Thursday, October 24, 2013

How Can I Get My Hormones Back to Normal?

The hormonal system is the 'engine' of the woman

The functions of the female human body are largely influenced by hormones. It affects the physical, mental and emotional aspects of the body. Hormones are the body's chemical messengers, produced by cells and carried into the bloodstream to affect various physiological functions and development.


  • Around puberty age, the part of the brain called hypothalamus releases pulses of hormones to stimulate the pituitary gland to produce the luteinizing hormone (LH) and follicle stimulating hormone (FSH), which activate ovarian functions. The ovary is a female organ that produces the two main female sex hormones: estrogen and progesterone. The hormone estrogen is what stimulates breast development and the maturity of the vagina, fallopian tubes and uterus during puberty stage.

  • Beyond puberty, estrogen and progesterone, as well as LH and FSH will play vital roles in a woman's menstrual cycle and fertility, following a predictable pattern of rising and falling levels to support a chain of events with regard to reproduction. These hormones will be the ones to govern the maturity and release of eggs in the ovary, as well as the preparation of the womb to conception.

  • The surge of luteinizing hormone or LH marks a woman's ovulation phase, when the mature egg is released from the ovary to the fallopian tube. In the tube, the egg will be carried along by hair like projections to the uterus. In the uterus, the egg will be fertilized is sperm is present. Birth control pills prevent LH surge to prevent pregnancy.

  • On the other hand, the hormone progesterone is responsible for the thickening of the endometrium or uterine lining. This is to facilitate the implantation of the fertilized egg. If the implantation failed to occur, the spiral arteries in the lining will stop blood flow. This turns the thick uterine lining into blood pools, which is normally released in the form of menstrual flow.

During Pregnancy?

  • Pregnancy results from a fertilized egg. The usual drop of estrogen and progesterone levels at the end of the menstrual cycle does not occur, which explains the absence of your period.

  • Immediately, a new hormone called human chorionic gonadotrophin (HCG) is released to develop the placenta and stimulate the ovary to produce the needed levels of estrogen and progesterone to sustain pregnancy. Along with other hormones in pregnancy, HCG will be responsible in increasing the blood circulating in the womb and initiating other body mechanisms to nurture the growing baby in the womb.

  • During child birth, these two hormones also cause the womb to contract and stimulate the production of breast milk.


  • Progesterone and estrogen levels are expected to drop after pregnancy.

  • This will facilitate the shrinking back of the womb,

  • Toning of the pelvic floor muscles

  • Normalization of blood flow. The sudden drop of female hormones may also cause episodes of post natal depression.

Getting my Hormones to Work?

"Normally, women do not need to do anything to control their hormones".

If we lived in a 'normal' world there would be no need for this article. However, in most societies women encounter as much stress, perhaps more, with their 'double' workloads, as anyone would.

  • Depending on the woman's stress reactions, there can be many upsets to a normal pregnancy which is dependent on her hormones for biochemical direction.

Hormonal imbalance is basically a disturbance to the delicate balance or incorrect relationship between the estrogen, progesterone and the stress hormone levels in the body. Women suffering hormonal imbalance do suffer risk of infertility or miscarriage.

The usual medical solution is 'hormonal replacement therapy', a form of treatment trying to correct the hormonal imbalances, usually performed during the luteal phase of a woman's ovulation and menstrual period.

The human body though, is a maze of nervous system options that few people become aware of. There are a number of reflexes on the skin that relate specifically to the Endocrine Glands and can be used to balance their function.

Imagine if you could just stimulate one of these reflexes and its related gland would "start up" again, balancing not only it's own production of hormones, but stimulate others as well. It is true, that these reflexes exist and anyone can learn how to use them to balance the hormonal system without having to take any medications.

We are getting smarter about how our bodies work and pregnancy is a fine example of how well what we have learned can be seen in the 'real' world. Don't wait until it's too late to find out.

Neuro-Training has developed a proven way to systematically balance the whole hormone system. Women who have had terrible experiences with their hormones can now be helped and easily learn how to do it themselves.

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