Sunday, April 28, 2013

Tips to Reduce Pregnancy Costs

Pregnancy often comes as a barrel of fun. This period has hundreds of memorable moments. Parents overwhelmed with the joyous anticipation spend as much as they can. They just want to ensure the safe and healthy birth of their child. Although, being conscious about safe birth is appreciated, getting over-conscious and spending irrelevantly is not wise.

Here are some tips to help parents enjoy the whole period without ending up in financial ruin.

1. Maternity Insurance
Getting private maternity insurance is expensive. One can easily be dazzled by knowing how much is health insurance. But in most cases it is inevitable and should be utilized. The reason is that, such insurance relieves you from a sudden burden of $5000 and up to $15000. These insurance policies mostly cover all the expenses including hospitalization, physician's fees, drugs and others.

If possible, using your spouse's insurance is a nice idea, however, not everyone can avail this facility. In such cases try to avail a parent's or guardian's insurance. What you must keep in mind is to get insured before the pregnancy is detected.

How much is health insurance? It is a question that cannot be answered because the premiums and deductibles change every year. The change depends upon the state and thus nothing can be predicted.

2. Borrow Baby Gear
Once you deal with all the hospitalization costs, you will have to deal with the stuff you buy for your baby. Buying everything new is not prudent. You can easily find someone among your neighbors, family or friends who have a whole nursery resting in their attics.

Make the most of such opportunities and borrow whatever you can.

3. Gifts
The gifts your child receives from your relatives and friends should not go in vain. It is very smart to let your guests know what you need in your child's nursery. You can even make a list of required items and let your friends go through it to and decide themselves.

4. Buy Inexpensive Diapers in Bulk
Buy inexpensive disposable diapers and use them effectively. You can easily find sales and discounts in baby shops. Make the most of such sales and rush to the stores to buy the required items in bulk.

5. Be Patient
Usually, parents being overwhelmed with the joyous news, start shopping for their child before birth. Since they do not know the size of their child, later, when the clothes appear to be of the wrong size, they go shopping again. So be patient and enjoy shopping with your child.

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