit my blog).

Personal Prenatal Care: It consists programs like exercise, nutrition, vitamins, regular Check-ups, things to avoid during pregnancy that fosters healthy pregnancy.

Birth Center: This is a health-care option that serves you to provide you with homely environment, safe & securely. Its affordable and provides you with economical maternity services.

Home Birth:Some women are having a sort of fascination to have a birth naturally. And Midwives normally perform the major role in home birth. Home-birth costs around 60% less than the traditional hospital birth.

Now, that you're pregnant, you may love to get into a program like Pregnancy Week By Week as your baby is growing inside you. Its totally Free(For details visit the blog). Look for more issues of similar content.

Why Are So Many Women Addicted To Pole Fitness?

Pole fitness is a great form of exercise. Women all over the world are addicted to this amazing form of exercise. This activity which until 12 years ago only occurred in gentleman's clubs is now taking place in dance studios, gyms and people homes. It is extremely popular as a form of exercise. It is a combination of dance, acrobatics and gymnastics. But why are so many women addicted to this form of exercise, why are so many women poleaholics?

There are perhaps a number of reasons why it is such a popular form of exercise. Perhaps the challenge of a new and exciting sport, the improvement in body image and shape, endorphin release and perhaps the attraction of doing something that is seen by some as a little risque are why this exercise is so popular.

Just like with other forms of exercise there are a range of physical and emotional benefits for health. Exercise is essential to a persons well-being. Endorphins are released during exercise, the endorphins produce a general state of well-being and can produce feelings of euphoria. Exercise can help people recover from mild depression quicker and good mental health is correlated with participating in exercise as people age. Cardiovascular exercise helps to release endorphins and induce a mood high. Pole dancing is a form of cardiovascular exercise and helps to improve peoples mood. This explains why some ladies have recovered from post natal depression and anorexia. The life's of many women have indeed improved due to the release of endorphins produced from participating in pole fitness. The benefit to a persons mood is what encourages a person to continue with this form of exercise and then become addicted.

Many ladies who take up pole fitness have never taken part in exercise before so these ladies see a vast improvement in body shape and in turn body image. The cardiovascular element of this sport burns calories and in turn ladies can lose weight. The strength element of this dance form tones ladies arms, abdominals, bottoms and legs. The improved body shape and image keeps them coming back for more.

Body image is also improved as ladies become used to seeing themselves in a mirror whilst wearing only hot pants and a vest top. They are surrounding by other women with the same lumps and bumps all wearing the same attire. They see that they are exactly the same as everyone else. Thus improving the image of themselves.

Wearing pole dancing shoes to this dance class means that it does not feel like they are taking part in exercise. The platform and heel gives the illusion of longer leaner legs, again another way in which this form of exercise makes ladies feel good about themselves.

There is a huge social aspect to these sessions. Women meet new people from all walks of life. Many make new friends that they keep for life. Whilst at an aerobics session women are too tired to chat, at pole sessions women often chat to one another in between goes on the pole. This creates a friendly atmosphere where girls encourage each other along and cheer and clap when someone perfects a move or gets it for the first time.

Ladies are perhaps both attracted to and shy of starting this new exercise regime due to the stigma which is attached to the dance form. Ladies are shy to start and some are totally repelled from the idea of staring this form due to the perceived risquenature. However those that take the plunge realise that whilst learning it is far from attractive. Women are covered in bruises and often look like baby elephants when first attempting new moves. That is not very sexy at all.

Pre-Eclampsia And Pregnancy - What To Know About Pre-Eclampsia

The condition of pre-eclampsia or induced hypertension is potentially fatal if not treated during pregnancy. It is common during the first pregnancy and its prevalent with multiple births. Induced hypertension also known as toxemia can lead to convulsions or fits, a serious complication known as eclampsia.

Be aware of the warning signals of induced hypertension which includes severe headache, hypertension, rapid weight gain, oedema or accumulation of fluid in different parts of the body mostly at the face, hands, ankles and feet, convulsion which may likely happen on the second period of pregnancy, positive protein in the urine or proteinuria, dizziness, excessive vomiting and nausea, change in vision including blurred vision, light-sensitive eyes and vision loss, upper abdominal pain usually at the right side.

Toxemia can happen to every pregnant mother, but as studies show there will be greater risk to the following women; a first time mom whose sisters or mother had suffered pre-eclampsia, a pregnant mother with more than one baby, teens and young mothers under the age of 18, women older than age 35, including women who developed high blood pressure during a previous pregnancy or prior to pregnancy.

Toxemia is indeed a dangerous and life threatening complication during the period of pregnancy that can affect not only the mother but also the growth and development of the unborn baby in the uterus.

During pregnancy, the placenta requires a large blood supply from the mother to sustain the growing baby. Without this, the effects of induced hypertension can trigger premature birth or early delivery of a baby, low birth weight, abortion and still birth or death of a baby in the womb.

It's very important to know that, there are other significant factors that can contribute to the development of toxemia during pregnancy such as obesity, diabetes, kidney problems, rheumatoid arthritis and lupus. Induced hypertension can also occur during pregnancy, even if the pregnant mother have never suffered from the condition before and the reason for the sudden appearance is still unknown. If proper care is taken the problem disappears as soon as the woman delivers her baby.

When there is induced hypertension in pregnancy this does not mean the expectant mother is in total danger. The idea that prevention is better than care is true, so the best way to reduce the effects that toxemia may cause to the pregnant mother and her unborn baby is to regularly attend antenatal check-ups and try not to miss any appointment, to enable early detection of toxemia so that an adequate measure will be taken.

Pregnant women should not hesitate to report any worrying signals of induced hypertension to their health care provider because toxemia if not monitored and properly treated can possibly cause problems to the expectant mother's liver, kidney, brain, and other body organs. It can also be the cause of seizure, also known as eclampsia. Eclampsia is known as the final and most severe phase of induced hypertension which can occur when the condition is left untreated and may also lead to coma and even death of the mother and her baby before, during, or after childbirth.

According to the World Health Organization, pre-eclampsia is considered as one of the leading cause of maternal death in most developing countries. It is the complication that should not be ignored during the period of pregnancy, and to determine which lifestyle changes and medications to take. Regular consultation to your health care provider is advisable and do not try to manage your health or take medications on your own, some drugs can affect your baby.

Pregnancy After 35 Years

For last 15 years number of women who gave birth for the first time in the age between 30 and 39 years increased more than twice. For the same period number of women over 40, giving birth for the first time, increased 50%. 10 years ago a woman's biological clock began sound the alarm, when she was 30. Today the first ring sounds somewhere in 35 or even after 40.

Why does this happen? One of the reasons - is more safety. Prenatal researches reduced women's over 40 danger of giving birth to babies with genetic defects till the level of 20 y.o. girls. New methods of sterility treatment appeared, which women over 35 often suffer from. New achievements of medicine in the sphere of helping a future mother, suffering from chronic disease or in case of complicated passing of pregnancy, allowed women giving birth to normal, healthy babies. Rather safe methods of contraception and such popular persons, like Hollywood actress Kim Basinger, who became a model exemplary, first gave birth being over 40, also contributed to popularization of an opinion "it's never too late". Now many women consider that they can delay giving birth to a baby without any risk for themselves till some certain time, and this means - until they receive education, reach success in carrier, strengthen their financial situation and find an appropriate soul mate.

Indeed, many women give birth lately not because they wish to. Late pregnancy can be a result of sterility, late entering into marriage or second marriage.

Which age is the best one for giving birth?

Although according medical prescriptions the best age for giving birth is between 20 and 24 years, many women feel that they are not emotionally ready for it in this age. For some women, whose childhood passed in 50-60ies, this age was rather a prolonged awkward age, than a beginning of adult life. Such shift means that women reach emotional maturity 10 years after peak of physical maturity. But nowadays a woman who became pregnant being 35 is not in a high-risk group already.

Really, if a woman over 35 is physically healthy, does not suffer from sterility, had no miscarriages, her chances to give birth to a normal, healthy baby are almost the same like a 20 y.o. girl has.

How to value a degree of risk?

Pregnancy after 35, of course, cannot be completely free from risk, but it is not so high, like you think, and in many cases it can be reduced to minimum. Not very young woman, who wishes to give birth for the first time, should remember following moments.

Firstly, it may be difficult for you to become pregnant. There is documental information that ability to give birth reduces after 35 years little by little.

Even not mentioning such negative factor, like premature menopause, this means that you can conceive in one day, and cannot in other. It may require 6-12 months from you, instead of 4, to conceive.

But greater danger, which traps an older woman that is pregnant for the first time is connected with giving birth to a baby with genetic defects, especially Down syndrome.

Statistics shows that for 40 y.o. woman a danger to give birth to a baby with Down syndrome is 9 times higher, than for 30 y.o. one. For 40 y.o. woman a probability of giving birth to a baby with Down syndrome is less 1%. And, although risk increases with age, for 45 y.o. woman it is 3%, i.e. if looking from other side, a probability of giving birth to a healthy baby is 97%. Women over 35 have health complications during pregnancy more often, in particular this concerns diabetes and high blood pressure, which are peculiar to people of older age in general. About 6% of women over 35 suffer from such complications in comparison with 1,3% of younger ones.

According to statistics, women of older age may suffer from complications of pregnancy, including abruption of placenta and pathologic condition of fetus, which require medical operation, and can have very serious after-effects for both mother and baby health. Risk of miscarriage increases too. Delivery can be complicated and prolonged, and these are main prescriptions for Cesarean section, which is quite popular now. However, researches showed that on average duration of delivery of women, giving birth in older age, exceeded duration of delivery of young ones only on 45 minutes.

For women over 35 a risk of problems connected with endometriosis and fibroid, which may affect fertility and passing of pregnancy, increases.

But all this sorts of dangers can be reduced to minimum, if a woman, who, most likely, plans her pregnancy carefully, prepares herself physically for coming pregnancy beforehand.

Fetus organs are formed during first 12 weeks of pregnancy, and in this period fetus is most wounded, as doctors consider, so, if you eat well, refuse from nicotine and alcohol, caffeine and drugs, start taking vitamins and do physical exercises, you will increase your chances to bear pregnancy easily and well and give birth to a healthy baby. However, pregnancy is not the time for starting physical exercises, doctors warn. You need to prepare yourself physically for this, before you become pregnant, then it will be easier for you to cope with problems, if they appear.

A correct valuation of real risk can become a woman of older age to reduce stress while pregnancy, which often leads to complications during childbirth. Every emotion is accompanied by changes in organism's biochemistry. If you consider you are ill, you may become ill in fact.

If a woman is about 40, and she is going to give birth for the first time, while first sings of some problem a doctor begins to work. He is in rush to meddle. Unfortunately, you should not completely trust to previous researches of women of older genital age. Somewhere women of this age either had many children, and everything was not OK with their health, or these were women, who had been trying to become pregnant for a long time - may be, last 15 years, but they had miscarriages.

In researches, which were held recently, main attention was paid to women, who corresponded to a modern demographic situation to a greater extent: these women, as a rule, belonged to a middle class, were well-educated, gave birth to first, not 10th baby. If not taking into account fact of sterility, then women of older genital age and their younger sisters differ little.

Right choice of time

It becomes absolutely obvious, that late maternity has a range of advantages. Women, who are not in a hurry to give birth to babies, turn to be best prepared for bearing and growing babies. It is proven that older women do not suffer from ambivalence of feelings during pregnancy and go through inner conflicts seldom. They treat pregnancy rather like God's bless, not because they could not give birth in earlier age. Knowledge of who you are and what you want comes with age and experience.

You are more disciplined and live in harmony with yourself.
You understand what you will have to refuse from and what expects you.

Pregnancy in later years usually falls on time of deep reflections, two mature persons take this decision, having big life experience. Depending of a wife's age, they can see the "last chance" in it, and to treat it like a precious gift of destiny.

Research showed that late baby means especially a lot for a mother; a woman in such age is less subjected to stress, is more open and interested in learning new, than young mommies.

Late baby comes in world like a beloved gift for a woman, who knows what she wants. In one American hospital a research was carried out, when they compared feelings of women, who were going to give birth for the first time, of different ages: it was discovered that women of older age group felt less stress during pregnancy, than very young women, despite of heightened risk of giving birth to a baby with genetic defects, despite of the fact that a baby will most likely change her usual life more. Older woman, majority of which got married later, according to researchers' opinion, have more chances to become more self-confident, independent, feel better, and this improves their mood during pregnancy. Although when childbirth approaches, they may feel oppressed, but not so much, like young women.

Moreover, older woman, who dedicated all her young years for carrier, can treat pregnancy like an opportunity to try herself in what was left blank in her life. Unlike a young woman, who has not found her place in the world yet, an older mother is less inclined to expect that her baby will become a realization of her dreams. She also does not think that a baby "pulls her back", when she is trying to finish her achievements. Majority of mothers who gave birth late have already taken care to become professionals.

The reverse of the medal

Late maternity, of course, has negative sides. Women of older genital age recover from delivery not so quick, like young women.

Some women encounter difficulties to get used to requirements, connected with baby care, as they have been taking care only of themselves for so many years. A very organized woman feels bad in a situation, when everything - pregnancy, delivery, taking care of a baby - cannot be planned, like this happens most often. As for late pregnancy, there are other things, which should be taken into account. Although now women give birth in older age, there is still a moment, when it is too late to give birth. Parents have to restrict with only baby or give birth with very short interval. Some opponents of late childbirth point out that parents spoil them too often - a syndrome of precious baby, - especially if this is an only baby. However, such tendency can be observed in any age group.

We also need to dwell on other arithmetic. At 35, 40 a woman may simultaneously play a role of both a newly-made mother and a nurse for her old parents.

Mother with grey hair

Which types of role models can grey-haired parents offer to teenagers? Because of big age difference between parents and a child there is a danger of generation gap. Many parents, who gave birth lately, turn to be too busy to feel old.

Late maternity obliges you to remain young. You response to everything, take part in everything.

History of the Maternity Bra

Mary Phelps Jacob was the first person to be granted a patent in the US for a garment which we would recognise today as a bra. This patent was awarded to Jacob in 1913. Two decades later in 1933, the S.H. Camp and Company developed a system whereby breast size could be fit into one of four sizes dependent on the size and degree to which the breast sagged. For convenience, the four sizes were labelled as A, B, C, and D. The 1933 issue of Corset and Underwear Review featured an advertisement by Camp which showed profiles of breasts labelled with these letters. Larger breasts and band sizes greater than 38 were not accommodated.

In 1937, the Warner company also began to feature cup sizing, using the four letter labelling scheme which Camp developed in advertisements for their products. Other companies also began to follow suit in the latter part of the 1930's. However, some companies, particularly the catalogue companies were slower to adopt the scheme, preferring to stick with the small, medium, and large sizes through the 1940's. Britain was also slow to catch on and didn't adopt what was becoming the American standard for cup sizing until the 1950's. Maidenform had been using seamless cups in their bras since 1933 but didn't adopt the use of A, B, C, and D, cup sizes until 1949.

In the 1930's though, other innovations were happening that would revolutionise not just the underwear industry, but the fashion industry in general. For example, the chemists at the Dunlop company successfully demonstrated a reliable way to turn rubber latex into elastic thread. This paved the way for man-made fibres to be incorporated into clothing and due to their easy-care nature they were very quickly adopted.

Bra manufacturers were quick to start using the new man-made materials since underwear, and bras in particular needed very frequent cleaning.

In 1943, Albert A. Glasser received a patent for something called a "nursing brassiere" although little innovation took place in this area of the market even after the baby boom which followed on from World War II. A nursing bra was little more than a conventional bra with an extra clip which released the cup from the strap, thus ceasing the requirement for the bra to be removed when nursing.

There are a number of different manufacturers and retailers selling maternity and nursing bras, some of which are the traditional, larger, underwear manufacturers and some are more specialist maternity wear retailers who make garments designed to accommodate a woman's breast that in some cases can fluctuate a whole cup size within an hour, in line with feeding times.

The next innovation that came along for nursing mothers was designed by Mary Sanchez who, in 1991, received a patent for her design of a clip.

Friday, April 26, 2013

Pregnancy Side Effects: The Desire to Nest

As you get further along in your pregnancy, chances are you will experience what is commonly referred to as the "nesting instinct." You may have watched a television show or two where a pregnant woman went into a household cleaning frenzy right before going into labor and that scenario isn't too far from the truth (for once Hollywood didn't over exaggerate!). There is a real, biological basis behind the urge to "nest".

What It Is

The nesting instinct simply refers to a mom-to-be's intense desire to put her home in order before the baby arrives. This could be anything from organizing the pantry to laundering all the curtains and rugs to putting a fresh coat of paint on the house. And even though you may have been exhausted in the weeks leading up to this last-minute cleaning urge, which usually occurs in the third trimester, you will find yourself enjoying a sudden burst of energy that fuels your psychological need to ensure that all is ready for baby's imminent arrival.

Why It Is

It just makes sense that the mom-to-be desires home projects get done before her new infant takes all her time and attention. But the nesting instinct is more than just psychological, it's actually the product of hormones at work in the pregnant woman's body.

The hormone prolactin is the chemical responsible for a variety of physical and mental changes. It's prolactin that also helps expectant mothers develop nurturing instincts along with widening hips and softening joints. It could also be the culprit when it comes to the additional neurons in a pregnant woman's brain, which create numerous connections in the hippocampus and boost spatial memory helpful when looking after her newborn. Those same neurons fire together to produce energy before birth so that moms-to-be can perform all those essential last-minute tasks around the house.

Nesting Instinct Tips

For some women, the desire to nest is more than just a passing fancy; they actually experience panic and stress over little things like whether or not the nursery furniture is assembled NOW or the walls in baby's room are painted the same day. They often find it difficult to relax at all in the days before baby is due to arrive. If you are feeling more manic than calm, it's important to take care of yourself.

Get enough rest. While you may find it difficult to turn off your brain at night, you need to sleep and replenish your stores of energy. Try indulging in a bedtime ritual that includes herbal tea, a hot bath, and a lavender neck rest to help you fall asleep naturally.

Use the energy created by prolactin to get all those things accomplished you feel are absolutely necessary for your baby's health and wellbeing - but take frequent breaks. Minimize the risk of feeling imbalanced and possibly falling by wearing a maternity bodysuit that supports your enlarged abdomen and relieves stress on your back and shoulders. This will not only improve the efficiency of your respiration and thus increase your energy, your body will benefit from proper posture in a number of other ways, both mentally and physically.

Don't forget to ask for help, either. Sure, your partner might not feel as anxious as you do about hanging the drapes in the nursery, but chances are he'll climb the stepstool and install the curtain rod if you ask. Maybe not immediately, but...

We are perfectly made in regards to the way humans are naturally prepared for having children. Use your natural instincts to feather your nest and use the proper maternity support garments to help you stay balanced, energized and feeling good.

Simple Things to Do to Help Yourself Get Pregnant Naturally

When you are trying to get pregnant you may look every where and ask the question "can someone please help me get pregnant naturally". You will drive yourself and no doubt everyone around you bonkers asking for some one somewhere to assist. But before you loose you mind with the "help me get pregnant" drama ask yourself, are you and your male partner doing everything that you can to facilitate the result you want. Drugs can have a varied effect and most women wish to get pregnant naturally, they should start their journey by Asking themselves, "What can I do to help me get pregnant" or "What can he do to help me get pregnant". Women often times make things harder on themselves by panicking when they are not getting pregnant as fast as they think they should. Stress can lead to issues with ovulation and should be avoided.

First find out what your working with by buying a basil thermometer and beginning to record for one month your basil temperature. Make an appointment for your gynecologist and his urologist, and start keeping track of what each of you do daily to increase your chances at success.

Next understand that timing is everything when it comes to increasing your chances of getting pregnant. The best time when a woman will be her most fertile is the five days leading up to her period and the day that she is ovulating. Studies have shown that the period after this time a woman's fertility drops from about 36% to about 10% after her period.

Next go back to your two main questions you asked at the beginning of this article:

"What can I do to help me get pregnant naturally?"

While most problems do lie with the man there a few things which can cause issues on the woman's side of the matter these simple things can help to make you as fertilization ready as possible.

The top thing you can do to help yourself get pregnant is to have a very detailed and intimate understanding of your body and keep records of how and when it does the things that are important to facilitate getting pregnant.

Avoid any supplements or medications which can interfere with your bodies ability to ovulate or to receive a fertilized egg. Simple research can help you to determine what these are. You may also want to consider increasing your chances to get pregnant naturally is by using supplements to make the vaginal chamber and womb more accommodating and sperm friendly. Sperm are very delicate little things and can easily be thrown off if everything inside you is not right. You also want to have your doctor preform a very thorough gynecological exam and exploration procedure on you to make sure your vagina is healthy and that everything is working as it should. A woman can actually tell if she is in the fertile period of the month, simply by monitoring her cervical mucus. This fluid is released from the woman's vagina prior to her period. When the fluid becomes plentiful and thin then a woman is in her ovulation period and this is the best chance to become pregnant.

"What can my male partner do to help me get pregnant naturally?"

Usually the problem with hard fertilization lies with the man. Use these simple methods to assist in making him as fertilization ready as possible.

Get your male partner checked with a urologist to establish his sperm count, if it is low, look into ways of increasing the count. Temperature is vital to healthy sperm, in the natural world a male animals sperm are protected by the constant adjustments made by the scrotum, Human however wear clothes and do other activities which interfere with the bodies natural systems. You can take steps however to make things more beneficial to production with some changes, these may be as simple as changing him from tighty whities to boxer shorts. He should also refrain from taking hot baths or using a steam room or jacuzzi for 6 weeks prior to your attempt to get pregnant. When at home he should remove his pants and be in underwear or other loose fitting shorts as much as possible to help keep temperatures in the favorable range.

Your male partners endowment is also important to the process of getting pregnant, as is his ejacualtory force. The sperm can only travel so far before they start to expire. The closer you can get the sperm to the crevice the better, this being said if your male partner is less than average in endowment or has a weak ejaculatory force then you might want to consider "alternative fertilizing methods" one of the most popular is a phallic shaped device about 8½ inches long, which contains a chamber and plunger mechanism, you male partner loads the chamber with his seaman and after insertion of the device the plunger is presses and squirts the seaman into the cervical area.

Another aspect that falls on him is the amount of seaman he produces and the sperm count of the seaman. When first starting out measure his production by using a set of measuring spoons. The average healthy man between 30-45 should be producing 3-5 tablespoons a day on average. This is optimal to getting a positive implementation. If your male partner is not producing at this level talk to a doctor or herbalist about supplements which can help to increase the volume. He should also try "constant arousal therapy" this is a process of minor masturbation sessions, which he does 4-5 times a day for about 5-7 minutes each time for the two weeks leading up to your ovulation period. He should refrain from any voluntary ejaculations during these sessions in order to increase both volume, force and sperm count of his product.

The Essentials You Should Know To Help You Get Pregnant

Getting pregnant is a serious thing for every woman. Aside that the process is complicated; such entails a lot of prerequisites with regards of stability in emotions, physical, and financial aspect in life.

This is the reason why for most couples pregnancy must be well planned. However, not at all times can this happen to everyone. The truth is, other pregnancy comes unplanned especially on adolescents.

When can you get pregnant? The question can actually be answered with a right time or an instance when one can get pregnant. The usual child bearing years for women range from age 20 to 35 years. When a woman does not have any fertility issues, having sex with a male partner throughout these years make one prone to conception.

Conception happens when the sperms after ejaculation reaches the cervix of the woman. Although one can only get through the uterus, when the woman is fertile, the egg stays ready to be fertilized by the sperm. Once united both implant themselves in the uterine lining and starts growing as embryo as weeks pass by. The pregnancy cycle then runs for nine months.

On the other hand, as per advice from experts, although getting pregnant is easy to achieve and understand given the above instance, getting pregnant on the right time also means complying with the requirements. This is when you are ready physically, emotionally, and financially.

According to American studies, pregnancy needs emotional readiness to face the various effects of pregnancy to person's emotion. Pregnant women usually experience mood swings when pregnant and if the partner is not so emotionally stable to handle such situation, the instance might end up to quarrel and hurting. Likewise, getting pregnant also means saying good-bye to single life and saying Hi to the mother world. It is surely a big change to every woman's everyday life especially that, after pregnancy a new baby would spring up needing as much attention as mother could give.

Likewise, getting pregnant also means being fit to carry a baby inside the womb for nine months. This means maintaining a healthy body through a healthy diet or going out to physicians to seek advices or medications if having some issues such as PCOS or hereditary diseases that might delay or complicate the pregnancy. The financial aspect actually connects to this. To maintain physical fitness, one may need to spend money for regular check-up and medications and most especially right after giving birth, on which more money is needed for well baby care and well child care.

Having met the criteria above, you are probably ready to get pregnant. The next question that pops in mind then would be, how can you get pregnant? The answer is you can actually get pregnant by following some healthy pro-pregnancy tips and guidelines. With this, medical doctors have suggested some tips to help you out. These are the following.

- The most basic technique to achieve pregnancy as experts say is perfect timing. In order to get pregnant, you must have sex on the ovulation day when the surge of luteinizing hormone is high giving to the sperm the most perfect aid and easiest way to reach the cervix.

- To predict the ovulation day, usage of some ovulation predictor tools such as the ovulation calendar, Basal Body Thermometer, or Ovulation Predictor Kit is a wise idea. Aside that such technique assures one of higher accuracy of predicting the ovulation day; the male partner is given the chance to save sperm for the next sexual intercourse.

- Although not actually proven by medical science, some sexual routines help achieve conception faster and easier. The concept can be explained by the effect of gravity during ejaculation. The best sexual position then should include, spoon position and man-on-top position.

- Conception can occur immediately; however, it can also be delayed. Couple can wait six months after trying different techniques. However, after a year of trying to conceive but still having zero results, visiting the most trusted doctor or ob/gyn is a good option for further diagnosis and treatment for possible fertility issues.

Do You Need Temporary Health Insurance Between Jobs?

If you are between jobs you may be looking for temporary health insurance. You can find several companies that have temporary insurance in your area, by doing an online search. Just type in temporary insurance and you will likely get a map where you can select your state or region. You will get a list of the available carriers in your area. Not all insurance carriers have temporary health insurance. Compare the coverage options available, as well as the premiums. Many people find that the premiums are fairly affordable.

You can do a comparison of the different plans to see which one best fits your needs. A temporary policy will cover most of the things that are covered with a regular major medical plan, with some extra restrictions. No pre-existing conditions will be covered on a temporary policy. If you have a pre-exisiting condition you need to let the company know upfront. If you don't let them know about it, you may have problems if you need to make a claim. Temporary insurance will only cover accidents and conditions that develop during your coverage period.

Temporary health insurance plans will not cover maternity care even if you get pregnant after the policy is in force. Maternity coverage usually requires a special rider on individual or family plans. Temporary plans do not allow riders for pregnancy. Most temporary plans are for 6 months up to one year. Many people think that it is cheaper to get one temporary policy and then another one after that one is over. This is typically not a good idea. It is better to get a long term individual or family plan than to continue with temporary health insurance. Your benefits will be much better on the long term policy over the life of the plan. A temporary health insurance plan should only be used for a short period of time.

China Healthcare Reforms: An Overview of Recent Developments

In 2008, the Chinese government unveiled the Healthy China 2020 reforms, which were designed as long-term plans to establish a universal health care insurance system. The aims were to design a science and technology-based system with inclusive health insurance programs and also improving health care infrastructure to provide affordable care for everyone in the country. Trying to balance the expansion of coverage, the management of costs and the building out of the necessary health care infrastructure is an immense challenge; however it is one that is being met pragmatically through testing of possible solutions.

There were limited concrete plans when the initiative first started, however there were small-scale experiments in some localities around the country. Restrictions on foreign companies participating in joint ventures to manage hospitals were somewhat relaxed, while one municipal government in Anhui province was permitted to experiment with splitting hospitals from pharmacies in order to control costs and prevent corruption between pharmaceutical salespeople and hospital staff. This was purported to allow the local pharmaceuticals authority to control bidding over drugs, especially those considered essential, and keep the costs low.

A development that soon followed was the creation of the Essential Drug List (EDL) in 2009, which was a list of 307 pharmaceuticals that were supposed to be adequately stocked around China in appropriate dosages at prices that the average Chinese Citizen could afford. The Essential Drug List was modified in February, 2012 to expand the list of pharmaceuticals contained in the list to 800 drugs.

While the government has made efforts to cut costs and increase the level of subsidization for patient's care, they have also made many alterations to the social insurance landscape of the country in order to better develop the system through which health care is paid for. In 2011, China's State Council increased the level of reimbursements for people on both the urban and rural health insurance scheme. At the same time there was also much deliberation on how expatriates working in China fit into the comprehensive social insurance system that was being constructed.

The scheme that was eventually decided upon was to tax expatriates and the companies which employed them while allowing them access to the social security apparatus including retirement benefits, unemployment insurance, maternity coverage, workplace injury as well as subsidized fees at public hospitals. However the scheme exempts expatriate workers from countries which held bilateral agreements on social insurance with China, such as South Korea and Germany.

This article covers a few of the more prominent reforms and initiatives that have helped China start down the path towards creating a robust health care system, however there are numerous other test initiatives or probationary reforms that have not been covered here. As China continues to develop, there will also be ongoing adjustments and new initiatives to tackle problems inherent in trying to provide quality health care at affordable costs to so many people, across such a large geographical area.

Short Term Disability Insurance: Five Policies in One

Short term disability insurance can be viewed as five policies in one. It covers the insured in case of accidents and illnesses which most people automatically know. But it also covers pregnancy complications, normal labor and delivery, and postpartum disorders that cause an expectant and then new mom to miss work. It's a must purchase for almost every working woman planning a pregnancy. She can create maternity leave income, and security in case of complications, postpartum problems, accidents and illnesses.

1 - Accident Coverage

Many people assume that short term disability insurance is designed to replace a portion of your income in case of accidents that cause you to miss work. An insurer with ubiquitous, loud, and humorous commercials has raised awareness of this important benefit. Accidents can happen to any of us at any time, and lost income due to an accident can have serious repercussions to your ability to cover your mortgage, car payments etc. Should you get hurt and miss work due to an accident, your policy will replace a portion of your income.

2 - Protection for Illnesses

And at the same time these commercials have created the perception that accidents are the beginning and end of disability coverage. The reality is that disabling sicknesses occur almost four times as frequently as accidents. Most people when asked about the types of illnesses covered by short term disability would respond: cancer, heart attacks, strokes, etc. And they would be right. Any serious illness can stop you from being able to work for an extended period of time. Short term disability insurance will replace your income for up to two years - depending upon the policy options selected.

Many people miss that pregnancy complications, normal labor and delivery, and postpartum disorders are considered a covered sickness. Pregnancy is subject to the same benefit amount, elimination period, and benefit period as would a bout with cancer, or other illness. Coverage must begin before getting pregnant, and most policies contain a nine-month exclusion for normal delivery.

3 - Security for Pregnancy Complications

Twenty five percent of pregnancies will encounter one or more complications. Many women are ordered by their doctor to stop working in advance of their delivery date to ensure their health and the health of their baby. Short term disability will replace your income during this time.

4 - Benefits for Normal Delivery Create Maternity Leave Pay

Short term disability insurance pays a six week benefit for normal vaginal delivery, and an eight week benefit for normal c-section delivery. The income replacement benefit is a great way for women to create maternity leave pay, as the benefit for normal delivery is typically three to four times the annual premium.

5 - Postpartum Disorders Coverage

Sometimes postpartum disorders such as hemorrhaging will prompt your doctor to extend your maternity leave recovery time. Your income will continue to be replaced during this time as well.

The crucial point is that many women plan to get pregnant, and try very hard to make it happen. Imagine if you could buy an insurance policy to cover an event that you plan to occur. Insurance is for the unknown right? Short term disability insurance allows working women to do just that: buy insurance to cover a planned event - their normal labor and delivery. They are also covered for the unexpected.

40 And Counting - Forward To Pregnancy

Are you one of those desperate women who are hopeful 40's, looking forward to donning a maternity dress, eager to flaunt a baby bump and thrilled to see a healthy, kicking, bundle-of joy at the end of nine months pregnancy? Well, if you are, do not be disappointed to find out that pregnancy at an advance age is not as easy as finding a nice, comfy maternity dress. You need to consider first how to get pregnant at 40 and decide if you can take the first challenge towards motherhood. Will you be willing to undergo routines, procedures and braved the knife, needles and blades, to finally get hold of that desperately hoped-for baby? So, why this late years of pregnancy?

The American Society for Reproductive Medicine enumerates the reasons why most women get pregnant late in their 30's or 40's:

  1. The availability and accessibility of contraceptive in the market encourages couple to delay pregnancy

  2. More women are engaged and preoccupied with their career; work comes first before child-bearing.

  3. Women were more cautious in preparing for a life in marriage and child-bearing, postponing pregnancy or get married at an older age.

  4. Couples opt to be financially secure delaying marriage or pregnancy at a later age.

  5. Many women are unaware that their fertility declines in their late 20's and early 30's.

Unlike men who continue to produce sperm their entire life, women are born with specific number of eggs in their ovaries--say, millions at birth-- but only 300,000-400,000 ova or eggs remain in the ovary after reaching puberty. Of the hundred thousand eggs left during puberty, only 300 eggs will be counted for ovulation in woman's entire reproductive years.

So, where do the rest of the eggs go? Forget the eggs-the eggs are bound to undergo Atresia (sounds like Amnesia, so you really have to forget them), a degenerative process by which the ova or eggs age and are naturally loss regardless of whether the woman got pregnant, has normal menstrual cycle, undergoing infertility treatment or use birth control. As a woman advances in age, fertility declines due to normal, age-related changes in the ovaries. Although age is not the only factor affecting fertility, it should be one of the major considerations if a woman aspires to get pregnant. Women in this era and time are more aware in taking care of their health, but an improved health and lifestyle does not offset the natural, age-related decline in fertility.

Conscious of the egg count, advancing age and the threat non conceiving at all, a woman might ask, how to get pregnant at 40?

First requirement: a man who can provide and guarantee a healthy, viable sperm (he can be a husband, a partner, a lover, an opposite sex for that matter). Sperm health and viability can be determined through infertility evaluation which the woman and her conception partner should undergo. For the woman, this would help in ruling out possible infertility issues including medical condition affecting her ability to conceive, while the man should undergo semen analysis to determine number of sperm, its volume, shape and mobility. The testing process should take no longer than three (3) months, and if treatment is necessary, it can be done immediately. Ensuring fertility of both woman and man is a must before trying any other methods and procedures.

Maintaining an ideal weight could also help in ensuring fertility. Overweight women have higher estrogen level which may suppress ovulation. Cigarette and alcohol consumption should be minimized or avoided since both increase the possibility of infertility.

When fertility is ensured, yet good, old-fashioned sexual intercourse does not result to conception and pregnancy, doctor- prescribed fertility method should be sought. Doctor may advise an Ovarian Hyper-stimulation, a first line treatment which includes medication or a combination of tablet administration and injection. This will stimulate ovum production.

Micro-surgery may also be recommended by the physician for women who have problem with their fallopian tube; this will help transport the ovum from ovary to the uterus.

In Vitro Fertilization is another alternative if medication, injection and surgery failed to deliver the desired result. It stimulates mature ova with medication and using fine needle guided by an ultrasound, egg are to be fertilized with the sperm outside the woman's body, after which, the resulting embryo will be injected back to the woman's body via cervix and released to the uterus where it can attach and grow.

Finally, if all the above methods fail, the doctor may recommend Egg donation which involves a female egg donor, preferably from a much younger woman. The donated egg is to be fertilized in the laboratory with the sperm, and transferred to a woman's uterus in a form of an embryo. This method proved to have a higher success rate in providing women over forty years old an opportunity to conceive, get pregnant and bear a child.

Forty- something- aspiring mothers can still look forward to the day when shopping for maternity dress and baby cribs are no longer a wish for the desperate, hopeless- pregnant- romantics, but an option medically available anywhere.

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Success Rate For In-Vitro Fertilization For Women Over 40

In vitro fertilisation is a fertility process where the sperm fertilises the egg outside of the womb. Once they become embryos they are placed inside the woman's uterus. IVF can be very complex and emotionally draining for both the female and the male.

IVF is a very costly form of fertility treatment and the results are not guaranteed. It often takes many attempts for a successful pregnancy with each treatment costing thousands of dollars and it is rarely covered by your medical insurance.

This fertility treatment can be good for fertility problems such as low sperm count, ovulation problems, endometriosis or problems with the fallopian tubes. There are many factors that may be causing infertility so be sure to find out what yours is.

When looking for fertility treatments you need to get all the facts so you can make a choice that is right for you.

Some facts about In vitro fertilisation that you should know:

  • The success rate for IVF is about 25%

  • You are more likely to be successful if you are under the age of 33

  • The rate of IVF not working increases after the age of 35

  • Very few women who attempt IVF after the age of 43 are successful

  • In approximately 11% of IVF pregnancies the woman has multiple births

If you are considering undergoing a fertility treatment you need to speak to your health care provider. Ask all the questions you need to and get all the facts.

Stay focused on what you want and you will find the answers that you are looking for.

Using IVF To Cure Infertility

What Everybody Ought To Know About Using IVF To Cure Infertility

IVF is short for In Vitro Fertilization which was introduced to the USA over 32 years ago. Initially pregnancies resulting from IVF were called Test Tube Babies.

Out of the million of women worldwide struggling with infertility, only 3% of couples with infertility will try to get pregnant via IVF. To date over 3 million babies throughout the world have been conceived using IVF. In the USA IVF had produced over 52,000 babies for couples with infertility. This translates to about 1 percent of all births in the country.

Depending on your age, cause of infertility, financial situation, insurance coverage and your religious beliefs, the IVF treatment plan you may use to help you get pregnant will vary from one couple to another.

Common IVF infertility treatments options are as follows:

IUI (intra uterine insemination) infertility treatment with or without egg production stimulation medication. The female egg is not touched. The partner gives a fresh semen sample and it is washed and inserted into the womb with a small catheter during ovulating.

Traditional IVF infertility treatment. IVF infertility treatment always uses injectable medication to stimulate the production of several eggs. Once the female eggs are ripened to a particular size and quantity, they are surgically removed with a specialized needle under guided ultrasound. The whole process takes about 10 minutes to retrieve 4-16 eggs. The egg and sperm are placed together in a special dish and put into an incubator to allow for natural conception to occur. After 3-5 days the fertilized ovum's or eggs are inserted into the woman womb via a special catheter and hopefully the fertilized egg(s) will implant into her womb and a baby will grow.

ICSI IVF infertility treatment. The initial steps of an ICSI (Intra Cytoplasmic Sperm Injection) infertility treatment are similar to IVF, except the egg is removed from the female and instead of letting sperm penetrate the egg naturally one single sperm is injected into the egg to improve the conception rate. Following conception the fertilized egg will be placed in an incubator as in traditional IVF. A few days later the fertilized ovum's or eggs will be placed into the female womb in hope that her body will receive the pregnancy.

GIFT IVFtreatment. The initial steps of GIFT (Gamete Intra Fallopian Transfer) treatment are similar to traditional IVF. The female eggs are hyper-stimulated and removed. Both eggs and sperms are inspected and washed. Then they are placed together into a special catheter for insertion directly into the woman's fallopian tubes. At no point are the eggs or sperm allowed to fertilize in the laboratory. Fertilization will take place within the woman's body. GIFT IVF treatment is the only assisted reproductive technology accepted by the Catholic Church, provided that the semen sample is not obtained through masturbation. The Catholic Church requires that the semen specimen be obtained through natural intercourse with your partner using a condom. The condom sample is then used for the process, which naturally reduces the amount of sperm collected.

There are many things you can do to increase the success rate of IVF infertility treatment and in many cases you may get pregnant naturally as I did, after IVF treatment failed me.

Using Acupuncture During And To Promote Pregnancy

Being pregnant is definitely a thrilling and fantastic time. On the other hand, with all the bodily and hormonal modifications that take place, it may also be a time of soreness. Several expecting females endure fatigue, nausea, backache along with other problems which are regarded as a "normal" component of being pregnant. Acupuncture is a safe, mild and successful method to tackle these ailments, particularly given that Western medicines cannot be utilized throughout this time.

Normal acupuncture in the course of being pregnant sets the basis for a wholesome mom and child. Furthermore, ladies who utulize acupuncture through pregnancy typically experience a less difficult pregnancy than females who do not use acupuncture. Research done in Europe concluded that "women of all ages who obtained acupuncture every week through the final month of being pregnant had considerably shorter labor than ladies who didn't acquire any acupuncture."

A few of the ailments that acupuncture can deal with are:

Nausea, Vomiting,
Decreased Energy Levels
Carpal tunnel syndrome
Substantial blood stress (pre-eclampsia)
PUPPs & other pregnancy-related skin problems
Pre-term labor
Delayed labor
Labor discomfort
Lactation complications
Postpartum depression

Prenatal acupuncture has been employed for thousands of years to help sufferers ease into and through pregnancy, and to have an uncomplicated delivery. An Australian study conducted by Adelaide University in 2002 found that acupuncture throughout being pregnant had no adverse effects and was completely safe when provided by a trained acupuncturist.

You may well have heard that some acupuncture points are forbidden for the duration of being pregnant. This is true - certain points on the body are to be avoided for the duration of the pregnancy as they might stimulate uterine contractions. Nonetheless, a trained specialist in acupuncture will know specifically which points are unsafe to utilize during various treatments.

Acupuncture in the course of the first trimester focuses on setting the basis for a wholesome, safe, and uncomplicated pregnancy. Therapies are provided to prevent miscarriage and to tackle any early problems, such as nausea and fatigue. For optimum results, the recommended frequency of acupuncture throughout the first trimester is once per week.

Acupuncture throughout the second trimester aims to maintain balance and offer relief from numerous problems and ailments that arise during this time. The recommended frequency of therapies for that second trimester is evaluated for each individual. Sufferers may possibly come one to two times per month if the pregnancy is uncomplicated and there are no complaints. If addressing a certain issue, sufferers may perhaps need to come more often.

Acupuncture in the course of the third trimester prepares the body for labor and delivery. Treatment for labor induction can and should be offered anytime after the thirty-ninth week if there are no complications present. For the duration of the third trimester, sufferers are encouraged to seek weekly treatment to ensure a smooth labor and delivery. Research show that women of all ages who acquire normal acupuncture in the course of the third trimester generally have smaller and more productive labor.

In most cases postpartum acupuncture is continued in order to return the body to a state of organic balance and optimal health. Not many mothers in this day and age have the luxury of retiring to the bedroom for months after the pregnancy to heal and rejuvenate, because of this acupuncture is a great method to help stimulate growth and speed up the healing process.

How California State Disability Insurance Impacts Your Maternity Leave

California is one of only five states with a mandated short term disability insurance program. And of the five, it has some of the richest benefits. This is especially good news for working women about to go out on maternity leave. Be sure you qualify for benefits before getting pregnant. Not every California employee is automatically covered.

California State Disability Insurance

California State Disability Insurance is also commonly referred to as California SDI. This is a short term disability insurance program for people who work in the state of California. CA is one of only five states that mandate this type of insurance coverage.

Of the five states with coverage, California is near the top of the list when it comes to the total amount of income replacement, but in the middle on percentage terms. The program will replace up to 55% of your income, which is in the mid range of the five states.

But the hard dollar cap of $987 per week beginning in 2010 comes out on top. This means that higher income wage earners will get a higher level of income replacement. A person earning $93,316 per year or more will be subject to the cap.

What this Means for Maternity Leave

This means that women working in California will get a decent wage during maternity leave.

Of course, this only applies if you have coverage. The mandate applies only to those subject to the California Unemployment Insurance Code. Certain worker groups are not automatically covered. Find out if you are covered before getting pregnant, as pregnancy is considered a pre-existing condition.

Women Breadwinners and Maternity Leave: 7 Things to Know

In 1/3 of all U.S. households, women are the breadwinners. In many cases, women out earn their partners by a considerable amount. While this is nothing new for the women who do this, when having a baby comes into play, new considerations and dilemmas arise. The following are 7 things you NEED to know before planning and taking your maternity leave:

1) Understand the ins and outs of the Family and Medical Leave Act.

Whether you are an entrepreneur with employees or an employee working in corporate, it is critical that you understand the stipulations of the Family and Medical Leave Act. For example, FMLA applies only to companies who have a minimum of 50 employees and to employees who work full time and have done so for a minimum of a year. In this, an employee has to have worked more than 1,250 hours over the past year to qualify for FMLA. In addition, if an employee and her partner work for the same company, they don't each get 12 weeks of unpaid family leave. They get a combined 12 weeks and will need to plan accordingly.

Keep in mind that the 12 weeks is unpaid, requires giving written notice at least 30 days in advance of taking the leave, can be used by mothers or fathers, but involves no pay. While a company is required to keep your medical coverage during this time, a company does not have to pay for your coverage. You may have to pay out of pocket. To help compensate for losing 12 weeks of pay, you may be able to get short term disability insurance that would cover some of that lost income but not all. You can also take the 12 weeks of unpaid leave in chunks and work part time throughout your leave. Once you have your baby, you must add the baby to your health insurance within 30 days of birth to ensure that your health insurance covers the labor and delivery costs. In addition to this, your company may have you go through procedures and processes specific to that company when taking a maternity leave. As the woman breadwinner, you'll need to have a plan for a) when you'll notify your employer that you're pregnant, b) when you'll take maternity leave, c) what will happen to your position while you're out, d) when you plan to return. You'll also need to consider how you'll make up for the salary lost during those 12 weeks.

2) Unexpected financial expenses must be planned for in advance.

When having a baby, many plan for traditional expenses such as diapers, wipes, cute baby clothes, cribs and bedding. But what financial plan do you have in place for the unexpected expenses such as: a doula, unanticipated doctor visits and pharmacy expenses, breast pump, part time nanny and/or babysitter, remodeling and/or moving costs when moving to a larger home, babyproofing expenses for the home, a new wardrobe for the temporary post-baby body that may not be the size you started the pregnancy at, etc.? Planning for these unexpected expenses (even if you don't want them to come into play) is a great way to reduce financial stress when the realities of new motherhood set in.

3) You may change your mind about your return-to-work timeline.

Many women who vow to return to work a few months after having a baby change their minds. As the breadwinner, this is a heavier and harder decision to make. Be sure that you consider this BEFORE you take maternity leave. If you decided that you didn't want to return to work after having your baby, what other options do you have for creating financial stability? Who would provide? Are you even in a position, if you wanted to, to stay at home with your baby? If not, how will you deal with the grief that comes from having to leave your baby in the care of others while you go back to work? All of these are questions you must answer before going on maternity leave.

4) Bed rest could happen during the pregnancy.

Most women don't consider this until it actually happens but a wiser route would be to scenario plan this situation. If, for some reason, in the middle of your pregnancy, your doctor put you on bed rest (either moderate where you could work from home or complete bed rest where you could not work and had to reduce all stress levels), what would you do? How would you outsource and/or delegate responsibilities?

5) The transition to new motherhood (especially if this is baby #1) takes YEARS, not months.

Many new moms expect their lives after baby to be similar to their lives before baby. Having a child is a major life transition. There will be sleepless nights, less time for a social life or going to the gym, having to call in to work because the baby has a fever, operating at a slower pace or taking longer to get things done because you're breastfeeding every two hours and are absolutely exhausted, and the list goes on. Be sure that you have a realistic preview of what the next 2-3 years will look like and decide, in advance, how you'll manage change and transition.

6) Know who's in your new baby inner circle.

Once you have a baby, your inner circle of friends, supporters, and mentors may change. It's important to begin looking for those individuals who know what you're going through, have been there, and can be supportive post-baby. You'll need to create that inner circle very intentionally.

7) Returning to work (no matter how much you love your job and how much of a stay-at-home-mom-type you are not) is going to be hard. You will experience grief. You will wonder if you made the right decision. You may have some depression. Prepare yourself for the grief that's coming and put solid support in place so you can manage the transition back to work in a healthy and loving way.

Overall, understand that you have the power to create your motherhood experience in any way you choose but it does take planning. You are the breadwinner but, upon having a baby, you might not want to be so be sure you have the proper planning in place to ensure that you have a number of options for motherhood well before you have to choose which one to use.

Major Key to Help You Get Pregnant Fast - Easy Way to Increase Male and Female Fertility

If you have been trying to conceive a baby for months without any success, you are probably looking for helpful information in order to understand the different causes involved. One of them has something to do with mineral requirements. Let's see how zinc can significantly increase male and female fertility.

Why do testicles need so much zinc?

Several studies have demonstrated that for each ejaculation, a man loses an average of 5 mg of zinc. That represents an important percentage of the daily use of zinc in all body's metabolic functions. Sperm does need a huge amount of zinc! Why? Zinc plays a major role in strengthening the structure of DNA material. As a result, zinc has a positive effect on sperm production. Additionally, it helps improve semen quality. High level of zinc in sperm would boost male gametes ability to speed up once moving in the uterus.

Why do female eggs need zinc too?

Zinc helps not only with the growth of seminal secretion in men but also with the production of healthy gametes in women (often called eggs). Zinc plays another crucial role in synthesizing the hormones (such as oestrogens and progesterone) necessary to get and remain pregnant. It appears that Zinc is the only mineral involved in infertility.

Use and Precaution

If you and your mate decide to take a supplement of zinc, make sure not to take more than 100 mg (it will depress the immune system). I recommend you to take a dosage between 30 and 60 mg of zinc gluconate or zinc sulfate per day. It's enough! The other option would be to add foods rich in zinc to your daily diet.


Zinc (often coupled with folic acid) supplements intake could be one of the many solutions possible to treat fertility issues. It can help to improve fertility and get pregnant fast.

In order to really increase chances for conception, a couple would have to change a few things in its lifestyle. If you are ready to strictly follow a very comprehensive plan to get pregnant within 4 months click the Getting Pregnant Plan now!  

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Is Chiropractic Care During Pregnancy Safe?

Many women who are used to receiving regular chiropractic care find themselves questioning whether or not they should continue with this treatment once they become pregnant. There are no known complications to chiropractic care to be concerned with during your pregnancy. All chiropractors are trained to work with women who are pregnant and some have additional training in specific methods.

Chiropractor who use low-force or gentle techniques may be preferred by pregnant women as there is no cracking or twisting of the spine during the adjustment.

Is Chiropractic Safe During Pregnancy?

Chiropractic during pregnancy is an effective, drug free and safe treatment for both the mom and her baby. Chiropractic care can continue while you are pregnant, or you can begin a new chiropractic treatment program as early as the first month of pregnancy. Treatment will help you better deal with the many changes that are occurring with your body. Special adjustments by the chiropractor, designed for pregnancy, help balance the pelvis, reduce any nerve irritation in the spine and generally help your body feel more at ease overall.

The International Chiropractic Pediatric Association recommends that women receive chiropractic care throughout pregnancy in order to establish pelvic balance and optimize the room a baby has for development throughout the pregnancy. With a better balanced pelvis, babies enjoy a greater chance of moving into the correct position for birth which can result in an easier and safer delivery for both the mother and her baby.

What are the Benefits of Chiropractic Care during Pregnancy?

Chiropractic care during pregnancy can lead to a healthier overall pregnancy. Other benefits include controlling nausea symptoms, relieving back, neck and joint pain, reduce the risk of possible cesarean section as well as reducing the amount of time a woman is in labor and delivery. Chiropractors trained in the Webster Technique are able to perform adjustments using this technique when babies are presenting breech. Studies have shown an 82% success rate of babies turning vertex when the Webster Technique was used.

How do I get adjusted while pregnant?

Many chiropractors have either specially designed pillows or tables that allow the expectant mother to lay on her stomach, safely and comfortably during her chiropractic adjustment. Women that are uncomfortable lying this way can still be adjusted by lying on their side.

Are there benefits to Chiropractic Care Post Pregnancy?

After your delivery, your body's supply of relaxin is reduced and your bones and ligaments start to return back to their original positions. Chiropractic adjustments help this process by making sure that everything is aligned. Chiropractic is an essential part of the postpartum process and is especially helpful if you've had a difficult pregnancy or birthing experience.

Chiropractic also helps your body deal with the added stresses that occur as you hold and take care of your baby. Additional bending, lifting, stretching and rocking will become part of your daily routine. Your body will need help adjusting to these new movements and chiropractic is a great help.

As more women look to chiropractic care as a means of maintaining good health throughout pregnancy, more health care providers are referring to chiropractors within their communities. Be sure to discuss chiropractic as an option when you meet with your health care provider. If they are not aware of chiropractic care in pregnancy, ask them to find out it. Most chiropractors welcome the opportunity to partner with other health care providers to help pregnant women enjoy a positive pregnancy experience.

Causes of Pregnancy Aches and Pains, and How Prenatal Massage Can Help

Over the past 10 years, working as a RMT, I have seen a huge increase in the demand for pregnancy massage. I am very excited that more and more mothers-to-be are incorporating prenatal massage into their health care regimes. Although massage therapy is very safe during your pregnancy, it is still important that you inform yourself about how massage can help, as well as how to find the right therapist. This short article will cover the musculoskeletal changes that occur throughout pregnancy, how massage therapy can help, as well as how to find a qualified Pregnancy massage RMT.

Changes that occur in the body during pregnancy

AS a mother-to-be you have probably already started to read up on what's going on with your baby, how it's growing, and how to keep it safe and happy. Unfortunately many women are so focused on the baby they forget to think of themselves as well. As the baby grows, there are many changes that need to occur in the mothers' body in order for the pregnancy to progress normally. These changes vary from temporary to, in some cases, permanent.

Hormonal changes

In the earlier stages of the pregnancy these changes are very small, and in some cases cannot even be felt by the mother. Most of the changes felt are usually hormonal, that can often cause, fatigue, irritability, nausea, and water retention. As the fetus starts to grow, the body must change in order to support it, and make room. The body allows these changes to occur with the help of a hormone which is released later in the pregnancy. This hormone is called relaxin, and its job is to circulate in the body and cause all the ligaments in the body to become a bit more relaxed. This is important because as the baby grown the ribs need to shift and flare out, and the pelvis needs to widen to make room. Although these changes are natural and necessary they can also cause mild to moderate muscle and joint discomfort. As the ligaments loosen, and the joints become more unstable there is a significant increase in stress placed on the muscles. This increase in stress can cause muscular aches and pains, which can be easily alleviated with pregnancy massage.

Postural changes

As the uterus grows, the posture of the mother to be will progressively change along with it. Normal postural changes during pregnancy are:

  • An increase in the lordotic curve ( curve in the low back) This can lead to joint compression and muscular tension and the low back, causing pain and discomfort.

  • The pelvis will drop forward, and widen, increasing the strain on the muscles of the legs, hips and feet.

  • The ligaments along the Anterior and posterior aspect of the spine, as well as the ligaments of the pelvis will stretch out, predisposing the mother to ligaments sprains.

  • The shoulders will round forward causing a tightening of the pectoral muscles, and over stretching the mid back muscles. this can cause pain between the shoulder blades, and tightness in the chest.

  • The head starts to rest in a more forward position, leading to neck, and shoulder pain.

  • The abdominal muscles stretch out, and in some cases separate. This causes to muscles of the back to have to work way more to stabilize the spine.

Although these changes are completely normal, and will happen to every woman throughout their pregnancy they can be uncomfortable, and in some cases quite painful. Pregnancy or prenatal massage not only helps decrease muscular tension, and pain, but can also prevent excessive changes to occur, helping you stay as straight, and stable as possible. A qualified RMT can also give you some strengthening exercises to help stabilize the body (as much as possible) in order to prevent injury, and pain.

?Fluid retention

Due to hormonal changes, increase in blood pressure, and lack of mobility fluid retention can occur throughout the pregnancy. In most cases, this presents as puffiness, in the hands and feet, and legs. This puffiness can cause mild to moderate discomfort, and in some cases can even compress nerves. This can lead to conditions, such as carpal tunnel syndrome, causing numbness in the hands, and arms. Pregnancy massage can help drain out the stagnant fluid by pushing it back towards the heart, and allowing it to be re-circulated and peed out.

How is pregnancy massage done?

Now that I have explained why pregnancy massage is extremely beneficial for most expecting mothers I will quickly explain how pregnancy massage is performed. Pregnancy massage should always be performed by a registered massage therapist qualified in prenatal massage. This ensures that your therapist will be able to safely and effectively perform the massage treatment.

In the early phases of pregnancy there are very few modifications to the treatments. The expectant mother can lie on her stomach to receive her treatment. The only modification will be a decrease in pressure in the low back, and perhaps a small bolsters placed under her shoulders to lift some pressure of her breast. (Can sometimes be tender). There are also shiatsu points in between the shoulder blades, as well as around the ankle bones that need to be avoided, as they can cause uterine contractions

As the uterus grows, the mother to be will be asked to lie on her side to receive the massage treatment. Once the back and legs have been treated she can turn onto her back, where she will be proper up on pillows to a semi-seated position. A small towel roll will be placed under her right hip in order to shift the baby off the major veins of the torso, so the mother-to-be doesn't get light headed. Most pregnancy massages include the back, legs, feet, arms, upper back, and neck, but every massage can be tailored to each individuals needs

During the pregnancy massage, or prenatal massage, pressure does not need to be modified, and can be tailored to what is more comfortable to the expectant mother. There is however some modification that needs to be made, such as no joint mobilizations or aggressive stretching. This can lead to injury because of the natural ligament laxity in the joint throughout the pregnancy.

As you can see, pregnancy massage is extremely safe and beneficial for most expectant mothers. However it is important to note that prenatal massage may not be safe for those who have complications during pregnancy. In those cases it is important to consult with your MD, OBGYN, or mid wife before booking a pregnancy massage. It is also important to note, that even if all RMT's have received basic training in pregnancy massage, not all therapists are comfortable, or experienced in the treatments, so inquire about the RMT's experience with prenatal massage.

Awareness Of Different Pregnancy Types

Pregnancy types vary from woman to woman and it is important for her that she knows about each type. Not all types of pregnancy are normal, and a certain pregnancy type might spell danger and she needs to be alert to it.

Ectopic And Lupus Pregnancy

Of all the pregnancy types, lupus pregnancy and ectopic pregnancy are the most dangerous. Lupus is an immunity related disease affecting a woman. It can lead to miscarriage and still birth. If a woman suffers miscarriage for no apparent reason, she should consult her gynaecologist before conceiving again. Proper treatment can help her become a mother but she has to take extra care and make sure that the hospital she is going to deliver has an emergency neo-natal unit.

Ectopic pregnancy on the other hand has no proven medical reason. It happens when the foetus implantation occurs in any other body part instead of the uterus. It inevitably results in miscarriage and can be deadly for the mother if medical attention is delayed. Symptoms of such a pregnancy are abdominal pain, dizziness and low blood pressure in the first few weeks after conception.

New And Second Pregnancy

New pregnancy makes a mother out of a woman. It is a new sensation that her body undergoes. She changes everyday; each new day brings new joy and challenge. In early pregnancy stages, she may feel morning sickness, nausea vomiting tendency, fatigue and lethargy. As her pregnancy progresses, she may need to go to the bathroom frequently and back aches may cause a major problem.
All these symptoms may be lower in intensity during her second pregnancy. But that does not mean that she has it easy. For now in addition to the child inside her, she has to take care of her older baby. Still second pregnancy is a bit more enjoyable than first pregnancy as the mother now understands every change her body undergoes.

Twin Pregnancies

Lucky is the woman who undergoes nine months of labour instead of eighteen to have two babies. Twin pregnancy is common in woman with prior family history of twins but nowadays due to fertility treatment, many more woman are having multiple pregnancies. It is also a risky affair as the woman needs special care and attention while carrying two foetuses. Most of the time twins are born prematurely with low birth weight. So this kind of pregnancy type needs regular check ups, a balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle.

Teen Pregnancy

Though a woman's body is theoretically ready for motherhood with the arrival of puberty, but biologically or emotionally, she is not ready in her teens to be a mother. Of the pregnancy types, this one should be avoided at all cost. But sadly, with puberty setting early and average age of sexually active youngsters going down, teen pregnancy is a problem in modern society. A teen mother gives birth to undernourished babies, become victims in domestic life and sometimes neglects and abandons the child. Spread of sex education and availability of contraception can reduce this pregnancy type.

Tips & Tactics to Help You Get Pregnant

The first tip to help you get pregnant is to understand how you body works. Your body is amazing; with observation and attention you can greatly improve you chances of getting pregnant. Monitoring changes throughout your monthly cycle will help you identify when the time is right to conceive.

The next tip is to start to watch what you eat and drink, if you are finding that you are suffering from stress then it would be wise to cut down on caffeine and sugary sodas. Drink more water and eat more fresh vegetables and fruit.

The next tip is to prepare your body nutritionally. Good health is all about balance, eating the right foods with the all the nutrition you need can be challenging. To overcome this you can supplement your diet with vitamins. One very important vitamin is vitamin B9, better known as folic acid.

The next tip relates to sexual intercourse. Sex as we all know is wonderful, however if it becomes mechanical then it can start to be a bit of a drag. This can lead to lack of drive and makes the joy of love making routine and boring. You want to conceive a child through passion and love.

When both partners are passionate and climax at the same time it actually helps deliver more sperm to the egg. This improves your chances of conception. After sex, relax, stay lying down and let good old Mother Nature do her job. If you prop up your hips then you get gravity working on your side.

In conclusion your health is everything and this applies to both you and your partner.

Best Place To Get Medical Care in Johannesburg

Johannesburg is the largest and one of the wealthiest and most modern cities in South Africa. It is also the major financial, commercial, industrial and mining center of the country. It is known to have the largest economy in Sub-Saharan Africa. The city has many skyscrapers and is the world's largest city not located on a lake, river or coastline. Johannesburg has many good hospitals, many of which are truly world class. The technologically advanced hospitals offer the services of eminent doctors and accept all major health insurances.

Netcare Linksfield Hospital is placed at 24 12th Avenue, Linksfield West, Johannesburg 2192. South Africa's largest healthcare and medical emergency service provider, Netcare manages this hospital. The center is most well known for neuro-surgery and spinal surgery. The hospital's orthopedic unit is popular for treating of all kinds of sports injuries. In addition, the hospital is country's leading oncology center. The hospital has many special clinics like the travel clinic, the baby clinic, the counseling clinic and the beauty clinic. Excellent service from qualified audiologists is also available. Facilities like a coffee shop, a round the clock pharmacy, and agift shop are also located on site. The hospital has well equipped units in ultrasound, angiography, mammography, biopsies and nuclear medicine. It has also been equipped with a PET scanner, an MRI, a CT and a bone densitometry. The 24- hour emergency department has resuscitation rooms, sophisticated equipment, vehicles, helicopters and fixed-wing air ambulances. The company's Netcare 911 employing about 1000 staff members is the largest private emergency service provider in South Africa. Tel: +27 (0)11 647 3400

Life Brenthurst Clinic situated at 4 Park Lane, Parktown, Johannesburg, 2193 is another major hospital. The world famous South African hospital group, Life Healthcare has 63 modern hospitals of which Life Brenthurst Clinic is one. The 233 bed hospital is famous for medical excellence and patient centeredness. The center offers excellent clinical and diagnostic services in all medical departments and has the best doctors in the region. The newest eye laser facilities are available in the ophthalmology unit. The modern maternity unit features 20 beds as well as antenatal, postnatal, immunization clinics and a well baby center. Tel: 011 647 9000

Best Gifts For Pregnant Moms

Pregnancy is a very special time in the life of a woman. It can also be a physically and emotionally exhausting experience. Every stage of pregnancy is both exciting and challenging. Having the support of her loved ones makes a pregnant mom comfortable and confident of herself. If you are looking for the best gifts for pregnant moms, then consider gifting her an experience rather than a material gift.

Even if she does not say it, every pregnant woman appreciates the help, care and support that her family and friends offer. Most women may find it difficult to ask for or accept help, so try to offer it even if she does not ask for it. One of the nicest things that you can do is to gift her a few hours of quality time by herself or with her partner. You can offer to take care of the household chores such as cleaning the dishes, doing the laundry and dusting the house. This simple gesture will mean more to her than a basket full of gifts.

Offer to run errands such as shopping for groceries. Pregnant mums need to eat properly and should have plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables in their diet. This means that they need to go to the store frequently to shop for them. Pregnancy tires out the woman's body and by ensuring that she doesn't have to stand in the queue at the grocery store and lug her shopping home, you can pamper her rather thoughtfully. You do not need to pay for the groceries; the time and effort that you spend shopping for the provisions are your gift to your friend.

You can also offer to cook dinner at her house or bring the food over. Do take the time and effort to choose dishes that she enjoys. It would be thoughtful to bring a little extra, so that she has leftovers to warm and eat the next day too. It would be nice if you washed the dishes before you left so that she does not have to bother with them.

Pregnancy is accompanied by a plethora of discomforts including backaches, headaches, leg cramps and a general feeling of fatigue. A gentle, soothing massage is just what a pregnant mum needs to alleviate her aches. There are spas that offer special massage treatment for mums-to-be.

Women with normal pregnancies can enjoy the many benefits that a prenatal massage offers. The masseur will help reduce the pressure and strain on certain body parts such as the lower back or the feet. The pampering is just what the lady needs to make her feel loved and cherished. Facial and neck massages relax the body and ease the mind, and can be the perfect gift for a pregnant mum.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Fathers Are Pregnant Too!

There is no argument about the fact that expectant mothers go through a tough nine months of pregnancy. Their bodies experience vast changes which can last up until the time they are able to wean their babies from breast milk. Sadly, during this long time, nobody really considers the father.
He is expected to play his part, but often feels helpless, able to do little more than cook a meal or give a massage. Things can be made even more difficult if his partner is suffering the effects of her raging hormones, and he may end up feeling that he can't do right for doing wrong - no matter how hard he may try.

In dad forums we can read how the expectant father feels: excited, scared, worried, amazed; again, fathers can enumerate a whole range of emotions he may feel. But how do these feelings affect a man physically? How much can a father be physically pregnant, and actually "feel" what his partner goes through?

For all the fathers to be, there is some interesting news for you. Cross-cultural studies have revealed that men can experience hormonal changes during their partner's pregnancy which in turn cause them to feel unwell. There is evidence which shows that in some traditional societies, fathers feel so deeply connected to their unborn child that they show very similar symptoms of pregnancy and even birth. This phenomenon has been called couvade which is a Basque word meaning "brood" or "hatch".

Couvade men can suffer from morning sickness, tooth aches, and even the same gestational problems as their expectant partners. A study of more than 250 expectant mothers and their partners revealed that at least 22.5% of the male partners reported at least one unexplainable ailment to their doctor. These symptoms were new to the men, but strikingly similar to those reported by their pregnant partners. The expectant fathers also visited the doctor twice as often, and filled twice as many prescriptions, during their partners' pregnancy than they had before. In addition, many expectant fathers reported an average weight gain of approximately 4kg.

During their partner's labour, extremely couvade fathers-to-be feel very weak, and may even experience pain to the extent that they have to be looked after by medical personnel and close relatives. After the birth, 62% of fathers interviewed felt sadness and disappointment at about the same time as the mother did, even reporting some kind of postnatal depression.

Two Canadian studies have shown that a father's hormones can alter during his partner's pregnancy, with a marked increase in the milk producing hormone prolactine. This hormone helps promote the breeding habits in male birds, which may help to explain why the levels of this otherwise useless hormone increase in men. Testosterone levels have also been shown to decrease by about one third after the birth of the child. It is thought that this decrease leads to a more nurturing attitude in men; and that the greater the decrease, the more caring a father will be.

After a baby is born, fathers experience the same kind of emotions as their partners when first looking at and holding the baby. Their initial reaction to the baby mirrors that of the mother, beginning with the exploration of the baby's body - fingers first, then palms, arms and legs and finally the trunk. The pitch of the voice changes just like their partner's and they use shorter phrases and more repetitions. Even in controlled laboratory experiments, where mother, father and baby were videotaped to examine their interaction during play; it was observed that fathers gave the same responses to their baby's movements, and were just as sensitive to his cries as the mothers were.

The fact that fathers can feel pregnant too is easily explained. Humans are amongst the few species whose offspring are totally reliant until well into a juvenile age. So many years of caring, feeding, and protecting cannot be mastered by the mother only; so nature has taken care of this through the art of male bonding. Over time, a bond between father and baby can be just as strong as between mother and baby.

With all this in mind, we may come to a more homogenous understanding of how both mother and father are equipped to bond and care for their baby. In our society we have always anticipated the mother as being the one who experiences the magnitude of emotions; but we must remember that fathers are also experiencing these emotions. Whilst they may not gestate or lactate as mothers do, they can care, protect, and feed just as well. Bonds between father and baby can be equally as strong as they are between mother and baby; and we should try and understand the pressure fathers face in the physical anticipation, as well as in their social expectations.

Resume Work After Pregnancy - An Insight For New Moms

To resume work after pregnancy or not is the question that many new moms have to deal with soon after giving birth. If the answer is yes then what is the right time to go back to work? Many women today have to go back to work soon after delivering to support the family. This article is to help you with the issue of resuming work after pregnancy and various factors related to this issue.

Mothers are entitled to at least six weeks maternity leave following delivery. You can use this time to bond with your baby and to get familiar with the routine after pregnancy. Taking care of a newborn is round-the-clock work and can leave you totally fatigued. Fathers are also entitled to parental leave after the child is born. Talk to your employer about it and make sure that you are clear on issues, like whether you will be paid, whether leave will be deducted from your regular leaves or not, etc.

Think Over

Now let us assume that you are thinking about going back to work. You need to think about the following-

  • How long will your working hours be? 20 hours per week work schedule before six weeks post partum will be physically very, very draining. Your body has to recuperate after giving birth and this kind of work schedule is unreasonable and harmful for you.

  • If your job requires physical work, like lifting, climbing, etc, then you might not be up to the task before six weeks after delivery. You will be physically drained out and you will not have any energy for your baby.

  • Will your boss and co-workers allow you to cut back on work when you have overextended yourself? If they really cannot do without you, then you will be dealing with a very stressful situation.

  • Can you take rest breaks if needed?
  • Proper analysis of the above aspects will help you decide on the right time to resume work after pregnancy.

    Let us assume that you have decided to resume work after pregnancy. Have you found a good care for your baby? If you have a relative or friend that can take care of your baby, that would be great. If you do not then you need to find a good child care program. You can contact your local social service department to help you find a good and licensed child care program.

    In your post pregnancy period, you will also have to deal with other issues, like weight loss after pregnancy, breastfeeding, sex after pregnancy, taking care of your child, etc. It is best to seek out expert help, like your doctor, who can give you very good weight loss tips. You can also read pregnancy books to help you out. Knowing how to deal with issues like, when to resume work after pregnancy, etc eases the stress in post pregnancy life.

    Baby Care - Breast Feeding

    Breast-feeding the Baby. In the first two to three days after birth the mother's breasts produce a substance called colostrum. Colostrum resembles melted butter, is high in protein, and contains antibodies that protect the baby. It helps to clear the bowels easily of meconium, a substance in the bowels of all newborn babies. There is no artificial substitute for colostrum.

    Breast Milk. Breast milk is easily processed by the infant's digestive system and helps to prevent allergies. Unlike cow's milk, breast milk leaves an acid residue in the bowel and prevents the growth of harmful bacteria. Breastfed babies usually do not suffer from constipation, provided there is an adequate supply of milk. For the first few weeks, bowel movements may be frequent, but these may decrease to two dirty diapers a day.

    Although initially some women may experience discomfort, most women find breast-feeding a pleasure once it is established. Emotionally, it ensures a closer bond with the baby; physically, it helps the womb to return more quickly to its normal size. Successful breast-feeding depends on the mother's attitude; prenatal preparation of the breasts and nipples and their postnatal care; a good, balanced diet, with plenty of fluids; rest; and patience.

    Prenatal Breast Care. A well-fitting bra should be worn both day and night from the seventh month of pregnancy onward. Starting at that time the nipples should be washed well each day and gently rubbed with a towel after a bath. Some physicians advice applying a bland ointment.

    Flat nipples should be drawn out and rolled between thumb and forefinger. At about the eighth month, the breasts should be gently massaged, and a little colostrum should be pressed from each nipple. This helps to open the milk ducts.

    Women with inverted nipples can wear devices popularly known as "shells" inside their bras during the last three months of pregnancy. If no improvement takes place, a natural nursing nipple shield is helpful when nursing.

    Breast-feeding. Before putting the baby to the breast, clean the breast with a cotton swab dipped in warm water to remove any ointment. Start each feeding on the side opposite the last.

    After the feeding, wipe the nipples with cotton dipped in warm water and apply an ointment or spray. Try to avoid using plastic-backed, milk-retaining pads inside the bra because they can make the nipples sore.

    The First Week. Patience and perseverance are needed during the first week of breast-feeding when difficulties may arise. Nursing mothers should be aware that it may require a few weeks to establish a steady milk supply.

    In the first two to three days the baby sucks colostrum. At this stage the mother does not experience much change in her breasts. Usually between the third and fifth day milk comes in and, as the breasts enlarge, there may be some discomfort or even pain. Should the milk come in with a rush, the baby should be allowed to nurse frequently; this will prevent engorged breasts. Different babies have different needs, and you will have to work out the best schedule for your baby by trial and error.