Saturday, August 31, 2013

Taking Care Of Your Physical and Mental Health During Pregnancy

With over 4 million births in the United States and between 128 and 138 million births in the world every year, the need arises for proper care during pregnancy. Here are some tips for taking care of yourself during your pregnancy.

Get Prenatal Care

The number one most important thing you can do to insure you have a healthy baby is to get prenatal care from a reputable doctor. Regular prenatal checkups can detect potential problems early, determine whether a c-section may be needed, determine the sex and just insure things are going smoothly. A prenatal checkup will generally include blood and urine tests to check for bacteria, blood sugar problems, high blood protein levels, iron levels and other typical complications of pregnancy. Your blood pressure and weight will also be checked. Ultrasounds may also be done to check the growth of the baby and its position in the womb.

Eating Right

In addition to prenatal care, it's essential that you eat right. Balanced meals are crucial, as you are now feeding your baby, as well as yourself. A diet with plenty of whole grains, high quality proteins, fruits and vegetables and dairy is usually recommended for most expectant mothers. It is also recommended that you avoid some items like too much caffeine, artificial sweeteners and any raw or not fully cooked foods like eggs, fish or meat. Also not recommended are soft cheeses and unpasteurized dairy products as these can contain bacteria that could cause an infection. Some types of fish contain higher levels of mercury, which should be avoided, these fish include tuna, shark, swordfish and mackerel. Only two or three servings of fish are recommended for most pregnant women. Above all, drink plenty of fluids, especially water, during your pregnancy.

Vitamins & Supplements

In recent years, studies have found that the B vitamin, folic acid, helps to prevent birth defects when taken during pregnancy. Doctors recommend you take 400 mcg every day. Your doctor may also recommend a multivitamin formulated for pregnant women as well. Many women also take other vitamins and supplements during pregnancy, but be sure to let your doctor know what other supplements you're taking. Consulting a nutritionist or naturopath can be beneficial and they can customize a supplement plan for your specific health needs.


In general, most pregnant women can do the same types of exercises that they did while they weren't pregnant. Though some types of weight lifting, very strenuous exercise, as well as certain yoga poses and pilates movements aren't recommended for pregnant women. You should do your research to make sure you are doing safe exercises for your baby. Generally, swimming and walking are excellent, lower impact exercises for pregnant women and are therefore most recommended.

Dealing With Morning Sickness

Vomiting and nausea are the two most prevalent symptoms of morning sickness in pregnant women. Some ways to alleviate morning sickness include eating more small meals throughout the day instead of 3 larger ones and also eating less greasy or fatty foods.

Prevention Of Complications

Taking care of yourself from the moment you are pregnant can not only protect the health of yourself and your unborn baby, but it can also prevent post birth health complications, including postpartum depression. Postpartum can be prevented by getting proper physical and mental health care during pregnancy, but if after birth, you still come down with a level of postpartum depression, it can be dealt with by using medication or counseling, including an innovative online counseling method, called eCounseling. eCounseling provides effective counseling services by certified counselors, for treating postpartum depression right in your own home.

Remember to take care of yourself during pregnancy, since you're not just taking care of yourself anymore, but also another living being.

Postpartum Depression After a C-Section

One of the things that concerns women when having a c-section is the topic of postpartum depression.  Postpartum depression is often triggered by hormones and women recovering from a c-section will often experience higher post-partum hormone levels than those who deliver vaginally, but why?

During a normal vaginal birth there is a bit more effort involved on the mother's behalf than with a C-section. Through the pushing and breathing come lots of hormones that bombard your body in order to make your delivery possible; all of the actions that take place during birth are made possible by your hormones.

In the case of a C-Section, these hormones continue to flow but are often not used because of the relaxed state of your delivery. After birth the brain will once again become bombarded with elevated levels of hormones, most significantly Oxytocin which helps with the release of the placenta and after-birth, initiate lactation and start the bonding process between mother and baby as well as helping the mother to 'forget' the painful process she has just gone through as the bodies way of insuring that the female will once again desire procreation.

During the c-section procedure an epidural or spinal tap has a tendency to cease the flow of these imperative hormones, synthetic Oxytocin will be prescribed in your IV but many women experience elevated levels of post-partum hormones causing depression because of the later natural release of the hormone build-up in the body. It's important to note that synthetic Oxytocin is meant to help aid in the natural birth progression but not necessarily to help the female adjust after-birth.

So what can you do? Other than the often repeated answer, "Ask your doctor", there are other options for ways to help ease the stress of elevated post-partum hormone levels.

1. Nipple stimulation. Often used as a way to elevated Oxytocin levels to induce labor, can also help with a similar release post-partum.

After birth a nurse specializing in helping the new mother breast feed will come to help you as well, this is an important step in the after-birth period, do not turn away the help from this nurse especially if you just had a c-section. His or her aid will also help to stimulate the nipples allowing for a necessary release of hormones triggering lactation but also with creating a bond between you and your new baby.

This release is also helpful in easing some of the post-partum depression that seems to be increased in cesarean deliveries.

2. Scheduling your cesarean at no earlier than 39 weeks is preferred.  Many doctors don't want women to go into labor pre-surgery if she has had a c-section previously because of possibility of tearing along the already existing scar tissues, but if this is your first c-section and your doctor does not express concerns, going in for your surgery as close to your expected delivery date is important; not only for you but also for your baby. The physical act of going into labor promotes the excretion of important hormones which will aid in your post-partum recovery.

3. Make sure that you keep active and monitor your hormone levels post delivery. Medical studies and statistics have indicated that cases of post-partum depression are higher among women who have a c-section than with a vaginal birth so keeping active is a   good way to keep from developing depression.  Some post-partum sadness is normal but full on depression is not and often requires medical attention.

If you are concerned about avoiding postpartum depression after having a c-section, look into what other mothers have done to counteract this very serious risk. You are not alone! Around 10-15% of women experience some sort of postpartum blues, ask around, search the forums and present all your questions to your doctor. If you already have issues with depression or mood-disorders take a pre-emptive strike and make an appointment with a psychologist or therapist before you deliver. 

Overcoming Depression and Anxiety - The Root

Our brains are not biased to our wants or don't wants.At one point, it was thought to be impossible to overcome. The depression and anxiety. The anger, the fear...the emotional disorders. While these issues are very different from one another, the scientific system they operate on is the same.

Drugs and medication don't fix the problem. They indirectly make it more tolerable, which ultimately only supports the condition - the depression, the anxiety. Unfortunately, many well intending organizations only support the issue by the very way they try to correct it. You'll understand why in a bit.

Our bodies, our actions, are simply an end result of our beliefs and habits. Scientifically, beliefs are NEURAL NETWORKS on our subconscious mind, and these neural networks are what command our bodies. They control everything: the healing, the operation of every cell in our body, our balance, sleep, etc. This leads me to mention that what we consistently focus on directly or indirectly, become part of our beliefs. You may have noticed how people who are constantly concerned about getting sick, are always sick. People who believe they're experiencing depression and anxiety, will be noticing everything that states the symptoms of depression or anxiety or whatever the case. This, my friend, only affirms your thoughts about the condition.

Let's step a tad deeper now.

In a nutshell, there are two mechanisms in the brain that are making this happen real-time. The one that we'll talk about in this article is called the RETICULAR ACTIVATING SYSTEM(RAS). The RAS is like a search engine in our brain, constantly searching for "data" or things that support our beliefs. Just like you use Google and enter a keyword or phrase, the RAS is on the lookout for the "keywords" of our brains: our beliefs. The data that is found, is then forwarded over to our conscious mind, and ONLY then do we consciously, or knowingly, recognize it.

To illustrate, think of how before you bought your car, you never really noticed how many cars just like yours are on the road. Then after you bought it, or really started looking into it, you began to notice a lot more of them. It's not that your eyes didn't see them before, it just wasn't what your RAS was looking for, so it got spit out before it came to your conscious recognition.

Our brains are not biased to our wants or don't wants. It works with the material we feed it - the things we focus on. So if depression and anxiety are part of our focus, they become our beliefs. Our beliefs then instruct the brain to find that. The RAS begins to notice the articles that talk about depression and anxiety. We'll start to see the depression and anxiety related shows and stories and stats. We will begin to learn from these articles and shows, etc about how difficult it is...but what's really happening scientifically is:

...we're creating reference points in our brains, suggesting that difficulty is associated with depression and anxiety, and that depression and anxiety are associated with us. Not a good time. But the brain just does what we tell it to do. It's like a field. The field doesn't care whether you plant a poisonous or edible seed, or both. It will return whatever you decide to plant. Our brains will return whatever thoughts and feelings we decide to focus on.

To your success,
Dennis Andrew

Health Insurance For Pregnant Women - Helpful Guide

It is very important that we all buy the right health protection for our health care challenges. Also, it is very important that pregnant women have the right medical insurance service. This is very important since many things can go wrong (or get better if properly handled) with the health of pregnant women. At this point, the importance of a regular check up for these women can not be over emphasized. This will help keep both mother and child in the right health condition thereby avoiding complications during and after pregnancy.

Sadly though, it is true that a lot of pregnant women do not have medical insurance protection and this has be proven to be a main cause of babies having low birth weight and higher rates of death. Now, considering the high cost of health care insurance in the United States today, it is so difficult for people to afford the right health care service; this also applies to women with babies in their wombs. It is estimated that about 13 percent of these women in the U.S are without health care coverage and this proffers a very serious risk for them and their unborn babies.

Prenatal examinations are usually very expensive, then having to add it up to hospital and child delivery fees which could eventually sum over $10,000. Also, if complications arise and there's going to be a premature delivery or a cesarean section, the costs will soar even more. This makes it so very important for pregnant women to find the right medical insurance that will give them full quality medical care protection at the most affordable price.

Do you need quality health insurance for pregnant women? Let us connect you with the agents on our network. This will make it easier for you to compare different plan and their prices, and choose your ideal health insurance plan.

Where To Get and Compare Free Quotes On Pregnant Women's Health Insurance From Leading Health Insurance Companies Nationwide?

Kangaroo Mother Care and Post Natal Depression: What Are World Leading Experts and Parents Saying?

World leading experts in both pregnancy and postpartum depression have been looking very seriously at the cause and effect of Kangaroo Mother Care (KMC) on the depressive illness known as PND for some years. By all accounts it would appear that the general consensus from the experts is that the technique can be extremely effective in reducing the onset of PND in new moms.

Arising from the way that Kangaroos care for their newborn Joey for around four months after birth, in a pouch positioned just below the mother's chest, KMC is about skin-to-skin contact between mother and newborn baby. This same technique used immediately after childbirth for women, is having a resounding effect on both Mothers and their newborn baby's. In relation to PND, The increased hormone known as Oxytocin is thought to be at least partially responsible for the reduction in symptoms associated with PND.

Looking at the various studies that have been conducted over the years, it would be safe to say that the concept of KMC is working wonders in reducing and eliminating the stress and anxiety often experienced by new mom's. It does not matter if Kangaroo Mother Care is done intermittently or continuously, the benefits are amazing. This of course, in turn reduces the number of women, men and families suffering, as a result of postnatal depression.

There is no disputing from experts or mom's alike, that KMC definitely helps the bonding process between mother and baby, and this bonding process starts the very moment that a baby is conceived. It is also being shown and accepted that Kangaroo Mother Care reduces the symptoms often associated with PND, as much as KMC enhances the physiological stability in the baby. Interestingly, through KMC a Mothers growing awareness of her newborn baby's cues contributes to the possibility of sustained breastfeeding.

Studies have shown that there are no unwanted side effects from the implementation of KMC. Furthermore, KMC enhances bonding as well as reducing the symptoms of PND. These are just a few of the reasons why and the benefits of the introduction of KMC as soon as possible after birth. The great thing about introducing KMC immediately is that it does not interfere with further procedures that may be necessary after giving birth and should in most situations be the priority. Most procedures can be carried out unhampered by baby being skin-to-skin with mom. Kangaroo Mother Care should not only be introduced as soon as possible and there is also room for dad and other siblings to get involved in this process.

Study and research has been carried out around the world and in various demographics. People from both ends of the economic spectrum have been involved in Kangaroo Mother Care research, and there seems to be no apparent discrepancy in the benefits discovered. So, Kangaroo Mother Care is for every baby and every parent regardless of your location in the world.

Post Natal Depression and Hormones Effect Dad Too! The Importance of a Kangaroo Mother Care Family

Much has been written about a woman's hormones before during and after pregnancy, as well as how many of the same hormones affect her baby, but usually when one thinks of the father and hormones, usually only one comes to mind: Testosterone. While testosterone plays a significant role in dad's life, when it comes to pregnancy, childbirth and bonding, he gets his share of hormonal changes too.

Oxytocin, sometimes called the "love hormone" is present during intercourse for both partners. When the man finds out he is going to be a father, and as the reality sinks in, the stress hormone cortisol is released, which, for some men, results in sheet panic at the prospect. As the time of birth gets closer oxytocin and vasopressin increase, as does prolactin, while testosterone levels decrease, causing the man to want to stay closer to home and closer to his mate. Kangaroo Mother Care by both parents with their newborn baby also increases the good "love" hormone oxytocin.

Although no one is sure why this happens, some think it may have to do with pheromones. Pheromones are hormones made by our skin that actually give off a subtle odor. Changes in the mother's pheromones, which the man subconsciously detects, cause his hormonal balance to change accordingly. In turn his hormonal changes emit pheromones, which the mother detects, causing her to produce more prolactin, which not only aids in milk production but contributes to her mothering instincts. In this manner nature is preparing both mother and father for what lies ahead and Kangaroo Mother Care.

The more time dad spends with baby, the more oxytocin is released, encouraging him to spend even more time with his baby. Additionally, it causes him to want to spend time with the baby's mother too. Increased oxytocin causes changes within the brain and paternal feelings emerge. Through these feelings, Fathers have an increased sense of wanting to stay home and care for and protect their family.
Continued Kangaroo Mother Care contact with the baby causes a steady release of prolactin. The continued presence of prolactin will also stimulate the opioid providing a "feel good" response to being part of that loving family unit of mother, father and baby. Oxytocin has an added benefit in that it reduces blood pressure and heart rate and may even be beneficial in the prevention of heart disease.

While Kangaroo Mother Care often focuses on the bond between mother and baby, dad is not left out. Skin to skin contact between father and baby is beneficial to both as well, releasing important bonding hormones for both of them. By maintaining skin to skin contact with his baby, and thereby increasing the release of the "love hormone", dad can not only improve his baby's chances of survival, he can also strengthen the bond between him and his child.

Friday, August 30, 2013

Naturopathy - Help Getting Pregnant With Endometriosis and Painful Ovulation

What is "Naturopathy", and how can it help with getting pregnant faster if you are suffering with endometriosis and painful ovulation? When you are suffering from infertility and searching for answers that your doctor and "modern medicine" can't give you, the answer to that one question could be the turning point in your struggle to get pregnant.

First, let's define this new buzzword everyone is using, "Naturopathy." It simply means using nature's medicines and your body's built-in healing abilities instead of synthetic concoctions from the drug companies. Many people think Naturopathy is just a snake-oil mumbo-jumbo term people use to dress up some crazy concoction they want to sell you, when in fact, a lot of the research for many of the drugs developed by the major pharmaceutical companies start with nature's own herbs and medicines.

In their quest to "improve" on nature, many times the results of the drug company's efforts produce synthetic drugs with potentially dangerous side effects. Naturopathy is the practice of using nature's own remedies in their natural form, the way they have been used for thousands of years, in conjunction with the body's own amazing healing powers.

Naturopathy can be extremely effective for treating infertility or trouble or problems conceiving and getting pregnant because it focuses on curing the illness or problem instead of just relieving or masking the symptoms. Of course there can be specific medical problems or issues that cause infertility, but in a huge majority of cases it is just an imbalance of the reproductive system that prevents getting pregnant. Naturopathy combines nature's remedies with a healthy lifestyle to help return your reproductive functions to their normal balance.

Sometimes it only takes one small thing to throw your reproductive system out of wack. Endometriosis is not a small thing, and it can certainly cause infertility problems. Especially when its effects have painful results, like painful ovulation, menstrual cycles, or even painful intercourse. Naturopathic treatment methods for endometriosis focus on returning balance to your reproductive system so that endometrial cell growth is confined to the uterus, where it is supposed to be, not on the ovaries or other internal pelvic areas.

As simple as it sounds, the first step in naturopathic treatment is balancing a healthy lifestyle. This means a healthy diet; yes there are foods you should and shouldn't eat to promote your reproductive functions, plenty of exercise; proper exercise causes your body to function as it should, with no functions "taking a break" because they're not needed, and stress reduction: a documented and accepted contributor to infertility. Even though this seems simplistic, you only have to take a look at your own lifestyle to see how easy it is for any one, or all, of these factors to be out of balance.

Naturopathic medicine is an accepted medical method, and is a licensed practice in many states, and should only be used in conjunction with consultation with your regular doctor. It isn't a method where you can say, "Oh I need more zinc in my system" or "I just need to cut-out caffeine", it should be a complete program developed for you by a Naturopathic Practioner directed specifically at balancing your reproductive system to correct your trouble or problems conceiving, or trying to get pregnant faster. A naturopathic treatment program can greatly increase your chances to get pregnant.

First Trimester Pregnancy Experiences

Your first trimester pregnancy months are the time when you need to accept and absorb all the changes you and your body are about to go through. When you first suspect that you are pregnant, a lot of different feelings go coursing through your body and mind. You may be thrilled at the prospect of becoming a parent, and at the same time you may be terrified of the very idea that you'll be responsible for the life of another human being.

During the first trimester pregnancy months you'll have many things to think about. One of these is your choice of doctor to guide you through your pregnancy. Although many women visit their general practitioner throughout their pregnancy, it's advised that you seek out the care of an obstetrician during the first trimester pregnancy weeks.

This type of doctor has extensive training and experience in dealing specifically with pregnancy and delivery. It's a good idea to visit an obstetrician during your first trimester pregnancy weeks to find out your exact due date and also to learn more about nutrition. He will also prescribe a pre-natal vitamin for you during your initial visit.

One body change you are likely to notice during the first trimester pregnancy weeks is how easily you become tired. As your hormones change, so does your need for rest. Don't be surprised if you find yourself having to catch a quick nap in the middle of the afternoon or when you return home from work. Your body is telling you to rest and you need to listen and obey it.

One effect you may also experience during the first few weeks of your pregnancy is morning sickness. Although this doesn't happen to all women, a good majority suffer from at least some symptoms of morning sickness. The name itself is a bit misleading as morning sickness can occur anytime during the day or evening. If you happen to experience this first trimester pregnancy symptom, keep in mind that it will pass. Morning sickness rarely lasts for the duration of the pregnancy, it's almost always restricted to the first trimester.

Things can go wrong during a pregnancy and in most cases, if that does happen, it will be during the first trimester pregnancy period. Miscarriages are unfortunately a fact of life, and quite often are nature's way of protecting a fetus that has some sort of birth defect. Should you suffer from a miscarriage, take comfort in the fact that most women who lose a pregnancy go on to give birth to one or more healthy children. It's very rare for a miscarriage to happen beyond the first trimester, so if you are into your second trimester, take comfort in that.

It is for this reason that many people wait beyond the first trimester pregnancy weeks before informing others of the impending birth. You usually won't be showing until your fourth or fifth month of pregnancy so it is relatively easy to keep the secret until you are far enough along to know that the baby is healthy and secure.

Make sure that you take time during the first few months of your pregnancy to do some research into caring for a new baby. Many people, particularly first time parents, don't have the experience or knowledge they would like to have when the baby arrives. Read as much as you can about both child birth and caring for a newborn so you can feel confident in your parenting skills once the baby arrives.

Babies are a joy and you should cherish each and every day, right from your first trimester pregnancy weeks through to the day you give birth. These are memories that will last forever, so be certain you take some time to thoroughly enjoy all the changes you are experiencing.

Baby Nurses - What Are They and What Are the Benefits of Hiring One?

A typical newborn/infant is awake and in need of care for several hours every night. In order for mothers to properly recuperate, and for families to ease the transition into life with their newest member, some families choose to employ a baby nurse or newborn specialist.

Traditionally, overnight nanny responsibilities have been held by women with the title of baby nurse. By today's modern standards however, this person is a Registered Nurse (RN) or Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN). Further, in some states the term "baby nurse" can only be used legally if the person practicing this profession is an actual RN or LPN. For individuals who have extensive experience in newborn care, but do not hold medical licenses, the term "newborn specialist" can be used.

A baby nurse performs all tasks related to baby's well being including feeding, diapering, and soothing the child through the night. For breastfeeding mothers, the caregiver will bring the child to mother, but will then provide all other care for baby by burping, changing and easing baby back to sleep. Baby nurses are also required to keep the child's room orderly and clean, but do not perform household duties.

During the first nights home with baby, a baby nurse benefits the entire family. Knowing that baby is in capable, nurturing hands just as s/he was in the hospital nursery, mothers get the deep restorative sleep their bodies need to recuperate from the emotional and physical demands of childbirth. For fathers and partners, who in the vast majority of homes can not take significant time off from work, baby nurses allow for proper rest before starting back in the workplace. Older siblings who may not yet understand how the new family member could affect them, also benefit. Parents can be 100% available to comfort the older children when they inevitably wake up during the night as they adjust to life with the new baby.

And for the babies themselves, professional care allows their needs to be met quickly, easily and lovingly.

Whether families opt for service a few nights a week, or a month or more, the most important thing a baby nurse provides is deep, restorative sleep. This is crucial for all parents, whether they work outside the home or are a stay at home parent. A good night's sleep allows families to enjoy and cherish their time, rather than just "get through the day."

The Cost of Surrogate Mother

When couples can't produce children they have to ponder over the phenomenon of looking into the cost of having surrogate mother. Such issues have vast and extensive details. The prices of people's demand and scenarios and situations always vary - making it impossible to give exact figures of the cost of a surrogate mother. However, we can review the common costs which proceed to surrogate pregnancy with accumulating a few additional expenses.

Like we said, the fee which surrogate mothers charge varies according to circumstances. However, average costs include a sum of USD 18,000. Other women may do this for a lesser price; whereas women who are qualified surrogate mothers, or experienced, call them what you may - might charge more. Please note that the standard fee stated above does not include any medical fee or the cost of food and vitamins the couples are bound to provide.

The other thing is that if a surrogate mother finds out, through ultra sound that there are multiple babies within her womb - an additional cost of USD 5,000 will increase. This can only be found out after 12 weeks when the ultra scans are performed over the mother.

Both parties have to sign a mutual contract - which means when both the parties sign up these contracts, there will be an additional fee to pay the lawyers. The standard legal fee usually rounds up to an approximate USD 5,000. Then the surrogate mother requires psychological evaluation: these costs are just about USD 5,000.

Once the surrogate mother becomes pregnant, her body expands, which means she'll need new clothes. These clothes include bigger clothes as well as maternity clothing. The cost of such clothing is around USD 750. Traditional insemination for a traditional sort of surrogacy costs USD 500.

Then are factors which the couple need to take care of - for example when the mother drives to the doctor or use public transport in order to do so - the bus fares or gas charges add up to an approximate figure of USD 50.

If there are additional invasive methods like DNC, Cerclage, FUC or amniocentesis - then there will be more extra expenses worth USD 500. If you opt to choose gestational surrogacy, the transfer will cost you around USD 750.

In case the surrogate mother grows multiple fetuses while pregnancy, selective reduction can be an option. The procedure consists of removing other fetuses with only one remaining. The fee of such an operation costs around USD 2,000.

If any point in time the mutual parties decide to abort the baby - the fee consists if USD 2000. In case a section C is involved, the amount will add up to another USD 1,500.

If you deploy a surrogate mother through an agency they will charge you a commission worth USD 12,000 - and if your client is a foreigner you will have to pay an additional USD 1,000.

There are other little payments included in the process of breeding a child within a surrogate mother's womb. And they vary from circumstance to circumstance. But to sum up all the costs on average, the total digit piles up to USD 40,000. The figures stated above are general and should be taken as a guide and not an accurate means of calculation. The procedure of contract details and negotiations with surrogate mothers could be extensive. The article however is to give you a general idea about the cost of a surrogate mother in general terms.

Definition of Acute Depression

Depression is the word that nobody would want to hear. Millions across the world get affected by various forms every year. One of the types is known as acute depression. It is also known as major depressive disorder or clinical depression. It is one of the most severe forms and less common as compared to the all other forms. The exact cause has still not been discovered. Psychological changes, biological changes, stress, loss of loved ones, physical disability, divorce and environmental changes are the common causes.

Following are the most commonly observed symptoms that will help you to distinguish between acute and other types of depression: The common symptoms are:

1. Considerable loss of interest enjoyable activities.

2. Constant sadness, anxiety or blues all the time.

3. Sleeping problems, sufferer usually exhibits Insomnia disorder. Insomnia causes difficulty to get off to sleep, early morning wake ups, less sleep than normal, disrupted sleep. In some cases symptoms of hypomania are also exhibited by the patients. Hypomania causes too much sleep than the normal sleep; sufferer finds it difficult to get out of the bed.

4. Sufferer might exhibit considerable amount of weight gain or weight loss due to poor appetite.

5. Loss of energy or fatigue is quite a common symptom.

6. Persistent feelings of worthlessness, hopelessness and guilt disturb the sufferer all the time.

7. Restlessness or tiredness without any reason.

8. Sufferers find it difficult to concentrate in all sorts of things associated with them, as a result of which they find it extremely difficult to make decisions.

9. Socially inactive behavior.

10. Suicidal thoughts or suicidal attempts are quite common.

11. Physical symptoms such as headache and ache in the stomach areas are also quite common.

12. Interest in the sexual intercourse decreases to quite a large extent.

You may not notice all the symptoms in sufferers as the symptoms vary person to person. If you notice majority of these symptoms in an individual, do ask him or her to seek medical attention. Do not ignore this state; if left untreated you might be victimized with the adverse affects. It is a treatable mental disorder and various treatment methods are available. Kids may find it difficult to cope up with treatment methods. The most effective treatment methods are:

1. Antidepressants as per the prescription of specialists.

2. Psychotherapy methods, especially cognitive behavioral therapy, talk therapy and interpersonal therapies are the best therapies.

3. Electroconvulsive therapy.

4. Combination of psychotherapy and antidepressants can also work in tandem to relieve you.

Avoid Hysterectomy & Incontinence Surgery - Consider Kegels First

Do you want to avoid hysterectomy, surgery for urinary incontinence, or prolapse surgery for cystocele or rectocele?

"Susan"* had hysterectomy and "bladder lift" surgery scheduled to find relief from incontinence. She leaked pee so badly she was like a prisoner in her own home, chained to the bathroom. After just two weeks of kegels, she was able to take a two-mile walk with almost no leaks. Three months later, she says kegels have "given back my life and my freedom."

"Ann" had problems moving her bowels because of a rectocele (prolapsed rectum). She'd been doing kegels for years, but she was doing them incorrectly, without much benefit. She was planning surgery to treat the rectocele, but after two weeks of doing kegels right, the doctors couldn't find the rectocele anymore.

Hundreds of thousands of women have pelvic surgery every year to treat incontinence or prolapse (cystocele, rectocele, or uterine prolapse). For many women, surgery helps. For others, surgery doesn't solve the problem, or creates new problems that might be even worse.

Surgery may work well for some women. But before you rush into surgery, consider giving kegels a try.

I'm not talking about a few kegels here and there when you happen to think of it. That approach to kegels won't work. I'm talking about learning how to do kegels correctly -- contracting the right muscles, for the right amount of time, the right number of times a day, using the right position and the right breathing. Sounds like a lot of work? Not really; all it takes is a couple hours to learn and a few minutes a day to actually do it. Kegels do require your commitment, but for those who experience the benefits of kegels, it's a tiny investment for enormous positive gain.

Surgery is potentially dangerous (it can lead to many complications -- ironically, including prolapse). It typically involves painful recovery, and it's always expensive. (And I don't know about you, but for me, the idea of getting the sensitive, private parts of my body cut into and stitched up is not my idea of a good time!)

Kegels are completely safe: as long as you do them right, it's literally impossible to hurt yourself. You can do kegels at home on your own, keeping your independence and personal power intact. Kegels are painless. They can actually be fun and relaxing! There are no drugs, no complications. Doing kegels is free. And the one side effect kegels do have? Better sex. It's no wonder women love kegels!

Have you been living with prolapse or incontinence? Have you been considering a hysterectomy, incontinence surgery, or other prolapse surgery? Talk with your health care team, and consider giving kegels a try -- real kegels, done right. You have nothing to lose, and you could have a whole lot to gain.

*Susan and Ann are real women. Their names have been changed here to protect their privacy.

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Mood Lifting Food For Mums

New mothers who experience anxiety, panic, low mood, hopelessness or other depressive symptoms, may be suffering from post-natal depression. This occurs in approximately 10% of new mothers in the post partum period, and can be aided by the use of holistic healing and support from loved ones. Instead of focussing on the negatives, take the salutogenesis approach, by focussing on ways to positively induce a feeling of well-being.

Strategies to prevent or reduce the occurrence of Post Natal Depression

- Eat plenty of foods that are high in fibre, vitamin B and also in minerals such as calcium, iron and magnesium. Complex carbohydrates, whole grains, brown rice, vegetables and raw oats are a good start. These improve levels of mood boosting substances in the brain, and create a sense of well being.
- If your mind is over-active take herbs such as oats relaxing drops to induce restfulness. Bathing in Lavender Bath Milk is highly recommended for new mothers, to calm the nerves.
- Eat oily fish such as tuna and a little salmon to provide ample amounts of essential fatty acids.
- Have plenty of rest and avoid exertion. The more relaxed you are, the less likely you will be to dwell on aches and pains, facilitating a faster and easier recovery.
- Avoid any foods that trigger mood swings such as high fat and high sugar meals, caffeine, white bread and milk chocolate.
- Avoid smoking
- Create a support system with family so that household chores such as cleaning and cooking are handed over to somebody else as often as possible
- Use homeopathic or herbal medicines where-ever possible to calm and soothe your baby if it is restless or upset

Causes of Post Natal Depression are varied and it thought that a poor dietary intake of complex carbohydrates as well as the B group vitamins B1, B5, B9 and B12 are common in women with this condition. However dietary changes are only one aspect to improving mood. The aroma of essential oils is a very simple and effective way to boost mood, and you can incorporate essential oils into your daily skincare regime. Oils of Lavender, Wild Rose, Sweet Orange and Chamomile are all useful to induce relaxation and boost mood. Wild Rose Body care and deodorant for example, keep the mood-lifting aroma of roses alive on your skin throughout the day. The best way to access the aromatic oils of these plants is to buy them in natural, organic and biodynamic bodycare products such as lotions and bathmilks to get the best possibly quality oils and to avoid toxicity.

Often low mood is a reflection of an exhausted nervous system, which needs to recover and rejuvenate after traumatic events. Herbs such as Oats (Avena Sativa) will benefit both mother and baby. Oats Relaxing Drops can also be taken multiple times daily by mother.

The Benefits of Rose

Another herb to consider is the highly moisturising rose. The smell of fresh roses is nothing short of a soft caress and has many benefits for skin health as well. It can be found in lotions, moisturisers, toners and cleansers. Rose petals strewn loosely in a baby's bath water will soften the skin and have a calming effect on mood.

Organic and biodynamic roses are the most beneficial as they maximize the medicinal qualities of the plant, so always choose products with high quality and purity standards.

Does Your Confinement Nanny Have an Attitude?

You will check the qualifications of any confinement nanny invited into your home, but will you check their attitude as well? Too many expectant parents spend adequate amounts of time ensuring that their confinement nanny has the experience and knowledge needed to properly care for an infant, while failing to check the nanny's attitude.

Your confinement nanny will become a member of your family for an extended period of time. If they have a negative attitude or tend not to listen to others, then they will bring a negative vibe into your household. If they have a positive attitude and are open, nurturing and caring, they will bring a positive vibe of happiness and peace into your household.

Unfortunately, most confinement nannies can seem pleasant and loving when they are interviewed for short periods of time. You may sometimes run across an independent nanny who is unpleasant right from the start, but most will put on their best smile when trying to secure a new position. This means unsuspecting parents-to-be will one day be pleasantly surprised when their nanny seems to be rude and inconsiderate.

The good news is most nannies enjoy their profession and are completely devoted to protecting the little ones and making life as easy as possible for the new mother. Their attitude is like sunshine in the home because they are so at peace when they are working.

So, how do you make sure you get one of the pleasant confinement nannies and avoid one of the unpleasant nannies? There are a few things you can do to check the attitude of every potential nanny before inviting them into your home:

1. Work with a reputable confinement nanny agency, rather than hiring independent nannies. If you are unsatisfied with the nanny you are assigned, you can have a new nanny sent to your home. Nannies employed by an agency have more incentive to do a great job and treat everyone in your home with great respect.

2. Meet with your perspective nanny face-to-face before agreeing to hire them. If you are working with an agency, make sure you meet the specific nanny assigned to your home before the baby is born. This ensures you feel comfortable with them and feel they have the right attitude for your household.

3. Speak with others who have worked with your confinement nanny in the past. This is easy to accomplish if you are working with a reputable agency, but it can be a bit more difficult if working with an independent nanny who can pick and choose which references to turn over.

Signs of an Attitude

Even if a perspective confinement nanny has their biggest smile on for an interview, there are some signs of a potential attitude problem that you may notice. One of these signs is the tendency to cut you off or avoid questions. If you feel like you pose questions and they tell you everything about themselves except for what you asked, then they may not be listening as intently as a confinement nanny should.

Similarly, if a nanny cuts you off or seems not to care about your concerns or ideas, then they may not be the caring nanny that you feel comfortable with in your home. A nanny should listen and answer all questions honestly, showing the knowledge they have in this field.

Introduction to the Care Quality Commission's Regulation of Health and Social Care Providers

Since April 2010 the Care Quality Commission has gradually introduced legal requirements for a number of organisations, in relation to the provision of health, adult social care and dental services. These requirements relate to all providers of a regulated service as defined by the Health and Social Care Act 2008.

The Care Quality Commission has developed a document detailing the Essential Standards of Quality and Safety that they have identified providers should be meeting in order to be delivering services in a safe and patient focused way. These essential standards replace the previous guidance provided in the form of The Standards for Better Health for NHS Trusts and the previous regulations under the Care Standards Act 2000.

Under the CQC's new system, the intention is that all registered providers will be demonstrating the same set of essential standards of quality and safety whilst also demonstrating respect for their service users' dignity and rights. This uniform set of standards applies across the board, whether providing community based healthcare, domiciliary care within the home or long term residential nursing care. The focus of this new registration system is the assessment of outcomes from the point of view of the patient or service user.

This means that providers will need to be able to demonstrate that their patients are happy with the services that they are receiving and that they have proactively consulted with them in designing and re-designing their provision. This patient focused approach thus demonstrates a slightly different approach to the previous regulatory body, who were more targeted towards the implementation of robust policies and procedures. Further differences can be seen in the fact that providers will need to be registered for each regulated activity that they carry out rather than as an organisation as a whole; the regulated activities that require registration are listed below:

- Personal Care
- Accommodation for people who require nursing or personal care
- Accommodation for people who require treatment for substance misuse
- Accommodation and nursing or personal care in the further education sector
- Treatment of disease, disorder or injury
- Assessment of medical treatment for people detained under the Mental Health Act 1983
- Surgical procedures
- Diagnostic and screening procedures
- Management of supply of blood and blood derived products
- Transport services, triage and medical advice provided remotely
- Maternity and midwifery services
- Termination of pregnancies
- Services in slimming clinics
- Nursing care
- Family planning services

With such a broad spectrum of activities that need to be registered it is hoped that this new system of registration will ensure that services are being provided in line with service users' needs and that patients can expect a uniform approach to the care and treatment that they receive regardless of when or where it is delivered. Additionally, with details of registrations being made available on the Care Quality Commission's website it will be possible for the general public to assess a service's registration status and compare it with alternative options, thus providing choice and an incentive for providers to maintain and/ or improve standards.

Health Issues For Young Women is Most Prominent

In western medical philosophy medicine and statistic have always had some binds with one another, to paradoxically both generalize patients and both specify with the numerical analysis making it easier. To develop which illness, population are divided by gender, then by age, and then by even more demographics, which groups all in effort to find out are more likely. Whether or not medication would be effective of the population, to be useful at the same time on a large enough size. With various sections each segment of the people undertakes unreliable measures showing medical commonalities of analysis and study. Womens' health issues particularly around the ages are one of these groupings likely. Womens' health issues are the most prominent in the aforementioned age group, counting among that is stress, believe it or not.

Tend to vary widely the triggers for stress from person to person, but that can be considered regardless, common, and demographic there are a couple of causes. In this age group, women can all bear on family life, professional careers, parental care and social pressures. To roles of cultural and expected social, women due to juggling all of these has never been easy on anyone, debate puts more stress on the emotional toll of the internal "family versus career", some believe about that. Than other female age groups, statistically speaking, particularly in recent years they are more prone to stress. In this age group, conditions such as depression and anxiety have also been noted as a possible outcrop of stress as womens' health issues. Not female specific, women in the ages between 25 and 40 are usually, however it is worth stating that the forms of mood disorder and anxiety that occur, such as postpartum depression. On female behavior, one of the factors believe between cultural perception and how it contrast and compares with drive and career to contribute to the emerging prevalence of this problem would be the delicate balance.

For example, among the corporate elite, crying and tears are often seen as weaknesses, so women to suppress natural emotional reactions are often make an effort striving to earn positions of power in the business world. To relieve a good amount of tension and stress in women, in moderation and when appropriate science and medicine both state that crying and the release of tears. Under the same situations, this is similar in theory to how "therapeutic" hitting objects is for men. Because it no longer has the strength and resiliency of youth, particularly skin care is also a major concern for the 25 to 40 age group particularly. Than adult skin to outside influence that it is a little recognized verity that teenage skin is much further resistant, as well as being more thin-skinned to current healing. As career or family concerns time begin also contributes to the lower level of skin care during this age to take more priority over appearances. Without investing time, there are various ways that a woman can maintain the overall health of their skin, ensuring that skin damage does not become a major concern later on in life.

What to Do If You Can't Afford Health Insurance

Do You Lack Health Insurance?

If you are an American, and you lack health insurance, you are not alone. In late 2009, it was estimated that almost 46 million people in the US do not have a health plan. Recent high unemployment figures have not made this figure any lower.

Some of these people lost their group health plans when they lost their job. Others are self employed or work for a company that does not offer group health. There are alternative private health plans on the market, but many people just cannot afford them, or they cannot get accepted by one. While politicians haggle over the issues, sick people are having trouble getting treatment.

Are You Sick or Healthy?

If you are very healthy, or if you already have a health issue, you should seek coverage. It will be, of course, a lot easier to find affordable private health insurance if you are healthy. This way you can be prepared in case you do get sick or get hurt in an accident. Even a simple trip to an emergency room for a broken bone can cost thousands of dollars.

If you have already are hurt or ill, it will be tough to get it covered by private plans now. But even people who are already sick should be able to find some help. I hope to present some options for you.


Under federal law, some companies must extend their group medical plan to terminated employees. This can be a good option for those who are between jobs. The only issue with it is the cost. Instead of just paying your employee contribution, now you will probably also have to pay the whole premium amount. Many ex-employees are very surprised when they learn how much this is.

Individual Health Insurance

If you lack major medical, and you are fairly healthy, you may find that a private medical plan is pretty affordable. It is actually a misconception that group benefits are always cheaper than individual plans. Because insurers can underwrite each applicant, they may actually be able to offer lower rates for healthier people.

If you have an option to extend your group benefits (i.e. COBRA) or buy private coverage, just make sure the new plan will accept you, and that it will cover services you need. It is tough, for instance, to get individual plans that cover normal maternity. But if you are accepted, which most people in reasonably good health should be, and the plan satisfies your needs, you may be vary happy with carrying your own health plan.

State Risk Pools

Every US state has some sort of health plan for people who have a pre-existing health problem that gets them declined for other coverage. In some states, these plans can be very expensive though. This is a good option if you do have income or savings, but just do not have health insurance.

Paying For Prescriptions

If you cannot afford your prescription medicine, consult the Partnership for Prescription Assistance (PPARX). Their website is This organization offers a point of access to hundreds of private and public assistance programs. Their website says they have helped millions of Americans get help, and they may be able to help you.

Low Cost Health Clinics

You can find some lower cost health clinics. Many offer health services on a sliding scale. The PPARX website we mentioned about also has a handy search feature. You can enter your zip code and see if you can find a nearby locations. I entered my own zip code for a test, and I was surprised to see that there were several of these clinics within a short drive of my house. I had not been aware that there were any before.

Financial Aid For Health Problems

If you have a serious illness, you may be able to get support from a financial assistance program. These are usually non-profits, and sometimes they are called co-pay programs. Again, PPARX has information on many of these organizations.

County Health Systems

Try searching for a county or public health system in your own area. They should provide reduced fee services for patients. You will probably be locked into using their hospitals, doctors, etc., but you should have access to care.

Public Health Insurance Programs

If you have a very low income, and few assets, you may qualify for Medicaid. This is the federal and state program to insure the poor. Moderate income families should look at the Childrens Health Insurance (CHIPS) plan for their state. Income guidelines to cover kids are higher than those for adults, and these plans may also cover pregnant women.

What To Do If You Have No Health Insurance

I would tell anybody to figure out how they can obtain health insurance as quickly as possible. For instance, you should try to apply for a private policy when you are healthy! You are probably not going to find coverage from a private company after you are already sick or hurt. If you do find a plan that accepts you, it will probably be much more expensive That is how insurance works.

It is always better to plan ahead. Of course, this is not always possible.. If you have a current health issue, and no health plan, you should look at some of the alternatives we listed.

Chin Augmentation to Correct the Facial Features

A chin augmentation reshapes the chin by placing chin implants, or by using surgical manipulation to the jaw bone. This procedure is also known as mentoplasty. It can restore the balance of your face. A weak chin can make the appearance of normal nose as large. It may also give 'fleshy' appearance for the neck. The end result of the chin augmentation would give balanced structure for the face. To acquire the best facial balance, some patients prefer to have this surgery along with rhinoplasty.

Chin augmentation surgery is the best solution for both women and men, who are unhappy with the shape and size of the chin. By placing artificial implants, small chin can be improved. These implants are made of goretex or medical grade silicon is mainly used. This method promises improved results, well balanced and more pleasing facial look. Hence it helps you to feel better about your appearance and improves your self esteem.

This surgery can be performed in two methods. One can be performed by making an incision inside the mouth, which involves adjusting the chin bone and another method is inserting an implant. To insert an implant, incision is made underside of chin or in the mouth, in later conditions, surgery may leave a small scar which is negligible. It can also be done by cutting the lower jawbone and moving it forward. It is a technique, which uses the body's own tissue for acquiring the desired results.

Different types of materials will be used in chin augmentation. Silicon products are safe because the chemical reactions are very rare. Whenever you want an implant, you will have to choose shape, size and firmness. Your plastic surgeon can show you the sample pictures of faces after inserting the implants.

Semi-solid plastic implants, which are made of expanded polytetrafluoroethylene or polyethylene, are more pliable than silicon and also reactions are very less. Inserting the implants may also depending on your age, the look you want, thickness of the skin and whether you are female or male.

After cheek or chin augmentation, you will be suggested to take liquid food for a week and you will be back to the work within a week. Depending up on the problem complexity, this procedure takes 1 to 3 hours to complete. If this surgery is combined with rhinoplasty, you can improve your overall facial appearance. For multiple surgeries, it may take 2 to 3 weeks for rest. A General anesthetic is recommended for this procedure.

Risk Factors:

The chin augmentation procedure involves certain risks. A significant rate of bruising, bleeding, numbness around the region of the chin, and facial nerve damage, are all the side effects of this procedure. So, while choosing the plastic surgeon, care should be taken, and also check the experience of the surgeon in dealing with such cases.

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Pregnancy Hormones May Cause Memory Problems

A lot of pregnant women actually suffer from forgetfulness and clumsiness during pregnancy. A research shows that hormone levels are so elevated during pregnancy that they may be having an adverse effect on the brain cells. There could a link between pregnancy and memory problems.

A research that was conducted took into account the various stages of pregnancy. According to the research, the first trimester in pregnancy did not show any visible set of problems related to memory. However, when women were given simple questionnaires to fill in their second and third trimesters, they performed a lot worse. Also, women tend to get worried during pregnancy if they will be able to function normally after giving birth. The phase of memory loss actually lasts for quite some months even after pregnancy.

Pregnancy causes several psychological problems like low mood levels and anxiety disorder. It is known to cause prenatal and postnatal depression. These conditions may be affecting the memory in women during pregnancy also.

Hormones could be playing a big role in causing memory loss. While typically hormones get regulated in the body for the safety of the mother and child, some hormones when produced excessively in the body may not suit the brain cells. Higher rate of sex hormones also have an effect on the neurons in the brain. Memory is a brain function that usually takes place in the hippocampus and it is this region of the brain that the scientists feel is adversely affected by the circulating hormones. Mood swings and anxiety that extend after pregnancy in the form of post natal depression also causes memory loss after pregnancy.

However, researchers agree that more research needs to be conducted in this field in order to definitively find out what causes memory problems in pregnant women.

What Helps With Pregnancy Nausea - Remedies for Morning Sickness

Physicians hesitate to prescribe drugs as remedies for morning sickness and suggest instead safe natural methods to get over the problem. And hence for women who are on look out for what helps with pregnancy nausea, the natural and traditional remedies are the best bet, yet. Some of the drug free remedies prescribed as alternative treatments help even those suffering from acute morning sickness.

Fashionable looking sea bands are even used in hospitals by doctors to help pregnant women get over the feeling of nausea. The working of the bands have been scientifically researched and proven in medical studies conducted. The pressure applied continuously by the bands on certain points of the wrists help women to tide over their feeling of nausea during pregnancy. The safe bands are adjustable and reusable. The user could also easily remove them when signs of discomfort emerge as a result of sustained pressure at one point.

Using the same acupressure principle and making it simpler on pregnant women, they are taught to use their thumbs to apply pressure on the vital points to get over the nausea. Repeatedly applying pressure on certain points in the forearm, women are able to get over the problem of nausea during pregnancy. The obvious advantage of acupressure is that it is an effective and practical self-help a pregnant woman could resort to any time she wants relief.

The other alternate remedies pregnant women have been trying out successfully include natural ingredients like ginger and cinnamon. Peppermint candies are also chewed by few pregnant women as a remedy for morning sickness. These remedies however are not scientifically proven and few doubts are raised about their safety from time to time. Critics of ginger point to one of its properties which inhibit blood clotting and argue that it may not be safe for pregnant women.

Thus though there are several unanswered queries with regard to what helps with pregnancy nausea there has been unanimity on few remedies like the acupressure and sea bands for overcoming the morning sickness. Yet another useful remedy lies in intake of proper diet at right times in a day. Thus natural methods discussed here are considered safe and effective for avoiding pregnancy nausea.

The Do's and Dont's of Pregnancy

With so many people giving their opinion on what to do and what not to do during pregnancy, it becomes hard to determine what is fact and what is fiction. Below is a list of some of the more important factors to consider in regards to pregnancy do's and dont's.

Food during pregnancy

Certain foods need to be avoided during pregnancy. Listeria, which is caused by uncooked meats, some seafood, unpasterized milk and soft cheeses, can cause birth defects, miscarriages and stillbirth.

Cat litter

Toxoplasmosis, is a disease which is contracted by contact with cat feces. It is spread by a parasite which can lead to miscarriages, stillbirth and birth defects.


Smoking during pregnancy is definitely a no no. It has been linked to a low birth weight, miscarriage and premature birth in many different studies. Second hand smoke poses the same dangers during pregnancy, and should be avoided at all costs.


Some studies on caffeine during pregnancy have led to the conclusion that the two do not mix well together, as caffeine may increase the possibility of miscarriage and low birth weight. On the other hand, other studies have shown no link between the two. Obviously an excessive amount of caffeine is a bad idea regardless of pregnancy. An excessive amount of caffeine is generally regarded as over 300 milligrams per day. If you stay well clear of this figure, caffeine during pregnancy is less likely to cause problems.

Safety around the house

There are many hazards around the house for pregnant women, but almost all can be easily avoided. If you still insist on doing all the house work yourself, try to stay clear of aerosol cans, industrial strength cleaners and fumes from paint, solvents and strippers. All of the above have been linked to birth defects and other pregnancy complications. It also pays to take it a little easier around certain parts of the house such as stair cases.

Body temperature

Keeping a moderate body temperature during pregnancy (especially during first trimester) is important as it may lead to birth defects. It is a good idea to keep an eye on your temperature during exercise and keep your fluids up. Things such as saunas and hot baths are not recommended during pregnancy.

Alcohol and drugs

To be safe with alcohol during pregnancy it is probably best to avoid it altogether, as there is no safe level of consumption. It can have detrimental affects on an unborn child. In comparison to a fully grown woman, a baby is very small, so you could imagine the potential damage to the baby if the mother was drunk or even tipsy. Drugs during pregnancy have been shown to have a negative effect. Drugs such as cocaine have been shown to hinder the development of a baby's vital oxygen and nourishment, leading to complications such as birth defects and even an addiction in the child itself.


Exercise during pregnancy is recommended for most women, but only at a moderate pace. Women who participated in high impact exercise, weight lifting, contact sports, high altitude training or scuba diving before pregnancy, will have to readjust their routines. Walking is highly recommended for at least the first two trimesters, as it can help your body withstand the rigors of labor and delivery more easily.

The do's and don'ts of pregnancy are different for each woman and each pregnancy. The above information is not a medical opinion and should not substitute a professional medical opinion. Always consult your doctor or care provider before making any major decisions before, during and even after pregnancy.

Pregnancy Diet Plan - In What Way Does Your Diet Affect Your Pregnancy and Weight?

If you're pregnant, whether you know it or not you need a pregnancy diet plan. Many moms-to-be think, "Oh, good, I'm pregnant;that means I can eat anything I want". In fact, nothing could be further from the truth. A pregnancy diet plan is about ensuring you eat the right things for you and your baby to have a healthy pregnancy, it doesn't mean "losing weight".

While you do need SOME extra calories during pregnancy, you only need about 300 extra per day it's the equivalent of a small sandwich, which really isn't that much. You can have a treat every so often but, do not consume alcohol, tobacco, or illegal drugs during pregnancy, these can be harmful to your baby's development.

Pregnancy and Weight...

It goes without saying that when you're pregnant, you will gain some weight, for most women, that's about 30 pounds (13-14kg) as long as you are of normal weight to start with, you should gain a little more if you were under weight when you became pregnant and a little less if you were overweight when you became pregnant. That weight gain, by the way, should come from healthy baby growth and good nutrition on your part, not because you ordered out from Domino's Pizza every night.

Pregnancy Diet Plan

Your pregnancy diet plan should focus on good nutrition. When you're pregnant, you need to make sure everything you eat gives you a good nutritional "bang for your buck," so to speak. Food to include in your diet includes:

Lean meats, chicken and fish (avoid fish high in mercury

Dried beans and Lentils

Nuts and Seeds

Green Leafy Vegetables

Lots of: Fruit, Vegetables, wholegrain breads and cereals

Medium amounts of: Low fat dairy foods and lean meats

Small Amounts of: Foods high in fat, sugar and salt

Eating small meals more often is best.

Especially in your first trimester, you may have difficulty eating because of nausea and morning sickness. Therefore, your pregnancy diet plan should include small meals eaten frequently instead of large meals eaten infrequently. In addition, you may have some digestive problems such as heartburn because of your pregnancy, and eating small meals will also help keep this at bay.

If you do suffer from morning sickness, before you get out of bed make sure you eat something light and carbohydrate rich, like crackers or rice cakes. This should help negate the effects of morning sickness and perhaps even keep them under better control.

One part of managing your pregnancy and weight is your pregnancy diet plan. Proper nutritional diet needs to be combined with a well-structured exercise routine to help you keep your weight gain to a healthy level. Of course before you begin or continue any exercise during pregnancy you must get your doctor's or your family's health care provider's approval.

Exercising when pregnant will also keep you healthier during your pregnancy,help make your labor easier and get you back in shape quicker after your pregnancy.

Finally if you keep to your pregnancy diet plan, avoid certain foods which could be potentially harmful to your baby and take exercise approved by your doctor you can look forward to a healthier pregnancy and weight under control.

Be healthy, look good, feel great and enjoy this wonderful time.

Menstruation Disorders - Dysmenorrhea - Damp Heat's Tonic Herbs in TCM Perspective

All women experience irregular periods sometimes during their child bearing years, before menopause. While Western medication has never viewed that irregular menstruation is a problem of women reproductive system, traditional Chinese medicine looks at this problem seriously, if untreated, it will disharmonize the women ecosystem, leading to nervous tension and other health problems, including infertility.

Damp heat is defined as a condition of fluid accumulated in the body tissues over a prolong period of time. It can become damp heat as a result of intake of hot spicy hot, infection and inflammation. Chinese herbs used to treat damp heat include

1. Long dan cao (Gentian)
Besides it is used to treat liver heat caused by dampness accumulation due to spleen' inability in materials absorption, It also enhances the liver and the gallbladder function in draining damp heat in the body through kidney urinary secretion.

2. Huang qin (Scullcap)
Huang qin is important to enhance the lung function by moistening the qi, thus reducing the risk of fever, irritability, thirst, cough. It also improves the stomach function in absorbing vital vitamins and minerals by clearing the heat caused extreme dampness that causes diarrhea and thirst with no desire to drink.

3. Zhi zi (Gardenia)
It improves the circulatory function by clearing the liver heat due to constrained liver and heat caused by infection or inflammation as a result of fluids accumulated in body for a prolong period of time.

4. Mu tong (Akebia)
Mu tong besides increases the kidney in clearing dampness through urinary secretion, it also enhances the blood function by draining the blood heat caused by blood stagnation.

5. Che qian cao (Plaintain root)
Che qian cao has a vital function by eliminating the toxin accumulated in the body and promoting damp heat expelling through urinary secretion.

6. Chai hu (Buplerum)
Chai hu enhances the spleen and stomach in qi and materials digestion, thereby reducing damp heat in the abdominal region caused by liver blood stagnation, resulting in lessening the menstrual cramps and pain and pain caused lung qi stagnation due to spleen abnormal function in qi transportation.

7. Gan cao (licorice root)
Gan cao reduces damp heat accumulated in the body in many different ways:

a) It moistens the lung, thus reducing the lung dryness causing symptoms of coughing and promoting the smooth qi movement.
b) It reduces the heat caused by toxins in the body by eliminating them through urinary secretion.
c) It enhances the heart in regulating the movement of blood by strengthening the blood that stop the irregular pulse.
d) It increases the liver function in regulating the abdominal muscles, thus reducing the menstrual cramps and pain.

Problems Associated With Teen Pregnancy

Pregnancy is one of the pivotal moments of a woman's life but not when you're young with a bright future ahead. Teen pregnancy is one of the most difficult experiences any young woman can go through. The stress of pregnancy, revelation of pregnancy to parents, and moving on despite the shame and worry can be nerve-racking. Indeed pregnancy especially during teenhood will never be easy.

According to studies, teenage pregnancies in the United States have decreased steadily over the years. In 1991, there were 60 out of 1000 young women who gave birth and in 1998, 51 out of 1000 gave birth. This decrease may be due to the effective use of birth control and decreased sexual activity among teens.

Yet teen pregnancy rates remain high. According to Women's Health Channel, in the United States alone, approximately 1 million teenage girls experience pregnancy every year. At least 5% of young girls give birth and in 1997, at least 13% of the births in the US are of teenage girls. ??
Health risks to the baby and children out of teen pregnancy are more likely to experience health, social, and emotional problems. An increased risk for complications such as premature labor in teen pregnancy and socioeconomic consequences are present.

But there are more serious problems for the teenage mothers-to-be than the statistics and how the world views them either negatively or positively. Both the baby and the mother are at risk in major areas of life such as school failure, poverty, and physical or mental illness.

Pregnant teenagers may not seek proper medical care that may lead to a bigger risk of medical complications. In their pregnancy, they need understanding, medical care, and education - particularly in nutrition and complications of pregnancy.

Pregnancy to teenagers brings all sorts of emotions. Some do not want their babies while others feel that its creation is an achievement. Some feel guilty and anxious while others feel that they need to baby to love but not aware of the special care it would need. Also, depression is common during pregnancy in teenagers. And when worse comes to worst, a pregnant teenager may even require the help of a mental health professional.

Teen pregnancy can be risky to unborn babies. Teen pregnancy results to underweight babies, poor eating habits of the teenager, and smoking and drinking tendencies of the pregnant girl. Lastly, pregnant teens are less likely to seek prenatal care.

Unwanted pregnancy can be prevented through open communication and providing guidance regarding sexuality, contraception, and risks and responsibilities of possible pregnancy. Sexual education and family life in schools can also prevent unwanted pregnancies. Finally, support of family and love will greatly help pregnant teens.

Note: This article may be freely reproduced as long as the AUTHOR'S resource box at the bottom of this article is included and and all links must be Active/Linkable with no syntax changes.

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Ovulation Signs Explained to Help Getting Pregnant Fast

So what should you know about ovulation signs? Ovulation is the release of an egg from the ovary. It is a crucial step in the process of conception. There are many signs of ovulation and with a little practice, they can be easily recognized.

Rise in BBT

The influx of hormones during ovulation leads to an increase in Basal Body Temperature (BBT). Your BBT is your body temperature while asleep and not engaged in any physical activity or exercise. Since you are not going to take it while asleep however, it is best taken immediately you awake before going out of bed or walking about.

You need a special sensitive thermometer to do this. To notice the change, you need BBT chart. Start recording on the first day through the last day of your cycle. Your ovulation period is when a slight rise is noticed in the graph recording. Please note that the change is usually minute and the sharpest rise is noticed when you have already ovulated. That's why you need a sensitive thermometer and a good chart.

Change in Mucus Consistency

Cervical mucus consistency is another sign of ovulation. When you are ovulating, the consistency becomes sticker and has been aptly described as an egg-white consistency. The best way to notice is to start taking note of the mucus consistency a few days prior to your mid cycle date.

Rise of the cervix

In order to make things easier for the sperm when you ovulate, the cervix undergoes three "ups". It rises up, opens up and softens up! What great wisdom of the creator is here demonstrated! Other signs of ovulation include mild abdominal cramps and an increased libido!

5 Common Problems of Pregnant Women

Expecting a baby can be both an exciting time as well as a very scary experience. This is because the body of a woman experiences a lot of changes all throughout the pregnancy period. This can be very stressful for them especially if they do not know what to expect during the said life-changing point. This is the main reason why it is very important that you do everything possible in order to prepare yourself for such phase. If you know what to expect, you are in a better position to anticipate potential problems and provide solutions for it. For example, if you have trouble sleeping, you can go check out pregnancy pillow reviews and get recommendations on excellent pregnancy pillows to buy like the Comfort-U Body pillow, and so on.

If you want to know what to expect during pregnancy, here are the five most common problems experienced by pregnant women.

Morning Sickness

Nausea or morning sickness is one of the most common problems that a lot of expecting women face. In fact, whenever movies depict that a character is pregnant; they will often make her puke her guts out. Morning sickness is automatically associated with expecting a baby. This is why people who see a woman regularly puking will automatically assume that the woman is pregnant.

Swelling on the Ankles and the Entire Foot

Many women become very conscious of their looks when they're expecting a baby. This is because their bodies undergo a lot of changes. Expectant moms gain a lot of weight over the 9 month period. This weight gain takes a toll on your legs and joints. This added weight is what makes your feet and ankles swell because they end up having to support more weight.

Being Uncomfortably Hot

Moms-to-be often complain that they feel hot even if the air conditioner is at full blast. This is because the hormonal changes that occur on a woman's body often make them overly sensitive to temperature changes. These hormonal changes also make pregnant women very moody.


The growing baby on your belly can put pressure on your bladder. As such, many women suffer from incontinence. They have a hard time keeping their urine in because every change in position will make them feel like the urine is being squeezed out of their bladder.

Trouble Sleeping

Many pregnant women have a hard time finding a good sleeping position because of their baby bump. This is the main reason why it is a very good idea to invest in a good pregnancy pillow that can give you the support you need in order to have a good night's sleep.

Postnatal 'Confinement' Food - Part 2

Everybody will ask you to eat only ' healthy' food and avoid cold or cooling food as your body is cold after childbirth. This applies to the 3 main races in Malaysia but sometimes, what is considered 'healthy' may be 'cooling' for another which increases our dilemma. The best option is to try out the food as far as your culture and religion advices and learn to substitute the ingredients wherever possible to suit your taste. I am afraid that my culinary expertise is limited to Chinese and Western food so I can only talk about this type of food at this moment in time.

Traditional Chinese confinement food consists mainly of old ginger, rice wine, sesame oil, black vinegar, some warming alcohol, lots of meat especially kampong chicken and lean pork, white fish such as white pomfret and some vegetables.

Apparently, you are supposed to eat 30 chickens, 12 bottles of rice wine and 15 kilos of old ginger root during this period. Whether you can achieve this target is up to you but I find that most women nowadays cannot manage it. On average, if you do practice what is recommended, the cost could easily be about RM 1000.00 ++ just for the food only.

Food to avoid during the first week only

Ginger - Delays healing of wounds and increase risk of jaundice in baby. Substitute with peppercorn or garlic.

Fish - Causes foul smelling lochia or discharge.

Alcohols which are recommended for consumption during the confinement month are: Brandy, Yomeishu, rice wine and Guinness Malta because they are 'yang'. If you are a non-drinker, this sudden consumption may cause alcohol rash, redness in the face and heart palpitations, so do take it easy. Alcohol does go to the baby through breast milk, so if you want a good night's sleep, drink the alcohol after your dinner. The content of alcohol is reduced during cooking therefore you might consider adding it to your food during cooking instead of drinking it neat. Guinness Malta is non alcoholic and has high iron content therefore is suitable if you are anemic. Pulut rice is rich in iron therefore is used to make rice wine for postnatal nursing mothers. The rice is low in fat and free of cholesterol with high dietary fiber to reduce risk of heart attack and diabetes. It is better known as Shaoxing wine.


It is believed that iced or cold drinks may cause severe shock to the system and further weaken the 'cold' body therefore it is strongly recommended that boiled warm teas are consumed throughout the day as they are supposed to help heat up the womb. For those who do not believe in these teas you may try drinking Chamomile tea which is beneficial for the baby as well, because it helps to reduce wind


Soup is a nutritious replacement for water. You can use any meat for stock. The meat supplies fat that is essential for extraction of fat soluble nutrients. Drinking soup about 1 hour before breastfeeding may help to increase milk flow. Chinese soups are usually clear and easier to drink compared to creamy western soups and it is less fattening.

Below are some food ingredients that you might want to add to your diet during the postnatal 'confinement' month.

Boxthorn fruit or Chinese wolf berry is best known to correct poor eyesight and eye strain. Used in conjunction with other herbs it is effective for improving energy and strength

Chinese angelica root or dong kwai is supposed to nourish the female organs, alleviate menstrual pain and prevent hemorrhage.

Chinese yam (wai san) used in conjunction with meat and other herbs aids digestion, regulate sugar level and control inflammation of the uterus. The dried variety must be soaked for at least 15 minutes before use to remove the powder

Solomon's seal (yok chuk) is used to alleviate many ailments especially those affecting the throat and lungs

Sesame oil, besides being rich in Vitamin E, Iron & Calcium, helps heal the womb and rid it of "dirty residual blood".

Chestnuts invigorate vital energy. Resolves fatigue depression and irritability. High in phosphorous, selenium and calcium

Black vinegar is made from glutinous rice and lowers ph of food. It leaches calcium from bones cooked with it, therefore it is used to prepare high calcium food especially for breast feeding mothers and it also relieves a windy abdomen.

Dill has antibacterial and antispasmodic properties. It is a warming herb which aids digestion, gets rid of gas, encourages lactation, freshens the breath and soothes colic. It is the main ingredient in Gripe water.

Almonds and walnuts contain leucine and isoleucine which are amino acids that regulates growth, blood sugar and wound healing.

Malay confinement food is the same as normal but with a lot of jamu which is basically natural herbal remedies used internally and externally for health and beauty. Make sure the products are registered with the Ministry of Health and that they are locally produced

Kani seeds contain antioxidants to promote youthfulness, tighten vaginal muscles, prevents excessive discharge, odour and itchiness. It firms the breasts and promotes healing of the reproductive system after childbirth.

Gallanggal is a member of the ginger family and it functions as an antibiotic. It warms the body, cleanses the blood, improves appetite, reduces wind and energizes the muscles.

Pegaga leaves increases energy, helps ease sleeping problems, improves blood circulation.

Turmeric functions as an antibiotic and promotes a healthy circulatory system.

Drumstick leaves are rich in proteins, vitamin C and A, beta-carotene, iron, calcium, potassium and other minerals. Because of their nutrients and ability to encourage milk flow, they are a valuable food for survival in impoverished countries.

The most important thing to remember is that you must be comfortable with what you eat. Do not force yourself to eat something that you do not like or will cause problems later. Although you are 'in confinement' you are not a prisoner per se.

Ovarian Cyst and Pregnancy - Help Me Cure My Cyst Now!

Ovarian Cyst and Pregnancy

A lot of women wonder what they can do to get rid of the pain that they suffer from having ovarian cyst and pregnancy. The truth of the matter is that ovarian cyst are pretty common and any woman can get them at different times in their life. The treatment options available during pregnancy are very limited. Many women are left to deal with the pain because they don't know that there is something they can do to treat it.

Most doctors will have you come in so they can do an ultrasound of the ovaries to know if there is a cyst, and to make sure it is not cancerous. Most of the time it is very unusual for a cyst to be cancerous. These cyst can be very painful and large, your family doctor will give you some advice on what your options are.

It is important that you are as healthy as possible for you and your baby. Your doctor might tell you that surgery is the only option, because they cannot give you any hormonal pills or birth control during pregnancy. There can be a lot of risks that having surgery while you are pregnant could bring. You definitely don't want to risk having a miscarriage, and surgery will not prevent future cysts. Even if you do decide to have surgery to take care of your Cysts while you are pregnant, you could still develop them before your baby is born.

There are natural cures that comes with ovarian cyst and pregnancy, and these techniques are very safe for you and the baby.

I had my own trouble with ovarian cyst, I was really desperate to find a natural, safe cure and get rid of the awful pain. You can free yourself from the pain and get a safe, natural cure to help you feel better right now.

How Therapeutic Massage Helps During Pregnancy

Any person who has been through pregnancy knows that any form of body stretching is quite painful as the pregnant person is carrying a living being within her. And though it takes 9 months to produce a little bundle of joy, this period is quite an experience.

Pregnancy massage can help get rid of pains and reduce stress during pregnancy. Muscle cramps, spasms and pains can all be done away with after a sound pregnancy massage. Massage also increases blood and lymph circulation, which goes on to reduce swellings that are experienced during pregnancy. Aside from that, it also relieves the stress that a pregnant woman feels on her weight-bearing joints - the knees and the hips. And did you know that massage can also alleviate labor pains by strengthening the muscles that are stressed out to the maximum during labor? Of course, it also improves skin flexibility and makes the tissues supple. All this goes on to make the emotional job of the mother-in-law a lot easier.

Before a pregnant woman chooses a therapeutic massage therapist, she must investigate his credentials and check to see if the massage therapist is licensed and a "pregnancy massage" expert as well. Pregnancy massage is a specialized branch and needs some kind of special training, because the pregnancy massage must be safe - there is no margin for error and no ordinary massage therapist will do when it comes to pregnancy massage.

Pregnancy massage differs from a regular massage in many ways. The massage therapist must know all about how the body functions during pregnancy and how pregnancy causes structural imbalances. A woman who is pregnant will lie in a different pose altogether as compared to a non-pregnant woman while receiving this massage. If the correct positions are not followed, then pregnancy massage can even harm the pregnant woman and her baby. Needless to say, that there are certain parts of the pregnant woman's body that must not be massaged.

Pregnant women, while receiving pregnancy massage, must always be in a semi-reclining position because it is considered safe for the child and comfortable for the mother. Props such as body pillows and pads must be put to use when the body position needs switching. These props provide a great degree of comfort during the massage. The table used for pregnancy massage must be a simple piece and fancy tables having holes in them must be avoided. If the pregnant woman is allergic to scents, she must tell the therapist to light any candles or spray any perfume. Light music must be played as enhances the experience of pregnancy massage.

The level of undress is a matter of personal choice and is best left between the pregnant woman and the massage therapist to decide. Some pregnant women prefer to undress fully, some prefer to wear lingerie and some prefer to be covered by sheets - it's a matter of personal choice. The pregnancy massage must be gentle and must not make the pregnant woman uncomfortable in any manner.

The period of pregnancy is fraught with a lot of emotional and physical anxieties and therapeutic massage during pregnancy can relieve all the stress and make the pregnant woman ready for the wonderful event - the birth of the child!

For more quick tips and advice on massage therapy visit this popular website at

Thiamine (Vitamin B1) How, Why and When to Supplement

Vitamin B1 (Thiamine)

Sources and Physiologic Functions

Requirements and Sources: Pork, whole grains, and legumes are the richest sources of thiamine. Outer layers of seeds are particularly rich in this vitamin.

Populations at Risk: The populations most at risk of developing a thiamine deficiency are chronic alcoholics in Western countries and those with an over dependence on polished rice as a staple in undeveloped nations. In alcoholics it may be caused by decreased intake, reduced absorption, and impaired ability to use the absorbed vitamin. Thiamine is spared by fat, protein, sorbitol, and Vitamin C. High carbohydrate intake, parenteral glucose, pregnancy, lactation, high basal metabolic rate, and antibiotics will increase needs. Also, it is readily lost in persons consuming raw fish, tea, coffee, blueberries, red cabbage, and cooking with excess water and baking soda. Breast fed infants of thiamine deficient mothers are particularly at risk, as death from cardiac failure can result within a few hours, even though the mother appears healthy. Other risk factors include chronic colitis, fever, malignant disease, sprue, and thyrotoxicosis. Intestinal absorption of thiamine appears to be controlled and limited, and modest increases in the serum concentration were accompanied by active renal clearance.

Signs and Symptoms of Deficiency: Children present with aphonia, cardiomyopathy, and polyneuritis. Symptoms involving the heart include tachycardia, cardiomegaly, and cardiac failure. Neurological symptoms include mental confusion, anorexia, ataxia, nystagmus, and weakness of hands, calves, and feet as a result of degeneration of sensory and motor nerves. Thiamine deficiency in adults is called Beri-beri and is characterized by dry skin, irritability, disorderly thinking, and progressive paralysis. In chronic alcoholics, a syndrome of Wernicke's - Korsakoff"s Psychosis develops. Ataxia and Nystagmus (Wernicke's ) develop early and, if left untreated progresses to amnesia, confusion, and polyneuropathy ( Korsakoff's ). Complete recovery at this stage is seen in only 25% of the patients. Vomiting, diarrhea, edema, and weight loss are other non-specific symptoms.


Due to relative increase in sympathetic activity, nervousness, sweating, tachycardia and tremors can be seen with excess thiamine. Edema and vascular hypotension occur as a result of capillary leakage. Allergies, fatty liver and herpes are common. Folates and thiamine cause seizures and excitation when administered in high dosage directly into the brain or cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) of experimental animals, but have rarely been reported to cause human neurotoxicity, although fatal reactions to i.v. thiamine are well known.

Biochemistry: The biologically active form of thiamine is TPP (thiamine pyrophosphate). It acts as a coenzyme in the oxidative decarboxylation at the pyruvate and the alfa-ketoglutarate steps in the energy producing Kreb's cycle and is particularly important in the tissues of the nervous system. It also acts as a coenzyme in the oxidative decarboxylation ( of alfa-keto acids and in the formation or degeneration of ketols ) by transketolase in the Pentose phosphate pathway, the intermediary products of which are used in the synthesis of ribonucleotides such as ATP & GTP, deoxyribonucleotides such as dATP & dGTP, and nucleic acids DNA & RNA. Thiamine is also essential for protein catabolism, acetyl choline synthesis, normal muscle tone in cardiac and GI tissues, and for normal growth and appetite.

In human the storage of thiamine is is in greatest concentrations in skeletal muscle, heart, brain, liver, and kidneys. The human stores about 25 to 30mg of thiamine. ThMP and free (unphosphorylated) thiamine is present in plasma, milk, cerebrospinal fluid, and just about all extracellular fluids. Unlike the highly phosphorylated forms of thiamine, ThMP and free thiamine are capable of crossing cell membranes.

Recommendations: RDA in mg

  • Infants birth to 6 mos - 0.3mg

  • Infants 6 mos to 1 yr - 0.4mg

  • Children 1 yr to 3 yr - 0.7mg

  • Children 4 yr to 6 yr - 0.9mg

  • Children 7 yr to 10 yr - 1mg

  • Adolescent males 11yr to 14 yr - 1.3mg

  • Adolescent females 11 yr to 14 yr - 1.1mg

  • Adolescent males 15 yr to 18 yr - 1.5mg

  • Adolescent females 15 yr to 18 yr - 1.1mg

  • Adult males 19 yr to 50 yr - 1.5mg

  • Adult females 19 yr to 50 yr - 1.1mg

  • Adult males 51 yr plus - 1.2mg

  • Adult females 51 yr plus - 1.0mg

  • Pregnant Women - 1.5mg

  • Lactating Mothers - 1.6mg

Thiamine hydrochloride is the common supplemental form. Thiamine therapy for alcoholics may involve a single injection of 10-mg thiamine or 50 mg of oral fat-soluble thiamine propyl disulfide that permits efficient absorption in alcoholics. Erythrocyte transketolase activity is considered the most reliable index of the functional state of thiamine.

Thiamine B1

Food Source - Serving Size - Number of milligrams per serving

  • Pork (lean arm braised) - 3.5 oz - 0.60mg

  • Pork (bacon cured/pan fried) - 4.48oz - 0.88mg

  • Navy beans (canned) - 1 cup - 0.37mg

  • Pinto beans (canned) - 1 cup - 0.24mg

  • Pinto beans (boiled) - 1 cup - 0.32mg


A cross-sectional investigation of patients with congestive heart failure being treated with loop diuretic therapy showed that thiamine deficiency may occur in a substantial proportion of patients with congestive heart failure (CHF) and dietary inadequacy may contribute to increased risk. Men and nonwhite patients with CHF appeared most likely to have evidence of thiamine deficiency, although this reflects, in part, the gender composition of the patients recruited for the study. Patients with more severe CHF (as indicated by lower percentages of left ventricular ejection fractions) had greater biochemical evidence of thiamine deficiency. Another study found left ventricular ejection fraction to be adversely affected by thiamine deficiency and described that, when these patients were supplemented with thiamine intravenously, the ejection fraction improved significantly. Thus, nutritional assessment of thiamine status, including dietary intake, may be an important component of care for patients with CHF who are being treated with loop diuretic therapy.

Cognitive functioning

A study by Benton et. al demonstrated the association between improved thiamine status and improved performance on a range of measures of cognitive functioning in females. No such association was found in males. Although it was not possible to establish the reason for a beneficial response in females rather than males, there is evidence that females respond differently to dietary factors.

Alzheimer's disease:

Results of one study suggest that probable Alzheimer's Disease (pAD) is associated with a decrease in plasma thiamine levels. In another study, a 40-50% decrease of thiamine diphosphate (TDP) was found in patients with frontal lobe degeneration of the non-Alzheimer's type (FNAD). As TDP is an essential co-factor for oxidative metabolism and neurotransmitter synthesis, and because low thiamine status (compared with other species) is a constant feature in humans, a nearly 50% decrease in cortical TDP content may contribute significantly to the clinical symptoms observed in FNAD. This study also provides a basis for a trial of thiamine to improve the cognitive status of the patients. A mild beneficial effect in patients with Alzheimer's disease was observed on supplementation with Fursultiamine (TTFD), a derivative of thiamine, at an oral dose of 100 mg/day in a 12-week open trial. Similar benefits were observed in another trial with high dose thiamine (3-8 g/d), while a 12 month study with 3 g/d of thiamine showed no apparent benefit in slowing the progression of dementia of the Alzheimer's type. Thus, weak and contradictory evidence suggests that vitamin B1 may be helpful for Alzheimer's disease.

Assessment of thiamine status

In several human studies during the past 10 years, thiamine status was assessed either by measuring thiamine pyrophosphate response alone or by using TPP response measures in conjunction of calculated estimates of thiamine intake from diet histories. Some investigators have combined estimates of thiamine intake with measures of thiamine status other than TPP response, such as erythrocyte TPP [18] or plasma TPP In several of these reports, poor thiamine status, as defined by TPP response, could not be related to less-than-adequate thiamine intake. Several authors have noted that valid TPP response measures depend on a kinetically normal enzyme. Hence, disease states, such as alcoholic encephalopathy, may affect enzyme-cofactor binding, and thus, TPP response. Rigorous statistical analysis of relationship between urinary thiamine excretion and TPP response seems to be lacking in the report generally cited as evidence of the validity of TPP response measures. In the ICNND report, categories of thiamine status appear to relate superficially to urinary thiamine excretion, but when there is no clear break-point in the curve for thiamine intake plotted against urinary excretion, it is difficult, in contrast to the case with urinary riboflavin excretion, to define deficiency. One author has demonstrated that in non-human species, pyruvate dehydrogenase appears to be a more sensitive indicator of tissue thiamine deficiency than is transketolase. A study by Gans et. al. raises questions about the usefulness of the TPP response as the sole indicator of marginal thiamine status. Thiamine status was measured in 137 incarcerated and 42 nonincarcerated adolescent males by use of both dietary intake data and a standard biochemical assay, thiamin pyrophosphate (TPP) response. Although average daily thiamine intake of nonincarcerated subjects was significantly higher than that of incarcerated subjects, both groups appeared to be at minimal risk for marginal thiamine status. Comparison of TPP response values indicated that there was no significant difference between groups. However, approximately 24% of the total population appeared to have less than adequate RBC thiamine on the basis of current standards for TPP response. Neither dietary intake nor reported previous alcohol intake was correlated with TPP response. Thus, clinical standards of thiamine deficiency seem to lack firm definition. Perhaps a better, more valid metabolic measure, such as thiamine or TPP in plasma, should be investigated and adopted. Also, intake data as well as some appropriate measure of enzyme activity or function may be important values to assess to describe the thiamine status of a group more correctly.


Thiamine is essential in the metabolism of proteins, carbohydrates, and fats. It is also needed in the synthesis of ATP and GTP and nucleic acids DNA and RNA. It acts as a coenzyme in the energy producing Kreb's cycle and is particularly important in the tissues of the nervous system. Thiamine is also essential for acetylcholine synthesis, maintenance of normal tone of muscle in cardiac and GI tissues, and for normal growth and appetite.

A number of claims have been made about the beneficial effects of thiamine on numerous conditions. (Fibromyalgia, HIV Support, Pregnancy and postpartum support, Canker sores - mouth ulcers, and Minor injuries)

Evidence strongly suggests that patients with CHF may benefit from thiamine supplementation. Patients with CHF who are on loop diuretics are shown to have thiamine deficiency and patients with more severe CHF showed greater biochemical evidence of thiamine deficiency. Thiamine supplementation is shown to improve the left ventricular ejection fraction significantly.

Thiamine supplementation may improve cognitive functioning and has been shown to improve performance on a range of cognitive tests in females.

Populations who are prone to be deficient in this vitamin, like chronic alcoholics, patients with malabsorption syndromes, and those who consume high carbohydrates should receive supplementation. Pregnancy, lactation, high basal metabolic rate, and parenteral glucose therapy will increase the requirements of thiamine. Breast-fed infants of thiamine deficient mothers should receive adequate supplementation, as death from cardiac failure can result within hours, even though the mother appears normal.

Our recommendation for adults is 25 mg/d. This amount can be obtained from approximately 41 servings of Pork (lean arm braised), 28 servings of Pork (bacon cured/pan fried), and 80 servings of Pinto Beans (boiled). The RDA for adults is 1.5 mg/d, although a range of doses from 1-25 mg/d is usually consumed. Thiamine therapy for alcoholics may involve a single injection of 10-mg thiamine or 50 mg of oral fat-soluble thiamine propyl disulfide that permits efficient absorption in alcoholics. Wernicke's syndrome, which involves ataxia and nystagmus, develops early and, if left untreated, may progresses to Korsakoff's psychosis, the neurological manifestations of which are irreversible in 75% of the patients. Fatal reactions to high doses of I.V. thiamine have been reported.