Friday, June 28, 2013

What You Need To Know About Skin Changes During Pregnancy

Pregnancy drastically changes a woman's body. While some women are blessed enough to experience that pregnancy glow, some women find the change in their appearance utterly frustrating. This is due to the reality that, hormone activity throughout pregnancy can result to either a healthy glowing skin, or a skin with a variety of problems.

Acne is the most typical skin issue that pregnant women suffer from. It is most common to find pimples around the mouth and chin in the course of pregnancy. These can carry on till delivery of the baby if it is left untreated. Even so, pregnant females ought to be particularly careful in using skin care products during pregnancy. Products that contain salicylic acid, benzoyl peroxide and any of the retinoids ought to be avoided. Topical preparations that are safe to use include sulphur-based products and items made up of glycolic acid or alpha hydroxyl acids.

If these don't help at all, one can ask your medical doctor as to what topical prescription drugs that may offer great results without harming your child. It may also help if you use a foundation that is suited for oily skin. That has oil blotting properties and will not irritate your skin further. One can also use oil control papers or films since these assist in getting rid of excess oil.

Besides pimples, women are also bothered by melasma or the mask of pregnancy. This occurs at around the 24th week of pregnancy and onwards. The hormonal changes of pregnancy cause areas of dark pigmented skin on the woman's face. According to the American Academy of Dermatology, women with darker complexions and dark hair are at greater risk. You may also experience darker pigmentation on your areola, and your thighs. Most females also have a line of pregnancy or linea nigra. This line of dark pigment runs down to the center of the belly.

There is no remedy for the pigmentation of your skin but staying out of the sun can diminish the total amount of discoloration you may experience. Therefore, it is best to put on sunscreen every time you go outdoors. It may not be safe to use skin lightening products that have not been authorized by your physician. Discuss with your physician as to what products you may be able to use. A faster way to hide your pregnancy mask is by using a high-pigment concealer or foundation. Choose the shade ideal for your skin in order to cover the needed areas. For very best results, try a moisturizer just before you apply your concealer.

Yet another common pregnancy related skin discomfort is PUPPP or pruritic urticarial papules and plaques of pregnancy. Females with PUPPP generate little red hurdles and hives that may form big patches once severe. It normally begins in the abdomen and spreads to the breasts, thighs, and buttocks. It may resolve after delivery of the baby but it can be extremely uncomfortable. One can try applying a cloth soaked in warm milk to achieve relief. If it persists, you may get in touch with your doctor so you can be prescribed topical steroid creams. Women need to talk with their health care provider if they notice other suspicious rash-like symptoms. Your physician needs to evaluate your signs and symptoms whether they are pregnancy related or not.

Women may also have stretch marks as their skin stretches due to pregnancy. Even though stretch marks may be hereditary, it may improve if a woman uses certain measures to stop it from occurring. Keeping your weight gain within normal limits as well as moisturizing may help in preventing stretch marks.

Indeed, pregnancy brings about a lot of changes in a woman's body. Though they may be disturbing, they should usually not last after the birth of the baby. If it bothers you that much, you don't have to worry. Many treatment options are now available to help correct your skin issues after giving birth.

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