Tuesday, December 31, 2013

4 Proven Methods for Natural Labor Induction

By the end of pregnancy you want nothing more than to just have your baby! It's hard to feel huge, exhausted, and like you have to run to the bathroom every 10 minutes! Here are four safe, proven methods to get labor going. Different women's bodies work differently, so these might not all work for you. It's worth a shot when you're tired and just ready to meet your baby, though!

Keep on Walking

You're probably doing a lot of walking already. It's one of the easiest exercises during pregnancy and it helps keep you and your baby healthy. But taking a walk every day can help your body go into labor if it's not getting there on its own. It gets your blood moving and nourishes baby regardless.

Climbing stairs is a trusted variation on walking. Find a flight and go up and down until you're tired. Remember to get plenty of rest after your walks and stair climbing. You want energy if labor does start up!

Squat Away

Squatting is strongly associated with pregnancy and giving birth, and with good reason. It usually opens the pelvis and helps your baby come down to the birth canal. Doing squats during pregnancy can prepare you for an easier labor and birth.

The reason squats can help you during labor is due to your baby's head. We're not sure exactly what causes labor to begin, but the baby's head pressing firmly against the cervix is thought to help trigger labor into beginning. Squats help to push baby down to firmly engage.

Enjoy Yourself

You've probably heard that lovemaking can stimulate labor, and this is true. What gets the baby in can help get the baby out. Semen contains prostaglandins that help ripen the cervix and prepare it for labor. You also get relaxed and all hormones are able to flow more freely.

Certain other things, like nipple stimulation can come into play and help get labor going. Nipple stimulation can be so powerful, in fact, that breast pumps have been used to get a labor moving. If you decide to try this know that it can take persistence to get a labor pattern going and established.

Visualization and Relaxation

Some people may think it makes no difference, but many moms have found that just by taking a break and relaxing things start to happen. Stop wondering "is this it!" about everything. Instead, ask yourself what you'll do next. Will you take a nap, clean the kitchen, get a snack? Maybe you'll take a walk or go window shopping. Take it one day at a time. When you finally resolve to relax and let nature take its course is when things might just get going!

Visualization is also a powerful thing. Find some time to take a rest in your bedroom or on the couch. Vividly imagine yourself going into labor. See, smell, touch, and taste how things will go. Let your baby know that you're ready. Focus on opening and softening your body so that things will get started. Our mind has a powerful effect on our body and you may just find that this technique works for you.

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