Saturday, November 16, 2013

Benefits of Outsourcing Payroll Against Payroll Software

The essentials element of payroll administration in the UK is to accurately calculate the income tax and national insurance contributions deducted from the employee each pay period, produce payslips for each employee and account to the tax office for the payroll deductions.

Running a payroll system is natural for medium and large companies who may employ specialist payroll staff to perform these functions. Many medium companies may still choose to outsource the payroll function leaving many of the technical issues that might be encountered to a specialist payroll service.

Small businesses may choose to outsource the payroll function because they are not familiar with the paye system although HMRC do run seminars to assist employers. The payroll system not only calculates the tax and national insurance deductions but also has to deal with tax code changes, new employees and changes to existing employees plus taxable benefits and allowances such as statutory payments for sickness and maternity leave, contracting out of the state pension scheme and student loans.

The main benefit of manually producing the employee payroll is the reduced cost although the time spent on the payroll function by the proprietor may be better spent running the business. The cost may not be the cheapest option if an employee is required to produce the payroll. Purchasing payroll software can save significant time and costs for the small business that chooses to prepare and control its own payroll function. Although time is more important as the payroll production cost is not usually a big issue.

Outsourcing payroll adds a small additional cost to running the business but would normally carry worthwhile benefits in reducing the time spent on the function and reduces the paye administrative burden.

Main benefits outsourcing the payroll function.

1. Frees up time in calculating the payroll deductions and dealing with different and sometimes complex employee circumstances.

2. Using a professional outsourcing service to advise on potential payroll problems and difficulties.

3. The cost of outsourcing payroll should be compared against the cost of employing specialist in house payroll staff.

4. Payroll services use payroll software and are more likely to produce accurate tax and national insurance deductions and pay records reducing the prospect of problems with the tax authorities.

5. Payroll administration such as preparing the tax deductions schedules, dealing with starters and leavers, year end certificates for employees and the employer annual returns are normally all automated as part of the payroll service

6. The outsourced service company should also be responsible for producing employee payslips, advising tax and deductions liability and in larger businesses also provide a payroll analysis for accounting purposes.

Alternatives to outsourcing payroll functions.

Finding a suitable outsourced payroll service is not difficult. Local telephone directories or searching the internet would produce many potential payroll service providers.

Many accountancy firms offer payroll services to their clients and although the prices may struggle to be competitive price is always negotiable. Using the business accountant for the payroll has advantages since a substantial cost area for most businesses is already known to the accountant since they prepare the numbers.

Choosing payroll software.

The major alternative to outsourcing the payroll is for the business to acquire and use payroll software.

Larger companies require payroll software that has incorporated within it all the potential pay scenarios and also be capable of dealing with high numbers of employees. Large comprehensive packages can be complex to operate and require specialist wages staff.

Small business may choose simpler less complex payroll software packages that meet the basic needs of the business. It is important the person running the payroll within the wages function understands the payroll essentials and legal payroll administration requirements.

The advantages of choosing payroll software is basically the cost should save the business money against outsourcing the payroll, should retain control over the function and liabilities and ideally should take no more time that supplying employee details and gross wages to the payroll service.

If the business chooses to adopt a payroll software package then the complexity of the package should be considered and also the attributes and capabilities of the chosen software to produce all the payroll requirements in relation to pay and wage deductions, paye administration and employee payslips.

Is Your Pregnancy Provider Mother Friendly?

If you are planning to breastfeed, birthing your baby in a hospital with a Baby Friendly designation can be beneficial when compared to birthing in a hospital that is not Baby Friendly. In spite of the benefits of Baby Friendly, however, it is important to realize that this designation gives you no information about a hospital's labor and delivery practices. Many families unfortunately get lured into thinking Baby Friendly somehow translates into Mother Friendly. The truth is it doesn't. Baby Friendly does NOT mean Mother Friendly.

The focus of the Baby Friendly Hospital Initiative is to promote BREAST FEEDING. Nothing in the steps to becoming a Baby Friendly hospital say anything about labor or birth. Fortunately, in 1996, the Coalition for Improving Maternity Services (CIMS) along with 31 individuals and 26 organizations ratified the Mother-Friendly Childbirth Initiative (MFCI). The CIMS "mission is to promote a wellness model of maternity care that will improve birth outcomes and substantially reduce costs."

The MFCI has identified ten steps that make maternity care Mother Friendly and promotes normal birth. These ten steps include, among other things, offering all birthing mothers unrestricted access to the birth companions of her choice; access to professional midwifery care; and the freedom to walk, move about, and assume the positions of her choice during labor and birth (unless restriction is specifically required to correct a complication).

Additionally, to be Mother Friendly, a facility would avoid routinely using practices and procedures that are unsupported by scientific evidence; they would educate staff in non-pharmacological methods of pain relief, and they do not promote the use of analgesia or anesthesia unless required to correct a complication. These are just a few of the steps, to learn more about what makes a birth center, a hospital, and/or a practitioner, Mother Friendly visit CIMS at

It's important to recognize that even with a hospital designation of Mother or Baby Friendly, your specific birth attendant may not agree with or practice in accordance with the designation. For this reason, if you truly want care that is compassionate, caring, and safest for you and your infant, seek out a provider that is Mother Friendly and values your input and wishes. Your birthing experience depends on it.

Tips For Safe Travel During Pregnancy

Essential Tips for Travel During Pregnancy

General Pregnancy and Travel Factors to Think About

  • How many weeks pregnant will you be when you travel?

  • Where will you travel to?

  • How will you travel during pregnancy?

  • Is your pregnancy considered to be 'high/higher-risk'?

There may well be other factors that your doctor will need to consider during your consultation about travel during pregnancy.

Let's explore each of the factors highlighted above:

How many weeks pregnant will you be when you plan to travel?

According to the American College of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, the safest time for combining pregnancy and travel is during the second trimester (that's 18-24 weeks) because that's when you feel most well and the risk of complications is least. In the second trimester, any morning sickness should be over and the fatigue of the third trimester should not have set in yet!

Your second trimester is probably the best time to plan travel during pregnancy!

Where will you travel to?

#1 question here is 'Are you planning to holiday at home or abroad?'. Foreign travel is fantastic... I'm a huge fan, however, when you're planning to travel during pregnancy you do need to consider some extra travel risks carefully...

  • Will you need vaccinations to travel to your destination?

  • Is your destination a malaria-endemic area?

  • What are the health-care standards in the country / countries you will visit?

  • Is the water safe to drink and could the food upset your tummy? Dehydration as a result of vomiting and / or diarrhoea is a very real problem for pregnant women.

  • Is your destination at an altitude higher than 3,658 meters or 12,000 feet?

How will you travel?

Pregnant Traveller: On Land

Bus, car and train journeys are generally considered to be safe options for pregnant travelers... but do try to limit journey time to 5-6 hours at the most. On long journeys keep your seatbelt fastened, airbag switched on and remember to take regular breaks to keep your circulation going

Trains offer the chance to move around, which is generally safe... but do remember to hold onto seatbacks or rails when walking around. Trains often have loos which is great when traveling during pregnancy... but boy can they be small and unhygienic! Have your own supply of wipes to hand! (It's great practice for being a mom!)

Coaches worry me the most with regards to pregnancy and travel! You often can't adjust the seats which tend to be small, as are the aisles and there are no seatbelts. My recommendation is to remain seated at all times when a bus / coach is moving

Pregnant Traveller: By Air

Air travel during pregnancy is generally considered to be safe until the eighth month. As a general rule, you may be able to fly up to 36 weeks on short-haul routes and between 32-35 weeks for long-haul flights, with appropriate certification from your doctor. You will need to check with the airline you plan to fly with what their terms and conditions relating to air travel during pregnancy are... before you book!

Pregnant Traveller: On Water

Sea travel is generally safe and a cruise can be a wonderfully relaxing and romantic holiday during pregnancy. Don't forget to pack some acupressure sea-bands in case or motion sickness or morning sickness.

Is your pregnancy considered to be 'high/higher-risk'?

I'm not a doctor! You need to speak to your medical professional about any travel plans you have... and if you're aware that your pregnancy is 'high/higher-risk' make that call today!

Wherever you go... whatever you do... have a wonderful, safe honeymoon.

How to Help Pregnancy Constipation

So a little birdie told me you're pregnant. Congratulations! Being pregnant is one of the most exciting things a woman can go through. It is amazing feeling life bloom inside of you, however, like anything it comes with a few downsides. One downside of being pregnant is constipation. Yes, I said it, constipation! I know no one wants to talk about their bowel movements, but what can I say- I'm feeling bold today!

There are a whole slew of things that can lead to pregnancy constipation including hormones and stress. Hormones and stress pretty much sums up a pregnant woman, doesn't it? Her hormones are free flowing making even little things seem stressful. Another thing that can lead to pregnancy constipation are prenatal vitamins. Yes, those nutrient rich pills are great for providing nutrients to your future little all star (even before pregnancy), but the iron in them can damper your digestive track. While I was pregnant I came across a few tips that helped get things moving "down under".

The first thing that can help pregnancy constipation is to exercise more. Yes, moving your body gets things "moving" in your intestines too. Don't go buck wild, but pregnancy yoga, swimming, or just walking around the block a few times a week can help relieve constipation.

Drinking more fluids is another way to get things moving "down under". Not drinking enough fluids can cause anyone to have constipation let alone a pregnant woman. Aiming for more than 10 cups of water (or none diuretic fluids) a day should help loosen up that knot in your stomach.

Also, eating more fiber can help pregnancy constipation. Fruit and vegetables can be a pregnant woman's best friend. Not only do they contain water which also helps constipation, they contain fiber. Fiber helps last nights dinner smoothly flow down and out. When I was really desperate I would chew some of those cherry or orange flavored prunes (I think the natural flavor is disgusting!) real fast and then swallow them with water. They seemed to help in combination with some of these other tips. Also, there are plenty of cereals and breads that are high in fiber. They usually have a big label on them saying they have fiber in them or say whole grain or bran.

Please talk to your doctor about any discomforts you may be experiencing. Your doctor may be able to suggest some things that can help relieve your pregnancy constipation. They can also give you the correct dosage for fiber supplements or possibly lower the iron content in your prenatal vitamins. One of my favorite fiber supplements is benefiber. The orange flavored chewable tablets are decent tasting and the regular powder kind mixes tastelessly into drinks.

How To Prepare for IVF In 3 Simple, Straightforward Steps

Every one entering the IVF journey wants each cycle to go really well. After all, the best way to save money on the enormous cost of IVF in the US is to have the first cycle result in a positive pregnancy.

For some, success on the first "go" is unlikely; but there are many stories of positive outcomes. The challenge is that you won't know how your body will react to the process until you have gone all the way through the full cycle. If you can not control the outcome, you can at least prepare optimally so that you have the best prospect. This short article details that preparation, putting the tips into 3 large categories to make each step actionable, and the whole thing a little less overwhelming. We want you to give yourself the best possible chance of a positive outcome on the first try.

1. Get Fit Physically.

The first step you'll want to take is get fit physically. The reason why you need to do that is so that your muscles are strong, supple and can support you with as much stamina as might be necessary. You'll also want to know which aches are simply muscle strain and which are something you might want to pay more attention to. With this first step, keeping away from any foods that your body finds hard to process might be a step to consider, and perhaps moderate your caffeine intake. Your routine for falling asleep also becomes very important. You want to be able to fall asleep anywhere, anytime - even if only for a power nap!

You'll want to execute this initial step as fully as you can. If you can't, then at least start a regular walking routine or begin a yoga class, so that you are on your way to learning your body's rhythms and offering it a positive workout for any upcoming emotional stress.

2. Get Fit Financially.

Your 2nd step will be to get fit financially. Unless you have total insurance coverage, the cost of IVF here in the US is quite substantial, and will require quite a bit of planning. You need to clean up any outstanding debt you might have in credit cards, college loans, etc. Avoid adding more debt (in medical loans or a home equity loan) and escalating anything that might cause you additional stress. There are a number of different options to finance fertility beyond loans; there are shared risk programs, clinical trials and grants you can apply for. Your body needs to be stress-free when undergoing IVF, which is why folks turns to acupuncture so frequently. Acupuncture has now been proved to regulate two stress producing hormones (cortisol and prolactin) neither of which help in any way when you're trying to get your body produce good quality eggs and then a receptive uterus.

3. Get Fit Emotionally.

Your third and final step is to get fit emotionally. This step can be an important one considering that the process of IVF is unfamiliar, unnerving and worrying for some ~ all the tests, injections, physical examinations...doctors! No matter how kind, calm and professional those folks are, it can up the stress level for many women. With this final step it is going to be important for you to know how to alter your mood. More than just relaxation, how can you cheer yourself up, calm yourself down, re-focus onto something that you can control or just put yourself into a different state? Having particular music on hand, funny DVDs, luscious lotions with great aromas, candles, games, stress relief toys, the phone number for a really good masseuse/pedicurist/whatever your thing is! This is an excellent time to take up a hobby or craft that is particularly engrossing. Another tip might be to learn how the To Do list function on your mobile phone works and get good at checking things off!

When you take action on each of the 3 steps, you will start to feel calmer and more optimistic about your upcoming IVF journey. Steer clear of naysayers and downers; they may think they're being realistic for you, but honestly, you don't need that kind of help.

Accutane and Retinoic Acid - Birth Defects in a Bottle

When the FDA, Food and Drug Administration, approved Accutane they knew the potential side effects for pregnant women. Products containing Accutane or retinoic acid were placed on the category X list for pregnancies. According the category description, under no circumstances should products listed as category X be used during pregnancy. Among the list of known side effects are hydrocephaly, microcephaly, mental retardation, ear deformities, cleft lip or palate, missing ears, defects of the heart, deformities of the face and lowered IQ.

Most often, women who find out they are pregnant are already 5 to 7 weeks into the pregnancy before testing positive. The effects of Accutane and retinoic acid often occur in the first 3 to 5 weeks. For this reason, women who are able to conceive should think twice about using Accutane or retinoic acid products even if they are not trying to conceive. Retinoic acid is the active ingredient in Accutane acne treatment.

The risk of birth defect is listed at 25 to 35%, but this percentage does not include children born with learning disabilities or lowered IQ. It is estimated that between 1982 and 1987, nearly 10,000 fetuses were affected by Accutane or retinoic acid. Of these, up to 8,000 fetuses were aborted either spontaneously or electively due to Accutane exposure.

Most dermatologists will require a woman take a pregnancy test before taking Accutane and pregnancy tests throughout the course of care. Women who are prescribed Accutane but discontinue dermatology care, may be at increased risk of fetal Accutane exposure. Accutane should be a last resort medication for women of childbearing age due to the significant risk of fetal birth defects.

Alternatives to Accutane do exist. Though no woman wants to live her life with severe acne, antibiotics, natural skin care products, and acne gels can? be prescribed by a dermatologist. When Accutane is the only medication that clears skin, it can be hard to stop taking for nearly a year - or more if breast-feeding.

Friday, November 15, 2013

What Is The Difference Between Health Insurance Companies In California?

Whether you already know it or not California has a lot of options for health insurance. There are companies that we all heard of and there are some companies that we never heard of. With all the Health Insurance Companies out there you might be wondering what the differences are and which one is right for you.

First in state of California the health insurance companies you should be looking at are; Aetna, Assurant, Blue Cross, Blue Shield, HealthNet, Kaiser, Nationwide, PacifiCare, Celtic and a new company that is going to be available in state of California is Golden Rule. These are the largest carriers that are available in the State of California. If you are looking at any other company that was not mentioned previously, use caution. With all the health insurance premiums going up there are companies that prey on people with low premiums and coverage that does not cover anything. They are just out there to make a quick buck buy collection as much premiums as they can before you cancel your coverage. Stay away from companies that you never heard of, not matter what they tell you. If you hear something like, "affordable health insurance for self-employed", run.

Second what you have to understand that the actual cost of insurance no matter what company you go with is about the same. So how do insurance companies have so many different plans with different premiums? If it is a large insurance company and the company ran efficiently that is how you get great premium with great coverage. What creates variety of prices for coverage is the creative aspect of the insurance company designing their plans. The way they do it is by deductibles, co-pays, co-insurance, drug coverage deductibles, whether the plan covers brand name drugs or generic drugs only, maternity coverage, maximum out of pocket, deductible and co-pays for all kind of different services.

The name we all know is Blue Cross Blue Shield. Blue Cross has been around since the recession of 1929, and it used to cost only 1 cent a day. The times have changes since then, but the Blue Cross name is still around. Blue Cross has been over the years the most stable largest health insurance provider in the United States. Their strategy is to keep rates stable and have stable rate increases. While most other plans might lower their rates to get more people on their coverage and then keep increasing their rates. There fore as some plans might be more attractive in premiums at the moment over time eventually they have to catch up with the actual market health insurance cost. Sometime the company has to charge people more for health insurance in the future so they can give more affordable rates today. Blue Cross will give the one of the largest varieties of plans to choose from and you can always downgrade a plan without going through underwriting is the monthly premiums because to expensive.

The most competitive health insurance coverage you will be able to get in California today is through Aetna and once Golden Rule plans come out by United Health Care then Golden Rule plans are going to be the most completive plan. Every time most of the large insurance companies enter a new state with a new plan they make that plan more competitive just to capture the percentage of that market eventually the company will have to raise their rates to the market level. Aetna plans in California are the most competitive. This is where you can get the most coverage for your money. Keep in mind that the Aetna Individual plans in the state of California do not cover Maternity.

Assurant Health Plans is provided through Fortis Insurance Company witch is the 26th largest company in the world and Fortis Insurance Company has been around since 1892. Assurant Health Plans are the most widely accepted and flexible plans that are available on the market today. Assurant Health Plans utilizes dozens of provider networks Nationwide to give you the worlds largest selections of doctors in United States and worldwide. Assurant Health Plans are the only plans that will cover you world wide as they will cover you in the United States. There is a big difference when insurance company says that you are covered for emergencies worldwide. Insurance company can make a final decision on whether that was true emergency or not. Assurant Health Plans have no such restrictions. Assurant is the only company that will allow you to move to different state without going through underwriting process all over again. That meant that with most companies even if it is a same company if you move from one state to another you have to cancel you policy in the current state and re-apply in the state that you are moving to. The down side with Assurant in some states is that they are not the most competitive and harder to get approved for. If you considering HSA plan, Assurant Health is the best options available to individuals and families.

Blue Shield of California is great coverage especially if it is young family looking for a plan with maternity coverage and for a family where one of the adults on the plans is significantly younger than the other. Blue Shield bases their monthly premiums on the youngest primary policy holder. This can be any adult in the family. Blue Shield plans have low maximum out of pocket and wide acceptance with doctors. A lot of doctors in state of California prefer Blue Shield plans because Blue Shield reimburses them faster than most other insurance companies. Keep in mind that in some states Blue Cross and Blue Shield are the same company in state of California they are two different insurance companies competing for your business.

HealthNet of California is the insurance company available in western states. HealthNet family plans are affordable, have some of the lowest maximum out of pocket and designed for healthy individuals and families. The new line of plans form HealthNet are their popular no deductible PPO plans. Which are some of the worst plans for families. No deductible plans are not designed for families since they have extremely high maximum out of pocket witch might be a great fit for single healthy individuals. HealthNet of California also offers some of the best HMO plans available on the market.

Health Net's simple design and affordable plans are perfect match for healthy families. The way their family plans work is that once you meet your deductible HealthNet will pay 100% for all of your medical expenses after that. The down side is that their family plans do not cover regular sick doctor visits. The money that you are going to save monthly is going to be way worth no having doctor visits covered until the deductible is met. All you will get is negotiated rates that HealthNet has with doctors and hospitals. Your doctor office visits are going to cost you anywhere from $65 to $65 per visit.

C-Section Recovery - Don't Be Caught Unprepared!

Today, 1 in 3 deliveries will end in a c-section. With statistics like this, there is a good chance that your delivery will end on the operating table as well. C-section rates are skyrocketing and it is concerning that there is so little information out there on how to recover. Oftentimes, having a c-section can mean a more difficult postpartum period, especially when you are unprepared. You will have limited mobility, low energy levels, and a painful incision to deal with. By having an assortment of recovery products on hand, you can enhance your level of comfort and lessen the time it takes you to heal. Here are a few products that you should consider buying ahead of time in order to facilitate a smooth and comfortable recovery.

Abdominal Compression Binder: Abdominal binding is a centuries old technique. Wearing a binder helps to reposition the womb, reduce uterine swelling, decrease bloating, flatten the belly, speed up weight loss, tone the muscles of the abdomen, promote good posture during breastfeeding, dispel the lochia and eliminate post-pregnancy stretch marks. A binder also helps to support your incision while you are moving about.

Reacher Tool: Bending over while you are healing from your c-section can be a difficult and painful task. Stay upright and grab all of those hard to reach items with this clever tool.

Ace Bandages: Post-surgical swelling is not uncommon after a c-section. Avoid uncomfortable leg and ankle swelling by wrapping your legs in ace bandages to help minimize swelling.

C-Section Underwear: Once you move past the initial healing stage, ditch those ugly hospital mesh panties and slip on a pair of chic, boy-short cut underwear with an ultra soft waistband that won't irritate your still-tender incision.

Surgical Scar Reducer: If you have a c-section, you will have a scar, but there is no need for a large, pronounced scar that can leave you feeling self-conscious or unattractive. Help decrease the appearance of a c-section incision with a healing cream or salve.

Guided Relaxation CD: Gentle guided relaxation techniques focused on c-section healing can increase energy levels, decrease perceived incision pain, and help get you back on your feet more quickly.

Postpartum Tea: Jump-start your healing immediately after your surgery. Herbal teas can help to shrink the uterus and have the added benefit of nourishing, calming, and balancing a new mom.

Essential Oils: The combination of ginger and citrus essential oils as well as ylang ylang flower essence can help a new mom battle the 'baby blues'. A gentle spritz and a deep inhale can leave you feeling uplifted.

Aromatherapy Eye Pillow: Aromatherapy eye pillows can offer gentle therapeutic benefits. According to ancient Eastern healing tradition, the subtle pressure of an herb filled pillow laid across the eyes helps alleviate tension and headaches, reduces eyestrain and promote relaxation. Look for one filled with lavender, chamomile, peppermint, rose petals, and/or flax seed.

So now you have a new baby and a major surgery to recover from. Don't kid yourself a c-section is MAJOR surgery. Don't push yourself too soon, accept help when it is offered, and don't underestimate the healing power of relaxation. You must invest time in taking care of yourself so that you are better able to care for your baby. Just a few simple products can make your journey back to well being that much easier.

Labour Laws in India

Labor laws in India not only regulate employment terms but also provide labor rights to the employees. They are specifically targeted towards the employer-employee relationship, and guarantee legal rights to the workers as well as promote workers' interests. The main aim of labor laws is to address the demands and needs of employees. These laws actually work towards bringing specific improvement in areas like working conditions, wages, working hours, protection of rights etc., to the employees.

The responsibility to protect and defend the interests of employees in general lies with the Ministry of Labour. The Ministry also has the liability to safe guard the welfare of those who constitute the underprivileged and the trivial classes of society. They particularly have to create a strong work atmosphere for higher production and efficiency. The Ministry tries to attain this intention by passing and applying labour laws standardizing the provisions and conditions of service and employment of employees.

Labor Laws can be broadly classified into two major categories as below:

Defining the relationship between employers, employees and trade unions.

Determining the laws relating to the rights of employees at their place of work.

Major laws which deal with labor issues especially with regard to the rights of workers are as below

Industrial Disputes Act 1947

Workmen's Compensation Act 1923

Minimum Wages Act 1936

Payment of Bonus Act, 1965

Payment of Gratuity 1972

Payment of Wages Act, 1936

Child Labor (Prohibition and Regulation) Act, 1986

Trade Unions Act, 1926

Maternity Benefit Act, 1961

Factories Act, 1948.

The Equal Remuneration Act, 1976

The Employee's State Insurance Act, 1948

Labor Law: Things to Know

The Industrial Disputes Act, 1947

This Act came into effect in 1947 and was provisioned for formation of works committees and Industrial tribunals, for promoting industrial peace. The committee consists of employers as well as representative of workers. The main aim is to enhance communication and the relationship between employers and employees; and to provide solutions for their disputes. This Act provides not only for the investigation and settlement of industrial disputes, but also focuses on the mechanism essential for settlement of differences between the employers' and the employees'. It has the right to lay down conditions to be observed before any termination or layoff is affected. Specific conditions before termination like one month notice and 15 days average pay as compensation are some of the rules of this act.

Workmen's Compensation Act 1923

This Act provides for issues related to compensation in case of any injuries arising out of or in course of employment. Accordingly, if the injury is deadly, resulting in an employee's death then his dependents have to be compensated. This Act also lays down the rates of compensation and the mode of calculating it.

Minimum Wages Act 1936

Minimum wages for the employees is specified in this act. Only the central and state Government has the rights to revise minimum wages specified in the schedule.

Payment of Wages Act 1936

This act concentrates on the time limits to be set, within which the wages should be dispersed to the employees. Only deductions authorized by the Act should be deducted.

Employees Provident Fund and Miscellaneous provisions Act 1952

This act ensures the employees financial security, by providing a system of compulsory savings. It states that the establishment should also contribute same amount as that made by the employee. As per the Act, 10-12% of the total wages should be contributed and is payable after retirement or as advance in case of any emergency.

Payment of Bonus Act 1965

This Act states that establishments who have more than 20 employees must pay bonus to their employees. The amount is calculated either on profits made or on productivity basis.

Payment of Gratuity Act 1972

Gratuity Act is applicable to those factories and other establishments who employ ten or more persons. When an employee completes 5 years of service then he is entitled for gratuity at the rate of 15 days salary for every year of service completed.

Maternity Benefit Act 1961

This Act provides for maternity and other benefits to female employees. It regulates employment of women for certain period prior to and following child-birth.

Industrial Employment Act 1946

This act requires that employers should define the terms and conditions of employment, and issue orders which are certified. This order should cover aspects relating to holidays, shifts, wages payment, leaves etc.

As soon as one completes the registration of a company in India it would be wise enough to appoint a professional who is aware of all the laws connected with labor so that no problems arise once the company starts its operations.

Several of the laws pointed out above relate to the unstructured sector also. Sometimes a separate notice may be obligatory to widen the relevance of a particular law to a fresh sector. It is helpful to perceive that some portion of legislation are more universal in character and effect across the panel to all sectors.

Adoption is a Loving Abortion Alternative

Anyone considering abortion should be able to make an informed decision and know the facts about abortion. Based on statistics, 1,287,000 abortions were performed in 2003. Since 1976, the abortions performed each year have continually been over 1 million and closer to 1.5 million. Most women (93%) abort their baby for social reasons. Many women don't feel ready to have a child because of age, finances, or other issues. However, before you even realize you are pregnant there is a baby inside with your genes who is breathing and developing.

Once conception occurs, a baby starts to grow inside. Already, the baby has all the DNA and characteristics set at conception. The baby begins to attach to the uterus wall and within 7-13 days your body may be recognizing a pregnancy and sending a hormone to stop the menstrual cycle. On day 21 the baby's heart starts beating. By the time you may realize you are pregnant, the baby's body has started to grow and have an identifiable form. Between weeks 40 to 45, the baby has identifiable arms and legs and displays measurable brain waves. Usually surgical abortions are not performed before seven weeks, or 49 days. Between weeks seven and ten, when the majority of abortions take place, fingers and genitals become visible and the child's face is recognizably human.

As soon as conception occurs, there is a baby who needs to come out - either in pieces by an abortion or whole and alive through a birth. Although you may be fearful and apprehensive about carrying a baby to full term because it can disturb your lifestyle, there are over 3000 pregnancy clinics throughout the United States that are available to lend a hand. There are many resources available to you through adoption services and pregnancy clinics, including pregnancy tests, counseling, housing, maternity clothes, legal assistance, information about adoption, and medical care. These centers are usually staffed by volunteers and women ready to help you face an unplanned pregnancy. These counselors do not have a financial interest in your decision (unlike abortion clinics), and are genuinely committed to standing by you through this often difficult time, and providing you with not only information, but the support you need. These centers have helped thousands of women realize that they don't have to choose between their own lives and the lives of their unborn babies.

A normal pregnancy lasts only 40 weeks, a relatively short amount of time in your average lifespan. Carrying your baby to term and then placing your baby for adoption could turn an unexpected "mistake" into a joyful event for a waiting, loving family. Today adoption is sensitive to the mother's needs. In an open adoption, you can have continual contact with your child and the adoptive parents. Most women choose this option; those who do usually have the healthiest emotional healing after giving the baby up for adoption.

When considering adoption instead of abortion, remember what Mother Teresa said, "The greatest destroyer of love and peace is abortion, which is war against the child. The mother doesn't learn to love, but kills to solve her own problems. Any country that accepts abortion is not teaching its people to love, but to use any violence to get what they want."

By choosing adoption you are choosing to give you and your baby options to live a full and happy life. By giving your baby up for adoption, you will be free to pursue your education and your dreams without being financially or socially tied down, as well as having memories of your child's innocent face and being able to know that you made a couple's dream come true of having a child to love.

Nurse Practitioner Jobs Are In Demand

A nurse practitioner is an advanced degree nurse who has completed a Master's or a Doctoral degree. They have received additional training and education and have specialized in such areas as adult care, gynecology, obstetrics or family practice. In the United States in order to perform nursing jobs one must have passed national board certification. Not only can they apply for nurse practitioner jobs, they can seek seek positions in occupational therapy, physician assistant, travel nursing, physical therapy and speech pathology.

A nurse practitioner works independently from a physician in some parts of the United States. Their job can include diagnosing, evaluating and treating chronic and acute disease and illness such as high blood pressure, conducting physical exams and performing, ordering and interpreting lab test, x-rays and EKG's. They can prescribe rehabilitative treatments and drugs for acute illness, this can vary by state. They provide prenatal care, well-child care, assist in surgeries and counsel patients.

One must complete the training to become a registered nurse first and then complete graduate-level nursing courses. They must then pass a national board certification in their specialty. An associate degree in nursing, or ADN, is offered through community colleges and takes 2 to 3 years to complete. A bachelor of science degree in nursing, or BSN, is offered through colleges and universities and takes 4 to 5 years. Then they must complete a masters degree. The nurse practitioner degree program began in 1965 due to a prediction of a shortage of physicians. The nurse practitioner can commands a higher salary than a nurse and is in great demand.

With a position in a women's health clinic, a nurse practitioner can provide women's wellness care. This includes counseling on birth control, sexually transmitted diseases and providing breast and pelvic exams. Some practitioners get further training to become nurse midwives. A certified nurse midwife can provide prenatal and postnatal care as well as assist in uncomplicated pregnancies through labor and delivery.

In primary care, they can work with both pediatric and adult patients. They can provide preventative care and check-ups and treat minor emergencies as well as treat patients with acute illnesses. They can practice in a private practice in a setting known as nurse-managed health centers. These centers employ only nurse practitioners rather than doctors or physicians' assistants to provide primary care. These centers are often located in underserved areas and will typically provide mental health care as well as physical care.

Geriatric clinics are settings where nurses are also employed. They provide care for older adults in managing chronic conditions such as arthritis, hypertension and diabetes. This type of health care involves case management and coordinating care.

Another setting for a nurse practitioner to work is a hospital. There they can diagnose patients, order medications and tests and help to determine discharge dates. In teaching hospitals acute care nurses are often involved in teaching new doctors in their first years of residency.

In mental healthcare a nurse can work with outpatients, inpatients or partial hospitalization settings. They can diagnose patients and prescribe medication. Complying with a medication regimen can often be problematic with these patients so a nurse practitioner can provide patient teaching to teach about side effects and how to use self-help tools to manage symptoms as well as finding support through their communities.

7 Habits to Help You Lose Post Pregnancy Weight Fast!

Losing weight is hard enough - but it can be especially challenging after you've had a child. Even if you lost everything else (your mind, your sanity, and even a few precious pounds) you're still carrying around that unbelievably difficult to get rid of pooch- and it's driving you insane! Below are a few tips to help you kick start your weight loss. Try incorporating each one, one day at a time, and consciously practice them until they become habit.

o Begin with "intent." Don't be random about your weight loss plan - set a goal. Even if it's a small daily goal (no cookies today), know what it is and keep this awareness about you throughout the day. Repeat your goal out loud or in your head over and over until you're saying it without even realizing it. Repetition builds confidence and reinforcement.

o Pause before you eat a snack - reflect upon how you feel after you eat this snack. Close your eyes and picture the process you go through post-snack (regret? disgust? lethargy? your emotional reaction to eating?).

o Don't wait to cheat. If you're a notorious diet cheater, plan to cheat and get it out of the way immediately! I almost always cheat on the first day of a new diet - it spares me the heartache a week later after I've actually lost a pound or two. You've already created the expectation for yourself, now just fulfil it a little earlier than planned so you can file it away.

o Eat something healthy before you eat the snack. It's OK to eat the snack but you must eat the health food first (cucumber, fruit salad, yogurt, etc). Eventually, when you crave the snack food, you will almost immediately crave the healthy food as well. Eventually, you will be content just eating the health food and skipping the snack.

o If you're not already drinking 5-8 glasses of water a day you are doing yourself a great disservice. Not only will it leave your skin clear and glowing, but it will keep your stomach feeling full, fulfil that need to have something in your mouth, AND help properly process the food you consume. Place a different water bottle in every location where you spend time (bedroom, car, office, tv room) so that you're always reaching for it.

o Do something while you're doing nothing. Are you lying on the couch watching TV? Do some leg lifts (and be sure to always pull your stomach in when you do this to strengthen your core). Are you washing dishes? Stand on one leg and lift yourself up onto the ball of your foot to strengthen your calf muscles. Continue switching legs. Are you on the phone? Walk around your house, or up and down the stairs, or stand still while doing plies.

o Go for fake sugar. There are some really tasty sugar free drinks on the market as well as yummy sugar free snacks, like chocolate pudding and cookies. Try substituting ice cream for ice pops or buying natural frozen fruit bars. These foods will still fulfill your sugar cravings.

You don't need to attempt all of these at once to lose weight fast - habits take time to develop. Choose one or two that seem easy and try them for a week...then 2 weeks, then 3 weeks. Soon enough you will be doing them without thinking about it. Adopt a new habit when you are feeling confident and strong and ready to tackle the task at hand!

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Fish Oil During Pregnancy: Benefits And Safety

Are you worried that consuming fish oil during pregnancy may be unsafe? Don't be. It is perfectly fine and is often recommended by doctors. But there a few things you need to know.

During pregnancy, your unborn baby gets the majority of his or her foods from your own diet. This includes all the vitamins and minerals as well.

Fish oil contains omega-3 fatty acids and these are essential during pregnancy as they are a family of building blocks that help in the development of the child. The two essential elements of omega-3 are DHA and EPA. These are only found in fish and not plant-based omega-3 sources.

The body cannot produce these essential fatty acids on its own so they need to come from the food you eat.

The Benefits Of Fish Oil During Pregnancy

These fats are essential to your overall health whatever your age in life. They can help reduce cholesterol, lower blood pressure and promote good brain and heart health. During pregnancy they are responsible for the development of the foetus' eyes and brain.

A diet high in omega-3 can also reduce the chances of your baby developing illnesses such as asthma and other allergic conditions. These fatty acids can also help reduce the risk of a premature birth.

Studies have also shown that fish oil may prevent the development of postnatal depression following the birth.

What Foods Contain omega-3?

The most common source of omega-3 is cold water fish such as salmon, tuna, hoki, trout and halibut. These all have high levels of the essential DHA and EPA.

Some eggs contain DHA due to the diet fed to the hens. These are usually sold as high-DHA eggs. However, the amounts in these eggs are too low to be really beneficial.

Some foods are also now fortified with omega-3, such as margarine.

The most common way to get the benefits of fish oil during pregnancy is to take a supplement. These provide the right amount of essential fatty acids that are required to experience the benefits. They are also cleaned of any toxins such as heavy metals that often contaminate fish.

Are All Fish Safe?

No they are not! There are certain fish that should not be consumed while you are pregnant. These include the following:

  • Shark

  • Swordfish

  • Tilefish

  • Marlin

These fish are usually contaminated with high levels of mercury and should not be eaten.

What To Look for When Choosing A Supplement

Quality fish oil during pregnancy is important; otherwise you may not get the benefits. There are certain things you can look out for to ensure that you are getting a quality product and avoiding the many low quality omega-3 supplements that are flooding the market.

  • Ensure that the product lists the fish that are used for the oil. Avoid fish like cod, which is often highly contaminated.

  • You want the fish to be sourced from clean waters. Avoid fish that have been caught in the polluted water of the North Sea.

  • Ensure that the oil has been purified and the possibility of any contaminates removed.

  • Make sure the oil has a high concentration of both DHA and EPA as these are where the health benefits lie!

Follow these guidelines to ensure a quality product and your fish oil during pregnancy will provide many benefits!

5 Essential C Section After Care Tips

C sections are taken so lightly these days but for a variety of reasons they are needed and you will receive some fantastic c section after care in the hospital.

But what happens when you leave hospital?

Unfortunately there is little information available about what your c section after care should be and most Moms come home from the hospital with a vague idea about what they should and shouldn't do. Some Moms recover quickly, some have pain for a long time and some even end up back in hospital with complications from their surgery.

Here are 5 tips for your c section after care to make sure that you make a speedy, full and complication free recovery from your surgery.

Rest - As with any new Mom, rest is ohh, so important. But the difference with you is that you have also just had major abdominal surgery. Your c section after care should reflect this, so get plenty of physical rest.

No straining - Because your stomach muscles have all been cut it will take about 6 weeks for them to knit together enough for you to lift anything. The general rule in c section after care is to lift nothing heavier than your baby for the first six weeks.

No stretching - Do little stretching of the abdominal area for the same reasons - especially in the first couple of weeks. Not only are your muscles healing but so is your skin and the nerves, so any over stretching could at best affect the way that your scar looks, at worst you could even open your wound up. This is why things like vacuuming and hanging out washing are not recommended as part of your c section after care.

Eat - The fourth c section after care tip is to eat. I know that you may not feel that well, you will be tired, sore and swollen, but your body actually needs more of the right foods now to help you to feed baby and heal quickly.

Exercise - Our final c section after care tip may seem contradictory, but you do need to incorporate some form of exercise into your recovery. This means just gentle walking or movement. Not a lot - just enough to get the blood and nutrients moving to all the places that need them - like your wound and your feet.

Many women find that their feet swell up like balloons after their c section thanks to all the fluid build up, so the sooner that you are able to get moving, the sooner the fluid will be reabsorbed.

There are specific exercises that you can do right from day one that will help to speed up your recovery and reduce your pain significantly.

Deal With Postpartum Depression (PPD) Smartly

What is postpartum depression?

Postpartum depression (PPD) also called postnatal depression is a form of clinical depression that affects some women after they have delivered a child. The exact cause of this condition is not known however some research says that since the hormone levels change during and after pregnancy this imbalance of hormonal level in woman's body causes chemical changes in the brain that play a part in developing depression.

Post partum depression can be treated by talk therapy and medicine (antidepressant).

Why do women get affected by it?

Giving birth to baby is a tough job. The rapid gush of hormones in that period creates a state of imbalance in the body for a while. And this imbalance can last from a few days to months, which maybe a cause for postpartum depression.

However giving birth is also one of the most beautiful feeling a woman can ever experience. From the moment a woman has given birth she feels sheer joy and happiness, fulfillment, achievement, thankfulness. But with all these positive qualities come along anxiety, fear, uncertainty, responsibility and sometimes depression.

Simple steps to treat your depression yourself:-

  • Be pro active not reactive

Once you get pregnant you want to gather all the information regarding your baby's development, what to eat what not to, what's good for the baby's health, what's the sex of the baby etc. Side by side do make it a point to study the topic of postpartum depression.

  • Do not live in denial

Even if you are having a very smooth pregnancy and everything's fine, do not guarantee yourself that you cannot get depression.

Even the happiest of pregnant women do get some form of depression either they get mood swings also called Baby Blues or PPD or in very rare cases Postpartum psychosis.

  • We fear the unknown

You delivered a baby a week ago. You are exhausted. You are not getting enough sleep you don't even know who this new person is? You hate your body. You hate the people around you. You don't have much interest in this baby. You just want to run away some place. In short there is nothing you feel good about. You have PPD!

You try to pretend that you don't know what's wrong however your subconscious tells you that there is something wrong with you and this is not normal. Once you know it that you have PPD, you have treated this illness 50%.

  • Remember all your baby needs is you

You want to sleep for a stretch of 6 hours; you want to watch a movie alone or with your partner. Maybe all you want is some peace and quiet. Yes you can do all this but stock it up for some time later because rite now the most important thing in your life is your baby.

Remember this is tiny person you anxiously waited for 9 months. You worked so hard to make everything perfect for your baby.

Finally your baby is here. Your baby wants to be close to you, she wants your touch. She wants your body warmth; she wants your breast she simply wants to be near you. You are your baby's main life support.

You have to tell all this to yourself. Forget the world. Right now it's just you and the baby.

  • Have faith in yourself

Do not jeopardize yourself in the process of child care. Go easy. Sleep when the baby sleeps even if it's for 15 minutes. Talk to your partner or any friend. Make plans for your baby.

Try to indulge yourself totally in motherhood. Yes this absolutely works.

Keep reassuring yourself that everything will be fine. Think positive. Do not let those irrational feelings take over you.

Taking antidepressant drugs is not a very good idea especially for a breastfeeding mother because the drug can get into in the milk.

Remember Postpartum depression is not a disease or illness it's just some bad vibes that hover over you when you have been blessed with the most beautiful gift. A baby!

The Thyroid-Diabetes Connection

If you have type 2 diabetes, you should receive a screening for thyroid abnormalities, according to researchers at the American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists (AACE) 20th Annual Meeting and Clinical Congress. The recommendation came after a new study involving over 5,000 people found the prevalence of hypothyroidism to be nearly 6 percent among people with type 2 diabetes, compared to just under 2 percent in those without.

Hypothyroidism is a well-recognized risk of type 1 diabetes, but this has generally not been extended to type 2 diabetes as well -- until now.

What Does Your Thyroid Function Have to do With Diabetes?

Both thyroid disorders and diabetes involve a dysfunction of the endocrine system. Type 1 diabetes and the most common cause of hypothyroidism -- Hashimoto's disease -- are both autoimmune diseases, and having one autoimmune disease increases your risk of developing another.

With type 2 diabetes, coexisting hypothyroidism may increase your risk of heart problems, and the researchers noted that early identification of both conditions could improve heart function, blood pressure and lipid profile. [1]

Thyroid hormones also influence glucose homeostasis, including impacting circulating insulin levels, intestinal absorption and uptake of glucose into fat and muscle tissues. [2]

Even Subclinical Thyroid Disorder May be Associated With Diabetes

People with hypothyroidism often struggle with insulin resistance. This is true even at the sub-clinical level. How do you know if your thyroid is functioning at a sub-clinical level?

Oftentimes, you don't.

This condition is typically diagnosed when levels of your thyroid hormones are normal but your thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) is increased. This is generally a sign that your pituitary gland is working extra hard to keep your thyroid hormone levels up in the normal range. In time, and if left untreated, your TSH levels may continue to increase until your thyroid gland stops responding, and your sub-clinical hypothyroidism turns into full-blown hypothyroidism.

It's a tricky situation because sub-clinical hypothyroidism may cause no symptoms at all, or it may lead to fatigue, memory problems, weight gain, dry skin, constipation and a range of other various problems that may seem completely unconnected. Again, this often undiagnosed and misdiagnosed condition is also associated with insulin resistance, which typically occurs prior to type 2 diabetes.

As researchers wrote in Clinical Diabetes: [3]

"Thyroid dysfunction is common in diabetic patients and can produce significant metabolic disturbances. Therefore, regular screening for thyroid abnormalities in all diabetic patients will allow early treatment of sub-clinical thyroid dysfunction."

Like sub-clinical hypothyroidism, you can be insulin resistant for years before developing full-blown disease, and often a diagnosis of type 2 diabetes is a person's first sign that they are in fact insulin resistant.

Because cases of sub-clinical thyroid disease are often overlooked but may increase health risks for a number of people with co-existing diabetes or insulin resistance (as well as those without), researchers in the British Journal of Diabetes and Vascular Disease recommended "individualization of therapy" as the best solution.

What's the Bottom Line?

If you currently have type 2 diabetes, you should be aware of the connection to thyroid disorders like hypothyroidism and sub-clinical hypothyroidism. At the sub-clinical level, many have no symptoms at all, and others are unaware that their fatigue, memory problems and other seemingly unrelated symptoms are due to a thyroid issue.

You may need to ask your physician to have this checked, as it is not yet part of the standard of care typically provided for people with type 2 diabetes. But, even if you've had your thyroid levels tested and the lab results came back normal, it's still possible to have a low-functioning thyroid. In fact, the condition is often completely missed due to inadequate testing and a general lack of understanding of the complexities of thyroid function in the conventional medical community.

There is some debate over whether or not sub-clinical hypothyroidism needs to be treated at all, and to this I would stress absolutely. At the very least, sub-clinical hypothyroidism can contribute to insulin resistance as well as increase your risk of cardiovascular events if you have type 2 diabetes.

Further, many in this early stage of thyroid imbalance will go on to develop full-blown hypothyroidism if action is not taken... and will miss out on the vitality and energy they deserve in life.

At least 15 million Americans are thought to suffer from sub-clinical hypothyroidism that may or may not be related to diabetes. Fortunately, dietary approaches and other lifestyle changes can help bring your thyroid function back into the normal ranges, as well as help you to prevent, control and even reverse type 2 diabetes. The guidance of a holistic health care practitioner familiar with both thyroid disorders and diabetes is highly recommended to help you formulate an effective lifestyle plan and stick with it.


1. April 18, 2011

2. British Journal of Diabetes and Vascular Disease. 2010;10(4):172-177.

3. Clinical Diabetes VOL. 18 NO. 1 Winter 2000

Pregnancy - Insurance Options for Pregnant Women

For most women, pregnancy is a time of joy and they are excited to welcome a new life into the world. But what is supposed to be a cheerful time can quickly be dampened when the happy couple goes to double check their health insurance and find that their deductible is too high to cover the pregnancy or worse there is no maternity coverage at all. That's when joy turns into anxiety as the couple tries to figure out how they are going to afford the medical costs associated with the birth of their child. If this sounds like your situation, there are a few options available to you.

Supplemental Insurance - Many health insurance companies will sell you a supplemental maternity health policy for an additional cost. The major problem with this is these same insurance companies view pregnancy as a preexisting condition and will insist that you wait 12-18 months before they will pay any of the medical expenses related to pregnancy. If you are in the planning stages of having children and can afford to wait, then this may be a good option. However, if you are already pregnant, this could pose a problem. Not all insurance companies are the same, though, so it will probably be worth your time to check around.

Discount Health Care Programs - There are some discount health insurance programs that were developed specifically to help women pay for their pregnancies. These are not traditional insurance plans. Instead, they will help you get discounts off of doctor and hospital services which can save you a lot of money. These types of cards frequently have other benefits attached such as access to a nurse hotline and a patient advocacy team. These can be useful if you have concerns with how your pregnancy is going or you are not getting the care you need to have a healthy baby.

Government Program - Children's Health Insurance Program and Women and Infant Children Program are two government resources that can help you pay for the cost of your pregnancy. You will need to contact your local public assistance offices to get more information about what the program pays and the qualification requirements. If you are still hoping that there is an insurance company that will cover the costs of your insurance, you can use a health insurance quote website to look up the different health plans to see if one is available.

If you are pregnant and need assistance in locating coverage, we can help. Please visit our website at and leave your contact information so we may respond to your request.

Health Insurance- an Umbrella for The Rainy Days

Health is wealth. This is one side of the coin. The other side is that you need wealth to recover from bad health.
No one can foresee an illness and sudden medical emergencies. A person finds himself/herself in deep waters when such a contingency arises. This is because medical bills are exorbitant and paying them without insurance is next to impossible for most people. Prescription drugs, hospital bills, maternity care, etc involve considerable monetary expenditures. Many people who did not take insurance for a rainy day have landed in debt due to improper health care management. Uninsured medical care can not only be financially taxing but may also spell doom in a family.
This is the reason why more and more people are opting for the protective cover of health insurance to ensure health and financial security. Health insurance helps to provide protection against the possible health problems that could happen in the future. The insured person needs to pay a 'premium' periodically.

The process of availing health insurance requires filling up of an application form. You need to provide some documentation about your finances. You can cover the health insurance needs of the entire family, including dental care, eye care, doctor visits, emergency care, prescriptions, etc.

Health insurance costs are rising day by day. It is becoming increasingly difficult for people to afford health insurance. However, it is not possible to forgo it. There are some affordable solutions. People with low income can qualify for a Medicaid program. They need to visit the local Division of Family Services office to get an application.

How to avail a cheap health insurance?

The costs of health insurance plans vary. So, a thorough research is essential before you choose a particular plan. It is a smart idea to find out how long the insurance company has been in business. Make sure that the company yo select is licensed in your state.

The medium of Internet provides a good platform to search for cheap insurance plans. You can compare numerous plans before you select one for you.

Problems Related to Pregnancy

Becoming a mother is a wonderful moment for a woman. The same can be said for men also; but for women the feelings of being pregnant and becoming a mother are inexpressible. The period of pregnancy is a very vital moment. During these nine months she has to take full care of herself and her baby. As the time passes from first month to ninth month, there are several changes that can be seen in a woman. Some changes are normal which are seen mostly in all pregnant women i.e., may be 95%. Some are serious changes. Whatever may be, but consulting good doctors and remaining under routine check up during these nine months is advisable for every pregnant women. Here are some of the fundamentals about pregnancy, which if a women knows can understand the structure of pregnancy and then consulting doctor when needed would be easier.

Some normal changes during pregnancy which can be seen especially during first two to three months in a woman can be solved in home treatment after consulting doctor. These are not very serious.

1. Morning sickness-it occurs in the morning during the first three months of pregnancy. It is a condition in which there is a vomiting tendency felt I the morning. It is not out of indigestion so food is not vomited. This vomiting is accompanied by watery fluids from the stomach. It may also result in vomiting nothing; just a tendency to vomit. It is caused by hormones released by a woman's body during pregnancy. Some special care may reduce this morning sickness.

繚 Care should be taken that small amount of food is always there in the stomach. Empty stomach enhances vomiting.

繚 Drinking plenty of fluids, preferably water because sweet drinks may generate vomiting.

繚 Increased intake of protein and reduce fat consumption.

繚 Care should be taken that there is no smell of food in the morning and the women having sound sleep and sufficient rest.

2. Heartburn-sometimes a pregnant woman may feel a sensation of burning behind the breast bone especially after eating. It is a very normal change in a pregnant woman and can be reduced by taking medicines as per doctor's instruction. Eating plenty of fluids may also reduce the heartburn.

3. Constipation-if a pregnant women does not drink sufficient fluids and fiber food then may suffer from constipation. Sometimes due to constipation medicines need to be taken to clear out the bowels. Constipation may also lead to blood discharge during bowel. It can be reduced by drinking sufficient fluids and fiber food and also by taking medicines.

4. Sleep problem-often a pregnant women may face insufficient sleep. It may be due to excitement or restlessness or hip pain. In such cases very soft care need to be taken and comfort should be provided to the women.

5. Gestational Diabetes-this type of diabetes occurs during the second half of pregnancy. Sometimes if it is very high insulin need to be taken. But nothing to be afraid of as the diabetes is temporary and can be cured by consulting doctor. Three things should be taken care of during this time.

繚 The food habit should be proper. Too much sweet consumption should be avoided.

繚 Doing exercise every day. Not very strenuous one but simple one. Can consult doctor regarding the type of exercises.

繚 Having a routine checkup of blood sugar levels.

6. Cold or flu can be very frequently seen a pregnant women. It is very normal and simple medicines may work. May consult doctor if needed as taking too much drugs during pregnancy is not good.

Apart from these very normal problems here are very serious problems also.

1) Bleeding in pregnancy-Bleeding during pregnancy mayor may not be serious. Bleeding before and after 20 weeks may have different implications.

* Bleeding may occur during the first three months due to

- Miscarriage

- Pregnancy in fallopian tube

- Gestational trophoblastic disease may be cancerous in which a grape like mass of foetal and placental tissue develops.

- Implantation of placenta in the uterus

- Infection

* Bleeding after 20 weeks

- Placenta is near or covers the cervical opening

- Placental abruption

- Some unknown causes.

2) Hemorrhoids-It is commonly also known as piles. It is a situation in which bleeding occurs every time that the woman goes to the toilet. It is also accompanied by pain. It actually happens because during pregnancy the pregnancy hormones relax resulting in a swollen type of thing at the back. Piles can be treated in the following ways:

繚 Drinking plenty of water so that the bowels become clear. Constipation may enhance the problem.

繚 Eating fiber food so that the food is collected in the stomach.

繚 Exercising

繚 Avoiding stress and especially standing for a long time.

繚 Cloth wet with water or ice bag if put on the back may give relief to the swollen part.

繚 Sleep with foot of the bed raised on bricks so that the lower part of the body is raised.

繚 Consulting doctor if they can suggest some other methods to reduce the pain and also the swollen part.

3) Anemia-sometimes a pregnant woman suffers from extreme tiredness, headache, and breathlessness. This happens normally when the women is suffering from anemia, though it is not always so. It is a condition in which the body is running short of red blood cells. As the developing baby also shares with the mother the red blood cells so there is sometimes shortness in the production. But the red blood cells increase with the increase in the month of pregnancy but what happens is that the plasma sometimes become more than the RBCs. Anemia may also happen because of the deficiency in iron. VitaminB12 or folic acids as these are very essential for the production of red blood cells. Anemia can be avoided to some extent by the following ways:

繚 Eating food rich in iron like leafy vegetables, cereals, breads, eggs etc.

繚 Eating food rich in vitamin and vitamin B12 like citrus fruits, vegetables, eggs, fish, cereals.

繚 Folic acid is very important to minimize the chances of anemia. It also reduces the risk of neural tube defects. Moreover as vomiting is a natural symptom at this time, folic acid will also improve the health of the mother.

繚 All types of vitamins and minerals are advisable. Moreover drinks like tea and coffee should be avoided as they absorb iron leaving the body deficient of iron.

4) Pre-eclampsia and eclampsia-pre-eclampsia is a condition in which the pregnant woman suffers from high blood pressure, protein in the urine and swelling in hands and legs. High blood pressure may be very risky as the delivery need to happen very fast or else either the baby or the mother can survive. Proper medical treatment at this time is very important. Because if not treated properly may lead to eclampsia. If the mother suffers from eclampsia immediate oxygen and drugs need to be given. In case of pre-eclampsia no particular treatment is there and consulting doctor is the only way out.

Normal and serious problems may happen in pregnancy but it is advisable for every pregnant woman to be very cautious. Precautions are very important. If taken proper care of then these nominal and serious problems can be avoided.

1) Sex during pregnancy-sexual urge may always be felt by both men and women. In case of pregnancy the sexual urge in women tends to reduce because of the excitement of the new born baby. So it becomes very important that both husband and wife sit together and come to a mutual understanding. But above all sex if at all done should be done only by those women in whom there is no chance of miscarriage or pre-term labor. It needs doctor's consultation. During times of sex care should be taken that the husband does not blow air into the vagina as that may block the blood vessel creating danger both for the mother and the child. Also care should be taken that the opponent is safe from any sexually transmitted diseases. At this time it is better to stick to one partner.

2) Food habits-during these nine months special care should be taken towards the food habits. Only proper cooked food should be eaten as that destroys the germs and the parasites that are there in the food. Raw vegetables, meat non-pasteurized milk should be avoided. Everything i.e. utensils and vegetables should be washed properly. Toxoplasmosis is a disease that occurs from uncooked food. Not only that the disease also spreads from faeces of cats so contact with cats should be avoided.

3) Drugs-drugs taken during pregnancy should be taken only after the advice of the doctor. Too much intake of drugs during pregnancy may harm the baby and even lead to miscarriages. Drugs taken in normal times may not be suitable during pregnancy so before taking any types of drugs consult doctor.

4) Many unwanted substances are even found around the house like cleansers, paints, and printing inks. Carpet cleaners etc. these may prove hazardous for the embryo. Moreover some chemicals like lead and mercury are very dangerous for the baby as well as the mother. Water pipeline may contain small amount of lead so water should be boiled during these nine months. We are often exposed to mercury like in fish. So the raw food should wash properly and if possible wash with lukewarm water.

5) Some dangerous rays may also be hazardous though we may not be aware of it. Ray from computer screens so a pregnant women should not sit for a very long time near the computer screen or with laptop on the lap. Also some electrical appliances like micro wave emit rays. So no one and especially pregnant women should not stand in front of micro wave. The use of electric blanket should be avoided.

Last but not the least environmental impact on pregnancy can also prove dangerous. The environment always contains harmful gases like carbon mono oxide and lead particles that are hazardous for the unborn baby. Working conditions and atmosphere may not be suitable. So every bit of care should be taken that a pregnant woman gets all the amenities in her workplace: be it at home or outside. Women are the carriers of future generation so we treat then them with full respect.

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Hypothyroidism Symptoms Can Be Very Harmful If Not Treated - Know Simple Signs to Look For

Anytime health problems are prolonged before being diagnosed, it can be very harmful to you. We have all heard that early diagnosis can save your life, especially when it comes to cancer. Early diagnosis of hypothyroidism is also important. When the symptoms of hypothyroidism go untreated your quality of life is greatly diminished.

The starting signs and symptoms of hypothyroidism can be so gradual that it's tricky to diagnosis. Consequently many of the symptoms are therefore easy to consider that something additional is the cause, therefore you and/or your physician may point the fault elsewhere. Misdiagnosing hypothyroidism could bring on a negative effect on your total well-being, because the longer the symptoms are neglected the worse they will become.

One of the first low thyroid symptoms you will probably notice is that you are not sleeping as restful at night. Waking up tired is very common, your body can't rejuvenate its self. It is not hard to understand how this isn't thought of as anything unusual, after all who doesn't have this happen occasionally.

Another problem that will surely happen is becoming lethargic. Lethargy is an additional familiar symptom of a hypothyroidism gland disorder that is easily blamed on a lot things. With all you have to do in a day, who wouldn't feel tired, right? You feel rushed from day to day with all that needs to be done. Sure your tired, however, you may be more exhausted than you should be.

Are you putting on extra weight? Sudden weight gain when you really haven't been eating any differently than you normally do? These hypothyroidism symptoms are frequently accepted by a lot of people to merely be a natural part of getting older. Unfortunately, when excessive weight gain is due to hypothyroidism symptoms, the extra weight won't go away until you treat the underlying problem of your thyroid gland.

It's absolutely essential to start taking care of your thyroid gland immediately or your symptoms are sure to worsen.

Pregnancy Nausea Remedies - How to Get Rid of Nausea While Pregnant?

Congratulations you are going to be a mother, isn't that wonderful? There is no doubt it is! For a lot of women pregnancy it is a very happy period of life, but with all the happiness it is a very hard 9 months! All the future mothers suffer from head aches, back pains, swollen breasts and pregnancy nausea also known as morning sickness!

Morning sickness causes women the most suffer during the pregnancy, and despite it being called morning sickness it doesn't disappear on the morning but goes with you all day, making your life harder every day!

If you will ask a doctor for a cure, his answer might be "There is no cure for morning sickness". Well maybe he doesn't have a special pills or medicine but there are some very good remedies and techniques that will help you to get rid of the morning sickness!

Here some foods that may help you!

Lemon - this fruit is known by its' ability to decrease the sickness feeling in minutes! Try to eat lemon when it's cold, because it's better and you will feel immediately the relief!

Apples - the same thing, also recommended cold.

Drink only non caffeinated teas. Peppermint and ginger will be excellent for you!

Here are a couple of thing you can do to avoid nausea!

Sleep well - tiredness only increases the nausea feeling in the morning and through the day. Try to sleep at least 8 hours at night and take snaps through the day!

Try to avoid closed places because of the air! Fresh air will decrease the nausea feeling so every place you go open all the windows on turn on all the fans!

And the last tip:

Try a Chinese acupressure points technique - Chinese aucpressure technique is excellent way to get rid of morning sickness. It's based on tapping on specific points through your body called acupressure points. This method is 100% natural, very easy to apply everywhere and it will help you to get rid of pregnancy nausea overnight.

How Soon Can You Have Sex After Childbirth

How soon after childbirth can you have sex again? How will this affect a woman's sex drive? What to avoid for lovemaking during the first few months after delivery?

The sexual implications of childbirth are twofold. First, there are the physical considerations and second, there are the psychological factors. After delivery, sex is often the furthest thing from a woman's mind, as her body needs time to recover.

Whether the baby is born vaginal delivery or by C-section, a period of 6 weeks is often necessary to abstain from sex to give time for the cervix to close, for internal tears to heal, for the stitches to dissolve and for the post-natal bleeding to end.

Every woman may feel differently about when she will be ready or even have the desire to have sex again. Some women may need many months, whereas others will begin feeling ready to make love again within weeks. If you are in doubt about whether to resume sex, ask the doctor.

For several weeks after the delivery, the vagina will discharge lochia, a mixture of residual blood, mucus and tissue from inside the uterus. As the healing progresses and the bleeding slows, the discharge gradually turns to a watery pink, then to brown, and finally to a yellowish white. Lochia discharge generally lasts from 2 to 6 weeks.

Having a baby passing through the vagina may cause some tearing of the delicate tissues. This will result in vaginal soreness. Even if this does not happen to her, the perineal area can feel bruised and sensitive for some time.

With births involving surgery, women have to be careful to keep their stitches free from the risk of re-opening or infection. Some women have to delay resuming intercourse longer because of problems with the wounds.

If a woman is breast-feeding, her vagina may also be sensitive. Those hormones that are around when breast-feeding can suppress sex drive. Guys do often get very frustrated when they are waiting to resume sexual intercourse. A couple should therefore tread carefully back into a sexual routine. They should start slow with extended foreplay.

Hormone changes and worries can cause some women to experience vaginal dryness for the first 3 months after giving birth. Vaginal dryness can be treated with some over-the-counter solutions such as K-Y Jelly, Liquid Silk, or Pjur. Some condoms that have a built-in lubricant can be equally effective.

Kegel exercises can also be a good way to get the vaginal muscles back into shape and to regain the muscle tone so that she has this capacity to get aroused again. These exercises are performed by tightening the PC muscles (that regulate the flow of urine) in the same way she stops the flow of urine and are highly recommended for women recovering from pregnancy. Do 10 squeezes at a time, at least 6 times a day. Work up to keeping the muscles contracted for 10 seconds at a time, relaxing for 10 seconds between contractions.

However, physical challenges are only part of the toll. Taking care of the new baby can pose a psychological strain. The main reason most women are not keen on sex for at least a few weeks after childbirth is simply exhaustion. If the delivery was long or difficult, the woman may also feel anxious about getting pregnant. Take advantage of the baby nap times to catch up on some sleeping.

Worries about body image and post natal depression can also influence her arousal. Therefore do not rush back into a pre-pregnancy sexual routine. Until she is ready for sex, intimacy can be maintained in other ways. Spend time together without the baby or when it is sleeping even if this takes just a few minutes in the morning. Look for other ways to express affection.

The post-natal period can be a good chance to consider new sexual positions, learn more about the turn-ons and turn-offs for the couple and to get to know each other in a different way.

For the first few sessions after childbirth, it is a good idea to choose a position in which the woman can control the pace and depth of penetration. The woman-on-top position, or one where both lay side-by-side facing each other, may be more comfortable.

Unless you want to have baby again, use condoms. Avoid giving her oral sex for the first few months after birth. This can increase the risk of infection for the vagina and womb. Blowing air into the vagina can cause an often fatal illness called air embolism.

Although children may be a blessing, the time and effort to take care of them prevents many couples from finding the time to be intimate with each other. Balancing the needs of your child with your urges is not easy, but it can be done if you and your partner are willing to make the effort.

Imagine Yourself in Registered Nurse Scrubs

Registered nurses (RN's) work to promote health, to prevent disease, and to help patients to cope with illness and disability. They are the advocates and health care educators for patients, families and communities. As providers of direct patient care they observe, assess and record the symptoms, reactions, and progress of patients. They assist physicians during examinations, treatments, and surgeries. They administer medications and assist in rehabilitation and convalescence. RN's in nurse scrubs also develop and implement nursing care plans; they instruct patients and families in proper care; and they help individuals and groups to take steps to maintain or improve their health. Most registered nurses work in hospitals, providing bedside nursing care and carrying out medical treatments. RN's may supervise licensed practical nurses (LPN's) and nursing aides.

Usually hospital nurses are assigned to one department, such as pediatrics, maternity, surgery, intensive care, emergency room, or cancer treatment. Some RN's rotate among different departments. Other registered nurses deliver outpatient care working for physicians' offices, clinics, emergency medical centers, and ambulatory surgical centers. These RN's assist with examinations, administer medications and injections, dress incisions and wounds, assist in minor surgery, and maintain patients' records. Some RN's in scrubs uniform also perform routine laboratory work and office clerical work. RN's who work in nursing care facilities manage residents' care and deal with conditions of the elderly from fractures to Alzheimer's disease.

Besides administrative tasks, these RN's assess residents' health, develop plans for treatment, supervise LPN's and nursing aides, and perform some invasive procedures such as giving intravenous fluids. RN's also work in long-term rehabilitation facilities for patients who had strokes or head injuries. Home health RN's provide patients nursing services in their homes. They assess the patients' home environments, and they instruct patients and families. Home health care nurses must be able to work on their own and to supervise home health care aides. They may care for a wide range of patients, such as childbirth, patients recovery from illnesses or accidents, or cancer patients.

Public health RN's work in private and governmental agencies including schools, clinics, retirement communities, and other community health care facilities. They work with individuals, families, and groups to improve the overall health of the community. They work with communities to plan and implement programs of education and treatment. Public health RN's instruct individuals, their families, and other groups with regard to health issues such as nutrition, preventative care, and childcare. They organize public immunizations, test blood pressure, and perform other health screening services. Occupational health RN's (industrial nurses) in scrub pants provide nursing care in the workplace for employees and customers with injuries and illnesses.

They provide emergency care, fill out accident reports, and arrange for further medical care when necessary. They offer health counseling, give inoculations, conduct examinations, and assess the work environment to identify actual or potential health problems. Registered nurses are the largest healthcare occupation, with over 2.3 million jobs. More new registered nurse jobs are expected to be created than any other occupation. Nursing job opportunities and pay are expected to be very good. The three principle educational paths to a registered nursing career are a diploma, an associate degree, and a bachelor's degree.

Trying To Get Pregnant - Tips To Help You Succeed

When trying to get pregnant it can be a challenging time. For the purpose of this article I am going to go through some basic tips to help improve your odds of pregnancy. Some of these you will know and maybe others you may have not considered.

The first thing you need to take care of is your health. Make sure you are eating right and you can also take supplements to make sure you get the nutritional balance you need to help you get pregnant. Folic acid is really important so make sure you are getting that in your diet.

Along with diet you need to exercise. Exercise not only improves your physical well being but it also improves your mental well being. Breathing and cardio exercises can be very beneficial for you.

When it comes to ovulation you will need to understand what is taking place with your body and observe changes as they occur. As for sex missionary position is said to be best and furthermore it improves your odds of conception if you both climax at the same time. To help predict ovulation you can also buy a predictor kit to help to accurately pinpoint the timing.

Okay ladies, you have done what you can do. Now there are ways that the men can improve their chances of getting you pregnant. If you are a drinker, smoker or taking any illegal drugs, these can lower your sperm count. There are supplements that you can use as well to increase your sperm count. Chemicals and toxins can kill sperm as well.

Just relax, don't ponder on having a baby. The less stress you put your body through, the better off you will be in trying to get pregnant.

To conclude eat healthy foods and take vitamins especially. It is wise to begin taking prenatal vitamins before you become pregnant. Less stress and worry as much as possible to make this a wonderful time for making a baby.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

4 Healthy Pregnancy Diet Tricks To Help You and Your Baby To Be Happy!

I have a few really good healthy information tips to share with you. Hi, my name is Karen Phoenix. Thanks to this information I went through my pregnancy complication free and I just recently gave birth to my gorgeous son.

Before I became pregnant I taught myself all about the right kind of nutrition to keep myself and my baby very healthy. It's been around 6 weeks since I gave birth and I am getting back to my pre-baby weight. Here are 4 of my best healthy pregnant diet tips that I learned.

1. Bad pregnancy cravings are unhealthy for you and your baby. Healthy pregnant diet tip #1 is about pregnancy cravings. Pregnancy food cravings are messages from your body telling you about deficiencies that your body is going through. Succumbing to these cravings can lead to unhealthy weight gain. Salty and sweet foods are the most common of the pregnancy cravings. Do yourself a favor and replace your unhealthy craving for something that your body is really deficient in.

2. Make Sure You Get Enough Omega 3 and Iron. Healthy pregnant diet tip #two is about two important supplements. Omega 3 fats is the one prenatal supplementation that will be working and helping your baby learn and grow long after his due date. Researchers have even found that infants who were born to mothers that had higher levels of DHA in their system had an advantage over babies who did not. You can get Omega 3's from eating beans, flax seed, walnuts, and wild fish (not farm raised).

Iron is very good because it is what makes your blood carry more oxygen through your body. Iron is something that most women are already deficient in. So you need to make sure that you are getting at least 30-50 mg every day. Your unborn child depends on you to get enough Iron to help him build his red blood cells. Foods that contain iron are: lentils, natural beef, beans, pumpkin seeds, and green veggies.

3. Sugar and Fake Sugars. Healthy pregnant diet tip #3 is about pregnancy and sugars. First lets talk about substitutes like aspartame, saccarhin and Splenda. None of these are healthy for you. They are all made using chemicals that are not natural or healthy for you or your baby.

If you are using raw sugar or Agave syrup, than you are doing good. If not, then you are using refined sugars. Refined sugar is bad for everyone, as it can cause tooth decay, gum disease, excess and rapid weight gain as well can reduce your bodies immunity. Keeping your blood sugars normal will also help to keep away of gestational diabetes.

4. Exercise During Pregnancy. Healthy pregnant diet tip #four is about the importance of exercise during pregnancy. Exercise is vital to your body and can help keep away many pregnancy symptoms like fatigue and mood swings. I know that when you are super tired, the last thing you think you can do is exercise...but trust me, once you get started, you will be glad you did.

Getting 4 or 5 days of exercise every week will greatly improve how good you sleep and can make you feel a lot better during the day. Exercising while you are pregnant is imperative to help get your blood flowing to your baby and is also an excellent stress reliever.

I hope that these healthy pregnancy diet tips will help you as much as they helped me.

Maternity Clothes Help You Get Through Pregnancy

Pregnancy is an exciting time full of hope and excitement. It can also be an overwhelmingly self-conscience time as well, as your body is pregnant does not mean you have to wear drab clothing and this is what maternity clothes works to prevent.

You can now breathe a little easier with the knowledge that you can find clothes that fit you appropriately through changing like it never has before! Maternity clothes are available for you to help you look and feel beautiful throughout your pregnancy. You can find a number of companies who produce garments for pregnant women that are not only comfortable but fashionable as well.

You will find that clothes that cater to the pregnant body are usually created in order to grow with the belly. For instance, when you purchase a shirt that is a maternity size take notice of a free-flowing front. Maternity jeans are also made with expanding belly lines. They are created in this way so that you do not have to buy new clothes every month or two throughout your pregnancy.

While you are pregnancy you want clothing that is not only practical but modern as well. Most maternity lines are aware that pregnant women want to stay up to date with the trends. That is why you will find a variety of clothing, for any occasion that will fit your needs. Anything from tops, shirts, skirts are available in trendy fashions of pregnant women. This type of clothing allows pregnant women to feel both comfortable and pretty.

Amazed at the variety of clothing options available? If you are on the market for a new pair of maternity pants you have a number of choices. Pants that sit below the belly, atop the belly, mid-belly are just a few samples of what is available for your consideration. It all depends on your personal preference.

The process of purchasing maternity attire may be a little overwhelming. Not only do you have a number of styles to choose from, but you may not know what your size is anymore. There is help for this. Some companies have placed a same size system in affect.

During pregnancy you will most likely be thinking of the time when you give birth. Well, there is the nursing period post pregnancy that you may be thinking of as well. Nursing tops and bras are available for you to purchase. These types of shirts and undergarments help make the nursing process easier and much more efficient.

Looking ahead toward your delivery and beyond you may want to consider nursing tops as well. Regular tops may be inconvenient for a nursing mother. Especially when out in public and may need more privacy, nursing tops may be more effective as opposed to regular tops.

Maternity clothes can also be helpful for you in the first few months after delivery. Although wishing yourself back into your regular size jeans may give you hope but normal women probably need a little time to ease themselves back into their normal jeans. In the meanwhile, your maternity wear can help you through this transition process.

Medical Assistant Degree - An Education For Your Future

Medical Assistant is a degree which is achieved after taking the medical assistant course. There are a lot of medical assistant degrees courses that are available, which depends on the kind of course that you want to take. Some of the common ones include on full time and part time basis, along with a master degree in nursing. The particulars and details of each of them are given below. However, if you don't find sufficient information you should check out the website of school or the university which is offering the course.

• Full time degree courses are easily available in all the four branches of medical assistant, which includes adult, child, mental health and learning disabilities. The time span of this course is usually three years along with the practice. There are several higher education institutions and schools that are offering this course.

These courses give you academic as well as professional qualification through an incorporate study of theory that is involved in the medical assistant course as well as practical work which is the aspect that counts most. This program begins with the basic understanding of the medical assistant. The main purpose of this program is to develop your communication, caring and observational skills. This basic understanding also gives you an introduction to the entire four branches of nursing mentioned above. An additional introduction of the maternity care is also given.

Then are the medical assistant practices, which accounts for 50 % of the program. This practice is usually done in hospitals and community settings. After this practice, you are then give a choice to select a branch of nursing that you want to continue in, followed by the studies and the practice of that particular branch.

• There are also part time degree courses in all four branches of medical assistant. These courses are usually of four years. These courses also involve theory and then practice but for part time. Before taking this course you should make sure that you have the ability to cope up with other things that you are doing along with the course as this course demands high level of involvement and understanding.

• These courses also provide you with a very through study of the medical field. Practice element is the foremost aspect in it, which determines your actual grades. The course takes around for years to complete. There are several universities which are offering this course and have a requirement of their own.

After taking the degree you become academically eligible to work with professionals and several big names. The salary package that is offered to you is attractive, along with the incentives that are given to you.

However if you have taken some medical assistant courses and training or have a practical experience, the degree can be shorten down to a few months, depending on the course and training that you have taken.the mapping is done by the process known as accreditation of prior learning in which your previous history is been eyed and if approved, exempts some of your degree courses that you have to take.