Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Avoid the Baby Blues With a Healthy Dose of Omega 3

Being a mother is all about sacrifice. And there is nothing wrong with that in fact, it's well worth it! However, the fact remains that from the time you conceive, not only are you giving that little life inside you the majority of your attention, energy and mental and physical focus, but you are also funneling the best nutrients that your body can provide straight to that tiny, growing person inside you.

As a result, many mothers even the ones who take traditional prenatal vitamins and take extremely good care of their health while they are pregnant" find themselves suffering from fatigue, shortness of temper and short and long-term memory loss after the birth of a baby. All of these symptoms add up to one thing: postpartum depression.

Don't Just Accept It

For years, postpartum depression has been considered a somewhat unavoidable and unpleasant side effect of pregnancy for many women. While doctors do attempt to prepare women and their families for this issue, most new mothers have to suffer through the experience while their body gets back to normal, causing them serious mental anguish in many cases as they cannot understand why on earth they should be feeling such tumultuous and conflicting emotions centered around the newest member of their family.

However, the explanation is simple: during the pregnancy, you gave your little one everything " right down to the best brain food that you could provide, which happened to be the stuff that your brain needed as well. As a result, now that the baby is no longer inside you, you may be suffering from a shortage of this brain food, omega 3 fatty acids to be exact, and that is causing you everything from headaches to an inability to concentrate on simple tasks.

The Solution Can Be Simple

Fortunately, the solution is as simple as the problem: get more omega 3!

In late August of 2008,Complimentary Medicine released a study indicating that incidences of postpartum depression drop by about 50 percent when expectant mothers take a fish oil supplement throughout their pregnancy. This study and studies like it also have lead to recent research in World Psychiatry that indicate that omega 3 also can dramatically decrease the negative effects of menopause, which is also directly linked to changes and shortages in the female reproductive system.

The best way to get omega 3 during a pregnancy is from fish oil rather than directly from fish or tuna, which often contain traces of heavy metals and toxins that can seriously harm a fetus. Instead, take a dietary supplement that has been certified toxin free. You can rest assured that not only are you fortifying your defenses against postpartum depression, but that you also are providing vital nutrients to your child that will help with everything from coordination to preventing multiple sclerosis and neural disorders.

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