Thursday, March 14, 2013

Best Sexual Positions That Help in Getting Pregnant With Baby Boy

So you and your partner want a baby boy! The great thing is that you can pull this off! You can definitely get the baby boy that you absolutely dream about, or you can get a baby girl, there are techniques for both that both include your sexual positioning; this can be an instrumental part in playing the percentage game of determining the gender of your future child!

Best Sexual Position in Helping to Get Pregnant with a Baby Boy
Well, the best one in this situation, the best position is actually the doggy style position, or having intercourse from behind; The reason for this is simply because the penetration is deeper and it dramatically shortens the distance the y chromosome (the male chromosome), must carry;

The optimal time to have a male child is actually close to ovulation, you want to have intercourse somewhere between the method of 24 hours prior ovulation to up to 12 hours later, the Y carrying sperm actually prefers a much more alkaline environment than it's female X carrying counter part.

Also if the man decides to drink caffeine before having intercourse, this can actually boost the speed of the Y carrying chromosomes, this can be ideal when trying to influence the sex and gender of the baby.

You want to make sure that you deposit the sperm as close to the cervix as possible! This is critical in trying to determine the sex of the baby! This is best from doing the rear position.

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