Saturday, March 16, 2013

Infertility Treatments Can Help You Get Pregnant

While the world awaits its 7 billionth child to be born, scientists from all over the world express their growing concerns on the rapid global population growth and its devastating effects on our natural resources. Health-workers are worried that the new generation might not have enough to grow productively as new diseases are discovered and deadly viruses and bacteria make their mark on the human community.

Interestingly, several groups of scientists and researchers work on the treatment of infertility, a condition present in every seventh couple all over the world. Infertility means the inability of a couple to conceive a child. It is often associated with social dilemma in many parts of the world, especially the developing and under-developed countries. Infertility treatments involve first the recognition of the problem that might lie with either partner, and then the correction of these problems through various methods. Fertility tourism is a growing phenomenon whereby couples tour different countries to correct their infertility problems, either because these countries have the relevant technology or because they are cheaper. Fertility tourism is hence a form of medical tourism.

Treatment of infertility depends on the cause, duration of infertility, age of the partners and several personal preferences. Infertility treatments can be grouped as medical or alternate treatments. The At-home contraception kit is cervical cap that helps in cases of low-sperm count, low-sperm motility or a tilted cervix. Ovarian stimulating medication (eg. Clomid, Bravelle, Menopur, Pregnyl, Parlodel etc.) can be useful in cases where the sperm are in good quantity and quality and the woman's reproductive structures are normal.

In-vitro fertilization (IVF) is a commonly talked about infertility treatment where the sperm and egg are made to fertilize outside the body in a laboratory set-up with the intent of forming an embryo. The embryo (often multiple) is then transferred to the mother's uterus whereby is continues its development. IVF is one of several different forms of assisted reproductive technology techniques (ART) for infertility treatments. ICSI, ZIFT and GIFT are other forms of ART. Intra-cytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) can be used in cases of abnormal sperm count of morphology. In this procedure, sperms are directly injected into an egg. Tuboplasty can also be performed to correct a fallopian obstruction or adhesion in a woman.

Alternative infertility treatments include group psychological intervention, acupuncture and manual physical therapy. The efficiency of these alternative infertility treatments is mostly varied and debatable.

Physical Changes During Pregnancy

Do you ever wonder WHERE you're going to gain your pregnancy weight - tummy, hips, thighs or arms?

Lately I've been getting a lot of emails asking how they can be one of those lucky pregnant women who only gain weight on their tummy. Good question!

And the answer (or should I say TRICK) lies in your BODY TYPE.

There are four basic body types for women and each typically carries weight as follows:

  • The "Apple" will carry the majority of her weight around her middle and upper body.

  • The "Pear" will carry her weight in her hips, bum, upper thighs, and upper arms.

  • The "Celery" will carry the majority of her weight in her tummy area.

  • The "Cauliflower" will carry her weight evenly throughout her body.

Generally (and I mean generally because this is NOT an exact science!), you will gain weight in the areas where you would normally carry your pre-pregnancy weight. For example, I am a Pear and I gained most of my weight in my tummy, but also some extra on my bum, hips and thighs!

So, now that you have a good idea of WHERE you're most likely to gain your weight, I'm sure your next question is HOW do you control it?

The worst thing you can do is diet, so put that out of your mind right away! What you need to do is learn to eat and exercise RIGHT for your body type.

That's right, a Pear should eat certain foods and concentrate on specific exercises. The same goes for the Apple.

So, if you can't diet - what's left to do?

1. Eat a well-balanced diet, including whole grains, good quality protein and lots of fresh vegetables;

2. Eat 3-6 mini-meals a day;

3. Avoid highly processed, sugary foods, like donuts and packaged cereals;

4. Keep active and do some kind of "activity" daily - please refer to my book to learn the difference between exercise and activity(Note: please make sure to check with your health care provider before you begin any kind of exercise program);

5. Get good quality sleep - when you're tired you're much more likely to choose fast, convenience foods, which are loaded with salt, fat and sugar; and

6. Manage your stress - it leads to emotional rather than physical eating and cause you to gain unnecessary weight!

All in all...

Know that shedding your pregnancy pounds after delivery does NOT have to be a struggle. Yes, you can look GREAT again, so put your fears aside. And make sure you work with (and not against) your body type - i.e. eat, exercise and dress for your body type (for more information please refer to my book).

Weight gain during pregnancy is a good thing, but you do want to avoid using pregnancy as an excuse to eat the house and then be sorry! I see this far too often with women who have difficulty with their weight, especially after baby arrives. So do yourself a favor and take care of yourself NOW!

Jasmine Green Tea Protects, Fights Infection, and Decreases Body Fat

Though most teas are made from only the leaves of herbs, jasmine green tea is different. It is made by adding the jasmine flower to the tea Cultivated widely for its beautiful flowers, jasmine is any of more than 200 species with fragrant white, yellow or red flowers.

The jasmine plant was brought to China from Persia sometime in the third century AD but never became popular there until about 1000 years ago. Yin Hao is considered the finest jasmine tea Other popular versions are Xiang Pian, Dragon Phoenix Pearl, and Mo Li Hua Cha, the latter being possibly the most popular scented tea worldwide.

Jasmine green tea is made by starting with a Chinese green tea for a base. Some will use pouchong/oolong or black tea but green is more common. The tea leaves are plucked and processed in April and May and then kept dry until the jasmine flowers bloom in August and September.

The flowers are gathered when they are fully open, either at midnight or early in the morning. Then they are placed with the tea so that the scent of the flower can be absorbed over the next four hours. The flowers are then removed. This will be repeated from two to seven times over a month's processing before the tea is ready for sale. Grading of the tea is determined by how many scentings the tea has gotten over a month. Low grade is 2-3 scentings. Higher grades will use seven scentings over the month.

Most green teas with jasmine contain a significant amount of polyphenols, plant-based substances that have proven to have anticancer, antiviral, and antioxidant properties. This helps prevent certain cancers and slows aging by eliminating free radicals. Jasmine is good for diabetes prevention and reducing high blood pressure. It is believed to prevent strokes, heart attacks, thrombosis, and arterial sclerosis.

Other jasmine tea health benefits include the ability to reduce the risk of blood clot, prevent allergy and flu, reduce blood sugar, keep fluid balance, boost the immune system and provide oral care and fluoride that helps protect against cavities and prevent tooth decay. One of the jasmine tea health benefits is to improve intestine conditions by blocking development and growth of bad bacteria and strengthening good bacteria.

In addition, jasmine tea fights food poisoning, including cholera, dysentery, and piccoli causing gastric ulcers. Gargling with jasmine green tea is believed to be one of the most effective ways to protect oneself from influenza, as the tea performs anti-viral functions.

Today, jasmine is known in alternative health care as an effective anti-depressant, including post-natal depression, and menopause problems. Along with raspberry leaf tea it has been used to help childbirth and milk production. It can help relieve muscle and joint pain, including chronic back pain and is considered a romantic enhancer.

Recent studies show that drinking jasmine tea may fight fat. People who consumed tea with jasmine tea extract during the period of three months lost more fat than those who consumed regular oolong tea It seems substances found in jasmine tea known as catechins, trigger weight loss by decreasing body fat and stimulating the body to burn calories.

To prepare a cup of tea simply steep about one half teaspoon of tea in water from 170ºF to 190ºF for two minutes. You can repeat the steeping up to two times. You should consume at least four cups a day. This tea is served with strongly flavored foods or served alone. It is good with curries, chicken and fish, and vegetarian dishes. A good quality jasmine green tea will work beautifully with fruit and flower salads, or desserts made with flowers, or soft cheeses with pressed flowers.

What to Do When You Are Feeling Low

Everyone feels low at some time in their lives. It can be caused by a variety of reasons such as an unsolved problem, having a bad day, feeling ill or simply tiredness. Having a spot of the blues is a natural part of our emotional make-up - it is only a problem when it develops into a state of depression and when that happens it is best to seek medical care.

For a simple of case of feeling low, there are lots of methods you can use to start to feel better again. For instance, if you know that you are feeling low due to your health, start to take better care of yourself. Get plenty of sleep and eat healthy foods. A constant diet of junk food or soda will quickly deplete your body of the essential vitamins and minerals it needs to maintain balance and health - and that includes emotional and psychological health. It is also important to get some form of regular exercise every day. This doesn't have to be a burn-out session in the gym - it can be something as simple as a walk or yoga or gardening. Choose an activity that you enjoy so that you are more likely to stick to it.

A low mood is often made worse with alcohol consumption, so it's best to avoid drinking altogether when you feel low. Alcohol is, as most people know, a depressant so if you are feeling low to begin with, alcohol will make your mood even worse.

If a problem is causing your low mood, you need to start to work on solving the problem as soon as possible. That sounds obvious, but it is surprising how many people try to ignore their problems or make no effort to solve them and subsequently wind up depressed. If you have a problem it is important to try to take control. Talk to someone who can offer you advice or assistance. If stress is the cause of your low mood, look into stress management strategies. It is important to take positive action to lift your mood because the longer you remain feeling low the greater the chance that depression can sink in.

It is also very important to stay away from any additional negativity that may be present in your life, whether that is people or situations. Negativity itself can trigger low moods, so it goes without saying that it can make an existing low mood worse. There are certain people who relish others' problems and love to wallow in self-pity. For the sake of your well-being, these people are best avoided. Instead, seek out people who can actively help you and have a positive outlook on life. Don't allow yourself to be dragged by others (or yourself) into a spiral of negative thinking. Negative thought patterns are another fast track to feeling low. Whenever you begin to feel any negativity, start to focus on the good things in your life and be grateful for the many blessings you have. And remember that feeling low is, most of the time, a passing phase that happens to us all.

Breastfeeding Diet - Tips on Diet When Breastfeeding

When breastfeeding baby, women can be concerned about their breastfeeding diet. Can they drink coffee or alcohol, for example? Should they avoid certain foods in case they upset baby's digestion, or give them colic? Because there is lots of conflicting advice, it is important to know the facts.

There is no single breastfeeding diet required when breastfeeding baby. You should, however, eat an overall healthy balanced and varied diet. Importantly, there are a few vital nutrients which a baby needs, and which can be affected if the mother's dietary intake of them is too low. These include iodine, vitamin B12, iron and calcium.

The best dietary sources of iodine include kelp, dairy products, eggs, onions, all seafood, and iodized table salt. Bear in mind that eating large amounts of raw cabbage can lead to iodine deficiency. Iodine is critical, as a deficiency can lead to mental retardation and stunted growth in children.

Vitamin B12 primarily is supplied by animal products, so if you are a vegetarian who does not eat eggs or dairy products, when breastfeeding baby you may need to take a vitamin B12 supplement. Similarly, if you drink alcohol regularly and breastfeed, you will have an increased need in your breastfeeding diet for B12. As B12 is extremely important for the formation of red blood cells, among other things, see your doctor to have your blood levels of B12 checked. The best natural sources of B12 include liver, beef, eggs, milk and fish.

Iron stores are depleted in pregnancy, so you will need to rebuild your iron stores with iron-rich foods. To protect bone strength, you will need about four serves of calcium rich foods per day.

Since breastfeeding baby can make you hungry, be guided by your appetite. The exact amount of calories you need will depend on your weight and level of activity. On the other hand, if you do not have an appetite regularly, and are not eating much at all, it may be advisable to speak to your doctor or health professional about how you are feeling. A continued lack of appetite is just one symptom of postnatal depression.

Part of a breastfeeding diet is to keep well hydrated. When breastfeeding baby, your body releases oxytocin, a hormone which causes milk to be 'let down' and available for baby. It can make you thirsty, so keep a drink of water nearby when you breastfeed. There is no requirement to drink more than normal, and as usual, you can keep an eye on the colour of your urine to gauge your hydration levels. Aside from first thing in the morning, if your urine is dark yellow or smells strongly, you may be dehydrated and should drink more. Light coloured or pale urine suggests that you are getting plenty to drink.

When it comes to alcohol in your breastfeeding diet, the safest option is to avoid alcohol altogether, as alcohol does pass to your baby through breast milk. But if you do want to drink alcohol while breastfeeding baby, follow health guidelines for lactating women, which are the same as for pregnancy. These include not having more than one or two standard drinks once or twice a week. Since it takes approximately two hours for the human body to clear alcohol from the system per standard drink, try and time your drinking accordingly, allowing time for your body to clear the alcohol before breastfeeding baby. You can always express some breast milk prior to imbibing to be sure.

In a breastfeeding diet, you really can eat anything in moderation. Like alcohol, caffeine passes into breast milk. So drinking more than three cups of tea or coffee a day, or large amounts of cola should be avoided. It is possible that a particular food may affect baby, such that it makes baby unsettled. There is little evidence to support this, however. Some foods thought to sometimes cause problems include onions, cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli, chocolate and cow's milk. But there can be many causes for an unsettled baby, so if you breastfeed and think a particular food is the cause, you could try cutting it out of your breastfeeding diet for a few days and see if it makes any difference. Whenever in doubt, it is a good idea to seek advice from a health professional.

A strict diet to lose weight while breastfeeding baby is not recommended. So eat well and enjoy the closeness of breastfeeding your baby.

Treat Temper Tantrums With Bach Flower Therapy

Bach Flower Therapy is a wonderful way to treat temper tantrums in children. Bach Flower remedies are very effective is supporting a child feels frustrated and irritable. Babies and children develop mentally before they develop physically. This leads to annoyance and irritation because the child wants to do something he is not mature enough to accomplish it.

Bach Flower Therapy is a branch of Homeopathic Medicine that uses highly diluted natural substances to stimulate the body to health itself. It offers a way to assist the body to gain balance and achieve optimal state of health at the mental and emotional level. Bach Flower Essences are remedies made using edible flowers and thus are non toxic and suitable for children of all ages.

When treating temper tantrums with Bach Flower Therapy, the most specific remedy or remedies should be selected according to the child's individual needs. In order for Bach Flower Therapy to be effective, it should be continued for a period of four to six weeks or even months depending on how deep the imbalance is. The recommended dosage for a Bach Flower Therapy course of treatment is from drops taken under the tongue four times a day away from meals.

The following are instructions on how to prepare a treatment bottle for Bach Flower Therapy.

You will need the following:
1. Bach Flower Remedies.
2. One amber empty amber bottle with eye dropper of 30 ml (treatment bottle).
3. Brandy, glycerine, or vinegar as preservative (optional).
4. Spring water.

Select the appropriate Bach Remedy and add two drops of each onto the treatment bottle.

1. Select the Bach Remedy Impatiens for the child that gets restless and has no patience. The child needing this remedy wants things to happen quickly and get into a temper tantrum when things do not happen fast enough for him.

2. Select the Bach Remedy Vervain if the child is over-excited and cannot calm himself down. This remedy helps those children that are eager to learn and become very enthusiastic about everything are always on the go and never sit still. When he cannot achieve what they want, they lose their temper. They also tend to keep ongoing when very tired and find ways to self simulate themselves. In the end they become so tired that putting out a temper tantrum is another way to keep themselves going.

3. Select the Bach Remedy Beech if the child becomes very intolerant of his own clumsiness and lack of skill. He gets upset if you try to comfort him or if you try to show them how to do it.

4. Select the Bach Remedy Vine if the child is strong-minded and likes to dominate others and gets into a temper tantrum when cannot get his way.

5. Select the Bach Remedy Chicory for the child that becomes very annoying and need constant attention.

6. Select the Bach Remedy Holly if the child manifests temper tantrums as a result of anger toward a sibling or a parent.

7. Select the Bach Remedy Cherry Plum when the child is really out of control.

Once you have added two drops of each selected remedy, add 1 ml of Brandy, glycerine, or vinegar to preserve the combination of Bach Flower Essences in the treatment bottle. This step is optional. If you prefer you can keep the treatment bottle in the fridge. A treatment bottle will last 3-4 weeks.

Make sure to keep it in a dark, dry, place at room temperature. also avoid keeping your treatment bottle near a computer, TV, cell phone, microwave oven, etc.

If in doubt consult a Homeopath, a Naturopath or a Bach Flower Therapy practitioner near you. Please understand that Bach Flower Therapy is not meant to substitute the advice of a medical practitioner but to work in a complementary fashion.

Friday, March 15, 2013

Barriers to Health Care For Teen Pregnancy

Although teen pregnancy rates have been declining in the past, it is still a trend that is disturbing. With some having sex as early as 11-12 years of age, the chances of a teen pregnancy are increased. With teen pregnancy comes the need for health care. Unfortunately, there are many barriers to health care for a teen pregnancy.

Education is a must

One of these barriers to health care for the pregnant teen is education. Schools do not educate students about their bodies and the way they work. Parents tend to be uncomfortable about discussing sex education matters with their teens, so any information the teen may get usually comes from their peers. This is not usually an effective means of gathering correct information.

Financial Barriers

Another barrier to health care for teen pregnancy is income, or the lack of it. Health care is prohibitively expensive for many adults, and even a teen with working parents may not have access to health insurance. When a parent has to decide between rent and food or health insurance, the medical needs are often overlooked. With access to education about pregnancy, and clinics available for teens with no health insurance, there might be a rise in teens seeking out medical care for themselves and their unborn child.

Along with inadequate health insurance and low income parents, teens may face lack of transportation to a health care facility. Many 2 income families have one car, and no support system to turn to in times of need. Often health care is not available within a reasonable distance, or there may be no gas for the second car. Even if there is transportation available, a parent may not be able to get time off from work to take the pregnant teen to the doctor, providing the parent is aware of the pregnancy in the first place.

Shame and Fear

This brings us to another barrier to health care for teen pregnancy. Shame and fear in a teenager can be a powerful motivator for many actions they take. Shame for being pregnant, and fearful of the consequences they may face from a parent can influence a teenager in many ways. One coping skill that stems from these feelings is not admitting to the pregnancy, even to themselves. This, of course, can lead to the teen not receiving any health care until she has progressed far into her pregnancy. This only sets the teen up for possible complications down the road for her and her baby.

With education of parents and teens together, perhaps we can overcome these barriers to health care for our pregnant teens. Communication for all can be a good first step in providing access to health care for both the mother and her unborn child.

Provide Your International Employees With International Group Medical Insurance at a Lower Cost

There is an employer international group medical insurance plan that could very well be what you need. This group medical insurance plan will allow you to provide your international employees with the same quality of medical insurance they enjoy in the US.

if your company or organization has employees outside of the US you should consider carving out the international portion of your company/organization and providing them with benefits at a much lower cost than your domestic group medical carrier using a good global employers group medical insurance plan.

There is a plan which provides benefits not normally found in a domestic plan and it also provides the flexibility of moving from one country to another. This plan is available for groups of 2 or more, so you don't have to be a large multi-national corporation to provide the same benefits. There are a variety of deductibles available, maternity is treated the same as any other illness and optional dental, life and daily indemnity.

For example if you're the executive responsible for your company's health insurance plan and your company has recently begun to expand into the international market place. You have 5 employees now being assigned overseas. They are all on your companies medical plan but it doesn't provide the same kind of coverage overseas as it does in the US what do you do, your employees want to have the same or maybe better benefits as a reward for taking an overseas assignment in a strange country.

Here's what you could do, get a good global employers group medical insurance plan for your international employees. The cost will very probably be substantially less than what you are currently paying for the domestic medical plan and the benefits overseas will be better than what your domestic medical plan will provide them. Hmmm, think about it; costs less, better benefits, happier international employees. Doesn't take long to come to the conclusion that a good global employers group medical insurance plan is the one you need.

On the other hand if your company or organization is located outside of the US you can get the same great benefits for your employees. It doesn't matter what country your company is located in. For example if your company is in Chile, Argentina, Colombia or Brazil you can still get a good global employers group medical insurance plan for your employees. You will have a US style medical plan in your own country.

What does a good global employers group medical insurance plan offer that makes it a superior international group medical insurance plan?

You want unparalleled services both for you, the employer, and for your employees.

Employer services include:

coverage for expatriate, third-country national and local-country national employees all on one benefit plan. An American style health plan helps you attract the very best employees in whatever country you are operating in and at the same time giving your US employees overseas still have the same great benefits they had in the US.

Separation of costs by country or overall international operation. Much easier to keep track of what your overseas health insurance costs are.

Containment of costs through lower international premiums. As medical care costs are lower in other countries so will your premiums be lower.

Domestic and international continuation as may be required by US law.

US based administration with toll-free access.

Employee services include:

complete portfolio of health plans including medical, dental and life.

Access to quality health care anywhere in the world (including the US).

International emergency assistance.

24-hour availability for emergency services, medical evacuation and precertification.

On-site, physician-directed emergency medical services and large claim management.

Full portability from country to country - this insurance goes where you go.

Internet services - employees can search for a provider within the independent PPO network; print plan descriptions; and initiate precertification.

Free calls to IMG from anywhere in the world.

Specialized claim services and processing:

professionally trained multilingual claims administrators with proven international experience.

Claims processed via automated international claim system with over 99% accuracy.

Claim inquiries, status of claim information and reimbursement options available by phone, fax and email.

Experienced international currency conversion.

Translation of bills and claim information from foreign languages; claim forms available in multiple languages.

Claim reimbursement directly to provider or insured via check, direct deposit to US bank account or electronic transfers to international account.

Verification of benefits and explanation of benefits to providers.

Large case management.

In my next article I will go into the details of the various benefits and options for a good global employers group medical insurance plan.

Thank you for your time and I hope you read more of my articles in the future.

Emotions During Pregnancy - Keys To Avoiding Post-Partum Depression

The emotions play an important part during pregnancy. The changing balance of the hormones upsets the emotional balance, and the expectant mother may find that she swings from feeling excited and happy to being miserable and depressed. Even if she is pleased at the news of her pregnancy she will feel anxious and worried about the prospect of becoming a mother. These fears will soon pass, especially if she receives the support, advice and comfort she requires from her partner, family and doctor. Persistent depression and anxiety may affect her sleep and appetite, which will in turn affect her baby. She must therefore discuss any problems with her doctor or health visitor and try to change her attitude of mind. The old saying that a happy mother will produce a happy baby has got an element of truth in it. Doctors will only supply tranquillisers for extreme cases of depression, because of the need to avoid unnecessary drug-taking during pregnancy.

This is a list of alternatives to drugs, which can help to change the emotional state. Can you add to the list?

• A few days away on holiday or visiting relations.

• Going out for the evening to the cinema or a pub, or for a meal.

• Buying a new outfit, or, if the prospective mother enjoys making things, getting some fabric to make a garment.

• Joining an evening or day class and learning a new skill.

• Going along to a local Mother and Baby Group, Young Wives Group, or a branch of the group MAMA (Meet A Mum Association). It is easy to talk over problems with other prospective or new mothers, and encouraging to find that they suffer depression also.

Many new expectant mothers feel guilty because they are depressed; they feel inadequate at the thought of so much responsibility, and they feel insecure at the thought that their husbands may not love them so much as they advance into pregnancy. This is when it is important that the prospective mother realises that these mixed and complicated emotions are all part of her condition and the problems exist only in her own mind.

Pregnant Guinea Pig Care

Guinea Pig Pregnancy Female guinea pigs become fertile beginning as early as four weeks although pregnancy is not recommended until body weight has reached one pound. If the female is too small she may have trouble delivering the babies and special steps will need to be taken. Consult your veterinarian on the methods you can use to safely help a young sow if you find a pregnant one on your hands.

The average guinea pig pregnancy can last from 64 to 72 days. A female can give birth to one to six babies with three to four being average. Some sources indicate that the longer the gestation period the smaller the litter. By the time birth is eminent, the weight of the babies will account for 30% of the female's total body weight.

In order to support this growth expect your guinea pig to require more food and water as she could be supporting up to six babies. Be sure that the food being fed is particularly high in vitamin C as requirements double to 20 mgs per day during pregnancy. If food pellets are being used this is a good time to double check the quality of the product - look for 100% of the daily requirement of vitamin C as well as 20% crude protein and 16% fiber. Supplement her as usual with fresh fruits and vegetables focusing on foods high in vitamin C. Recommended foods include parsley, cabbage, and dandelion.

During this time be sure and remember to continue to let the pregnant female out for exercise and play. Be careful to avoid unnecessary stomach squeezing as well as stress on the female.

Advice about when to move the pregnant guinea pig into a separate cage is mixed. What is known for sure is that by the time the female gives birth, she'll need to be moved into a separate cage. Male guinea pigs will be a threat to the puppies and the female will be fertile again immediately. No female should have back to back litters as it is cruel and detrimental their health. Some sources indicate that if neutered the father of the puppies can remain in the cage with the mother. If the father is in the cage during birth he may assist with delivery by cleaning and warming the babies. Cooperation is not guaranteed and if the female appears distressed by the presence of the male - remove him from the cage. How early the female is moved is dependent on how much room there is in the existing cage and whether or not the pregnant female appears to be enjoying the company of others. If worried, move the female. In general though, a week before birth should be the minimum.

5 Time Saving Tips to Selecting a Pediatrician

Heading to the hospital to have your baby is a time of excitement mixed with a dose of anxiety. You don't want to forget anything, but there are so many things to think about and remember. The reality is that you don't have to have everything at the hospital. There are a few things that you will need in addition to clothes for baby and mom and any items mom needs to make the birth extra special. Knowing who will provide medical care for your son or daughter after he or she is discharged home is one of the things that makes transitioning home easier. Your OB or the hospital may provide recommendations or offer Newborn Services on site if you have not identified a doctor at discharge.

Selecting the Pediatrician that is right for you is one thing that can be done before the baby is born. The selection of a Pediatrician is often not on the top of the pregnancy to do list, but doing the investigative work ahead of time, makes life easier when you are busy with your new baby. The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that healthy newborns discharged from the hospital have their first pediatric visit within 48 hours or sooner under certain circumstances. Your baby will have checkup appointments initially every 2 months for the first 6 months then every three months until the first birthday. It is important that you build a relationship with the doctor and that you and the doctor have similar philosophies. Doing some homework now will pay off in the long run.

5 Time Saving Tips to Selecting Your Baby's Doctor

1. Where is the Pediatric office located? Is the office close to home, transportation, and is parking available? Remember you will be traveling with your baby, your diaper bag, and siblings, if any, to the appointment. You may also be traveling in varied weather conditions so you want the office to be easily accessible to you. If both parents are unable to make the appointment, bring someone to help with you.

2. Is the Pediatrician in your medical insurance network? You may receive a bill for the services if they are not a participating provider. You can contact your medical insurance provider for their panel of Pediatricians.

3. Are the office hours flexible and will they work for you? Will the hours work for you when you return to work or will someone else be available to take your baby to his or her appointments?

4. How does the office handle after hour questions, illness, and emergencies? Does the Pediatric group have someone on call week nights and weekends for urgent phone consultations or will you have to go to the Emergency Room?

5. What is the pediatrician's experience with caring for ex-premature babies? If your baby has a prolonged NICU course due to extreme prematurity, have a conversation with your pediatrician to ensure that they can provide you with the services your baby needs and has a network of referral specialty doctors. Inquire about which hospitals they admit their patients.

Although it is impossible to predict your baby's every medical need, use the above tips to start the conversation as you find the right doctor for you, your baby, your family. There are really great Pediatricians who care about you and your family.

Touch Me, Baby, One More Time - The Benefits of Newborn Massage

Everyone likes to feel loved - babies perhaps most of all. Amazingly, scientists believe that even newborns sense when they are loved, and that this is most easily communicated through touch. So what better way to give your baby that lovin' feeling than through massage?

Babies love to feel loved, and what better way to express that love than with a massage?

Studies have shown that baby massage can help babies to relax and sleep better, and perhaps even boost their immune systems. It also can be instrumental in aiding proper digestion by helping to disperse wind and ease colic. A massage through the gums can help babies who are suffering the pain of teething, while a face massage has been shown to help unblock a stuffy nose.

More importantly, baby massage can be key to forming a strong parental bond. Babies who have regular physical contact seem to thrive better overall, and massage is a great way to give new parents confidence and newfound competence in caring for a baby. In fact, baby massage is often prescribed for mothers who suffer from post-natal depression. And scientific research has concluded that premature babies who underwent regular, gentle massage gained more weight and became more alert and active.

Baby Massage Classes

As long as you do it in a safe, loving manner, there is no real right or wrong way to massage a baby. However, many parents feel more comfortable giving a massage - especially to a newborn - if they have been taught by a professional.

Baby massage classes not only provide the basics in giving your baby a massage, but also a great way to meet other parents and participate in an activity that can bring you and your baby closer together. It also is a fantastic way for first-time parents to feel more comfortable when handling their child, and realize that babies don't break as easily as they might think.

Most massage classes last for about an hour, and usually end with a coffee break (for the parents, that is). Adults are taught how to massage their child in detail, and which kind of techniques are best suited to ease specific complaints (some classes are geared toward premature infants, or babies with disabilities). Types of massage oils (see below) are also discussed, and in some classes baby reflexology and baby yoga are also on the menu.

Do-It-Yourself Massage

If you want to give your baby a massage at home, it's easy and virtually free. The key to a happy massage is to follow your little one's lead, and to stop if he or she appears unhappy or unwell. Follow these simple steps to get maximum effect:

Find a time when the baby is happy and relaxed. It's no use planning a massage when your little cherub is hungry, exhausted or screaming his or her head off. It's best when they wake up from a nap or are in a good mood before a feed.

Choose a quiet, warm place - it's recommended that the room is roughly 75 degrees Fahrenheit. Don't schedule a massage in a cold kitchen, or when there are screaming toddlers around. The goal is to make baby feel happy and secure. Get it?

Prepare a massage mat. A blanket or towel will do, but make sure it won't be ruined by the the massage oil you choose - or the baby. You know what they're like once their diapers come off...

Clean and warm your hands. Avoid using a heavily perfumed soap or hand lotion.

Begin the massage. Undress your baby - you can leave their diaper on if desired - and them on their back. Start with small, soft strokes on their head, then move to the chest. Start in the middle with little strokes, moving outward. You can do the tummy, the back, even the hands and feet. You'll quickly learn what the baby likes and dislikes, so let them guide you.

Top Tips

Follow these top tips to make the experience as relaxing as possible - for both of you:

Don't give your baby a massage when he has a full tummy. Some babies also balk at the idea when they need a feed, although some enjoy a massage followed by a breastfeed.

Many people like lying the baby on a mat or blanket on the floor. But if back pain is a consideration, you can put him or her on the floor, a sofa or even a table. Just make sure they don't roll off!

Playing peaceful music in the background, or even calming nursery rhymes, can help the baby to relax, and also be a signal that the massage is about to begin.

Natural oils are best to use with baby massage - so you don't need to buy baby oil. Many parents like plain old olive oil, although vegetable oil with a touch of lemon or other flavors will do. Don't use almond oil unless you are sure your child has no nut allergies, and steer clear of certain essential oils, which aren't good for small babies. And avoid putting oil on the baby's face or neck.

Newborns are often happy with a short massage lasting five minutes or less, while the older the baby gets the longer the massage can be. Follow your baby's lead and stop if they seem bored, disinterested or distressed.

Baby massage not only makes your little one feel happy and loved, it can also be instrumental in helping a mom - or dad - bond with their child. It also gives both adult and child time to relax and take time out from the hassles and cares of everyday life. For parents with older children and little time to spare, it can become a special one-on-one time that can make a real difference in years to come.

For anyone who has had a massage, it's easy to see why a baby would enjoy one as well. But keep in mind that baby massage is as much for the parent as the child. Babies can sense when a parent is unhappy or stressed, and this can have an effect on them. Regular massage, up to three times a week, can help keep those stressful times at bay.

Thursday, March 14, 2013

How Breastfeeding Benefits Mothers

With numerous guidelines being written on the importance and benefits of breastfeeding, more and more mothers are becoming aware of how beneficial it is to nurse their babies. However, it seems that the benefits of breastfeeding to a mother isn't as well publicised, for many mothers still view breastfeeding as a sacrificial practice almost akin to martyrdom.

Far from it, mothers stand to gain just as much from breastfeeding their babies. Breastfeeding is beneficial to mothers as it reduces their risk factors for developing certain medical conditions and diseases later in life. It is beneficial for helping mothers regain their pre-pregnant figure more quickly - something that is bound to attract the attention of many post-partum mothers. Breastfeeding also has psychological and financial benefits.

Here are the 17 benefits that breastfeeding offers to nursing mothers:

  1. The baby's suckling action triggers the release of the hormone oxytocin which produces the letdown reflex (a process whereby the breast releases its stored milk to the baby). Oxytocin also causes contraction of the uterus which is important during postpartum healing as it reduces the risk of bleeding and promotes the return of the uterus to its original shape and size.
  2. Breastfeeding delays the return of menstruation. Mothers who formula feed their babies usually observe a return of their periods within 6-8 weeks postpartum. A breastfeeding mother can expect to delay the return of her period for months up to a year and beyond. This helps a mother maintain her stores of iron and helps to reduce her risk of developing iron deficient anaemia.
  3. Breastfeeding reduces a mother's fertility by preventing ovulation. This can help delay further pregnancies and allow her body to recover before being taxed again with another pregnancy. It is important to note, however, that the period of reduced fertility depends on the mother, her baby and their nursing patterns.
  4. There is evidence that breastfeeding may provide a mother protection against breast, uterine and ovarian cancers.
  5. A common misconception is that breastfeeding increases a mother's risk of osteoporosis, however, studies have found the converse to be true. While a mother's stores of calcium are reduced during breastfeeding, it was found that bone density return to normal levels and even increased after weaning, thus providing extra protection against osteoporosis.
  6. Breastfeeding has been shown to reduce a mother's risk of developing rheumatoid arthritis.
  7. Some studies also show that breastfeeding helps to reduce a mother's risk of developing heart disease, heart attacks and stroke.
  8. Breastfeeding also reduces the risk of developing diabetes, high blood pressure and high cholesterol.
  9. Breastfeeding releases the prolactin - a hormone responsible for milk production. Prolactin also has a calming and sedating effect on a nursing mother. This relaxes the mother, helps her get back to sleep quickly after a night-time feed and may be helpful in combating the baby blues and potential postnatal depression. Studies show that mothers who breastfeed are less likely to suffer from postpartum anxiety and depression.
  10. It has been shown that breastfeeding strengthens the bond between a mother and her baby. This can help first time mothers adapt to the role of motherhood more easily. Studies have also shown that mothers with a history of abandonment are less likely to leave their babies if they breastfeed them.
  11. Breastfed babies are less likely to fall ill which offers mothers greater peace of mind. Something must be said about the benefit of not having to deal with the added stress of living with a child with recurrent illness.
  12. Breastfeeding can consume an extra 200-500 calories a day (the equivalent of swimming 30 laps or riding a bicycle up a hill for an hour). This helps a mother return to her pre-pregnant weight more quickly and easily.
  13. During pregnancy, fat is stored around the waist and hip areas to protect the baby and womb. This fat is utilised in the production of breast milk after birth, which helps a mother return to her pre-pregnant size more quickly than a mother who formula feeds her baby.
  14. It has been estimated that breastfeeding can save parents an average of US$400-800 a year since there is no need to purchase expensive infant formulas.
  15. Breastfeeding directly also means there is no need for baby bottles, sterilizers and other fancy equipment required with bottle feeding.
  16. Breastfeeding is a lot more convenient, especially for night feeds as Mum does not have to get up to prepare formula.
  17. A nursing mother can also rest while she is nursing the baby (utilising the lying down position). She doesn't have to stay awake to hold the bottle which allows her to get more rest.

The benefits of breastfeeding for mothers are many and should not be overlooked. They are also equally valid factors that mothers should take into consideration when deciding whether or not to breastfeed their babies. Even if some mothers might not want to breastfeed their babies for the benefits that it offers to the baby, I'm sure knowing a little more about "what's in it for me" might change their perspectives.

The Significance of Medicine As a Profession

The word 'Doctor' is derived fro the Latin word "doccre" which means 'to teach' since the doctor has the function of instructing the patient and his relatives regarding treatment. Medicine, moreover, is a technique (an art or a craft of a special kind) with a broad philosophy.

The medical profession is supported by a plethora of scientific knowledge which is continuously growing. It is also guided by the norm of conduct termed "ethics". Ethics deal with the principles of morality., of right and wrong. Over the centuries, the Hippocratic Oath has been handed down from one to the next generation of practitioners of medical science. Though generally, the code of ethics has been attributed to Hippocrates, it is quite likely that in its present form it came into existence much later. The ethics have been laid down to be followed by the students and practitioners so as to command veneration from the public and to prevent misuse of the medical knowledge and exploitation of the society.

The nations of the world jointly pledged on September 12, 1979 at Alma-Ata that primary health care would be provided to everyone on this globe, wherever he may be, by 2000 AD. The eight important tasks identified on this occasion for achieving this objective were health education, food supply and nutrition, water and sanitation, maternity care, child-health and family planning, immunization, control and prevention of communicable diseases, basic curative are and provision of essential drugs. Some Asian and African countries such as India and Nigeria have already set up on this task of fulfilling the objectives of the Alma-Ata declaration.

The final diagnosis: The physician approaches the patient with the total picture of the patient in mind, and with the determination and skill of a detective to unravel the disease and its cause. While ascertaining the history and conducting the physical examination, an experienced observer forms an impression about the probable diagnosis and the immediate differential diagnosis. The clinical diagnosis should always be supported by by investigations. The purpose of investigations may be summarized as:

1. Confirmation of the clinical diagnosis, e.g, sputum for acid fast bacilli in tuberculosis or blood culture in typhoid fever.

2. assessment of the severity of affection or damage to organs (e.g, Liver function, renal function etc)

3. Assessment of prognosis (e.g, biopsy in malignancy)

4. Differentiation of the condition from closely resembling diseases (e.g, Liver biopsy in hematomegaly of rheumatoid factor in subacute arthritis e.t.c)

5. Planning the therapeutic modality; (e.g, determination of acetylator status to decide on the dose of INH therapy); and

6. Follow up of the treatment an to detect early recurrence.

While appropriate investigations are essential to establish the diagnosis and to institute therapy and follow up, the availability of different types of investigative procedures and the pver-dependence on them have led to unnecessary and sometimes even invasive, investigations which may jeopardize the patient's health and life.

In general, invasive procedures include biopsies of vital organs, catheterization of vital structures, angiography, contrast radiography, and endoscopies. These may cause temporary or permanent morbidity and even mortality in a smaller number. Hence the decision to employ them should be taken after evaluating the non-invasive methods and only if the risks involved are justifiable. Over-investigation should be avoided and this is possible only if the interrogation and physical examination are properly done. Moreover, results of the investigations should be interpreted in the light of the clinical findings, otherwise they may be misleading and may result in administering inappropriate therapy.

Recording of data is important and the method of recording has been considerably improved in recent years. The problem oriented medical record (POMR) is a generally accepted form which greatly helps data retrieval and also helps the physician to make decisions on the spot. Flow charts giving the design of management have been constructed for many of the common ailments. These help the physician to plan investigations and institute sequential therapy.

Computers are being increasingly used to help the physician in storing, coding and retrieving data and even to suggest therapeutic approaches in problem cases. Use of the computers is invaluable in organizations such as transplant associations, cancer registries, etc. Large volumes of properly prepared data can be fed into the computers which can be easily retrieved when required without the disadvantages of "human error" and "fatigue". Feeding and retrieval of the data using the computer are specialized processes and the reliability and efficiency of the computer depend to a large extent on the technical perfection achieved in its programming and operation.

Moving Through the Fear

"Be not afraid of life. Believe that life is worth living, and your belief will help create the fact." - William James

Fear dominates. It stops you in your tracks. It will rob your joy if you let it.

The NICU experience begins with fear. From the moment you are informed that something is not proceeding as planned fear creeps in. The doctor may tell you that you will deliver prematurely or that something is wrong with your baby. In a split second your pregnancy shifts from a place of hopes and dreams to a place of stress, worry, and overwhelm. It is completely natural and probably even healthy to surrender to the fear. Embrace it. Embracing these feelings without judgment is part of the process. But it is a process, meaning that you spend some time in this place, build up your strength, and prepare to move on to the next phase, living.

As you move from embracing to acceptance fear tags along. It becomes a buddy, a pal, and for some, a comforting companion that keeps you stuck. The key is to manage the fear. You don't have to fight it or make it go away. That is wasted energy. Instead, recognize that this friend's purpose is to protect you. You can then decide whether or not you need this protection. You get to decide if it is really a help or a hindrance and a crutch to keep you from taking the next steps in your life. Do you need more time to process or are you ready to partner with fear and take action?

With acceptance you are ready for action.

You are ready to claim your role as mom or dad and decide what that looks like for you. Fear is there, but you can give it another role. Make it work in your favor, cheer you on and champion you. Or make it your competitor and bet on yourself to win. Your discomfort does not completely go away; it simply lessens so that you can be the parent you are meant to be. Each step of the way, you call on your inner strength to accomplish what you once thought was impossible. This is the courage that is available to you each time you sense fear.

Steps to Managing Fear:

1. Recognize it for what it is: a protective mechanism.

2. Be gentle with yourself. Avoid judging yourself when in fear. Avoid making decisions when in fear.

3. Connect to your strengths. Recall previous fears that you overcame. Call on those strengths and skills now. Your inner voice knows the truth and will guide you.

4. Acknowledge when you need help and support. Reach out and get it.

5. Celebrate each step you make in spite of fear.

Best Sexual Positions That Help in Getting Pregnant With Baby Boy

So you and your partner want a baby boy! The great thing is that you can pull this off! You can definitely get the baby boy that you absolutely dream about, or you can get a baby girl, there are techniques for both that both include your sexual positioning; this can be an instrumental part in playing the percentage game of determining the gender of your future child!

Best Sexual Position in Helping to Get Pregnant with a Baby Boy
Well, the best one in this situation, the best position is actually the doggy style position, or having intercourse from behind; The reason for this is simply because the penetration is deeper and it dramatically shortens the distance the y chromosome (the male chromosome), must carry;

The optimal time to have a male child is actually close to ovulation, you want to have intercourse somewhere between the method of 24 hours prior ovulation to up to 12 hours later, the Y carrying sperm actually prefers a much more alkaline environment than it's female X carrying counter part.

Also if the man decides to drink caffeine before having intercourse, this can actually boost the speed of the Y carrying chromosomes, this can be ideal when trying to influence the sex and gender of the baby.

You want to make sure that you deposit the sperm as close to the cervix as possible! This is critical in trying to determine the sex of the baby! This is best from doing the rear position.

Chiropractic Help For Getting Pregnant

More and more women, of within conceiving age, who wants to have a baby but can't.

May be it's the current lifestyle, may be it's the food we consume or may be it's stress. But whatever the reason may be, to most women having a biological child of their own would a dream come true.

Many of them have tried everything and anything just to experience a child growing inside of them. They have allowed themselves to become a human guinea pig just to find answers and solve the problem on infertility. They have tried getting the opinion of a gynecologist, took fertility pills, and even prayed to the fertility Gods.

Yet all their efforts did not bear fruit.

But with life comes hope. There is a new study being conducted. Could the alternative medicine called chiropractic therapy be the solution to some of the causes of infertility?

There are now a few testimonies from women, who recently became pregnant or just became new mothers, who attested that chiropractic medicine worked for them.

A series of research papers showing that chiropractic had positive results treating infertility regardless of the woman's age, number of years infertile, previous medical intervention or health history including miscarriages,blocked fallopian tubes, amenorrhea, colitis, or trauma.

The spine is a central highway of nerves and just as an electrical cord, it has to be fully plugged in for an appliance to run. This means that the reproductive system of the body would not properly work if the nerves that lead to them are not functioning or are blocked in some way. This is where the chiropractor comes in. He will identify pinched or pressed nerves and fix those spinal distortions,which are called subluxations. The distortions could have been caused by many things such as childhood falls, illnesses, accidents, poor posture, or even stress. Once the subluxations are minimized or eliminated, a woman's menstrual cycle would strengthen, the action that delivers the egg through the fallopian tubes to the uterus can improve, and some cases of endometriosis can begin to reverse.

Did You Know This About Blue Cohosh And Labor?

Blue Cohosh (Caulophyllum) is one of the medicinal herbs of North America. The plant is a perennial woodland herb native to the eastern part of North America. Blue Cohosh is an oxytocic herb, meaning it mimics the hormone oxytocin, which stimulates uterine contractions. This herb is also a uterine tonic; it strengthens the uterine muscle like red raspberry.

Blue Cohosh was traditionally used by Native American women to ease their labor, because it is useful in helping the process of childbirth. The herb is often indicated if labor is progressing slowly, if the cervix is undilated and rigid, with feeble contractions, if the contractions are irregular or if there's weakness of the uterus during labor.

Some homeopathic doctors recommend regular consumption of Blue Cohosh daily during the last two or three weeks of pregnancy as a way to strengthen and prepare the woman for childbirth. Some other homeopaths feel that one should never routinely consume Blue Cohosh, but that each woman must be individually treated.

Blue Cohosh is among the medicinal herbs most frequently used by nurse-midwives to induce labor and is taken orally either as a liquid or capsule. Drawbacks include false labor, uncomfortable toning contractions, and a drop in blood pressure. Because Blue Cohosh could induce labor, it should never be taken in early pregnancy in any case because of the possibility that it might induce a miscarriage.

While almost no scientific study of Blue Cohosh has been conducted, side effects reported by midwives include excessively strong tetanic contractions or hyperstimulation of the uterus, which could lead to Cesarean section. Additionally, it has been reported twice in medical literature that use of Blue Cohosh was linked to heart problems in a newborn.

Like many potent herbs, Blue Cohosh is a potential poison. Thus, instead of self-care with potentially toxic herbs, seek the guidance of an experienced herbalist. Some herbalists are specialized in pregnancy care, while other medical practitioners could take an even harder line, saying that pregnant women should only use food herbs, not medicinal herbs. Recommending herbs for medicinal usage during pregnancy should be left to qualified herbalists and midwives.

Here are some qualifications to look for in an herbal practitioner:

Traditional Chinese Medical practitioner, licensed naturopathic doctor (N.D.) or an herbalist approved through the peer-review process of the American Herbalist Guild (AHG).

Professional associations: American Herb Association, P.O. Box 1673, Nevada City, CA 95959; American Herbalist Guild, 3051 Brown Lane, Soquel, CA 95073; American Association of Naturopathic Physicians, 2366 Eastlake Avenue, Suite 322, Seattle, WA 98102.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Swimming During Pregnancy - A Low Impact Exercise For Those Nine Months

Why swimming is good during pregnancy?

Swimming during pregnancy is one of the most relaxing and comfortable exercises that a pregnant woman can practice.

Swimming is a low-impact exercise and it is particularly suitable for pregnant woman.

During the third trimester, the potential conflict between the woman and the baby for glucose and blood flow is greatest. So swimming in a prone position (face-down) is excellent to promote optimal blood flow to the uterus.

Normally the core temperature of a woman does not rise so quickly when swimming, because heat loss by conduction is more efficient in water than air. Thus the baby gets an extra safeguard against overheating.

Pressure of the water encourages water loss, making swimming a particularly appealing option for pregnant women who tend to have edema.

During pregnancy there are changes in your cardiovascular and respiratory system. Cardiovascular system increases significantly in the late second and early third trimester. Swimming during pregnancy will help to regulate your cardiovascular system to avoid any cardiac complication.

Swimming increases muscle tone and strength, specially the back, abdomen and legs, which is important during the third trimester of pregnancy.

Pregnancy care when swimming

Diving and jumping into a pool are not recommended, because of the risk of injury for you or your baby, particularly after the first trimester when the baby is no longer within the pelvis.

Try to swim in a pool where there are not many people. Although swimming is a softness exercise, you may be exposed that someone could hit you.

Make sure the pool is clean. Even if your baby is protected by the placenta, you may get an infection in your vagina.

If possible, consider swimming lessons with other pregnant moms. You will feel more relaxed and confident.

Tips for Swimming During the First Trimester

If you have the energy, swim for at least 20 minutes every other day for the greatest benefit. Swimming first thing in the morning may relieve morning sickness and fatigue

Tips for Swimming During the Second Trimester

You will not have to cut down on swimming as your body grows larger. You probably will need to adjust your schedule, but wearing a maternity swimsuit may be more comfortable as your belly expands. It may be difficult to find one, however, if it is off-season.

Tips for Swimming During the Thirds Trimester

The water will support your joints and ligaments as you swim, preventing injury. You will not get overheat when swimming. The breaststroke is particularly beneficial in the third trimester, because it lengthens the chest muscles and shortens the back muscles. These are two areas that typically become uneven as your body changes during pregnancy.

Use a snorkel to relive the pressure on your neck that is created when turning your head to breathe.

7 Free or Low Cost IVF Treatment Programs That You May Not Know About

A major obstacle for many couples considering IVF is the cost. Here are some options you may not know of that would help with the cost of IVF treatment.

IVF Research Trials for Free or Inexpensive Treatment

Some infertility clinics have IVF research or treatment trials that receive IVF funding and grants. Research your area or online to see if there are any you qualify for. You will want to do your research on the fertility clinic to make sure that it is reputable, as well as check out the facility to make sure the staff is friendly and the rooms and equipment are clean. An IVF trial will be inexpensive, and you may even able to get free IVF treatment.

Find an Infertility Clinic That Does Shared IVF Cycles

A shared IVF cycle is where two women go through the first part of the IVF process at the same time, then one woman donates some of her eggs to another woman who cannot use her own eggs in exchange for a reduced rate determined by the fertility clinic. You could save up to 50% on your IVF costs. The only negative with this is that you may end up not having any eggs to freeze if your cycle isn't successful.

Find a Infertility Clinic That Does Shared Donor Egg Cycles

With a shared donor egg cycle, two or three women share a donor's eggs, and they all share in the cost of the IVF treatment. The only negative to this is if the donor doesn't have enough eggs for a shared cycle.

Consider Undergoing IVF Treatment Outside the US

IVF costs outside the United States can be significantly lower. IVF treatment is cheaper in many countries, including most of Europe, Asia, and Mexico. Costs can be as low as $5,000 and there are excellent doctors, facilities, and treatments abroad.However, you need to do your research to determine exactly what is covered in the price of the treatment, just as you would do for treatment in the US, as well as take into consideration the cost of travel and room and board while you are there. Additionally, if you are unable to travel, you can also look into getting your IVF medications abroad. This could also reduce the cost of your IVF treatment.

Find a Fertility Clinic that has a Refund or Shared Risk Program

A refund or shared risk program is a prepayment plan where you would get a partial or full refund if a pregnancy (or in some cases, a live birth) does not come out of your IVF treatment. You would pay a flat fee up front for a certain number of IVF cycles. If you don't get pregnant after your cycles, you will get 70-100% of your payment back. There are some limitations depending on the fertility clinic's policies in terms of age and services covered.

Consider Mini IVF

The only difference with Mini IVF is the drug and hormone regimen that take place first. There are less drugs used for ovary stimulation. With Mini IVF, less but more high quality eggs are produced. The rest of the IVF process is the same in that the woman is monitored throughout the drug regimen process, and egg retrieval, embryo fertilization and embryo transfer all take place, just like in traditional IVF. The costs of Mini IVF are significantly lower, costing $3,500 to $7,000 per cycle instead of $12,000- $15,000 per cycle.

Check Your Insurance Plan

Check to see if your insurance company covers any costs of fertility treatment. Some insurance companies do cover some, if not all of in vitro fertilization treatment. 15 states actually require insurance companies to have some sort of IVF coverage, usually in the form of infertility diagnosis and treatment. The states are: Arkansas, California, Connecticut, Hawaii, Illinois, Louisiana, Maryland, Massachusetts, Montana, New Jersey, New York, Ohio, Rhode Island, Texas and West Virginia.

I hope this has given you a starting point in finding ways to make IVF treatment affordable for you. There are low cost IVF options out there, you just need to know where to look to find the option that works best for you.

Post Natal Problems For the Mother

Taking Care of Mum

You have a new baby - life is great, exhilarating even, but exhausting, as everything is focussed on the new addition and his/her needs. And exhausting it is too, as looking after a young family is unrelenting 24/7, 365 days a year. And what about mum? All too often we forget that a mother's body is going through some major changes as it recovers from the effects of the pregnancy and birth. Too often little thought is given to the mum after delivery.

In order for Mum to be able to look after the new addition her health has to be in good shape. Many problems both short and long term can be helped with appropriate osteopathic treatment. Here are some of them, which often occur within the postnatal period.

Pelvic strain, which can be caused in three ways:
During delivery the hip, pelvic and abdominal musculature undergoes maximum physical strain with stress on the back, pelvic and sacroiliac ligaments. This coupled with an increase in intra abdominal pressure can place an intolerable strain on the mother's body. Even with the pelvic outlet increasing by up to 25%in size it is still a tight fit for the baby's head as it travels through the pelvis and the head can move any part of the pelvis out of alignment thus straining any ligaments attached to them.

Secondly the position the mother adopts whilst resting during the birth can cause problems. This position is usually the "the semi-reclining" position which puts pressure on the sacrum. Whilst resting the uterus is still contracting and as the baby descends pressure is put on the sacrum possibly moving it out of its normal, position. The trouble is that the mother can't feel this with the pain relief that she is taking (especially an epidural) and so does not move to dispel the pressure.

Thirdly strains can arise from when the mother is put into the Lithotomy (stirrups) position. Whilst this position is being used less and less these days in childbirth it is still occasionally used for repairs to the perineum. The pelvic ligaments are very vulnerable and in a weakened state at this time and the strain on these ligaments can mean that the stability and position of the sacrum and pelvis can be altered. If this is not corrected then this can affect the working of the lumbar spine and so lead onto low back pain at a later stage.

Other problems that mothers suffer include general aches and pains from muscles used in childbirth. These will usually settle down after a few days unless a strain or imbalance has occurred. Common sites of problems are firstly the diaphragm and the muscles between the ribs (intercostal muscles), which tighten up so leading to breathing difficulties and sometimes circulatory problems as the return of the blood to the heart through the veins becomes impeded and congested.

The abdominal muscles, which have had to lengthen during the pregnancy, are often tender. These will recover but as they provide support to the spine it means that new mothers are predisposed to either overstrain these muscles or their back. This happens easily when lifting and carrying a baby around. Occasionally abdominal discomfort is experienced which can be due to the ligaments, which support the uterus being overstrained, and allowing the uterus to return back to an abnormal position.

The muscles between the shoulder blades often cause discomfort, again in part due to the extra lifting/putting down of the baby but also as a result of a poor feeding position adopted by the mum.

It is always a good idea to see an osteopath after the birth of the baby, as this can help you and your tissues get back to normal as quickly as possible. Osteopaths aim to correct any excessive muscular tension, resolve any ligamentous imbalances and remove any malpositioning of the sacrum within the pelvis. Any areas of restriction within the diaphragm or rib cage would be mobilised. Osteopathy is concerned with strengthening the musculoskeletal system by preventing back problems, strengthening the weakened abdominal muscles, improving diminished respiratory function and stasis of the venous circulation. Finally advice will be given as to how to prevent back strain and on postnatal exercise. I would advise any mum who has just had a baby to visit an osteopath in order to have a check up. You do not have to wait until you have had your eight-week check up with your GP.

Hot Versus Cold - Essential Oils Can Help With Hormone Imbalance

What is a hormone? Our bodies naturally produce lots of different chemical messengers that travel by way of the blood stream to all parts of the body to stimulate either the increase or decrease of some bodily function or to tell other glands to increase or decrease secretion of another hormone. So, hormones are in the business of either up-regulating or down-regulating activity in the body. It doesn't take much hormone to alter cell metabolism. We have two dominant female hormones-estrogen and progesterone. Estrogen ensures the development of female characteristics at puberty. After this, its role is primarily to build the uterine lining each month prior to fertilization as well as to help regulate the menstrual cycle. Progesterone becomes important in maintaining the uterine lining for implantation of a fertilized egg. There is a delicate balancing act between these two hormones.

Since this article is dealing with hot versus cold-we are looking at hot flashes and other menopausal unpleasant sensations as the production of these hormones is decreased. Menopause literally means "last period" and occurs somewhere between the ages of 45 to 52 with the cessation of egg production in the ovaries.

What Is the Real Cause of Hot Flashes and Night Sweats?

These symptoms are very common during menopause but can occur at any age when there is a hormone imbalance. Hormone balance is your body's natural state but when there are too many demands on your body, its ability to balance hormones is overwhelmed. The resulting hormonal imbalance gives rise to hot flashes or night sweats. Basically, the heat-regulatory area of the brain is "tricked" into thinking the body needs to dispel heat, causing it to send out signals for blood vessels to dilate, heart rate to increase, and sweat glands to open. The result is the unpleasant rush of heat, perspiration, dizziness, and pounding heart that characterize hot flashes. This demand creates hormonal imbalance that tends to peak in peri-menopause which is why hot flashes are commonly thought of as a menopausal symptom. But women can experience hormonal imbalance at any stage in their lives.

How Can Essential Oils Help?

Here are some "hormone-like" essential oils: German chamomile and clary sage are both hormone-like and act as a decongestant on your system; cypress and niaouli are both estrogen-like and can help to regulate menses; peppermint is an ovarian stimulant and can be cooling. For hot flashes and sweating-clary sage, cypress, peppermint or pine oils for the excessive perspiration. Some find a combination of clary sage and geranium oils to be a life-saver.

Clary sage is well known for treating hormone imbalances. It contains sclareol, a diterpene alcohol that makes it estrogen-like in its effect on the body. It has a euphoric effect in general, can act as a uterine tonic, help with painful menses, hot flashes, post-natal depression, panic attacks, impotence, and frigidity. It is considered an oil that is a "gift to the female." It can get rid of monthly boat, regulate menses, balance the endocrine system including the pituitary and the pancreas making it helpful for diabetics.

Geranium is much more subtle than clary sage. It is used primarily for breast engorgement, vaginal thrush, painful periods, PMS, and uterine hemorrhage. It has a calming, uplifting and strengthening effect. Some find it especially good for hot flashes and vaginal dryness.

Effective Tips That Will Help You With Getting Pregnant With A Baby Boy

Are you looking forward to getting pregnant with a baby boy anytime soon? Then, you and your partner are one of the many couples all over the world who are exerting efforts to plan their families out well so that they can make their home as healthy as possible. Planning pregnancy is an excellent proof that you are taking the responsibility of making sure that your family will be healthy one. In here, I will be showing you three goods tips about conceiving a baby boy so if you want to make your efforts really accurate, then read carefully.

The first tip that will help you with getting pregnant with a baby boy is drink coffee. This tip is basically advised for men only. Are you wondering about the reason behind this weird advice? Then, read on. Studies have shown that drinking coffee will allow men to give their sperm cells a boost by providing them with an extra amount of strength so that they can increase their speeds. Through this, they will have a greater chance to reach the ovum or egg cell. How does coffee make this possible? Well, as to the reason that the sperm cells responsible for conceiving a baby boy are those that have a greater ability to swim much faster as compared to those that produce baby girls, giving them an extra boost will allow them to have a greater advantage over the latter. Male sperm cells swim much faster because of their low resistance against the acidic environment of the reproductive system of women. When men drink coffee, they allow the male sperm to swim even faster so that they can be exposed even lesser to the acidic discharge of the cervix. The lesser they get exposed to the latter, the greater their chances of surviving and reaching the egg cell.

Another useful tip on how to get pregnant easy with a baby boy that men can use would be using or wearing boxer shorts. The principle behind this tip is that temperature is an important factor when it comes to sperm count. A high temperature basically kills sperm cells. If a man has low sperm count, he has a small chance of impregnating a woman. Boxer shorts have a lesser amount of contact with the male genitalia, which prevents an increase in temperature in the area. Studies have shown that the number of Y sperm cells and X sperm cells released is of equal amount. This means that if you want to improve your chances of getting pregnant, you need to increase your sperm count. When you do so, you can increase your stock of Y sperm cells and in turn increase your chances of having a baby boy.

Let us move on to a tip that women can use. A good tip that women can carry out so that they can conceive a boy would be diet regulation. The different foods that women eat have a huge effect on the pH level of their bodies. As I have stated awhile ago, the male reproductive cells responsible for producing boys have a low resistance against acids. Based on this fact, you need to consume foods that will allow you to make your body more alkaline so that you can favor the latter and get the baby that you want. Some of the alkaline foods that you can place in your diet list include lettuce, almonds, chestnuts, broccoli, and strawberries.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

How to Find the Best Insurance For Babies

Your health insurance needs are yet another aspect of life that will change once you discover you are having a baby. You may find yourself wondering where to find the best insurance for babies. Perhaps you are unsure whether your current health insurance is appropriate for a growing family. The guide below discusses what you need once you have a baby, and how to get the insurance for babies that work for their parents too.

Coverage Needs for Babies

Coverage that worked well when it was just you, or you and your spouse, may very prove insufficient when you factor in the new demands of pre-natal care, labor and delivery, the first two years of well-baby visits, and any complications that arise along the way. Maternity care and delivery coverage are two key issues to look into when deciding on health insurance for a growing family. Policies vary widely in terms of deductibles, co-payments and coverage. So spending a little extra time to find the best insurance for your situation can end up saving you a lot of money.

Preventative Care for Babies

Once the little bundle arrives, it's important to recognize that preventative care is the key to safeguarding the health of babies. It is crucial to make sure your insurance covers all the well-baby visits, vaccinations, and school physicals that your child will experience as he or she grows. Though we don't like to think about it, insurance for babies should include coverage for ambulance rides and emergency room visits as well.

Top Rated Providers for Family Coverage

When it comes to ensuring the healthiest possible environment for your baby, the best insurance is one that offers the most benefits for the whole family. In ranking the top commercial health insurance plans, the National Committee for Quality Assurance offers a good starting place to assess the best plan for your family.

In 2009, the top five contenders were:

One- Harvard Pilgrim Health Care (HMO/POS), Massachusetts and Maine

Two- Harvard Pilgrim Health Care of New England (HMO/POS), New Hampshire

Three- Tufts Associated Health Maintenance Organization (HMO/POS), Massachusetts, New Hampshire, and Rhode Island

Four- Grand Valley Health Plan (HMO), Michigan

Five- Capital Health Plan (HMO), Florida

How To Get Pregnant: Pregnancy After An Abortion

For some reason or the other, a woman by herself or a couple may decide to go in for a medical termination of pregnancy. An abortion induces physical stress on the body. A woman needs time to recover and recuperate from this situation before she can consider having a baby. Following a few simple guidelines ensures safe pregnancy after an abortion.

Resting and Recuperating After An Abortion:

When a woman conceives there are pregnancy hormones circulating in her body. After an abortion, these remain present and it might take anything from 6 months to two years for the woman's body to return to a stable hormonal state. Her periods may vary, the amount of bleeding may vary and other symptoms persist until the woman becomes normal. It is advisable for a woman to have a check up to ensure that she is recuperating well and there are no abnormalities before she considers conception. Until she does return to a mentally and physically normal state of health, it is always wise to have safe sex as conception close to an abortion may pose problems.

Medical Exam After Abortion and Before Pregnancy:

If a woman is thinking of becoming pregnant again after an abortion, she should first have a thorough medical examination to ensure that she is healing perfectly, the cervix has closed and there are no infections in her uterus or vagina. If there are some tissues still left after the abortion, she may need D&C.

Safeguard health and revive physically:

After an abortion, she should preferably take some basic steps to safeguard her health. These steps include a healthy, nutritious diet with plenty of rest, relaxation and sleep. She would have to take antibiotics as prescribed by her doctor for the prescribed period. After an abortion, a woman should not engage in swimming or any strenuous activity like lifting weights. Avoid inserting tampons or use of a douche. Since ovulation can occur two weeks after abortion, she can become pregnant so it is best to abstain from sexual intercourse for at least a month to two until healing is complete and even then engage only in safe or alternative sex. If a woman has had an abortion after 8 or 9 weeks of conception, she may begin lactating but this phase will eventually pass so there is nothing to be unduly concerned about. A close fit bra helps. Take care to avoid infections.

Try again and conceive happily:

Once recovery is complete in all respects the couple can safely decide to have a baby. A doctor can advise when it is safe. When a woman wants to conceive, a healthy and nutritious diet along with vitamins, folic acid and supplements is necessary. She should also refrain from smoking and drinking and should reduce the intake of caffeinated drinks. Light to moderate physical exercises revitalize not only muscle tissues but also internal organs. She can resume normal and frequent intercourse using positions that are more conducive for conception. A break in between can be beneficial in the man being able to increase his sperm count and therefore the chances of impregnation.

Will Restorative Yoga Help My Pregnancy Trouble Breathing at Night?

Restorative yoga has many benefits, and it has been beneficial to many infertile women trying to become pregnant. It has also helped many women who have already become pregnant as they look to manage the various symptoms and discomforts associated with their pregnancy. If you feel discomfort, pain, or other symptoms during your pregnancy, it's important to notify your medical doctor first. The cause of your symptoms may be an underlying medical problem demanding the attention of a trained doctor. If your doctor informs you that the symptoms are a normal part of pregnancy, ask about yoga for its various benefits.

Restorative yoga is a type of restful yoga that utilizes props like chairs, walls, blankets, blocks, pillows, etc. to put the body into various poses. As the props do most of the work for you, you are not engaging in a strenuous stretch or pose. There are certain poses that you should avoid, however, such as those that invert you or put you on your stomach. Make sure you inform the instructor that you are pregnant, as he or she will then offer alternative poses for you during the session. Some classes are designed specifically for pregnant women; still inform the instructor of how far along in your pregnancy you are.

This type of yoga has had very positive effects on a lot of people. Many feel more rested and focused following a session. It helps to reduce stress, and is a healthy way to deal with the stressors that we face in our everyday lives. Many also note that they are able to sleep better throughout the night; this means falling asleep faster and sleeping through the night more than they had in the past.

If you are having difficulty breathing at night, this is an example of something you should discuss with your doctor. He or she may even recommend breathing exercises, such as are performed during yoga, to help you. Follow any instructions given to you by your doctor, but inquire about restorative yoga's benefits and whether this exercise may be helpful as you try to improve your breathing at night.

The breathing exercises performed during yoga sessions may be helpful in controlling asthma and various respiratory illnesses, and it may even be beneficial to those who are experiencing anxiety-a common emotional or mental problem during pregnancy. Restorative yoga has been beneficial for those with depression and other emotional disorders as well.

Midwifery Vacancies - Enduring Career Opportunities

The recessionary pressures recently experienced have the potential to create a long tail effect on unemployment. While most western economies are returning to some sense of normality, the outlook for unemployment takes some time to react positively. The gradual ascent from the effects of the recession means that many industries are struggling to retain the employment levels to pre-recession levels. However, medicine and healthcare is an exception to the rule, the demand for healthcare services can actually increase as a result of reduced incomes and increased levels of stress. As a result, the demand for medical staff is consistent through the various economic cycles, providing a stable platform for career stability and growth. One such position that is consistently in high demand is midwifery.

Medical policy throughout the United Kingdom is committed to the delivery of high quality and accessible maternity care, which is focused around the needs of the woman and the family. Demographic changes and structural changes in the population have resulted in a different profile of women accessing maternity services. Divergent family structures and increasing population growth through active immigration policies has resulted in increasing demand for maternity services and a resultant increase in the number of midwifery vacancies. Furthermore, a notable increase in teenage pregnancies and those from lower socio-economic backgrounds has resulted in those from disadvantaged backgrounds experiencing inferior pregnancy outcomes. The dedication for positive outcomes for all pregnant woman by the United Kingdom agencies charged with the responsibility of social and medical healthcare has again, resulted in an increased demand by both public and private healthcare institutions, for qualified, experienced and trainee midwives.

As in all countries, the demand for health care services relates to trends in growth and proportion of the population. When assessing the current and future requirements for midwifery vacancies, it is important to balance the needs of the population with the age and skill profile of the current stock of qualified and experienced midwives. One critical issue to consider is how the population projections and demographic profile will affect the numbers of midwives available. Furthermore, it is vital to assess the demands of midwives based on these population projections.

As in all modern societies, the United Kingdom is experiencing rapid population change which will result in a continued demand for midwifery vacancies. To secure a rewarding career which provides job satisfaction and security, consider a move to fulfil one of the many midwifery vacancies available throughout the UK.

Why Am I Not Getting Pregnant? - Tips To Help You

When you're looking at ways to get pregnant you have probably already been struggling for some time without having any kind of success. You are probably asking yourself, "why am I not getting pregnant?" I know exactly how you feel, that used to be me. I was overwhelmed with sorrow and frustration and I thought that I would probably in no way have the ability to have a child. This was before I found out about the different ways of getting pregnant.

I did not know that there were different techniques that could very well be implemented to get pregnant. No, I am not talking about artificial insemination. I am talking about alternative yet natural ways of getting pregnant. Numerous individuals are misinformed and think that all you have to do is have sexual intercourse and after that wait. This is certainly not the case. Some of the ways of getting pregnant are listed down below.

Try and document the period of the month in which your ovulation occurs. Ovulation kits allow you to discover when you're going to ovulate. You must have sexual intercourse each day for a number of days after taking the test if it's positive.

Eat healthier meals. A healthy diet will enable you to fall pregnant simply because your body will perform much better when it is healthy. It'll increase the way in which your system performs and consequently improve the probability of you getting pregnant.

Investigate which sexual positions will improve your chances of falling pregnant. A number of partners just have sex in any position yet the fact is that positions do have an effect on your likelihood of getting pregnant. Although individuals do fall pregnant from having sexual intercourse in any position, a number of positions simply enhance the probability of you getting pregnant. You have got to get past the point of asking yourself "why am I not getting pregnant?".

Stay away from alcoholic beverages and caffeine. Staying away from them will maximize your chances of falling pregnant due to the fact that they affect your health. Many men and women struggle to have a baby and it's a pity because having a baby is such a amazing thing. Not being able to have a child is frustrating and tragic. However if you understand how to increase your chances, and you understand how to get past the question "why am I not getting pregnant", there is almost no doubt in my mind that you will certainly become pregnant.

Pregnancy Months Stress Strikes Expectant Fathers, Too

Pregnancy months come with lots of physical and emotional changes for both the mom-to-be and the developing baby, but what about the expectant daddy? Isn't he also exposed to increased stress, fears and unexpected situations during the 9 months of gestation?

It may sound strange but expectant fathers experience not only emotional changes and insecurities but also physical symptoms while caring for their partners. These are called sympathetic pregnancy symptoms or the couvade syndrome and generally begin at the end of the first trimester, increasing in intensity during the following months.

Dads-to-be experience frequent episodes of morning sickness, nausea, weight gain, sleeping troubles, mood swings, back pain and headaches. They also have changes in sexual appetite just like women and experience strange food cravings during the nine months. Quite surprising, isn't it?

As a future dad, you may find it difficult to cope with all these feelings but think about your partner. Things are way tougher for her so you definitely need to be there and support her unconditionally during the pregnancy months.

Expecting Father's role during pregnancy months

Let's be totally clear: pregnancies are never trouble-free. Each and every gestational period is accompanied by emotional unpredictability and physical discomfort for the mother so it's normal for her to be anxious, to feel things are out of control and to need you more than ever!

So instead of complaining about her sudden cravings or lack of sexual desire, try to understand her. Keep your calm when your partner pass through stressful situations and show her things can be solved easier in two. If she experiences nausea and vomiting, be there for her and let her see there's nothing embarrassing in these reactions. Your partner needs to know you still love and appreciate her, even if her legs are swollen like an elephant and her tummy gets bigger day by day.

She will feel extremely tired and depressed during the first months. Her breasts will enlarge and become sore. She will experience sever back pain, leg aches and muscle tension. While she'll probably blame you for this but understand that what she is experiencing is normal and somewhat expected may help you cope.

Be patient with your partner during her pregnancy month's emotional roller coaster. Expect her to be more irritable than usually. Some time she will become nervous and then suddenly gleam with happiness. This is normal - her body carries a baby inside without your partner seeing or knowing what's actually happening there!

You may not notice this and she may not tell you but she does feel guilty whenever she reacts rudely, when she refuses to make love to you or when she asks you to go and buy something immediately to stop her cravings. Encourage her to be open, share with you all her feelings, dreams and problems. Communication is crucial in pregnancy and as an expectant father it is your role to be informed and to know what to expect from her.

Spend more time with your partner. Do the dishes. Take her to a walk when she feels tensed. Tell her she is beautiful when she complains about her weight gain during pregnancy and colored spots on skin. Assure her you'll be there to support and help her at all time. Take care of her appointments for prenatal visits and never let her go alone if your schedule allows you to accompany her.

Make sure she has everything she needs for labor. Buy diapers, pills, ointments and everything you two may need after the baby is born. The more confident she is and the more loved she feels, the easier pregnancy months will pass for you as a couple!

Monday, March 11, 2013

Bronchitis In Pregnancy - Facts To Help You Deal With It

Pregnancy is an exciting moment for the would-be parents; a moment of great significance. It is the culmination of the love of a man and woman have for each other. It also means that another individual is about to arrive into this world.

Pregnant women should take good care of themselves. Remember it is not just yourself your are taking care of; you are also taking care of your unborn baby. The immune system of an expecting mother is weakened, and therefore, she becomes susceptible to a myriad medical problems.

Usually, pregnant women suffer from colds and coughs. This is dangerous because colds and coughs can lead to more serious conditions such as bronchitis. Therefore, a pregnant woman must take special care to see that she does not catch a cold.

Bronchitis is a condition characterized by inflammation of the bronchioles. Its symptoms are similar to those of common cold. Keep away from conditions that might give you a cold if you are pregnant.

Simple Ways to Prevent Bronchitis

To avoid contracting bronchitis, you need to avoid catching its symptoms. Put simply, it means that your simply cannot and should not catch a cold, and here is what you should do in order to avoid catching colds and coughs

Wash your hands as much and as often as possible. If you have to travel to a place where washrooms are not available, carry a hand sanitizer or alcohol.

Maintain cleanliness in and around your house. Things that you have to touch, especially, should be very clean. Invest in some germ-killing disinfectants and use them while cleaning your house.

Avoid people who have colds and coughs. In your present condition, you are highly susceptible to colds and coughs, and it is not advisable for you to interact with individuals suffering from a cold or cough.

How Does Bronchitis Impact a Pregnant Woman?

Bronchitis can impact a pregnant woman is several ways.

A persistent cough is one of the symptoms of bronchitis. While it does your harm your baby, it can cause a lot of discomfort and annoyance to you.

Another symptom of bronchitis is a mild fever. According to medical studies, women who acquire a temperature higher than 38.9 degrees Celsius may give birth to a defective baby. So, if you get a high fever, it might impact your baby in adverse ways.

Symptoms such as cold, throat pain, and chest pain cause a great deal of annoyance to the pregnant woman; however, if checked at the right time, these symptoms won't cause any harm to your baby.

Steps to be Taken if You Notice Symptoms of Bronchitis

If you have observed the symptoms of bronchitis in yourself, you need to take necessary precautions to prevent the condition from becoming chronic. You also need to ensure that you do not suffer the discomforts that bronchitis can bring to a pregnant woman.

Drink plenty of non-caffeinated liquids because this eases mucus secretion. It is highly advisable for pregnant women suffering from bronchitis to drink plenty of water, fresh fruit juice, and soups.

Place a humidifier in your house; this will help you if you are suffering from cold.

Use saline drops to prevent stuffiness in your nose.

Take a warm shower daily. Studies have shown that a warm shower not only clears mucus but also prevents stuffiness in the nose.

Take plenty of rest. Relaxation is of utmost important.

Visit your obstetrician or gynecologist and talk to him or her about your condition.

Medicines for Bronchitis

It is not possible to avoid medicines even when you are pregnant. Medicines help you manage and control your condition better. Commonly, pregnant women with colds and allergies are treated with decongestants. Plenty of expectorants and cough suppressants are available to help pregnant women escape from the discomfort caused by coughing.

Before taking any of these medicines, however, remember to talk to your doctor. This way you can protect yourself and your unborn child.