Saturday, April 20, 2013

Financial Survival Guide for Pregnancy Bed Rest

Bed rest is a common practice designed to help stabilize a variety of complications that may crop up during your pregnancy. Most times the period of rest is short, and you may resume normal activities such as working. In some cases, the period of inactivity may be much longer and may require hospitalization. Below are a few tips to make this time more affordable so you can relax more and worry less. Stress can worsen any health issue. Don't let financial worry get in your way.

Your gynecologist may prescribe bed rest to improve your chances of having a healthy pregnancy. Common medical reasons precipitating rest at home include: high blood pressure from pre-eclampsia or eclampsia, cervical changes, vaginal bleeding, pre-term labor, high order multiples, diabetes, and placenta disorders such as placenta previa, and placenta abbrevia. Your period of inactivity may last a week, a month, or in rare cases the entire length of your pregnancy. In more severe cases you may be admitted to the hospital for monitoring.

If you have a full-time job a prescription for bed rest may create some unexpected financial concerns such as: how long will I get paid, will I be able to keep my job, and how do I cut my expenses. Finding good answers to these questions can dial back some of the financial pressures. Don't ignore the advice of your doctor because you can't afford getting the rest you and your baby need.

Replacing Your Income

Many couples rely on both incomes to make ends meet in their family budget, and leave little financial cushion. Often an extended period of time away from work may translate into lost income. Check on your number of accumulated sick days, and look into any short term disability insurance coverage you might have. Most policies will cover complications of pregnancy, provided that your coverage started prior to conception. Check to see what your monthly benefit amount might be: some policies will cover up to 璽?色€?of your salary. Five states have mandated programs that can help: California, Hawaii, New Jersey, New York, and Rhode Island.
Keeping Your Job

Missing a few days here or there rarely results in job loss. But when months of work are missed, your employer may consider hiring a replacement. The Federal Family Medical Leave Act provides for up to twelve weeks of job protected leave. If your combined bed rest along with your maternity leave after delivery exceed the twelve weeks, you may be at the mercy of your employer. Not all employees or employers are bound by this legislation, so make sure you meet the qualifying criteria. Ten states have laws which the amount of leave and/or populations covered. Check to see if these apply.

Cutting Your Costs

Your bed rest may also translate into added expenses - which may come at a time when you can least afford them. You may need special medical monitoring equipment, extra doctor visits, or home adaptations. Many insurance plans come with co pays that add up quickly. A hospital indemnity plan may fill the biggest gap: a stay in the hospital. Check your policy for admission benefits, daily benefit amounts, and policy language surrounding re-admission for the same or similar medical condition. Keep track of all your medical expenses as these are tax deductible. Use your employer's flexible spending account whenever possible as your tax savings will almost always be highest using this vehicle. When your baby is born, you can increase your annual election, as this is a qualifying life event.

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