Saturday, March 9, 2013

Are You Struggling To Get Pregnant? Tips To Help You Conceive

If you have been struggling for any length of time to get pregnant the whole process can become frustrating. Doubts begin to arise and as a result stress starts to creep in. In the back of your mind you may be questioning everything wondering if you will ever be able to get pregnant.

Its human nature to worry when things don't exactly work out the way we thought they would. As a consequence you may start to form conclusions which have no basis in fact. I can be a bit of a worry wart myself so I can understand why you may be frustrated.

At this point it is necessary to take a little time out. It's kinda like when you are looking for something. Sometimes you just have to stop looking then all of a sudden it shows up. I am not saying that this will be the case here but at least when you take your mind of it you can begin to relax. Stress will not help you to get pregnant.

It's the simple things in life which make all the difference. You know the small things that make you feel warm and fuzzy. So do not over complicate the issue and keep it simple.

Let's discuss the basics. Sex which is wonderful needs to be healthy. Both of you need to be in good health. You do not want to have too much sex as this can affect your partner's sperm count.

Instead have frequent sex at the most opportune times. This will be leading up to ovulation. Keep your sex life vital; do not make it into some boring routine. Build up your sexual experience as this will lead to a passionate finale. Finish in the missionary position. Do not use lubricants.

Understanding your reproductive system is imperative. Hormones will be at play which will release the egg into the fallopian tube - while this is happening changes will take place with your body such as an increase in temperature. Your cervical fluids will also change in color and consistency. These fluids for a short period of time may look like raw white egg yokes. Understanding this will help you to pinpoint the right time to have sex.

As per usual take care of your health. Do not drink coffee or anything that makes you hyper which can lead to anxiety and stress. Eat lots of fresh fruit and vegetables and exercise. All of the above will help you feel better and as a result you will relax and let nature do its thing.

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