Saturday, October 26, 2013

Increased Sperm Count Leads to Greater Pregnancy Chances

If you are thinking about getting pregnant, you must know that each and everything doesn't have to do with the mother to be. The father plays a massive and perhaps the most important role, when you are planning to get pregnant. With his sperms, your pregnancy will not start, so before trying you need to make sure that you focus on ways to increase sperm volume. The higher the volume the greater the chances are that you will hear good news quite soon. The greater the amount of sperms in the ejaculation, the better it is for the couple. So read this article if you are looking for information regarding how to increase semen volume. Firstly what you need to do is focus on how to increase the volume of ejaculation. A few tips include:

繚 The most common belief is that the greatest amount of ejaculation is created after twenty four to thirty hours since the last ejaculation. During this time it is feasible to try, however, before this the ejaculation will be minimal.

繚 Medicine has proven that ejaculation to contain water. Ninety eight percent of the ejaculation is water, so in order to maximize the amount be sure to consume sufficient water throughout the day. If the body is dehydrated, ejaculation will be minimal.

繚 You can consume many pills that are present in the market, that provide great nutrients that will lead to a better ejaculation. So you can contact your doctor and start a course of such pills, if you want to increase the chances of pregnancy.

繚 Pelvic exercises help to increase ejaculation since they send in more blood to your genitalia. Try to do some pelvic exercises on a regular basis as this help to increase ejaculation due to increased blood flow.

There are many way when you are talking about how to increase sperm count both with the help of medicine and naturally. The next few tips will be regarding how you can increase the amount of sperms in a natural way. Natural ways are perhaps the best ways since there is no danger of any side effect occurring.

繚 Keeping your body cool will help to increase the sperms. Heat can cause damage to the sperms and can decrease sperm count.

繚 Remember to indulge in a healthy exercise routine but do not over stress or over train your body. A brisk walk or mild exercise will prove beneficial.

繚 Organic food provides the nutrients that can help your sperm count increase. Since these foods do not have any added preservatives or any other chemicals they are the best option for you.

IVF - Help Me Get Pregnant!

If you're struggling with infertility and thinking about using IVF as a possible means to getting pregnant, you aren't alone. Thousands of couples each year decide to try IVF to get pregnant, and many of them are eventually successful. However, IVF can be a very expensive way to create a baby, so you want to use all the IVF help you can get to maximize your chances of success with each IVF cycle. There are several different things that you can do to help your chances of having a successful IVF treatment.

Stress and Infertility

Although the links between stress and infertility aren't yet understood fully, several recent scientific studies have shown that women with higher levels of stress are less likely to become pregnant, even if they use IVF. A study in Therapy Today linked lowered levels of cortisol - a hormone that signals a stressed-out body - with higher rates of pregnancy in women, and the Indian Journal of Medical Research showed that men who are stressed out may have lower quality sperm. This means that one approach to enhancing IVF success is to do whatever you must to keep your stress levels low, whether it means exercising, taking long bubble baths, or joining an infertility support group.

Eating for Better Fertility

Food and fertility don't yet have clear links either, but it's certainly true that how you eat affects your fertility in many ways. Being healthy in general is a good way to start, as both men and women with a healthy body weight will be more fertile, but there are also things you can focus on to enhance fertility through your diet. For one thing, your diet should incorporate healthy carbohydrates like whole grains, which are full of nutrients, in healthy amounts. Unsaturated fats, such as olive oil, help boost fertility, but you should avoid trans fats, which can increase your chances of developing ovulatory infertility. Focusing on getting enough protein can also help boost fertility, as can enjoying two servings of full-fat milk products each day.

Living a Healthy Lifestyle

While making a baby can seem pretty simple, it actually depends on a chain reaction of tons of hormones and regulatory systems in your body, so the healthier you are overall, the more likely you are to be fertile, which can seriously enhance your chances of having a baby through IVF. Key lifestyle changes include incorporating light exercise into your daily routine, maintaining a healthy body weight, not smoking, and consuming alcohol only in small quantities, or better yet, not at all.

Acupuncture and Soft Tissue Massage

These days, even many infertility clinics that specialize in IVF are incorporating Eastern-style healing techniques into their packages for infertile couples. One treatment, acupuncture, has been shown to seriously enhance pregnancy rates for couples undergoing IVF; in fact, women who have acupuncture right before and right after eggs are implanted are about 40% more likely to get pregnant, and the rates of miscarriage for women who use acupuncture alongside IVF are much lower. While no one is sure yet why this works, the evidence that it does work is certainly available.

Another alternative technique to enhance IVF is soft tissue therapy, also known as the Wurn technique. The Wurn technique basically involves a well-trained massage therapist who gently works with abdominal tissue, releasing adhesions - tissue abnormalities from scar tissue - by gently stretching and working the soft tissue. This cost-effective treatment has basically no side effects, and it has shown very promising results as a pre-IVF treatment.

Moderate Exercises

While just about any form of exercise can help you become healthier and, thus, more fertile, moderate, calming exercises like yoga and qigong may be particularly helpful. For one, these exercise techniques often focus on relieving stress, which, as has been pointed out, increases the success rate of IVF. In one study, couples who practiced a mind-body class involving yoga became pregnant within a year at an astonishing rate of 50%, and this study didn't even use yoga alongside IVF.

As you can see, there are many ways to enhance the whole IVF experience and to help your body become more ready for pregnancy, and most of these treatments are relaxing, healthy, and inexpensive.

Postpartum Panic Attacks: If You Are Plagued With This Condition Here Are 3 Ways To Deal With It

For many women giving birth is a happy time of their life. For others, however, symptoms of depression and panic attacks can occur so strongly as to drastically affect their lives.

Postpartum disorders occur in one in every eight women, so if this your case, you are clearly not alone.

These symptoms go far beyond the typical baby blues that many mothers experience but rather they are intense feelings of not being able to cope and not feeling like you.

What can these women experience?

These new moms worry about really harming their children. This is a large part of the cause for the anxiety as even picturing harming a child can cause anyone to feel just horrible.

Furthermore, the anxiety of raising a child, because of the feeling of not being adequate to the job, is also a contributing factor.

Such questions as how to provide proper care and nutrients to the child just keep swimming in the postpartum mothers mind.

While this depression and postpartum anxiety continues to rage on the feelings will compound, and the situation will just get worse. This is why it is absolutely crucial to seek help at the very first signs of postpartum depression!

Can Postpartum Panic Attacks Be Helped?

Fortunately, postpartum depression can be reversed, and the anxiety attacks that come with this condition, can also be treated. This is certainly not a new disorder and many Mothers go through the same feelings after giving birth.

So What Are The 3 Ways to Deal with Postpartum Panic Attacks?

1.) The best way to start to deal with postpartum panic attacks, are to recognize them for what they are and to seek out a local support group. Just talking to other mothers can reassure you that you are not going crazy.

Furthermore, these groups help to realize that these feelings do not make you a lousy mother.

2.) Another way to deal with these anxiety attacks is to seek out professional medical care. Now obviously you are nursing so the medications you take will have to be taken into account.

Just using some simple and homeopathic remedies has been proven to help many mothers with postpartum depression. As well as relaxing exercises such as some light Yoga or any other relaxing exercise could be very helpful.

3.) The last way is to seek out cognitive therapy and interpersonal therapy. The way this helps is that cognitive therapy helps to overcome negative perceptions, which can result is a lack of energy and depression.

While interpersonal therapy can overcome immediate and difficult problems also help with difficult transitions such as giving birth.

Is This a Common Condition?

While postpartum depression may not be all that common, it is vitally important that you and your family recognize the symptoms of this disorder. Once you have the ability to spot yourself falling prey to this disease it will be easier to seek out the best treatment.

There should never be any stigma associated with seeking out help when you are facing this difficult situation.

Far too many times tragedy has struck many families because they either did not know about this disease or were unwilling to seek out treatment because of the fear of being judged harshly by others.

Pregnancy Bed Rest - Who Will Pay the Bills?

You can protect your income in case pregnancy bed rest causes you to miss extra work. You rely on your income to pay a variety of bills, and may be struggling with how to cover your lost income during maternity leave. Then all of a sudden your doctor tells you to stop working and go on bed rest.

The income stops for longer than expected, but the bills keep coming in - only faster now that you have extra medical bills. Short term disability insurance can protect your income during an unplanned disability leave prior to your delivery in addition to creating maternity leave pay.

Twenty five percent of pregnancies result in one or more complications. Your doctor may order you to take leave from work for bed rest to protect your health, and the viability of your newborn. If your complications require intense medical care you may be hospitalized as well. For many women this means a significant loss of income.

Plus, there may be left over medical bills for extra doctor visits, hospital deductibles, co pays, or co-insurance. Then all the regular bills keep coming in: mortgage, car payment, utilities, etc. The one-two punch of lost income and extra bills adds unhealthy stress.

When bought before getting pregnant, short term disability insurance protects your income if you miss work due to pregnancy complications prior to your delivery and need bed rest. Your maternity leave for normal labor and delivery will be covered as well. The benefits will help you pay those extra bills, worry less, and rest more comfortably before your delivery.

Liposuction After Childbirth - The Best Way to Rid Yourself of the Unwanted Fat

Giving birth is one of the most joyous events in a woman's lifetime. They say that childbirth is a rite of passage into womanhood. Nothing compares to the feeling of holding your newborn in your hands for the first time... that same newborn that you nurtured in your tummy for nine grueling yet well worth it months. With that said, every upside comes with a downside, and that is the unwanted body fat.

This is the number one concern women have after pregnancy. The alteration that was caused to their bodies brings them distress. More so after several pregnancies as it gets worse every single time. To cope with this problem, most mommies resort to liposuction after childbirth. It is a procedure that removes fat through a cannula which is a hollow tube and an aspirator which is a suction device. So basically it sucks the fat out of you! Depending on which part of the body you want to sexify.

Liposuction procedure is often preferred to over tummy tuck by post partum women since there's no removal of skin, just fat. Liposuction has fewer risks involved and less physical discomfort afterwards. Scars are less evident and it is way safer over tummy tuck. Recovery period is also shorter which is ideal for the new mommy since she will have her hands full with her newborn.

Exercise is no longer an option as well since taking care of the baby or maintaining a home or career is already a full time job to the nth power in itself. Let's face it, exercise takes time. Toning that post-pregnancy body takes dedication. Metabolism comes into play as well and some fats are just too stubborn to get rid of.

Liposuction is a tried and tested safe procedure, but be sure to take some precautionary measures before going through with the operation. For sure you have heard about what happened to popular R&B singer Usher's soon to be ex-wife, Tameka. She suffered cardiac arrest shortly after the general anaesthesia. The procedure was never performed and she was put into induced coma after being revived.

Probably this makes you think twice about going through with the procedure. Don't be. Anaesthesia is the culprit, not liposuction. The cardinal mistake that Tameka committed was that it had only been two months since she gave birth. Although there is no written rule about this but I heard from a Philadelphia plastic surgery expert that there should be at least a good three to six months before you go through with any plastic surgery operations.

So ladies make sure that you check with your physician first before you go through liposuction or any procedure for that matter. Just to be on the safe side and avoid any complications that may arise. Philadelphia liposuction is a solution, let's keep it that way.

Health Insurance Issues - Maternity Coverage

Of the people who already have health insurance, about 15% don't have maternity coverage included on their insurance plan. If you add that to the number of women who don't have health coverage at all, that means that there are a lot of people out there without the means to afford the pre-natal care that they need for themselves and for their baby. The costs of healthcare for maternity services are quite high. Doctor's visits are frequent, diagnostic testing occurs regularly, and labor and delivery can add up to thousands of dollars in medical bills for those without insurance.

To start, check your existing health insurance coverage. See if you have maternity coverage included on your plan. If not, find out how much it will be to add coverage. Watch out for providers who don't give maternity coverage, because there are some insurance companies who label it as a 'pre-existing condition' because it is a guaranteed expense that they will have to pay. People who are living in a low-income situation will have access to state-funded care for their pregnancy. In some states, women are given healthcare services for maternity and pre-natal care regardless of their income. However, most are still forced to rely on private insurance.

Maternity coverage should begin the day that you sign the policy. Of course, you might want to shop for this coverage in advance, because some have a 30 day waiting period. There are even a few companies who want you to wait 3-12 months to utilize your maternity coverage once it is added to your policy. If you're thinking about having a family, you need to make sure that you check out the maternity coverage that you have or see what type of coverage you can get well before you actually conceive. That way, you can be prepared and get the medical care that you need without spending a fortune out of pocket.

Health insurance and maternity care don't always go hand-in-hand. Some companies have no issues with the coverage while others see it as a financial burden that they simply can't cover. In order to protect yourself and your new family, you have to make sure that you get the healthcare plan that includes maternity coverage at an affordable price and with all the benefits that you need. If you aren't sure about your options or what is covered, feel free to talk to a health insurance professional to get a better understanding of your situation.

If you need assistance in locating particular coverages at a pre-determined price, we can help you save up to 50% on your health insurance.

Friday, October 25, 2013

How Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) Helps Getting Pregnant With a Success Rate of 40 - 60 Percent

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) has been used to treat infertility for many years. The treatment revolves around natural infertility cure using Chinese herbal medicine and acupuncture. Despite different theories and explanations, TCM has the same objective as Western medicine as to treat infertility and help patients to get pregnant.

According to Dr Lifang Liang, a professor at the American College of Traditional Chinese Medicine in San Francisco, TCM helps infertility patients get pregnant at the success rate of 40-60 percent. In fact, with a younger group of patient, age between 28 and 35, the success rate is as high as 50-70 percent. An older group (ages 36-45) however has the success rate of around 30-50 percent. TCM can benefit a couple trying to conceive in many ways. It can help improving egg quality and quantity in women and semen quality and quantity in men.

TCM also helps relieve stress level which is quite critical in both men and women trying to get pregnant. In addition, TCM can help reduce side-effects caused by drugs that infertility patients take during IVF process. Apart from nutritional and emotional health of patients, hormonal balance, and factors affecting eggs and semen of a couple, the blood flow to ovaries is quite important. TCM can help increased blood circulation to the uterus and ovaries and therefore increase the likelihood of getting pregnant.

Although on average TCM produces a high success rate through natural infertility treatments, a combination of TCM and Western medicine may be recommended as both schools have the same goal of helping infertility couples to conceive.

Definitive Guide to Health Insurance With Maternity Coverage

Life is full of surprises. Some are good. Some are bad. Generally speaking, though, when a woman discovers she's pregnant, it's a good surprise whether she's been trying or not. Most pregnant women develop a very strong protective instinct toward the child she's carrying and she wants to make sure that both before and after birth, the child is taken care of. Medical expenses are going to be a crucial part of this with prenatal care for the mother and unborn child and post-birth pediatric care for the baby. In order to do this right, a mother will need health insurance with maternity coverage over and above her regular medical insurance.

While your existing insurance policy might include maternity insurance by default, most don't. Generally, maternity coverage is available as an added option or a supplemental plan and you will usually have to pay an additional premium to obtain it. However, when compared to the high costs of all associated pregnancy costs these additional premiums are well worth the cost. Each health insurance with maternity coverage will come with conditions and terms that are specific and you need to make sure what these are prior to agreeing to it. It may be that you want to look at a different provider for something better.

Most health insurance with maternity coverage will cover most unexpected hospital charges, doctor visits, and medications. However, even though they are supposed to cover maternity costs, a lot of them don't cover prenatal vitamins, regular and additional check-ups, and other costs that most mothers will have to incur. Keep in mind that the more things a maternity plan covers the higher the premium will be. A lower cost plan will have a more broad, but more limited coverage.

Despite the fact you can add maternity coverage onto an existing plan or buy a new one, most policies will not cover you if you seek out coverage after you become pregnant. It's a standard practice to have a waiting period for health insurance with maternity coverage that won't become active for one to two years. If you can't get maternity insurance for this, consider adding coverage for the infant that will be available the second the child is born.

Your current policy will determine if you can extend benefits to the child or get extra coverage. You may need to get a new plan. If you're already pregnant and you can't get insurance, consider a maternity medical coverage discount program which will give you discounts on the medical costs, but typically won't cover you as well as the insurance would. In addition to this, apply for different maternity programs that are available from the state, the federal government, child and family services, private interest groups, and advocacy groups.

How to Get Pregnant Fast - Please Help Me Conceive Right Now!

When you are thinking about how to get pregnant fast, you need to remember that your pregnancy is not something that you can force to happen. One of the fastest ways to get pregnant is to have sex on the days when ovulation occurs. Ovulation is when your ovaries releases an egg into your fallopian tubes then into the uterus where your baby will grow for nine months.

If you are wondering how to get pregnant fast, there are several different ways to go about it. You just need to know how these methods work and pick the right one for you and your partner. One way is to go to your local drug store and pick up an ovulation predictor kit. You can usually find these predictor kits right next to the pregnancy tests. There are many different kinds available and you can read each one to find out what is going to work for you that will help you to get pregnant fast.

Ovulation predictor kits are not too expensive but there are cheaper ways when wanting to know how to get pregnant fast. Your body will give off signs when you are ovulating. You and your loved one can keep track of these signs so you will know when you are most fertile and then have sex on those days. That is how to get pregnant fast.

Here are 7 signs to look for:

1. Breast Tenderness

Several women will experience breast tenderness right before or after ovulation. This has to do with the change in hormones in your body, getting ready for the possibility of a pregnancy.

2. Test Positive on an Ovulation Predictor Test

A common way of detecting ovulation is with an ovulation predictor test kit. Ovulation predictor kits will require you to dip a special paper into a cup of collected urine once a day for week before you expect to ovulate or you will need to pee on a test stick. There are two lines on the test strip. When the test line is darker than the control line, this means their has been an LH surge. Which means - sudden, dramatic, and brief rise in the level of luteinizing hormone. Ovulation tests detect this LH surge, allowing you to accurately predict when you will ovulate.

3. Saliva Ferning

This is a unique and uncommon way to detect ovulation, a ferning pattern of your saliva is another possible sign of ovulation. There are special microscopes for this, but you could use any toy store microscope. A ferning pattern looks like frost on a window pane. The ferning pattern appears during the body's LH surge, which occurs 24 to 48 hours before ovulation.

4. Changes in Cervical Position

Just like your cervical mucus changes as ovulation nears, your cervical position also goes through changes. When you're most fertile, your cervix will be higher, softer, and more open.

5. Changes in Basal Body Temperture

Basal body temperature charting is probably the most popular method for tracking ovulation among women who want to know how to get pregnant fast. Your basal body temperature will rise by a few tenths of a degree, and stay elevated, after ovulation. This rise in temperature is caused by the hormone progesterone, which increases right after ovulation. By tracking your basal body temperature, you can detect this increase in temperature.

6. Increased Desire to Have Sex

It is a fact that women have a greater sexual desire when they are most fertile. This is a couple of days before you ovulate, which is the perfect time to have sex if you want to know how to get pregnant fast.

7. Cervical Mucus Changes

Your cervical mucus changes in amount and consistency as ovulation approaches. When you are not ovulating, cervical mucus will look creamy, or might be totally absent. As ovulation approaches,cervical mucus becomes more abundant, takes on a watery to raw egg white like consistency and and stretches up to an inch or more between your fingers. No matter how you do it, good luck as you try to get pregnant fast!

Discover the Benefits of DHA Supplements That Will Amaze You

Orthodox doctors used to be skeptical about DHA supplements but they now recommend its regular consumption even by pregnant women. This is because the benefits are undeniable and more benefits are being discovered regularly.

Of the three components of omega 3 fatty acids, dha is the most important (others are EPA and DPA). Omega3 is one of the important nutrients that our body needs but can not manufacture, that is why it is called essential fatty acid. We can only get them through the foods we eat or by supplementation.

The bitter truth is that our diets in these modern times lack the necessary nutrients we need, that is why supplementation is very important to us.

Do you know that 60% of our brain consists of fats and half of that fat is DHA; deficiency in this important fatty acid has been linked to diseases such as brain disorders, heart disease, arthritis, depression and many others. However regular intake of dha supplements have shown to alleviate these conditions.

Pregnant women are advised to take the supplement because it helps to prevent, pre-term, miscarriage and still-born. It is proven to help normal fetal development especially with regards to the brain; it also prevents post-natal depression. The fetus draws from the mother's DHA and depletes it , so if the mother does not get enough through supplementation, it could lead to several problems.

Studies also show that regular supplementation by a woman during pregnancy and breastfeeding prevents the baby from developing allergies in the future.

It is also helpful to children with ADHD and ADD because it improves brain functions such as memory concentration and learning. There are reports of children diagnosed with autism who have shown significant improvements in their conditions after regular consumption of DHA supplements.

Studies show that it also helps to increase the IQ of children who consume it on a regular basis.

Now that you have seen the amazing benefits, how do you get the best supplement? The best source of DHA omega3 is fish oil. However because most of the dha supplements on the market contain impurities, make sure you buy a brand that is molecularly distilled. This process ensures that the impurities are removed from the oil, thus making it safe for your consumption.

To get maximum benefits, you should buy those that contain higher amounts of dha - at least 2.5 grams per capsule of 10 grams of fish oil.

Now that you are well informed, I hope you will do the right thing and take full advantage of DHA supplements. Have a look at the pure omega-3 supplement every one in my family takes, it contains 2.8 grams of DHA per capsule of 10 grams of fish oil.

Pheromones and Hormones - Are They the Same?

Pheromones are often confused with hormones, although they are not the same thing. They are secretions of scent that mammals give off when they are excited, afraid or attracted to something. There are many different pheromones that human beings give off, depending on the situation. You have probably heard that dogs and other animals can smell fear on a human. Humans give off when they are afraid of something that other animals with a keen sense of smell can detect.

One emotion that causes pheromones to raise in levels is sexual attraction. This is true for both men and women. Other people can pick up on this scent, although they may not be sure why. It is a natural body reaction that humans have when they are attracted to someone else and want intimacy. It is not obvious, but those around will notice this scent and react. Pheromones for attraction often cause a strong reaction from others.

A way to use it so that you can attract someone is to use it in colognes or perfumes. There are many perfumes and colognes that use it as part of the scent. By design, perfumes and colognes use pheromones as a way to attract others by scent. Scents are often incorporated with human pheromones to create a sensation. Most are used in perfumes and colognes are synthetic. There are some perfumes and colognes, however, that use actual human pheromones to create a sensation. They have proven to work very well when it comes to attracting others.

Perfumes and colognes are made to attract others as it is. We spray them on to hope that someone will be attracted to our scent. The perfume scent mixes with our own body chemistry and gives off a special scent. This is why no perfume or cologne smells the same on any two men or women. But when you use pheromones in perfume or cologne, you are getting an extra advantage. You are saying that you are available and sending out a signal to others who are also available and who may then be attracted to you.

No one knows why some people are attracted to others. Looks are not the number one thing that attracts people to one another, although it does break the ice. Many people, at a loss for what it is that they like about someone else will cite personality, although this is not true, either.

How Can an Attorney Help in a Cerebral Palsy Case?

Cerebral palsy, which is a medical condition, occurs because of brain damage. It also occurs because of improper brain development. Brain development in a human being occurs right from the time of conception by the mother, as the fetus begins to show signs of growth. The brain is the most important organ because it almost controls everything in the human body. Any small damage to the brain can cause tremendous harm to any part in the body. If damage happens in the part of the brain cells that control the nerves and muscle coordination then the child will be born with cerebral palsy.

Damage to the brain of a child can occur anytime while the fetus is growing in the mother's stomach, during birth or right after birth due to various reasons. If the mother has a bad fall which directly results in causing brain damage to the fetus then cerebral palsy can occur. At times during birth, doctors tend to use forceps, a kind of medical instrument used for delivery on the head of the baby. When used with slight force it can cause damage to the brain. Also during birth or while in the stomach just before delivery, due to the mother's high blood pressure, the baby can be deprived of the much-needed oxygen that goes to the brain and this too can lead to cerebral palsy.

It is also possible that the umbilical cord connecting the baby and mother can get entangled around the neck of the baby and thus cause strangulation. This will result in the baby not getting enough oxygen to the brain and this will lead to certain cells in the brain to die a natural death because of lack of oxygen, which is so important for its survival. Leaving the baby too long inside the womb as soon as the child is ready for delivery is likely to cause cerebral palsy in the new born infant.

All these are instances of medical negligence and it is because of this that a cerebral palsy attorney is most required if your child is born and diagnosed as having cerebral palsy. It is the bounden duty of the medical fraternity to make sure that you have a safe pregnancy and the child in the womb is safe. In addition, they should ensure that the baby is born without facing any problems so that it stays healthy and does not end up with this medical condition.

The world over, there are thousands of children who are born with this medical condition and in many cases it is due to the negligence of the medical fraternity. Proper care during pregnancy, excellent delivery methods, and proper postnatal care is all very essential to the safety of the child. If malpractice and negligence is found to be the cause then legal remedy is to be sought, at once and a n attorney needs to be consulted. The attorney will call for all the records and then file lawsuits on behalf of the aggrieved parents. The attorney will fight the case in a court of law and get adequate compensation for the parents so that the money would be useful to help maintain and provide excellent treatment procedures for their affected child.

Thursday, October 24, 2013

How to Find Inexpensive Maternity Insurance Coverage

Approximately sixteen percent of all females in the United States are without maternity insurance coverage. In the event that they may become pregnant, these women could be confronted with an overwhelming amount of medical expenses, particularly if they experience complications with their pregnancy. In this article we will discuss a number of techniques on how to find low-cost maternity health insurance coverage. Our goal is to help you find the right maternity insurance coverage to help you save as much money as possible on your pregnancy.

What is the definition of maternity insurance?

Maternity insurance is individual health insurance coverage that includes an additional maternity rider. As of January 2011, there are no stand-alone maternity insurance plans. Many companies do offer discount maternity programs. However, be very careful with these types of discount health programs as they are not insurance plans and usually promise more than they ever deliver.

There are essentially two types of individual health insurance that you can purchase that offer coverage for maternity: One type of health plan is known as an indemnity insurance plan. This form of health plan will allow you to pick your own medical doctor and hospital. Because of this freedom, an indemnity health plan can turn out to be one of the most expensive kinds of health insurance plans offered. Indemnity plans always have a schedule of benefits and generally will limit the exact amount of protection available for each type of health procedure covered. The other type of individual health insurance is called a managed health care plan (also know as an HMO, PPO, or POS). This sort of insurance plan has a network of medical doctors and hospitals which you should use for your health care. You can use this kind of insurance for doctors and hospitals outside of the insurance plan's network, but the coverage will be limited and you will almost always have more out-of-pocket expense than if you stay within the network. Managed health insurance plans are typically more affordable and are the most popular type of individual health insurance available.

What does maternity insurance usually cover

Standard individual maternity insurance riders that are added to individual health policies cover a portion of your doctor expenses, hospital fees, prescription medications, labor and delivery. This coverage is limited to the amounts defined in the maternity coverage rider. Make sure that you take time to completely understand the maternity rider offered by an insurance company before you make the decision to buy the insurance coverage. If you have insurance through your job, typically known as group insurance, then the coverage is usually more comprehensive.

Can I get maternity health insurance coverage if I am already expecting?

Almost all personal health insurance companies do not offer maternity insurance coverage, or any insurance coverage for that matter, to women who are expecting. In the case that you are currently pregnant, quite a few states do offer Medicaid or other state funded health coverage to low-income individuals and families. To see if your state has a low-income maternity program, visit your state's department of insurance website.

If you are expecting and do not qualify for a state offered maternity program, it is advised to communicate with your local hospitals and negotiate a lower rate for their services. Most hospitals do give discounts if you pay cash or set up some form of payment program up front. The only other option is to obtain group insurance coverage through and employer or your spouse's employer. Group health insurance plans almost always contain maternity coverage.

How Can I Get My Hormones Back to Normal?

The hormonal system is the 'engine' of the woman

The functions of the female human body are largely influenced by hormones. It affects the physical, mental and emotional aspects of the body. Hormones are the body's chemical messengers, produced by cells and carried into the bloodstream to affect various physiological functions and development.


  • Around puberty age, the part of the brain called hypothalamus releases pulses of hormones to stimulate the pituitary gland to produce the luteinizing hormone (LH) and follicle stimulating hormone (FSH), which activate ovarian functions. The ovary is a female organ that produces the two main female sex hormones: estrogen and progesterone. The hormone estrogen is what stimulates breast development and the maturity of the vagina, fallopian tubes and uterus during puberty stage.

  • Beyond puberty, estrogen and progesterone, as well as LH and FSH will play vital roles in a woman's menstrual cycle and fertility, following a predictable pattern of rising and falling levels to support a chain of events with regard to reproduction. These hormones will be the ones to govern the maturity and release of eggs in the ovary, as well as the preparation of the womb to conception.

  • The surge of luteinizing hormone or LH marks a woman's ovulation phase, when the mature egg is released from the ovary to the fallopian tube. In the tube, the egg will be carried along by hair like projections to the uterus. In the uterus, the egg will be fertilized is sperm is present. Birth control pills prevent LH surge to prevent pregnancy.

  • On the other hand, the hormone progesterone is responsible for the thickening of the endometrium or uterine lining. This is to facilitate the implantation of the fertilized egg. If the implantation failed to occur, the spiral arteries in the lining will stop blood flow. This turns the thick uterine lining into blood pools, which is normally released in the form of menstrual flow.

During Pregnancy?

  • Pregnancy results from a fertilized egg. The usual drop of estrogen and progesterone levels at the end of the menstrual cycle does not occur, which explains the absence of your period.

  • Immediately, a new hormone called human chorionic gonadotrophin (HCG) is released to develop the placenta and stimulate the ovary to produce the needed levels of estrogen and progesterone to sustain pregnancy. Along with other hormones in pregnancy, HCG will be responsible in increasing the blood circulating in the womb and initiating other body mechanisms to nurture the growing baby in the womb.

  • During child birth, these two hormones also cause the womb to contract and stimulate the production of breast milk.


  • Progesterone and estrogen levels are expected to drop after pregnancy.

  • This will facilitate the shrinking back of the womb,

  • Toning of the pelvic floor muscles

  • Normalization of blood flow. The sudden drop of female hormones may also cause episodes of post natal depression.

Getting my Hormones to Work?

"Normally, women do not need to do anything to control their hormones".

If we lived in a 'normal' world there would be no need for this article. However, in most societies women encounter as much stress, perhaps more, with their 'double' workloads, as anyone would.

  • Depending on the woman's stress reactions, there can be many upsets to a normal pregnancy which is dependent on her hormones for biochemical direction.

Hormonal imbalance is basically a disturbance to the delicate balance or incorrect relationship between the estrogen, progesterone and the stress hormone levels in the body. Women suffering hormonal imbalance do suffer risk of infertility or miscarriage.

The usual medical solution is 'hormonal replacement therapy', a form of treatment trying to correct the hormonal imbalances, usually performed during the luteal phase of a woman's ovulation and menstrual period.

The human body though, is a maze of nervous system options that few people become aware of. There are a number of reflexes on the skin that relate specifically to the Endocrine Glands and can be used to balance their function.

Imagine if you could just stimulate one of these reflexes and its related gland would "start up" again, balancing not only it's own production of hormones, but stimulate others as well. It is true, that these reflexes exist and anyone can learn how to use them to balance the hormonal system without having to take any medications.

We are getting smarter about how our bodies work and pregnancy is a fine example of how well what we have learned can be seen in the 'real' world. Don't wait until it's too late to find out.

Neuro-Training has developed a proven way to systematically balance the whole hormone system. Women who have had terrible experiences with their hormones can now be helped and easily learn how to do it themselves.

Why You Must Use Lemon Water For Fertility

If you are trying to get pregnant and yet cannot conceive, doctors recommend different methods to remedy this. Certain factors have been identified to lower the chances of conceiving. Some of these factors are alcohol consumption, smoking, lack of exercise, improper diet, and many more. Because of the different scientific studies that established the effects of diet on fertility, many doctors recommend that proper diet is a key to increase fertility.

Have you heard of lemon water? It has been said that this type of water is good for fertility. In fact, it has many health benefits. How does it help for most infertility couples?

For many years, lemon water for fertility has been gaining popularity among women who find it hard to conceive. Lemon water for fertility is from the Traditional Chinese Medicine, which uses natural ingredients to treat and prevent diseases.

Lemon is a great fruit because it is loaded with vitamin C, magnesium, calcium, potassium, and antioxidants. First and foremost, drinking water already does wonders for fertility. Water thins out mucus and increases it as well. And cervical fluid is very important in conception. Without cervical fluid, the sperm won't be able to reach the egg. Furthermore, if the cervical fluid is of good quality and quantity, it can help the sperm stay alive for several days while waiting ovulation.

And if you add lemon to your drinking water, you are even increasing the likelihood of getting pregnant many times. The bodies are bombarded with harmful free radicals from pollution and food. And these free radicals can harm the sperm, egg, and reproductive organs. This is the importance of antioxidants. Antioxidants in this beverage will help destroy these free radicals thereby making your bodies more ready for conception. This is why it is effective for infertility treatment.

Another great advantage of lemon water for fertility is that it has no adverse effects since you are using an all-natural ingredient. You can continue drinking this even if you are already pregnant. You can also continue with your water regimen even if you are prescribed with fertility drugs or in conjunction with other fertility treatments.

Other health benefits include: detoxification, hormonal balance, enhanced immunity, liver health, digestive health, and great skin. How do you make this type of water? You simply have to add 1 to 2 tablespoons of freshly squeezed lemon juice to your warm drinking water.

Lemon water for fertility can be consumed any time. Although many people believe that it is best early in the morning. Instead of drinking coffee or hot chocolate, drinking this beverage is great for re-hydrating your bodies. Furthermore, it can help to stimulate bowel movement in the morning.

Going Green to Slim Down

With each new year there is an plethora of new fad diets offering promises to help us shed those unwanted pounds. Excluding food groups, drastically cut calories, eating pre-prepared meals or following a new celebrity trend, it may all sound enticing yet do these diets actually work? The answer is no. Fad diets may help you lose some weight in the short-term, but these approaches do not lead to long term success. Plus the weight loss often comes with consequences such as deprivation, frustration, nutrient deficiencies, fatigue, irritability, and eventually a sense of failure because the pounds creep back once the diet is over.

One dietary strategy that is healthy and seems to offer benefits for weight loss and disease prevention is going green, in other words, following a vegetarian diet.

Going Green for Weight Loss

Numerous studies have shown that a vegetarian diet can reduce the risk of many chronic health problems such as heart disease, diabetes and certain cancers. Mounting evidence has found this healthy way of eating can also help us slim down.

Vegans and vegetarians consume diets that are higher in fiber and lower in calories, total fat, saturated fat, and cholesterol compared to people on eating a non-vegetarian diet-factors that reduce disease risk and help facilitate weight loss. In fact, a scientific review of 87 studies concluded that a vegetarian diet is highly effective for weight loss, independent of exercise.

The authors of this review found that the body weight of both male and female vegetarians is, on average, 3 to 20 percent lower than that of meat-eaters. The researchers also found that a low-fat vegan diet leads to weight loss of about 1 pound per week, even without additional exercise or limits on portion sizes, calories, or carbohydrates.

According to the authors of this review "There is evidence that a [vegetarian] diet causes an increased calorie burn after meals, meaning plant-based foods are being used more efficiently as fuel for the body, as opposed to being stored as fat." The reviewers also reported that insulin sensitivity increased for vegetarians, easing the absorption of nutrients into cells.

Choose Your Carbs Carefully

Advocates of low carb dieting spread the idea that carbohydrates were responsible for obesity, diabetes, and lots of other health problems. As a result, many dieters cut out vegetables, whole grains and fruits from their diet, thinking that these foods were making them fat. While this was a hot trend for many years, studies on low carbs diets yielded mixed results, and the health concerns (constipation, nutritional deficiencies, depression and bad breath) outweighed any short-term benefits. Plus it is now known that not all carbs are equal. Those that break down quickly into sugar, such as white bread and products made with refined flour, can cause rapid increases in blood sugar and insulin levels, which is associated with weight gain, increased risk of diabetes

On the other hand, complex carbohydrates, such as those found in vegetables, whole grains, and beans are absorbed slowly and do not cause rapid increases in blood sugar levels. Although fruits naturally contain sugar, they are also high in fiber and thus are broken down into sugar more slowly in our bodies compared to refined starches and sweets (cookies, candy, and soft drinks). The bottom line is that carbs provide us with good nutritional value (vitamins, minerals and fiber) and they can play an important role in a healthy diet.

If you are thinking of going vegetarian, here are some tips on how to make the diet work with a busy lifestyle:

繚 Stock your cupboards with an assortment of dried and canned beans, nuts and seeds (almonds, cashews, sunflower and pumpkin seeds)

繚 Have brown rice, whole wheat pasta, quinoa, cous cous, hemp hearts, and barley handy

繚 For breakfast, protein shakes made with whey protein, berries (or other fruits) and yogurt will take only a few minutes to prepare. Oatmeal, whole grains toast with poached eggs or almond butter are other great breakfast ideas.

繚 Pack your lunch the night before so that you aren't stuck resorting to a fast-food lunch. Salads with grilled vegetables, chickpeas, beans and nuts are healthy and satisfying. Leftover soups and stews make great lunches. Or try sandwiches on sprouted bread or pita wraps with grilled veggies.

繚 Use a slow cooker. There are tons of great recipes for soups and stews and you can prepare the ingredients the night before, put it in the pot when you leave for work and have dinner ready for when you get home.

繚 Other quick, healthy dinner ideas include stir-fried vegetables, lentils, and tofu with steamed brown rice or baked vegetarian lasagna which can be prepared the night before. There are lots of great cookbooks for vegetarian meals in minutes.

繚 Bring along some healthy snacks to work such as veggie sticks, nuts, fresh or dried fruit, yogurt or energy bars.

Here are some other helpful tips to keep in mind:

繚 Don't skip breakfast. It really is the most important meal of the day and studies have shown that those who do skip breakfast are at a greater risk of becoming obese and diabetic.

繚 Eat small frequent meals to keep energy levels high and blood sugar levels balanced. Aim for 3 meals and 2 snacks between meals so that you are eating something every 3 hours. This will also keep your metabolism revved and prevent hunger cravings.

繚 Try not to eat too late in the evening as our metabolism is slower in the evening and calories can be stored as fat rather than be burned for energy.

繚 If you are having difficulty getting enough fiber from diet alone, consider a supplement. Weight management formulas that contain soluble fibers such as glucomannan can help improve your feeling of fullness, and help stabilize blood sugar levels, which helps reduce cravings and appetite.

繚 Drink lots of water (8 to 10 glasses per day). Water works with fiber to fill you up, it helps cleanse the body and a lack of water (dehydration) can be mistaken for hunger.

繚 A vegetarian diet is a sensible and proven way to reduce to facilitate weight loss and improve many other aspects of health. For further advice on becoming vegetarian consult with a dietitian or nutritionist.

Three Stages of Pregnancy and Healthful Preparations

One of the wonderful things a woman experiences is conceiving a child in her womb. Getting pregnant is a blessing to many people. However, despite the wonderful feeling of expecting a baby, pregnant women are faced with realistic discomforts also.
Being pregnant is a very critical stage. It concerns both the health of the mother and the baby. Pregnant woman should know the basic pregnancy health tips to be able to properly take care of her body, and the baby as well. And to be able to take care of their bodies well, pregnant women must be aware of the three delicate stages of pregnancy.

It takes nine months before a pregnant woman gives birth. The first three months is called the first trimester. The second three months is called the second trimester. And the last remaining months is called the third trimester.
In the first trimester, some mothers will experience morning sickness in the early stages. Some women experience vomiting or nausea. These are normal symptoms that will soon pass in the succeeding months. To lessen vomiting, some women opt to eat less during meals. Although this helps, it is also important to note that she must eat not only to feed herself but also the baby.

Some expecting women also experience frequent urination. Others experience fatigue and gets tired easily. They need longer time to rest and relax. All these discomforts may sometimes cause the mood swings. Thus, pregnant women are easily irritable.
It is very important for women in the early stages of pregnancy to have a balanced diet supervised by doctors. 
The middle or second trimester of pregnancy is the stage where the baby's growth is more felt. The belly becomes more visible as it begins to bulge. Women at this stage can already feel some movements from the baby.
Some mothers are stressed easily in this stage. The growing belly drastically changes a woman's appearance, sometimes resulting with unsightly stretch marks. For some it causes insecurity with their physical looks. Others take it lightly, as a normal occurrence in pregnancy.
This is also the stage where pregnant woman experience constipation, indigestion and heartburn. As this is a crucial stage, women should be very diligent in visiting their doctors for regular checkups.
The final stage of pregnancy is the last three months. In this stage, a mother may experience a decrease in their appetite. The best solution for this is to have small snacks every 3 to 4 hours.
Some complications may arise in this final stage. Some women experience hypertension that can lead to high blood pressure. A large belly can bring utter discomfort in bed, making it quite difficult for women to sleep.

It is also in the third trimester that a woman feels the most discomfort. Her large belly makes it hard for her to move around and do things on her own. It is also very hard to sleep at night.
Pregnancy is very risky for women. But the joy of having a baby is priceless. Remember that pregnant women should still exercise also. And throughout the pregnancy, they should take care of themselves very well and visit their doctors regularly to ensure a safe pregnancy all the way.

Planned Pregnancy - Good For You And Your Baby

Health care practitioners are a good medium to consult and find answers to your pregnancy related queries and inquiries. Every parent desires to have a healthy baby. It helps to consult someone you trust. It could be a consultant, your mother, your close relative or books, if you have the habit of reading. A planned pregnancy keeps you satisfied at every stage of pregnancy and you are well prepared to handle the situations as they arise. How to slip into pregnancy quickly, what are the good foods to eat, what is the best age for pregnancy, what vaccinations are essential, what vitamins and minerals are essential, should you consult a pregnancy planning calendar, what foods or substances are harmful for your pregnancy, all these questions and more usually haunt all going-to- be parents. Planning pregnancy helps to avert situations, which make you anxious and create anxiety.

Keeping A Step Ahead

Once you have a planned pregnancy you can find solutions for all problems that you envisage. As parents, you have taken a decision to bring another human being into life. Now it is your duty to see that you give the best of everything to your bundle of joy, and at the same time make sure that you do not lose any comfort for lack of planning. Conception planning helps you to understand the importance of remaining fit and healthy from the time you take the decision to become a parent. Which means regular exercise and morning and evening walks, good nourishing food throughout the day, a little meditation, watching TV and listening to music to remain stress free and keeping the environment in which you live neat and clean. If you accomplish all this and keep a working hand to take care of your daily chores getting pregnant or planning your second pregnancy would be a piece of cake.

Physical Fitness Is Essential

It is important to keep a check on your body mass index. A healthy body with ideal weight has a better chance of getting pregnant. In this context, if you know about ovulation and your best time to get pregnant you can greatly improve your chances for pregnancy. A planned pregnancy can help you to understand your ovulation period, which starts from the 14th day of your menstruation. Besides these you can also have many herbs and medicines to boost fertility in males and females, if you have any complications, in getting pregnant or your pregnancy is taking time even after taking due precautions.

Never undermine the importance of money matters even if you have a good source of income. Quick borrowing of money on important matters like the hospital bills, clothes for the baby, creams, gels, powders, crib, pram, painting and white washing, the piling list of grocery and medical items, travel and communication bills etc can make a big hole in the pocket. Therefore, a planned pregnancy can really be helpful in creating a pool of money, which can be used when your health insurance and other sources seem to run out of steam. If you are a person of limited means then you should start saving today and cut down on your expenses and save some money for the rainy day. Usually, you stop getting payment from office six weeks after delivery; you should be ready to foot the bills after that. A planned pregnancy is like a friend who lends you help when you need it the most.

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Knowing Your Nettle Shampoo

Are you suffering from hair loss? Have you ever wanted to have a healthier and fuller hair? Your misery is over! Nettle shampoo is specifically made to fulfill that dream of yours.

Having a bad hair day is what we are really trying to avoid, let alone to experience hair loss. Your hair is your crown. For women, it is the most important part of their body. For men, it represents their masculinity. Hair problem is a severe predicament. As much as possible, you engage in almost anything and everything you lay your hands on to keep your hair strong, healthy and shiny. Women who love their hair so much go to salons to treat their hair right. Even men who are very conscious about their hair see hair experts to make them look good. It is very evident that a person who has a beautiful hair, also looks beautiful and surely they also feel beautiful. Several shampoos are formulated to satisfy people's passion for hair care. But there is one recommended shampoo ingredient that a person should take a closer look before purchasing it. This ingredient is called nettle.

Nettle is a herbaceous plant that has serrated leaves covered with stinging hairs. It has several species; Eurasian stinging nettle is one of its families. There are several things that you need to know about nettle and its benefits for you as it is included in your daily hair care. Nettle can be found in most moderate regions of the world. It grows in brooks, streams and other water bodies. Nettle is somehow dangerous since it can burn one's skin when a contact is made, thus it is coined Urtico which has a Latin root uro, which means "I burn". Nettle has been used in treating several health conditions such as Hyperplasia, osteoarthritis, hay fever, pregnancy and postpartum support, rheumatoid arthritis and urinary tract infection. Nettle was considered as herbal plant since ancient Greece and it is popular in stimulating hair growth, and restoring natural color and luster.

Nettle in shampoo is very useful. This is specifically made for people who are suffering from hair loss and for people who wanted to have a beautiful and healthy hair. Applying shampoo that contains nettle increases hair blood flow to your scalp. It also oxygenates your hair follicles which strengthens your hair fibers resulting to healthier, shinier and fuller hair. Since results won't happen automatically, continued use is needed to reach the dream hair you ever wanted.

Suffering from hair loss and bad hair day won't happen to you anymore. A continued use of nettle shampoo is the only action plan you need to achieve healthier, fuller and shinier hair. With the right understanding of how nettle can work for you, I bet you will search for the particular shampoo that has nettle content. Don't be blinded by wonderful commercials, be wise and pick the right choice when it comes to hair care.

Breastfeeding Vs Bottle Feeding

Baby formula was originally intended to be a milk substitute for women who couldn't breastfeed. Today, it is peddled as the next best thing to mother's milk, suggesting that it is just as healthful as breast milk, Health care providers often promote bottle feeding by giving free samples of formula to new mothers.

Yet, no man made concoction can duplicate the properties of breast milk, no matter how many supplements are added to it. Breastfeeding offers many benefits that formula cannot deliver.

Breastfed babies get fewer ear infections and other infections, due to antibiotics in breast milk. They get less diarrhea, constipation, colic, and other stomach upsets. They have a reduced risk of SIDS (sudden infant death syndrome). Breastfed babies tend to have straighter teeth and don't get "baby bottle syndrome" (buck teeth from bottle). Breastfeeding satisfies the baby's emotional needs and increases bonding between mother and baby. And breastfed babies smell better, from top to bottom, but especially the bottom.

Some benefits to breastfed babies are lifelong. In later childhood, there is a decreased risk of tooth decay, diabetes, and some childhood cancers. As adults, they will have fewer allergies. In fact, it has been estimated that 65% of bottle fed babies will develop a lifelong allergy. Adults who were breastfed tend to have lower cholesterol levels; are less likely to be obese; are less likely to have high blood pressure, and are less likely to have heart disease. They will have a reduced risk of: rheumatoid arthritis and osteoporosis, compared to adults who were bottle fed. The antibodies in breast milk seem to last a lifetime, as adults who were breastfed are less likely to have ear infection, or other infections;

Breastfeeding also benefits the mother greatly. It helps delay the return of fertility and to space subsequent pregnancies. It reduces the risk of postnatal depression, and helps to develop an emotional relationship and bonding with her child. Breastfeeding helps the uterus contract after birth to control postpartum bleeding. Nursing mothers get more rest than bottle feeding moms, as there is no screaming baby in the middle of the night waiting on the formula to heat up; you can nurse while sleeping. Both mom and baby sleep better. Dad sleeps better to, since he never has to get out of bed to help with feeding. Breastfeeding mothers have less chance of breast cancer, as well as some other forms of cancer throughout life. Breastfeeding reduces the risk of osteoporosis in later years. Above all, breastfeeding gives you the satisfaction of knowing you are giving your baby the best start in life.

Disclaimer: This article is for entertainment purposes only, and is not intended for use as diagnosis or treatment of a health problem or as a substitute for consulting a licensed medical professional.

Post-natal Massage Therapy

Some pregnant mums have it easy. Yet others have to go through many hours of labour.

But one thing's for sure. After the delivery process, many are just plain tired. In addition, having to breastfeed and nurse a newborn several times a night can be exhausting.

The new mum today does not have much time to rest and relax during her confinement period at home. She needs to get back to work pretty quickly and that means, facing added pressure to lose weight so that she can fit back to her office wear.

Post-natal massage therapy may just be the solution to her needs. Here are 6 top benefits of post-natal massage therapy:

1. Relaxation

2. Stress Relief

3. Relieves aches on shoulders or neck

4. Hasten the reduction of fluid retention

5. Help uterus to shrink to original size

6. Reduce cellulite and help to tone up the body.

In many parts of Asia, many women before delivery would in fact, prebook sessions with an Indonesian massage therapist for post-natal massage. The treatment is a traditional one which has been handed down several generations and even practiced today. This treatment involves the use of a massage oil applied to the stomach and a tummy wrap (bengkung), essentially a cotton cloth of several metres. The bengkung is used to wrap the body so as to push up the uterus, clear water retention, wind, spasm, shrinks the tummy and helps to reduce weight. Post-natal massage is usually done in the privacy of one's own home.

For a mother that has delivered her baby naturally, it is generally pretty safe to go for a post-natal massage. For those that delivered by caesarian, be sure to consult your professional massage therapist or your doctor first. Most in fact, would recommend that you wait a few more weeks before proceeding with a post-natal massage.

Post-natal massage provides a sense of continuing comfort for the new mother. The aim of this massage is to give nurturing and emotional support as well as alleviate the muscle strain of labor and childbirth. Some post natal massage therapies also come with a detoxification ritual that rids the midriff of post birth bagginess.

In some instances, post-natal massage can bring about a much shapelier silhouette, compared to the one just before pregnancy!

A Look At Infertility Financial Assistance And Insurance

Infertility financial help is worth a look for couples who are facing infertility. Infertility treatments are costly and if you intended to go for the full course, there is a need to consider financial aid to fund the infertility treatments. You may be able to afford the cost of treatments or you might need financial assistance.

With infertility financial assistance, they help you to afford the costly treatments that you have chosen to get yourself conceived. There is a need to fully understand the various kinds of infertility financial assistance and the type of treatments it covered so as not to end up with the wrong type of coverage.

Majority will not be able to afford the type of treatment needed to get conceive but the choice is there for you to apply for a loan or through credit card if the approval for credit is given. Certain infertility clinic provide financial aid advisor to give you the support you require.

It is essential to do a bit of research on other infertility financial aid offers before coming to a decision as it is possible to find one good deal that suit you. You also might find financial aid companies through the facility you are using.

In vitro fertilization (IFV) refund program is one such infertility financial aid that merit discussing. With IFV refund program, you can afford a few IVF cycles to be carried out and it will refund you for the cycles that you found yourself unable to conceive within a certain time frame.

The couple has to be under a certain age and that come with a reduced fees to afford a certain number of cycles, minimum number of cycles that you have to go through before a refund, with the refund amount tag to seventy to hundred percent and only certain type of services are allowed. Therefore it is vital to choose the right type of infertility financial aid program.

There are always ways to get an unsecured loan to afford the infertility treatments and infertility drugs that you required. The cost of the drug can be upwards of thirty five percent of the whole cost and certain organization provide special loans that is designed to finance your IVF cycles.

With such infertility financial aid, there is a guarantee that if you cannot conceive after meeting the requirement, you can get a refund. Certain infertility procedures are covered under your health insurance policy. Irrespective of what you get for your infertility financial assistance, the ability to conceive is more important.

Besides infertility financial aid, there is infertility insurance to help you afford the cost of infertility treatments. Infertility insurance is godsend for couples who are unable to conceive and require going for infertility treatments but there are guidelines to meet before they are considered.

In vitro fertilization and intrauterine insemination are two of the infertility treatments that assist the couple to conceive but they are costly. If the treatment requires more than one treatment, it can run into a hefty amount. Coupled with it, there is still the cost of medication. Couples need to consider the treatment carefully before getting the type of infertility insurance that suit you.

Adoption could be more costly than infertility treatments and most insurance companies will provide some form of infertility insurance together with your regular insurance coverage to cover certain infertility treatments. It is essential to look into your insurance policy to determine the kind of coverage that is provided for infertility insurance. Certain states legislate that it is necessary for all health insurance to have infertility insurance.

Aside from infertility insurance, you can consider making use of your credit cards to pay for infertility treatments but the credit limits must be high. Financial aid at the infertility clinic can provide the information on the kind of infertility insurance you can get.

Doing some form of research can go a long way to get the right type of infertility insurance and your regular insurance policy might provide some form of infertility insurance coverage. To get the right information on infertility insurance, it is best to consult your infertility specialist. They are there to assist couples to choose the right infertility insurance coverage that suit you.

The Winterton and Cumberlege Reports

During the Parliamentary Session of 1991-1992, the Health Committee of the House of Commons conducted an investigation into Maternity Services in the United Kingdom. Under the chairmanship of Nicholas Winterton, MP, the Committee heard the views of midwives, obstetricians, pediatricians, GPs, health and social services administrators, dieticians and neonatal nurses. Most importantly, the Committee also listened to many women who spoke about their own experiences of the maternity services or who represented other women who had used or would use them in the future. Representatives of The National Childbirth Trust, the Maternity Alliance, the Association for Improvements in Maternity Services, the Stillbirth and Neonatal Death Society and the Society for Support after Termination for Abnormality spoke at length to the Committee about the kind of care they felt women wanted during pregnancy, when they were in labour and in the early days and months of parenthood. A 130-page summary of the Committee's findings was published at the beginning of 1992. It stressed repeatedly that health professionals should not presume to know what is best for any individual woman, but confine themselves to the task - a very important one - of providing information to help women make their own decisions about the kind of care they want. The Health Committee stated that midwives should be the key professionals to care for the vast majority of women who have perfectly normal pregnancies and births and that obstetricians should only look after the few women who have complicated pregnancies. The Committee decided there was no evidence to suggest that home birth is unsafe for healthy women and asked health professionals to ensure that every woman knows she has the right to choose to have her baby at home.

Following the publication of what became known as the Winterton Report, the Government set up an Expert Maternity Group to consider the Report's findings. This group was chaired by Baroness Julia Cumberlege and published its own Report in 1993 entitled Changing Childbirth. It is a much shorter document than the Winterton Report and far more readable; you should be able to see a copy of it at any central library.

The essence of Changing Childbirth is captured in the three 'Cs': Choice, Control and Continuity:
CHOICE: a woman should be able to choose the type of care which she feels is best for her (for example, home birth or hospital birth; to receive maternity care from midwives or doctors).
CONTROL: she should feel in control of what is happening to her because she is able to participate in decisions about her care.
CONTINUITY: She should be able to get to know a small group of health professionals during her pregnancy who will care for her until a few weeks after her baby is born, rather than having to meet a different professional at every stage of her maternity care.

Changing Childbirth is an exciting and revolutionary document. It constitutes a Bill of Rights for childbearing women. Maternity services are now being planned in accordance with its recommendations and women should soon be able to have more say in their care than they have ever had before.

Use Supplemental Insurance to Create Maternity Leave Pay

Most employers do not provide paid maternity leave benefits. These benefits are simply too costly for most small and medium sized businesses. Five states mandate disability coverage that creates a limited amount of maternity income, as coverage is capped at a fairly low amount. And the female workers in forty five other states have no coverage at all. Supplemental maternity insurance is a great way to solve this problem. When bought preconception, these policies help create maternity leave income, and allow for protection in case of complications, and premature birth.

Paid maternity leave is a common benefit in many European countries. In the United States, this type of benefit is the exception rather than the rule. A small percentage of employers provide a direct maternity leave benefit for their female workers, while others provide some type of company paid short term disability policy that provides maternity leave coverage. Another percentage offer disability programs that the employees can elect to pay for themselves.

Five states mandate short term disability insurance coverage for people who work in the state: Hawaii, California, New Jersey, New York, and Rhode Island. While great to have, these programs may replace only a small percentage of income, or they cap out at a very small amount. For example, New York state replaces only 50% of income, and caps out at $170 per week. Being one of the states with the highest cost of living, and thereby the highest average income level, $170 per week is a very small amount of income replacement.

While any level of income replacement is nice to have, forty five states have no mandated coverage at all. Women working in these states face a bigger dilemma: their employer may not offer paid maternity leave policy, and/or no group disability benefits at all. Adding a new mouth to feed and raising a child is expensive enough without starting off with six to eight week of unpaid leave. And what if mom needs to leave work early due to complications, or what if her baby is born premature and requires care at home for an extended period of time?

Supplemental maternity insurance is a great way to plug these holes. Supplemental maternity insurance pays cash benefits directly to the insured for mom's normal labor and delivery, helping to create maternity leave income. Mom's benefit for normal delivery may greatly exceed the premium she pays. Also, 25% of pregnancies result in one or more complications. Supplemental maternity insurance will replace her income should she need to leave work prior to her delivery.

In addition, 12% of babies are born premature and may need to spend time in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU). Many insurance policies now contain daily co-pays ranging up to $300 to $500 per day. An extended stay in a NICU can leave new parents with a sizable and unexpected hospital bill. Supplemental maternity insurance will pay additional benefits should this occur, helping to offset these left over expenses.

Supplemental maternity insurance is a great option to consider before getting pregnant.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

How to Get the Most Affordable Health Insurance in Pennsylvania

Thanks to the adultBasic program, which launched in 2002, more uninsured adults than ever before are finding it much easier to obtain affordable health insurance in Pennsylvania. The adultBasic program is handled by the Pennsylvania Department of Insurance and works with four different insurance companies to provide those adults who are eligible with affordable health insurance in Pennsylvania.

To be eligible for the adultBasic program, you must be an adult resident of Pennsylvania for at least 90 days before enrolling, as well as be a legal resident of the United States. You can not be receiving any other kind of health care coverage, and you must be without health insurance for at least 90 days before enrolling. The only exception is if you or your spouse have lost your health insurance do to losing a job.

Of course, there is an annual income limit that also helps determine whether or not you are eligible for the adultBasic program. The annual income limit to be eligible for the adultBasic program is based on the number of family members in your household. For example, the fewer people in your family, the less the annual income limit becomes.

Coverage offered by the adultBasic program includes doctor visits for primary or specialty services; hospitalization and emergency services; diagnostics such as mammograms and x-rays; maternity care; and rehabilitation in the event the hospital stay is extended.

Everyone is responsible for some of the costs of the adultBasic program. For example, there is a low monthly fee (currently under $35 a month), as well as a $5 co-pay when visiting a doctor and a $10 co-pay when visiting a specialist. If you visit an emergency room you are required to pay a $25 co-payment; however, this co-payment is waived in the event you are admitted to the hospital.

These very low costs help the adultBasic program earn the reputation of affordable health insurance in Pennsylvania.

Boost Your Fertility and Get Pregnant

Starting to plan the family of your future or trying to conceive can be a very exciting time. Here are some tips that can help you get pregnant faster and boost your body's fertility.

Know when you ovulate. It is a myth that women ovulate on day 14. This is based on the assumption that all women have a 28-day cycle each and every month. Most women do not, and furthermore it is common for ovulation to vary from month to month by as much as 5 days. Purchase some reliable ovulation predictor kits (OPKs), and begin keeping track of when your most fertile days are.

Time intercourse. If your partner has a normal sperm count, begin having sex on day 10 of your cycle, or when you first get a positive on your OPK, which ever happens first. There after, have sex every other day until you get a positive. Once you get a positive, have sex 2-3 days in a row. Skip one day, and then have intercourse once more.

Track your cycles. Free online services such as can help you keep track and chart your cycles. You can easily enter in basal body temperature, OPK results, intercourse days, and much more.

Increase your cervical mucous. Healthy, copious amounts of cervical mucous (CM) nourish the sperm and maximize travel time and travel conditions to the egg. As we age, cervical mucous can decline. Healthy cervical mucous looks and feels like raw egg white. If yours is less than optimal, increase water intake and limit alcohol and caffeine. Taking 3000 mg of evening primrose oil a day from the beginning of your cycle up through ovulation can also help to increase the quantity and the quality of CM.

Check your lube. Most lubricants, in order to extend shelf life, have harmful additives and preservatives that have been shown to kill or adversely affect sperm motility and mobility. PreConceive Plus and Pre Seed are two lubricants that are not only preservative and additive free, but also have ingredients that help nourish and feed the sperm, similar to a woman's natural cervical mucous. Astroglide Natural is also preservative free.

Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine. Studies have confirmed what practitioners of traditional Chinese medicine have known for thousands of years. Acupuncture can improve fertility by regulating and stabilizing hormone levels, increasing blood flow to the reproductive organs, and reducing stress.

Increase blood flow to the pelvis. Any regular cardiovascular exercise and deep stretching targeted at the pelvic region increases blood flow to the genitals, which can make sex more pleasurable and can also increase the chances of implantation. Yoga, power walking, jogging or cycling all target the pelvic organs. Regular exercise can also decrease stress and improve your mood, both important factors when trying to conceive.

How Chinese Medicine Can Help You Find Relief From Indigestion and Heartburn During Pregnancy

Introduction to Chinese Medicine and What it Has to do With Helping Your Heartburn During Pregnancy

Chinese medicine is an extremely complete and evolved system of healing that has emerged from the last 3,000 years of experimentation in China.

It is based upon the observation of the natural elements, the observation of the human body, and the observation of the relationship between the human body and the natural world.

There are a couple, quick, basic tenets of Chinese Medicine you should be familiar with to understand your body and what relationship heartburn has to your diet.

Yin-Yang theory

According to Chinese medicine, everything in the world is based upon two principles called Yin and Yang which complement and embody each other. Not only is the entire universe and nature embodied in the principles of Yin and Yang, but the human body contains the principles of Yin and Yang too.

Sleep is Yin, while exercise or exertion is Yang. Things that rest or heal the body are Yin, while exertion and use of energy are considered Yang.

The Six Excesses and Heartburn During Pregnancy

In Chinese Medicine, there are pretty much 6 imbalances that determine whether or not you get sick:

Wind: Itching, Congestion
Cold: Cold sensations, dislike of cold
Fire/Heat: Aversion to heat, being feverish and thirsty
Dampness: Feelings of thickness or heaviness, symptoms of spleen problems
Dryness: Dry lips & throat, dry stools
Summerheat: Damp and Heat symptoms combined

It's also really important to get a basic understanding of foods and their heating/cooling relationships because that is one of the key ways that heartburn during pregnancy arises.

The Two Factors Causing Your Indigestion and Heartburn During Pregnancy

According to Chinese Medical theory, Heartburn other Indigestion-related issues are caused by a liver-stomach imbalance. The some of the qualities involving the liver are related to emotions and how balanced they are.

Chinese medicine cites two main culprits as the origin of the issue: Diet, and Emotions. Heartburn is considered a symptom of excess heat in the body, and thus you want to avoid heating foods.

Those foods to avoid include: alcohol, coffee, spicy foods, and strong, greasy food

#2 Emotional Imbalances or Issues

The liver and stomach are also very closely related in Chinese medicine. Liver imbalances can occur via emotional imbalances: particularly heating emotions like irritability, anger, and frustration. Liver imbalances can easily affect the stomach and which can cause stomach acid to rise into the throat.

One last mention of heating and cooling foods.

We already established that heartburn during pregnancy is a matter of avoiding heating foods as well as heating emotions.

I want to give a brief list of heating / cooling foods so you can get an idea of what those entail, so you know what to avoid:

Heating Foods: (Avoid if you have indigestion or heartburn during pregnancy)

Chocolate (Sorry!!!)

Cooling Foods: (Encourage)

Fruit Juices
Peppermint tea

There are quite a few effective modalities for helping treat Indigestion and heartburn during your pregnancy.

To sum up what was covered here, we mentioned 2 very important principles according to Chinese medicine:

Avoiding certain emotions
Avoiding heating foods, and consuming cooling foods

I hope these remedies will help you out and help you find the relief you deserve.

For more information please check out:

Immediate Health Insurance Coverage

It is easy to grow tired of all the bureaucracy that is part and parcel of the application for health insurance coverage. The seemingly endless piles of paperwork to go through, the investigations into your family's medical history, and the physical examinations are only a few of the many steps one has to take when seeking health care. Luckily, advancements have been made to reduce the amount of red tape you have to go through so that the application process becomes as painless as possible. Here are a few helpful suggestions to speed along the process of getting health insurance.

Temporary health insurance

These kinds of plans are perfect for you if you are in between jobs but expect to be employed within the next six months. Some policy providers even offer next day approval on your application. This is necessary because the policies themselves terminate quickly, so the sooner you get your policy, the better for everyone concerned. Your medical history will not matter so much as physical examinations are kept to a minimum, thus giving you the fastest solution to your health care needs.

Internet applications

The power of the Internet has greatly sped up the process of application for health insurance coverage. Investigations into your medical history no longer requires poring over piles of medical records. Some companies will simply send e-mails to hospitals and doctors asking about an applicant's medical history. For the applicant, taking the drive down to the local insurance policy provider's office is no longer necessary. Forms can be completed online after which a quote is immediately generated for the applicant to select. This also eases the difficulty of looking for the provider that can offer you the best rates. It will make it easy for you to compare the rates of one provider to another. Also, if you feel anxious about having to pay for your policy online, most policy providers offer free online quotations that you can print out and take to their office for contract signing.

Supplemental Infertility Insurance - When Your Employer's Plan Does Not Cover IVF

Infertility treatments are very expensive, and there are no guarantees that you will conceive. Health insurance plans that cover IVF and other infertility treatments are hard to find. Fourteen states have laws mandating some level of coverage, but each state mandate is full of holes; most couples have little or no coverage.

If you employer does not offer a group plan with infertility coverage, your chances of finding individual coverage is slim. And if you do find coverage, it comes in the form of a rebate. You get a partial refund if you don't conceive. But this approach covers your smaller exposure: the cost of infertility treatment that fail. Your costs are just beginning when you conceive.

Wouldn't it make sense to purchase insurance coverage that pays benefits for you bigger exposure: you conceive and have a baby? Supplemental insurance pays a benefit for your normal delivery. Your benefit may greatly exceed the premium you pay. Use this excess to cover some of your infertility treatment costs.

State Mandates for Group Coverage

Fourteen states have health insurance laws that mandate some form of coverage for infertility treatments, and sometimes for IVF explicitly. If you are fortunate to live in one of these states, or work for an employer headquartered in these state, count yourself very lucky. You have at least some level of coverage.

Couples living in one of these states are not guaranteed infertility coverage. Some states have a mandate to offer coverage. Insurers are required to offer these plans, but employers are not compelled to buy them. Other states limit the mandate to employer groups of a certain size based upon the number of employees. States can only regulate insurers. If your employer self ensures, they are exempt from the regulations. Also if your employer is headquartered in one of the thirty six states with no state mandate, they are exempt as well.

If you live in one of the thirty six states with no mandate, you are on your own.

Individual Health Coverage for Infertility

Most infertility health insurance options sold to individuals are rebate plans. You are refunded a portion of your infertility or IVF treatment cost if you do not conceive and/or delivery a baby. The insurer will provide this option only if you qualify medically.

Many couples find this option appealing - after all who wants to pay lots of money only to get nothing in return? Upon closer inspection, these plans don't make sense for everybody for three reasons. First, insurer offers the refund program only to couples likely to conceive based upon their extensive knowledge of fertility rates and medical conditions. Second, couples are asked to bet against the insurer who is better informed, and has deeper pockets. Third, this insurance fails to address couples biggest exposure: when happens when they get pregnant?

When infertility treatments fail, you get a portion of your money back. When they work, you pay for the insurance, plus the infertility treatment, and then have to deal with the possibility of a high risk pregnancy, followed by a loss of maternity leave income, followed by the cost of raising a child.

Individual Coverage for Your Bigger Exposure

Supplemental insurance, when purchased preconception provides a means to cover some of your infertility treatment costs, and protect you in case of complications. Your benefit for normal delivery may greatly exceed the premium you pay. Use this excess to fund some of your infertility treatment costs. Plus, you have extra security in case of complications, premature birth, accidents and illnesses - all at no additional cost.

The Relationship Between Thyroid Disease and Infertility

The calendar can become the enemy to a woman trying to conceive, because knowing the best times to get pregnant sometimes just isn't enough. If you are silently suffering from thyroid disease, no amount of charting or careful planning is going to get that baby into your arms. It's time to visit your health care provider and get to the root of the problem.

What is Infertility

Clinically, infertility is diagnosed when a couple has tried to conceive for longer than one year. This means 12 months of disappointment before a diagnosis can be made. While on one hand it makes sense to allow nature to take it course, on the other, it is precious time wasted, especially when an underlying health condition is to blame.

The Connection Between Thyroid Disease and Infertility

The thyroid, a tiny butterfly shaped gland sitting in the base of your throat can affect most aspects of your reproductive health. If not treated, a women with thyroid disease can suffer from a number of health issues, including:

  • Irregular, heavy or painful periods

  • Low sex drive and/or decreased desire

  • Infertility and/or difficulty conceiving

  • Recurrent miscarriages

  • Severe morning sickness in pregnancy

  • Premature birth/low birth weight

  • Post-partum depression

  • Difficulty breastfeeding/low milk supply

  • Post-pregnancy weight issue

  • Early onset or late onset puberty

  • PMS (premenstrual syndrome)

  • Perimenopause and menopausal symptoms

While not all of these symptoms are fertility based, I've listed them to show the scope of how thyroid can interfere with hormones in various phases of life. Are you surprised at how much influence this small gland plays in your health? Unfortunately, your doctor may be too.

Is Your Thyroid To Blame?

Diagnosing hypothyroidism seems to be a simple matter. A physician orders a TSH, a simple blood sample to be drawn. A laboratory spits out the results and a couple of numbers later it is determined if you do, or do not, suffer from a thyroid imbalance.

But this manner of testing is the beginning of the problem.

There is a tremendous amount of controversy as to the effectiveness of this test. First, TSH levels can change naturally, being one number one day, and a different number the next. But more importantly, while your TSH levels could be normal, the way in which your hormones work together could be off. These leads to a "normal" result from your health care provider... when things are absolutely not "normal".

When it comes to fertility, having an abnormal thyroid can make all the difference. Low levels of the thyroid hormone can change the ovulation cycle, making it difficult to know the best times to get pregnant and interfering with the maturation of eggs. Having a low thyroid function creates fatigue and decreased motivation. While you care very much about having a baby mentally, physically the desire is lagging. And if you are too tired to have intercourse, well, barring immaculate conception, your chances of getting pregnant aren't immaculate.

And it isn't only women who suffer. For men, an abnormal thyroid can lead to erectile problems, premature ejaculation and low testosterone, all issues directly connected to infertility.

What To Do?

Insist on additional testing. Since thyroid disease can cause a host of physical and emotional ailments, being properly diagnosed will not only help with conception, but with general well-being as well. While I don't advocate over testing, there are several that need to be considered:

  • TSH (thyroid stimulating hormone) test, ALONG with the full panel of thyroid levels, including Free Thyroxine (Free T4).

  • Thyroid antibodies - insist on having this test conducted along with your TSH. Antibodies usually indicate when a thyroid is in the process of auto-immune failure. Perhaps it hasn't failed yet, but it may be faltering enough to affect fertility, or a woman's ability to maintain her pregnancy.

  • Parasite testing - known as the "great mimicker", parasites are another under-diagnosed health concern that can play a huge role in your health. As icky as it sounds, ask for a stool sample to rule out any intestinal parasites that could be causing numerous health and hormones issues raging inside of you. And as a side note: it is believed that the majority of Americans carry parasites so it is nothing to be ashamed of. If you have a pet that goes outside, you could have a parasite. If you have ever eaten lettuce not properly washed, you could have a parasite. Don't be afraid to ask for the test, thinking you will be judged on cleanliness - that isn't true!

Always remember that YOU hired your doctor. YOU pay him/her to take care of your health care needs. If your health care provider refuses to look beneath the surface, fire him and search for one more ready to listen and explore other possibilities.

Monday, October 21, 2013

Pregnancy Help: Ease Your Way Into Your Second Trimester

All of a sudden, you're feeling better. Gone are the days of nausea and vomiting. Energy levels are rising and even sexual drive is returning. Emotionally speaking, you feel them normalizing, stabilizing. You feel so much better. Ahoy! Welcome to your second trimester.

Did you know that by the start of second trimester, around week 14, your baby is already learning to to smile and to frown?

Also, by Week 14, you might want to increase your fiber and water intake. The rapid growing of your baby may cause an increased pressure in your abdomen that could lead to constipation. You might also want to move to loose-fitting clothes, as moving might become tricky with your old clothes.

Sailing unto the 15th week, look out for possible signs of carrying multiples. 2% of pregnant women carry twins, triplets or more! See if your belly is larger than it should be, or if you're putting on weight faster than other expectant mothers. And when you go to your care provider, check if your fundus is already halfway to your belly button.

Most mothers feel baby movements by the 22nd -24th week, but if you're lucky, you can feel it even at the start of your second trimester. It'd be best to start asking your care provider for tests to determine if your baby has any genetic defects to look out for.

If you're feeling sore in your belly area or your lower back, this is probably due to all that stretching your ligaments are going through. To ease some of the pain, try rocking your pelvis or stretching your back. And don't forget your Kegel exercises!

Did you know that when your physician puts you under the Doppler, your baby is undergoing auditory stress akin to a person standing near a helicopter that's taking off?

This is because by this time, your baby's hearing is already developed. Also, notice that with your every visit to the doctor, he checks your urine for proteins and sugars? That's because pregnant women are prone to gestational diabetes. It's a condition wherein even though the body produces enough insulin, it fails to utilize it due to interferences within the hormone system brought on by the pregnancy.

Gestational diabetes can be the cause why you feel faint when you suddenly stand up. But you need to check on your iron intake too, because anemia can also cause hypotension.

And no, you're not mistaken. Your feet really are getting bigger. The ligaments all around the body loosen up due to the excess weight and this causes your feet to puff up. I'm sorry ladies, but most of the time, it's permanent. Also, try not to stand for long stretches of time. It might cause your legs to swell.

Did you know that by the end of the second trimester, your baby can recognize you voice?

It is highly recommended by doctors to talk to your baby. Do it as often as you want, since babies are actually comforted by the sound of your heartbeat and your voice. You could also try exposing the baby to music and find out what genre he/she likes.

Having difficulty in breathing? Don't fret. This is your enlarged tummy squashing your other organs. Try slow but deep breaths. Don't let small things bother you, as this will just pile up your anxiety and worries and contribute to your struggle.

Again, try to take up more fiber and water. With this you can avoid dry and itchy skin, dry eyes and hemorrhoids. If you spot swollen ankles, you're okay. But if you see your face or fingers swelling up, this could be a symptom of preeclampsia. If your swelling doesn't go away even after rest, see your doctor immediately.

Did you know that the slight increase in your blood pressure gives you that rosy skin and radiant look?

That's why expectant mothers are said to be getting more beautiful and glowing. All that hydration with water and moisturizers also help in giving you that softer and silkier skin.

Finally, as you approach the end of second trimester, you might want to take note of the signs of premature labor. They are:

* Continuous or sporadic cramps that vaguely resembles that of your menstrual cycles

* Continuous or sporadic dull pain in your lower back

* Discernible uterine contractions

* A decrease in your pelvic pressure.

Always remember to maintain your healthy diet, do some gentle exercises and take care of yourself and your baby.

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