Saturday, February 2, 2013

Maternity Insurance and the Cost of Pregnancy - Fact and Fiction

If you are pregnant, are considering becoming pregnant, or have someone on your health insurance plan that is pregnant or will become pregnant and especially if you live in the state of Florida then this is "The Maternity Insurance Article" for you. The aim of this article is to explain some of the maternity options available to you and to debunk some common myths concerning maternity insurance, maternity riders, maternity discount plans, and other types of maternity coverage.

First of all, if you are a Florida resident and you are pregnant and do not have maternity coverage then you will not be eligible for maternity coverage under an individual health insurance plan. Those with the foresight to plan ahead and purchase some type of maternity coverage before they become pregnant are rewarded while those who wait until they are actually pregnant are of course not afforded individual maternity coverage. (If you are pregnant and have access to a group plan through you or your spouses' employer then now is the time to seriously inquire about your enrollment options as many group health insurance plans usually cover maternity just as they do any other illness). Naturally, sick people always want health insurance and people with a pregnancy in the family always want some form of maternity insurance.

If you are not pregnant and would like to add on additional maternity coverage to your individual health insurance plan then there are a few things that you should know. Most individual health insurance policies will allow you some measure of maternity coverage in the form of a rider for an additional cost. It is quite common for a maternity rider to have a waiting period of at least 12 months before they pay out any type of maternity benefit. Still some other maternity riders, such as the one that Golden Rule/United Healthcare offers in Florida allow full benefits to be paid up to a set amount after 12 months and 50% of the benefit paid out beginning immediately.

So how much does a pregnancy in our example state of Florida really cost anyway? How much of a maternity benefit should I be certain to have? How much can I anticipate paying out of pocket for the pregnancy and related expenses? These are all important questions and the answer may be, "Not quite as much as you at first think." According to the statewide average charge for a normal delivery is $1,689 while the statewide average charge for a cesarean section is $14,458. As you can see there is quite a range in the cost depending on if there are any complications present during the pregnancy.

The important thing is to know the options that are available to you and to obtain maternity insurance and health insurance before you need it!

Top Reasons Why New Moms Should Make Kegel Exercises a Part of Their Daily Routine

Because pelvic floor muscles support the urethra, bladder, uterus, and rectum, doing kegel exercises will not only help strengthen and tone these muscles. It will also help eliminate and prevent diseases and health problems related to these organs. In fact, these exercises were originally developed by Dr. Arnold Kegel in the 1940s to help women with urinary incontinence or diminished bladder control.

According to reports, doing these exercises is extremely beneficial not only to treat and prevent urinary incontinence, but also in helping new moms and soon to be moms in dealing with pregnancy, giving birth, and post partum effects. Below are some of the top reasons why new moms should consider including kegel exercises as part of their exercise routines.

So here are the top reasons why you should do it:

  1. Nearly up to 25 percent of new moms experience urinary incontinence due to stress. A small amount of urine will leak every time a new mom laughs, coughs, or sneezes. Doing these exercises while still pregnant and right after giving birth will help prevent urinary incontinence as it strengthens the pelvic floor muscles and induces them to function properly.

  2. Doing these exercises is very simple. It does not even require special private places and classes to do it properly and effectively. Unlike other type of exercises, these type of exercises will not make you tired.

  3. Kegel exercises can be done in several positions and do not require a particular position. It can be completed in any time and place, whatever you are doing. You can do the exercise while watching TV, cooking, driving, or talking over the phone.

  4. Pelvic floor muscles are among the top priorities in pregnancy recovery. In fact, experts often focus on kegels and these muscles when talking about exercise while still pregnant and after giving birth.

  5. Neglected pelvic floor muscles after giving birth have the tendency to sag. Without proper care and exercise, it will continue to sag over time. This will eventually result in health problems with a woman's bladder, uterus, bowel, and the organs that surround them.

  6. Weak and unhealthy muscles affect your sexual experience. It may result for you and your partner not to feel anything during intercourse.

  7. Kegel exercises are the only known exercise to keep pelvic floor muscles toned, strong, and healthy.

  8. Doing these exercises will increase the strength and elasticity of pelvic floor muscles, which will help support pelvic organs including the uterus and the baby, if you do this while you are still pregnant.

  9. These exercises while pregnant will decrease the chances of injuring the pelvic floor during childbirth.

  10. Practicing such exercises before and after having a baby will help you heal easily as well as maintain control of your bladder and a more satisfactory sex life.

  11. Doing the exercise while still pregnant help prepare women's bodies for the stress of childbirth.

  12. Kegel exercises help tone and strengthen the puboccygeus muscle or the pubic muscle. Strengthened pubic muscles before childbirth can help the pubic area retain enough muscle tone to make childbirth easier for women.

Indeed, there are lots of benefits to why women should start doing kegel exercises now, whether they are pregnant, an elderly, or at post partum. On the other hand, to ensure you will achieve the best results, do kegel exercises properly. Seek guidance from your physician or gynecologist to know how to do kegel exercises properly. Also, make sure you do it regularly. Make it a part of your daily routine. Like many other type of exercises, doing it irregularly or stopping after every few weeks will not yield results.

Need Help Getting Pregnant Now?

Some couples may never need any help getting pregnant; pregnancy may seem normal as eating, drinking and breathing. Some couples on the other hand may require a little help in conceiving let alone knowing when the woman is fertile and ready to conceive a child. With technology in our hands, there seem to be a great success in conceiving a child through artificial means. The downside for these methods however, is that most are too expensive for a regular person to afford. There are however sensible techniques to help a woman get pregnant. Some of these tips are often taken for granted which stems from the couple's busy and active lifestyle but are nevertheless very important if one needs help getting pregnant.

• A change in lifestyle is imminent if you really want to get pregnant right away. A woman can only conceive a child before she reaches her menopausal years so if you want help getting pregnant then it has to start right now. Any unhealthy habits must go like smoking, drinking, drugs and night outs. These negative habits greatly decrease your chances of conceiving and for males, these habits directly affect the health of your sperm and your sperm count as well. Aside from pregnancy, stopping these negative habits will also increase your energy, improve overall body function and help you achieve more in life.

• Caffeine is another factor that reduces the body to absorb elemental iron which is needed for healthy blood. Lack of iron in females increases the chances of stillbirth. It is not just ditching coffee, teas and caffeinated drinks or colas must also be avoided.

• Stress is one of the major reasons why most busy and active couples fail to conceive. If you want help getting pregnant try reducing stress and tension in your life. You may try relaxation activities, meditation, leisure activities and sports together. Take time to have the right amount of sleep in a day as well. With less stress and tension, your body and mind will both be ready to get pregnant. If a busy or hectic schedule is one of your daily stressors, make a schedule to be able to have time for relaxation and fun. For all you know, a vacation or a couple's retreat is the answer to all your pregnancy woes!

• Research on infertility in women has shown that women who are infertile have very low levels of the hormone leptin. Leptin levels decreases when a woman has lack of sleep. It is important therefore that women who needs help getting pregnant, to get the usual 8 hours of sleep in a day.

• A weight problem (being overweight and underweight) is another factor that decreases the chances of couples to get pregnant. There is an ideal weight for both male and female; recent studies show that couples with the ideal body weight can conceive faster than those with weight problems. Women whose body mass index is below 20 or above 30 may find it hard to conceive so if your BMI falls anywhere in the red zone, then it is time to lose weight or build up on weight so you can get pregnant soon.

• There are researches regarding the effect of exposure to pesticides being one of the major reasons why women find it hard to get pregnant. A pesticide called methoxychlor (a DDT derivative) reduces estrogen levels in women and testosterone levels in men. This pesticide is sprayed on crops to get rid of insects that destroy plants. Therefore, it is important to purchase and eat organic foods instead. Eating naturally grown food may help boost your health and maintain your hormone levels. If you want help getting pregnant then ditch the processed and commercially grown foods and try growing and eating organic vegetables and fruits.

• One of the most important factors that most couples are unaware of is that timing is everything in pregnancy. It is the best time to conceive a child when the woman is ovulating. Sure signs that a woman is ovulating is when she has tender breasts, has cervical discharge that appear thinner and is stretchy, painful and bloated abdomen and a noticeable increase in basal body temperature (about 翻 to 1 degree). You may try using an over the counter ovulation test kit to help you know if you are indeed ovulating But if you are not certain when these days are then go for the record and have sex more often! This is a sure fire help in getting pregnant.

• After sexual intercourse, it is important for a woman to lie low for a while. Let sperm take their time to move and swim upstream. You may try a different position for intercourse that may help sperm move as well. A missionary position (where the man is on top) is one of the best ways to become pregnant since the sperm can enter and swim to the uterus without any effort at all.

• A woman's vagina must be a sperm-friendly environment with no chemicals that may destroy sperm on purpose. Avoid using sprays, scented lubricants, douches and scented tampons that can alter the normal acidic environment of the vagina. Simple water and mild soap may be enough to cleanse the vagina.

• Having healthy and numerous sperm count is another factor to increase a couple's chances of getting pregnant. Sperm need adequate temperature and pH levels to survive. A perfect way to make sure sperm are healthy and viable is for men to wear boxers instead of briefs. Briefs move the scrotum closer to the body where it is warmer than usual and killing sperm in the process. A man also has a higher chance to impregnate a woman in the morning when the sperm count is at its highest.

It is also important to seek the help of a professional regarding the best technique or additional advice if you need help getting pregnant. If you have been trying for the past 12 months and have done most of these techniques to no avail, then it may be time to consider a professional's opinion for assessment, diagnosis and appropriate treatment for infertility.

Thyroiditis Symptoms

Natural Alternative Cures with an Integrative Approach

Inflammation of the thyroid gland can result from many causes. The thyroid is located at the base of the neck just below the voice box. It makes hormones that control the rate at which cells burn fuel and how rapidly they create new fuel to store from food.

The most common form of thyroid inflammation is hypothyroidism, under-functioning of the thryroid, called Hashimoto's thryroiditis. Other forms are Postpartum, Subacute, drug-induced, radiation-induced and Acute.

Each different type of this disease has its own causes, clinical features, diagnoses, durations, resolutions, conditions and risks.

The Most Common Hypothyroid Symptoms

Common hypothyroid symptoms may include fatigue, weight gain, feeling "fuzzy headed," depression, dry skin, and constipation. Other, more rare symptoms include swelling of the legs, vague aches and pains, decreased concentration and so on. When conditions become more severe, depending on the type of thyroiditis, one may start to see puffiness around the eyes, slowing of the heart rate, a drop in body temperature, or even incipient heart failure. On the other hand, if the thyroid cell damage is acute, the thyroid hormone within the gland leaks out into the bloodstream causing symptoms of thyrotoxicosis, which is similar to those of hyperthyroidism. These symptoms include weight loss, irritability, anxiety, insomnia, fast heart rate, and fatigue.

Thyroiditis can also be caused by an infection, like a virus or bacteria, which works in the same way as antibodies to cause inflammation in the glands. Certain people make thyroid antibodies, and thyroiditis can be considered an autoimmune disease, because the body acts as if the thyroid gland is foreign tissue.

Just because antibodies are involved does not mean that the 'cause' has been found. The question as to why the antibodies are attacking in the first place still needs to be answered. To find the cure for the thyroid, regardless of the 'itis' requires doing what will allow the body to correct the malady and put an end to the malfunctioning endocrine gland. Even when bacteria is suspected in an 'infection', being that most infections are handled just fine by the body itself, why not consider encouraging the immune system to fight the 'infection' itself?

Often the simple answer to cure is simple blood testing for the thyroid hormones, T3, T4, T7, and thyroid stimulating hormone, TSH. Often basic nutrients are missing so that the thyroid can rebuild itself. We often find that free radicals, molecules missing an electron, or heavy metals such as arsenic, lead and mercury can interfere with chemical reactions....those heavy metals need to be chelated out of the body with oral chelating agents and the free radicals need to be neutralized with antioxidants.

Hormone replacement therapy should only be an option when the endocrine gland has been removed by surgery or eradicated with radiation treatments. As long as some of the endocrine gland remains, the safest approach is to nutrify it and detox the tissues at the same time after blood tests have confirmed the need. The blood test results can also serve as a yardstick to measure healing results on follow-up testing.

This is what a naturopathic, alternative approach encompasses...finding a way to allow the body to heal itself so that the person does not have to take a hormone replacement the rest of their life. When we give hormones to a person who is still able to produce some of the hormone themselves then we are actually encouraging the person to stop making their own hormones! This can only be to their detriment.

What about using bio-identical hormones? These molecules are closer to the original configuration of the molecule that the body makes itself. But the same problem exists...the body will be encouraged NOT to make its own hormone if another one is given orally from outside the body, as when we take pills.

Taking nutrients is different though. When we take nutrients orally, those molecules are molecules that are naturally found in foods in the form of vitamins, minerals, amino acids, trace minerals and enzymes. They usually are not hormone in nature. When we take these nutrients with our food, they mix with the food and make it more nutritious than it was before the mixing. If you look at how healthy our food was 100 years ago, compared to today, you would find a big difference. So when we mix nutritional pills with our food we are returning our food to the chemical strength it used to have 100 years ago.

The difficult part is determining which of the 2000 products in the health food store would be best for you. A 52 element blood test combined with a hair and urine analysis will yield about 103 separate pieces of information on which to choose the 10 or so most likely nutritional medicines to treat your thyroiditis.

Relationship Chat Rooms

If you are going through a tough time in your life, you probably want someone to talk to about your problems. It can be hard to find people who can be there for you whenever you need a shoulder or an ear. Because of this problem, many people needing help, advice, or just someone to listen without judgment turn to places online like relationship chat rooms to get what they need. These people start out as strangers, but that is sometimes a huge bonus for those that need support. These can often be like local support groups, but end up being so much more.

Relationship chat rooms have sprung up everywhere on the Internet. They cover all types of relationships. Those that gravitate towards these sites are going through divorce, separation, loss of child custody, the death of a spouse or family member, job loss, or simple blowups with friends that are devastating to them. Some coming to these rooms have just experienced infidelity in their relationship. All of these types of relationships are different, but the pain is still the same. Life changes dramatically when personal and professional relationships fall apart, and loneliness is often a huge part of that. These chat rooms offer support and friendship when it is needed the most.

The advantages of these chat rooms are many. One of the best parts about finding relationship chat rooms that you can use to talk with others is that there is usually always someone online. That means you don't have to worry about calling a friend in the middle of the night and waking them up. You can just log onto your relationship chat rooms to see who is online. You are not the only one that can not sleep. Someone else is needing the same thing that you are, so it can be easy to find someone to talk to no matter what time of day or night you are in need.

There are a few disadvantages as well. Not everyone in these relationship chat rooms are going to be nice people. Some are bitter and angry, and they just want someone to yell at or someone to soak up their frustrations. If you run into such a person, you can choose to be patient while understanding where their anger is coming from, or logging off to come back later when that person is no longer there. You can also get bad advice, as others are in the same spot you are and may not be thinking clearly.

It is best to navigate these relationship chat rooms carefully while taking advantage of all that they have to offer. Take advice with a grain of salt. Listen, but do not act on what you hear until you have had time to think about it. Look for chat rooms that are moderated in some way so that you are not abused by angry and violent chatters. Sometimes, great friendships come about because of these types of rooms, but you remember to use the same care you would use anywhere else online to stay safe.

Raw Food Diet - Can it Enhance Pregnancy For Overweight Americans?

Infertility affects over 10% of American couples and 5% of the population. It is increasing at an alarming rate especially for overweight people. Although conventional medication has done its best, but for some reason, 10% of infertile couples are diagnosed with an unexplained cause of infertility. It means that the couple is found to be healthy with no structural problems, but conventional medicine has failed to find the causes of infertility, even with its modern technology. In traditional Chinese medicine, infertility is viewed as some tiny micro changes that cannot be detected by conventional medicine's modern technology that interfere with the natural process of pregnancy. In fact, traditional Chinese medicine views overweight infertility is caused by the typical American diet which is high in saturated and trans-fat, refined products, artificial ingredients, etc.. leading to excessive yang, dampness and phlegm(fat) accumulating in the body, thus affecting the chance of artificial insemination and natural conception.

Raw food diet is yin pathogen and cool in nature (please avoid any raw foods with dampness, you can check them in any Chinese food classification site on the Internet). It helps:

1. To Increase function of Spleen and stomach in food absorption
As raw food enters the stomach, it cools down the stomach's heat and is divided into qi and materials. Qi is absorbed by the spleen, it reduces the excessive yang slowly, as the spleen has been damaged by overheat of the typical American diet. The materials are cool in nature, it slows down the stomach's metabolism, leading to weight loss, increasing the stomach function in secreting turbid, and promoting the spleen's function in fluid absorption.

2. To decrease dampness and heat
According to traditional Chinese medicine, overweight Americans are overweight due to the typical American diet which contributes to dampness accumulation in the body's organ as a result of the kidney's abnormal function in fluid distribution and transportation, leading to dampness descending to the abdominal region that distorts the normal conception. As the abundance of dampness, it generates heat that negatively affects the immune system in fighting against bacteria and virus invasion, forming free radicals, and abnormal immune allergenic reactions to harmful materials.

3. To increase blood formation and transportation
As the spleen no longer functions normally in qi distribution due to yang and dampness nature of the typical American diet, it causes liver qi stagnation which reduces the function of blood formation and storing as well as decreasing the heart in blood circulation.

4. To increase blood to the abdomen
As the excessive yang and dampness slowly decreases, it increases the kidney's function in regulating the blood flow to the uterus for promoting natural conception during the menstrual cycle as a result of the qi and blood are no longer being stagnated.

Raw food diet cannot cure the excessive yang and dampness overnight, but at least it reduces them, thus increasing the chance of hormones, leading to fertility. Sometime along the road, the yin and yang will become harmonized.

If you are pregnant by eating raw, it means that your body has provided at least a suitable environment for conception. You should replace your raw food diet with steamed or boiled foods, because your baby needs to be warmed by blood and nutrients transported to the uterus. Intake of raw foods may increase the risk of cool uterus, leading to miscarriage.

Friday, February 1, 2013

5 Tips to Avoid Postpartum Depression - Supplements and Alternative Therapy

Postpartum Depression, classified as a moderate to severe depression that occurs in a woman after she has given birth, occurs in 10% to 20% of postnatal women. An overwhelming, 80% of women will experience some level of postpartum mood instability, the mildest of which is called the "baby blues". Some symptoms of the baby blues include mood swings, feelings of dependency and crying. In very rare cases, untreated Postpartum Depression can lead to Postpartum Psychosis, a very serious illness that involves hallucinations and delusions. Postpartum Psychosis and severe levels of Postpartum Depression requires immediate medical treatment. Paying close attention to your body can significantly reduce the chances of developing Postpartum Depression.

Here are some tips to help avoid Postpartum Depression:

1. Meditation: This practice is known to have physiological, psychological and physical benefits. It has been proven to lead to deeper physical relaxation, lower blood pressure, decrease muscle tension and increase emotional stability, among other things. If you know how to meditate, this is a great time to do it. If not, check out the Silva Method of Mind Control, developed by Jose Silva. He has a quick and easy method of learning how to meditate and refocus your thoughts. Using this method, one can easily achieve a meditative state within minutes on the very first try. He offers free courses on his website to get you started.

2. Acupuncture & Acupressure: These are very effective method and have been proven to help alleviate various forms of depression, including Postpartum Depression. Traditional Chinese Medicine links the mind to the body and vice versa. This form of medicine treats the body as a whole. If there is something wrong with the mind, acupuncture and acupressure taps into physical points on the body in order to treat the problem. These methods are also beneficial in the treatment of anxiety, insomnia, pain management, weight control, migraines and much more. Schedule an appointment with an Acupuncturist. Not only will this treatment prove beneficial but it will also grant you a little bit of time to yourself.

3. Placenta Therapy: This is a relatively new concept to western society but placenta is used regularly in Traditional Chinese Medicine to combat anxiety, stimulate & increase lactation, replace iron lost during childbirth, fight fatigue and to avoid Postpartum Depression. People who have consumed placenta boast of having immediate increased energy, improved cognition, a "clear head" and feelings of elation. Postpartum consumption of the placenta also aids in hormone replacement and balancing. And, being a natural source of iron, the body is able to process it quicker and more efficiently than it can process unnatural iron supplements. Locate a Placenta Encapsulation specialist in your area, who can prepare your placenta into easy-to-take, dehydrated capsules. This allows for you to reap the extraordinary benefits of placenta therapy, while significantly lessening the "eww" factor.

4. Motherwort: This is a perennial plant in the mint family. It has a long history of use in midwifery and in Traditional Chinese Medicine, as a uterine tonic. Often used to alleviate conditions associated with childbirth, hence the name "Motherwort", this herb is useful for promoting lactation, easing the discomfort of cramps, the treatment of rapid heart rate, relieving anxiety and, recently discovered, for the prevention of blood clot formation. Due to its extraordinary abilities to restore "normalcy" following childbirth, it has been called the "Herbal Placenta". It is also known to improve mental outlook and to be a mood elevator. As a home remedy it is often consumed as an herbal tea, a tincture or an herbal extract.

5. Prenatal Vitamins: After growing a baby and giving birth, a woman's body needs to have depleted nutrients and vitamins restored. And, if she is breastfeeding, her daily nutritional requirements are the same or greater than they were while pregnant. In fact, the recommended daily allowances for vitamins A, C, E, B1, B2 and B3 are all higher for breastfeeding women than for pregnant women. Prenatal vitamins are sources of essential vitamins and minerals, especially folic acid, DHA and calcium. It is important to get sufficient amounts of these nutrients because the nursing baby obtains them through their mother's milk. Prenatal vitamins are sources of iron as well. Blood loss during delivery can lead to anemia which results in fatigue. The continued use of prenatal vitamins, along with proper nutrition, can help to restore lost iron.

Genetic Phenylketonuria

Phenylketonuria presents one of the most dramatic examples of how the relationship between genotype and phenotype can depend on environmental variables. Phenylketonuria was very first recognized as an inherited cause of mental retardation in 1934, and systematic attempts to deal with the situation were initiated within the 1950s.

The term "phenylketonuria" denotes increased amounts of urinary phenylpyruvate and phenylacetate, which occur when circulating phenylalanine amounts, usually in between 0.06 and mmol/L, rise above one.a couple of mmol/L. Therefore, the primary defect in phenylketonuria is hyperphenylalaninemia, which by itself has a number of distinct genetic causes. The pathophysiology of phenylketonuria illustrates a number of essential principles in human genetics.

Hyperphenylalaninemia by itself is caused by substrate accumulation, which happens when a regular intermediary metabolite fails to become eliminated correctly and its concentrations turn out to be increased to levels that are toxic. As described later on, one of the most common trigger of hyperphenylalaninemia is deficiency of the enzyme phenylalanine hydroxylase, which catalyzes the conversion of phenylalanine to tyrosine.

People with mutations in phenylalanine hydroxylase generally do not endure from your absence of tyrosine simply because this amino acid could be supplied to the body by mechanisms which are independent of phenylalanine hydroxylase. In other types of phenylketonuria, nevertheless, extra disease manifestations happen like a result of end-product deficiency, which occurs when the downstream product of the specific enzyme is required for a key physiologic procedure.

A discussion of phenylketonuria also helps to illustrate the rationale for, and application of, population-based screening applications for genetic disease. More than 10 million newborn infants per year are tested for phenylketonuria, and also the focus today in treatment has shifted in several respects. Very first, "successful" remedy of phenylketonuria by dietary restriction of phenylalanine is, in basic, accompanied by subtle neuropsychologic defects that happen to be acknowledged only in the last decade.

Therefore, existing investigations concentrate on alternative treatment methods such as somatic gene therapy as nicely as on the social and psychologic elements that affect compliance with dietary management. Second, a generation of females handled for phenylketonuria are now bearing kids, and the phenomenon of maternal phenylketonuria has been recognized by which in utero exposure to maternal hyperphenylalaninemia outcomes in congenital abnormalities regardless of fetal genotype.

The quantity of pregnancies at danger has risen in proportion towards the profitable treatment of phenylketonuria and represents a challenge to public wellness officials, physicians, and geneticists in the future. The incidence of hyperphenylalaninemia varies among various populations. In African Americans, it is about 1:50,000; in Yemenite Jews, about 1:5000; and in most Northern European populations, about 1:10,000.

Postnatal growth retardation, moderate to severe mental retardation, recurrent seizures, hypopigmentation, and eczematous skin rashes constitute the main phenotypic features of untreated phenylketonuria. However, using the advent of widespread newborn screening applications for hyperphenylalaninemia, the major phenotypic manifestations of phenylketonuria these days occur when remedy is partial or when it's terminated prematurely throughout late childhood or adolescence.

In these cases, there's generally a slight but significant decline in IQ, an array of particular overall performance and perceptual defects, and an increased frequency of learning and behavioral problems. New child screening for phenylketonuria is carried out on the little amount of dried blood obtained at 24-72 hours of age.

From your initial screen, there is about a 1% incidence of positive or indeterminate test outcomes, and a a lot more quantitative measurement of plasma phenylalanine is then performed prior to a couple of weeks of age. In neonates who undergo a 2nd round of testing, the diagnosis of phenylketonuria is ultimately confirmed in about 1%, providing an estimated phenylketonuria prevalence of one:10,000, even though there is great geographic and ethnic variation (see prior discussion).

The false-negative rate of phenylketonuria newborn screening applications is around one:70; phenylketonuria in these unfortunate people is generally not detected until developmental delay and seizures throughout infancy or early childhood prompt a systematic evaluation for an inborn error of metabolism.

Infants in whom a diagnosis of phenylketonuria is confirmed are generally placed on a dietary regimen by which a semisynthetic formula low in phenylalanine could be combined with regular breast feeding. This regimen is adjusted empirically to maintain a plasma phenylalanine concentration at or beneath 1 mmol/L, which can be nevertheless several times greater than regular but similar to levels observed in so-called benign hyperphenylalaninemia, a biochemical diagnosis which can be not associated with phenylketonuria and has no clinical consequences.

Phenylalanine is definitely an essential amino acid, and even people with phenylketonuria should consume little amounts to prevent protein starvation plus a catabolic state. Most kids need 25-50 mg/kg/d of phenylalanine, and these needs are met by combining organic foods with commercial products created for phenylketonuria treatment.

When nutritional treatment applications were very first implemented, it was hoped that the risk of neurologic damage from your hyperphenylalaninemia of phenylketonuria would have a restricted window and that treatment could be stopped after childhood. However, it now seems that even mild hyperphenylalaninemia in adults (> one.a couple of mmol/L) is associated with neuropsychologic and cognitive deficits; therefore, nutritional remedy of phenylketonuria should most likely be continued indefinitely.

As an increasing quantity of handled females with phenylketonuria reach childbearing age, a new problem-fetal hyperphenylalaninemia by way of intrauterine exposure-has turn out to be apparent. New child infants in this kind of cases exhibit microcephaly and growth retardation of prenatal onset, congenital heart disease, and extreme developmental delay irrespective from the fetal genotype.

Rigorous control of maternal phenylalanine concentrations from before conception until birth reduces the incidence of fetal abnormalities in maternal phenylketonuria, however the level of plasma phenylalanine that is "safe" for a developing fetus is 0.12-0.36 mmol/L-significantly lower than what is regarded acceptable for phenylketonuria-affected children or adults on phenylalanine-restricted diets.

The regular metabolic fate of free of charge phenylalanine is incorporation into protein or hydroxylation by phenylalanine hydroxylase to type tyrosine. Because tyrosine, but not phenylalanine, can be metabolized to create fumarate and acetoacetate, hydroxylation of phenylalanine can be viewed both like a signifies of producing tyrosine a nonessential amino acid and as a mechanism for offering energy by way of gluconeogenesis during states of protein starvation.

In individuals with mutations in phenylalanine hydroxylase, tyrosine becomes an important amino acid. Nevertheless, the clinical manifestations from the disease are caused not by absence of tyrosine (most people get enough tyrosine within the diet in any situation) but by accumulation of phenylalanine.

Transamination of phenylalanine to form phenylpyruvate usually doesn't happen unless circulating concentrations exceed one.a couple of mmol/L, however the pathogenesis of CNS abnormalities in phenylketonuria is related more to phenylalanine by itself than to its metabolites.

In addition to a direct effect of elevated phenylalanine levels on power production, protein synthesis, and neurotransmitter homeostasis within the developing brain, phenylalanine can also inhibit the transport of neutral amino acids across the blood-brain barrier, leading to a selective amino acid deficiency in the cerebrospinal fluid.

Therefore, the neurologic manifestations of phenylketonuria are felt to become due to a basic effect of substrate accumulation on cerebral metabolism. The pathophysiology of the eczema seen in untreated or partially treated phenylketonuria isn't nicely understood, but eczema is really a common function of other inborn errors of metabolism by which plasma concentrations of branched-chain amino acids are elevated.

Hypopigmentation in phenylketonuria is most likely caused by an inhibitory effect of excess phenylalanine about the production of dopaquinone in melanocytes, which can be the rate-limiting step in melanin synthesis. Approximately 90% of infants with persistent hyperphenylalaninemia detected by new child screening have standard phenylketonuria brought on by a defect in phenylalanine hydroxylase (see later on discussion).

From the remainder, most have benign hyperphenylalaninemia, by which circulating levels of phenylalanine are in between 0.1 mmol/L and one mmol/L. Nevertheless, around 1% of infants with persistent hyperphenylalaninemia have defects in the metabolic process of tetrahydrobiopterin (BH4), which is a stoichiometric cofactor for the hydroxylation reaction.

Unfortunately, BH4 is required not just for phenylalanine hydroxylase but also for tyrosine hydroxylase and tryptophan hydroxylase. The items of these latter two enzymes are catecholaminergic and serotonergic neurotransmitters; thus, people with defects in BH4 metabolism endure not just from phenylketonuria (substrate accumulation) but additionally from absence of essential neurotransmitters (end-product deficiency).

Impacted individuals develop a severe neurologic disorder in early childhood manifested by hypotonia, inactivity, and developmental regression and are handled not only with nutritional restriction of phenylalanine but also with nutritional supplementation with BH4, dopa, and 5-hydroxytryptophan.

Knee Pain and Chiropractic Care

When most people think about the types of pain that can be alleviated with chiropractic care, they tend to think about the head and neck. Knee pain, however, is becoming a more common complaint due to chronically poor posture and the eventual strain spinal misalignment can have on the leg joints. Knee pain is showing up more and more in people who work sedentary jobs and spend hours a day hunched over their desks and people who work manual labor and do not lift heavy loads properly.

Knee pain is often found in conjunction with back pain and can be caused both by sudden injury like stomping on the joint too hard or by incorrect posture. So what to do? While pain relievers may offer temporary relief for upper back pain, they fail to address to root of the problem and often lose potency after repeated doses. Chiropractic care can offer long-term solutions by targeting the problem areas and correcting the injury but also by preventing future harm.

The majority of knee pain is caused by muscular irritation and dysfunction in the joints. The reason the knee is prone to pain is that the nerves from the lower back and spine travel through the leg to the knee and the muscles and joints can become easily inflamed. A chiropractor can pinpoint which of these areas is causing the pain and proceed accordingly and safely. Your chiropractor will likely perform a physical exam and may use digital x-ray, MRI, or CAT scan to determine where your trauma is located and the areas being impacted.

Treatment for muscular irritation will often include a combination of massage therapy, stretching and strengthening exercises while the joint pain will require manual manipulation and stretching. A good chiropractor will also send you home with exercises and posture adjustments you can do on your own time in order to prevent further damage. A combination of chiropractic care and chiropractor supervised at home care could even keep you from expensive joint surgeries that would require a long healing time and set you on the road to long-term wellness.

If you suffer from chronic knee pain, it is time to visit a reputable chiropractor and address the issue before it worsens. A trip to the chiropractor can save you money and free you from pain you may have been dealing with for years! There's no reason to wait when relief is in sight.

The Importance of Ultrasound's During Pregnancy

Ultrasound's during pregnancy are a very important tool for many different reasons. You will see in reading this information that you should not hesitate to have an ultrasound, or a few ultrasound's, done during the course of your pregnancy.

Some people believe that ultrasound imaging can be harmful to your unborn baby. This has never been more wrong. There are actually several dangers that go along with not having ultrasound's done while you are pregnant. You will want to make sure that you are taking the best care of your body and your unborn baby while you are pregnant. Ultrasound is one of the best ways to ensure that you are doing just that. You will see that there are a lot of different things that can be prevented if you will just take the time to have a few ultrasound's done.

Not only can ultrasound's during pregnancy be vital to the development of your unborn baby, but they can also be very fun, exciting and rewarding. Your baby is only inside of your for a short while before they make their grand entrance into the world. This is why it is so important to cherish the memories that can be made during this special time of their gestation. You will be able to find that you bond better with your baby if you take the time to see them through the use of sonograms and ultrasound imaging.

When you are first finding out that you are pregnant, an ultrasound can be very useful in determining just how far along you are in your pregnancy. This will help the doctors have a better idea of when your baby should be born. This is very important when it comes to having things done on a timely manner when you are pregnant. The ultrasound's will also keep track of the weight of your baby. It is a good idea to have them regularly to make sure that your baby is growing and developing the way that they should be.

On a more serious note, it is also a great tool to be able to rule out certain birth defects and genetic disorders such as down syndrome. This can help the doctors be more able to prepare for the birth of a baby who may need additional care after birth. There are other things that can go wrong during a pregnancy as well, such as placenta ruptures and abnormalities. The ultrasound's during pregnancy will also help to rule out things such as this during your pregnancy.

If you ever feel that you may have had a miscarriage, it is a great idea to have an ultrasound done to be able to rule that out as well. It can be a very scary time, and being able to see your child's heartbeat beating away is one of the greatest things that will help to ease your mind if you are worried about this. Please take the time to have ultrasound's during pregnancy.

Spotting and Cramping During Pregnancy

Any woman who is spotting and cramping during pregnancy should be concerned but should not panic. Many women experience at least some spotting or cramping or both during pregnancy especially during the first trimester and this may or may not be a sign of something more serious wrong. Seeking medical advice may prevent problems later on or may simply be needed to reassure the expectant mother that all is well and the pregnancy is continuing as normal. Either way a doctor's reassurance or intervention is important when spotting and/or cramping occurs.

Spotting and Cramping during the first trimester

Many women experience spotting and cramping during the first trimester of their pregnancy though not often together. Since most miscarriages occur within the first 12 weeks of pregnancy it is advisable for any woman experiencing heavy spotting to seek a physicians care especially if that spotting is accompanied by cramps, fever or chills.

Many pregnant women will experience what is known as implantation spotting. This simply means as the egg is working its way into the wall of the uterus it may cause irritation that will result in light spotting. This spotting is usually pale pink or dark rusty color in nature. There may also be some light cramping that occurs during implantation and often women mistake these two events as a signal that their menstruation cycle is about to begin.

Other causes of spotting during the first trimester could occur after paps smears or internal exams or after sexual intercourse. This spotting is caused due to body changes and the fact that a woman's cervix is slightly more sensitive than when she is not pregnant. This bleeding usually consists of a few light drops that doesn't last more than a day or two. If the spotting is heavy or accompanied by cramping it is wise to seek a doctors care.

Cramping during the first trimester is also not unusual and is often due to the uterus stretching to accommodate the growing fetus. These cramps are usually mild. Cramps that are low in the abdomen and are stronger than regular menstruation cramps may be sign of a Ectopic pregnancy so it is extremely important to seek a doctors advice if you are experiencing severe cramping.

Second Half Pregnancy Bleeding or Cramping

Women who are experiencing spotting in the second half of their pregnancy need to visit a doctor as soon as possible as spotting in the last half of pregnancy is less common and could be a sign of a real problem. Spotting during this time could be due to an inflamed cervix or a growth on the cervix. It could mean an infection is present that should be treated or could be a sign of preterm labor.

Cramping during the second half of pregnancy is usually fairly normal and can be caused by something as simple as constipation or gas or if it occurs later in the pregnancy could be caused by the onset of labor. During this time cramping may also occur due to the continued stretching of the uterus.

While there is often some cramping and spotting during pregnancy, it is always best to have things checked out to insure that your pregnancy is progressing and you and your unborn child are both healthy.

Choosing Payroll Software

Choosing payroll software can be quite a daunting task if you are not already conversant with the payroll process. That is one of the main problems that business owners find with payroll, it is all so complicated and time consuming.

One easy way of choosing payroll software is to let someone else do the task for you, unless you really have a need to understand the complexities of tax, national insurance, statutory sick, maternity and paternity pay, then it really is a good idea to wash your hands of the subject completely, outsource your payroll function and let the choice of payroll software be left to those who understand the issues in more detail, the payroll services companies.

However, there is of course the hardcore few who feel the need to understand every aspect of their company, unfortunately these are the people who tend to wear so many hats that they end up not wearing any that fit.

If you are a business owner and really feel the need to understand payroll up to a point whereby you are competent to choose the actual software that you are going to operate then this article, may assist you.

However, it is written from the perspective that a process that is critical to your business, but is not the main product of your business, then it is best left to people who know what they are doing and spend your time on more useful things like growing your business.

However, there are those who will not accept advice, for those of you who follow this path, here are the things to look for.

Popularity, just because a particular piece of software is popular and is advertised everywhere you look do not instantly think that it is the best, very rarely do market leaders have the best product, they may have the best marketing, or the best sales team, but rarely do they have the best product. This is most certainly true in the payroll software market in the United Kingdom.

Before the solicitors get involved, the views in this article are entirely my own based on my 20 years plus experience of payroll services and payroll software in the UK.

When choosing payroll software for your business the overriding consideration should be ease of use. This is not ease of use for your accountant or your book keeper that has only ever worked on one software product, it is ease of use for you the business owner and the member of staff within your business that you select to use the software and take overall responsibility for the payroll.

Remember that there is more to payroll software than just producing a payslip, it needs to provide you with the reports that are necessary to pay your staff, it should provide reports for your accountant to use and it should keep up to date records of your staff details. Payroll stops for no man (nor woman) as such, whoever has responsibility for the payroll software should have a fully trained understudy who can step in at a moment's notice to cover illness, holiday or departure.

Once again we get back to the same issue, even if your software is easy to use, produces the required reports, keeps the details of your staff up to date, processes the payroll accurately, etc,etc. Is this what you are in business for? If you are a payroll services company then probably yes, if you are anything other than a payroll services company then most definitely no.

Forget about choosing payroll software, put your efforts into finding a competent payroll services company that offers all the benefits that you have identified and takes full responsibility for the entire payroll process, choosing payroll software is then not a problem for you at all as it is someone else's problem.

A problem given away is a problem solved.

Thursday, January 31, 2013

What Does Prenatal Care Cost?

Having a child can add up, especially if you don't have any health insurance. Even if you have health insurance, you're going to find that the side fees can break the bank as well. While you don't want to have a child and not get any care, it's important that you look into getting care, even if you don't have the money. If you don't have the money, reference with your state's health department to see if there is any assistance.

With prenatal care, you're going to see your OB/GYN on a frequent basis. Depending on how far along you are, this will depend on how often you go. For example, if you're only 1 month into your pregnancy, you will probably go once a month. Once you're around 8 months, you will go every other week, up to your birth.

Your prenatal care will generally include your vitamins, your doctor appointments, and your Ultrasounds. While your health insurance will cover this, it's important to see if they cover maternity. If they don't cover your maternity procedures, you will have to pay out of pocket. Many Doctor's offices will work on a cash discount basis if you really want to.

Looking at the costs of prenatal care

Every state and hospital is going to vary, but you will find that each visit will be around $100 to $300. Your Ultrasounds can run anywhere from $200 to as much as $1,000. You will need around 2 ultrasounds during your care. You can get more if you choose to, or if they find something that may require another one.

The average cost including your ultrasound, vitamins, and doctor's visits will average around $3,000. This number can be significantly higher in some states, while it can be lower in other states. If you have insurance that covers maternity, you will find that you will pay your deductible, or co-pay (however your insurance works).

The cost doesn't include problems either. If you have problems or complications during your pregnancies, you may have to get medicine prescribed to you.

As you can see, it can add up. Before you have a child, make sure that you have insurance that covers maternity. This is going to be your best bet when it comes to the procedure.

Coming to Terms With Your Unanticipated Pregnancy

I often have the privilege to talk with young women experiencing an unanticipated pregnancy. Their emotions, thoughts and fears can be varied, intense and distressing. It is important that they feel safe and comfortable enough to explore their inner experience and feelings. It is especially important to learn about the aspect of their pregnancy that is most upsetting. This varies from woman to woman. For example, it is not uncommon to hear from a woman that when she told her boyfriend about the pregnancy, he became upset and offered to pay for an abortion saying that he was not ready to be a father and that a baby would interfere with his goals and plans for the future. Another common source of distress is being afraid to tell her parents about the pregnancy. Others might worry that not only would she suffer the wrath of her parents, but she would also endure cruel gossip from friends, peers and the community. A woman in a situation like this may feel quite distressed thinking that a baby would interfere with going to college and achieving her career goals. The prospect of being a single parent may be frightening. I often hear women explain that because they are afraid and feel alone, they are surprised that in their distress they are considering abortion, thinking it may be the best solution to their crisis, which is what they frequently consider their unanticipated pregnancy.

To reduce her sense of distress it can be useful to discuss her fears. Perhaps fears of losing the respect of her parents and family, forfeiting her college scholarship, and not having the freedom of others her age. It is important for a woman experiencing an unanticipated pregnancy to be able to talk about her situation, her thoughts and her feelings. Because she probably feels scared and alone, she needs a safe place to tell her story and articulate her sense of distress. Most women are greatly relieved to tell their story out loud to another person. In helping someone else understand what she is thinking and feeling, it is typical that she will better understand herself.

It is useful to explore how although the pregnancy can feel like a crisis, it is taking up just part of her life. . . not her whole life. I often recommend that women think about what would be different if when she went to bed tonight and a miracle took away the problems the pregnancy caused. For example, a woman might talk about how much she wanted to go to college and retain the respect of her family and friends. Thinking about the impact of this "miracle" might help her identify what she needs as support and resources.

When a woman is reluctant to tell her parents about the pregnancy, it can be productive to think and talk more about her growing up years. When asked if she had ever been in trouble before, often times I will see the hint of a smile with the relief of remembering that her parents were supportive when she pushed the limits or had some difficulties previously. It can be helpful to recognize that the reaction of parents may not differ significantly from the woman's own reaction upon learning she was pregnant, and may be fueled largely by shock and fear. In fact, the history of a woman's relationship with her parents may even help her predict that the origins of their angry response would be from their love and care for her. Many parents have a deep longing to protect their children and may be distressed that she is going through such a difficult time.

Because tunnel vision is characteristic of those in a crisis mode, it is important to gain a broader perspective. I often suggest that after taking ten slow and deep breaths, she get a pad of paper and list her options: perhaps carrying the baby to term, adoption, raising the child herself, and abortion. It can be useful to think about what the implications of each decision might look like six months from now, a year from now, five years from now and ten years from now. This "time line" exercise is a helpful way to gain some distance from the crisis of the moment. Of course, this is an important and major life decision with implications touching the lives of others and reaching far beyond the sense of urgency of the moment. Better perspective helps in recognizing the importance of making a well thought out and informed decision rather than making an impulsive decision with unanticipated, negative long-range effects. It is important for a woman experiencing an unanticipated pregnancy to identify her resources, which might include access to medical care, good health, strength, energy, courage, insight, friends and caring parents. Hope and confidence increase and distress is reduced when she recognizes that resources can help her cope with the difficulties involved in peer group pressure, delaying college, or feeling bad about disappointing her parents. With increased confidence and more hope she can begin to focus more on getting the support she needs and work towards solutions that feel good to her.

Although she may have never thought she would seek an abortion, a woman will often acknowledge that she felt bad about initially considering making that choice. Nonetheless, in her distress it may have been difficult to see any other option. In most cases, it is useful to be able to talk about her situation in a safe and nonjudgmental atmosphere. She feels encouraged as she gains a better sense of what she needs to deal with her crisis in a way that is consistent with her values. It is always heartening to partner together to devise a plan to build support, strengthen resources and see a woman feel more confident about her ability to cope with the difficulties involved in her unanticipated pregnancy.

Perform a Year-End or First Of The Year Health Insurance Review

The end of one year and the beginning of another is the time that individuals usually step back and take stock of their lives and their finances and make their resolutions for the following year. Among the items you should be taking stock of is your health insurance policies and coverages. Being frugal in all areas of your life is a practice to be embraced, especially in light of recent economic times.

One way to be frugal and work on your family budget is by spending time undertaking a health and life insurance policy review. If you've had insurance for many years, chances are you pay the premiums but rarely take the time to see exactly what you're covered - and not covered - for. Did you know that some insurance policies offer coverage for maternity insurance? If you're either beyond childbearing years or aren't considering the need for this type of insurance, work with your agent to see about having this coverage removed; chances are it is a cost that is being added to your monthly premium.

If the reason you'll have no need for maternity insurance is because you're approaching middle age, you will also want to begin planning for future healthcare needs and the onset of chronic diseases that strike us as we age.

Take stock of how you've utilized your insurance coverage to date. If you take a look at the number of times you or a family member has visited the doctor or been hospitalized and the type of medications you typically purchase, this can give you clues as to which areas of your insurance policy may need revamping. If you're relatively healthy and don't typically frequent doctor's offices, you might want to buy a policy with a higher deductible as a money-saving option. Evaluate the quality of the care you're receiving. If you're unhappy with the physicians covered in your HMO, you might want to look at another plan.

Once you've determined how you've used the insurance policy in the past, now you want to plan for any future life changes. If you're looking to start a family, for example, look into supplemental maternity policies. Other items to consider could be whether your children are no longer of the age to be covered under your policy, marriage or divorce. All of these life changes can lead to changes in your health insurance policy.

After you've done your reviews and collected the data from your life and potential lifestyle changes, now is the time to either look at other insurance policy options your employer offers or shop around for insurance coverage quotes.

Be prepared to answer these questions when shopping for health insurance:
繚 What are your medical needs?

繚 What deductible can you afford to pay - both for doctor's office visits as well as prescription medications?

繚 Are you in need of regular medical attention for a chronic illness or disease?

繚 Are you looking for particular healthcare benefits? Consider if you're a frequent traveler and whether you travel inside or outside of the country on a regular basis. You will want to speak with your potential insurance agent about the type of coverage you can purchase for medical air ambulance transport. If you're injured in a remote location or in a country that doesn't provide quality healthcare, you may be a candidate for emergency medical transport. Even if you're not looking to carry the coverage year-round, ask the agent whether it's available as a rider for the times when you do need access.

繚 What premium can you afford in your monthly budget?

Performing a year-in-review of your health insurance policy will help you prepare for health emergencies in the future as well as having the potential to save you money on your monthly premiums. It is also better to be informed and prepared - especially for those out of state or country trips in the event you need access to a medical air ambulance. Also, once you've worked out the details with your insurance agent, you might want to take time to contact an air ambulance service provider to make certain that the policy you're considering purchasing is one they accept and that your policy will also provide coverage if you are outside of the United States boundaries.

How EFT Can Help Postpartum Depression

Emotional Freedom Technique is one of those practices that can be used to help with postpartum depression. It is known as alternative psychotherapy and can be a great way to expel the negative thoughts that many new moms have once they have given birth to their bouncing joy.

EFT is the process of placing pressure on acupuncture areas of the body; this allows the new mom to go through something that will take her mind off the thoughts that she is having. This is done while the new mom is thinking about the fears that she is experiencing which is causing the postpartum depression. The pain and the focus on the negative thoughts will act as a way to stop the thoughts.

Another benefit is that the new mom gets to talk with a professional about her fears and starts to find ways to think differently about her fears. Rather than focusing on them, she will be able to focus on the positives of raising her new baby.

There are three stages of EFT that someone will go through. The first stage is called the Baseline Phase, which is when the treatment is explained and when the new mom gets a chance to explain how she feels and talks about her fears. This is a great time for her to have someone listen to her without passing any judgment. The new mom will get a chance to go through breathing exercises, which can help her relax when the fears become more prominent during the day.

The next step is known as the Treatment Phase, which is when the process of the pressure on the points of the body is started. This can be difficult for a patient because it means dealing with the feelings that they have been feeling and not just talking about them. The pressure on the acupuncture points helps to stimulate the nerves in the body.

The final stage is called the Post-Treatment Phase. This is when the new moms will be asked to rate how intense their fear is. This will give the professional a chance to determine whether the treatment was effective or not. The new mom will go through another round of the second phase if the fears have not died-down or she may find that she no longer needs that type of help and just needs the support from her family and her partner to get over her postpartum depression.

The Surrogacy Base Fee - How Does it Work?

Once Intended Parents start the search for a surrogate mother, whether its in an independent situation or through an agency setting, they will soon come a crossed the phrase "base fee". What is this fee for? Who sets these fees? Isn't it the same as 'paying' a surrogate? Why is the word compensation used?

Let me illuminate you on the "base fee factors". In general, a base fee is to cover the 9 months or 40 weeks your surrogate will be pregnant with your child/children. It is very rare for any of the base fee monies to be distributed before you see a heart beat on the ultra sound screen. The base fee is commonly broken down into monthly payments, however these are not equal monthly installments. Lets use a fee of $20,000. The break down may look like this:

Month one: $1,500
Month two: $1,500
Month three: $2,000
Month four: $2,000
Month five: $2,000
Month six: $2,500
Month seven: $2,500
Month eight: $3,000
Month nine: $3,000

These fees are usually strategically set up like this in a contract because there are so many times that a miscarriage can happen in the first couple of months of an IVF cycle. This way the Intended Parents are not out a huge amount of money and the surrogate is compensated for the time that she actually did carry.

Lets remember that babies are born on their own time table and so if a baby or babies are born early the amount that is left over is put into one last check and given to the surrogate with in 14 days after the birth or whatever is stated in the contract. In the case of multiples an extra amount is often added from month 5-9.

So who sets these fees? Good question! Basically attorneys and agencies know state by state what those judges will tolerate regarding a surrogacy fee. This is why you don't see women being surrogates and charging $100,000! If a judge sees an amazingly large amount of money in a contract that fact alone will raise the following questions: "Was this woman coerced?, Is she selling her body?, Is she selling a baby?" This is why the base fee is labeled compensation or reimbursement or even living expenses. Surrogate mothers are supposed to be carrying a child not to make money but instead for altruistic reasons. Any money involved is to support them throughout the process. The point is that no money should be coming out of the surrogates family budget to support her while she is a surrogate mother.

The average base fees being asked for by agencies for their surrogates looks something like this:
First time surrogate with her own health insurance: $18,000-$20,000
First time surrogate without her own health insurance: $13,000-$15,000
Second time surrogate with her own health insurance: $25,000-$28,000
Second time surrogate without her own health insurance: $20,000-$22,000
Third and forth time surrogates with health insurance can command anything up to $45,000 and those without $35,000.

Yes, there are some variations but this configuration is the most common. Insurance companies are adding surrogacy exclusions each time they print up a new policy! They feel that if money is being exchanged then their policy shouldn't be used as a bargaining chip. If a surrogate is on medicaid then she can not, under any circumstances, use government insurance! This is FRAUD and is punishable by the law. Surrogates without insurance need to be insured ASAP through one of the few companies that have policy especially for those involved in third party reproduction or family building. New Life is one of those agencies. Needless to say these are very expensive policies which is why an uninsured surrogate is compensated less then those who carry their own health insurance policies with maternity coverage.

Private Health Insurance and Hospital Cash Plan

These days, some form of health insurance is really important for every individual. Health insurance plans protects against unexpected medical bills and losses that a person would have to pay out of pocket if he was struck with illnesses or an accident. Moreover, it gives the peace of mind that health care costs will be taken care of by the insurance company and not the individual in case of emergency. In this article, I will highlight two types of insurance that is increasingly popular today. These are private health insurance and hospital cash plan.

Private Health Insurance

Private health insurance offers coverage for short term illnesses and injuries that are curable. One of the major benefits of having a private medical insurance is that you receive treatment faster in the hospital of your choice. Moreover you also have a lot of choices when it comes to when, where and by whom you will be receiving treatment.

Another benefit is that you can get coverage for pre-existing conditions as well. But your coverage may only start after a specified waiting period. You may also be required to pay a higher premium if you wish to get covered for any pre-existing conditions. Private health care is expensive and so is private health insurance. Although you will be getting the privacy, comfort, convenience and speed in treatment, you will be paying a higher premium than those who are on standard insurance plans. Choosing private medical treatment is about how much you care about your privacy and convenience and whether or not you can afford this type of insurance. Private medical insurance is the best type of insurance you can get if you have found a suitable policy for yourself that is within your budget.

Hospital Cash Plan

Is an increasingly popular type of health insurance, but is less comprehensive than private health insurance. Although it is a relatively new form of health insurance, the market is already diverse. There are a large number of companies which provide hospital cash plans today. The limitations and benefits of the plan will in fact depend on the provider you choose and the cost you pay.

The purpose of hospital cash plans is to provider the holder of the policy a lump sum for each day that he has received treatment as an in-patient in a private hospital or an NHS. This sum is tax free and certain types of plans can also provide coverage for dental care.

Hospital cash plans do not cost a lot and are suitable for most families. However, the policy holder does have to know what the benefits of the policy and the exclusions are. The amount that a person has to pay depends on the level of cover he gets. If a person chooses a higher level, he must understand that in such a case, a private medical insurance policy will be much better as it offers a greater level of cover and fewer restrictions. If the person needs minimal cover, then hospital cash plans are one of the best choices.

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Should Exercises After Pregnancy Be Followed?

Most women are clueless about exercises after pregnancy. It is very important to choose the right exercises after pregnancy as your body is in a healing state and the health of your child depends on your health, if you are still breast feeding. The post natal exercises can be employed after consulting your doctor. There are a number of things like diet and exercises which you can do to shed off those extra pounds.

Brisk walking is an exercise which you can easily do along with swimming and aqua aerobics. Yoga is another form of exercise which does not harm your body in any way after you have conceived. It is very important to consult your doctor before following any exercises after pregnancy. It should be noted that weight loss is a very gradual process after pregnancy and over exerting yourself is certainly not advisable. You should consult a doctor if you have had a Cesarean operation.

You should discontinue exercises after pregnancy if you experience increased fatigue along with pain in muscles. The lochia flow also increases and is red or pink. It may also start flowing again even after it had to be stopped. Pregnancy brings about major changes in a female body for adapting to the baby's growth in the womb. It is advisable to have realistic expectations if you are employing exercises after pregnancy to lose weight. Sometimes if you overdo the exercises after pregnancy it can seriously harm your body. Therefore, consult a doctor before employing any diet or exercise routine. After all, now you have to think about their health of your baby along with your own health.

In a nutshell, exercises after pregnancy should not be rigorous and should be followed only according to the doctor's consultation.

During & After Pregnancy, Take Care of Yourself With Acupuncture

Acupuncture is a type of ancient Chinese medicine. It has been used for thousands of years, and works with over 2,000 pressure points and energy meridians in your body. As you probably know, acupuncture uses disposable needles as thin as a strand of hair placed just below the skin to stimulate these points on your body. Treatments are usually painless. At worst, patients have reported tingling, heaviness, or a slight burning sensation where certain needles are positioned.

What is great for pregnant women is that acupuncture provides assistance with a myriad of conditions associated with pregnancy without drugs. Pregnant women need to work with a highly skilled practitioner, since stimulating certain points on the body can hasten labor by ripening the cervix.

A study by Harvard University figured that over 5 million Americans visit acupuncturists every year. The National Institute of Health supports this claim, saying that a growing number of doctors and dentists refer people to acupuncturists for prevention as well as treatment.

Acupuncture is a common treatment for headaches, allergies, arthritis, digestion problems, and relief from the side effects of chemotherapy. At every stage of pregnancy and beyond, acupuncture has time-honored and scientifically-proven benefits--not just for you but for your baby. Valerie Hobbs, director of the Southwest Acupuncture College, says that babies can be influenced by "maternal toxins" while in the womb. These toxins can lead to higher fevers, frequent childhood illnesses, and a tendency towards skin irritations. Hobbs says, "Regular balancing treatments throughout pregnancy enhance the health of the mother, preventing complications and influence the development of the baby."


It is controversial if traditional acupuncture can cause fetal movement, early contractions, and spontaneous abortion in the first trimester. However, a well-known acupuncture study was conducted in the UK on about 600 women who were in the first trimester. No adverse reactions were found. Women in the study reported less fatigue, migraines, bloating, and bleeding. Also, the women reported less frequent and less severe bouts of nausea.

To error on the side of caution, you should only trust a nationally-certified and experienced acupuncturist. California is the only state not requiring acupuncturists to be nationally-certified. Again, it's especially important for pregnant women to work only with very experienced practitioners. Although not essential, acupuncturists with a certificate in Chinese herbology is even better, as their understanding of the entire Chinese medicine system will be superior. You can also have "ear acupuncture" (versus "body acupuncture") or acupressure (without needles) done in the first trimester to reduce any risk of complication.


In addition to heartburn, hemorrhoids, and stress, Hobbs says that second-trimester acupuncture can also reduce edema, high blood pressure, and excessive weight gain. If you are experiencing any of these more serious problems, consult with your regular doctor as well.


The third trimester is universally considered the safest time to undergo acupuncture treatments. Benefits during this stage include relief from: sciatica, back pain, carpal tunnel, and pelvic girdle pain. Acupuncture has actually been found to be better at reducing back pain, which effects ¾ of third trimester women, than massage, heat, and exercise, according to the Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica Scandinavica.

According to BBC News, one in three pregnant women are affected by pelvic girdle pain in the third trimester. In a British study of 386 pregnant women, they were broken up into three groups. One group did a standard at-home exercise routine; the next group did exercise and acupuncture; the final group did a specialized exercise regimen. The expectant moms undergoing acupuncture reported the least pain. Dr. Graham Archard, vice-chair of the Royal College of General Practitioners, says, "Pregnant women should be avoiding drugs, so acupuncture, which releases the bodies painkillers, should be of benefit."


Not only is acupuncture effective at inducing labor with overdue babies, but is can help reposition a breech presentation. Using a form of acupuncture called moxabustion has been shown to have a significant effect on turning breech presentations into head-first births, as reported by the Journal of American Medical Association. Additionally, acupuncture during labor can reduce pain and increase energy and vitality. It has also helped women with extensive bleeding after delivery stop the flow.


Whether your delivery was by vaginal birth or C-section, acupuncture can bring pain relief. If you are concerned about postpartum depression, Hobbs says, "We theoretically prevent serious postpartum depression from occurring by addressing the normal recuperative cycle in the woman." As acupuncture can help bring your entire self back into balance, feelings of depression and stress will naturally be reduced. It's also been demonstrated that pregnant women receiving acupuncture have a lower rate of postpartum depression.

Shoshana Bennett, Ph.D.

Author, Postpartum Depression for Dummies


Why Exercise During Pregnancy?

Most woman these days understand the importance of keeping healthy during their pregnancy, and the best way to achieve this is to eat a healthy diet and exercise. I know, the thought of exercise for many woman is not that appealing, however, it really makes a difference and is definitely worthwhile.

Need some convincing? Okay, let's talk about back pain. For those of you who haven't experienced child birth before, back pain is a common problem for expectant mothers, at times it can be unbearable. The extra weight you carry around takes a huge toll on your back and it definitely gets worse during child birth.

Guess what? Exercising helps relieve back pain! There are even women who claim to have no back pain because they exercised during their pregnancy.

How about weight gain? No I'm not talking about the extra weight you put on for your baby, I'm talking about excessive weight gain. You know, the weight that has nothing to do with baby! This is also common during pregnancy and again, it can be controlled by exercising. And as a bonus, because you've kept your body toned, strong and healthy, your body will return to it's pre-pregnancy weight a lot faster than if you don't exercise... now that's good news.

Stress! Yes, that's another problem pregnant women deal with. Worrying if your baby will be healthy, worrying if they'll have five fingers and five toes, worrying if you'll get to hospital on time, worry about who will be around to take you to hospital, worry about child birth and on and on it goes. You'll also need to deal with the midnight trips to the toilet and sleepless nights, all thanks to your pregnancy.

Guess what? Yes, you got it! Exercise helps reduce your stress levels and also helps you get a good nights sleep. Sorry, it doesn't help much with the toilet trips but two out of three ain't bad.

Are you beginning to understand the benefits of exercise? I hope so, I can't stress how much it will help you cope with the mental and physical demands of pregnancy. Exercising really is your key to a healthy, happy pregnancy and there's so many forms of exercise you can choose from. You'll easily find something that you will enjoy and will suit your situation. Give it a go, seriously.

Okay, now you've decided to exercise during your pregnancy, here's a few things to think about:

1/ Consult your doctor and discuss your intentions with him so he can give you the best advice directly related to you and your situation

2/ Avoid exercises or activities that have an increased risk of falling. eg; horse riding, cycling, roller blading, skiing

3/ After the 3rd/4th month avoid exercises or activities that involve lying on your back

4/ Always listen to your body, if it doesn't feel right, DON'T do it

5/ Don't over exercise! A good test is the talk test, you should still be able to carry on a conversation while exercising, if you're gasping for breath or can't talk, you need to stop or slow down

Here's a list of popular pregnancy exercises to get your started:

1/ Walking - walking is one of the best cardiovascular exercises and it's easy and safe to do. Almost anyone can do it with little to no effort, by that I mean no fees, you don't have to drive anywhere, no video or DVD is required, you can walk around your home, street or local area. Change your habits to include walking, walk the dog, walk your kids to school or pick them up, walk to the shop, you get the picture right?

2/ Swimming - this is highly recommended by many doctors and fitness experts as the best and safest activity for pregnant women. It exercises most muscle groups and gives you a good cardiovascular workout at the same time. The weightlessness you feel while swimming is wonderful and it's a refreshing and fun way to exercise.

3/ Pilates - this is one of the most popular forms of exercise for pregnant women in this day and age. Many women are doing it including celebrities. It's an exercise that combines flexibility and strength training and has huge benefits for your breathing, relaxation and preparation for child birth. It takes a lot of stress off your pelvis and back and many say it helps your baby get into the correct position for delivery.

4/ Yoga - very similar to Pilates, yoga focuses on stretching and helps maintain muscle tone and relaxation. Definitely worth consideration, it's known as an all over wellness exercise.

5/ Weight Training - you may think this is an odd exercise for pregnant women, funnily enough it's actually really popular. It strengthens and tones your muscles and prepares your body for child birth. It also helps you return to you pre-pregnancy body weight a lot faster.

So there's a few examples of exercises to do while pregnant! But the best advice I can give you is to find something you enjoy. The main aim is to DO SOMETHING! I wish you well with your pregnancy and please please please, strongly consider doing exercises during your pregnancy, it will make the world of difference.

Does Pregnancy Have You Feeling Sleep Deprived?

Pregnancy can be a trying nine month period of time for any woman. Many times, a mom to be may feel sleep deprived. Since she will not be getting much rest once the baby arrives, it is best to nip the problem in the bud. When sleep deprivation is occurring during pregnancy, a woman will need advice concerning the best way to get rest. Here are some tips that a pregnant woman can follow to get to bed and sleep through the night peacefully.

One way that a pregnant woman can sleep better is with use of a pregnancy pillow. This special pillow is designed to support the stomach and lower back while sleeping. It is usually C-shaped and fit to contour against the profile of a pregnant woman's curves. It can be placed between the knees or around the back for support. Most pregnant women will find that side sleeping is the most comfortable position.

Getting a weekly pregnancy massage may also help to get a better night's rest. Massage can lower stress and relieve the discomfort placed on the body by the growing fetus. Backaches and leg cramps are common complaints during pregnancy, so massage can alleviate the pain. It can also heighten circulation and take away tension. On the end, it can encourage a good night's sleep as well.

Soothing music can be an outlet when stress builds during pregnancy. Music is a way to ease anxiousness and depression that sets in as hormones are running wild during pregnancy. Soothing music can also calm the baby as well.

When a pregnant woman cannot sleep, it is best to leave the television off. Turning the tv on will only get the brain excited instead of making it calm. When a person finds a show that is interesting, they tend to watch it to the end. This may take away valuable time that can be spent resting. Before it is all said and done, morning has come and it is time to get up.

Many women who are pregnant will experience swollen nasal passages. This will lead to snoring or congestion which keeps a person awake or from falling asleep. To alleviate the problem, it may be smart to place a humidifier in the bedroom. This will add moisture to the air, leaving the nose clear and open.

No pregnant woman wants to suffer from sleep deprivation, so it is imperative to learn ways to get a good night's sleep. The above tips will help a woman rest comfortably at night when she is expecting a baby. Without sleep, a pregnant woman will be irritable and even more uncomfortable than normal.

The Secret of Postnatal Depression

Around 20 percent of women and 10 percent of men go through postnatal depression. There is nothing to be ashamed about if you are one of them and if you are a friend or partner, you should not judge them for their feelings. There are many reasons why someone will go through these problems and it is possible to get treatment without the use of medication.

Postnatal depression is commonly referred to a postpartum depression. It affects both men and women, for different reasons, but is more commonly remembered as a condition that many new moms go through. Women usually find the disorder occurs due to a sudden change in hormones while men will find it occurs due to a sudden change in lifestyle.

There are many feelings that will be experienced while a man or woman is going through postnatal depression. Some will have a fear of not being able to care or provide for the infant while others will feel resentment for the baby changing their lives so much. This is commonly the reason why parents do not like talking to each other or their friends about their feelings; they fear that the other parent or the friends will not understand their feelings and will judge them.

Making a few changes in the home can really help with dealing with the postpartum depression. Setting a schedule has been known to help, especially for men, since it means they can have some order back into their lives. Getting the rest needed helps both sexes because it gives the bodies a chance to rejuvenate and deal with the next day.

Techniques like the Emotional Freedom Technique are commonly used to help with treating postnatal depression. EFT is done in three stages. The first stage is when the person suffering with the condition is able to talk openly about their fears and feelings. This helps the professional know the best ways to treat them. The second stage is the treatment phase; this is when pressure is placed on acupuncture points and the person suffering will think about their feelings and say a mantra over and over again.

The benefit of EFT is that the treatment and post-treatment phases (the last part) will continue until the fears and feelings and subsided enough to help treat postnatal depression. This is something that can be used on men and women and has been known to help a number of people. The main benefit is that there is no need to take any antidepressant medication.

Maternity Clothes - Even Tall Women Can Fit Into These Maternity Clothes!

Height is always an advantage, even for women! People always notice you. If you are a businesswoman, business dealings become easier to handle since your height proves advantageous. You can prove to be a perfect model for designer clothing. Of course, there are many other things you can do with your height, but the entire list would take up too much space! The snag occurs when you become pregnant. You just cannot find the right maternity clothes to fit your tall frame!

This is when you start cursing your own body and keep wishing that you were born petite! You love pants, but none of them will cover the entire length of your legs. It is not even necessary to waste time on off-the-rack tops and maternity dresses- they will not fit you anyway!

Never mind, there is hope for you yet! Designers are sitting up and taking notice of people like you. It is difficult not to, considering that plenty of women are crossing six feet now-a-days. Contestants at beauty pageants are enough proof! Even the Internet has followed suit by displaying web sites catering to maternity clothes for tall women. Some of the styles can be mind-blowing! With so many clothes all over the place, it should now prove quite easy to stock up your wardrobe with maternity clothes that flatter your tall frame and cater to your personal tastes.

If its jeans you are after, visit Trendy Mama. This company caters to two different conversion styles and promises to customize jeans to suit every personality, including tall women. So you can just mail your order to the company, giving your own specifications. The company will take care of the rest.

Another company in LA, babystyle dot com also exhibits maternity clothes for tall women. Their specialty is maternity pants with 33-inch inseams. And there is quite a range available!

If you would like to explore further, there is Gap Maternity. The maternity tall pants they offer are meant for pregnant women requiring a 34-inch inseam. Stretch pants take precedence where maternity clothes are concerned; they are a popular favorite. Also, on and off clearance division sales can fetch you real bargains in the name of maternity clothes.

Other popular retailers are - Motherhood Maternity which has a great variety in styles and sizes, and Old Navy which displays an extensive range of clothing for shopping online.

If ultimately nothing checks out when shopping for maternity clothes, browse through the well-known J.C. Penney catalog. The clothes mentioned in the catalog are meant for tall women only. They are well-designed and of very good quality. Thus, you end up with clothes that are not only fashionable, but durable too!

Humana One Health Insurance Company Review - Humana Plans and Quotes

Humana, founded in 1961 as a nursing home company, grew to become one of the largest of its kind within a decade. Within twenty years it became one of the largest hospital companies in America, and now, 47 years later, it is one of the largest publicly traded health benefits companies in the US and is ranked 150 in the Fortune 500.

Humana is headquartered in Louisville, Kentucky and has 7 million medical members primarily in 22 states and Puerto Rico. The company offers coordinated health insurance coverage and related services through traditional and internet-based plans to employer groups, government-sponsored plans and individuals. Humana provides services to companies with fewer than ten employees to companies who employ thousands. Small businesses are offered a wide range of products and services designed specifically to meet their needs. It also has specialty products such as dental, life and disability insurance.


Humana Choice Care Network includes more than 320,000 physicians and ancillary care providers in fifty states and DC, serving 1.3 million PPO members. Their HMO plan has received accreditation from the national Committee for Quality Assurance (NCQA) and the American Accreditation Healthcare Commission (AAHC). Also, Humana is the first health benefits company to achieve registration for its Personal Nurses and Transplant Management Services.

Humana health insurance quotes are available in the following states:

South Carolina
North Carolina


Humana One is Humana's individual insurance plan. Within the Humana One system a number of different types of policies are available. An individual or family can elect to choose from four deductibles: $500, $1,000, $2,500 and $5,000. After the deductible expense is met, the Human Health Insurance policy pays 80% of the next $10,000 in covered expenses, the 100% up to $5,000,000. Doctor visits are included in the 80% coverage after the deductible is met. However, prescriptions are covered after a $500 deductible with a co-payment: $10 for generic drugs, $30 for brand name drugs, and $50 for drugs not listed on their formulary list.

Humana offers custom build-your-own plans such as the Portrait Plan, Monogram Plan, Autograph Plan and the Autograph Plan/HSA.
Portrait Plan

This plan is designed for those who want to minimize risk in their lives and want the major coverage by offered by big employers. This plan could be a benefit to those who are self employed and also for those individuals who are early retirees from a company that does not offer health insurance.
The in-network co-insurance operates on a 80%/20% formula, where the insurance pays 80% and the subscriber pays 20%. This plan also offers unlimited office co-payments as long as you stay in network for your physician visits

Monogram Plan

The Monogram Plan offers a safety- net in coverage in case you ever need it. It's designed to provide low cost protection for those who are healthy and seldom visit a doctor. Those who avail themselves of this plan are generally those who are no longer covered under their parent's policies, college graduates, undergraduates, those who work part-time and those who work for a company that does not offer group insurance.
Autograph Plan

This plan has the most flexibility in regard to designing a health plan that works the best for an individual's specific needs. It also offers the better options for those who need to make to make multiple office visits due to injury or illness.

Autograph Plan/HSA

The benefits and options offered in the Autograph Plan are also available in the Autograph Plan/HSA. In addition you can avail yourself of potential tax advantages by using a HSA that lets you pay for qualified medical expenses with tax deductible contributions.

Optional Additions to Individual and Family Policies

Maternity Coverage. Premiums are an additional $107 dollars per month and the deductible is increased by $500. The insurance then pays up to 60% of the costs of routine pregnancy and childbirth.

Dr. Co-payments. This option allows an individual to purchase four Doctor's visits per year with a $25 co-pay for each visit. If you have more than four doctor's visits within a year you are subject to the deductible and co-insurance.

Dental insurance
Disability insurance

While Humana may offer very good coverage for the individual or older families who are no longer having children, it may not meet the needs for the family that is still growing. Paying only up to 60% for pregnancy and childbirth, a Humana Maternity policy still leaves the family with a pretty hefty out- of- pocket expense. Also, to be noted is that Dental Insurance is only available to those who all ready have a health insurance plan with Humana.


To decide if Humana One may be a good choice for your health insurance needs then be sure and compare quotes from many different companies side by side.

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Avoid the Baby Blues With a Healthy Dose of Omega 3

Being a mother is all about sacrifice. And there is nothing wrong with that in fact, it's well worth it! However, the fact remains that from the time you conceive, not only are you giving that little life inside you the majority of your attention, energy and mental and physical focus, but you are also funneling the best nutrients that your body can provide straight to that tiny, growing person inside you.

As a result, many mothers even the ones who take traditional prenatal vitamins and take extremely good care of their health while they are pregnant" find themselves suffering from fatigue, shortness of temper and short and long-term memory loss after the birth of a baby. All of these symptoms add up to one thing: postpartum depression.

Don't Just Accept It

For years, postpartum depression has been considered a somewhat unavoidable and unpleasant side effect of pregnancy for many women. While doctors do attempt to prepare women and their families for this issue, most new mothers have to suffer through the experience while their body gets back to normal, causing them serious mental anguish in many cases as they cannot understand why on earth they should be feeling such tumultuous and conflicting emotions centered around the newest member of their family.

However, the explanation is simple: during the pregnancy, you gave your little one everything " right down to the best brain food that you could provide, which happened to be the stuff that your brain needed as well. As a result, now that the baby is no longer inside you, you may be suffering from a shortage of this brain food, omega 3 fatty acids to be exact, and that is causing you everything from headaches to an inability to concentrate on simple tasks.

The Solution Can Be Simple

Fortunately, the solution is as simple as the problem: get more omega 3!

In late August of 2008,Complimentary Medicine released a study indicating that incidences of postpartum depression drop by about 50 percent when expectant mothers take a fish oil supplement throughout their pregnancy. This study and studies like it also have lead to recent research in World Psychiatry that indicate that omega 3 also can dramatically decrease the negative effects of menopause, which is also directly linked to changes and shortages in the female reproductive system.

The best way to get omega 3 during a pregnancy is from fish oil rather than directly from fish or tuna, which often contain traces of heavy metals and toxins that can seriously harm a fetus. Instead, take a dietary supplement that has been certified toxin free. You can rest assured that not only are you fortifying your defenses against postpartum depression, but that you also are providing vital nutrients to your child that will help with everything from coordination to preventing multiple sclerosis and neural disorders.