Saturday, May 18, 2013

3 Tips To Help You Get Pregnant

If you have been struggling to get pregnant my first tip is this. Take some time out and get back to the basics. When you become overly consumed and try too hard your body can become a stress ball.

This will in no way help you to get pregnant. When you are tense you do not perform well and your body does not function properly.

Now it's easy for me to write an article and say do this and do that. There you are struggling, how do I know what you are going through? The truth is I do not, but as two adults we can agree if you are not in the best of health and relaxed you will reduce your chances of pregnancy. By the way this also applies to your partner. Healthy sperm is required.

Tip number 2 is getting back to the basics. You know eating good food not only makes you healthy but it also provides mental clarity. When there are chemical imbalances we can experience highs and lows.

Eating healthy helps your body to function properly. Eat fresh living foods such as fruit and vegetables, also eat some raw vegetables and have salads with spinach and avocado. Good fats, good food, means a happier less stressed out you.

Tip number 3 relates to timing. I you have been trying to get pregnant for a while you have probably read about this multiple times. Getting the timing right is all about being in tune with your body. If as mentioned you are stressed out and in poor health and overly consumed you will be jumping to conclusions rather that being in touch with the facts.

You by being aware of your body along with using various measurements such as temperature and so on can greatly improve your ability to know when you are ovulating.

Sex before ovulation is imperative and you need to do so at least once a day during this time frame. This will increase the sperm count giving you more opportunity to fertilize the egg. Do not use lubricants as this can destroy the little sperm. After sex relax, prop your hips up and stay lying down for a while.

Make sex enjoyable. You have a wonderful body that can bring a miraculous new life into this world. Just relax and let nature take its course do not work against it - work with it and you will be a happy healthier mommy. If you want help avoiding mistakes that can prevent pregnancy and a step by step guide to getting pregnant then select any of the following links. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain.

Mom and Baby at 23 Weeks Pregnant


Wow - can you believe that your baby is now a whopping 1.1 pounds? That's about the size of a small baby doll that you might purchase for a little girl. Your bundle of joy is now around 11 inches long (only an inch away from being a foot long!). It's amazing to think that your baby used to weigh less than one ounce!

  • Though your baby's skin is still quite red and heavily wrinkled, this will soon change, as more fat deposits underneath his/her skin. It won't be long before your baby is an adorable, chunky "monkey!"

  • With each week that passes in your pregnancy, your baby continues to fill out and look more proportional.

  • Turn on the radio or play your favorite song. Sway to the music. Or better yet, dance with your significant other. Your baby's sense of movement is well developed by 23 weeks, so he/she can feel you dance. Since your baby is bigger now, you might even be able to feel (or see!) his/her reaction to your dance.

  • By pregnancy week 23, your baby can pick up noises from the "outside," so don't be surprised if you feel your baby squirming around a bit when you're vacuuming or you are in a loud setting. His/her ears are almost completely developed this week, and the bones in the middle ear are starting to form.

  • The blood vessels in your baby's lungs are developing this week. The lungs are one of the last organs to mature, and they won't be fully mature and ready for life on the outside until after 37 weeks of pregnancy (or when your baby is "full-term").

  • Your baby still has plenty of room to move around freely in your uterus. His/her movements are probably quite strong at this point. You will probably feel lots of flipping and flopping, and you might even notice your stomach moving about sometimes.
Fun Fact:

If your baby were born prematurely this week, he/she would have between a 10 and 20 percent chance of survival. With each day that your baby stays in the womb, his/her survival rate increases 3 percent.


As your uterus continues to grow and expand, you may have gained up to 15 pounds by pregnancy week 23. (However, keep in mind that some women will gain less and others more.) Your uterus is probably about 1.5 inches above your navel.

With all the extra weight that you're carrying around, you may find that you're feeling less graceful on your feet. You might even feel very unbalanced. Remember to take it easy and to get as much rest as you can.

At 23 weeks pregnant, you should take some time to yourself and enjoy feeling your little one moving about in the womb. Since baby can now hear, rub your belly and talk to your baby. This is a wonderful way to bond with him/her. Plus, rubbing your belly in a circular motion may even help ease the tension on your skin and prevent stretch marks.

If you're genetically disposed to stretch marks or if you've gained a lot of pregnancy weight very quickly, you may start to notice that these unattractive pink or purple lines appearing on your belly around pregnancy week 23. Though unwanted, stretch marks are common during pregnancy, especially in the second and third trimesters, and they affect over 50 percent of all expectant mothers.

Unfortunately, there is no 100 percent foolproof way to prevent stretch marks during pregnancy. But there are certain stretch mark creams and lotions (such as Belli Skin Care's Elasticity Oil) that you can slather on trouble areas, and these may help improve the look of your skin. Plus, Belli Skin Care is completely safe during pregnancy and it contains almost all-organic and natural ingredients.

In addition to stretch marks at pregnancy week 23, you may start to experience swelling in your ankles and feet, especially at the end of the day. This is called "edema," or swelling during pregnancy. It's caused by the slugging circulation in your legs, paired with changes in your blood chemistry (i.e. you have more blood flow when you're expecting baby). Not to worry - this swelling will go away after you deliver your baby.

Helpful Tip:

To help you cope with swelling during pregnancy, you should avoid sitting or standing in one place for too long, pop up your feet when you're sitting or lying down, exercise regularly to help improve your circulation, and wear maternity support stockings.PREGNANCY 411

Dealing with Emotional Issues During Pregnancy

In the second trimester, you may find that your physical changes are the least of your problems. Your significant other and family members may find that you are hard to live with, due to your rollercoaster of emotions. You may find that it's difficult to control your emotions when you're expecting. You may be happy and normal one second, sobbing hysterically the next, and full of rage minutes later.

While this whirlwind of different emotions may exhaust, it is just another normal pregnancy symptom. You may feel very emotional in the second trimester due to your worries that you won't be a good parent, or that you don't know if you can handle caring for more than one child at a time. Or you may be nervous about labor and delivery. Your baby may seem more real to you now, since you can now feel him/her moving around in your belly.

To help yourself feel better as you handle this flood of emotion, you may want to share how you're feeling with your partner or a close friend, or perhaps a pregnant friend who is going through the same thing. If you don't have any other pregnant friends, consider joining a childbirth class or prenatal class, where you can meet other pregnant women like yourself.

Parenting - How the 'Family Unit' Has Changed

The 'family unit' has very much changed over the last few decades and is now unrecognisable from the start of the century. The mother no longer stays at home and looks after the children. Fathers no longer spend all their time out working providing for the family and who is to say that the normal family has a mum and a dad? Working mothers are the norm nowadays with most females holding full and part time jobs. This is due to either financial circumstances or being their own choice. Nurseries, childminders or other family members help look after the children whilst the parents are at work. This in itself is very costly and can place additional strain on the family's finances.

All of this is helped along with the work place embracing these changing and implementing flexible working in the form of term time working, compressed hours or the ability to work from home. This prevents the employer from losing some of their highly skilled staff but also ensures the staff member is happy and content in the workplace which has various benefits to the employer. When you decide to start a family it is important to ensure that you have some savings which can help buy the larger items that are required or will supplement your income when taking maternity leave. If this is not possible as money is very tight then it is important that you budget and plan as ahead as much as possible.

The laws regarding maternity leave allow you to have up to one year off work with statutory maternity pay being paid. However this is only in the regions of 瞿120 per week and is taxable. If your income is substantially higher than this then this government allowance will hardly assist in the paying of bills and the housekeeping! It is important for you to know how much your company will pay you when you are on maternity leave. Some companies pay full or at least 90% of pay until the child is three months then statutory maternity pay kicks in.

Fathers are entitled to two weeks paternity leave directly after the mother has given birth. Again the amounts they are entitled to vary. Some companies will allow fathers two weeks paid leave whilst others will implement the statutory paternity pay of again around 瞿120 per week. Unless you have been saving these amounts may leave you considerably short. Due to these short comings in the maternity benefits, females can find themselves rushing back to work when they would rather be at home with their child making themselves unwell in the process. If this happens do not be afraid to speak to your GP who may sign you off work until you feel better. Most companies may not like this however you are entitles to do it. The health of you and your child is paramount.

It is important to get the financial side of things correct as this will affect how you bring up your child. When considering returning to work, look at all the options available. If necessary reduce the amount of hours worked if the cost of childcare providers is beyond your reach. There are voucher schemes set up in most large organisations where the tax and national insurance element of the cost of providing childcare are deducted at source hence saving you over 瞿50 per month on costs of 瞿200.

Childminders are usually cheaper than nurseries but all factors have to be considered when choosing the best option. Family members may be keen to help at the beginning but can leave you in the lurch at important times. Look at all the options and do not rush into making any important decisions. Some nurseries have waiting lists but you may not know what you want to do until after the birth so it is important to look at other alternatives. If your child care is sorted and your financial situation is in good health then this will ensure that you will have some of the key skills to ensure 'good parenting'.

Top Things to Remember in Newborn Baby Feeding

Taking care of a small child, no matter how fulfilling it may be, is still quite a difficult task. Everything that is concerned with this feat should be done correctly - down to the smallest details possible, especially newborn baby feeding.

Feeding a baby is one of the first things that both the mother and child should learn how to do. It may sound simple, but experience will prove otherwise. Usually, a female in her postpartum period will immediately lactate and produce breast milk two to six days after the baby is born, but this does not guarantee that she will instantly know how to properly nurse her babe.

You see, newborn baby feeding is a tricky job and mistakes can be very costly. Being a crucial stage in parenthood, a mother should really know the very details of how to feed her young. And as the little one still doesn't have the ability to tell you what he wants or needs, you will have to figure them out yourself. To do that, however, here are some tips that you may find handy.

1. Learn the basic information on nursing your young. Knowledge on the very basic items on how your child needs food can be very helpful, especially for new mothers. Knowing that breast milk is always best for babies; that newborns usually need to breast feed for about eight to twelve times daily; and that the mother's lifestyle can also affect the supply of breast milk are just some of the first information that will come in handy in becoming a parent.

2. Feed only on demand, but make sure to really breastfeed regularly. By feeding on demand, your body will be able to better understand your child's feeding patterns. This will also help the mother learn whether something is wrong with the child and help her avoid pain through conditions like breast engorgement.

3. Learn your baby's cues. Not every cry means that your child is hungry, so be on the lookout for other cues that will help you tell whether he needs feeding or when he's already full.

4. Learn when weaning is already necessary. Sure, breast milk is still the best form of food for babies, but sooner or later, you will need to introduce him to other food as well. Make sure you know, however, when to do this and how to do it right so you can avoid any complications that may even put your child in danger. Taking the stand versus formula may be a good idea at first, but soon, it would already be something very handy.

5. Look at other signs of health. If you're worried that your child may not be getting enough food, you can easily use other ways to assess his health. If your child is gaining weight steadily, has good skin tone and showing signs of alertness and contentment when feeding, then you're on the right track.

Remember, with enough knowledge, newborn baby feeding shouldn't be that much of a handful.

Pregnancy Weight Gain: What Is The Right Amount And What Accounts For This Weight Gain?

There are few experiences in life that are as special and unique as expecting a baby. It is such a brief moment in time, and it is vital to take good care of yourself and the little person who will soon be joining your family.

Taking care of yourself and your baby means eating a healthy and balanced pregnancy diet. Despite this knowledge, many women find themselves in a situation where they give in to junk food cravings and may end up with an unhealthy weight gain during their pregnancy.

A Breakdown Of The Weight Gain During Pregnancy

Babies weigh around 7 pounds at birth, yet most women gain much more than that during the course of their pregnancy.

The weight gained during pregnancy is loosely allocated this way: The baby weighs eight pounds, placenta and amniotic fluid weigh six pounds, breast tissue increases by three pounds, blood supply and uterus increase account for about seven pounds and fat stores increase about eight pounds. In total weight gain should be about 30 pounds.

Each woman is different, but the range of weight gained during pregnancy should be from about 25-35 pounds.

What Is The Appropriate Amount Of Weight To Gain?

The amount of weight that you should gain when you are pregnant is dependent on how much you weighed at the beginning of your pregnancy. Women who are thinner and weigh less than they should must gain anywhere from 28 to 40 pounds throughout their pregnancy.

Women who are above normal weight only need to accumulate 15 to 25 pounds during their pregnancy. Women who weigh an average amount can gain 25 to 35 pounds throughout the pregnancy.

Speak with your doctor to determine exactly how much weight gain during your pregnancy is appropriate for you.

A Healthy Pregnancy Diet Plan

The amount of calories you need to take in when you are pregnant is similar to the standard amount of calories you need when you are not. A pregnant woman only needs to eat around 300 more calories a day to ensure healthy weight gain for her baby and herself.

Eating for two is a misconception that needs to be tossed out. It makes sense as a pregnant woman is not pregnant with another full size adult!

Eating a high fiber diet with foods from all the different food groups will ensure you are getting all the vitamins and nutrients you need. Increase the protein and dairy you eat and limit fatty and sugary foods.

Speak with your doctor about a prenatal vitamin that is right for you and make sure to take it every day. Increasing your folic acid, either through a supplement or the food you eat, is also essential.

If you are contemplating becoming pregnant, the time to plan your pregnancy diet is now. It will be difficult to drop unhealthy habits cold turkey, and if you get used to eating in a healthy way before you are pregnant, you will not have to adjust.

If you are already pregnant, it is not too late to get on a healthier course.

Do not let weight gain during your pregnancy become a motivation all its own, you should instead be focused on eating in a way that is healthy for you and your baby and let the weight gain during your pregnancy happen naturally.

Speak with your doctor before making any changes to your diet or your exercise plan.

Friday, May 17, 2013

Limitations on Mortgage Disability Insurance Caused by Pre-Existing Conditions

Many times when you apply for a mortgage, receiving the loan may be contingent on your securing private mortgage insurance (PMI). This is required because it protects the lender. If your down payment didn't equal at least 20% of the sale price, then you will need to qualify for PMI in order to get a loan at all. Another type of mortgage insurance, that of mortgage disability insurance, guarantees that if you become disabled and unable to work during the life of your mortgage, this insurance will take over and make your payments for you until such time as you resume working. Unfortunately, if you have pre-existing health conditions, you may not be able to acquire the insurance you need.

There are laws protecting people from discrimination. Insurance companies are not allowed to deny someone coverage based on gender, color, or religion. However, health issues and a few other considerations aren't under this umbrella of protection, so the fate of the insured rests in the hands and policies of the different insurance companies. Insurance agents commonly have lists of limitations and exclusions that will apply to those purchasing MDI coverage. For example, they won't pay off the balance of the loan if the insured commits suicide, becomes disabled as a result of trying to commit suicide, or dies as the result of war. Pregnancy is not considered a covered condition either unless there is some type of abnormality.

There may be an age limit on MDI coverage, however. Many companies halt coverage when the policy holder turns age 65. If the insured becomes disabled or dies during the year immediately following his 65th birthday, then the claim made by his family may be honored. Apparently age discrimination does not apply in this instance even though it seems discriminatory to cut off a long time policy holder just because he turns 65. In addition, if more than one injury is sustained, coverage may be combined into one, adjusted payment.

It's possible that a mortgage holder with pre-existing conditions may not benefit from the purchase of MDI. Prior to buying, a person in this position needs to request that their insurance agent calculate a "need analysis". This calculation measures how much the insured stands to risk if they don't carry the insurance as well how much they could be paid should they become totally disabled. After all, there's no point in pouring money into insurance that won't pay your claims should they arise because you had a pre-existing condition from the onset.

General Fertility Issues and Symptoms


Miscarriages are fairly common, and on average, one out of five pregnancies ends in a miscarriage. A miscarriage is the spontaneous abortion of an embryo or fetus before it's developed enough to survive. This can happen even before a woman is aware that she is pregnant.

Certain factors, such as age, smoking, drinking, and a history of miscarriage put a woman at a higher risk for losing a pregnancy, but most miscarriages occur because there is a problem with the fetus, usually a random chromosome abnormality that occurs during fertilization.

If you've had several miscarriages, you may want to be tested to see if any anatomic, genetic, or hormonal abnormalities are contributing to the miscarriages.

Although miscarriages usually can't be prevented, the following precautions can increase your chances of having a healthy pregnancy:

- Maintaining a balanced, healthy diet
- Increasing folic acid and calcium intake
- Maintaining a healthy weight
- Exercising moderately - to be approved by your doctor
- Limiting caffeine
- Stopping smoking
- Avoiding over-the-counter medicines

Progesterone cream and miscarriages

Studies show that Progesterone cream has been known to assist in the prevention of miscarriages in the first trimester. This is used once a day in the mornings and continued right up until the 3rd month of pregnancy, although advice should be obtained from a homeopath as the usage and dosage varies from person to person.

There has also been a lot of research into the use of progesterone cream for increased fertility. This research focuses on the luteal phase defect, whereby using progesterone cream from ovulation to menstruation, enhances the natural progesterone the body produces and can significantly increase the likelihood of pregnancy.

Modern science confirms that progesterone is the most essential hormone necessary to the survival of the fertilized egg and the foetus throughout gestation. Progesterone regulates the entire endocrine system, and low levels of progesterone can make the entire body can seem out of balance. Progesterone causes the basal body temperature to rise and helps the uterus lining to thicken, in order for a fertilized egg to implant. Use of progesterone cream, especially during the first trimester, helps to prevent miscarriage, preterm labour and premature birth. Progesterone is also used to help prevent pre and post natal depression. Common symptoms of progesterone deficiency include PMS, thyroid dysfunction, low libido, infertility, pregnancy and premature menopausal symptoms.

It is important to note that you should use an all-natural progesterone cream, as it will cause fewer side effects and therefore safely increase your chance of pregnancy.


Endometriosis is affects women of reproductive age and is caused when the endometrium or lining of the uterus grows outside the uterus. This tissue then implants itself and grows anywhere within the abdominal cavity.

Endometriosis is often found in women of late childbearing years and some people believe that endometriosis is the most frequent cause of infertility.

Endometriosis can cause infertility by causing tubal disease and it can affect the ovaries and probably egg quality, as well as increase the risk of miscarriages. Endometriosis causes infertility as the endometriosis often leads to a mild inflammation within the pelvis. In some of these cases, the levels of chemicals released in response to the inflammation are increased and these hormones often have a negative effect on follicle and egg development, fertilization, normal tubal function, and implantation.

Endometriosis can also inflame surrounding tissue and spur the growth of scar tissue. This scar tissue may bind the ovaries, fallopian tubes, and intestines together and therefore interfere in the release of eggs from the ovaries.
Endometriosis cannot be diagnosed from symptoms alone - it can only be confirmed by a laparoscopy.

Low ovarian reserve, high FSH levels and premature menopause

Women are born with a finite number of eggs in their ovaries. The remaining number of eggs in the ovaries is called the "ovarian reserve". As a woman ages, her ovarian reserve gets depleted and her ovarian response starts declining.

The most usual test used to test the ovarian reserve is to test the level of FSH (follicle stimulating hormone) in the blood - usually on day 3 of the menstrual cycle. FSH causes the ovaries to produce estrogen. When the ovaries slow down their production of estrogen, FSH levels increase. A high level suggests poor ovarian reserve and a very high level is diagnostic of ovarian failure. During each monthly cycle eggs develop within the ovarian follicles under the influence of the hormone FSH and too much FSH, indicates that the body is over-producing it in order to try to get the ovaries to function.

The test used to diagnose premature menopause is this same FSH test. When FSH levels rise above 30 or 40 mIU/mL, it usually indicates that you are in menopause, which is also often referred to as premature ovarian failure. (I was diagnosed with this, and I still managed to fall pregnant with a healthy baby, only three months later! DO NOT BELIEVE EVERYTHING YOU ARE TOLD!)

A high FSH level does not mean that you cannot get pregnant - it just means that your chances are dropping because your egg quality is poor. (My initial FSH levels were 35.5 and after a month of herbs, supplements - wheat germ, DHEA, Chinese herbs and Agnus Castus, acupuncture and following the right diet, they dropped to a 9 and then to a 4 the following month!)

Ovarian cysts

An ovarian cyst is a fluid-filled sac in the ovary. They vary in size and contain liquid that is thin and watery, or thicker and denser. Ovarian cysts are often found in woman during their childbearing years. Most often, ovarian cysts may not show any symptoms and if there are symptoms, often they will mimic other conditions such as an ectopic pregnancy, endometriosis or pelvic inflammation. Symptoms can also be masked by conditions such as appendicitis.

Because ovarian cysts can so often be misdiagnosed, it is advisable to recognize some of their symptoms.
These symptoms are often: irregular menstruation, with pelvic pain in the lower back before and after the menstruation, pelvic pain during intercourse, nausea, similar to morning sickness experienced during pregnancy.

Mostly, ovarian cysts are discovered by a doctor during a pelvic examination or annual check-up. This will usually feel like a swelling on the ovary and the severity of the cyst can be identified by performing a few more tests, such as an ultrasound, which will determine if the cyst is filled with fluid or is solid and exactly where it is situated. Other tests used to assess cysts are hormone level tests, to determine if the cyst is hormonal based and a pregnancy test to rule out the possibility of the cyst being related to a pregnancy. Blood tests can also measure antigen levels, indicating if the cyst may be cancerous or not.

The first approach to treating ovarian cysts is to wait a few months to see if the cyst disappears on its own. Most disappear after a few weeks without treatment.

If the cyst is functional, birth control pills can help to help make it smaller and decrease the chance of new ones forming.

Often laparoscopic surgery can remove a cyst if it has solid material in it, if it lasts longer than three menstrual cycles, or grows larger than 5cm. If the cyst is not cancerous, just the cyst can be removed using keyhole surgery, allowing the doctor to save the normal ovarian tissue and therefore preserving normal ovarian function.

My Personal Experience With Caregiver Stress

I began my career in a cancer center. I worked in the Medical Oncology Unit, otherwise known as Med/Onc. Prior to working with individuals with a cancer diagnosis, I worked with seniors and had a great deal of experience with death and dying. At the end of the day, I was able to put my work aside and go home and not deal with any of the sadness and human suffering I encountered on a day to day basis. I thought that working with the elderly population would prepare me for my work with oncology patients.

As a young social worker, I thought I had it all together. I thought I knew how to juggle all of the balls that were being thrown my way. I would go to work on a daily basis, meet all of the demands of the day, and make sure all of my patient's needs were taken care of. I came face to face with real human suffering. I came face to face with mothers losing their children, children losing their parents and the unfairness called "cancer". Despite all that I encountered, I thought I was able to handle it as I did in the past, I thought I could come face to face with death and put it aside at the end of the day.

I was very proud of the work that I did and to be a part of such an amazing organization. As proud as I was and as much as I enjoyed the work that I did, I always carried with me an overwhelming feeling of dread. This was something that I could not shake. I did a pretty good job of masking my feelings, so good in fact, that I hid them from myself. My superwoman complex kept me from being truly real with myself. I was too proud to admit the truth...I was sinking into a depression. I did not realize it because it was insidious and I had lived with the symptoms for so long that I just thought this was the way I was supposed to feel when encountering human suffering. I never talked about it with anyone, because I could not put my feelings into words. No amount of education and past experience prepared me for what I was facing. It was not until one day that I went to see a movie with a close friend that I finally had some insight into my situation. We went to see a romantic comedy called "the rolling stone". I always avoided dramatic or sad movies because I did not want to feel sad when I was home. It was a defense mechanism I used in order to keep my wall of denial up and my defenses safe. (**spoiler alert**) There was a part in the movie where one of the main characters was diagnosed with breast cancer and subsequently dies. I immediately began sobbing uncontrollably. It was such an exaggerated response and as me and my friend sat alone in the movie theater, I was ashamed of myself and my emotional response. The following week I had a meeting with my immediate supervisor, where I informed her of what happened during the weekend. She was so supportive and gave me some invaluable insight...I was suffering from caregiver stress.

Caregiver Stress is stress caregivers experience when providing care to another person suffering from some type of illness. Caregiver stress is not limited to individuals caring for a loved one. This definition can also include medical professionals and others working in a medical field providing hands on care and counseling to individuals.

This was the first time where I put my pride to the side and really began to take a long, hard look in the mirror. For so long I thought that expressing my true feelings would make me appear weak or somehow undermine my clinical training. When I finally put my guard down, I was able to take active steps in addressing all of my symptoms. As a clinician it is so much easier to have empathy for others and to assess situations and provide good clinical counseling. In order for me to be a better clinician I had to be real with my own insecurities, inadequacies and emotional struggles. I had to be real in how jaded the job was making me. In my time alone, I would often time struggle with God and question why good people have to suffer and be honest with my own physical symptoms of depression.

I began my journey to healing. I began to really look at caregiver stress and its effects. I saw that I was experiencing classic symptoms.

As I understood some of my own personal feelings, I was better able to cope with all of the human suffering around me. I was kinder to myself and as a result, I was better able to provide good clinical interventions. As the feelings of caregiver stress multiplied I was exceedingly overwhelmed and not truly able to give the individuals I was working with the best of me. As I increased self care and made positive steps to address my own inadequacies and sadness about what I encountered on a daily basis, I was able to provide better patient care.

This new found awareness also continued in my personal life. While working I became pregnant with twin daughters. Of course my husband and I were delighted but no one could have prepared us for life after twins. Needless to say, the first 6 months were very difficult and I found myself overwhelmed, sleep deprived, anxious and so forth. Not to mention, I also experienced some postpartum depression. My past experience with caregiver stress gave me tremendous insight into my condition. I applied some of the same techniques and as a first time mother. It's hard when you are in the "thick of it" to put words to your feelings. We often times have more empathy to those around us and don't cut ourselves enough slack.

So often we may consider taking time for ourselves as being "selfish" and we do not make the time. I say to you, make the time. If you do not care for yourself, then you cannot care for others in the best way. Even the best intentioned people can "loose it" when they are overwhelmed and exhausted. Be just as kind to yourself as you are to others.

The First Trimester of Pregnancy - A Time of Caution

The first trimester is the most critical moment of pregnancy since the mother should take all necessary precautions to be able to ensure safe growth of the baby. During this time, developments of essential body parts happen that pregnant mothers should know what food to eat and what activities to take. Whatever changes that will take place during the first twelve weeks of pregnancy will be permanent. Whatever the beginning is will be carried throughout the end.

It may be said however that the early pregnancy stages should be treated with care, it does not mean that the next few weeks of being pregnant should not be considered essential too. The point of saying this is that the essentials of your baby's growth like the placenta and the fingers and the vital organs happen to initiate during this term. There are a lot of good things that you could expect from the first trimester of your pregnancy. Knowing these expectations can give you track of what is going to happen and what will you to adapt to the event or change.

Here is an account of the week by week changes of your baby during the first few weeks of your pregnancy. For the week 1 of your pregnancy, the health care provider will count forty weeks from the first date of your last menstruation. This means that your pregnancy period kicked off even when you aren't pregnant yet. The second week is the week of fertilization. This time the sperm and egg unite to create a zygote. The zygote then travels from the fallopian tube to the uterus.

Pregnancy stages include the third week as important part of the whole pregnancy when the zygote turns into a blastocyst and nourishes itself in the placenta. Moreover, the embryonic period begins at week 4. the baby's heart and the circulatory system forms. At week five, your baby reaches the size of the tip of the pen. His can be very exciting since the mother can now hear the baby's heart beating her. Week six marks the forming of the passageways like the mouth and the inner ear and the formation of the digestive and respiratory tracts.

The pregnancy's first trimester still continues with the appearance of the umbilical chord in the seventh week. The arms will look like a tiny paddle that indicates the baby's movement. On week eight, The baby's fingers and toes form. The baby is an inch long in the ninth week. Your baby's head will be tucked down unto the chest as it looks half the size of the body.

Neurons multiply in week ten and it could be possible that baby's sex can be apparent. Determining the gender of the baby is one of the highlights of pregnancy. Other mothers, however, will still have to wait for the next pregnancy stages because babies might not have positioned themselves to be easily seen by the practitioner. On the last part of the initial trimester, baby's finger nails and toe nails appear.

Taking care of your baby all through out the pregnancy is a must for mothers who want to ensure the baby's physical, mental and emotional stability.

The first trimester is the most critical moment of pregnancy since the mother should take all necessary precautions to ensure the safe growth and development of the baby. During this time your baby starts to develop critical body systems. To ensure their proper growth, pregnant mothers should know what foods to eat and what activities to avoid.

Pregnancy Acne - 3 Ways to Help Cure Acne Outbreaks in Pregnancy

Many women are affected by pregnancy acne, usually they have clear skin which is blemish free but when they are pregnant they find that they develop spots and pimples. If you have pregnancy acne and are looking for a way to combat it, then read this article to discover three ways to cure acne in pregnancy.

Many people believe that acne is mostly a problem suffered by teenagers. While this is true to some extent, it is also true that women suffer from acne more than men. This is because acne outbreaks can be caused by hormonal imbalances in the body. Women are more prone to these hormonal imbalances during menstruation and pregnancy.

Prescription drugs can be used to treat acne in pregnancy. Your doctor will be able to advise you about which drugs are suitable. If you acne is particularly bad he may refer you to a dermatologist who will be able to offer you specialist advice. It is important that any prescription drugs that you are taking do not have an adverse effect on your pregnancy.

If you do not want to take prescription drugs then there are some very good natural remedies which you can try. These come in herbal forms and can be either a topical, meaning that they are applied to the skin, or systemic, which means that they are consumed. Before taking any herbal remedies for acne during pregnancy you should consult your doctor first.

A great way to balance your hormones during pregnancy is by eating healthily. You should also try to reduce any stress in your life as much as possible as this can be a contributory factor in acne outbreaks. Try to drink plenty of water as this will help to flush the harmful toxins from your body which can contribute to blocking your skin pores. You should also try to take plenty of regular exercise and make sure that you get enough sleep.

How Does Pregnancy Massage Help?

Pregnancy is definitely a very strenuous process. Women get tired easily, they experience physical and emotional pains frequently due to hormonal changes in their body. In this regard, she absolutely needs to be pampered to keep up with the demands of pregnancy.

Pregnancy massage is one effective way to relieve all those pain and stress brought by being pregnant. It can be done during pregnancy, which is termed as prenatal massage; it can also be done after giving birth, and it is referred as postnatal pregnancy.

Before we proceed, what is pregnancy massage?

Pregnancy massage is a term used for all hands-on massage done to ease the pain of a pregnant woman and relieve her from all the stress she is experiencing in her pregnancy. It normally lasts for an hour.

Most often, practitioners use a massage table to accommodate the pregnant woman. In some cases, a special kind of pillow, or bolster is used to position a woman on her side. The most comfortable position for a pregnant woman is lying on her side.

There are a lot of benefits that pregnancy massage can give, and here are some of them:

o It helps lower anxiety.
o It decreases leg and back pain.
o It helps improve sleep.
o It decreases the level of the stress.
o It increases the levels of 'feel-good' hormone serotonin and dopamine.
o It decreases the level of cortisol, which is an indicator of stress.
o It relieves pain.
o It boosts the immune system.
o Finally, it improves the overall mood.

Let us find out the safe techniques on how to do pregnancy massage. There are at least 80 types of massage and 1,300 massage therapy programs in the United States. Here are some of these:

o One is deep-tissue massage. It consists of firm strokes that press deeply into the muscles.
o Second is the Swedish massage. It consists of long strokes applied into the muscles to achieve joint mobility.
o Shiatsu is another type of pregnancy massage. It consists of pressure tapping on acupressure points, which aids for the stimulation of the body's natural energy.

These techniques are adapted to suit the various stages of pregnancy. During pregnancy, blood clots are common because the blood volume increases to as high as 50%. That is why pregnancy massage is very important to be light with gentle stroke, so as not to dislodge blood clots.

Losing Weight After Pregnancy - Choose the Healthy Way

Trying to lose weight during pregnancy is very common for a lot of women. Understanding what really happens during this time can help in making this endeavor easier. The weight gain during pregnancy is a compensatory mechanism of the body. This is to ensure that both you and your baby are well nourished through the increase of calorie intake.

After delivery, weight loss can be a little slow owing to the hormonal changes you go through. Most women wrongly opt for crash diets and heavy exercises which can affect the body in an adverse way. It is essential that you give time for your body to recover from the physical stress brought about by the pregnancy. Remember, you need to be healthy for your baby.

Prior to starting your weight loss regimen, it is of primary importance that you consult your physician. This way, you will know the right way of losing that pregnancy weight without harming your body as well as your baby. Strenuous exercises are generally no yet recommended until after 6 weeks of the post-partum period.

Weight gain during pregnancy is natural and healthy, but most women can't wait to return to their pre-pregnancy figures. New moms lose about 12 to 14 pounds after giving birth while they gain an average of 25 to 35 pounds throughout the pregnancy. This means that there are at least 12 to 21 pounds of excess weight that is to be lost post-pregnancy. It is important that you plan this and you need to be steady and slow in losing weight. Here are some tips you can use to get back in shape:

- Replace high-sugar, high calorie drinks such as juices and sodas with water. Drinking at least 10 to 12 glasses of water every day is highly recommended in helping in your detoxification.

- Avoid junk foods, instant foods, and those with high amounts of preservatives. Replace them with crackers or raw fruits which are healthy for you.

- Everyone knows that including high amounts of fiber in your diet helps while you are trying to reduce your weight. As a rule, you should consider including a serving of fiber with every meal, even snacks. In fact, I usually recommend you include your favorite type of green vegetable with meals, such as a salad or celery sticks.

- Make a record of your diet. A lot of people are unaware of the importance of starting a food journal. They only find out how much they have been eating after they start writing it. This can help you identify what food groups you commonly eat and identify what you are leaving out. This may be confusing at first but it will definitely pay off.

- Breastfeeding aids in weight reduction after pregnancy. Nursing babies requires about 1000 calories daily, so breastfeeding is one of the most effective methods to ensure that the extra body fat and water during pregnancy are passed on to your newborn.

- Exercise is one of the best ways for losing weight after pregnancy. It is essential that you go through slowly with your exercise schedule. Wait at least 6 weeks post-delivery. 10-minute routines should be started first and then adjusted when you feel much comfortable with it. Do only low-impact exercises such as swimming, yoga, or walking. Come up with a program you are comfortable with and have someone to share it with like a friend or family. Stop and seek help if you are feeling dizzy or short of breath.

Always keep in mind that losing weight after pregnancy must be a natural process which should not be rushed by adding unnecessary activities.

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Can Calcium Increase Your Chances of Getting Pregnant? Find Out the Answer Here

Do you know that calcium nutrient can aid in increasing your chances of getting pregnant and maintaining you pregnancy from premature births and neonatal deaths? Are you aware that most prenatal vitamins have not more than 20% of the RDA of calcium?

Studies have shown that most women both aspiring and pregnant ones, don't get enough calcium daily. Calcium nutrient in needed for strong bones and good teeth and also for muscle growth in the baby. The risk of not having enough calcium by non pregnant and pregnant women is one of the major factors that causes osteoporosis; a disease which speeds up loss of calcium and causes the bones to become weak and fragile, curved spines, loss of height and increases the incidence of bone fracture especially among women.

Calcium plays a vital role in preparing a woman for conception. It increases the chances of a woman getting pregnant and maintaining her pregnancy by providing the much needed strong bones and muscle growth which are needed for a healthy conception. Calcium also helps in maintaining the heart rhythm in mom and baby, lowers neonatal deaths and prevents premature births.

Taking the recommended amount of 1000-1200mg of calcium daily before and during pregnancy helps the body to store up the required amount needed to make milk for your baby when he or she is eventually born.

Calcium can be sourced from dairy foods like milk, yogurt, ice cream and cheese. Women who can't eat dairy products due to lactose intolerance or vegan diets can source their calcium nutrients from some good plant based sources like tofu, black eyed peas, baked beans collard greens and oranges. It is very important to note that while food and other supplements can be useful in getting enough calcium, it is important not to overdo it. Getting 2000mg/day or more can produce adverse effects such as kidney stones. which are dangerous to the overall health reproductive couples.

Further more, avoid calcium supplement that contains bone meal and dolomite as they may also contain toxic substances like lead, mercury and arsenic. Steer clear of chelated calcium as they cost more but offers no advantage compared with other calcium supplements.

Get enough vitamin D. Vitamin D helps the body absorb and use calcium. Your body naturally produces vitamin D from sunlight and this is another good reason to go out for a walk! Food sources of vitamin D include milk fortified with vitamin D, egg yolks, and dark-meat fish (such as salmon or herring.

Try and exercise regularly. Weight-bearing exercise, which can be as simple as walking, can help to build strong bones. Talk to your health care provider about exercise options that are safe and helpful during pregnancy.

While most multivitamins may not satisfy the body's calcium needs, they do supply the daily recommended amount of vitamin D.

A Crisis Pregnancy Centre Provides Counselling for Women Facing an Unexpected Pregnancy

It is very important for every woman to maintain her health so that she can stay happy, strong and thriving. Women experience a variety of changes during their lifetimes, and this means they must pay careful attention to their health during these times. If women are pregnant, then she should do whatever it takes to stay healthy. Unfortunately, it is not always easy to stay healthy and thriving while pregnant. Pregnancies can be much unexpected to some women, and this leaves them panicking and unsure of what to do. There is a lot that women must do to stay healthy while pregnant, but not every women knows the steps to take. Fortunately, there are a couple of different services available to help pregnant women maintain their health.

A crisis pregnancy centre is a valuable tool for a woman who is facing an unexpected pregnancy. These centres are non profit organizations that help women find alternatives to abortion. Many women who face unexpected pregnancies get abortions because they are unsure of their options.

Crisis pregnancy centres provide options and information to pregnant women. These organizations are typically run by Christian groups or churches that are pro-life. The services provided by crisis pregnancy centres vary from centre to centre, but some common services are financial assistance, adoption programs and child rearing resources. Most crisis pregnancy centres do not provide medical services, but they typically offer referrals to obstetricians and other health care services. A few crisis pregnancy centres do provide minor medical services such as pregnancy tests and sonograms. Some crisis pregnancy centres provide free sonograms because they believe this dissuades expectant mothers from choosing to have an abortion.

Pregnancy counselling is provided at crisis pregnancy centres, but counselling can also be provided through other resources. Many women choose pregnancy counselling due to an unwanted pregnancy, but services are also available to pregnant women who are suffering from stress and psychological issues. Pregnancy counselling provides psychological health services to pregnant women. Some of these services include introducing women to alternatives to abortion and giving them information on staying healthy while pregnant. Counselling centres provide non biased, medically accurate information to pregnant women in order to help them achieve the best prenatal health possible. Pregnancy counselling centres provide information such as the names of local doctors and hospitals in case a pregnant woman faces an emergency. Some pregnancy counselling centres also provide resources for postnatal care; these resources include treatment for postpartum depression and other psychiatric disorders that come after the birth of a child.

Women can very easily face an unexpected pregnancy, and it is natural for them to feel worried, scared and confused. Fortunately, these great resources are available to every pregnant woman. Whether a woman wants to have an abortion or explore other options, these resources are available to guide them to a choice that is healthy, safe and medically sound. Every pregnant woman should take advantage of these services in order to maintain the best health imaginable.

Pre and Post Natal Care for Mother & Baby

The miracle of pregnancy and creation of new life is one of the most magical spells that Mother Nature can cast. Looking after yourself and your baby as best as you can is essential to the health and well-being of you both, and living as healthy and active a lifestyle as possible comes highly recommended. Doing this organically can only boost the benefits of a holistic and healthy lifestyle for mother and baby.

From pre-conception it is important that your body is at its optimum health, so here are some ways that you can give you and your child the best start possible:

If you are thinking of starting a family it is important that you eat a healthy organic diet, packed with fruit and vegetables, dairy products, protein and good carbohydrates.

Certain vitamins and minerals are particularly important to pregnant woman, these include folic acid and iron which can be taken as supplements, bought organically from health food stores.

Remember to avoid certain foods such as unpasteurised dairy products, shellfish and some types of fish and meat products.

Eating an organic, wholesome, healthy balanced diet will ensure you get all of the goodness you need without the additives.

Exercise regularly at a gentle pace. It is important to raise your heart rate in preparation for childbirth but not to overdo it. Ideal activities are swimming and yoga; both are excellent activities for pregnant woman, social and have many health benefits.

Many health and fitness clubs run swimming and yoga classes especially designed for pregnant woman this provides a social outlet as well as a health-giving pastime.

Speak to your midwife or doctor before embarking on any new exercise regime. Remember healthy body healthy mind.

Massage your bump with organic aromatherapy oils. The scent of the oils can invigorate you, relax you or refresh you depending on the product you chose.

Use organic skincare and cosmetics and organic household cleaners. Your skin breathes and feeds your body, ingesting whatever is in it or your environment and ultimately exposing your unborn baby. Using organic products eliminates the bad stuff.

When baby is born It is essential that you give your newborn the best possible start and the age-old adage that Mothers milk is best is no fairytale. By feeding your child breast milk you are building and strengthening their immune system, and filling their tiny tum with the finest nutrients that nature can offer.

A child's skin is five times thinner than that of an adult, so it is important that what you rub into them, and put on them, is as natural as possible. Use organic creams and lotions that contain no chemicals or preservatives. Organic baby clothes are ideal as they too are made as naturally as possible, protecting your child's skin and body and keeping it soft and pure.

Introduce baby to organic food slowly. A balanced healthy diet is essential in the first few years of life, and doing this organically ensures you are feeding your child the best possible without the added preservatives.

By living a healthy, holistic organic lifestyle you are giving your child the best start in life for health happiness and vitality.

Postpartum Bellies - Believe Me, You Can Flatten Your Postpartum Belly

When you are pregnant, your body goes through a lot of changes ranging from physical changes, hence the belly you now have, to hormonal and emotional changes. But getting your figure back and slimming your stomach back down to its pre-pregnancy size and shape will require some work that will not only take care of the pouch your darling child created, but also infuse you with more energy and better mental outlook.

One thing every woman should keep in mind when planning to get their figure back is that it takes the body approximately six weeks for the uterus to shrink to almost its former size - it never returns to the original configuration no matter what you do. The muscles of the stomach take a little longer to return to their proper length and elasticity, about three to six months.

You cannot expect to see results overnight, but you can help it along by doing postpartum exercises specifically designed to help those muscles. Also, if this is the first pregnancy you've had, you will lose some of the belly that you are worried about as your uterus and muscles begin to return to normal.

Muscles will atrophy and become weak if you do not use and move them. A strengthening program should be added to your exercise regime so you also work the rest of the muscles in your body. You will be lifting your new baby up and down in addition to the diaper bag, the formula get the idea. The back muscles should also be worked on in order to prevent injury to your lower back. By getting active, even if it is just taking a walk pushing a stroller to get started, you will be helping your metabolism speed up so that it can help you reshape your body.

If your doctor clears you, you can begin exercising as soon as two weeks after giving birth. Don't be concerned with getting back into shape right away. Give yourself some time to heal and relax and get to know your baby. If you feel the need to do something, do some gentle pelvic exercises and modified crunches to help with the oblique muscles that cause 'love handles'.

Don't set unrealistic goals for yourself otherwise you feel that you need to meet them. It is best to take your time and ease yourself into a routine that will be right for you. It will take anywhere from nine to twelve months of constant exercise to see the results you want.

Some of the best postpartum exercises you can do to help get back in shape include: Yoga and Pilates; speed walking; cycling; swimming or aquatic aerobics; low impact aerobics; strength training with a professional trainer; and cycling. Always make sure you warm up and stretch properly.

You can add oblique exercises such as the pelvic exercises and crunches mentioned earlier to your warm up. Make sure you wear a good supportive bra and try to exercise after breast-feeding so that they are not heavy with milk and uncomfortable. Eat a sensible diet, drink plenty of water, and get as much sleep as possible. You will be amazed at the way you feel and the results you get. Your body will be back to prenatal shape before you know it.

The Affordable Care Act: Financial Security for Divorcing Women

I have a lavender leather couch in my office. And a coffee table with a box of tissue. Countless women have sat on that couch, the color draining from their faces as we've worked through their post-divorce budget. In my twenty years as a practicing divorce lawyer, I have learned that nothing is more frightening to most divorcing women than facing the fact that there is a very real possibility that they cannot afford to protect their health and more importantly, the health of their children.

Divorce not only encompasses the separation of a wife and a husband, but often includes separating a woman from access to health insurance. And in many cases, they have to face the harsh reality that they can't afford health insurance for their children.

Imagine yourself facing the loss of your marriage, your home, your financial security, and your health insurance. And what if you're a breast cancer survivor or you have a chronic illness like arthritis or high blood pressure? Or what if your child has a chronic illness like diabetes? Now add this to the emotional upheaval that every divorcing woman feels. Overwhelmed yet?

It's common knowledge that many divorced women find themselves having to enter the workforce for the first time in years. We all know the statistics. A woman makes seventy three cents for every dollar a man earns. And many, many women have to take jobs with no benefits.

So, there we sit on the lavender couch; itemizing the budget. And when we get to the line for health insurance and costs of health care,we both take a deep breath. Not only is the cost of health insurance incredibly expensive, but there are co-pays and deductibles. Even if a woman can afford the insurance, which can cost several hundred dollars a month, there are co-pays for each visit and there is typically a per person deductible - for her and each child. And what about birth control? Not cheap. Health care is simply not affordable for many divorcing women.

Of course I'd heard about the Affordable Care Act, but to be honest I didn't really understand how it would work. But as I found myself working through budget after budget for my divorce clients, the name of the Act began to resonate with me. "Affordable." Hmm. My friend, attorney Roberta Riley is an expert in women's health insurance, so I called her up and took her to lunch to explore how the ACA might help my clients. Boy was I pleasantly surprised. Here's what I learned:

There are three main ways that the Affordable Care Act will help divorcing women:

1. All preventative care will be fully covered and there will be no co-pays;

2. Insurance premiums will offered on a sliding scale based on a percentage of income for individuals with low to moderate incomes - Medicaid may be expanded to make care available to those with very low incomes - depending on the State; and

3. Children will be fully covered for dental and vision.

We all know that the co-pays can really add up for the average family. Most women have a yearly exam, a mammogram, and often there are other check-ups throughout the year for issues like blood pressure or cholesterol. Then there are the kids' exams, and immunizations. Not only are there co-pays for every visit, but many plans have increasing deductibles, so the out of pocket expenses can equal the amount of the monthly premium some months. And not very many divorcing women have a few hundred extra dollars in their budget to keep up with these costs.

Under the Affordable Care Act, here are some of the preventative care visits that will not require a co-pay: pap smears, mammograms, maternity care, pediatric well child exams, blood pressure checks, diabetes checks, cholesterol checks, immunizations, and mental health treatment. And as of August 1, 2012, all contraceptive care is one hundred percent covered with no co-pay. This will be a huge relief for women facing the harsh reality of having to budget on a significantly reduced income.

So, how will this all work? Obviously, the system is going to be confusing at first. But there will be people available to help everyone find the best policy for their family. These folks will be called "navigators," and anyone can talk to a navigator, in person, on the phone, or online. The navigator will help them go over all of the available options. Once the policy is chosen, the insurance can be purchased at an insurance exchange, which is like a supermarket for insurance.

For most people, their premium will be based on their income. So, for a woman going through divorce that finds herself in either the low or moderate income category, her insurance premium will be based on a sliding scale. For example, in the lowest income category, an individual's insurance premium cannot exceed 3-3.5% of their income. (Someone making $2,000 per month would have a premium of about $70 per month!) For individuals with a moderate income, the premium will not exceed 9% of their income. (Someone making $4,000 per month would have a premium of about $360 per month.) As far as health care insurance for those with very, very low incomes, each state will have the option of expanding their Medicaid plan.

Children are given the best benefits of all. They are fully covered for all preventative visits, no co-pays and they have fully covered dental and vision care.

In addition, there are some other important benefits for divorcing women under the Affordable Care Act.

For example, under the ACA a woman going through a divorce can take her husband's insurance with her. This is called "portability." And when she is ready, she can contact a navigator and find a new affordable policy that meets her own unique health care needs.

And for a woman going through divorce who wants to open a small business, she will be able to offer health insurance to her employees by taking advantage of a new tax break. To find out about and fully understand these options, a small business owner can contact a navigator who can explain how this works.

Perhaps one of the best things about the ACA is the fact that pre-existing conditions are fully covered. Nothing is scarier for a woman facing divorce than knowing that her breast cancer may not be covered if it reappears, or that she may not have coverage for her diabetes, or high blood pressure. And the same holds true for her children. Everything is covered, no matter when it was first diagnosed. And some current insurance policies consider domestic violence to actually be a pre-existing condition. This will end under the ACA. Any health concerns stemming from domestic violence will be fully covered.

So, once the ACA takes full effect in 2014, women going through divorce will at least have the peace of mind in knowing that their family's health care needs will not only be affordable, but they will have access to excellent care for all of their health care needs.

Losing Weight After Childbirth - 3 Mistakes You Don't Want to Make

Although losing weight after childbirth can be foremost on a young mother's mind, there are a few mistakes that should definitely be avoided. This is not only for the sake of the mother, but for her newborn child as well.

It can become frustrating for a woman to find herself with extra pounds after childbirth, but losing weight after childbirth is a process that should not be taken lightly. Giving birth is probably the single, most demanding experience a woman can put her body through.

And although giving birth is a blessed event, there are precautions a new mother should be aware of, especially where losing weight is the goal. Losing weight after childbirth too rapidly can be hazardous. Just as the birthing process took time, so should losing weight after pregnancy be done with some patience.

1) Don't Neglect Nutrition:

The body's demand for proper nutrients, during and after pregnancy, is huge. The weight gained in pregnancy helps build stores for your recovery and for breastfeeding. After delivery, all mothers need continued nutrition so that they can be healthy and active and able to care for their baby. Restricted calories can often equal less nutrition. Most lactation experts recommend that breastfeeding mothers should eat when they are hungry. But many mothers may be so tired or busy that food gets forgotten. So, it is essential to plan simple and healthy meals.

2) Don't Begin Exercising Too Soon:

Most women can begin a formal exercise program within 6 weeks of giving birth, though this time frame might be slightly longer for some women, including those recovering from a C-section. Most women recovering from a C-section will be able to exercise after there incision has healed and their doctor has cleared them for exercise. Keep in mind, starting an exercise program too soon will delay your recovery and could potentially injure your body permanently. It may also take you longer than six weeks to heal fully if you start exercising too soon. Losing weight after childbirth should be a slow and deliberate process.

3) Don't Surrender Your Rest:

No one misses sleep like a new mother. A baby's first few months are a busy, hectic time that will put big demands on your schedule. The advice that you should get enough rest and relaxation seems impossible to follow during the postpartum period. Ongoing sleep disturbances can leave you feeling cross, irritable, and depressed. When you are this tired, even little problems become difficult to solve, and you may find it hard to make decisions about even the smallest issues. Pump and let your partner take on one or a few of your child's feedings so you can grab longer stretches of shut eye. Sleep when your baby sleeps. Do whatever you can to grab rest periods, your body will thank you for it.

When it comes to losing weight after childbirth, it can take a number of months for your body to return to normal. So, even if you are not breast-feeding, don't be in too much of a hurry to cut calories. Apart from the physical trauma of giving birth that can leave you feeling completely exhausted, looking after and being responsible for a new baby can also be very tiring and stressful. Once you begin to feel like your normalizing, seek out a little guidance for your weight loss goals. Losing weight after childbirth does not have to be a confusing or lonely process. With the combination of good nutrition, exercise and a little guidance, you can and will recapture your former shape.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

The Role That Teachers Play in Your Children's Education

Most parents know the role that teachers play in their children's education is of much importance and cannot just be ignored. Teachers are the people responsible for shaping of the children education wise, socialize and in terms of behavior. With the meager resources available at their disposal teachers always struggle to ensure the child becomes the adult the society expects them to be.

With the hard work that teachers put in their work so that they can be able to shape the future of most children, I have been able to find ways in which if can be able to assist the teachers even as they go on with their daily work.

You first need to ensure that the teachers know you are in support of everything that they are doing. Try and ensure that they know that you are ready to offer them full support in everything that they are doing to better the lives of the children, do this even if the teachers are reluctant to tell you what they have told the children.

You can also assist the school by stocking them with anti-bacterial wipes anytime you are able, it will go in a great way ensuring that the children's hygiene is monitored and they are able to learn in school with no hitches.

When your children have moved from one stage to another and do not require some specific books, don't throw them out instead pile those books together and donate them to the local school so that they can be able to use them during the learning process.

Clear plastic containers or storage bins can come in handy when you donate them to your local school, they will help the children when it comes to storage of some of the things in the school.

If they are available in your place, don't hesitate to give out the storage bins to be used for storage of the flash cards if not teaching counting.

Am sure in your home you have old cardboards and catalogs that you do not use, try and donate them to the school to be used for various projects. Things like the paper cylinders from tissue papers can come in handy especially when teaching mathematics.

So whatever the case, even if you are able to get storage bins for disposal and donate them to the school, the teacher will appreciate them a great deal.

Fish Oil and Pregnancy - Help Safeguard Baby's Health and Avoid Postpartum Depression

Mothers-to-be and infants developing in the womb are often short-changed in the same essential nutrient. The nutrient is DHA, and the best source is fish oil. Here are the facts you need to know about fish oil and pregnancy.

DHA is short for docosahexaenoic acid, an essential fatty acid, abundant in the bodies of fatty fish. Unfortunately, most modern diets don't include much fatty fish, these wonderful natural sources of DHA.

DHA and EPA, which are the the most important of these oils, are called omega 3's -- for their chemical makeup. Omega 3 oils used to be common in many of the fish and wild game eaten by humans for many centuries. But modern farming methods, and especially modern factory farms that produce almost all of our beef, pork, chicken and all popular meats -- these produce meat that is severely depleted in omega 3's.

The omega 3 oils are called "essential fatty acids" because the body can't manufacture them. Like vitamins, the body can't make them on its own. That's why they are essential, either in our food or in food supplements. The body has the ability -- just barely -- to make omega 3's from the Alpha Linolenic Acid (ALA) in flaxseed and flaxseed oil. Unfortunately, the process is so inefficient that ALA is all but useless for this purpose. That's not to say that flaxseed isn't good food; it is, but completely inadequate as a source of EPA and DHA.

And DHA especially is vitally needed for mothers and babies, during pregnancy and afterward.

The developing baby's brain and eyes really need DHA. About 60 percent of the brain is fat, and DHA makes up about half of that. DHA is also concentrated in the retina of the eye, and clinical studies have shown much improved development of vision and cognitive function in babies whose mothers took DHA supplements.

DHA continues to be vital after the baby is born, both for the mother and baby. The developing baby's brain and eyes need it. Mothers need it, too: the omega 3's have been found to be beneficial for depression, including "postpartum depression" -- the depression that develops all too commonly in women after having a baby.

These are the most critical facts about omega 3's, especially DHA -- and everything you need to know about fish oil and pregnancy.

Protect Your Income During Your Pregnancy - And Get Paid in the Process

25% of pregnancies will experience one or more complications of pregnancy. The most common pregnancy complications include:

  • Ectopic Pregnancy - When the egg is fertilized outside the uterus

  • RH Negative Disease - The mother is Rh negative, and her child is Rh positive, and she builds antibodies against the next Rh positive baby

  • Pre-term Labor - Mother's body tries to deliver the baby before reaching full development

  • Gestational Diabetes - Mother's body does not make enough insulin

  • Spontaneous Abortion - A pregnancy that ends on its own. 10% to 20% of pregnancies end in miscarriage

Many working women are concerned about what might happen if they needed to leave work prior to delivery due to pregnancy complications. Saving up for maternity leave is difficult enough, without the extra burden of unplanned time away from the job.

Think about the consequences to you and your family if your doctor ordered you to stop working during your first trimester. Could you afford the extended time away from work? Do you really want to choose between paying your bills, and protecting your health and the health of your baby?

Short Term Disability Insurance is a great way to protect your income in case of pregnancy complications. It replaces up to 2/3 of your income during the time you are unable to work, and benefits may be payable if your pregnancy requires bed rest due to a medical reason.

Get Paid to Protect your Income

Short Term Disability Insurance can actually pay you to protect your income in case of pregnancy complications. Sound too good to be true? Well you do have to act at the right time. Read below to see how this works.

Your normal labor and delivery is a covered benefit. Short term disability covers a vaginal delivery for six weeks, and a c-section delivery for eight weeks. Your benefit for a c-section delivery may triple the premium you pay over the course of twelve months, helping you to create maternity leave income.

But your policy must begin before getting pregnant in order to be eligible for these benefits. Pregnancy is a pre-existing condition and will not be covered if you apply for coverage after you are already pregnant.

Lets suppose you purchase a policy three months before you conceive. You deliver twelve months after the policy effective date via cesarean section. Your benefit for normal delivery is three times the premium you paid, and you can use this money to fund your maternity leave. The very same policy also pays benefits for pregnancy complications. So if you needed to miss work for bed rest, you have the security of your short term disability policy.

This is how you can you can protect your income from pregnancy complications, and get maternity leave income at the same time.

7 Tips for Taking Care of a Pregnant Cat

Finding out that you have a pregnant cat is very exciting, but it also requires quite a bit of responsibility. While you are waiting to greet your cat's babies into the world, follow these tips to ensure optimal health for mother her offspring.

1) Keep her indoors

Pregnant cats that are left outside are exposed to more danger and are more vulnerable because they are carrying offspring. Also, you never want to let your pregnant feline stay outside in bad weather just in case she goes into labor.

2) Give her the right food

Cats need more nutrients when they are pregnant, especially calcium and protein. Lack of calcium can lead to something known as milk fever or eclampsia; it is a serious, life threatening condition which can occur in late pregnancy or birth as a result of blood calcium levels becoming dangerously depleted.

3) Keep her comfortable

You will want to make your cat has a comfy nest or bed. There are several ways to do so, but a box filled with newspaper or towels usually does the trick. Be sure that the bed is ready at least two weeks before she gives birth. Also, keep it in a location that is familiar to her.

4) Keep other cats away

Pregnant cats need their privacy. If you have other cats in your home, figure out a way to keep them isolated from each other to avoid problems.

5) Keep a close eye on your cat

This is necessary even when your cat isn't pregnant, however, as said above, pregnant felines are more vulnerable. You will want to be present when she gives birth so you can assist her, or bring her to the vet if needed.

6) Take her in for check-ups

An initial vet visit is important to confirm the pregnancy and to test for complications. Regular check-ups are necessary to make sure the pregnancy is normal and the kittens are healthy. The vet can also answer questions for you, give you tips specific to your cat as well as give you information on what to expect at the birth.

7) Use non-clumping litter for her litter box

It is common for cats to give birth in their own litter box. This can be unsafe if the litter clumps because the mother may refuse to clean her newborns-possibly causing the babies to drown in their own fluid. Non-clumping litter will help to keep her and her offspring clean. You will want to try to avoid this situation all together so help your cat get familiar with a different birthing place.

Following all of these steps will keep you on the right track for providing your cat with a healthy pregnancy. Do some research into the topic of birthing so you're ready when the big day arrives. Remember to ask your veterinarian if you have any questions, or if something doesn't seem right to you during your cat's pregnancy.

Four Ways to Create Maternity Leave Pay

The U.S. does not have paid maternity leave while the rest of the industrialized world enjoys weeks or months of fully paid, job protected leave. Your growing family budget may be stretched to the max, before factoring in a loss of income. If your employer does not provide paid leave there are four things you can do to create some maternity leave pay of your own: ask Uncle Sam to pick up the tab, tap state maternity benefits, buy short term disability, and buy hospital indemnity insurance.

Uncle Sam Provides Maternity Leave Pay

The introduction to this article stated that the U.S. does not have paid maternity leave laws, but Uncle Sam is happy to provide maternity pay to those smart enough to take advantage. One of our founding fathers, Benjamin Franklin is quoted as saying "a penny saved is a penny earned". Ben said this of course long before the advent of state and federal income taxes, and social security. A more updated version of that saying could be "a penny saved is a penny and a half earned". Consider a couple in the 25% federal tax bracket, paying state income taxes, and paying FICA taxes of 7.65%. This couple needs to earn $1.50 in order to take home $1. Anything maternity related that saves taxes creates maternity leave pay.

Women can generate significant un-reimbursed medical expenses during pregnancy. Estimate the amount of these expenses and make a corresponding election into your Flexible Spending Account (FSA). Any money funneled into this account reduces the amount of federal, state, and FICA taxes you pay. Many insurance plans today come with co pays, co-insurance, and deductibles which can be paid using your FSA.

If your child is born with health difficulties or developmental disabilities you may have unexpected bills. The birth of your child is a life event, allowing you to make changes during the plan year. When you are ready to return to work, you might be utilizing child care. These expenses can be paid using a dependent care FSA.

Tap State Maternity Benefits

Five states have mandated short term disability insurance which covers your normal labor and delivery, sometimes several weeks in advance of your delivery, and always for any pregnancy related complications that might cause additional time away from the job. The five states are California, Hawaii, New Jersey, New York, and Rhode Island. If you work in one of those states contact the state office for more details.

Two states offer paid family leave benefits that allow for an additional six weeks of paid leave so that you can bond with your baby. California and New Jersey both provide this benefit as an extension of the state disability program.

Buy Short Term Disability Insurance

Buy short term disability insurance before getting pregnant and create maternity leave pay for yourself, and added protection in case of complications, postpartum disorders, accidents, and illnesses. Short term disability pays a six week benefit for vaginal birth, and an eight week benefit for c-section delivery - less the elimination period.

Buy Hospital Indemnity Insurance

In the U.S. most babies are delivered in a hospital. Buying an insurance policy that pays a benefit directly to the insured upon hospital admission is another way to create maternity leave pay. Hospital indemnity insurance covers mom's admission to the hospital for normal labor and delivery. The benefit is paid directly to the insured regardless of what the underlying major medical insurance does or does not cover. The benefit for normal delivery may greatly exceed the premium paid, creating maternity leave pay.

Maternity Reflexology - Reflexology to Help Induce Labour

Reflexology explained.

People often use reflexology to rid the body of pain and stress by applying pressure to specific points on the hands and feet. It is a complementary therapy that is built on the belief that different areas of the body are aligned with specific areas on the feet. In a similar way to a massage, reflexology can provide relief from stress or discomfort. Reflexology can even have a role in the induction of labour. During the treatment the therapist uses pressure, stretch and movement to work through the whole foot. The therapist should take care to work within your comfort zone and reflexology should not be painful. The treatment begins with a relaxing foot massage. Reflexology does not tickle as it is a firm pressure to the feet. During the treatment you may feel different sensations in your feet and body, it may feel like a tingle or you may feel a slight pins and needles sensation. Sensitivity varies from person to person and from treatment to treatment. A reflexology session lasts up to one hour and should include a consultation and time to discuss the treatment afterwards. Maternity reflexology is tailored specifically to the women and babies needs during pregnancy.

Induction of labour.

For most women labour begins naturally. Labour is "induced" when it is started artificially. Induction will be arranged when pregnancy has gone beyond 41 weeks and is considered overdue. Induction is usually offered sometime between 41 and 42 weeks to prevent your pregnancy continuing beyond this time. There are a number of methods used by midwives and doctors to induce labour. The midwife may perform a membrane sweep to stimulate labour. If this method does not work then drug treatment is usually then next step. Chemical induction is performed in the hospital and the woman and baby need to be closely monitored during the process. Many women are very anxious not to have a chemical induction of labour and look for ways to help encourage their labour to start. Maternity reflexology is a popular choice.

The role of Maternity Reflexology in induction.

Reflexology has been used to help induce labour and even reduce pain during childbirth. In fact, more and more midwives are beginning to learn this specialized type of foot massage. Maternity reflexology is being used in delivery rooms around the world to ease their patients' discomfort and encourage labour. High stress levels are not conducive to starting labour and little is more relaxing than a foot massage, but reflexology is even more effective because it pinpoints the specific areas that can help move you toward a faster delivery date. The therapist will start with a foot massage then progress to work a number of specific points on the feet and ankles. A reflexologist trained in maternity work will know these special points so it is important to ensure you attend a fully qualified therapist. The points may be tender and many women feel a strong pulling sensation both in the foot and in their uterus. The baby may also become quite active. If a contraction begins the therapist will stop the pressure. When the contraction stops they can apply pressure again. Of course, the therapist will avoid all of these reflexology points until you are past your due date - at least your 41st week. You certainly don't want to rush the baby before its time. It is better to try and have regular treatments during pregnancy rather than wait until your due date. This not only reduces anxiety but it, in my experience, has a good effect on the baby too, in as much as they seem calmer after being born. Regular treatments may also balance the hormones, regulate the digestive system, strengthen muscle and bone with renewed circulation and boost the immune system which is all very important during pregnancy. It is important to understand that if baby is not ready to come, nothing will shift it! It is not a magic cure, but at the very least it can help the body relax, and prepare itself for what is due to happen.

It is important to keep a positive mind in the run up to labour. If you begin to take on negative thoughts about delivering you baby this can raise stress levels and may delay your labour. Try to look forward with enthusiasm and joy to your new baby. In many cases we need to focus less on hurrying the babies and give the mom some love and emotional support. You can discuss fears with the therapist as they will be trained to understand the importance of positive thoughts. They may be able to introduce you to some helpful resources such as relaxation c.ds or positive visualisation techniques.

By choosing complementary therapy such as maternity reflexology to help induce labour women can feel more confident in their ability to deliver their baby. Being aware of options other than medial induction can help women to regain some control over their pregnancy rather than feeling at the mercy of the medical decision makers. Maternity reflexology is not a replacement for medical intervention but may help induce labour for some women.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

4 Simple Steps To Help You Get Pregnant

When you decide that you are ready to get pregnant, you may not think that you can do it. There are a few simple ways that you can get your body to get pregnant.

Tip #1) Get Ready

When you are getting ready to have a baby, you may not know when it would be good to start preparing for it. The simple answer is right now, before you are pregnant so that you will be ready when the baby gets here.

Tip #2) Change Your Diet

If you are not eating the right things, you may have a hard time getting pregnant. There are many reasons that you may have trouble with getting pregnant with your diet. If you are eating right from the start, you may be able to get pregnant fast and easily.

Tip #3) Stop Your Bad Habits

If you smoke or drink, you will want to stop these now. This will help you to get pregnant faster and help with having a good and healthy pregnancy after that. This can be just what you may need to actually get pregnant.

Tip #4) Talk To Your Doctor

You may want to try and get pregnant, you will need to talk to your doctor so that he can give you advise on what to do to increase your chances of getting pregnant in the long run.

Take some time and get the things done that you need to, so that you are able to have that baby you always dreamed of.

Newborn Baby Care Fundamentals

It's considerably easier to take care of older infants and toddlers than to care for a newborn baby. This is mainly because they are very delicate and have needs that they cannot easily express - they manifest this need only by crying.

One of the possible factors that contribute to post-natal depression is the difficulty of inexperienced - or even experienced - mothers with newborn baby care. To lessen the impact of this condition, it is helpful to read books about caring for infants. When you are informed about newborn baby care, chances are you won't be caught flat-footed when something unusual happens to your child.

What are the important things to know?

Old wives' tales regarding newborn baby care abound. Sometimes listening to too many of these superstitions make mothers worry unnecessarily over their baby's health. Old people, for instance, constantly point out that it's not advisable to bring the newborn baby out of the house.

The fact is, almost all babies need morning sunshine to counteract the early stages of jaundice. Taking the baby outside even a mere few weeks after birth is perfectly acceptable, as long as the infant is dressed in comfortable, cool clothes during summer and safely wrapped in a warm blanket during the cooler months.

When the baby is several weeks old, you might notice some changes on his skin - that is, his skin may become flaky and could even "shed." It is not necessary to apply lotions or oils, as this is normal for newborns. In newborn baby care, the use of chemicals is generally avoided even as these are considered safe for adults.

Even the baby's scalp will shed its top layer a few weeks after birth. In some cases, a little assistance is needed in removing this layer of dead cells. You can gently rub it away with a sponge while bathing the baby, but there is really no need to apply oils or lotions on his calp.

Many infants will also develop mild rashes. These are normal and newborn baby care dictates that they must not be treated with creams and ointments that may be too harsh for the baby's skin. These rashes may be due to different factors. When the rashes get worse or seem too out of the normal, it's best to consult the pediatrician about it.

Another common issue in newborn baby care is whether to carry the infant or not when it is crying. Parents often agree on not giving in to a child's crying because this might spoil the child. However, at that age, it is nearly impossible to spoil a newborn.

Common newborn baby care sense will tell you that when a newborn baby cries, it's because it needs something - that something could be anything from milk or a diaper change. Being comforted is also a basic need of newborns, so denying them this in their first few weeks of life may result in a profound psychological impact on the child.

What do I do with the stump?

Many new mothers who are not too well-vesred in newborn baby care often feel queasy about having to deal with the umbilical cord. Remember that the stump is nothing else but dead protein so accidentally touching it won't cause any harm to the infant.

The important thing to know in newborn baby care [], as regards the umbilical cord, is to keep it dry at all times. If it inevitably gets wet during bathing, take a cotton ball soaked with alcohol and clean the cord with it.

By the end of the second week, the stump will have fallen off. After this happens, refrain from bathing the infant more frequently than every two or three days, to allow it to completely heal.

First Time Mom - Her Challenges and Possible Solutions

It is rather daunting to be a first time mother, no matter how old she is. Also, it is very hard for her to imagine what it is like to be a first time mom, no matter how much she tries to prepare herself before hand. Below are some of my personal experiences when I had my first baby, and some solutions that I have found to overcome those challenges.

  1. Lack of confidence. I remember when I had my first baby; I didn't know how to hold her. The nurse in the hospital just passed the baby to me unhappily because I insisted on breast feeding her. When she saw that I was holding the baby incorrectly, she reprimanded me, saying that I would break the baby's neck. I felt so ashamed of myself. I had gone for prenatal classes, and I knew the theory of how to hold a baby, but when it comes to the practical part, I had no idea how I should carry the baby.

    The solution: Be confident and know that you have in-born mother instinct. Do not let either the nurses or doctors to push you around. If you are unsure of anything, ask first. Get your husband to stay with you for a while.

  2. Postnatal depression. After I came back from the hospital after delivery, I went into depression. I was feeling really lousy. I felt that the whole world was against me. I felt so pitiful. The worst part was that my husband couldn't understand why I was depressed. He couldn't see the reason why I should be depressed. That time, we didn't know that most women go through post natal depression after delivery. So, he felt that I was being difficult, and I just kept on crying and crying. I was stressed out and frustrated all the time. We were definitely not prepared for this.

    The solution: Be prepared for post natal depression, talk about it before the delivery. There are certain teas that would help with the depression, once you are aware of it, you would be more accepting of the situation and will get out of it faster. You can also apply some aromatic oil such as jasmine oil to reduce depression. More importantly, always get enough rest.

  3. Challenges with relatives. Amongst all these chaos of adjusting with my new role as a mother, there were also problems with over-caring relatives who came to visit. They were quick to judge, but slow to understand. They couldn't wait to play with the baby, and didn't like the baby to sleep when they are awake. They insisted that everything should be done their way. There were also a lot of 'well meaning' relatives who provided a lot of theory, but little hands-on help.

    The solution: Again, you were given the baby, do what you think is best for the baby. You will find that even with subsequent babies, there aren't complete "best known methods" to cater for all. Every new baby is a new experience and it is unique. When I had my third daughter, I thought that I knew a lot because I already had two but, she proved me wrong! So, your baby and you will find your equilibrium! Here are some tips. It would be good to get someone close to you to stay for a while the first 2 to 4 weeks. Try to get your husband to stay home as well. While you do not need a lot of relatives bothering you, 1 or 2 can be very helpful during this period. Postpone or avoid any visits from well meaning relatives. Tell them to come a few weeks later.

In a nutshell, I feel that it is very important that a first time mom have a support group that can help her go through the initial period of being a mom. This should start when she is pregnant. It makes a lot of difference when she knows that there are a lot of people out there that are going through or have gone through what she is going through. And that she is not alone, that she is not the only one that is facing this challenge.

Fertility - Cost of Gender Selection

When parents-to-be work with a fertility clinic, it is important to know the financial impact of fertility measures. After all, if a couple wishes to decide the gender of their future child, it is obviously necessary to get an idea of the financial cost of the procedure. What may be more interesting to examine though, aside from the cost of gender selection, are the benefits and the how the selection is handled.

Firstly, the cost of gender selection can range from $3,000-$5,000 dollars depending on the clinic, the situation, etc. yet is often very little compared to the ability to determine something as personal as gender. Likewise, there is the option of preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD), which allows parents to determine the likelihood of a disorder or disease in their child to be. Thus the cost of gender selection and PGD is by no means unreasonable when you consider the ability to prevent diseases that may mar the life of the child or family in some fashion. It is all a matter of personal choice after all, and with modern technology offering such breakthroughs in the way fertility is handled, the cost of gender selection is actually quite minor.

When considering the cost of gender selection though, it is important to think of financial budgeting and whether the cost fits into your personal lifestyle. If you are already having to undergo various other treatments just to conceive or bring a new life into the world then it is important to consider the expense of those treatments and procedures. Gender selection is not for every couple or family. Sometimes it is fun to anticipate the gender of a new addition to the family and gender selection can remove that spontaneity. However, regardless of this aspect, the cost of gender selection remains feasible for various income types due to financing options at some fertility clinics.

The cost of gender selection is sometimes a cost that can be financed and taken care of with the help of the fertility clinic of your choosing. Since most fertility matters are not covered by major insurance carriers, and it is important to verify that with your own insurance, some costs may be covered by some form of financing. Furthermore, gender selection is such an interesting technological breakthrough that many families find it very appealing to have the ability to choose to have a girl when their family already consists of boys. With this in mind, the cost of gender selection need not be burdensome and if you have already considered its viability and have questioned the costs, you can rest assured that it is usually possible to fit the cost of gender selection into your budget.

It is always vital to be realistic about your personal financial life and health before making decisions. Be fully aware of costs before you make any choices for your family. You want to make sure you can provide the best care to your family and new child regardless of gender, so be sure to discuss the extra cost and your motives to decide if it is right for you.

Pregnancy Pains - Six Amazingly Simple Ways to Alleviate Abdominal Pains While Pregnant

No matter which trimester you are in, it is never reassuring to experience abdominal pains during pregnancy. In contradiction to general belief, the fact that you have pains around your abdominal area is not necessarily indicative of a looming negative issue - it does not mean that there is something wrong with your baby. Abdominal pain can occur as a result of heartburn, gas, your baby's position or constipation among other things. It is always recommended that you alert your health care provider concerning any unusual sensations you may feel. Nevertheless, you should also help yourself by discovering ways in which you can help alleviate these abdominal pains. This article will expose 6 ways you can avoid pregnancy pains.

1. Pay attention to triggers. Pains don't just happen, they are your body's reaction to discomfort or some other issue. One of the most effective ways to avoid these pregnancy pains is to develop the ability of accurately determining what may be the most probably cause of such pain in the first place. For example; if you discover that your abdominal pains occur mostly after meals, you should try to examine what you eat so that you can determine how your body is reacting towards it. You may be surprised that what you are eating may actually be responsible for those pains due to the fact that it is causing you heartburn or gas. You should modify your diet if you discover that it is responsible for the pain.

2. To relieve the pain, you could attempt to bend your body towards the area where the pain is most intense. Doing so could help release a knot of gas that has built up in an area. You will often times be able to ease the pain by doing something as simple as shifting towards the pain or area of discomfort.

3. Staying fit and performing regular exercise routines is a common way to lessen the intensity of pregnancy pains. You should endeavor to engage your body in moderate exercises while you are pregnant. You could also take light walks and so on. Ensure that your health care provider is notified about any exercise routine you intend to undertake so that you can be sure that will be appropriate for you and your baby.

4. Something as simple as your choice of clothes can cause you to experience pains during pregnancy. You should try to wear loose, comfortable clothing. Avoid tight-fitting clothes as they have been reported by many pregnant women to trigger pregnancy pains. You should consider putting on loose-fitting clothes especially when you are going to bed.

5. You could also apply moderate heat to the area. You could utilize a heating pad and apply it directly onto the area where the pain is occurring. This should help ease the pain and get you comfortable again. Ensure that the heat is warm and only apply it for intervals of a few minutes.

6. Sit down. When you are attempting to ease your abdominal pain, you should try and take a seat; this is really easy to do particularly if the pain occurs while you are on your feet. After a few minutes the pain should pass allowing you to continue what you were doing.