Saturday, June 29, 2013

Do You Need Help Getting Pregnant? Warning - Vitamin B6 Facts Tell All!

If you are having trouble conceiving, you may be starting to do some research as to what you can do to help the process along. Your doctor has probably told you that she will not see you until you have tried conceiving for a year, but you don't want to wait that long. So, left to your own devices, you start searching the Internet to find the magic pill that will help you to get pregnant as quickly as possible. You will find a plethora of information that describes solutions to infertility that is promised to work. The information can be confusing at best and it is difficult to know which information is correct. You need some honest help getting pregnant. Vitamin B6 is one of those solutions touted as the magical pill that will help you get pregnant immediately. Before you start popping those pills, there is some important information you need to know.

Vitamin B6 Fact #1 - B6 will not get you pregnant immediately.
Vitamin B6 is not a magic pill for fertility. Taking large amounts of it in an effort to conceive will not work, and could, in fact, be harmful to the body. This nutrient is an important part of general health and good general health makes for a baby ready body. So in that way, it works with a healthy diet to make conception easier.

Vitamin B6 Fact #2 - B6 can help you keep your pregnancy.
Studies have shown that this supplement will lengthen the time between when you ovulate and when you get your period. This is called the luteal phase of your menstrual cycle and a normal length is somewhere between 10 and 14 days. If your cycles typically have this time as less than 10 days, you may have difficulty conceiving. A luteal phase that is too short will not be able to sustain a fertilized egg and a miscarriage will occur. Medical professionals concur that taking vitamin B6 can lengthen this phase. In fact, studies show that women with a vitamin B6 deficiency could have the shortened luteal phase precisely because they need more of it.

Vitamin B6 Fact #3 - B6 is found in many foods.
You don't necessarily have to add vitamin B6 supplements if you discover that your luteal phase is short. Many foods contain it, and it is not difficult to get the recommended amount of two milligrams per day through a proper diet. Foods such as fish, chicken, beans, corn and nuts contain vitamin B6.

Vitamin B6 Fact #5 - B6 is in prenatal vitamins.
It can be a good idea to start taking prenatal vitamins before you get pregnant. If you are heeding this advice, you should already be getting the recommended amount of vitamin B6 each day.

Vitamin Fact #6 - B6 as been known to help reduce the severity of morning sickness.
Many women who struggle with nausea and vomiting during the early stages of pregnancy have reported relief by taking this supplement. It is very important to discuss this with your doctor, as any supplement taken in excess could harm you and the baby. You never want to take a supplement without consulting with your doctor first.

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