Monday, March 11, 2013

Weight Loss After Pregnancy - How Your Emotions Can Help You Lose the Baby Fat (Part 2)

If I were to tell you to look up, were would your eyes go? Would they move toward the ground or the sky? If you said the sky the only reason you are able to do so is because you have attached a certain meaning to the word "up". This concept becomes important because it illustrates how powerful the meanings we attach to things are.

What Drives Your Action?

In all honesty, your motivation to take action or do nothing is driven by the meaning you attach to various occurrences in your life. Have you experienced a setback in your weight loss journey? Let me ask you; is this the end or the beginning? Is this a sign that you will never reach your goals or an indication that you are one step closer to finding the diet and fitness routine that will work successfully for you?

What Does It All Mean?

Consider this, if the meaning you attach to an event in your life, no matter how large or small, is that this is the end, how likely are you to take action toward achieving your goal? How likely are you to push through the pain of exercise or the acquired taste of health food?

However, if the meaning you attach is that you are one step closer, then you would agree that you are much more likely to take massive action in the direction of your goal. Are you a failure or a success?

You see in any game, if a team is down by 50 points at halftime, they have two choices.

1. They can give up, take their star players out of the game and suffer through the next half.

2. They can see themselves as having the best chance to stage the greatest comeback in sports history.

This is best illustrated in a quote I once heard from a military general who was addressing his soldiers. "Gentlemen for the first time in this campaign, we find ourselves surrounded on the north, the south, the east and the west. We are now able to attack the enemy in all directions."

So, what about you? Do the meanings you attach to events and situations in your life empower you to act or leave you sitting on the sidelines asking yourself why does this always happens to me? The good news is that I truly believe that for you, this is the beginning, a fresh start to a happier and healthier you.

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